Mystical Mythology of the World

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There have been many ancient Celtic symbols found in mythology, art and architecture:

Celtic Ceilidh - The Dance
CEILIDH (THE DANCE): Within ancient and modern spiritual traditions, the Dance is metaphor for life, an ancient choreography moving with the rhythm of the Earth to the music of the cosmos.

I am the wind that breathes upon the sea,
I am the wave on the ocean,
I am the murmur of leaves rustling,
I am the rays of the sun,
I am the beam of the moon and stars,
I am the power of trees growing'
I am the bud breaking into blossom,
I am the movement of salmon swimming,
I am the courage of the wild board fighting,
I am the speed of the stag running,
I am the strength of the ox pulling the plow,
I am the size of the mighty oak tree'
And I am the thoughts of all people
Who praise my beauty and grace.

Celtic Prayer


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