Jerome - I'm Rome
- Crouched on the floor in front of the
door. Is it a Dutch door or a Tu-dor? - Beggar in disguise. - Unhinged. - Why is there a dome at hand? Is he
ignoring? - Jerome now becomes Peter. - Hit by lightning bolt.
- He is not hitting himself with that rock, guaranteed.
- Body of Christ (which one? Savior, Priest or Warrior). -
Different spaces, different places, learn to discern. -
Copycats, clones and doppelgangers.
At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. (Matthew 24:23)
- Everyone who comes into your life
serves a purpose. - Your enemies end up becoming your
servants. - Keep moving forward, no retribution. - Thorn
in paw.
Many people have begun to discover they have been
studying a religion about Jesus, rather than the
religion of Jesus. (Michael Beckworth)
St. John the Baptist head on platter
(or is it a bucket)
- Outburst. - Head flight, put it
bluntly then, flying head. - Anti-arctic. - Naomi = I moan.
The Great God hath sent us signs in the sky we
have heard uncommon noise in the heavens and have seen
HEADS fall down upon the earth. ( Speech of
Tahayadoris a Mohawk sachem at Albany October 25,
- Headless.
From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there's no soundness evident — only bruises, sores, and festering wounds that haven't been cleaned out, bandaged, or treated with oil. (Isaiah 1:6)
- What is wrong with Jerome's
triskelion? It only has two legs. - The feminine seems to
be missing.
Three is the perfect number, beginning, middle and
end. (Pythagoras)
- Iroquois false face (narcissist).
- Fake nice guy. - They like to stalk and spy are are very
jealous of everyone. - Just ignore them. - They always
hurt their own kind (aka not-so-kind).
Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? (Proverbs 27:4)

Head Flight helmet |

King Henry IV Edwin Austin Abbey |
- Flying monkeys.
- Closing of a door.
- Neanderthal tools.
- Neanderthal tools. - Quite
cultured for their time (seafaring). - The World’s Oldest Ornament Discovered in Germany.
Anti |
- The Millennialists knew about the
1,000 year rest (millennial) and Jerome didn't want this
information spread around. - He purposely changed when the
King of kings was born, meaning he lied just so people would
stop believing something.
Jerome introduced a new set of calculations (AMII)
that placed the Incarnation roughly 300 years earlier,
thus allowing Latin chronographers to ignore the
advent of the year 6000 AMI. At the same time, he
heaped ridicule and contempt on millennialists, the
believers in foolish tales of earthly delights,
gluttony, and sexul promiscuity. (britannica.com)

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci |