Mystical Mythology of the World

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The Celtic peoples occupied vast areas of land in what is now Eastern Europe, Greece, Spain, Western Europe, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Italy. Their heritage can be traced for more than 25 centuries.

Because they were a non literate people their history and literature was preserved primarily through oral tradition.  The only written records of their civilization are the texts left by classical authors, the first which appeared in approximately 500 BCE.

Celts came into cultural contact and sometimes competed with early Greek and Roman civilizations.  The Greeks and Romans were impressed with the bold dress and powerful appearance of the Celtic people.  Celts are generally characterized as a people of fair hair and fair complexions.  Most Celtic women were taller than the average Roman citizen. 

Most of what is known about the Celts comes from the Romans, their victims and vanquishers, and from the weapons and ornaments they buried with their dead. From these traces emerges a history of a sophisticated people who dominated Europe for 1000 years.

Understanding the culture and lives of the ancient Celts, in the absence of clear archeological or textual record, is not an easy task.  No one is even sure where the term "Celtic" came from.  The Greeks called them Keltoi and Galatatae whereas the Romans called them Celtae or Galli.  Up to 2000 years ago, Celts were considered the peoples inhabiting continental Europe.  The peoples of England and Ireland were not called "Celts" until seventeenth and eighteenth-century authors began to identify them as such.

The quality of Celtic metal and stone work was artistically and technically advanced. Celtic art is widely recognized for its originality and outstanding quality. Most Celts lived in well-populated farming villages close to larger towns which were the cultural hubs.

The bravery of the Celts was recognized by all.  They would often spurn protective armor and go naked into battle. Their woman were also able warriors, merchants and rulers because Celtic society gave women the same status and rights as men.

Despite their advanced culture, lack of unity was the downfall of the Celts when the Roman military machine began to overrun their lands. Gaul fell, then the south of Britain. But the Romans were stopped in Scotland by the Picts, a Celtic people. The Romans retreated, and Scotland and Ireland remained unconquered.

Modern Celtic languages include Welsh and Breton as well as Irish and Scottish Gaelic.

Variants: Celtae (Roman), Galatatae (Greek), Galli (Roman), Keltoi (Greek).

May your hands be forever blessed in friendship
and your hearts joined forever in love

Celtic Blessing


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