Mystical Mythology of the World

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My Lord and my God!
St. Thomas is truly one of the most beloved of all the disciples of Christ. It was he who doubted the Resurrection of Christ and demanded proof. The story which is told in the Gospel of St. John Chapter 20:19-29, relates how Thomas was missing when Jesus visited the other disciples. Jesus returned and showed Thomas His hands and His pierced side. Thomas fell to his knees and said, “My Lord and My God!”

St. Thomas preached the word of God in the Far East in what is now known as India. In the section of India called the Malabar Coast, there is a magnificent Church dedicated to St. Thomas. Almost every Christian male child born there is called Thomas, after the Patron Saint of the province.

Because of his preaching, St. Thomas angered King Misdai, the ruler of India, who ordered his soldiers to lead St. Thomas up to the highest mountain in Malabar. They all ran their spears through his body. Thomas, also called “the doubter” not only believed the truth about Christianity, but gave his life for its preservation as so many other martyrs of the Christian Church.

Although the Feast of St. Thomas is October 6th, he is also commemorated on the first Sunday after Easter, the Sunday of Thomas.

Apostle Doubting Thomas






Saint Thomas Lance and Carpenter's Square

Symbol - Carpenter's Square

Thomas is remembered by a lance and a carpenter's square. He is said to have built the first Christian Church in Babylon and another church with his own hands in India, where he also preached the Gospel and was later shot with arrows, stoned to death and left to die. A priest then ran a spear (lance) through him. St. Thomas' Day is December 21.

Thomas, because thou hast seen me,
thou hast believed:
blessed are they that have not seen,
and yet have believed.

John, 20:29


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