Mystical Mythology of the World

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The old Celtic word for the solar calendar was Bleidonii, and the passage of time was symbolized by a wheel.  Today, "The Wheel of the Year" is a very common metaphor for the ever-turning cycle of life, death and regeneration.

The Celts viewed this wheel as being turned by a great Crone Goddess in the Land of the Dead. In Ireland, this same goddess is called Badb (The Boiling One) and in Wales she is called Arianrhod of the Silver Wheel. Even though the main characters in the Celtic myths from various regions differed, the image of the wheel persisted.

The wheel has two conceptualizations in Celtic Paganism. The first is circular, flowing clockwise through the seasons, the second is shaped like a swastika, or sun wheel, and the seasons follow a zigzag pattern.

And the wheel keeps on turning
The wheel keeps on turning
The wheel keeps on turning
Turning around

Moody Blues, Celtic Sonant


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