Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Knowing that life is a Fool's journey through a Tarot deck

Artwork by Leonardo DaVinci


Stoneage Neils

Monkey paw wish

Monkey paw wish comes true






- Mask coming off.
- Hook.
Elephant child
From Leda and the Swan

Candy apple
(Your child)
King Queen at their LAST SUPPER




New Day!

History DID NOT start in 1492. There have been thousands of years of ALL races enslaving and genociding each other in this world. For example, did you know that Custer faced off against the few remaining tribal leaders who came from all of North America and there were only a few hundred existing in their legions at that time.

It was not the whites who destroyed them, it was competition with each other.

On top of that, the story about America being 'discovered' in 1492 is UTTER NONSENSE and was designed to keep all of us separated and in attack mode.


SAVE Mary Magdalene from thousands of years of LIES and gossip and ill will!!!!!!!!

Take note of who WHINES the loudest when you are busy freeing her.... They took their time hating and smearing her but HOW DARE you reveal what they did!!!!!!! (according to them but TOO BAD).

Note: You are allowed to reflect FULLY on the crimes that took place against you, and unlike what the WHINERS claim, it is YOUR RIGHT to reflect and reveal what they did to you. That is not bringing bad karma to you (because you're talking/thinking bad about them), WRONG, that is the due justice they deserve and they WILL wake up at some point (like all the rest of humanity).

Stop listening to the lying dips! They only know how to do 3 things (lie, dip and steal).

Coming to a dream soon, wake up! The archetypes are here to help you through to much better days.



Gosh, you'd think with all the negative press about whites doing bad things to blacks and Jews that neither of them has ever done anything bad to whites.

So the biggest question is about big old bad Kissinger. Wasn't he a Jew? Didn't he work on taking down hundreds of countries around the world? Let's talk about Cambodia now and the crimes he committed there, shall we?

Or do the hypocrites all want to ignore the other side of the story again? Or perhaps they will want to call him a 'white' American man now and shift the blame.

We're still listening to all the Hitler whiners but actually he was a white German going after white Germans. And the true story is that he was shipping many of them to the 'new' Israel (and paying them with hard-working Germans monies beginning in the early 1930s). They got 'free' land out of the deal that apparently belonged to others (who were rudely and violently moved out of the way), by Jews.

We need to get real and stop listening to the archon LIES.

Then you dig out the history books and figure out that the Irish were, raped and pillaged by the British, had their land stolen and were shipped to America and Australia because both countries needed 'slaves.' And that the British used black magic on them and smeared their names into the mud.

The Irish didn't partake in Corned Beef (their supposed national dish) because the Brits stole it all.

Yet many have claimed that what the Irish endured 'doesn't count' for some unknown reason. That somehow wasn't a part of the human misery inflicted by others.

And if you read further, you will see that the Vikings did all the same things to the Irish centuries earlier.

Moving to America we find the King Philip story and will be discussing more of that soon because that is a real horror story that Native Americans really don't want to talk about. No, it was not right on either side.

Maybe we should all put down our weapons and do our own work for a change.

Retribution NEVER works, it only hurts you (not the person you intend it for) in the long run.

BTW, just because you were there first (or think you were there first more the case) doesn't mean you own it all. If that were the case, Adam and Eve would still own everything but they had to share it with their family and pass it on to ALL of us.

And what happens when the Neanderthal's show up again? Will they demand they own everything?

There is certainly enough here for all of us to share.

Amazing news for you to bookmark.


"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen,
for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

 2nd Corinthians 4:18.

Recognize what is plain and in your sight and then what is hidden will reveal itself to you.

Jesus, Gospel of Thomas


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