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Born in 1805 in Sharon, Vermont, Joseph Smith would begin just a few years later what would become one of the world's largest and fastest growing Non-Christian religion. According to the 'official' story of the LDS Church, in 1820 Smith at age 14 was visited by God the Father and God the Son after praying about confusion over which church he should join. He was told by Jesus, he should join none of them for they were "all wrong" and all the Christian church's doctrines "were an abomination".

This First Vision was followed by several visits from an angel named Moroni (pronounced Ma-roe-nie) who, in 1827, allowed Smith to retrieve a set of Golden Plates which had been buried in a hill near Smith's home in Palmyra, New York.

Between 1827-1830, Smith, with the help of friends, translated the Golden Plates into the LDS scripture, the Book of Mormon. Published in 1830, this was to become the first of many scriptures for the Mormon Church. By this time, Smith had also officially organized the LDS Church and was gaining a following. Over the next ten years the church headquarters would move to Kirtland, Ohio; Independence, Missouri and Far West, Missouri. Finally it would find a resting place in Nauvoo, Illinois between 1839-1844.

It was in Nauvoo, that many of its more unique doctrine were to find their beginnings. Nauvoo grew to be the second largest town in the state. This growth, however, brought several problems with its neighboring towns. Problems which would eventually lead to the death of Smith at Carthage, Illinois on June 27, 1844. After Smith's murder, several LDS leaders stepped forward to take control of the Church. Each claimed to have the authority to lead the Church, and some even claimed Smith had appointed them to be his successor. This fracturing of the Church has caused over 100 splinter groups throughout the movement's history.

God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man,.,.
We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity.
I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see.

Joseph Smith


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