Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Quantum Physics

Quantum physics was first discovered over 100 years ago and was brought to light in the early 1920s at the Copenhagen Conference, but sadly, the science community largely has not caught on. That is because they are not willing to face the fact that basic reality at the smallest level is not based on math, it's based on information.

Where quantum mechanics rules, there really is no such thing as a particle. Particle physicists and quantum theorists know that a particle is just a mathematical probability distribution.

There really is no such thing as a 'waveform collapse' that is also just probability.

According to Thomas Campbell Ph.D, NASA Quantum Physicist, in the current state of physics "It's all just mathematical, it has nothing to do with the physical world. Reality is not math based, it's information based."

The only response that modern physicists have come up with is calling early experiments that disproved their theories, such as the 'double slit' experiment, 'weird science' that will never be explained because it doesn't follow materialism's design.

This is because the physicists have nothing to replace their materialism with and haven't been able to do this in over 100 years. You might say they are studying the hardware and haven't been able to figure out the software which is consciousness.

Proves that we manifest our own reality!

Conscious intent can modify future probability. This is because since reality is information based that means it's computable and if it's computable, that means it's a simulation which means it's a virtual reality. There really is no other way to look at it and it's not 'weird science' it's rational science (Campbell).

Although some scientists are willing to go there, the majority are not because it takes them out of an objective world into a subjective (non-objective) world and that's not materialism.

Out with science and math and in with information systems

What this means to Campbell is that rather than material as fundamental, we are controlled by an information system instead and that consciousness is also an information system.

Consciousness is awareness with a choice. We have five senses and if those were removed we would be in a void. This would take you down to an 'I am, I exist' reality proving that your sense data is what defines reality and that it is just data.

It all seems very mechanical; a photon hits your eye and gets focused on a retina and that sends an electrical signal through the neural network as information. So what is consciousness aware of? Information.

Campbell defines consciousness as a larger information system and a subset would be the computer because that's what information systems are, computers, which are simply another system that processes data.

Part of that information system consciousness is us. We're also subsets. We're conscious, we're not the body (avatar), we're more like a virtual machine (not physical).

The human system is not programmed by the system, it's evolved by the system. You start with initial conditions and a rule set (presets) and hit the run button and the conditions change according to the rule set.

The rule sets are what we call science (biology, etc.). They only need to be 'run' once and that sets up virtual reality which is rendered as a probability based simulation not as a bottoms-up mathematical calculation (as current science believes - materialism, particles/atoms) that would be way too complicated.

It's the same idea as 'reusable code' in programming. You write the code once and run it whenever required (example = stay underwater too long and you die, etc.).

Akashic database

The associated database with these information systems is what the ancient mystics called the Akashic Records which maintains records of all the possibilities (and the probabilities of those possibilities).

Since we are consciousness, we have the ability to access the Akashic database as it is part of the consciousness system. Both information and consciousness are non-physical.

We are pieces of this information system, we're not our bodies, we're individuated units of consciousness and a part of this larger consciousness system. Because of this, we can connect to everything conscious that system desires to play or roam in.

Remote viewing

This is the ability to access the Akashic database and pull out records. Although the Akashic stores records of the past, and remote viewing is in the present, the past is only 1×10−44 seconds away from the present. And really there is no present, there's the future and the past but the present is just a point in between them.

Precognitive dreams also use the Akashic records to show us the future, although the future is not a done deal, it's a probability of what might happen based on the rule set of an individual.

The Akashic database stores every thought, every choice, every feeling and everything we've ever dreamed about so we are very predictable and it's all readily available as information. The system can easily make a model of us as far as predicting what we're going to do, or not do.

We all have free will and make different choices which cause the system to recalculate and create new probabilities for us. Not only do our records contain a probability path, but also the actual history we lived through.

Digital Big Bang

All five of the cosmic constants (gravity, magnetism, etc.) that we know about, are so finely balanced that if you changed one of them in the eighth decimal place, the whole universe would not be stable and would have disintegrated which is called the anthropic principle. How all these cosmic constants turned out to be so perfectly tuned with each other? That is not a random event. How did that come about in a universe that is supposedly random and chaotic?

Digital Big Bang 1, Digital Big Bang 2, ... Digital Big Bang 10,000 until everything was fine tuned to be stable enough to do what it needed to do. Refine and reboot as many times as needed.

So then you have a stable virtual reality that all the individuated units of consciousness can log into and play the choices of those avatars and now the choices are consequential and meaningful.

Entropy reduction

Think of this virtual reality as a schoolhouse. It's an entropy reduction trainer for individuated units of consciousness to play in, because by making choices, they can lower their entropy, and the entropy of the system.

Within a social system the pieces (individuated units of consciousness) are all interactive with each other and increase the possibility of higher entropy reduction, which means higher/better evolution for that society.

It's just common sense that if all those pieces cooperate with each other, rather than struggle with each other; if they share, if they care, that makes a social system more effective. It is true that we are indeed all 'one.'

We're all in this virtual reality to make choices and we all need to understand that cooperation is the key to lower entropy. All of us need to make loving, caring, sharing choices rather than being moved by fear which raises entropy and creates chaos.

Placebo effect

What about ideas like healing others with your mind and the idea that what you think about a new pill can make a difference how effective it is; or stories about people who have stage 4 cancer and three months to live who are suddenly cured. Your intention can have powerful healing effects.

This is all part of a feedback mechanism that allows us to have say (free will) and to create our own reality, whether happy or sad.

As a society, we're not doing that great right now and that is a measure of the feedback system and how a society can modify future probability. 

Death and reincarnation

Your local consciousness is making choices for the avatar, and you are more than one experience, you're all the consciousness experience packets that you've ever lived. The whole point is to lower the entropy and that's not easy, you have to change yourself at the fundamental level and that takes a lot of time.

When your avatar dies, it's the same as the World of Warcraft, when your elf dies, you either resurrect it, or you get another elf. If you want to get really good at it, you have to take more than one shot at it (Campbell).

We all come to this world with no recollection (the veil) because we come with no prior intellectual knowledge in order to start our first experience and learn lessons. Our first experience is when you receive sensory data in utero when you see lights and darks and hear voices. You came with no experience, just with your quality, because your whole point here is to grow up and make choices that reflect you.

If you came with intellectual knowledge it would be too easy to game the system and it would get in the way because it is overwhelmed with experience (like having 50,000 children in past lives).

We do bring a certain amount of subconscious talents and skills from past lives such as attitudes towards ourselves and others.

Transition reality

The partition between the individuated unit of consciousness which contains all the lives ever lived and the free will awareness unit that was making all the choices starts to come down. Now you see the bigger picture which happens slowly and your perspective grows.

After death you become aware that you are still aware. We use metaphors such as 'go to the light 'or the tunnel because it provides us with a sense of motion. This is another virtual reality just for transitioning. The point is to relax and plan what is coming next.

The system can create a model of anyone who makes you relax because it has everything in the Akashic database, such as your long lost Uncle Fred but they do not really exist, just a model of them from their records.

You always have free will but eventually you get bored because eternity is a long time to sit around with nothing to do. So then you make the choice to go back into the simulation, you don't die, your avatar is retired.

That's consistently been the message from mediums who communicate with spirit. They are talking to the database and Uncle Fred's records. Uncle Fred never asks for your help because he's dead and doesn't need it, but rather, he is there to help in present day lives.

Melding of science, metaphysics, mystics and spirtuality

Any new scientific theory must have the smallest number of assumptions, and must be simple and elegant because anything fundamental will be simple.

If somebody needs six pages of math to explain something, that's not fundamental; and is instead, some logical trail down some rabbit hole.

Things that are fundamental, like reality, need to be simple. The science of consciousness derives both a model of the subjective world as well as everything that happens in the objective world.

It is a logical model and if it's not part of your truth, then you must learn to experience consciousness, not just from the viewpoint of the avatar, but from the viewpoint of consciousness itself because that's what we are in essence. You don't have to learn to 'get out of your body' because you're not in your body, you're pure consciousness.

Akashic records
Virtual reality proof



Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion?

Job 38:31


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