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This is a symbol drawn in the form of three pillars, in which the outer two are sloped towards the center pillar, as in the center of the above symbol. Sometimes, one or three dots are added above the pillars.

Some say this Celtic symbol is the representation of the light seen at the point of death and the glory of the other world greeting you to its radiance, others say that the right hand ray symbolizes the masculine and that the left hand ray symbolizes the feminine therefore the central ray is the mediator for the two again pointing to the subject of balance (yin and yang).

The symbol has been in use since the 17th century; it recalls the Druidic fascination with the number three.

The word Awen in the Gaelic language means means "inspiration," or "essence," The left ray represents female energy; the right: male energy; the middle: the harmonious balance of male and female.

The Sacred Three
My fortress be
Encircling me
Come and be round
My hearth and my home.

Celtic Prayer, My Fortress


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