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The word Gnostic means 'to know' in Greek. It is knowledge based on personal experience or perception.

Gnostics believed in dualism and that the Earth was divided into two realms, the physical and the spiritual. The created material world is evil and the spiritual realm was good.

Many treat Gnosticism like they treat so-called 'pagan' beliefs (as something dark and undesirable) without realizing that paganism was the foundation for all religions. In the same way, Gnosticism was a form of an early type of Christianity (they did believe in Jesus Christ), however, they did not follow the Roman church, and therefore were labeled as 'heretic.'

One belief that Christians cite as a problem was that Gnostics believed in 'secret knowledge' and the idea that some on Earth are carnal (inferior) and the other group spiritual (superior). The point many miss is that is still the main tenet behind Christian religions (whether the worshippers know that or not). That is why Jesus Christ talked in parables, so only the serious students (Gnostics) can ascend beyond reincarnation.

There were many lamps in the upper room where we were gathered together. (Acts 20:8)

Every Pope on Earth knows this fact! That's why everything remains so hidden.

Additionally, listen to any tarot reader on Earth and they will quickly describe what a karmic being is doing (versus what an enlightened being is involved in).

Different flavors

The Gnostic religion was the true religion and they called themselves many things; Mandaeans, Essenes, Ebionites and Therapeutae, among others.

There were also different sects of Gnostics including the Valentinian, Valesians, Basilidians, Thomasines, Bardesanites and Sethians, to name a few. Each had their own secular beliefs and trusted in spiritual knowledge above the authority of religious institutions.

The concepts for Gnosticism came from Judaic, Egyptian, Hellenistic and Persian traditions.

These ancient priesthoods were eradicated all over the world; except amazingly, we have all the books! Zoroaster and Buddha just to start. 

Gnosticism was stamped out completely and its remnants are so badly mangled that special study is needed to get any insight at all into its inner meaning. (Carl Jung)

Gnostic Christianity



The Gnostic's passionate adoration of Sophia was known as philosophia
“the love of Sophia“
a mystical communication with divine feminine wisdom,
having little to do with the strictly intellectual,
most often masculine, pursuit currently labeled philosophy

Zeena Schreck


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