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Ophiuchus (Serpent bearer) was listed by Ptolomy as one of the 48 constellations circa 285 BCE. It is still one of the 88 modern constellations. Ptolemy introduced a simplified method of calculating the movements of the planets during that same time which resulted in the discovery of Western (tropical) astrology.

Centuries before Ptolomy's discovery, the Babylonians knew about the 13th constellation, Ophiuchus, however, they were the first to create a horoscope based on 12 constellations and did not include Ophiuchus.

The Egyptians and Mayans did include Ophiuchus in their astrology.


Kundalini, the power, 13

The constellation was originally named Serpentarius. According to ancient Greek mythology, Ophiuchus is Asclepius, son of Apollo, Greek god of medicine and physicians. One important symbol is the caduceus (staff), which is wrapped in two snakes.

Ophiuchus is depicted as a man grasping a serpent. His body divides the snake (constellation Serpens) into two parts; Serpens Caput (serpent head) and Serpens Cauda (serpent foot).

Scorpio is the lower part of Ophiuchus and the Sun spends more time in Ophiuchus than Scorpio.

The name Ophiuchus is derived from Greek ophis (serpent) and cheiro-o (to handle).

The Archangel Michael is one of many divine beings who are linked to Ophiuchus. He is often depicted slaying a dragon/devil (Scorpius) while holding a scale to show his role as defender of justice.

Asclepius and Orion the hunter

Orion was said to be a boastful braggart who claimed there was not an animal on earth who could defeat him. This angered the goddess Hera, who was the wife of Zeus who devised a plan to have a scorpion sting the heel of Orion wounding him with its poison.

Asclepius was called to the scene with his snake, which was considered the source of his healing, and he brought Orion back to life.

Hades, god of the underworld, the brother of Zeus, became alarmed because he knew his kingdom was in jeopardy if no one died! He was afraid that Asclepius would tell other healers and spread the word so he commissioned Zeus to send a thunderbolt to Orion and Asclepius to kill them both.

Thereafter, all of the cast of characters moved to the night sky; Orion, with his two faithful companions, Canis Major and Canis Minor, Asclepius with his snake Serpens (Scorpius) and Lepus, the hare that Orion was hunting.

Orion (winter constellation) and the Scorpius (summer constellation) took places on opposite sides of the sky as a precaution so they would not have to face each other again.

Ecliptic is center of the celestial belt

The ecliptic in the celestial belt is the narrow range (20 degree latitude) which the Sun, Moon and planets move. This region is divided into 12 areas (astrological signs) of 30 degrees longitude, representing the Sun's motion in one month (1 degree a day for 30 days).

Think of it as an imaginary line in the sky that marks the path of the Sun annually.

Modern astrologers ignore the fact that the ecliptic crosses through the constellation Ophiuchus where it spends 18 days, between November 29 and December 17; while only spending 7 days in Scorpio, from November 23 to November 29.

Because of this, traditional Sidereal astrologers believe that modern Tropical astrology is 'way off' as it ignores Ophiuchus; which is very obviously more significant than Scorpio in the ecliptic.

One modern astrologer even claims that because the stars in Scorpius are brighter than the stars in Ophiuchus, that means it's OK to push Ophiuchus out of the way!

Tropical (Western) astrologers prefer 12 signs because they can easily divide the 360 degree circle into equal slices of 30 degrees (for each constellation), however, in reality, none of the constellations are 30 degrees, some are much smaller, such as Aries, while Virgo is immense.


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)


Ophiuchus is the only sign in zodiac linked to a real man while the rest of astrological signs are linked to archetypal 'beasts.' He is also known as Imhotep, a High Priest of the Sun god Ra and the first physician in history (that we know about). He is said to have brought the knowledge of medicine and healing to mankind.

Imhotep was modeled after Lord Enki, who was the original serpent holder, who was a Sumerian creator god. Imhotep was known to the Greeks as Asclepius and was the incarnation of Enki who was the originator of the Ophiuchus pattern in the night sky.

He was called the 'Chief of Observers' which later became the same title used by the High Priests of Heliopolis and indicates an astral link (instead of a sun link).


Additionally, Imhotep was named 'Architect of the Cosmos' after he was initiated into the mysteries. He taught the motions of the stars and constellations to the magicians in Saqqara and was both an astronomer and a sidereal astrologer. He was also known as the pyramid builder and inventor of the calendar.


Many of Imhotep's attributes can also be found in the Biblical Hebrew Joseph (with the coat of many colors), who was the son of Jacob and Rachel (a free woman).


Ophiuchus is considered the 13th zodiac sign. The stellar zodiac once contained 13 signs and included Ophiuchus who resides above both Scorpio and Sagittarius. As an astrological sign, he is positioned 12th between Scorpio in 11th position, and Sagittarius, who resides in 13th position.

Ancient Mayan astronomers looked at the heavens differently than their Greek counterparts and used 13 constellations instead of 12. This could account for a different timing in the anticipated shift in world ages.

Secret knowledge and wisdom

Ophiuchus is considered the invisible or hidden sign and is associated with secret knowledge, immortality and wisdom.

Garden of Eden

The northern sky where the North Star resides in the area described as circumpolar region (where stars never set below the Earth's horizon) is called the Garden of Eden.

This includes the Milky Way, Cassia and Draco, where stars never die and circle around the North Star. They aren't born in the east and die in the west like the rest of stars as Egyptian cosmology describes.

Interestingly, from Imhotep's Saqqara Step pyramid, King Djoser emerges from his tomb in statue form into a statuebox (or Serdab) with a pair of peepholes to allow him to see out. His eyes tilted up 13 degrees to where the king joined the circumpolar stars and the space of immortality.

The 13th sign represents the cosmic shamen, Imhotep, who teaches us resurrection so we never die.


Ophiuchus connected to the Moon

The Moon takes 13 lunar months to traverse the zodiac which is connected to the 13th sign and denotes the matriarchal lineage or Dragon Court linked to Virgin Mary who represents the ancient Sophianic Sisterhood which still continues to operate at the highest levels of power.

In other words, Sophia divine cosmic energy connected to Virgin Mother Mary which is divine feminine cosmic energy all connected to Ophiuchus.

Creation stories

All civilizations have the same creation story which is a story about the sun dying for three days and then resurrecting. All the creation gods die on December 21st and were born on December 25th when the sun is reborn. This includes Horus, Attis, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysus, Buddha, Hercules, Tammuz and Osiris.

By His breath the heavens are cleared; His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent. (Job 26:13)

Last Supper and ancient mythology

The question is who is 13 and why is 13 hidden when everything else (months, zodiac signs, disciples, etc.) number 12?

13 is an esoteric symbol for death and transformation to a new state of being and is represented in Tarot in Arcanum 13.

It's well known that DaVinci's 'Last Supper' represents the four seasons and the 12 astrological signs and that Jesus represents the 13th. Because he is in the middle, he represents Libra, the scales and balance.

This connects to Egyptian cosmology and Ra (with the symbol of the Sun on his head which represents balance) and his solar boat which also looks like Libra. He has 12 helpers. 

The Egyptian Scarab beetle represents cosmic divine birth because the beetle doesn't need to mate with a partner to have offspring so it has immaculate conception, virgin birth.

The ancient deity Horus, solar son of God, with the sun on his head, also had 12 disciples each with a star over their head. This represents the 12 constellations and the 13th, who is a living human being who knows the art of resurrection and immortality.

And then there is the story of Osiris who was cut into 28 pieces and Isis who could only find 13 of his pieces. This was a symbol of death and rebirth. This role was also portrayed by Hindu god Shiva in his role as Cosmic Dancer.

Plant medicines

DMT naturally releases from your pinal gland when you pass over to the other side and transcend. All the ancient civilizations knew about the natural herbs that could induce the same results without having to physically die (which is called the art of resurrection without dying).

This is witnessed in all the ancient symbology such as Uraeus (Staff of Osiris), Caducus and ancient Indian Kundalini which all show two serpents spiraling 7 times up a pole until they reach the top with fully developed wings to take flight.

Galactic center

Ophiuchus, with his foot in the galactic center at the Great Rift (Dark Rift), located in the Southern Milky Way, also known as the Crossroads between the two worlds (the overworld and the underworld). The Mayans called this 'The Great Llama that brings the message.'

When the ancient shaman kings would use their plant medicine to enter a state of altered consciousness during their ceremonies, they would go to the other world to the crossroads to retrieve the messages of higher consciousness and then brought the messages back to their people.

How did the Mayans know enough to place their shamen kings exactly where Ophiuchus sits in the sky in their symbology?

Other symbology, the Milky Way connected to the Aurora Borealis which represents the cycles of life, death and resurrection, and the infinity symbol or number 8 (bringing energy into balance), were also used by the Mayans as a result of these medicinal 'journeys' into the other worlds and their understanding of the never-ending cycles of life and death.

Archetypal energy in evolution

None of the constellations as we see them in the night sky, truly represent the characters their names depict. The fact is, all of the constellations are named as representations of universal archetypes and are the energy of the star patterns that all of us must follow as part of our evolution. This is what the zodiac represents for us. For example, when you're in Scorpio, you know it's time to die, to release, and come back into Sagittarius, the archer, with clear sight.

M8 which is the Lagoon Nebula, plays a role as a beacon. It holds an arrow that points at the galactic center (directly in the middle of the Milky Way) at a star called SagittariusA which is a pulsar and marks the exact entry point where our galaxy is merging with the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy.

The ancients knew about this merging of galaxies thousands of years ago even though it is not set to happen for another 3 billion years. They called it the crossroads and it is exactly where Ophiuchus stands. We only found out about it in 1994.

From this shocking discovery came the realization that the Sun, Moon and sibling planets are not part of the Milky Way galaxy, but the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy instead.

Pulsar messages

A pulsar is a small, dense star that blinks. Astrologers are now coming to the realization that pulsars are markers and they are purposely put there by design as warnings to us. This leads to the conclusion that the stars and constellations were named by intelligent beings.

And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them; and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (Genesis 2:19)

The 12 zodiac signs and their ancient mythology are found to encode a physics that explains the spontaneous explosive creation of matter and energy. By using constellation pointers (pulsars) the zodiac indicates the galactic center as the location of this energetic outburst.

The Sagittarius archer is aiming his arrow tip (Gamma Sagattarii)  at the heart of the scorpion (Alpha Scorpii). By regressing positions back in time, the archer's arrow was perfectly aligned with the scorpion's heart in 13,865 BCE which more than likely represents when the two galaxies came together.

Sagittarius and Scorpio together represent archetypal for the first emergence of created matter and energy and this was observable on Earth. This was a message that relates how an intense cosmic ray wind came from the galactic center and after a 23,000 light year journey began to pass through our solar system at the end of the Ice Age.

This shows us some serious things that happened in our galaxy. Most traditional scientists treat our universe like everything is stationary and never changes and they are very wrong.

Celestial and marine navigation are the same (think how all the Star Trek characters wore similar uniforms to our Navy). The pulsar star is like a lighthouse so you can know where you are and operates the same as pulsars in marine navigation. One might wonder from the similarities if star pulsars are the means of transportation in the stars.

This is all exciting new discovery and the most exciting thing is that ancients all knew that the galaxies enjoining would bring enlightened consciousness to our world.

Photon belt

So why should we be so concerned about the galactic center?

Currently we are passing through the Photon Belt (interstellar cloud) connected to Pleiades that our physicists claim should not exist, however, ancient lore says it does exist. A team of scientists in 2009 revealed how NASAs Voyager spacecraft figured this out.

Astronomers call the cloud 'Local Fluff' for short. This is an area about 30 light years wide made out of a wispy mixture of helium and hydrogen atoms at a temperature of 6000 C. It's estimated that about 10 million years ago a cluster of supernova's exploded and created a giant bubble of million-degree gas.

There is speculation that the Sun may plunge into a hot cloud of interstellar gas that you can see in photos surrounding Pleiades.

According to Mayan calendar the ancients called the year 2012 the age of light, when the sun interacts with the nebulous gas to raise our vibration. This is the path of our solar system right now and this is why the ancients in so many cultures paid attention to the accurate position of the stars and constellations.

The Sun in 2012 was in the galactic center; it pointed out that we're on our way towards light because the precessional cycle is a 25,925 (26,000) year cycle, which is called a Great Year. So this is marking our travel on the precessional path and NASA even proved it, but they have not admitted we are passing through the Photon Belt which will raise our vibrations, so we have enlightened consciousness.

The golden age

Now we are coming into a period of 2,000 years of light, or the Golden Age. The 2012 winter solstice alignment with the galactic center marked the passing over towards photon belt and the age of light.

This ties in with the Great Year cycles and our calendar year and the reason that all the Sons/Suns of God were born on December 25th and have a three day resurrection period. It is estimated that we will be fully in the Photon Belt by 2228.

It has been shown over and over again that this all reoccurs and has since the beginning of time. The two worlds are the Sagittarius galaxy and our Milky Way galaxy where the shaman kings are seated in the other world. Everything points to that same area in the sky where Ophiuchus resides.

Thank you Isaac Rodriguez, Sidereal Astrologer.

2 degree Ophiuchus conjunct with Scorpio where the stinger of Scorpio comes up into the zodiac belt and the foot of Ophiuchus comes down and gets stung by the scorpion!


Astrology - Western (Tropical)
Astrology - Vedic (Sidereal)



"And I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel."

Genesis 3:14


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