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Hungry ghosts (e-kuei) are Chinese Buddhist ancestors who are in constant torment because they are starving and thirsty but cannot receive nourishment. Whatever they try to eat or drink bursts into fire and then turns into ashes. The origin of a Hungry ghost is an unfortunate rebirth.

Hungry ghosts are beings condemned to perpetual hunger, with bulging bellies, grotesque faces, and wispy hair. They are fated to eat only human waste: dead flesh, and drink splashes of liquid from public wells.

Essentially the psychological states that motivate the ten unwholesome courses of action in life - strong greed, hatred, and delusion — lead to rebirth in the unhappy destinies or ‘descents’: in a hell realm, as a hungry ghost, an animal, or a jealous god. In fact rather a precise correlation exists here: dominated by greed one becomes a hungry ghost, a class of beings ever discontent and anguished because of being unable to satisfy their greed.

There is hope for them, however. The Chinese Festival of Ghosts includes a ritual designed specifically to provide them with sanctified water that, accompanied by chant and magic, can release them from their terrible plight.

She is the moon-heart's furnace, brooding.
Her Fortune's flown, arrows pursuing.
Mouthless, throatless, she gorges sun and moon.

Beth Yahp, Transformation Song


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