The Akashic records are a spiritual
(energetic) database that contains all of the thoughts, deeds, events, knowledge, dreams, ideas,
feelings and intents that all entities and life forms have ever had since the beginning of
time. It is a library of information that contains the details
of your soul and its journey through all the lives you ever
Now go, write it on a tablet before them And
inscribe it on a scroll, That it may serve in the
time to come As a witness forever. (Isaiah 30:8)
The records also contain all the possibilities
(and the probabilities of those possibilities) that ever
existed. Think of these as the rule sets (functions) that science builds
so it can carry out actions (such as blink your eye). Quantum physicists understand we
live in a virtual reality and that the Akashic records is the
database and part of the super-computer that runs our universe.
The information is stored in the ethereal
plane which is a non-physical place and is part of the cosmic
Book of Life
Psychic Edgar Cayce called the Akashic Records "God's
Book of Remembrance" and remarked that the source of his
information was the subconscience mind of the individual he
was reading for and the Akashic Records.
The Akashic Records are also called "The Book of Life" which
according to Cayce is different than "God's Book of Remembrance"
because it contains actions you took throughout your life rather
than God's view of you.
“… but rejoice that your names are recorded in
heaven” (Luke 10:20)
Carl Jung brought about all the ideas of archetypes that we all
must live through which are also stored in the database. The Akashic
holds the essence of every archetypal symbol or myth that touched
upon patterns of human behavior and experience.
Accessing the records
Many people believe the Akashic records can be accessed
by anyone, although many mystics believe that one must obtain
special spiritual knowledge and learning to access this
universal source of wisdom.
There are many online sites that have detailed instructions on
how to access your records.
Information for your life
Oftentimes we receive information about past life experiences but
this is not necessarily the focus of the records. When they are
revealed to us, more often, it's to assist us with past life issues
that affect our current life.
The best way to enter the records is with no expectations about
who you were (how important) in past lives and without any
expectations about what kind of information is revealed to you.
Then I said,
"Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written about
me." Psalm 40:7
