Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself






- What does Leonardo have to say about this?

Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

- His northwest is our northeast.

- Theseus Abandoning Ariadne.
- Banished by his left hand.
- Ashes and spark.
- Inanna's descent.
- Theseus abandons and Bacchus saves.
- She heard Theseus say he didn't have room on his one-man skiff for her.
- Wherry/wherrie which were used on the Thames River before bridges were built.
- Ezekial 16, wives as condemned objects (get this, for men's sins - rape).


Antartica unthawed or is it d-thawed?

- Anti-arctic (king of kings).
- Fluffy.
- Claimed by Norway (Queen Maud Land).

Munken, Lofoten, Norway

- Underworld self, head of beast or animal.
- Feminine nature demonized.
- Labrinyth.
- Soul fragment.

- Ariadne (END AIR for who? Not happening! She's coming to the surface instead).
- All the 'pickup' trucks in the world can no longer run over her!
- Spool of red thread.
- Grounded.
- Birthing, small neck.

Arctic shipping routes - Northeast and Northwest passages
Susie Harder, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

- The future of global shipping, once Ariadne thaws.
- Direction, navigation.
- New Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by midcentury.
- No longer the ice-cy shadow of herself.


- CLV Leonardo Da Vinci in Norway - the most capable cable layer in the market.
- What a web we weave.


- The small figure was there but how he squared himself is a mystery.
- Norway is the bottom branch.
- Upper room (with a view).

- Antarctica could lose its ice forever.
- Antarctica could be completely ice-free one day if we (archons) allow climate change to continue.
- Are they joking? None of this in their grimy hands.
- They think they're gods because they can astral project and have energy weapons they use against us.


Signed by Leonardo DaVinci

St. John the Baptist



Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.

Leonardo DaVinci


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