Black magician
running the world |
- More numbers.- Watch: Berkeley is now a TOTAL ghost town.
- Mortally wounded themselves.

Woven |
- Chain link. - Which side of the fence are
they on?
Sheitel wig From Botticelli |
- Supposedly a sign of modesty but the wigs
are more beautiful than their own hair? Does this make sense
or is it just another hidden mask. - From 4000 BCE to Today: The Fascinating History of Men and Makeup.
- And vice versa, works both ways and it's not always a bald
'man' with the wig. - So if you make it part of your
'religion' it becames very easy (and justifiable) to deceive

DOGe From Botticelli |
- Boomerang.

King 611 / 911 From Botticelli |

Handshake of sorts From Botticelli |
- In bed together. - Selling America out. - Letting
their fingers do the walking on our keyboard. - Get along
little DOGe. - Watch: I Pet Goat 2 SOLVED!! Super Bowl 59 STARTS EVERYTHING!!! Part 2.

Foot in mouth |
- Diss-ease.

Once upon a time |

Don't tread |

Rocky road |
- Watch: Babylon & Mammon | The Not-So Hidden God of the Modern World.

Fireman |
- Watch: Are You Prepared for the Rise of the False Prophets? - 2008

cauninsured240906 |
- Saved on 9/6/2024. - Pale horse riding now.
- Back in the news again.

Energy Flo |
- Watch: Ophiuchus & Imhotep Symbolism in Ancient Egypt with Ike Rodriguez.

Joe Rogan Hair Transplant: His Hair Surgery and Scar Story |
- Watch:
We have a Few Days to Prepare - This will be the Biggest Event in world History - 2001
- Don't let them bamboozle you, it's all lies.
- Watch: PRESIDENT J.Carter DIES.
- Watch: Star Link connected to Neuro Link - can you Guess what for? - 2000.
- Watch: Narcissist Demonic Permanent Possession Complete Process of How It Works.
- Watch: Aliens Intervention Before Inauguration - They're Demons and we're powerless to Stop it - 1989.

Bigfoot |
- Leonardo - born on 4/14/1452 and died on
5/2/1519 = 247 + 563 = 710 (OIL) and he is really Lionardo,
ODR an OIL annointing oil.

Trojan horse on
wheels The guy he murdered
as his CHIEF COP |
- Man with Son how amazing. - Thompson
twin. - Universal law requires the demons that run this
earth to announce what they are doing to us, so here it is.
- They're counting on no one noticing.

Trojan horse on
wheels |
- The Hebrew 'Bible' is ALL FAKE AND MADE UP
and so is the Hebrew language mostly invented AFTER 1900.
- Watch: Investigating The Mormons $100 Billion Fraud.

Elephant giant |

Masonic ceremonies
Conjuring up Nixon,
or is it Wallace -
1972 |

Bill Hicks 911 twin towers |

Definitely a psychopath |

Head of the Beast |
- Watch: Hercules Killed ALL the Giants With Arrows This is an Arrow Thru the Sphinx Head and Out the Nose

Sociopath or psychopath |
- 1 out of every 10 people are considered
sociopaths, that's 30 million Americans, they have zero
empathy. - A psychopath is someone who premeditates and is
willing to violently harm another.

911 to 116 (611) |
- Hand on the guitar.

Blues Warning, the opposite of 9/11 is 6/11
Trump and Elvis in their space suits |
Wheat on the Shaft |
- Out with the old.

King |
- Watch: Misogyny: origins of men's hatred of women.
- Watch: The REAL Reason GOD is TRAPPING Souls on Earth | BANNED by the Church | On the Origin of the World.
- keeping in mind, this 'GOD' they refer to in the video is
YHWH, the demonic Demiurge.
- #1 On The Diddy List - Dicaprio
- Watch: We were all Awaiting the Big Deception - was More Deceptive than Thought - We Asked fot it - 1959

Stormy crow |
- Riding the pale horse.

Washedup-ton on fire |
- All the Hebrew, a dead language that some
doubt even existed, manuscripts that we have are from AD
(after Christ) and it's all made up by a group of fake
- Christians believe that Jesus came to fulfill the Mosaic Law, not to abolish it:
Fulfill, not keep
Jesus said he came to "fulfill" the law, which means to complete it, not to keep it.
- Watch: Number 1 Reason You Are Being Targeted By The Galactic Cabal.
- Unfortunately for Geo Washedupton (the
biggest creep of all), he built his 'capital' in the rear-end of Quetzalcoatl right where everything oozes out. The swamp, not the brightest bunch that's for sure and it's all sandy there too so it will all float away.
Mr. Mudfossil has it all right on google maps (dumb turds too
stupid to hide it).
- If you are a modern 'scientist' you're blind and can't see past the 3D realm. Talk about flat earthers.
- Watch: Two Biggest Reasons You Are Being Targeted By The Cabal.
- You can see all them each other and they're mainly
wimpy whiney undesirable males. - All they do is f...k,
that's the only thing they do and they all have s--t on their
- Watch: The Reason Rome fought Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar - 1945.

Planted |
- Let's see what the british tools are up to
now. - Watch: Ireland isn't normal.

Trump's wall |
- We live in a Republic (not a democracy which
is MOB RULE, two wolf deciding to eat one sheep). That is not
how this country was designed to run (but apparently is now).
- BTW, conservatism (right) is
high-vibrational and anarchists (the left) are
low-vibrational. You can see this on any frequency chart.
- Microsoft FAKE news only
likes low-vibing leftists commenting on their site and if you
disagree, they delete all your comments and ban you.
- Many Americans could tell you that George Washington was tall and that he had false teeth. Why?
- Yeah really, doesn't sound like much of a
'hunk' were his teeth hardwood or pine? And all those wires!
Those britches got to go too.
- Easy solution, stop shipping everything in
from China, problem just GOES away with their 60% pay hike
(and no ships arriving at their dock).
- Why would you hire this creep to represent
you? Unless you're pretty creepy yourself. - Documents show lavish spending on pay and benefits for officials at dockworkers union.
- DeSanta might not have a state to 'govern'
much longer. Has anyone wondered why the creeps who 'run
everything' seem so high and dry?

Washington boots on
the grounnd |

georgy porgy too
busy hanging onto
his dickie |

georgy porgy |
- The same goons who designed the one way PO
parking lot here also works for the traffic light department.

Clowns |
- Watch: Thousands may be Gone - It's Only the Beginning - 1938.
- Watch:
Elites Just Told Us How They'll SILENCE US! - kerry wants to
hammer us out of existance CREEP, why are we paying for his ass?
- The low wit doesn't even know we don't live in a 'democracy'
we live in a Republic. - Just laugh at them, look at their
facial expressions how totally DESPERATE they are. All their
'estates' are sliding into hell and there's NOTHING they can do
about it.
- BIG FAT NOTHING. All their stolen 'wealth' won't
help a damn thing.

King George |
- Wearing Henry's crown.
- All the 'rich' creeps
who stole ALL their 'wealth' from us have to unload their beachfront
property before it slides into you know where.
- And George's Potomic
tidal wave sandy basin in the butthole (literally) in fact, DC, was
built smack dab in Quetzalcoatl's anus.
- FEMA ran out of
money, they gave all the money for tragedies like North Carolina to
the illegals so they're doing NOTHING. - Except they're blocking
ALL others who want to help from delivering supplies.
Watch: How is GEORGE WASHINGTON Related to Queen Elizabeth II? | His Royal Family Tree- Mortal Faces.
- Notice, they only marry wealthy widows and return home for
inheritances, that's all.
- Watch:
- Leonardo is pointing out in the Last Supper that the 'powers
that be' are practicing a different religion than they are teaching
us (and that they have all the ancient knowledge and we don't).

Candy apple (Your child) |
King Queen at their LAST SUPPER |
Elephant |

Angry ogre wing |
- Just so you know, MH-370 was a sacrifice by the 'powers
that be' because they want you to be angry and sad (like them) and
reincarnate so they can run you over with their truck one more time.
Of course, they are planning on reincarnating again as your 'loving'
family members and friends because they're the ones in 'power' who
run everything. - Unfortunately for them, the real MH-370 is
still living and didn't succumb to their black magic death spell!
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub. (Shakespeare,
- Put your foot down. - Notice what is happening now in
the airline industry (at every level) their karma is coming back to
them, not us. MH-370 is now pooping on them. - Flight documents show MH370 was ‘buried in an ocean trench by pilot’, says Boeing expert.
- Be careful who you hire, stay away from evil witch doctors.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. (1 John 4:1-2)

Elephant child |
- Para-'dine.'
Woe to the land that's govern'd by a child! (Shakespeare)
- Watch:
The Sign of Jonna is Here - 1789
- Do you really
think the inept clowns who can't even keep their airplanes in the
air (among other things) are really capable of performing
Revelations against you?

Search |

sea-king |

goldman |

Sub |
- Mask coming off. - Hook. - Watch: The Rapture is a Hoax Being Set Up by Antichrist - 1790
- Extra strength for breaking bad. - Ritz crackers
falling out of cabinets.
- The disastrous redesign of Pakistan’s rivers.
- Watch: 15 Signs YOU Are a CHOSEN ONE | Find Out What You REALLY Are...
- Watch: Jesus' RETURN and the APOCALYPSE is NOW | Are YOU Ready?
Who will transform our lowly body that it may be
conformed to His glorious body, according to the
working by which He is able even to subdue all things
to Himself. (Philippians 3:21)
- Watch:
Palace’s Latest Kate Video HEAVILY Questioned|The TRUTH will SHOCK You|William Questioned About…
- Things appearing around the 'edges.'
- Prince Edward set to emerge as Royal family’s leading man.
This one already slithering through dreams won't last long, he's
been revealed.
Actually it's more like a clown jerking around
on marionette strings, just like clown Henry at Macayo's.
Wimpy dumb boys, or whatever they are. BTW, Anne of Cleves
couldn't find anything.

Baby unveiled |

Flushed out |
- Out with the old. - Gold-plated frauds. - The
neckbone is now connected to the mouthbone. - Apparently not
mincing words.
- What is going on with shipping now? They
seem to be having the same problems as the airlines.
- Now
the frauds will try calling you anti-christ because you don't
believe in their crap (aka highway robbery).

Veiled |

Leaving |
- Black heart.
Haply, for I am black,
And have not those soft parts of conversation That chambers have, or for I am declin'd
Into the vale of years (yet that's not much),
She's gone. I am abus'd, and my relief
Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage! (Shakespeare,
- In need of things that work for US, not against us
(because the current 'powers that be' don't trust they will be able
to stay in 'power' unless they spy on us and control us). - Plus
the fact that they usurped the throne.
- Watch: Babylon is the World ruled over by Jerusalem - April 8th will be Shocking - Prepare - 1796.

Cargo ship clown |
- That cargo ship hit the bridge in Baltimore like
many tons of brics. - One if by land, two if by sea.
Rollercoaster ride.
- Gloves on.
- We didn't look at
the light from Mount Horeb but we took the blindness from Mount
Sinai (the lower covenant; Ten Commandments, vengeance, death, hell
and the golden calf from Molech to sacrifice our children to the
Wall Street BULL owned and run by you know who, the 'chosen' who
were really chosen for BETRAYAL not to run ANYTHING). We're all
blind now, the entire world is blind, deaf and lame. We're all
living under the 'law' now because apparently we love 'law and
order' and vengeance, we want hate, not mercy, we can't see the
light. - And the true story is that Christ removed the
mercy and grace from Israel and gave it to the Gentiles, YOU, so why
are you still sitting in their broken down boat and believing their
lies (about how they think they were chosen to OWN you).

William and Charles on their rollercoaster ride |

Cleansing |

EU sinking boat |

Leonardo (With a dog paw) Black monkey paw |
Watch: Pentagon Contractors CONFIRM Kate Video AI GENERATED
Check out at 14:49 where she explains how AI extends fingers.
- THE STING!!!! Bringing demons to justice and they're so
stupid they're FINALLY figuring it out!!
- JK Rowling dares police to arrest her as Scotland’s new hate crime laws come into force.
- Watch:
The Sociopaths Smear Campaign Top 7 Lies They Spread About You. - Warning
signs, anyone who talks so inhumanly about others is a red flag
right from the start which should make you stop and give THEM a
second look because more than likely they are telling you about
their OWN sins and lying about the person they are blaming. - If
they use the police and court systems to create lies and go against
others, that is an extreme warning sign how sick they are.

A Rare Roman Mummy Was Discovered Wearing a Holographic Ring |
- Watch:
Updates on the April 8th Event - Must see Series - 1800.
- Unraveling the code in the Last Supper. - Funeral
home misspelled his name when they reported his death to Social
Security system - mark of stolen body parts. - Figuring it all
- BTW, Leonardo DaVinci's full 3-digit lifecode number
is 438 (4/12/2024) aka
Devil's comet or eye of the storm.
Sum of simple gematria
digits in birthdate. Sum of simple gematria digits in birthname.
Sum of simple gematria digits in vowels in birthname.
= 1314 = Leonardo Pi (3.14(100) + 1000). Phi - or representation of the Golden ratio (Fibonacci sequence)
which Leonardo was very fond of.
Pi can be found in the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any perfect circle. The Golden Ratio or Phi can be found in the ratio of the arm of a five pointed star to the side of the pentagon at its center.

- Except this is NOT the story the LIARS told the family
of this dear victim. - Stoned to death. - They told us we
couldn't donate his body parts, what a crock of you know what. -
The funeral home was very 'skittish' (to say the least) about us
getting ANYWHERE NEAR his body, they hovered over him and at first
REFUSED to even let us see his body (covered) on a gurney and
finally relented and let us see him for about 1 minute (and let me
touch his folded hands). - It's so heartbreaking. - A few
months after his death, the social security death record showed up
on Legacy (well obama removed all that you can no longer find death
records on Legacy) and that is when the realization hit that they
filed him with the WRONG last name, creeps. - obama also ordered
that social security records now assigned randomly instead of each
state having their own range of unique numbers (sneaky as F right?)
CREEP. His handlers thought they were SO sneaky screwing all of us.
Now you can't tell where anyone's SSN comes from (especially barry's
FAKE one).
- This is the SHIT your F'D up federal government
works on, deceiving all of us.

sandy |

fighting boxhug |

His nose seems to be key |
- Who are these two infant children? Please let me know.
- Leonardo named everything. - Because if these are real
children, they would be about age 20 now. - Sandy hook. - BTW,
younger son's best friend was TASERED to death at age 18 by city
cops in 2007 for NOT MUCH, certainly not enough to get MURDERED for
(he didn't have a police record).

His Boxer dog Vito (1998-2011) |
- Watch: April 8th - Part 2 - the End - 1801
- Did you know that the ghouls you elected to Congress worked on
exactly THREE things for over 100 years? 1. Raising your taxes
(to pay for their fake wars and mansions). 2. Fluffing up their
own mattresses. 3. Approving more and more 'laws' to REMOVE your
rights and your freedom.
That's it folks.
This is what
your lovely government has done to the USA (watch out East coasters,
your turn next), no whining when the western states TAKE BACK the
land that barry was STEALING from them (again) because they DO
whine. -
Federal lands
- Map:
Obama established more national monuments than any other president.
It's all FREE! (for barry anyway) while the homeless wander
around homeless everywhere and barry lives like a fat cat. Oh, and
the poor millenials can't find a home for less than $1,000,000 now.
And now they are buying out the private homes across the
country so they can charge you EVEN MORE and make sure you NEVER own
one, but are forced to live in their broken down hell holes.
- “Felt Betrayed”: Reasons Why Christianity Is Experiencing a Mass Exodus
More lies, they want to make you think it's all YOUR fault that
their church is all broken down. 1. Fatima is a big FAT LIE
because the Age of Aquarius is ENDING THEIR DEMONIC 'CHURCH' REIGN
but they want to make you think their screwed up leader is the last
one because it's your fault, it's not.
Their time's up!
Fatima was a lie they've known for over 100 years that the last
SECRET was that the Age of Aquarius arrived and removed them from
the blueprint TOTALLY.
OUT with the old age Pisces (church)
IN wth the new age Aquarius (justice)
JC will witness it all!
- google says that won't rank your site UNLESS you link to their
SLEAZY asses, going down. What a bunch of total BS.
Plus, any
site that does rank high in their crappy search index has to
literally pay them MILLIONS of dollars to get there. That's why only
insurance companies, fake news, and big pharma makes it to the top
of their searches.
- Your crappy broken down government wants
to make sure you don't leave (or go anywhere) by plane, train,
bridge, or whatever else is cruising around in the world.

Mona iris flowers |

Mona iris head (chop) |
- Head chop (ego). - Sword of truth. - Remove the head
that controls you.

Mona clothed in gold |

In hand |
- Let go. - Watch: If your Hand or Foot causes you to sin cut it off | WHAT JESUS MEANT.
- Leonardo was left-handed. - Bind up your sins.

Mona cornpuff |
- You don't want to possess things that are not of the
kingdom of God.
What males don't want you to know about the
subject; that it was MALE doctors trying to drum up MORE money in
their pockets that created the whole abortion scheme.
that, women went to their midwives and controlled UNWANTED pregnancy
with natural herbs UNTIL some male figured out he could make MONEY
cutting it out (and blaming the women for sin).
Plus, whose
bright idea was it to abort millions/billions of Chinese/Indian baby
girls this past 50 years??? Would females make a decision to
do that to themselves or was it the usual male (the ones who want to
run you over with their truck)?
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
(Matthew 19:29)
- Women get blamed for all the 'unwanted' pregnancies
but they can only produce approximately one baby every nine months,
and meanwhile, men can pump out millions of them every single day if
they're really busy.
Watch: Maybe J.K. Rowling Was Right: Analysis of Crime Data Sheds Light on Gender and Offending
- Francis, kicked out of the 'official' boneyard because he's
not official, he's fake. The official boneyard closed down and was
full by the end of 2012.
Flushed |
- First cut of the day. - Mona. - Falling into the
pit they dug for us.
Meek |
- Sitting on the right side.
Jack |
Karma |
- Boxed devil. - "Even if I’m kidnapped by aliens tomorrow..."
- Something caught in his throat. - I candy.
Neck choke |
- Cheep cheep cheep....
- Watch: Did we Come From and Are we made of Light as Jesus Claimed
- Mudfossils

Higgs unseen realm |

Mona ghosted by an energy vampire who hangs on |
- Mona on Broadway at 40th. - The great IL-LU shun.
- Mel Lu (but not so peaceful). - Mona in re-verse (rewriting).
- Wrecking crew watching over everything. - No more musky
mummies. - Whale of a tale watching the salty water. -
Signed by Leonardo DaVinci. - Who
invented just about everything including eye candy. - And thumb's
up too.

Titanic iceberg

Titanic iceberg |
- Does this look like an iceberg to you?

Titanic iceberg |

Titanic iceberg |
- Watch:
Demons lash out
The Veil is Thinning, People's Demon's & True Colors are Coming to Light
- Candy Cain.
- The Pope is the last one because the Age of
Pisces ended (church) and the Age of Aquarius (justice) and Jesus
Christ's church is underway now. The Pope should have left the job
in 2012 when his time was up. Notice what a martyr he makes himself
out to be.
- This is the third secret of Fatima that the
Vatican didn't bother telling anyone, because they've known about it
for 2,100 years.
- Yes, and we are certainly not living in
the Golden Ages, but the Iron Ages, so you should be happy the Pope
is leaving because apparently he didn't do a very good job this past
2,100 years.
- Watch:
Are you where you should be in this World -1815.
- Tesla is rolling over
in his grave, and so are McDonnell and Douglas.
- Burning
down the fraudulent Tudor house. - Why would you want to live in a
house that looks like a cage? - Tudor Bird House.

Tudor tower

Titanic Henry |
- Watch: David Vose - Banks signal collapse - Russia and USA Talking defkon - Tribulation - False Prophets Arise 1817
Except they will probably all crash their planes and tip their
boats over before anything like this happens.
Paul on the
road to Damascus.
- Who would pay for PD if they didn't have
us to extract money from for victimless crimes? - Answer = No
- Here's the lawyer's answer it's pitifully hilarious,
Traffic violations are victimless crimes. But such violations exist because they serve to dissuade drivers from driving recklessly and subjecting innocent drivers to an increased threat of harm. A similar analysis is often provided for white-collar crimes like embezzlement. No one really gets hurt and the only “victim” is usually a large corporation and therefore is not at all like stealing someone’s purse. But stealing is still wrong, and it does create negative results, as the corporation may have to raise prices.
What a bunch of, do you see what the lawyers did?
turned embezzlement into a non-crime (and never even considered the
poor businessman who belonged to the money, what if that was the
money he needed to feed his family).
And speeding, they admit
is a victimless crime BUT it's OK for them to dissuade you???
Like if you're on a high speed freeway (where they're all
perched with their paws out ready to grab your wallet) and everyone
around you is speeding, and especially is there is really NO one
around you, that gives them even more reason to pull you over
Now if you're in the city and driving rudely,
that's a different matter (but only if there's other cars on the
Just imagine how much money these thieves could make
on the Autobaun.
- Another Boeing Plane Narrowly Avoids Disaster After Landing Gear Failure.
boing boing boing.
- Neuralink chip malfunctions in first in-human brain implant.
- Elon Musk's Tesla gigafactory stormed by dozens of masked protesters.

A Shark Drew A Self Portrait On A Map

Scientists raise concerns about phenomenon observed in non-native ant species across the globe |
- Watch:
Establishing a Better Version of Yourself | Eckhart Tolle

Winged seer watching |
- Fall off the ladder on your ass, again----splat! -
Perched on your narrow wall. - Boiled, poached and scrambled!
- Usurping fake king trying to steal everything, cursed.

Shining in the dark |
- Winged victory. - Go girls!

Scientists raise concerns |

about what Leonardo already knew |
- Watch: The End Times, SATAN, and God | The TRUTH You Need to Know
----MorgueOfficial talks about how the 'god' of the Old Testament IS
Satan and this was revealed by St. John the Baptist after a personal
visit to Jesus as the story told in Revelations. - Flavius
'Morgueofficial' Josephus.
- Beware of
Redcoats wearing flair.
- Watch: Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
- Donald Trumps Boeing 757 Involved In Ground Collision In West Palm Beach.
- Send all their evil curses back to them 10,000 fold and we
will all see the results!!
The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became like the
blood of a corpse, and every living thing died that was in the sea. (Revelation 16:3)
Watch: 50% Of People Will Not Ascend Into 4th Frequency (How To Ascend) - RJ Spina.

200 Million Horsemen of the Apocalypse |
- William in his Hel I cop tare. - Burning more

Pinky |
- Nice dress.
- Life is about signs, symbols and
- Watch: The ARCHON'S SECRET Plan for CONTROLLING Humanity (It's Happening NOW).
- The name 'god' was made up by the Norse, comes from Odin,
doesn't mean the same thing as 'Source' or 'Most High.' So,
when you worship that name, you are bowing to the demiurge, not the
highest source and you give this creep all your power. If you want
to know why our current world is so .... up.
- BTW, you
should NEVER take an oath (unless you want to condemn yourself) and
that includes their .... up, pledge allegiance to their flag.
- Stop, Before You Close This Tab (or Any Others) …
- Keeping tabs on you, only now the shoe is moving to
their foot.


Atom smashed and this is seen! This particle
'split' was depicted in ancient artwork.
They knew more than us. |
- Watch: Roger Spurr and his Mudfossil University Darkness and Light Searching for the Soul and What it is Made of According to Thoth and Others

Rock bottom |
- Watch: Babylon is In a PANIC!! WHY is the VAAAATIC@N Releasing "GUIDELINES" on Dealing with Supernatural?

Black hole and its natural 666 |
- Watch: Something HORRIBLE Happened At CERN That Scientists Can't Explain. - Terrance Howard
- Bible stories are not just allegorical, but they are
metaphysical (world), symbolic, metaphorical and allegorical; at a
base level they involve nature (elements/natural forces) and
metaphysical = natural higher view, cosmology, metaverse, etc.
allegorical = hidden meaning - esoteric metaphorical =
figurative/not literal (as dark sky can mean sadness in poetry)
symbolic = what it means to you temperament = mental, physical,
and emotional traits (Satan is anger).
- Christ's flesh and
blood: flesh = words (knowing). blood = holy spirit
(spiritual nourishment).
Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother's eye. A Tree Known by Its Fruit. “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. (Luke 6:41-46) |
- Princess Kate, Prince William and King Charles ‘should have royal titles removed’ - Republic.
- Get the hook.
- Not a joiner, EVER, why would you want to
hook up with low level, low vibing creeps? - They try to impress
you with their billion dollar salaries and if that's not enough
they'll just print more.
- We are all sinners on Earth
and the Pope is too.
- Watch: Seraphim: A Biblically-Inspired Constructed Language.
- Now you know the 'condition' of all the Bible translations we've
been reading for centuries, total crap.

Ancient city of Jerusalem |

Ancient city of Babylon |
- Are Jerusalem and the ancient city of
Babylon the same place? - Four corners. - On a slant,
bent. - We already know that Caanan was in the same spot on
the map as Israel.
- Is King (Tsar) Nebuchadnezzar II buried in the Bent Pyramid? (tneb
= bent). - Bush hanging chad.
Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. (Revelations 11.8) |

Cherubim Ark of the Covenant
blueprints |
- Bent.
- Ark of the Covenant next to the pillar on the bridge.
- River blindness. - Causing the innocent babies to go blind so
they won't know what's going on, a veil. - What kind of god would
do this? Not the Most High. - Archons.
- And who is
Beelzebub exactly? Baal = lab. - Bezzle, waste plunder.
It's not a spiritual parasite, fast, shed those pounds. - Do you
realize how many chemicals it took for them to add all those pounds
to you? Number one, makes you hungry all the time and the more you
eat, the hungrier you get.
- Watch:
You are about to UNLOCK 🔓 a SUPER NATURAL ABILITY after surviving an EGO DEATH 👁️🧬⚡️ Soul Tribe OTW!
- Leonardo apparently never finished anything because he was not

Their crappy tower falling down now |
- Watch: You're an Empress at war. Use your discernment. There are forces waiting to take your throne.
- Humpty Dumpty is falling on his head again and his 'team' is
starting to hide themselves and won't ever be able to show
themselves to you in the full light of day because their reptiles
are starting to hang out in full view.
- And on top of that,
they're really crappy at Photoshop (like everything else they do,
full on shit). What's even more hilarious, they're now getting
caught by their own claws (British press refusing to publish their
photoshopped made up crap).
- BTW, the British citizens have
paid them billions and trillions to do this shit to them (and notice
they still suck at everything).
- Watch Mudfossil: Wales the Land of the Dragon ...Finally a Triassic Discovery.
- Apparently the 'princes' wales just 'discovered' was not a dragon,
just a tiny dinosaur (parasite) that would fit on any dragon's nose.
- The Unraveling of a Royal Fairytale
- The Princess and The Bad Photoshop.
- Woe to the land that's govern'd by a child! (Shakespeare).
- 31 hacks the Royal Family use to always look flawless. 1)
- The 'big-wigs' pay your measly salary and social
security check from the money they stole from you, while they
produce nothing and live like kings. Why do you think so many of
them are falling on their butts now (after they made you fall on
yours for so many years)?
- Boeing 737 Max Jet Grounded After 'Dutch Roll'.
- Watch: SUPERHUMANS Are Awakening!!! “They’re Amongst Us, THE CHOSEN ONES” DAVID ICKE -
Everyone's been scoffing at him for him for years and now they are
finally waking up.
Watch: The Vatican Can't Ηide This Anymore: Uncovered Vatican Document Reveals The Most Horrifying Secrets.
- Now that we know that DC was built in Quetzalcoatl's anus (aka
the swamp), Mudfossil knows about all that.
- “This is everything going the wrong way at once,”
Bill Nye said. - For him anyway.
- Watch: What God Told Me About Kate Middleton - Prophetic Word.

Boeing 787 & Plane Designed Sport Sneakers |
- Lost in space now.

Bigbird |
- Or is it Dino?

The 'beast' coming out of the Earth that the
patriarch's (all 10 of them) absolutely hate! |
- Watch: The Mark of the Beast is NOT What You Think… | Billy Crone
(Janie DuVall).
- Yeast cells turned into penicillin factories. - They've got
you taking all this penicillin and growing it in your body (network
control). - The 'lump' being your body (the temple is within you,
not anywhere else). - Not only that, penicillin isn't working the
way it used to, it's effectiveness is gone, they've oversaturated
everything with it (especially chicken and meat products).
You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough. (Galatians 5:7-9) |
- If you are wondering why YHWH told everyone it was OK to
eat meat after the Bible originally told you not to. - He spiked
- Chickens tripled in size since the 1950s (because of
penicillin). What do you think that does to you when you eat it?
- End times signs? Actually the Abraham Accords are a HUGE one
(breaking the covenant) and you can thank Trump, but they are
certainly not a good thing.
- Hey dummy, she wasn't the
daughter of a 'bank president' but a 'bank branch president' (has a
nice office in the corner) so the joke's on you.
- They did
more than hide 'god's' wife Asherah, they stomped on her head and
ground her into the dirt is more like it, and then chased her around
for thousands of years lying about her and smearing her name and
holding a gun to her head and blaming her for all their own
stupidity and hate and sins. - All while they were raping her at
the same time. - And Henry was chopping off their heads so he
could marry the next 'lucky' girl before the end of the day.

Meow! |
- Watch: The Food That Is More HARMFUL Than Sugar (Don’t Eat This!) | Dr. Cate Shanahan.
- Watch: The Most Important Tool in Human History & Why No One Knows About It (ft. misogyny)
- Isn't this a wheel?
- BTW, it's called a 'devil's tool'
because when you get where you want to go you'll have white robes
and won't need to make clothing. - However, all tools on Earth
are the same way, you have to hammer and beat and melt the metal to
work it.

Energy Flo |
- Yellow BRICS road.
- Boeing 787 Hits Severe Turbulence, Passenger Rescued From Overhead Bin.
- Boing boing boing...
- Go Leonardo! turning the juice back on and
exposing all the turds. - Leonardo's aerial screw. - Boing boing boing...
- Bizarre Things Are Starting Τo Happen.. And Most People Do Not Realize It.
- Watch: Removing old energies from your electromagnetic field.
- Why would anyone in their correct mind ever vote for a
creep named Delirium Tremens who
is working to take YOUR country down with noahide law. - Watch: Major Event to occur July 23rd - Tribulation will Begin - 1866.
- While the date may not be correct, guaranteed, the information
about the asshole planning on taking your country down is 100%
correct (including the FACT that he already F'd with the Most High's
COVENANT on Earth).
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
(1 John 4)
WATCH: Jan. 6 committee says Trump broke the ‘sacred and centuries-old covenant’ in his attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
- Oh, but he already accomplished that right before YOUR eyes
with his Abraham Accords.
- Watch: EXCHANGE of Destiny Is Real and This Is what To Do (Be careful).
- Watch:
Something Very Strange Happens When Terrence Howard Explains This On The Joe Rogan Podcast.

Palm sunny |
- Scientists Win Physics Nobel Prize For Proving Einstein
Wrong. - And meanwhile, Neil is still flapping
his mouth and apparently hasn't read about this since it only
happened way back in 2022.
- Scientists sitting on their
butts for over 100 years worshipping their false god.
- Why?
Apparently they murder the young geniuses at age 23, they don't want
any of you figuring out their TOTAL crap.
Except they're SO STUPID they haven't figured out that the Most High
was watching all their crap fall down (especially out of the sky).
- What did the creepers (who spend all YOUR
money) do with Tesla's works???
- creepers =
fallen angels (getting ready to fall off their ladders only this
time they will be much higher than 12').
- Newsfeed - These are some of the coolest things found trapped in ice.
- Can't wait to hear the sound of their butts smacking the
cement when their asses hit the ground AGAIN! It won't be one
of their their 'orgies' this time!!!
Woo hoo!
Leonardo invented PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ.
GOD told Jeremiah, “Up on your feet! Go to the potter’s house. When you get there, I’ll tell you what I have to say.” So I went to the potter’s house, and sure enough, the potter was there, working away at his wheel. Whenever the pot the potter was working on turned out badly, as sometimes happens when you are working with clay, the potter would simply start over and use the same clay to make another pot. Then GOD’s Message came to me: “Can’t I do just as this potter does, people of Israel?” GOD’s Decree! “Watch this potter. In the same way that this potter works his clay, I work on you, people of Israel. At any moment I may decide to pull up a people or a country by the roots and get rid of them. But if they repent of their wicked lives, I will think twice and start over with them. At another time I might decide to plant a people or country, but if they don’t cooperate and won’t listen to me, I will think again and give up on the plans I had for them.
(Jeremiah 18:1-10 )
- Being Open Vessels for God to do Everything
in us and Through us for the Body of Christ.

Stoneage Neils |
- Thank you Leonardo, just at the right moment (NOW)!
Leonardo names everything too. - Rock on a hill. - What a long
nose he has.
- Every day is a new day!
- United Airlines Boeing jet loses wheel seconds after takeoff — again.

Ant house |
- James Bond-ish.
- Watch: Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women, We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women.
- No, it's more than that, you're treating them like S... admit
it (starting with their hourly wage which sets them up for poverty
in old age and notice who doesn't seem to give a ....).
- Watch: The Dragons Are Here | All Must Choose Financial Crash or Ascension.
- Please never stop holding the door open for women.
- Watch: Passenger Jet's Tire Bursts Into Flames Just Before Takeoff in Tampa.
- Watch the rubber.
- Watch: No One Is Safe Now - Desperate Times Are Coming.
- Between a rock and a hard place and BRICS.
- Falling on
their asses with their laughable 'force' bunch of clowns. - Hey,
they just spent TRILLIONS of your tax money on this force.
BeeBee's in But.....
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
(Matthew 11:15)

Earful |

Flushing |

Goodbye |
- Watch: Priming the Public - argusfest.

King of kings |

Lantern and seed |
- And all kinds of beautiful seeds. - In service.

Dock on a bay |
- The last secret of Fatima that was never truthfully revealed to us is that the age of the church is over (Pisces) and we're now entering a new age (Aquarius) which is the age of balance and justice.
- The only church that will survive is the church of JC because he's coming back to its founding.
- Benedict was the last true Pope and he left when he was supposed to.
- BTW, church does not mean a physical building, it originally
meant 'together' and JC was all about home centered family
togetherness, teaching and learning. - This was supposed to be
Mary Magdalene's job until it was stolen from her and we see how
that went.
- Swimmingly bad.
- We will of course have
a revival of all the great spiritual centers in the world. - Now
you can clearly see the real reason the 'leaders' told you not to
pay attention to astrology, it's the key to their master lie. -
But you know how narcissists are, they lie and lie until everything
is exposed and then in a FLASH they are revealed as liars and
- Watch: FedEx Trucks Will Be Spying On You For the Police.
Patch on bullet
riddled ear |
. - Or is it bullet ridden? - Slim pickens for sure. - Major "King" Kong
of the space patrol apparently.
- Ground control to Major
- Mersey beat.
- Perhaps you cops should figure out what's
REALLY going on and resurrect your name.
And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.
(Revelation 13:3)
- Meteor Exploded Over N.Y.C. at 38,000 MPH: 'Rare Daylight Fireball'
- What goes up, must come down.
- The Bible said the
beast was wounded, never said the clown died or was
raised from the dead, but what it did say that a dangerous wound in
its head healed.
- Oh, and apparently VERY fast, how shallow
is it? - It already has gold coins with its head on it, mark of
the fake Messiah. - And it already broke God's covenant when it
signed the Abraham Accords.
- 38,000 MPH could have done a
lot of damage to Atlantis too.
- Congress will move quickly
to get answers on assassination
attempt. - Yes, they will be calling for your guns now and hiring
more security guards to save their asses.
Hammer |
- Fires set by firefighters a long-standing problem, experts say.
- Job security and a future in politics.
- Watch: Was Yaldabaoth the True God or The False God or A God at All and what was Written by Whom and When.
Crystalline |
- Are you feeling 'buzzy' lately well this is probably the
reason this is what all the mystic Eastern monks knew.
- Watch: What Really Happens To People That Spiritually Awaken.
Locked and loaded |
- Apparently.
Black star |
- Saturn's name in Tamil. - Black star =
roof + fish or mey/may + meen. -
Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary.
Saturn rides a turtle, a 'fish' with a 'roof'.
Watch: Why are Embalmers Observations being Ignored? -
White fibrous clots and sandy blood, some pieces as large as coffee
- A shaft which extends from the front axle of a wagon between wheelhorses and by which the wagon is drawn : TONGUE
- Tongue numbers: Air Force Handbook (AFH) 33-337 - The Tongue and Quill This handbook is a valuable communication resource.
- Lousy public speaker.
- "Lyin'" (humorous, used in jokes about lions) Parvati riding a lion with her son Ganesha.
Kamala Devi.
- Neil Young man.
- All these
- Leo says they're all weasel words. - Signed
the tempest.
- Lyin Ted Cruz = lion with a cross.
Watch: How witches use the Full Moon to attack you.
- Watch: The True Teachings of Jesus Have the Potential to Destroy Christianity as we Know it! w/ Keith Giles
- In other words, why would you ever need to vote again if
there is only one clown on the stage?
- How can anything be a
'clear mockery' of the Last Supper when the Last Supper was painted
as clear mockery of the idiots running everything. - Except for
JC of course, but he was just a fool on his hero's journey.
In case you missed it... - Watch: Ron Paul: The Full Interview on Ukraine, Runaway Inflation, Running for President, and End the Fed.
- Ron knows all about the F BOYS who run our country and how
they lie and use their F BOY media and dumb Americans fall for it
every time.
Sawed off from the
world |
Full cup |
Swamp platform |
- Redwood.
Wastewater Reclamation |
- Deadwood.
By the front door |
- It's a new day!
Ophiuchus |
- Passing through all four quadrants in balance. - All
these astrologers want to write Ophiuchus out of their zodiac but
he's been here since the Egyptians and we see what the liars did
with him. - Totally removed him and he spends
more time in
Scorpio (18 days) than Scorpio. - Really, it's just a joke on
them. - They all want to say that he came out of some children's
book in 1970. - So, obviously, they don't really know anything
about astrology if they didn't bother to go back to Egypt.
Not earth, wind, fire or air; but ether.
Excuse her language because her message although blunt, is very
important so thank her...
- Watch waking up: The '4th Change' Is Upon Us: The Plan to Steal the Human Soul.
- Except their airplanes are doing flips in the sky now, it's
just hilarious!!!! Just laugh at their asses because they can't
raise their vibrations but YOU can sure raise yours and leave these
assholes in the 3D dust, STUCK.
- Laugh out loud!
Ophiuchus |
- You see what they did to MJ, why in the hell would you
ever let them touch you?
- Why would you want a 'transhuman'
rigged and screwed together, totally broken body when you already
have eternal life ahead of you in a winged light body finally
released from their greasy meat suit?
- Watch: Hi Pristess Empress culling the crowd. Hierophant cut off from Mother and Her wisdom with the Divine.
- Wow, she is really smacking them around.
- Got To Get Better In A Little While.

By the front door this morning |
- Fully birthed.
- Notice when they are finally willing
to allow a woman to run for president, when everything's totally
broken down. - Check them all at the door.
- Real estate market broken for everyone except the ultra-rich.
- And who broke it exactly? Real estate agents and their cronies at
the appraisers office!!
- Like my dear mother told me 30
years ago, when she married in 1949 houses cost about $5-7K. Most
couples had the money saved to pay for the whole thing and if they
didn't, their parents would help out and anything more took about
5-7 years to pay off. "NOT like you kids, who pay HALF your income
for your entire life."
- So what the hell is going on
anyway?? - We need to get to the bottom of this BS.
- And
the real estate buyer on the video who was bragging about how rich
he was through all four generations (boomers to now) it was so great
to buy, forget about all the families who lost their homes in
barry's landslide though and young people can't afford a home now,
because WE AGENTS are all rich!!!
- Greedy fool's gold.
- One more thing, grew up in a period when houses didn't really
rise in value, a home appraised at $7000 cost $7200 two decades
later. The home was a great investment because it provided
protection and didn't lose value, but it wasn't a cash cow milked
dry either.
- Oh, and the money sucking 'bankers' created the
30-year (now 40-year) installment loan right as the Boomers hit the
housing market, how wise of them to screw their children over.
- And how many of you lost out on a home purchase because the
real estate agent thought it was a good deal and wanted to add it to
their house harem (so you can rent from them instead). Either that
or jack the price up AGAIN and flip it.
- Watch: John McAfee's Final Interviews- "You are in the Matrix"
We're seeing nightmare scenarios': Real estate deals in America are getting canceled at the last minute...
- Americans tired of overpaying, and so they won't. Too bad they
don't want to buy or rent anything from robbers.
- Clear,
cancel and release from ALL their crap.
- Half of Trump Voters and Many Democrats Don't Believe FBI on Matthew Crooks.
- And if the crooks themself (including media) are willing to
admit HALF you know it's a complete lie because it's way more DIRE
than that. What's the real percent? 99.9
- Trump says he has 'no choice' but to support electric vehicles because Elon Musk 'endorsed me very strongly'
- So now the liar will try and push EV down your throat just
like he did the vaccine (which his ass bragged about).
- Google illegally maintains monopoly over internet search, judge rules.
- Poor smuckheads and thieves.
- First Tech Federal Credit
Union stop HARASSING. Who the hell did you make loans to?
- You Can’t Afford A House Because Wall Street is Buying Up Your Neighborhood.
- Why is the younger gen so concerned about what will happen
with housing when Boomers all finally die off? - Apparently they
haven't figured out there's MORE Millennials than Boomers who taught
all the Millennials this lie? It's just pure ignorance of your own
- The average age of the 118th Congress is 58 years old, dropping three years from the previous Congress. Overall, members of Congress seem to be getting younger.
- That is not what the liars in the media are claiming, they are
WHINING again about how Boomers are hogging everything and that the
poor younger gens can't get elected into Congress. - Well that's
just a TOTAL lie seeing as the youngest Boomer is now age 59 and the
average age in Congress is 58.
- Plus as far as senior
statesmen positions in Congress, we are still dealing with the
Silent Generation Pelosi's who have been sitting in those positions,
NOT Boomers.
- Biden is not a Boomer and it's debateable
whether Trump is even one, like all Boomer presidents so far he is
so far into the previous generation cusp he's not even a Boomer.
He's 78 and the oldest Boomer is 77? Is he a Boomer, not to me. Same
with Bush, and then there's Barry, a true Boomer, the illegal (who
the Millennials moved into office).
- Gen X has been voting
for 41 years. - Millennials (the largest generation) have been
voting for 25 years. - Stop blaming Boomers for everything.
- Look at the global map and try claiming that the Americas came
out of the European continent; you can see the footprint of North
Africa in North America's East coast, and the footprint of Southern
Africa in South America. - It's so obvious how perfectly they fit
together. - Plus they admit finding Africa in Iceland so how do
they plan on pushing the lie that the Americas somehow came out of
- More like Europe merged with Greenland, that's it,
and Greenland has a huge hole (sea) in the middle of it and is
shaped like an O.
- Even worse than they treat us like we're
stupid, but that we're somehow stupid enough to believe all their
huge GAPING lies.

Fantasy |

Over |
- How does one become a 'billionaire' building public
housing. - His 'Dad Got Rich Off An Affordable Housing Crisis Like The One We’re In Now.'
- Father Fred built a billion-dollar property empire.
- In January 1966, New York state investigators caught up with real estate developer Fred Trump. At a televised hearing of the State Investigations Commission, they asked him about the $21,000 he billed the state to lease a $3,600 dump truck and the $8,280 tile scrapers that actually cost $500 apiece for some of the many developments he built with financial support from the city, state and federal governments.
- Watch: Yale Univ Asks if these Bizarre Creatures are from a Failed Evolutionary Experiment...Answer....Yes.
- Watch: Ron Paul - Final Floor Speech to Congress: - In case you
missed Ron pursuing the cause of liberty.

Moon landing |
- Lord of the flies. - They want you to lower your standards
so they can take from you and suck your energy dry.
- Donald Trump is using Jeffrey Epstein’s old jet to fly to campaign events.
- I’m a Real Estate Agent: Buy Property in These 10 Cities To Be Rich in 10 Years.
- WEE, he wants to come into your community and screw you over and
he'll be RICH RICH RICH on your back!!!

New day! |
- Re-Do(n) do do already burned down and all its screwed up
double doors. - Hiding behind door 1 an ugly bald man with a
blonde wig and his demented crazed arrogant demonic extremely whiny
wimpy GF (who thinks it's a king). - You know the one,
the supposed 'intelligence' but really just a demonic crazed stalker
who fell into this place (and landed hard apparently but now saggy
and bent boo hoo).
- And not a pill in the world will help
their pathetic thing.
- And the big (shrunken fake food) mac
can go take a turd too. - Oh and take all the barren's with them
when their butt is kicked out their doubleWIDE double door.
BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it's getting cold there.

Turban man |

Wrapped in a hosed
up paisley flag |
- You have to take a closer look at door 2 to see him
wrapped up. Looks just like 'his' self with his trouser leg hanging
below. - And with that long thing hanging, oh my. - Is it a
bird or a plane or a snake?
- Wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.
- Saxo(n)phones blowing, louder than a trumpet, poor stuffy
- Eugenie and Beatrice need REAL jobs instead of more
hats (and our wallets).
- Except Anne, she is the only one
with spunk and grace.
- British Summer Time (BST) oh my.
- Plus, the bidet isn't any better, it's flushing now.
Real Ladies (not laddies) stand up, they're trying to pull their
'race card' over you again. They think you're stupid and don't know
that Real Ladies come in ALL colors.
- Japeth DID go north,
acknowledge it.
- GUI. - Microsoft gives AI a place on the Windows keyboard.
- Massive Whale Washes Onto Beach Near LA, Dies.
- Amazon
doesn't have to pay taxes they own your fluked up government, who do
you think pays for all their fallen 'watchers' in their
unintelligence 'agencies' to watch over you. - And they all take
home million dollar salaries and are such important big-shots, NOT.
- They all must pass their SUPER CREEP test to even get a job
interview there and know how stalk and plant bombs and carry out
false flags. - Oh, and run you over in their fluked up MACHO
- What ever happened to noise ordinances anyway, the
way these creeps rev their creeped out engines to let you know their
fluked up creepy behinds are destroying your neighborhood and their
family, oh and that their MACHO behinds are MAD, AGAIN so they must
throw even more tantrums as they exit their poopy party.....
- Oh you mean all the RICH RICH RICH real estate moguls aren't
really rich? Hopefully they all get to sit in the moldy worthless
property they don't want you to have!!!!!!
- And when they
come racing up the road to run you over (while they're working on
jacking up the price again) just laugh at their sick behinds!
- BTW millennials, not sure why you think there is such as
excess of boomer houses sitting around because there's MORE of you
than there ever were of boomers. And your generation is still
growing (illegals) and will be 90MILLION strong.
- Plus with
so many boomers already gone, and only half ever owned real estate,
plus so many already downsized, there's NOT a lot of their 'excess'
homes sitting around like you all seem to think.
- Population distribution in the United States in 2023, by generation.
- So it appears that boomers are about 25% of the entire adult
population and all the millennials are all WHINING about it. In
fact, they're been whining about it their entire lives because the
archons LIED to them about it and forgot to tell them that their
generation is the largest.
- Gen Z is still busy being born
so we can't add their total yet.
- Too much!
- Poor
billy 'boy' will have to pay for his own butt now.
- Oh, the
real estate industry is going swimmingly well for all the greedy
'moguls' who WILL lose everything in all the moldy over-priced shit
they greedily 'bought up' in order to steal from everyone decent in
the world.
- And NO ONE is going to buy it from their asses,
hopefully they ENJOY!!!!! All their 'condos' are floating now.
- Plus all their high priced trucks and cadillacs are all broken
down, they won't be able to run anyone over EVER AGAIN.
- Harley-Davidson failed at 'Business 101' as
'elitist jerks' rule boardrooms, says former Levi's exec.
- All falling down on their greedy asses now!
- Business
101 - 'elitist jerks' run the world. -
We'll see about that.

Tattered |

Steppe-don |
- SpaceX rocket explodes just days before delayed private spacewalk mission....
- All aboard?
- Matching Dinosaur Footprints Found 3,700 Miles Apart Reveal Earth's Past.
- Understanding Cash Sweep Accounts. - When banks use your
money in your accounts to bundle with others money and then use to
generate higher interest that they keep for themselves.
- Too
much. Kind of the same thing corporations do with your company-held
IRAs, scrape the interest off the top (for themselves, theft) while
your account goes sideways (never seems to increase much).
- The Alleged Kickback Schemes That Inflated Costs for Homebuyers.
- Sounds like the 'billionaires' are all losing their paychecks

Batagay Megaslump - Siberia 2017 |

Bata-guy - Siberia 2017 |
- Another geographic occurence next to Megaslump.

Total bunk! |
- Such a bunch of lies, just to start, NO ONE knows what day
Christ was born on. The Bible never gives any kind of date,
especially 'Feast of Tabernacles' such a lie. - So looks like
someone has totally flipped everything around to tell their lie,
very evil.
- Watch: Messianic Jews - Sacred Names groups are Wrong - Consider This.
I said, ‘You are “gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.’
(Psalm 82:6)
Watch: Ex-Google CEO's BANNED Interview LEAKED: "You Have No Idea What's Coming".
Watch: PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone.
- Whether you like Vance or not, what the media has done to him
is criminal.

Rock climber |
- Mr. Mudfossil - Roger Spurr.
- E. Shit and google
flying around on BOING BOING BOING. - Lamdimg soon.
ASCII dump, that's a hard C.
- veni, vidi, vici.

On duty |
- Watch the liars calling in their own ghouls who didn't save
anyone because they're the deep state SWAB UP TEAM.
- Watch
them LIE: Emergency tech used during Georgia school shooting also used in Chicago area schools.
- Don't you feel SAFE with all these clowns watching over every
- And doesn't it seem 'handy' that the children
were named Christian and Mason? How stupid do they think we are?
- They all need to be SHUT DOWN and why do you send your
children into their HELL HOLES?
- Mr. principal or whatever
the hell his name is has his handy dandy buttons and fancy apps to
call up his creepy ghouls who SAVE NO ONE. And then the creep has
the nerve to put the four students desks outside to ADVERTISE it.
- He (or whatever it is) has to make sure all YOUR children are
traumatized extra good when they walk by the desks every day.
- And we will also get to the bottom of exactly what gender they
are after they move all their holes around, and we'll kick over
their tables too.

On duty demons |
- How do you know when your community is waking up? Look up in
the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a CHEMTRAIL AHOLE falling
out of the air. - BOING BOING BOING.
- Not the brightest
bunch. They call themselves 'pilots' (Pontius) what a hoot and then
they get you on their AIRplanes and you go nowhere.
- It's
just a hoot.
- Watch: Paul Wallis: When Yahweh Was Replaced by a Human King.
- Despite beyond mortally stupid Yahweh, 2/3s
of the word worship's his worthless ..... And then wonder why
everything is beyond broken.

Coming to the
surface |
- Aug. 27: Popular US hiking spot allegedly contaminated with radioactive waste comparable to Chernobyl — but gov denies any issue.
- Acid Canyon — located in the heart of Los Alamos, where the
world’s first atomic bombs were developed — has “extreme
concentrations” of plutonium in its plants, soil and water.
- Semi-truck carrying Los Alamos National Lab demolition debris overturns north of Santa Fe.
- Sept 5: ‘We don’t want it here!’ Michigan crowd blasts atom bomb waste plan.
- Well they seem to think they can just move their S--T around and
no one will notice.
- Sept 7: Former director of Los Alamos National Laboratory dead after car crash in New Mexico.
- More than likely he hit a dump truck. - Their green blob is
following them around.
- Watch: Cosmic Intelligence - v2 -
Douglas Gabriel - Mr. Star Wars.
- Jesus 'died' on 4/3/33 or
32 because that's harmonic resonance 432 and he also broke the sound
- Watch: Tire Fire Push! - MSN. - Watch the rbber
- Why are all these creeps in LA so anxious to show us
how they're all shaking around.

Apple meet cherry |
- Watch: How would a Parasite take over the world - What Does AI Say?
- Emergency room 'doctor' says "we don't do worms" too bad schmuck,
you need take all this highly addictive crap to numb your brain
- Charlie IIi is so greedy he has to steal
savings by charging taxes on them. - THIEF, he has to pay for
all his illegals. - Which means anyone who doesn't deplete all
their savings, the creep will steal them instead.
- Watch: EXCLUSIVE Spiritual BOMBSHELL! Matt Kahn REVEALS the TRUE SOURCE of His MYSTICAL Teachings!
- 8 California firefighters rushed to hospital after fire truck flips on freeway.
- Oh my! Watch out for BOING BOING BOING.
- Probably on their
way to check another 'smoke detector.'
- California fire agency employee arrested on suspicion of starting 5 blazes.
- Watch: Signs of Freemasonry Curses or Covenants in Your Life & Dreams.
- The LOSERS 'running' everything are in pure panic now and
puking all over themselves, they need to get one last 'rise' out of
you because they are PURE DESPERATE now. - Australians sent into panic by 8.2-magnitude earthquake and tsunami warning – before realising it’s a test.
- Stop snickering because the creeps 'running' everything lied
about what they don't want you to know and realize this guy was
running circles around all their asses in most regards (not all
because Jesus does exist). - Watch: Jordan Maxwell: "The Bible Didn't SHOCK Me Until I Learned This..
- The ghouls and liars who run the churches all hang out with
Francis on Kitt Peak and then lie to you about astrology and turn
into something evil and it's not, they are.
- End of daylight savings in USA is 238. - Except in places
like ASU. - Wigs off.
And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.
(Daniel 7:25)
- Patient sues Kim Kardashian-endorsed MRI company for allegedly missing ‘obvious’ stroke signs.

Demonic Enki in his
'space' suit Take
the time to really
see him with his
helmet on. He's
an egotistical pig. |
- Watch: The Bible is NOT about GOD! Are They Still Controlling US?
Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis.
-You don't need to watch much
in order to figure out what kind of non-spiritual creeps
are running everything. And they've got a lot of dumb humans working
for them fighting their wars because they're really just stupid
whiney wimps. - 'Francis' types.
- And their re-written
demonic language they pass off as 'holy.'
- It must really
suck knowing their time (Age of Pisces) to frolic here is over and
you wonder why they're all croaking now. Stay far away from anyone
wearing their 'medals' and then they can't meddle with you.
All their Bible 'translations' are trash including the King James,
Jerusalem, Geneva, etc. All of them turned the Elohim (plural) into
the demonic monotheistic creep they all call god.

Space Force |
- How come so many of the creeps/fags/fatboys (whatever they
are) who supposedly are in 'power' have names like Lord, Christ,
Christos?? Oh, and they call themselves Prince, Pope and King.
- And really all they have is their boot on your neck,
that's their so-called worthless 'power' and the fact that they
print LOTs of paper. Really all they are is a bunch of wimpy whiney
- They need YOU to fight their fake battles so they
can kill you and steal everything. Plus, then it's up to you to pay
for all the veterans they mamed because their worthless asses aren't
about to (all while they're spending BILLIONS of our tax monies on
their army tanks and space forces to spy on us.
The Fort Lee lane closure scandal, better known as Bridgegate, was a political scandal in the U.S. state of New Jersey in 2013 and 2014. It involved a staff member and political appointees of then-governor Chris Christie colluding to create traffic jams in Fort Lee, New Jersey by closing lanes at the main toll plaza
for the upper level of the George Washington Bridge.
- Wouldn't you know, the fatboys would close George's
suicide bridge. Like we can't figure out what the creeps are up to.
- Of course, it had to happen on 996 so they could get their
fake power to work? But really, someone ended up looking even more
like a worthless fat ass than anything else, because it
Union Boss Willing To ‘Cripple’ America Made More Than $900,000 Last Year.
- His name is Daggett (Dagger) and he get's paid almost a million a
year to move his worthless mouth. - GET RID OF THEIR JOBS, BUY
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
(Matthew 26:52)
Live by the sword, die by the sword fat boys (and fake
- Have ANY of our worthless presidents EVER married a
real woman? You won't find anythng about it now on google since they
DELETED all the search results (except their lies of course).
- The answer is just about NONE.
- Smuckenberger is
trying to pretty boy himself now, he (whatever it is) thinks
sunglasses will work.
- We have to kick over their tables one
by one and then never hire any of them again. Their only 'skill' is
grand robbery anyway.
- The Post Office 'cops/ghouls' are out
today, you can't go out the same way you came in because it's for
your 'safety' even though the street is rarely busy. Just laugh at
- Does this guy really look capable of running anything?
- He's kind of wrapped up in himself.
- Freemasonry: The Cult of Lucifer.
- And most of them are too stupid to figure it out since they all
think they're so brilliant.
- The average longshoreman makes
$150K a year. How many of you make that much, in fact, how many with
2 income families even make that much?

George's traveling
bed - looks pretty
deep! |
- Who created all this mess??? Henry and George, the WOO WOO boys
because all they know how to run is their crotch (and they need your
- They even build monuments to their crotches (with
your money of course) like the Washedup-ton Monument. - And they
will send over their 'mayflower' boy when you wouldn't go to their
prom. - And take a snip of your hair so they can perform more
VOODOO. - George Washington slept here? Probably, most of his
'spare' time.

PO Administrator
directing traffic |
- Oh and those grouchy 'administrators' over at the Post
Office who won't let you exit the same direction you came in (even
though there is a double wide entrance to the lot). - So they
make you drive half a mile out of your way driving to the 'back'
exit which happens to be on Elm Street, across their crappy
pot-holed parking lot and then you end up half a mile away from
where you want to be hoping your axle is still intact.
And all the citizens who want to enter on Elm are forced to drive
half a mile around the block to use the 'front' entrance which
probably justifies them calling it a 'busy' street. - By the time
they are done screwing everything up, the quiet Elm Street has all
the front customers dumped there, and they themselves are forced to
go to the busy street to enter?
- Does this make any
sense? So now the 'busy' street (which isn't really busy at all) is
filled with all the Elm Street customers who were forced over there.
- And by the time these crappy 'administrators' (ENERGY VAMPIRES)
are done, they've stolen your time, your money (putting more gas in
your car and wear and tear from their crappy parking lot), and
they've also frustrated you and stole your peaceful emotional state.
- Plus, then they need to raise your taxes because Elm Street is
now worn out too.
- They all need to be fired, they're so
damn busy 'managing' the entrance they forgot to maintain the
parking lot but apparently their salaries were paid instead.
- And really, it's all because the knuckleheads painted the
stripes wrong. - Oh, and they told me it was for my 'safety'
doesn't it make you puke?
- It's their screwed up LOOP, who
needs it.
- BTW, there was no one else in the front parking
lot, and no cars on the street, but there were two 'administrators'
who just happened to be walking across the entrance. How does that
- Then they had the main street blocked off by
construction agents for a month but all the citizens seem to know
you are not allowed to enter the Elm Street exit but they told me
they wouldn't tell on me.
- Hey there's nothing wrong
with liking Lucifer, but he is the bottom of the wheel (the dark
side) in John the Baptist. - But you need to add Jesus Christ,
the top of the wheel, the light, you can't just kick him out,
because they are both half of the whole One so you can't pick and

Paper Administrator
rejecting his paper |
- FHeads at 'work' again stealing from you. -
Which dollar bills will be rejected in stores starting in October 2024?
- You will have to contact the Bureau of Engraving and Printing directly. It will require filing a mutilated currency claim. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing provides a step-by-step guide to redeeming mutilated currency.
- How about we just FIRE ALL THEIR ASSES?
- And every
bill in your wallet will eventually end up in their heap because
every single one of them will wear out.
- The Megalopolis That Francis Ford Coppola Wanted to Make.
- Sit down Francis.
- Henry and George never figured out
it was a gift, not a toy. Their loss. - And whether they know
that or not, or ever figure it out. Who gives a ....
Everything flipped around.
And you know something is happening here But ya' don't know what it is. Bob Dylan
