The Bible is not a book about religion. It's a book about
metaphysics, genetics and astrology.
The simplest way to describe metaphysics is the study of the
nature of reality and the principles and universal laws that
define everything. Aristotle, who was born in 384 BCE in
ancient Greece, derived the concepts of metaphysics (as a
form of philosophy/ontology) long before the Bible was
Astrology is called the zodiac. The art of astrological
forecasting which includes studying personality traits based
on date of birth and time (horoscope), also came before the

Astrology examples:
- The
three magi were star-gazers who were looking for the star
that pointed to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Metaphysics examples:
- Male is
positive and female is negative.
- In the beginning God
created the Heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1:1) |
Ancient knowledge mixed with
When you read the Bible you have to
understand that it's a coded occult text and much is hidden in
parables. The truth is there, but it is a conglomeration of many
texts from many ages and is considered 'very young' in the realm of
ancient knowledge.
You also have to question why there are so
many books that have not been included.
The Bible is a roadmap for survival and an
ingenious human response to defeat for a people who
had been conquered.
It can be thoroughly explained by a community
living on the margins who don't know how to survive
when empires are no longer allowing them to have
kingdoms, territorial sovereignty, a palace and so
forth, and they reorientate their attention from
a King to a God and they reorientate their attention
to a text. (Dr. Jacob L. Wright)
Babylonian Talmud
The Babylonian Talmud was the basis (seat) of
Jewish law and the tractate Sanhedrons obviously used magic against
others so those cases had to be dealt with.
Clearly magic is not easily defined
There is NO place in the Bible that says you
can't use astrology. Some sects of Protestant Christianity consider
EVERYTHING as evil (including the majority of music). There are all
kinds of examples of 'magic' in use in the Bible including the Witch
of Endor and Joseph interpreting dreams (for the good).
There are some Rabbis who forbid astrology
but others who condone it. You are not allowed to worship or idolize
the stars in any religion, but astrologers don't do that anyway
because they study the stars (in the same way a meteorologist
studies the weather).
You also have to take into consideration that
our Sun is considered a star and that is a central focus in religion
so it gets pretty blurry (and we are often confused with the
difference between son and sun).
The Torah forbids certain things but we don't know
what those things are, they are unknown. Because
everything is so narrowly defined, all kinds of other
practices that are questionable are allowed to slip
through. Rabbinical Judaism allows you to
create artificial humans called Golem which sounds
like 'magic' to me. (Justin Sledge,
In fact, it's pretty obvious that a lot of
religions use magic in their ceremonies but forbid their followers
to do the same. This definitely gives off the same flavor as many
organized religions where you have to go through them, and can't do
it for yourself, and that is clearly hypocritical.
In other words, pay them to sit on your hands
so they can keep you in the dark while they enrich themselves and do
whatever they want!
Ancient Egyptian mysteries
Many believe that The Emerald Tablets of
Thoth were the basis for the original teachings of Jesus Christ
found in the New Testament. According to the ancient Apocrypha
texts, Christ (whose name was not Jesus since J was not even
included in the Hebrew alphabet), was a student of the Egyptian
Mysteries and taught meditation and reincarnation. His real name was
Yeshua (Eesa/Isa) which is Iesu in Latin.
For all the prophets and the law prophesied
until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is
the Elijah who was to come. (Matthew 11:13-14)
After he left the East, Christ went to Tibet
were he studied energetic healing and meditation.
Was Jesus a student of Thoth or were they the same
person or was he the son of Thoth? Genesis in the
Bible means the 'generations of Isis' and came about
from someone genetically building a family line.
Ancient texts such as the Sinai Bible reveal that
Jesus was married. Both Thoth and Jesus called
themself 'the son of man.' (Billy Carson)
Sumerian tablets
Not only are there many parables in the Bible
that match The Emerald Tablets, which are at least 36,000
years old, but many believe that the Bible came out of the Sumerian
Tablets and references to the same thoughts are also found in other
ancient texts such as the Mahabharata (ancient Sanskrit
epic), the Bhagavad Gita and Epic of Gilgamesh.
Oracles, mystics and prophets
The church has always had a tortured
relationship with oracles and prophets (such as Nostradamus,
a Catholic, who was using the tools they forbid, such as scrying).
This is because one of the 'charismatic
gifts' granted is prophecy. The Book of Acts makes this very clear
when it talks about speaking in tongues and speaking a foreign
Additionally, there have been many mystics
throughout Catholic history such as John the Apocalypse and
Hildegarde of Bingham who we're told have seen glimpses of
the future.
Because of this, the churches must tolerate
this although the only place in the Bible that contains a prophecy
about the future was when Ezekial prophesied that Nebuchadnezzar
(Babylonian king) would destroy Tyre and it never happened.
Fatima is not a mystery
Fatima has always been a mystery (according
to the church) and hidden
for some reason which does indicate a truth. The current day priests
want you to believe they are victims of society but the real story
is very simple; the Age of Pisces (church) has ended and it's their
time to hit the road and they're not doing that (yet).
They will have to move their carcass out of
the way because the Man of Water is returning.
Every age brings new philosophies (religions)
because the old ones are exposed for their weaknesses and fallacies.
Of course, by the time they manage to reduce everyone's vibration to
the Iron Age, they've totally destroyed themselves anyway.
Translations applied to your world
We also have to be careful about our own
translations. Since it's known that history repeats itself, perhaps
we should relate the parables in the Bible to what is happening in
our own world.
For example, maybe the 'tyre' that was
supposed to be destroyed is really the 'tire' on your vehicle (and
you were saved).
It's all possible!
Greek translation
The Septuagint LXX was the first known
translation of the Bible into Koine Greek in 280 BCE by authority of
the Sanhedrin (elders). This included the New Testament which was
the teachings of Jesus Christ. This translation/compilation was the
only accurate inspired translation of the Bible.
The Old Testament was also written in Greek
which was the standard language spoken by the Jews before 600 BCE
when they started speaking Hebrew. Long after they were in
captivity, for hundreds of years they were still speaking Greek and
they were scattered all over the world (Persia, Syria, Egypt,
Turkey, Asia Minor).
But all scripture is divided into two Testaments. That which preceded the advent and passion of Christ—that is, the law and the prophets—is called the Old; but those things which were written after His resurrection are named the New Testament.
The Jews make use of the Old, we of the New: but
yet they are not discordant, for the New is the
fulfilling of the Old, and in both there is the same
testator, even Christ, who, having suffered death for
us, made us heirs of His everlasting kingdom, the
people of the Jews being deprived and disinherited. As
the prophet Jeremiah testifies when he speaks such
things: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I
will make a new testament to the house of Israel and
the house of Judah, not according to the testament
which I made to their fathers, in the day that I took
them by the hand to bring them out of the land of
Egypt; for they continued not in my testament, and I
disregarded them, saith the Lord." ... For that which He said above, that He would make a new testament to the house of Judah, shows that the old testament which was given by Moses was not perfect; but that which was to be given by Christ would be complete. (Lactantius,
Institutiones Divinae)
Organized Religion
The current day religions built around Jesus
Christ are very different than his actual beliefs. Jesus wanted everyone to
be able to acquire the hidden (occult) knowledge in order to get
themselves to the 'higher room' without having someone 'official'
standing in their way.
Christianity grew from the teachings of Jesus
to a full fledged theology through the process of the canonization
of religious laws over hundreds of years.
Many people have begun to discover they have been
studying a religion about Jesus, rather than the
religion of Jesus. (Michael Beckworth)
The Bible was written in a way that would be
confusing to us because it was used by organized religions to divide
and conquer. You have to wonder how unbiased and accurate the
translation by a king really is.
On the other hand, Jesus himself did want
parts of the book to be confusing so that the initiates following
his path had to study and come to an understanding what the parables
really mean and that those too ignorant won't be held accountable
for things they know nothing about.
The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to
you. But to those on the outside everything is said in
parables so that, ‘they may be ever seeing but never
perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise, they might turn and be forgiven! (Mark
Occulted knowledge is hidden
There are many hidden secrets that must be
hidden because no one ascends without discovering this truth. Christ
also felt it should not be given away but that you must seek it out
otherwise you're just a tourist.
Many secret societies, however, go to the
opposite extreme and do keep things hidden for the wrong reason,
Happy will they be who lend ear to the words of the Dead.
Who read good works and obey them. (DaVinci)
Bible stories are not just allegorical, but
they are metaphysical (world), symbolic, metaphorical and
allegorical; at a base level they involve nature (elements/natural
forces) and temperament.
metaphysical = natural higher view, cosmology, etc.
allegorical = hidden meaning - esoteric metaphorical =
figurative/not literal (as dark sky can mean sadness in poetry)
symbolic = what it means to you temperament = mental, physical,
and emotional traits (Satan is anger).
Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate
of the house of the Lord and I saw women sitting there,
mourning the god Tammuz.
Ezekial 8:14
