We call the early church Gnostic but that is not a name they
called themselves. The name means 'those who seek knowledge'
but it is a different kind of knowledge, esoteric wisdom
hidden from the majority of the world.
The first mention of Gnostic came from one of the early
church leaders named Valentinus, who lived 160 years after
Christ. The early Marcion Gnostics did have more knowledge
than the churches that came later due to destruction of
ancient text and the burning of the Alexandria Library,
among many other reasons.
At this time the Church embraced and believed that the God
of the Old Testament was different from the God of the New
Testament. The Old Testament God is about the Jewish people
and their laws and the New Testament God is love and grace.
Marcion rejected the Old Testament completely
and adopted the New Testament scriptures that favored the Jews.
Marcionite churches appeared and had influence in the east for many
Unfortunately, human beings are imperfect and
the Marcions were not all inspired by God. They were groups of
people who had survived apostasy and were searching for the truth.
As a result, some of their teachings are
false such as the idea that the physical world is completely evil is a
false teaching. It is however, very close to the truth because the
physical world is temporary. We should be able to control it like
someone who rides a beast and puts a bit in its mouth, but the
problem is, the flesh has overtaken the spirit and this is now a
carnivorous wild, fallen nature that is ruling over us.
In the mysteries, in the true ancient
wisdom, the physical world (the body), was very precious. A main
tenet was that true eternal joy cannot exist without the physical
and eternal beings inseparably joined.
These are two parts of the creation that are
both good, and there isn't anything evil about either of them.
The Matrix
The human mind creates the physical world and
has a very distorted view. Our mind, is not the mind of the Lord.
The Earth at this present time is not performing the will of the
There is an eternal mind of the Lord and in a
physical world that's perfect and pure, there's a physical body and
a spiritual body. The spiritual body is the same body that Jesus
Christ was resurrected with.
That is why Christ told his disciples;
See my hands and My feet, see that it is I Myself;
touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and
bones as you see that I have. (Luke 24:36-49)
This is the only place in the Bible where the
term 'flesh and bones' is used because there wasn't anyone who was
made of that at that time; that was the resurrection of the Lord.
That's the kind of body we're going to have,
physical flesh and bones,
it's not going to have this old contaminated DNA, old blood, with
the Matrix and the demonic forces and the 12 zodiacal signs, and all
the principalities, powers and dominions that are ruling over us.
Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and standing before the angel. (Zechariah
Heavenly Kingdom
What we're trying to do is reach the Kingdom
of Heaven which is His will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
We pray for that, not for our distorted illusion of this present,
evil world.
We are praying for the Kingdom of God to be
established on the world for the mountain of the Lord and the
stability of his truth and reality. The city, the new abode or house
that he went to prepare for us will come down out of heaven and be
married like a bride with her husband.
That's the wedding of the Lord and there are
many parables in the Bible about this event. There are also many
parables about the Harvest which is the end of the world when all
the souls are harvested.
There is a period of time when all the wheat
and weeds grow together and at the end there will be the Harvest of
Souls and there will be a judgment. All this is real and true.
Relearning history
In our times, we've lost a very important
part of Christianity which is we've lost sight of who God is and
we're still trying to put ourselves under this old Covenant.
In this historical Matrix that we've been
placed into, there have been some evil people who have corrupted our
teachings, have burned them all. They have taken all our history
from us.
This will all be revealed. We must start by
going back and understanding our 'real' history which is something
that is hard to do because as we begin to read the true history, so
many people have such a hard time discarding the old lies they've
been accepting their entire lives.
Chosen people
So many believe the concept that the Jewish
people are the chosen people; and also that they are a small group
over in Palestine.
So because they are chosen, that means they
are smarter than the rest of us and rule over us. Also, that because
they are chosen, God loves them and depends on them and not us (we'e
just lowly Gentiles). It's really convoluted thinking.
You have to question why Christ would come to
Earth and choose to be born in Palestine which leads many to think
he was born as a Jew. This of course indicates that Jews must be
very special. All the prophets came down through their blood lines.
Also because Moses, a Jew, wrote the law (Ten Commandments) most people think that's a good thing, but they
don't understand that the law is what kept us in bondage.
Many people are starting to wake up and
realize we've been lied to and questioning why this chosen theory
doesn't make any sense. How the law kept us in bondage and why
Christ's mission was to come to Earth to fulfill the law, so why is
this law wrong?
The Covenant that the Jews had was valid and
Christ didn't come to them and defame their laws or put them down.
It was something to worry about because it was a valid Covenant that
the Jews made with some very powerful beings, principalities,
powers, dominions, lordships and thrones.
There is an administration of angels or
astrological forces that rule over the physical world that at times
we call demons (archons). The demons thus gained their authority on
Earth through the law. Their master is called the Accuser, and he
accuses the Brethren day and night.
He does this because God allows it since they
have a valid contract. So it is up to you to realize that your mind
should not be controlled by laws, but instead, controlled by God's
spirit. and this is the invisible war.
Tree of knowledge
Our entire history is an amazing Matrix
because there are things you can learn on one level, that can mean
something on another level. So as human beings we're bound under the
law of Moses, and this is all humans, not just Jews.
This is because Adam and Eve chose the Tree
of Knowledge of right and wrong, also known as law. So, they chose
this system for all of us. Our eyes were all opened and we became
physical. This was the spiritual death and beginning of good and
We're physical beings trapped here in this
lower dimension and listening to the serpent, which is the flesh.
Since we're under the law, that means we're controlled by the
wicked, carnal forces of the world.
Get rid of the law
In one sense, when Christ came to Earth, he
came to do away with the law of Moses, but in another sense, he came
to do away with the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, the Matrix
and the serpent. All this mess we're involved in and there are many
layers to it. The entire Jewish system is only a type of what is
happening in a greater sense.
That is why Apostle Paul said that Jerusalem
represents our mother, which is in heaven. There's a spiritual part
to this; a New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven and she's going to
marry Christ. This represents the marriage of the physical and
spiritual worlds.
If all that law was wrong, why did
Christ came to Earth and was born in Palestine, under the law, so
that he might redeem those who were born under the law? Are the Jews
really the chosen ones?
After the Jewish people left Egypt they
wandered for 40 years, and then they went to the Jordan River, the
lowest point on Earth and extremely salty, which is called descent
(and they descended into the river).
A sea of death, a river of life
All of this is symbolic about how Jesus
Christ had to descend into the lowest place in the universe to
conquer all these principalities, powers and dominions. The lowest
place is death, a place much lower than suffering.
Jesus died on a cross and there was a
great battle, and he conquered all of these forces. Why was he
baptized in the Jordan River, the lowest river on the face of the
Earth. The physical forces and all the energy that's flowing through
there; the soul had to reach that lowest point, take up that cross,
and die.
Once he conquered all of those lower forces
he could start ascending.
So why are the Jewish people the chosen ones;
they live in the lowest place on Earth, rule over us with physical
and carnal things, they're not chosen the way you believe.
Chosen for betrayal
Judas was chosen. He was the way they
translate Judah in those days. Judas and Judah are the same word.
Each one of the 12 disciples that Christ chose represented one of
the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Judas represents the Jews. He betrayed the
Lord. The other tribes are lost tribes. They went into exile, and
they're lost to the world and that's all of us (Gentiles).
Judah was the son of Jacob and Leah (a slave
woman) and they are Israel.
So who's really chosen? Christ loved the
other sheep very much and when it came to the Earth, he had to go
unto the lowest place and conquer all things. So it was for that
reason the Jewish people were the ones chosen to betray the Lord,
the Christ-child.
It is the Jews who are now betraying us.
Remember, when Christ came to Earth he came to seek out the ten lost
tribes and when he found the Jewish people there he said 'you are of
your father, the devil, and you're the offspring of vipers.'
Christ told his Apostles to go forth and find
the lost tribes of the House of Israel. That's where Apostle Peter
was sent and that's why we don't have a lot of writings about him
because he went to Babylon to those Eastern countries and not much
is known about where he went after that.
Peter wrote all his letters in Babylon
because that's where the lost tribes were last seen; captive into
exile into Syria and Babylon.
If you love me, feed my sheep. (John
So Peter went to Babylon and Thomas went to
India and all the Apostles went all over the world to find the lost
sheep who are all over the world. They were here in America long
before we arrived.
The gathering
Christ loved the lost tribes and that is what
the great harvest at the end of the world is all about, the
This also represents some of the things about
Christianity that we're missing, for instance, when people hear the
word 'church' they think of a building with a cross, but that's not
what that word means at all. The word church means a gathering, the
great gathering of all the souls.
That's what Christ was doing on Earth,
gathering all the children of God and the lost tribes back into one.
That's why the Jews were chosen to live in the center of Earth, the
lowest point on Earth. The location of the Dead Sea and all the
carnal energies they are that offspring of the serpent, the flesh
that is ruling over the spiritual.
The Jews are the technological, always
rebelling against the spirit, conniving and trying to build towers
under God in heaven from their own works, inventions and ideas.
Always seeking to get some money, Judas betrayed Christ for a
little money because it was more important to him. That's a
representation of a religion, a force, a thing that's in all of us
that we have to overcome. It's all of us, the flesh.
The Mysteries were written down by Enoch, who
walked with God. Phoenix (bird) is another word for Enoch who wrote
everything down and it was put into physical knowledge.
Humans were building physical temples, and
creating a physical priesthood on this physical plane and trying to
encode all of this in a Matrix. The problems occurred when the
angels fell from heaven, and they corrupted the Matrix, so we're all
in a big web of lies that we have to conquer to get through.
As Christians, most think it's very simple,
the idea that the Jews are the chosen and the rest of us aren't
chosen. And Palestine is where the temple is going to be built, and
that's it! That simple.
We're Christians, but we're somehow
secondary, waiting for them to build their temple and everything
hits the fan. And that there's 144,000 chosen ones and as
Christians, we will inherit everlasting life and that's good enough
for us.
Except that old worn out story is not the
truth. The 12 tribes is all of us and the Jews are just one tribe.
Most don't understand what the Jews were really 'chosen' for nor do
they understand the 'Matrix' here.
That little spot in Israel is the lowest
vibrating spot on Earth that Christ had to overcome, and we will all
have to overcome flesh. He died, was baptized in that water, went
down to the deep to the bottom and made the descent and came up
Overcome hell to get to paradise
We need to be baptized into those physical
energies and through the learning process we come out clean.
Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed. (2 Kings 5:10)
It's a spiritual blindness that we all have
and Christ came to Earth to open the eyes of the blind and teach the
lame to walk. We are the blind. It's the flesh that's blind and
lame. He came to help the Jews open their eyes and to find that
which was lost, the lost tribes.
There are records that prove by the time
Christ was 12 years old he was in Egypt learning are the ways of the
Egyptians, just like Joseph before him who was the high priest of An
at Heliopolos. He wrote all the prophecies about Christ dying and
conquering death.
Astrological signs
Joseph placed all the astrological knowledge
in our cultures all over the world; Mayan, Aztec, Babylonian,
Syrian; every country. Look into the sky and you see Virgo the
virgin and Draco the dragon with his tail surrounding the Pleaides.
Trying to get to God's throne in the north that's the direction that
the Earth follows.
All the stars represent the story; the bull
Taurus, the lamb, the cherub that fell. The cherub is the four faces
of the astrological signs of the zodiac and these forces that rule
over us rule by means of the physical body using the laws of Moses
and the flesh.
If you're going to come into the lowest place
on Earth that controls us all, you went down to the Jewish people
who lived in Palestine and had the most wicked, ignorant, carnal
laws existing. And you dunked in the Jordan River and were crucified
right there on their field, then you could say you conquered it all,
because Judah is going to come and betray you and we're all going to
go through this.
The flesh is going to betray you for a few
pieces of silver but you are going to overcome it. The Jewish people
are seeking a material world, they're not spiritual at all to
Know who really had the Mysteries; the
Jewish did have some of them which was the law, but they didn't
understand the laws so it kept them in bondage. They were blind and
To get the Mysteries, the truth, Christ had
to go down to Egypt, and he went and called his son out of Egypt,and
he began to learn the Mysteries. Under the temples that were the
Labyrinth were all the books and knowledge.
When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son.
But the more they were called,
the more they went away from me. (Hosea
The priesthood that brought down the
knowledge that Enoch brought from the stars because Enoch went with
the Gods and was taken with them for many days. You can find this in
the Book of Enoch and the Sumerian Tablets; the story of how he
learned all the truth and astrological charts and all the ways of
the heavens and the 360 degrees.
He wrote all these things down, but we don't
have it because it's in the Labyrinth. We only have the basic,
symbolic version that's in the Book of Enoch that tells us very
basic facts.
One day we will be able to open all the books
and learn all of this. Enoch walked with God, talked with God, and
learned all this information and wrote it down. It was encoded by
some wicked forces on Earth and was taken over, and they began to
hide it from us in four-sided pyramids in a 3D Matrix so that we
couldn't find it.
Jesus went down into Egypt to get the
information. Moses was also in Egypt, and he learned all the ways of
the Egyptians but the problem with Moses is that when he tried to
tell the people, they didn't want to hear it, they weren't ready for
Moses saw God face to face but when the
people saw Moses he was so bright they couldn't look upon him. In
other words, they didn't want to see the truth, it was too bright,
too much.
The veil
They wanted the truth to be veiled so Moses
agreed to create one for the Jewish people whose soul is veiled by
the carnal law and the flesh. They're the ones who created the
Matrix. They put it down in the physical and now it's wrapped up in
a parable, and we can't untangle it.
The truth is in the Bible, but it's
concealed. It is spiritual truth congealed into a collection of
parables that you can't comprehend.
The only way we're going to know the truth is
by reading scriptures and finally realizing that we recognize
Christ. The disciples were walking along the way, and they were
eating bread. Well the five loaves is the law of Moses, and they
were eating it.
A man that was with them after the
resurrection that they didn't recognize began to explain to them all
that was written from the beginning of time to the end, and that
Christ was all that was written about, and they began to realize
They couldn't understand the Matrix until
they finally realized it's all about Christ. That this was just a
parable that was keeping them down, and they were going through this
flesh to learn and one day they were going to open their eyes and
see Christ.
Moses had the truth, but he got it from
Joseph who got it from Enoch and Enoch wrote it down. The world
couldn't grasp everything that Enoch had written because we weren't
meant to grasp it right away.
Humans are growing and maturing and God's
patient with us and one day we're going to understand all this.
Everything will be revealed and God has saved it and preserved it
all for us so that one day he can reveal it.
But mankind didn't want it and God would
offer it to them just like he offered it to Adam and Eve, but they
chose the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, the law, the Matrix.
He offered the knowledge to Israel and told
them he would take them to a land of milk and honey, pomegranates,
fruit and dates, but they wanted the meat instead. The carnal death
and murder, and they wanted Moses to speak to them, they didn't want
God speaking to them.
They wanted a priesthood, a Matrix and veil.
When they saw Moses they saw something was too bright because he
knew all the truth. He spent time in Egypt and had the true
priesthood which goes all the way back through Egypt to Atlantis
which was where Enoch learned all the Mysteries.
They built all pyramids and the cities and
all we know about it now is a parable or a mythological place called
Atlantis but it's in the Bible and it's called Enoch who walked with
That's all we have about it except for a few
more snippets in the Sumerian Tablets and books of Enoch that were
only discovered in the last few years.
Mankind is still not ready for all this
information and it will be coming out as we can mature enough to
absorb it. If you're capable of seeing the symbology and clues, God
will give you what you're ready for.
Anyone who wants to know more should pray and
seek God with your complete total humble heart but the only way
you're going to be able to see that light that Israel rejected is if
you're willing to let go of the Matrix. This is everything human,
the ego, the selfishness, the lust, the fear.
It's going to be a process and won't be easy.
God's hands are tied because so few are willing to devote the time
and learn about Christ and how to let go of the Matrix.
And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon
that they should shine in it, for the glory of God
illumined it, and it's lamp is the lamb. (Revelations
So Moses had all the knowledge, and he was
shining bright, and if he had all the truth then why did the Jews
need all this law for? Well that was the veil.
It goes very deep because the priesthood was
not from God. The Israelites said they didn't want God, they wanted
a priesthood so a man named Jethro gave them a priesthood.
Moses had all this knowledge, and he was
glowing and it was too much for the people and Moses didn't know
what to do because he needed to tell people all this truth, but they
didn't want to hear it. Jethro came from the East and gave him the
priesthood, that's all we know.
Worldly priesthood
So we have a priesthood that's not even from
God, it's from this world. And the law is all true and good and
holy, and Apostle Paul agreed, but it's written as a veil to keep
the truth and preserve the truth.
As a baby you need that pacifier and you
can't understand it all so that's why you have this veil because
that light is blinding you. The light is powerful and the truth
would blow your mind but in order to see it or hear it you must be
willing to let go of this little Matrix you've got.
Remember Abraham when he came to Israel, and
he met Melchizedek he brought bread and wine. Melchizedek
(Malki-Tzdek) was the King of Righteousness, this was the true
priesthood with no veil.
We must be willing to let go of the life we've
planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for
us. (Joseph Campbell)
Abraham met with the King of Righteousness
and learned all the ways of the truth and became the father of all
the other nations of the world, and he is our spiritual father.
His name is Abram, which in Hebrew is Brahma
which can be spelled forwards and backwards. It means the father of
All, the ancient Abraham who brought the knowledge into the world.
We just don't see it because it's all hidden
in parables. The Jewish priesthood was a lower priesthood that
veiled the truth because the children of Israel which was all the 12
tribes, were not ready to see it.
We were too little, just children of God, we
weren't ready and had to learn. Daniel went into Babylon and became
the head of the Magi, the astrological magicians. It was that star
that guided them to Jesus Christ. From the astrological charts they
were able to figure out where and when he would be born.
It had been written in all Enoch's prophecies
where Christ would be born, and he had to be born in the lowest
place on Earth and go through the lowest river on Earth and be
crucified there. Daniel was a very great, wise prophet, and he
taught the Persians. He was the high priest over the priesthood of
Babylon, Media and Persia, three of the great world powers in that
All the astrological peoples; the
Zoroastrians, and Mithraism and all the ancient religions came from
Daniel and the Mysteries there which originally came from Enoch. The
Jews took the priesthood and veiled it and made the law which has
blinded us and our minds.
Thank you David Vose.
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two
commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
When you faithfully follow Christ's two
commandments, you won't need any of the rest.
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Genesis 5:24
