- What does Leonardo have to say about
Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons |
- His northwest is our northeast.
- Theseus Abandoning Ariadne. -
Banished by his left hand. - Ashes and spark. - Inanna's
descent. - Theseus abandons and Bacchus saves. - She
heard Theseus say he didn't have room on his one-man skiff for
her. - Wherry/wherrie which were used on the Thames River
before bridges were built. - Ezekial 16, wives as condemned
objects (get this, for men's sins - rape).
Antartica unthawed or is it d-thawed? |
- Anti-arctic (king of kings). - Fluffy.
- Claimed by Norway (Queen Maud Land).
Munken, Lofoten, Norway |
- Underworld self, head of beast or
animal. - Feminine nature demonized. - Labrinyth. -
Soul fragment.
- Ariadne (END AIR for who? Not
happening! She's coming to the surface instead). - All the
'pickup' trucks in the world can no longer run over her! -
Spool of red thread. - Grounded. - Birthing, small neck.
Arctic shipping routes - Northeast and Northwest
passages Susie Harder, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons |
- The future of global shipping, once
Ariadne thaws. - Direction, navigation. - New
Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by midcentury. - No
longer the ice-cy shadow of herself.
- CLV Leonardo Da Vinci in Norway - the most capable cable
layer in the market. - What a web we weave.
- The small figure was there but how he
squared himself is a mystery. - Norway is the bottom
branch. - Upper room (with a view).
- Antarctica could lose its ice
forever. - Antarctica could be completely ice-free one day if
we (archons) allow climate change to continue.
- Are they joking? None of this in their grimy hands. -
They think they're gods because they can astral project and
have energy weapons they use against us.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci |