Mystical Mythology of the World

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In prehistoric times Ireland underwent a number of invasions from Europe, the most important of which was that of the Gaels in the 3rd century BC.

Gaelic Ireland was divided into kingdoms, nominally subject to an Ardri or High King; the chiefs were elected under the tribal or Brehon law, and were usually at war with one another.

Here is an interesting link about the subject;

Irish - Dedannans DEDANNANS: They were a mythical race and inhabited the fourth prehistoric colony established in Ireland and arrived in Ireland many centuries before the Christian era. They were great magicians and were highly skilled in science and metal-working. The Irish sidhe were associated with the them and the great majority of the fairy gods were Dedannans.
Irish - Firbogh
FIRBOLG. Legend says came from Greece, where they had long been enslaved. They captured the ships of their masters and sailed to Ireland.
Fomor FOMORIANS (FOMORII): Celtic sea gods. They were said to be extremely violent and misshapen, having but one eye, one hand, or one foot. It is said that the fomorii emerged from the waves of the ocean and challenged the rulers of Ireland, the firbolg and the Tuatha De Danann who eventually defeated them in battle.

Milesians MILESIANS: The first of the Gaelic peoples to invade the sacred isle of Ireland, and the fifth and last prehistoric colony in Ireland.
Partholonians PARTHOLONIANS: They landed in Ireland at Beltaine, where they lived for three hundred years. According to myth, they battled with the Fomhóire, a race of mis-shapen beings, probably representing the aboriginal gods of the land as there is no mention of when the Fomhóire arrived. The whole race of the Partholonians were mysteriously wiped out by a plague.
Tuatha De Danann TUATHA Dé DANANN: The Irish race of gods. They were considered beings of pure spirit and arrived in Ireland in a mist. They were overtaken by the Milesians.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Irish Headstone


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