Mystical Mythology of the World

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We are surrounded by mythical creatures no matter where we travel in this world. This has been a well known "secret" since the beginning of time!

Europe is home to dwarfs, elves, faeries, gnomes and trolls to name a few. Some of the more localized versions are the Kobold (elf) from Germany, Red Cap from Great Britain, and the well-known Leprechaun from Ireland.

But even the far flung corners of the world, including China and the Orient have their share of mystical tales. Here you will hear stories of Angry Ghosts and Hungry Ghosts and children's fairytales are filled with tales of monsters and dragons.

There's nary a castle in Great Britain that doesn't have a ghost story, and many restaurants, inns and hotels in America also have ghostly visitors.

All of the great cultures of the world, such as Greek and Roman were based on the feats of their Gods, Goddesses and Warriors who performed superhuman feats. We still track those Gods today in the constellations in the sky and the astrological charts.

Countries like India, where Hinduism and Buddhism are widely practiced, are known to have thousands of "individual" Gods and Goddesses, also called "deities."

Here is a partial list of mythical characters from all sections of the site, but keep in mind, not all are "make believe", the history of the world is deeply intertwined. And so the stories go on, in every corner of the world; our history is our mythology and there are many players.
Angel ANGELS: Although the nature of angels vary from culture to culture, in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, they typically act as messengers from God. Other roles in religious traditions include acting as warrior or guard.
Black Cats
BLACK CATS: In pre-Christian times cats were considered benevolent symbols of female fertility, sexuality and motherhood. They had particularly high status in ancient Egypt where they were a much loved and protected species.
Boogyman BOOGYMAN: We've all heard the childhood taunts about how the "Boogyman is going to get us." Many a child has spent a sleepless night because of the story.
Dwarf DWARVES: In myths and folklore, dwarves are small humanoids, about half the size of a man, who live in caves or in holes under the ground (and sometimes in hollow trees).
Elf Shoes ELVES: An elf is a kind of fairy. Many people believe fairies are little people with magical powers who can control what humans see and experience.
Mystical Fairies FAIRIES (FAERIES): Today, when we think of fairies, we visualize them as tiny, gossamer creatures, with wings that glow in uncommon light, however, fairies come from all over the world in every size, shape and form.
Ghost (Apparition) GHOSTS (APPARITIONS): Two sharply contrasting beliefs about ghosts have long coexisted, sometimes in the same society. The good ghost appears to be related to the higher spirit of a deceased person; the dangerous ghost is a shadowy doppelganger or an evil spirit. 

If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper,
a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer.
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
for we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in! Come in!.

Shel Silverstein


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