The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Once upon a time, a Wolf decided to disguise himself as a
Sheep in order to catch his prey more easily. He was hungry
and knew that the shepherds of the area guarded their sheep
Covering himself completely with an old sheepskin, he
wandered into the pasture nearby. A flock of sheep was
grazing there, blissful under the morning sun. "When the
shepherd turns his back I will slide in with them," said the
Wolf, making his sly move into the flock eventually.
Soon evening fell and the shepherd led his sheep away,
back into the fold.
He locked the gate securely and left. "Aha! Now is my
chance!" said the Wolf, and was about to take off his
disguise when the shepherd returned.
He had come back to the fold to choose one of the animals
for its meat, for the next day's meal. To the Wolf's bad
luck, it was he, in sheep's disguise, who was chosen to be
cut up!
The Wolf found himself instantly under the sharp knife of
the shepherd, and soon very much dead: the hunter becoming
the hunted!
Pretending you are someone you're not can be dangerous!
Aesop, The Wolf in
Sheep's Clothing
