Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons 1513-1516 |
- Oil on walnut. - The towers to the left.
- John’s mission was to prepare the world for Christ’s arrival
and his ministry was predicted in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1.
- John shared many qualities with Elijah, including calling a nation to repentance, rebuking the king, and persevering in the face of public misunderstanding and malicious persecution. - There is no salvation in a false Christ. If we are to be united with Christ to have eternal life, then we must be united with the true Christ, not a false representation.
Jesus said "I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins." (John 8:24) |
- What goes up, will come down. - Hard to see.
The blow of his battering rams he will direct against your walls, and with his axes he will break down your towers.
(Ezekial 26:9)
- It's not a cross, it's a compass.
- Tawhid is Oneness of God (Muslim).
Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons |
- Chiaroscuro.
- Elijah is the reincarnation of
John who was the spirit-anointed bridge between the Old and
New Testaments. - John was the last of the Old Testament
prophets and he stood on the cusp of a new divinely appointed
order (era). - The Old Covenant failed, we were bound to it
and forced into slavery and bondage. The New Covenant failed
because the Jews ignored it. - God is always trying new
ways to accomplish things, the law didn't work, and the
promise didn't work so now he will bring John back again.
For all the prophets and the law prophesied
until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is
the Elijah who was to come. (Matthew 11:13-14)
- John was the last in the long line of prophets who predicted Christ, yet he was the only one who could actually see Christ in the flesh.
- Different places, different spaces, different faces.
Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (Matthew
11:11) |
- This seems like a paradox but simply means that John had
more of Christ in him than anyone, however, died before ever
seeing his resurrection, yet amazingly, he knows more than
anyone else about it.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci |
there is shouting, there is no true knowledge. Leonardo DaVinci
