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Zoroastrianism was the source of early Christian Gnosticism which was preached for 200 years before Christ. It's the same teachings and esoteric wisdom. They also knew about Christ returning.

The root of their knowledge goes back to Adam, Elijah, Abraham, Sarah. and others. All the names that are also known in Christianity.

It's estimated that Jesus Christ was actually born about 47 BCE.

Without the Mandaean Book of John and the ancient scripture called the Ginza Rabba (Book of Adam), we wouldn't have any idea who John the Baptist or Jesus Christ were.



Apollos was a Jewish-Christian from Alexandria in the 1st century who was mentioned several times in the New Testament. He played an important role in the development of churches in Ephesus and Corinth approximately 52 AD.

He was described as a Christian preacher from the school of Tyrannus who spoke in Ephesus about Jesus Christ and John the Baptist's baptism rite. Priscilla and Aquila, who had come to Ephesus with Apostle Paul, instructed him, specifically about the Christian baptism since Apollos only knew about the baptism of John.

John only knew about repentance and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, who was to come after him, however, he did not know about the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul came to the Ephesians and convinced them to take the Christian baptism.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. (Apostle Paul, Corinthians 1)

All churches at that time were waiting for the revelation of the great messiah, including John the Baptist. The many groups in existence worldwide were called 'The Way.'

The title 'Christian' was not in existence until Antioch, which was the foundation for the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches.

Egyptian history

The Christ religion, the Osiris (Apis) Christ, believed that the holder of that priesthood was John and not some Egyptian deity. Osiris was worshipped around the world as a Christ a century before Jesus was born.

For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. (Luke  7:28)

John the paradox

We have to ask ourselves, why are we so in the dark about what John was doing. Fortunately, we still have the scriptures of John the Baptist in the Mandaean Book of John.

It begins with the divine child and the Creator deity whose dwelling is in the water. This is the story about the Jordan River and John the Baptist and what he was actually doing out there, and how important he really was.

Because we don't study these ancient scriptures, we don't see the illusions the same way we don't see the illusions in the Bible.

Now many have begun to realize that so many ancient religions are based on the same story. When Zecharia Sitchin arrived on the scene, many started realizing that the Bible sounded a lot like the Sumerian tablets, Zoroastrianism, Egyptian writings and Buddhism.

Divine child

But to get to the source, we have to go to the Divine Manda d-Hayyi which is the knowledge of life, or the living gnosis. It was a child of 3 years and 1 day, or 1,096 days that came to John and was asked to be baptized in the Jordan River.

Mandaeans believed that Jesus Christ was a false prophet and John was their prophet and teacher.

When you read the ancient text, you realize that this baptism is symbolic of going into the Galaxy, into the Creation, into the depth of existence, into the migration of the soul through many incarnations, and learning through the great descent and coming out of the water in the ascent to get your crown and to become a divine being.

There was John standing in the presence of this young deity in the Jordan River, and the waters come together in such great force that John could hardly stand up and the child looked at the waves and they stopped. Then John realized that the river where the water had been dried up and he was with the Eternal Son of deity.

The child wanted to follow the Jordan River to its ultimate source, the sea.


The concept of trinity existed in many ancient religions from Babylon, Assyrian traditions, Indus Valley traditions and Egyptian traditions and is the idea of blending male and female. Every religion that talked about trinity believed in a father creator and a sacred feminine who worked together planting seed from which a male child is born.

The father represents the mind; and the spirit (or emotions) represent the sacred feminine (Holy Spirit). The male child is the behavior, the active masculine principle and action. He interacts with the physical world to change it.

The mystery of the Trinity is revealed by the Holy Spirit (in us) and not by some church. So John, noticing that the child was a deity asked him to baptize John (place your hand of truth upon me and your great authority of healing).

But Manda d-Hayyi informed him that his baptism signals the death of all that is terrestrial and that if he placed his hand upon him, John would separate from his body.

John accepts that he would die as long as he might understand the great fruit of life and the water in which the living fire of life burns. The divine child gives him his raiment, his own flesh so the two might become one.

Manda d-Hayyi clothed John in sable in the various stages of his ascent to heaven. John had already ascended (when he found Jesus) and the Bible notes that right after he baptized Jesus, he's beheaded and disappears.


Who is Manda d-Hayyi the savior? Many historians believe he is the avatar of the ancient Babylonian deity Marduk who delivered the world from chaos.

Today's Christians ignorantly insist that the Mandaean scriptures are pagan not realizing that they are very clearly Christian in context and dealt with all the same beings in the Bible such as Adam and Eve, the Savior, John; all the things that we know in modern Christianity.

The source of Christianity is the Mandaean text and the Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian text as well as the history written in the stars (astrology), which every nation on the earth knew about.

In the name of the great nukraiia alien life from the countless worlds of Light which is above all deed. This is the mystery and the First Book of the First Living Doctrine which was from afore time. (Theogony)

Christianity was considered pagan and gnostic, although it has been the religion of the world since the beginning of time and all the esoteric knowledge is the same whatever the age.

Coptic church

After the conquest of Egypt by the Greeks in 332 BCE, followed by the construction of the Greek city of Alexandria, Heliopolis lost much of its importance as a school.

The Jews in Alexandria, which became the new seat of knowledge, became more familiar with Greek literature, and in return, they gave the Greeks some perspective on the Hebrew Bible.

The Greeks of Alexandria embraced many of the Egyptian ideas about religion, and some even entered the Egyptians temples as priests.

We now possess the original papyrus, in the Greek language, relating to the complaints of a Greek who lived as a monk in the Temple of Serapis (Osiris), near Memphis, in the reign of Ptolemy Philometor. He was suffering from jealousy from the Egyptian monks confined to the same building where he lived in a small cell as a recluse (which was a name given to the Egyptian monks and translated from Greek).

Everything is upside down

Several locations in the Bible may actually have been in Egypt. Heliopolis was Jerusalem. Bethel was also more than likely located in Egypt.

Elijah (Elias), who was from Jerusalem (Heliopolis), moved the school of the prophets and formed a new community in Syria at Mount Carmel where one of his students was Eleusis, which also means Jesus. We call him Isa. This was the home of the Eleusinian Mysteries which were considered the most secret of the religious rites of ancient Egypt.

It was all one universal religion that was all encompassing; Eleusinian Mysteries, the Temple of Artemis, there are connections and the mysteries were carried to Alexandria.

More saviors

Ptolemy, who was a Macedonian Greek general and successor of Alexander the Great, took the title Soter (Savior) because he was annointed at the Temple of Heliopolis (Jerusalem).

Another connotation for Savior is 'Son of Deity' because the Egyptian pharaohs were sons of Ra Pharaoh and sons of Atum (Adam). These are all different forms of Dias, Zeus, Theos and David is from the Hebrew word that means Theos (or Divine).

Therefore, the son of David is just the same as the son of Zeus or the son of Theos, son of Pharoah, son of Deity, etc. It was a title that was inferred and conferred to the High Priest which is the Melchizedek (Malki Tzedek) King of Righteousness (or my King is Righteousness). Also known as King of Peace or King of Salem.

This is the Pharaonic line but it spread into all the nations. Ptolemy was officiating at the Temple at Heliopolis and so were the Caesars and this is why Jesus, officiating in the Temple at Heliopolis, was the son of Aeneas (Oeneas) or John of the Zadokite priesthood that was passed down to Julius Caesar and his son Caesarion.

It was Jesus who appointed Simon Bar-Jonah when he called him Pope (Peter).

Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 16:17)


Cepheus was the father of Andromeda in the kingdom to be 'Aethiopia,' where Jason (Jesus) went to rescue Andromeda. This is all the same story but we're not conscious because all the history of the real temple at Heliopolis (Jerusalem) has been eradicated. All knowledge about Pliny and Josephus, Philo and Judeans who were exiled to the land of Heliopolis, and of the Zadokite priesthood that went there to officiate (Jason and Oeneus) has all been removed from our view.

Greeks and Egyptians intermarried and their children, who were declared to be Egyptians, carried many Greek opinions into the Egyptian religion. The Theban temples freed themselves from the intrusions of gods from Lower Egypt, and returned to their old worship of Amun-Ra

Combining gods

But old religions are not easily re-established and very soon one god, Serapis (Osiris and Apis/Abyss), began receiving from his worshippers yet more of the attributes which previously came from a myriad of gods.

Unlike Osiris, the husband of Isis, and judge of the dead, Serapis had no human nature. The chief temple in Alexandria, largest in the world, was called the Serapium and dedicated to his worship where the prayers and sacrifices of many were directed to only one God, 'The Great God, the Sun, Serapis, and the other gods of the temple,' those without names and of lower rank, took away very little from his oneness.

Assisted by the doctrine of Plurality in Unity, which is the belief that many gods could be at the same time only one god, monotheism.

What are all these deities?

It's not about the uniting of two deities, Apis the Bull has nothing to do with the Abyss. Ea (Yahweh/Enki) killed his father, Apsu, and took over the Abyss. Then Jesus was thrown into the Abyss and ended up conquering the deity of Abyss and got the keys to Hades.

In the Bible we have Seraph (serpent) and Serapis which has nothing to do with serpent, but with Osiris of the Abyss (who has nothing to do with Apis the Bull). If we're getting all of these things confused maybe some of them weren't deities, but locations instead.

Every year we find Platonism becoming more mystical, or less Greek, more Egyptian. Traces of this are also seen in the Septuagint, and in the Apocryphal Book of Jesus, the son of Sirach, and in the Book of Wisdom, all written in Egypt.

Alterations and translations

Look past the narrative and to the facts. Why were the Judeans building a temple in Egypt? The Talmudic Masorete scribes altered everything. We don't have any original Hebrew and so they neglected their duty as faithful transcribers. They added largely to the age of each patriarch at the time of his son's birth, thus making the world older by an Egyptian cycle, of four times 365 years. This lessened the number of years during which the children of Jacob dwelt in Egypt by 175 years.

This is consistent through the translation of the Chronicles and in the Book of Zechariah as well. The result was the Talmudic scribes changed much of the Egyptian etymology to Jewish. As the Jews, in their Greek translation of the Bible, introduced what they called 'improvements' into the Chronology, so they were not willing to fall behind in spiritualism and mysticism.

In the New Testament, the Apostles quote the Septuagint, not the Masorete scribes which proves the correct version is the Egyptian.

The Alexandrian Jews liked the idea of defending the Egyptian system of polytheism. We read in Hebrew, 'Jehovah is our God, Jehovah alone' but the Greek translated it to 'The Lord our God is one Lord.'

The Greek translators removed some words from their Bible that said God appeared on earth in human form to Moses and his companions, changing Exodus xxiv to say they only saw the spot he was standing on.

The Trinity didn't come from some pagan idea, it came from Judean worship at the Temple of Heliopolis and at Alexandria where they moved their service. This is the same Trinity described by Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, who was the first Christian writer to use that term.

Pistis Sophia

This is also the Trinity of Pistis Sophia, a Coptic text of a later age which described the hymns which deity Wisdom sang at the Creation, and which the deity the Word conveyed to mankind.

It was the Trinity of the Almighty and helped to prepare the Alexandrians for the Arian and Athanasian Trinities of the 3rd and 4th century.

Philo, a Jew from Alexandria had an Egyptian fondness for the mystical properties of numbers and for finding allegories and secondary meanings in everything he encountered. He was the first Jewish writer that understood the mystical notion of the Egyptians that everything perfect has three parts.

Learn how to see. Realize how everything connects to everything else. (Leonardo DaVinci)

Philo's writings explain how Platonism became so tied to Judaism, and also showed points of agreement between Platonists and Platonic Christians and how that is tied to the Wisdom of Solomon where everything perfect has three parts.

Idolatrous flattery

The Egyptians gave every one of their kings the title of God, which can be considered idolatrous flattery. They were followed by the Greeks of Alexandria and the Ptolemies and their queens were all styled gods. The Saviour-gods were followed by Brother-gods, Beneficient-gods, Illustrious-gods, and others.

This custom was followed by some of the Greek kings of Syria and continued in part under the Roman emperors.

The title obviously did not have the reverant connotation that it has with us and was used very loosely and had lost so much meaning.

When the Alexandrian theologian penned the Nicene Creed, and wished to declare the true deity of Jesus, it was not enough to just call him God (because the name had been so defiled), but to add emphasis by saying he was 'God from God' or 'Very God from very God.'

All one

We're all just human beings and we've been duped. We're lost and all need to be found. You are the child of the living deity. All the religions of the world are one. This is the great deception. The little nation of Israel is not the kingdom where millions of people and all their nations lived. All these people dwelling in a little country the same size as New Hampshire is just not true.

All our religions were given to us by our prophet and its time to wake up and realize that the last 2,000 years of history has been hidden. Jesus was the magician! He loves us all and wants us all to succeed.

And so this web we weave.

Thank you David Vose for bringing the truth back.




After this I looked,
and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language,
standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

Revelation 7:9


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