Throughout history, the established beliefs in the natural
world and its laws have been usurped by kingdoms and
governments. This is false authority and has left humanity
disconnected from the guiding principles of creation. Too
often, fear and exploitation have been used to dominate the
citizenry in order to exhort undeserved power or generate
tax monies.
Unless man made laws are created in harmony with the
truth and knowledge of natural, universal and spiritual
laws, they are inferior to the supreme laws of creation.
"Then God said, “I give you every
seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every
tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for
food." (Genesis 1:29-30)
Despite what your local police force and groups like the
FBI claim, they are incorrect and in case you haven't noticed,
they fleece the citizens and make
huge sums of money from their illegal law.
History of natural law
Thomas Jefferson referred to natural law in the Declaration
of Independence when he wrote that 'We hold these truths to be
self evident...' He considered the equality of man, and life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness to be the most important
tenet in our Constitution.
Natural law is a universal standard and was understood by
all the philosophers throughout time;
Plato wrote about perfect natural forms
that nature attempts to reflect. |
Aristotle believed there was a common law
that applied to all nature, and that governments should
live by it, even if they resorted to no governing at all. |
Cicero believed that natural law came
directly from God. |
The main tenet of natural law is to choose love over fear.
Controls our universe
Natural law is not a law but a science and has a binding effect
on you and your behaviors. As such, it works just like gravity (as
science) and anyone who jumps off a cliff knows this.
Natural law does not care about personal beliefs because belief
is irrelevant since the law unfolds regardless of what anyone thinks
or does.
Esoteric knowledge
This is the knowledge of the occult and has been hidden from
humanity for thousands of years by the few; unlike exoteric
knowledge which is 'commonly known' and readily available to the
There's a reason that it's been deliberately hidden away and kept
from the general public in order to create and maintain a power
If someone has a high level of knowledge they know how
things like human consciousness, human motivations and human
perceptions work. Something the average human has no clue about.
Think about how much power they can gain for themselves by using
this hidden knowledge and how they can easily manipulate the masses.
Consider the source of information
Consider the source of information very carefully. We know we are
only shown certain information, while other information is hidden,
and that we are told to dismiss and disregard certain information
(conspiracy theory, etc.).
Many modern institutions such as religions, media, government and
education seek to outright control human perceptions which is also
known as mind control.
These institutions have the ability to control what
knowledge is even presented to us, information we need to form
perceptions. By refusing to present this information they are
limiting our understanding.
This impacts what all of us are able to do, change and create in
this world and goes against univeral law because they are removing
our ability to fully understand a situation, thus removing our free
Pyramid structure
You can look at this like a pyramid, with a small number who
understand the occulted knowledge at the top, and the ignorant at
the bottom (with ascending levels of knowledge in between). The
higher you rise in the pyramid, the more knowledge you are granted.
This is what all the distractions we face in society are there to
keep us from understanding the hidden knowledge held by so few.
The endless trivialities, the nonsense you hear on
the news, or all the video games and the nonsense
television, the sports. It's all there to keep people
from understanding the occulted knowledge. (Mark
Real law of attraction
A new age deception that is very popular today is the idea that
you can manifest something for yourself by simply thinking about it.
If you want things to be different, there are requirements
(universal laws) that exist.
If you want real change to happen you have to know 'certain'
things (knowledge), regarding occulted knowledge. Natural law is
occulted knowledge because it's been hidden from humanity.
Just because you want something to be true, that doesn't make it
so. What makes truth is the actions taken in the past and how they
have manifested in the current world. That's how things are, it
doesn't matter what we want, or how we want things to be.
Most people in this world have a very low level of consciousness
and believe they are the 'arbiter of truth' (Mark Passio) and that's
a bad place to be. That is the belief that if someone doesn't
believe something is true, then it's not true. In other words, they
are the judge of truth.
This goes hand in hand with the 'scientific' crowd who believes
that if they can't see something, that means it doesn't exist.
Many people are trapped in that state of mind but unfortunately,
the natural laws of the universe don't care. Laws have been set in
motion in this universe that work flawlessly all the time. The
creator of the universe set these laws in motion and put them in
effect and we are all bound by these laws.
We create the reality we are experiencing based upon interaction
with these unseen laws.
But one who
looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and
abides by it,
not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer,
this man will be blessed in what he does.
James 1:25
