- 3 years (1495-1498)
- The main course was eel (elvers), beer-battered Monkeyface eel
calamari with squid (without the black ink). - The amazing fish
that can climb and crawl. - Served with tangerines. - Leavened bread.
When an eel is captured, skinned and gutted, cut it up into large enough pieces and cook well on a spit near the hearth, with bay leaves and sage placed between the pieces, always moistening the meat with the brine they call salimola. When it is nearly cooked, add some meal or ground bread, sprinkling with cinnamon and salt, encrusting it all around. If you want it boiled, cook thoroughly with parsley, sag, and a few bay leaves and cover with verjuice and pepper.. (DaVinci
- Calamari means ink pot, pen case and reed pen, among other things.
- Jual ikan Salai - Indonesia. - Smoked fish in curry
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea, and gathering fish of every kind. (Matthew 13:47)
- Birds hovering overhead. - Robin redbreast. - Who
hath ears to hear, let them hear. - A little birdie talking.
But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you;
And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. (Job 12:7)
Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons 1495-1498 |
- Cut off at the knees. - Scales and Balance. -
left to right: Bartholomew, James the Lesser, Andrew, Peter,
Judas, John/Mary
Thomas, James the Greater, Philip, Matthew,
Jude Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot
- The six Apostles on the
left are the same characters as the six on the right only different
ages, some younger, some older.
Bartholomew = Matthew
James the Lesser = Jude Thaddeus Andrew = Simon the Zealot
Peter = James the Greater Judas = Thomas John/Mary = Philip
- Before and after. - Opposing signs. - Mirrors. -
We are all both good and evil, except Ophiuchus who has no opposing
sign and never sinned.
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9)
- Do they wrongly think they can copyright all the national
treasures? - Copyright = weasel word (if used incorrectly). -
Jesus Christ spent time in Tibet and India as a Buddhist Monk where he learned
about meditation, energy healing and reincarnation, among many other things.
And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God. (Luke 13:29)
- Smokey wine glass.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Mel an Kali (melancholy) |
- Creating harm to each other. - Tropical depressions
among other things. - Remove Judas and Mel is left with two
faces. - Dual position of king and priest. - Attention shifts
from king to God after defeat of kingdom. - The first Kohen
(priest). - A little neck chop.
Being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:10)
- Kali Mata. - Carries a blood-covered sword (divine
knowledge) and a severed head (human ego that needs to be slain) in
left hand. - Fearlessness and blessings in right hand. - 108
Mala beads. - Bringing back child-like innocence and joy by
clearing out the old.
The hurt of any man is the hurt of all men, but
the hurt of any woman is the hurt of us all...the mind
of the universe is mental. (Robert Grant)
- Knife (not dagger). - The God must strongarm the
king. - Power changing hands, power grab. - Betrayal. -
Target, someone you care about.
When a strong man armed keepeth his castle, his goods are in peace.
(Luke 11:21)
- Elephant out of the bag. - Quite a hat. - Another
view of the WTC 'accident' in hand on right.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
(Matthew 6:19)
- Anonymous. - Right in front of your eyes this entire
time. - It was said that Leonardo used to stand in front of the
mural and just look at it for hours. - Speaking things into
existence. - Gifted hidden hand (optimist creating beauty). -
Intuit, realizes hidden potential and takes the lead. - Look at
what he accomplished with just a few buckets of paint. - Leonardo
even managed to use all the flaws in his work proficiently, no such
thing as failure.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place.
(Psalm 8:3)

Media BNN Network |
- What is star Leo doing? - Young star may be birthing
new galaxy. - Andromeda was an Eastern princess.
- Black Madonna (veil).
Palestine - Dead Sea Scrolls Wikimedia/Tamarah |
- Tower of Babel-ish. - Round rock
dome. - Tamarah (Remember the
Jews were promised dates). - All the hidden knowledge.
In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3)
Fresh Fish (Poisson) |
- Poisson (fish) is not poison. - All these language
'problems' set tongues wagging. - The cure = twilight language.
- Language of the birds.
- The Bodhi of Christ is
enlightenment. Look it up. - Add figs and dates to the menu. -
Serving Jesus Christ and his family.
The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas. (Psalm 8:8)
- Unexpected guest. - It's not an 'alien' it's a slave
girl with shaved head. - Add some light and the king and priest
arrive (click on image). - Hidden knowledge (the Veil) is
her mouth (next to priest). - Harlot in red robe (slave wife).
- Dowry means prostitute (price of a girl). - Holy harlot (used
for religious and political agendas).
Pope floats |
- Old Covenant (law). -
You can't 'unsee' it. - Leah.
If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do.
King |
- Underfoot. - “Like All the Other Nations” Is What God Wants You NOT to Be.
Ancient Israel had a fatal flaw. They rejected God’s kingly rule over them and demanded an earthly king instead, so they could be “like the nations around us.” What followed? Personal and national disaster. As the Scriptures say, these things in the Bible were written for our learning (Romans 15:4), to help us not to make the same catastrophic mistakes.
Mad King (of Wands) |
- You can't 'unsee' it. - Dynamite. - Claims he can
'save you' from what he does to you!
- Every time you vote
for him you give him power to do this. - Every time you worship a
lower God (as the highest), you give him more power to do this. -
He's an energy vampire (of the highest degree).
- Age of Aries ends (war, conquest, growth
of civilization). - Age of Pisces begins (religion,
- Now moving into Age of Aquarius
(humanitarianism, intellectualism, social justice).
Tower |
- What goes up, must come down.
- Not a solid foundation.
But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. (2 Timothy 2:19)
- Hidden hands. - Deals for the Demiurge with the old
blood, the Matrix and the demonic forces and the 12 zodiacal signs,
and all the principalities, powers and dominions that are ruling
over us. - Elementals earth, water, air and fire.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." (Matthew 28:18)
- Underwater.
- True Star. - Milky Way. - Equinox. - Divine masculine. - Lessons learned.
- Time to be brave. - Glow up. - A mistake is an opportunity
to learn. - Faster than the speed of light. - Red is the Magician's robe, and blue is the High Priestess.
- Together the divine masculine and feminine forces combine into the purple cloth of the cosmic World dancer.
- Cutting the veil. - Seeing the light. - Curtain
torn. - Once we’ve entered through the door, we leave the world
behind and abandon our own beliefs, wants and worldly desires.
And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. (Matthew 27:51)
- Leonardo left the head of the Savior unfinished, convinced that he could not give it the heavenly divinity required for an image of Christ.

Jesus pink elephant |
- Wearing in his hair. - Hit by Zeus lightning bolt and
ready for action! -
Another view.

Lone wolf |
- Road less traveled.

Dinosaur |
- Leonardo is pointing out in the Last Supper that the 'powers
that be' are practicing a different religion than they are teaching
us (and that they have all the ancient knowledge and we don't).

Candy apple (Your child) |
King Queen at their LAST SUPPER |
- Do you really
think the inept clowns who can't even keep their airplanes in the
air (among other things) are really capable of performing
Revelations against you?

Search |

sea-king |

goldman |

Sub |
- Mask coming off. - Hook. - Watch: The Rapture is a Hoax Being Set Up by Antichrist - 1790

Royal family |
- Something fell flat. - Bandwagon.

Outer darkness |
- Leonardo and Eric: 'I shot the sheriff' and Edward
deVere too.
- The neck bone's connected to the head bone,
Now shake dem skeleton bones!

Funeral |
- Some kind of funeral for the hat people. - Hourglass,
time's up.

Baby unveiled |

Flushed out |
- Out with the old. - Gold-plated frauds. - The
neckbone is now connected to the mouthbone. - Apparently not
mincing words.
- Now the frauds will try calling you
anti-christ because you don't believe in their crap (aka highway

Leaving |
- Black heart.
Haply, for I am black,
And have not those soft parts of conversation That chambers have, or for I am declin'd
Into the vale of years (yet that's not much),
She's gone. I am abus'd, and my relief
Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage! (Shakespeare,
- In need of things that work for US, not against us
(because the current powers that be don't trust they will be able to
stay in 'power' unless they spy on us and control us). - Plus the
fact that they usurped the throne.
- Christ's flesh and
blood: flesh = words (knowing). blood = holy spirit
(spiritual nourishment).

Wolf in sheep's clothing |
- Exposed.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci |
Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.
Leonardo DaVinci
