Mystical Mythology of the World

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The enchanted dimension of Faeryland has existed side by side with our human plane for thousands of years.

It is said that at one time, the human and Faery worlds were one, but legend tells that our human ancestors became trapped in the physical world. They became less and less aware of what was hidden just beyond their physical sight, and the vision and magical skills of the Faery became lost to them.

Fairies are so prevalent in mythical culture, it's natural to wonder where they came from. Different societies have come up with very different explanations of the origins of the "little people." A faery to one culture is goodness and light, whereas another culture may have faeries who are untrustworthy and evil.





Types of Faeries

Where to find them

What they do

Faeries, Elves

Forests, faery hill and rings, fields and wild places, flower gardens

Dance and play. Know the magical secrets of herbs, stones, and animals. See the future.

Gnomes, Trolls, Dwarves

Caves and mines, under bridges, hollow hills

Know the location of precious gems and metals, and how to forge and form them.

Brownies, Kobolds

Homes and cottages

Help and protect the family. Do chores by night.

The remnant of our people
Sweeping westward, wild and woeful,
Like the cloud-rach of a tempest,
Like the withered leaves of autumn.

The Tain Bo Cuailgne, 4th Century


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