Legend of the Political or Religious
Hero |
Zorro arrives
or was it the Grim Reaper? |
- Everything you see and hear now is all propaganda and lies.
- Meanwhile the
powers that rule everything are definitively working hard on taking our souls, our minds
and our hearts. - Creating a mental prison that we will not be
able to escape from. - We must not allow them to take our
minds and souls or our children's minds and souls. - It's
time to wake up and realize that they are liars and they are
evil and the people that we think are going to make America
great again won't, because they're not capable of that. - Rinse and repeat.
Or possibly the Mad Hatter |
- The hat was very dark but it was
almost black, the collar was white and symbolized the white
collar of the Franciscan priest. - The Franciscan's used to
wear the bolero hat from Bolero, Spain, near where the famous
explorers Columbus
and Coronado came from. - Spain ended up taking over the
whole west coast of South America and the entire country of
Mexico, all the way to Florida and then up through California.
- They had their capital in Mexico City and it was called New
Coronado |
- The Viceroy of New Spain was named Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
(1510-1544). - His control spanned from Argentina, Peru, Mexico and through
California all the way around the gulf to Florida. - France
claimed the majority of the rest of the United States and the
British had a small piece from Maine down to North Carolina
and parts of Georgia.
Illusion |
- We are wondering what the presidental wife's outfit with the
matching bolero hat
portended, there is always some hidden symbology to everything
this group does. - It's obvious they're showing us that they're
going to protect and defend us, however, it's an illusion. -
They've got the correct scowl, and they've got their sword,
they're Zorro and they're going to defend us, and fight for
justice and liberty. - Well let's hope they are sincere
and strong enough to combat the forces that are controlling
them like puppets.
Battle of Good and Evil |
- It's literally the Battle of Good and
Evil and it started off with hand to hand combat, wars,
fighting and military. - But it's now come down to the
battle of the mind of good and evil and the hearts of men.
- The Constitution of America was divinely inspired, and if
it weren't for that we'd all be gone a long time ago, because
darkness would have won the world with the battle of the
sword, the gun.
Gold tasseled flag |
- However, the bad guys found out that murdering people
their blood ran into the ground and with seed they just grew
up, twice as many, thrice as many, and they couldn't defeat
them. - It came down to the fact that when the good guys
came to America they realized they couldn't fight off this war
by means of war. - They had to use a
different tactic, they had to make a constitution and
libraries, and poetry, axioms and truths. - Something that
all men could understand, that could not be thwarted, and so
we're fighting that battle and it's come down to good and
evil, which is the flesh and the spirit.
Black robed |
- You notice that the white is underneath, and the black
is on the top, and all of our judges don this black robe
because we're under an evil power, an evil force battling the
spiritual and trying to cloak it and hide it from everyone as
something good.
- How well
do any of the players really understand any of this, they are
only puppets in this play. - We want to know what the
president's wife was
trying to portray, a female Zorro or Batman or the Lone Ranger
or perhaps just a Franciscan priest who's defending the
poor native American, Tonto.
Lombardo |
- In 17th-century Mexico, the most feared and respected
institution was the Inquisition which kept meticulous
records of its investigations. - One of the characters
recorded was Guillen Lombardo and the account shows that he
traveled to Mexico in 1640 and he was later arrested and put
on trial by the Inquisition for sedition and hung.
The Inquisition was a Catholic Church institution that persecuted people who held beliefs that differed from the Catholic Church. The Inquisition was active for hundreds of years, beginning in the 12th century.
Irish rebel |
- Lombardo was not Mexican,
nor was he Spanish, he was an Irish rebel in New Spain and his
real name was William Lamport (1611-1659) and he was also
known as Don Guillén de Lamport. - He claimed to be a bastard son of King Philip III of Spain and therefore the half-brother of King Philip IV.
In 1642, he tried to foment rebellion against the Spanish crown, with the aid of black and indigenous peoples, as well as creole merchants, but was denounced by a man he had hoped to recruit for his plan and arrested, languishing in the Inquisition jail for 17 years. A statue of Lamport is immediately inside the Angel of Independence monument in Mexico City.
To this day, Lamport is an honored hero in Mexico, and internationally is best known as a possible inspiration for the superhero, Zorro.
Picking pockets in New Spain |
- Lamport was born in Wexford, Ireland in 1611 and as a
Catholic, he faced persecution by the Protestant authorities. -- He traveled by ship to Spain where they were more
sympathetic and from there was sent by the king on a mission
as a spy to New Spain. - The treatment of the slaves and
the natives greatly disturbed him and also the amount of
corruption in the officials.
Proclamation fire in hand
-- Lamport thought he could be a better leader, so he drafted a
Proclamation of Independence that predates both the French and
American Revolutions by over a century. - It was the work
of an educated man and outlined how slavery would be abolished
and the government would become an elected monarchy, and
he would be king. - So Lamport set his mind on revolution.
Zorro death
-- After Lamport's death, his fame only grew stronger among the underprivileged and the Franciscans.
- The Indigenous people of Mexico drew from Lamport's works and his bravery as a source of their inspiration. - Lamport's adventurous life was detailed in Vicente Riva Palacio's novel titled
Memorias de un impostor: Don Guillén de Lampart, Rey de México.
- This has led many to believe that William Lamport was the inspiration for Johnston McCulley's
1919 fictional character known as
Spanish and Catholic influence |
Zorro wears a bolero hat and it's definitely a Spanish and
Catholic tradition. - He was a masked, sword wielding vigilante who
defended the victimized and poor against the forces of
injustice and his feats have been memorialized in every kind of
media. - The president's wife had a white collar and today
our country is based on the whte collar, and it's a cloak. - Notice Zorro has a cloak, a cape, today we just have black
suits. - But they were once black robes like Franciscan
Land grab |
The Spanish Franciscan priests were very Catholic and they
took control of Argentina, Chile, Peru and Mexico. - They
were also in Los Angeles and the west coast of the United
States from California to Texas. - Not only did
the Spanish control the west, the French controled the middle
of the country and all the way to the east coast in Canada and
down to the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana. - The British only
had the 13 colonies from Maine down through New York to
Virginia all the way to Northern Georgia. - The Northwest
Territory was still unexplored in those days.
Dark deception |
Zorro was the Spanish priestly man cloaking the white truth
with the dark deception. - It's like the dualism we see
everywhere, you never know who's doing what. -- The good
guys are wearing black and they're cloaking the white so
underneath they're pure, but outwardly it's going to be bloody,
they've got to use violence to get to the pure. - Or are
they saying they know that the human nature is good, the world
is good, it''s our spiritual nature underneath, inside.
Evil and dark
But on outside, the flesh is very evil and dark and there's
going to be a war, and there's going to be a judgment, and
they're all following the deity of this world. - There's no
way you could not see that in this whole white collar concept
going on here, it's very much on the surface. - Zorro is a fictional character and the
story is based on a few legends, but what history was this legend
based on?
- Cordoba is a place in Spain where they make the bolero hat
and the explorer Coronado may have worn
one of them. - Of course you see him in artwork wearing all
kinds of hats, but the bolero was very popular, and he was
often portrayed wearing one and he was from Spain. -
Coronado was looking for the Seven Cities of Gold and he ended
up in New Mexico and there is Cibola County which is nicknamed the Seven
Cities of Gold that they were looking for.
The Seven Cities of Cibola are mythical
cities of gold that Spanish explorers believed existed
in the American Southwest in the 16th century. The
cities were never found, but the myth inspired Spanish
expeditions into the region.
Zuni Indians |
- The Zuni Indians have a city that was one of the Seven
Cities of Gold. - National Parks Service doesn't have the
area open to the public so nobody seems to know what's there.
-- It's easy to assume that any gold found there was removed
and hidden somewhere else. - There's a lot about it that's
mysterious and unknown, plus completely unapproachable.
Taking sides
- Zorro was a masked, sword wielding vigilante who
defended the victimized and poor against the forces of
injustice. - If that's what the president's wife was trying
to portray, maybe in her mind that's what she's actually
doing. - But it really appears that people are being used
as pawns, there's a reason that the world has these different
sides, enemies. - And the reason the world was
broken into the Dutch, the French, the Portuguese, the Spanish
and the British, is because all these countries were fighting
against each other.
Partners |
-- Or were there really only two combatants, and various
camouflaged partners that align with one side or the other. - If you look at America, where they all
arrived on our shores, they knew this would be the battleground. - So all
the countries took a slice of the new country, however, in the
beginning the Spanish took the majority of the territory and
had the upper hand. - The British had something that the
Spanish didn't have, they had these individuals from the
Bavarian Illuminati that had this great, masterful plot.
Pierre Valdez is Peter Waldo |
- The world at large, from this very day until our current
day, was not aware of the implications of these two sides, and
it all goes back to Pierre Valdez (1140-1205) who was a French
individual and descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ.
- He's in the novels the great romance, this is where romance
novels came from and his name is also Peter Waldo who was was the leader of the Waldensians, a Christian spiritual movement of the Middle Ages. - It wasn't like a smutty little romance novel when it began
because the prince
was a descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus.
Fairy tale |
- Now today this story is not known and no one understands
what this goes back to. - We have this vague idea, these
little fairy tales, from the Brothers Grimm who traveled around
Europe collecting these stories. - Why were there all these
tales that read almost like biblical parables, such as the
Greek mythologies, what were these stories trying to intimate.
- Well we've got the round table, there's always a round table
with 12 seats, even Jesus has 12 disciples and the table at
his last supper was round. - It has to do
with astrology, all this mythology which is esoteric
Mythology not considered real |
- When we look at the biblical text or Greek mythology,
you'd be persuaded quite easily if you were an academic to
proclaim those are just stories that tell moral lessons. -
And most don't believe the myths are real, so for that reason,
Abraham wasn't a real person to them. - Jacob with his 12
sons weren't real people, they simply represent astrology.
- King Arthur had a round table and he had 12 knights,
but were
there really 12 knights, and was Arthur a real king?
King Arthur
- We don't know for sure if there was a man named Arthur
or if his name was Art, however the story was patterned after
somebody, perhaps his name really was Arthur. - Because he
had 12 knights the storyteller was trying to say that he was
connected somehow to the 'great mystery' or the historical
destiny. - So King Arthur was a real person or depicts
something real, and he was connected to the destiny of the
world. - The story is not completely made out of whole
cloth, it's a depiction of hundreds of years of history
reduced into a little parable.
Round table |
- It's not that you can consider every minute thing about
12 knights at a round table as literal in every detail, but
there certainly was a King Arthur. - A lineal descenant
from Jesus and Mary Magdalene because it's integral to our
story that these things happened because we're
actually here and we're the result of all of this.
King Arthur |
- So
there was a Jacob and Abraham, and there was an Adam and a
King Arthur, it's all real. - The problem is does anyone
today understand the roots of the esoteric wisdom, or are the
powers that be trying to mask it. - Or possibly they don't
understand it and are misinterpreting or even maligning it.
Left in the dark |
- Hiding the knowledge from us and then misinterpreting it
and misapplying it and pretending that the good guy is really
the bad guy. - But you see, they already know the story and
know they're the bad guys, so they have to present themselves
as the good guys. - So who are the good guys, it wasn't
these northern ones who came down from the Bavarian
Illuminati, instead, they are the bad guys. - How they got
to be the Illuminati is another story, but it had something to
do with Judean beliefs.
Genghis Khan |
- It had something to do with the carnal, fleshly nature
and that is why Genghis Khan (1162-1227) of the Mongoi Empire,
destroyed and wiped out huge populations. - What was he
doing, colonizing? - He wasn't trying to murder people, he
was trying to transplant cultures.
Barbarian |
- They were taking what
they considered 'barbarians' and individuals who were
superstitious pagans who didn't believe in law and order, what
they considered as cannibals, and moving them. - Genghis
Khan thought the law was a good thing to advance a
civilization physically and materially, building wealth and
power and bigger cities.
The Mongol Empire of the 13th and 14th centuries was
the largest contiguous empire in history. Originating
in present-day Mongolia in East Asia, the Mongol
Empire at its height stretched from the Sea of Japan
to parts of Eastern Europe, extending northward into
parts of the Arctic; eastward and southward into parts of the Indian subcontinent, mounted invasions of Southeast Asia, and conquered the Iranian Plateau; and reached westward as far as the Levant and the Carpathian Mountains.
Mount Horeb
- Genghis Khan and his military believed they had to have
regiment and law. - So the world was originally law and
order, the Old Covenant, but now we're under grace only it
hasn't gone worldwide, it's only a concept. - It's grace
that fights the law. - In the original Israel they were
told you can have the truth, the light, the love and the
grace, but they rejected it at Mount Horeb and they turned to
the Golden Calf. - They had Moses put a veil over them
called the Mosaic law of the commandments.
Angel that fell |
- The angel that fell, maybe he's not so bad, he's the one
on the dark side, the bottom of the wheel who will not pardon
your sins. - This is the fleshly nature, the gravity, the
law of nature that punishes you when you jump off a cliff.
- And really, it's just the carnal nature, the instinctual
nature and they're controlling it with law and order. - A
lot of those who rule us, don't necessarily think of
themselves as the bad guys, and they may not have been the bad
guys back in those days.
Control with the sword |
- Genghis Khan was probably attempting, with the sword, to
subvert the world into submission to YHWH, which is the 'I am
vengeance' and we've got to have law and order to advance.
- In order to go around the wheel of rebirth and advance and
conquer all the beasts with a sword, as well as conquer the
beast nature. - It was a schoolmaster who led to Christ, as
well as it was a hard taskmaster that must be thrown out.
Caring for Christ's vineyard |
- Why would the Lord, who has foreknowledge, pick somebody
to run his vineyard who ended up being a hard taskmaster. -
That he would come along later, and notice the taskmaster
hadn't pruned his vines, nor cultivated the field or watered
it. - So the Lord told them the vineyard was dying, and he would give it
instead to
a people who produced fruit. - Why didn't God, in his
foreknowledge realize this inept gardener was just converted,
and you're
not supposed to appoint someone newly converted.
Foreknowledge is knowledge regarding future events. It may also refer to:
Foresight Precognition, prior viewing of some future event
Knowledge of predestination
Prediction or forecasting, calculated, informed or uninformed guesses regarding future events Prognosis typically, informed predictions about future events in a confined context
Prophecy, future knowledge obtained from divine or supernatural entities.
Devil taking care of the vineyard |
- Apostle Paul said this is what happened to the devil, he
was newly converted, what does this mean? - It's simply a
parable about the lower ego that goes first, just like Leah
covenant was YHWH covenant (Old Testament) and was the first.
- Then we have Rachel, or the New Testament, the Covenant of
Christ, but we haven't even reached there yet. - It's been
introduced, but will the world have faith when Christ returns?
- A few will, and they will establish in righteousness the
Chaos and law |
- Unfortunately though, the
world is still under the law, however not Christians because
don't follow the law, they are under grace, free. - Except many Christians
aren't under grace, because they still follow the 10 Commandments,
the law of YHWH, the veil. - There are many Christian
churches who still honor the Old Testament laws, they haven't
moved on to Apostle Paul's New Testament.
Husband and wife team |
- They're still under the law,
there's still judges, jailers and doctors still doing all
these dark, material, evil things. - Including the black
cloak, it's as if they knew it, someone knew it and decided to
dress themselves up in a black cloak, cloaking the Lord, the
white purity.
Black robe |
- All the Jesuits are wearing black robes and it's not a
coincidence that the judge is wearing a black robe. - This
is because he's judging you with judgment and vengeance, but
underneath, there's a purpose behind it all. - Eventually,
we're going to disrobe and get our white robe and how will we
accomplish that, by going to class and going through the 360 degrees.
White robe |
- We
graduate and get our white robe and crown except when you
graduate in this world, you don't get the crown, not yet. -
You get a black robe and a square hat, a mortar board and this
is Saturn, or Satan.
In need of more prayers |
- Who is Satan, it's just the necessity of the ignorance
and darkness from which we came. - We're learning, we're
growing through the stages of Satan's world, which is the
world of trial and error. - We are trying to get to the
place where we become the conqueror. - When you study the
attributes of Zorro, and how he appears in every form of
media, you realize this is also about Batman, and Dracula
because it's Count Dracula who's doing all this. - The
vampire, the 'S,' the serpent.
Dark mountain road of Zorro |
- Zorro, whose name in Spanish means the 'Fox' now what
does that mean, it is very close to the German 'vox' which is
their way of saying the English 'vas' and the Latin was
'valles.' - It started off as the valley and the Albigensians
were in the mountains known as the Alps, and the valley
beneath the mountains and there were all these children of
Mary Magdalene in the valley. - Many of them fled to the
mountains during the Inquisition on the Waldensians or valley people,
Albigensians were members of a Christian sect known as Cathars, who were active in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries. The name "Albigensian" comes from Albi, a city in southern France where the sect was most popular.
Bread basket |
- The “poor of Christ”, the 'poor of Lyon' or, simply, the
'brothers' never called themselves 'Waldenses; until they joined the Reformation.
- In 1173, Peter Waldo, a rich merchant from Lyon, had a revelation of God’s character while studying Christ’s words to the rich young man
in Matthew 19:21. - Deeply moved by what he read, Waldo provided for his wife and daughters and, armed with fragments of the New Testament translated at his own expense,
he went out to preach across the country.
The Waldensians, also known as Waldenses, Vallenses, Valdesi, or Vaudois, are adherents of a church tradition that began as an ascetic movement within Western Christianity before the Reformation. Originally known as the Poor of Lyon in the late twelfth century.
Priestly opulence |
- Waldo’s vision was based on the literal interpretation of the Bible, a life of poverty and preaching, with the aim of restoring the Catholic Church to Christ’s standards.
- His dedication, contrasted with the opulence of the
Catholic clergy and brought him a multitude of followers.
- The Catholic authorities did not oppose the austerity oath of the Waldenses, but they didn't
want them preaching the gospel.
“All these I have kept,” said the young man. “What do I still lack?”Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell
your possessions and give to the poor, and you will
have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
(Matthew 19:20-21)
Landscape shifting |
- They were driven out by the clergy, from region to region,
but despite that, the Waldenses made disciples wherever they
went. - They moved to the south of France, the north of Italy, Burgundy, and Lotharingia.
- Driven away from Lyon, Waldo and his followers settled in the high valleys of Piedmont, and in France, in the Luberon, as they continued in their pursuit of Christianity based on the New Testament.
- The
'brothers' continued to preach even after they were excommunicated in 1184 for
The label of “schismatics”, and
not that of “heretics”, was yet another proof that
what had attracted the opprobrium of the clergy was
the breach of the prohibition to preach and not the
substance of their preaching.
(Alina Kartman)
Percecuted |
By the late 1180s, they were being pursued as heretics and this persecution only increased their preaching against the Roman Catholic Church. - Pope Innocent III offered the Waldensians the chance to return to the Church, and many did, taking the name
'Poor Catholics.' - However, many did not, and were subjected to intense persecution and were confronted with organized
and general discrimination for centuries.
Many details about Waldo are not known, including his name. We don’t know if Peter was his real first name, since it doesn’t appear in any document until 150 years after his death. His last name was most likely something like Valdès or Vaudès — Valdo (Waldo) was the Italian adaptation.
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Pennsylvania blue glass |
- By 1699, these Protestant
(formerly Catholic) religious refugees fled from Louis XIV in
France and went to Germany where they were given land in Württemberg to build their homes. - Many of
them eventually emigrated to Pennsylvania.
More than three hundred years before Martin Luther was born, an unlikely reformer suddenly appeared in the city of Lyon in southeast France. His protests against doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church were strong tremors foretelling the coming spiritual earthquake called the Reformation. And the movement he launched survived to join the great Reformation.
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Gargoyle on Lyon Cathedral |
- To smear his name even further, the Catholic Church
created a statue of Waldo depicted as a gargoyle on Lyon Cathedral
- Waldo is depicted with a hollow head, like a madman, preaching towards the sky, instead of prostrating himself before God.
The Waldensian movement was characterized from the beginning by lay preaching, voluntary poverty, and strict adherence to the Bible.
Percival |
- To Catholics, Peter was the Pope, the Padre in Spain, and they were the good
guys, the ones trying to defeat the enemy, the evil. - In
French, another way to say his name is Pierre Valdez, and that
is Percy Val (Percival), the prince who wed the princess, and
Sleeping Beauty and all these fairytales.
- Percival alternatively called Peredur is a figure in the legend of King Arthur, often appearing as one of the Knights of the Round Table.
Caped man from Baghdad |
- All the stories, Count Dracula and Batman also came from
this basic legend. - Batman also had a cape, like Count Dracula, and
sucked blood like a vampire. - Vlad III, second legitimate son of Vlad II Dracul, commonly known as Vlad the Impaler (1428/31-1476/77), was Voivode of Wallachia three times between 1448 and his death in 1476/77.
- He is often considered one of the most important rulers in Wallachian history and a national hero of Romania.
Voivode is a title denoting a military leader or warlord in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe in use since the Early Middle Ages. It primarily referred to the medieval rulers of the Romanian-inhabited states and of governors and military commanders of Poles, Hungarian, Lithuanian Balkan, Russian people and other Slavic-speaking populations.
Vlad the Impaler |
- Vlad the Impaler came from a Jewish line from Baghdad that were descended
from the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne (748-814). - Charlemagne married into the family line
from Jeconiah who were taken into captivity in Babylon about 600 BC.
- Now there was another line from Judea and that was Jesus
and Mary Magdalene and their child, which was at Marseille in
France. - History tells us that Mary arrived in France on a
boat with 72 and that was the Sanhedrin.
Jeconiah, meaning "Yah has established," also known
as Coniah and as Jehoiachin and Joachin, was the
nineteenth and penultimate king of Judah who was
dethroned by the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar II in
the 6th century BCE and was taken into captivity.
(Wikipedia) |
Sanhedrin |
- Most of these parables are symbolic, why did Mary have
72 with her, because she had the government of Jesus Christ
with her. - But that government was destined to have a
battle with the dark side for 2,000 years, until one day the
cloak will come off. - No one understands it, not even the
people perpetuating it, not even the president and his wife
know what's going on. - They think they're the saviors, no
one is bad, we're all trying to do the right thing, but a lot
of us are ignorant.
The Sanhedrin was a Jewish judicial and administrative body that existed in ancient Israel. It was made up of a group of elders who served as judges, and it had both local and central levels. The Sanhedrin was responsible for religious, civil, and criminal matters.
(Wikipedia) |
Levi's blue denim |
- The Judeans aren't bad because they're trying to get
everybody to believe in Jerusalem and the law, and taking over
everything, convinced they're the 'chosen' race. - But they
don't understand what the chosen race is and what it
represents is
all the 12 Tribes of Israel, and the Jews are only 2 of them. -
Not only that, they're the lower part, the carnal nature, the
laws, the 10 Commandments. - It's not about racism, it's
about a parable, the 10 tribes left them behind and went into
all the world, and they became the world. - There's no
separation, all the world is One.
In the Bible, Judah and Levi were two of the tribes of Israel, and the descendants of the patriarch Jacob. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah, and Levi was one of his full brothers.
(Wikipedia) |
Zoroaster II |
- Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, all of the
'ism' come from the prophets Ezekial and Daniel. - Daniel
was Zoroaster II and he came from what is now northeastern
Iran or southwestern Afghanistan. - Ezekial was Buddha and Elisha
(Jesus) was Dionysos who turned the water into wine and
started the traditions of Syria. - We've talked about all
of this before, Elisha went and raised the widow's son, which
was a priesthood.
Garden of Eden |
- We've been through all of this, we all connect,
everything you've ever read is all about the same story, clear
back to the Garden of Eden. - Good and evil, and the big
fight, and it's all a big mystery and nobody knows. - So
Fox for Zorro, Vaudès of Lyon, Pierre Valdez, his story was
likely based on the Mexican folk tale of a noble bandit who
fought on behalf of the peasantry and Indigenous peoples. -
The mid-century movie and TV character, Zorro, first appeared
in McCulley's serialized 5-part story called The Curse of
Capistrano which was published in the pulp magazine
All-Story Weekly beginning in August 1919.
Spanish masked man |
- Zorro's true identity is Don Diego Vega, which was later
changed to Don Diego de la Vega, a young nobleman who lived in
the Los Angeles area of California called Alta, when it was
part of New Spain and still under Spanish rule. - In the stories, Zorro,
the swordsman, has a high bounty on his head but he is too skilled and cunning for the bumbling authorities to catch, and he also delights in publicly humiliating them.
- Zorro uses a rapier to carve the initial 'Z' on his defeated
foes and other objects to sign his work. - He wears the
bolero Spanish Franciscan priest hat, with the white collar and
black cloak like the president's wife.
He is typically portrayed as a dashing masked vigilante who defends the commoners and Indigenous peoples of California against corrupt, tyrannical officials and other villains. His signature all-black costume includes a cape, a hat known as a sombrero cordobés, and a mask covering the upper half of his face.
(Wikipedia) |
Superman |
- Don Diego became the swordsman, Zorro, Z and S,
Superman. - Batman, the vampire, which is it, he's got a
dark cloak but to this day nobody knows. - Nobody
understands who Satan is, there are people running around who
want to be Satanists, but they believe that he is evil. -
How many people today if you ask if they're a Christian,
they'll tell you they're a Satanist, but they need a good
waking up, because they don't understand a word of what
they're saying. - They're ignorant and rebellious and
running around with dark Gothic looks. - Gothic, Bavarian,
evil, they have no idea the insanity that their mind has come
Sword mark |
- Zorro came to defend the people of Los Angeles from
political oppression. - He famously uses the letter 'Z' as
his 'mark,' employing his sword to mark the clothes of his
adversaries, or
sometimes their bodies, in three swift strokes. - The 'mark
of the beast' well all of this is related, much like the mark
on Superman's chest, it's not an 'S' it's a serpent and his
father is El. - He comes from another place and he's like
Jesus or something, he's a defender of the faith and he's
trying to save mankind from the dark forces.
Sometimes bloody |
- There was even a movie where Batman was fighting
Superman and it's as if they've gotten these characters mixed
up, almost as if it's the lower ego and the higher ego fighting in
one body. - You can tell what a 'good' man Zorro is when
he carves his mark into their body. - Zorro is not only a
master swordsman, but a skilled marksman and horseman. -
Jesus comes riding on a white horse with a sword, is he Zorro?
Fully masked |
- In 1920, Douglas Fairbanks starred in the film
adaptation called The Mark of Zorro which was a commercial hit
and an enduring classic. - It was this film that
established Zorro's iconic black costume, which featured a
cape, a gaucho hat and a mask that concealed the top half of
his face. - Isn't that what the president's wife was doing,
concealing her brow and the top half of her face? - With
the white collar and black cape, although some insisted it was
dark navy blue, but it was so dark it looked black, and that
was her total demeanor.
Hiding the truth |
- It's very dark, and that's why the military wears dark,
and the priesthood wears dark, and different religions wear
dark, and the IBM suit with a white shirt underneath. -
Because they're cloaking and hiding the truth. - As a
result of the success of the Zorro series, McCulley wrote 60
more stories, starting in 1922 and ending in 1959, a year
after his death. - The black mask and hat, it's all
symbolic, remember when the president's wife was squinting her
eyes and scowling.
Zorro training his successor |
- The popularity of Zorro continued on, in 1940, Tyrone
Power starred in The Mark of Zorro and in 1998,
Anthony Hopkins starred in The Mask of Zorro as an
elderly Zorro who trained Antonio Banderas as his successor.
- Even Walt Disney, the dark, evil, bad guy, who always wore
black, got involved. - Disney had a Zorro series from 1957
to 1959, as well as a syndicated show and numerous animated
Mickey |
- Some are saying that the Disney's new presidential robot looks more like actor Jon Voight or even Hillary Clinton than the commander in chief.
- And the elder Disney looked remarkably like the president's
father, Fred they really have a striking resemblance. - The
Disney Zorro starred Guy Williams as the masked hero, and then
later there was a syndicated liveaction show.
Hi-Ho Silver! |
- Then we also got the Lone Ranger who was friends with
Tonto. - Some say this was not the same type character as
Don Diego Vega in Zorro. - However, it was someone who was
wearing the bolero, the Spanish inquistor that was here, and
he was fighting for justice and vengeance on the enemies. -
The Lone Ranger first appeared in 1933 in a radio show on WXYZ
in Detroit, conceived either by station owner or by Fran
Striker, the show's writer.
A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty, 'Hi Yo Silver!' The Lone Ranger!.
(Fran Striker) |
Tonto kemo sabe |
The radio series was a hit, and spawned a series of books largely written by Striker, and
then later, an equally popular television show that ran from 1949 to 1957,
as well as comic books, and several films. - Clayton Moore portrayed the Lone Ranger on television
and Jay Silverheels, a Mohawk from the Six Nations Indian Reserve in Ontario, Canada, was cast as Tonto.
- Tonto in Spanish means silly or stupid, and
now you can see more what was going on and what they were up
Gun grip |
- The Lone Ranger was never seen without his mask or some sort of disguise
and he was never captured or held for any length of time by lawmen,
so was never unmasked. - William Tell Overture was the theme song for the
TV show because it was in the public domain.
The mystery masked man was smart
He got himself a Tonto
'Cause Tonto did the dirty work for free
But Tonto he was smarter
And one day said kemo sabe
Well, kiss my ass, I bought a boat
I'm going out to sea.
(Lyle Lovett) |
Bass story |
- The internet has replaced the name
of the original person the book was based on with another
name and although Bass Reeves' story had some similarities, he was not an inspiration for any version of the Lone Ranger.
- It's amazing how they can simply replace anything they want
on the Internet within a matter of weeks and then everyone copies their revised
history forever more. - To the point you can't even find
the original name but it was French and was something like
William LaP.... - Unfortunately, the author isn't here to
correct them or to defend his story.
Conquistador gold-tipped sword |
- The Lone Ranger story has ties back to Francisco Hernández de Córdoba
(1475-1517), who was a
Spanish conquistador. - Together with some 110 discontented Spanish settlers in early colonial Cuba, Córdoba petitioned the governor for permission to launch an expedition in search of new lands and exploitable resources. - He was known for the ill-fated expedition he led in 1517, in the course of which the first European accounts of the Yucatán Peninsula were recorded.
No longer kicking |
- Córdoba died from wounds he suffered during the
expedition after battling against Mayan Indians. - He went
down in history as the first European to discover the Yucatán Peninsula
and as the founder of Nicaragua.
This was the Europeans' first encounter with what they considered an "advanced civilization" in the Americas, with solidly built buildings and a complex social organization which they recognized as being comparable to those of the Old World. They also had reason to expect that this new land would have gold.
(Wikipedia) |
Córdoba bolero |
- Books written about characters like the Lone Ranger are
novels by people going back through history trying to dig out
information about 'real' history. - So all these stories
are partially true, and other parts are made up. - The
Córdoba part of the story is that the bolero hat was
manufactured in Córdoba, Spain.
Córdoba mosque |
- Córdoba's period of greatest glory began in the
8th-century after the Moorish conquest, when some 300 mosques
and countless palaces and public buildings were constructed to
rival the splendors of Constantinople, Baghdad and Damascus.
- The Moors
were Africans and their mosques were Islamic but there were
also Christians among them, and they were run out of Spain.
- Some of them were also Sephardic. -
In the 13th-century, under Ferdinand III, the Catholic Saint,
the Great Mosque in Córdoba was turned into a cathedral and
new defensive structures (forts) were erected.
Sephardic Jews are a Jewish diaspora group that
originated in the Iberian Peninsula and later settled
in other parts of Europe and the Americas. They
practice Judaism, and share some cultural traditions
and religious practices with other Jewish groups.
(Wikipedia) |
Dark hat |
- The combination of all these religious cultures in
Córdoba is what led to the symbology of the bolero hat. -
But why were the Franciscan Catholics wearing the Córdoba hat,
is it just some kind of coincidence that they donned their
enemies hat? - Today, Islam has gotten a very bad name
among Christians and most are conditioned to think of them as
guys wearing turbans. - Still wearing all the ancient robes
and stories about how they don't believe in Jesus.
Shia and Sunni are two main branches of Islam that
split after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632
CE. The split was caused by disagreements over who
should succeed Muhammad as leader of the Muslim
(Wikipedia) |
Veiled religion |
- However, Muslims do believe in Jesus, and they've always
believed in him, but things have changed and now we have
groups like the Shia and Sunni. - These are different sects
and they all have different beliefs and they fight with each
other. - Their religions aren't ancient truths, just the
same as Christianity; Protestants and Catholics, are not the
same teachings, nor are they the teachings of Jesus.
A "Shia Sufi" or "Sunni Sufi" refers to a Muslim who practices Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, while also identifying as either Shia or Sunni, meaning that Sufism is not a separate sect but rather a spiritual path that can be followed within both major denominations of Islam; both Shia and Sunni Muslims can be Sufis.
(Wikipedia) |
Built on sand |
- In
fact, none of these 'isms' have to do with the teachings of Muhammad
and the Quran which was originally scripture. - Islam was
originally a sect of Christianity and they believed in Jesus.
- The idea that they didn't believe that Jesus died on the
cross is simply a spiritual, slightly gnostic version, which
was that Christ was raised, but he didn't really die, it was
only his body that died. - In 800 AD, right after Muhammad,
the Moors were Islamic but they didn't run around wearing
robes and turbans, they had bolero hats.
Regal clothing |
- The Moors wore Regal clothing and carried swords, and
they were powerful warriors. - They pushed back the Holy
Roman Empire and never allowed them to conquer Spain and at
some point they were in France. - Eventually, the Holy
Roman Empire outnumbered them and pushed them out but as they were driving out the
Moors, they were also driving out the original Christians.
- The original Christians had much more to do with Islam than
we've ever been allowed to know about. - That is why the
Muslim follow John the Baptist, because he was the Forerunner
to Christ and many of them had a hard time when John died and
was replaced 3 years later by Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
Founded by the Romans |
- Córdoba was founded by the Romans in the 2nd-century BC
near the pre-existing Tartesic Córdoba and acquired great
importance during the period of Augustus. - It became
capital of the emirate depending on Damascus in the
8th-century. - In 929 AD, Abderranman III established it as
the headquarters of the independent Caliphate. - Córdoba's
period of greatest glory began with the Moorish conquest.
Augustus (born Gaius Octavius; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14), also known as Octavian (Latin: Octavianus), was the founder of the Roman Empire.
(Wikipedia) |

Spanish conquistador |
- The black Moor with the bolero hat was part of the
Spanish heritage and so the real Islamic peoples weren't
anything like today's sects. - What does this have to do
with Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, well he was a Spanish
conquistador. - He was a Catholic but wore the Islamic
bolero and he was using words that for centuries were
intertwined with the true Christians. - In 1540 he led his
expedition to find the Seven Cities of Gold and remember,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, so they were both over
here about the same time.
Columbus |
- Columbus was sent to the Americas by the original royal
families that took Spain from the Moors. - King Ferdinand
and Isabella sent Columbus over, but he was sponsored by
the country of Spain. - Coronado was also sent by Spain,
less than 40 years later, only he was sent by King Charles V
and for a different reason. - Antonio de Mendoza was a
Spanish colonial administrator and the first viceroy of New
Spain which was a Spanish colony centered on present-day
Mexico City. - He was appointed as Viceroy in 1535 and as a
result, he ruled the area from Chile, Peru, Mexico and all the
way up to California.
Foundation of colonial government |
- Some of Mendoza's accomplishments include; establishing
the foundation of colonial government in New Spain and
fostering economic development particularly in mining. -
He also improved relations between Spain and Native American
Indians. - So now Tonto arrives on the scene, and
meanwhile, the British didn't like the Indians, they wiped
them out. - And a lot of Columbus' people came over and did
the same thing, they were scalping the Indians.
Golden treasures |
- But not so with the Spanish Coronado, he liked the
natives and he was trying to help Tonto. - This is where
the story of the Lone Ranger comes in and he's got his best
friend Tonto. - The cities of Cibola that Coronado was
looking for were mythical cities of gold that Spanish
explorers believed existed in the American Southwest although
Coronado found no evidence. - But of course we know they
would never tell us the real story, although a gold prospector
claimed to have found some treasure hidden inside the
mountains in the late 1930s.
U.S. Army Ninth Calvary |
- Victorio Peak is a high rocky outcropping in the
Hembrillo Basin in southern New Mexico. - It was one of
Chief Victorio's hideout's and was the site of a battle in
1880 between Victorio's Apaches and the U.S. Army Ninth
Calvary 'Buffalo Soldiers.'
Botticelli |
Photo |
Victorio Peak |
- This whole area is full of
some sacred places and on the top of that mountain is an
altar, with the name of YHWH written in paleographic Hebrew
which is very close to Aramaic but not at all close to modern
day Hebrew which was all contrived after the fact.
Paleographic 10 Commandments (photo) |
- At the base of that mountain is a great stone with the
10 commandments dated from 106 BC or right around the time of
Christ. - It's literally spoken about in the Book of
Mormon where God (YHWH) sent a prophet named Abinadi to Noah's people.
- Abinadi warned them that if they did not repent, they would become the Lamanites' slaves.
- He wrote down the 10 commandments in a place where King
Noah had a big city by a big mountain.
Abinadi appears in the Book of Mormon in Mosiah 11–18. He is a prophet who visited King Noah's court in Lehi-Nephi, where he was burned at the stake for his words.
(Wikipedia) |

Strange writing |
- The Indians called the area 'the cliff of strange
writings' and the settlers knew about it in the 18th-century,
yet many today insist it's a hoax. - The first recorded mention of the stone
was in 1933, by professor Frank Hibben (1910–2002), an archaeologist from the University of New Mexico.
- Some are convinced that this decalogue stone is the spot
where King Noah had the big mountain.
James Tabor stated that he has, “become tentatively convinced that the Los Lunas inscription offers solid evidence that ancient Israelites explored and settled in the New World in the centuries before the Common Era.”
(Carl Feagans) |
Gold bar |
- There are also several others who reported finding
treasure in the mountain. - Milton 'Doc' and Ova 'Babe'
Noss claimed to have found artifacts and gold at the peak in
1933. - So there has been a lot of noise over the years
about whether gold really exists at that location. - The
thing most don't know is that gold was in the form of gold
bars. - It was a battle that the American armies fought
with the Native Indians, and evidently the gold was removed
from the Indians and melted it down into gold bars.
Treasures in cave |
- You can see the Spanish regalia and their suits, and
army suits, there were all kinds of treasures in this cave
under this mountain. - There was more gold there than the
U.S. Treasury, each bar of gold was like a brick, and there
were thousands of them. - The gold in the cave held so much
value it could have financed the world. - It's been
acknowledged that our government took the gold from the
Indians and hid it there. - Then someone found it several
years later, so the government confiscated it and encircled
the mountain with a fence and claimed that it was a military
Not welcoming |
- A second mountain in the area was also enclosed with a
fence and a sign installed warning about a $50,000 fine and 5
years in prison for anyone attempting to enter the site. -
They don't want anyone there and one person who attempted to
enter had a Black Hawk helicopter land on the mountain and
chase them into a ravine where they were able to hide in a
cave and weren't injured. - But there is so much gold in those mountains
there's no other explanation for it other than that's the
Seven Cities of Gold, which were discovered, and their remains
hidden in the mountain.
Narvaez Expedition |
- The legend of these seven cities of Cibola began in the
1500s when Coronado was there. - First reports of the cities came from some
survivors of the Narvaez Expedition in 1527. - The
Franciscan friar Marcos de Niza claimed to have seen the
cities at a distance in 1539. - As a result, the governors
of New Spain invested heavily in the search for the cities.
- Coronado explored as far as Kansas but found only Zuni
The Narváez expedition was a Spanish expedition started in 1527 that was intended to explore Florida and establish colonial settlements. The expedition was initially led by Pánfilo de Narváez, who died in 1528. Many more people died as the expedition traveled west along the unexplored Gulf Coast of the present-day United States and into the American southwest. Only four of the expedition's original members survived, reaching Mexico City in 1536.
(Wikipedia) |
Gold treasure |
- Now why would this Spanish expedition team of Coronado's
that discovered the new world and created New Spain, have the
express mission of finding these Seven Cities of Gold. - It
just seems odd because so far, the only reason we've heard for
the extensive expedition is
because some priest claimed he saw the cities from a distance,
this reads
like it's a legend or something. - Nobody believes in old
legends that way, some guy said he saw something, that's not
evidence, it may have been a mirage.
Expedition |
- If some guy told you he saw these cities more than
likely you would send 15 or so to go check it out, but
Coronado came with all of his explorers and all of his men, a
big expedition. - We have this explorer who conquered the
world and now he's trying to find this city which was
comparable to ancient Jerusalem and this is all spoken about
in the Book of Mormon. - Consequently, there was a
city named Jerusalem in this area of New Mexico about the same
time and the Mexican border was roughly the same place it is
today. - We know from history that Coronado knew about
it way back in the 1500s and the Mormon's also knew about it.
New Mexico lineage |
- South of the border in those days was the Lamanites and
north of the border was the Nephites. - The word Nephite
has come down to us as 'Nava' because of the Spanish
interpretation of an 'f' sound, they converted it to a 'v' and
that is the Navajo tribe.
- They tell us that Coronado explored as far east as Kansas,
but he knew where the gold was, that's why the county is named
Cibola. - It's still being protected by the Zuni native
peoples in New Mexico, although the search for the city
destroyed many other sites.
In the Book of Mormon, the Nephites and Lamanites
were two groups of people who lived in the ancient
Americas and were involved in centuries of religious
and political conflict.
(Wikipedia) |
British hat |
- The legend about the cities was popular in the
16th-century and has been documented in both Spanish and
Native American folklore. - The legend has also been
featured in works of popular culture, like the Lone Ranger and
Tonto who work together as a team. - These were not the
same as the British people that came over to massacre the
natives and take the land over by brute force. - The Lone
Ranger was depicted as someone who came to protect, to save
and defend the native peoples that lived here.
Nursed back to health |
- The Lone Ranger, renegade lawman in the American west,
was a fictional character of radio and TV programs, books,
films and comics. - Throughout all media, the Lone Ranger
fiction stories are similar. - John Reed was born in 1850
and was the sole survivor of a group of Texas Rangers who were
ambushed by outlaws who killed 5 rangers, including his older
brother, Daniel. - The Indian Tonto found him and nursed
Reid back to health.
Masked man |
- Reid then donned a black mask made from his brother's
vest, mounted his stallion Silver, and roamed the west as the
Lone Ranger to aid those in need, to fight evil, and to
establish justice. - Liberty and justice for all, and it's
not the British who brought that to America. - After the
Lone Ranger radio program was created in Detroit, by 1933 the
station was carried by more than 400 other stations toward the end
of the decade. - This was the same time as the beginning of
the Nazi regime.
Financial support from American tycoons |
- A lot of people in America in those days were for the
Germans because there were many German immigrants here. -
The Ford Motor Company, IBM, all these companies were secretly
supporting Hitler. - This includes W. Prescott Bush, the
presidental Bush father, who owned a bank and was financing
Hitler. - Our president's were funding Hitler and to this
day, all our president's act like they don't like each other
but that's a scam.
Rushing in to save the day, it's Superman |
- The current president's family is from Germany, Musk is
just a continuation of the same scam. - Their goal is
complete world domination. - Do they really think they're
evil, does the president think he's evil, no! - He
probably thinks he's Zorro and his presidential wife thinks
she fighting evil and saving the children. - But there's
something going on that they don't understand, they're just
Hi-yo, Silver, away! |
- Because of the Lone Ranger, the William Tell Overture
became a familiar tune in every child's repertoire. - It
was the radio show that made the term, 'Hi-yo, Silver, away!'
a familiar playground term. - The first movie serial was
filmed in 1938 and in 1949 a version of the radio show was
created for a major network and Clayton Moore was hired to
play the lead character. - This was all German propaganda
by the way. - The radio program ended in 1954, right after
the war, and the TV show in 1957, although the legend was
carried on in many movies.
William Tell Overture, composition by Gioachino Rossini. The overture premiered in Paris on August 3, 1829, and constituted the introductory dozen minutes of the composer’s last opera, Guilllaume Tell (William Tell). For many Americans, the work is irrevocably remembered for its exciting final three minutes, which came to serve as the theme music for the Lone Ranger programs in movies and on radio and television.
( |
TV stars |
- The western, was a genre of novels and short stories,
motion pictures, and radio shows that are set in the American
west, usually in the period of the 1850s to the end of the
19th-century. - Though basically an American creation, the
western had counterparts in the gaucho literature of Argentina
and in tales of the Australian outback. - It reached its
greatest popularity in the early and middle decades of the
20th-century and declined somewhat thereafter.
World salvation not likely |
- Will this presidency bring salvation to the world,
absolutely not. - Could this presidency be what was
prophesized in the Bible and these people don't know what
they're doing. - Does it even make sense that they somehow
don't know what they're doing? - That they're cloaking
their garments and masking their eyes and wearing Catholic
conquistidor hats, they're just simply copying some Franciscan
in the 14th-century. - Or they don't really know the
implications of all of this, but they are definitely trying to
bamboozle the general public with all their symbolism.
Running things |
- The general public who's so dumbed down and brainwashed
they somehow think it's a good thing. - But it represents
the law that Jesus Christ came to earth to 'fulfill' which
means complete, finish, over and done. - It simply didn't
work, it was the Old Covenant, the veil, and it's time for the
New Covenant, love Jesus, and love yourself and your neighbor
as much as yourself. - We see the results of this old law
everyday, criminals who end up free and the non-guilty behind
bars as well as criminals running everything.
Perched |
- And yes, it is more inclusive, and supposedly more equal
opportunity for all, but it's the heavy hand of the law, eye
for an eye, and often judges others wrongly. - So like all our
president's, we have a man who probably did very bad things to
get where he is. - He might still have a heart that wants
to be good, but he also might be seeking power and fame. -
Plus, he also might be thinking that he's doing the right
thing and he's the good guy.
Not on point |
- If this regime, especially Musk, thinks they will bring
world peace through AI, they're mistaken. - It's worse than
just mistaken, because he's been corrupted already by the bug,
he's playing a part and he's just a puppet or a Muppet. -
He doesn't even know it, he can't feel the puppeteer hand up
his back making him talk, telling him what to say. - It's
all going to play out, the flesh and the spirit, there's going
to be a battle, the battle for the minds of the world, the
false prophet shall battle with the true prophet of the Lord
and the Elijah class will bring fire down from heaven.
Deceiving |
- All those in the world will have to make the decision,
we're in the valley of decision, the mountain that will be
split into two when Christ returns. - We'll all be there in
the valley and we'll have to decide. - We're all just
children of the Lord and even Judas was only playing a part.
- But the point is, not only are some of these Elite deceived
by their own shenanigans, they don't even know that they're
being corralled into these things they're doing. - Or do
Grace of Christ |
- Evidently so many in the general public are so hopeful
that our world is going to soon be better, and we're going to
be happy and make America great again, they don't even realize
that's the job of Jesus Christ. - What's about to happen,
the truth, the enlightenment, will make the world better. -
When somebody comes along and understands the grace of Christ
and teaches that it's up to all of us to bring the kingdom, to
shine the light. - And it won't be some politician or
billionaire who propels himself into office, however that's
Dies by the sword |
- There's two white horses, there's the Antichrist and
there's Christ and nobody else. - None of us are going to
save the world. - Because we all grab a sword and become a
vigilante, we may have good intentions, we're going to get rid
of the evil. - Except that's not what Jesus told us to do.
- He told Apostle Peter to put his sword away, because anyone
who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. - The president
is possibly trying to be a peacemaker, but he's the head of the
most powerful military that's ever existed and guarantee there's
about to be some wars.
Funeral |
- Suddenly, Russia's about to collapse, their economy is
disintegrating, as soon as the new president took office, they
were winning one day and then everything fell apart. - It
appeared at one moment that both countries would come to
agreement and bring in the One World Government, but now it
looks like that's not what will happen. - Do you think
Russia's going to collapse before they decide to launch their
missiles? - Also, do you think they will just accept defeat,
probably not.
Put the weapons away |
- Plus, who knows if any of this propaganda about Russia
collapsing is even true, but it's been going around. - How
much is really believable, it's certainly the narrative now
and there's nothing that any carnal man, or government, or
president can do to save this world. - We're hitting some
rough water, and they have no idea what's about to happen with
all their efforts and their best intentions. - It's going
to come down on all of us soon, because they need to understand
they must put their swords away.
Brainwashed and confused |
- They must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it's
very doubtful they will do anything like that. - We're
about to go through it, and everyone that's so exhilerated and
happy that possibly the president's going to make us great
again, it's almost like they're pushing for him to be Hitler.
- We see some rather extreme Musk moves. - That 'let's
take them out attitude,' the white horse charging in to murder
the black horse. - However there is not any political
answer, and nothing divided stands, especially the 2-party
system we have been converted into.
Who's reaping rewards? |
- The only answer is Jesus Christ, but if you believe
there's no harm in voting for the president, and hoping, and
wishing him well, you did that already. - But if you think
you have to cooperate with what's playing out, and if
in your own mind, you believe we've got to give up even more of
our freedoms and install more laws, that spells trouble. - And
by giving this
president all the power he needs and saluting his cause, what's
happening is you're putting all your hope into a mortal man
and you're going to be deceived.
Too much policing |
- To the point that you're blinded and you're worshipping
government and the idea that if you put more police and
military on the street that will fix everything. - Or that
a war can fix this world after we throw some people out and
put them in a jail, or deport them, or something.
Smile a better world? |
- If you think all this is going to make a better world,
it's not going to happen because we can't get there that way,
through war, or anything like that. - Are you willing to
back this president no matter what he says or does, how will
you feel when he says, 'OK, I'm handing over the world
government to Jerusalem?'
Are you prepared to bow? |
- Because it's a prophecy in the Bible that the Jews will
say that their Messiah has come and all us Gentiles must bow
down. - You worship and believe so much, it's like you're
giving your allegiance to this plan. - Don't just
automatically give your allegiance to this plot, don't get
yourself backed into a corner where you end up taking the
'mark of the beast.' - If you're thinking it's not the mark
because we need all these material things like President's
Day, well that's where you're deceived.
Heart |
- Instead, we should just love one another with all the
power and might the U.S. has, we need to just take care of one
another and love one another. - Then we can stand in a
field and say, Lord, come Jesus, we're done trying to do it
'our way' just make a miracle for all of us with a sincere
heart we give our allegiance to you, we're no longer going to
go to war. - And if someone lobs a bomb over here we're
going to publicly announce we love you and let's end this
thing, let's just love one another and see what happens.
Dark agenda |
- As good as it sounds and as easy as it seems, it's
pretty obvious we're not going to do this, and therefore,
we're going to end in annihilation. - Jesus Christ is
coming to bring ruin to those who are ruining the earth, their
agenda is already out there, and they're not going to back
Boomerang |
- It's not what you all think, because the president and
his wife are part of the agenda so this is to tell you sorry;
it's not what you think it is, they're wrong and this is the
great deception. - You don't want to give your allegiance,
instead, seek the Lord, and only the Lord at this time, or
else you're not going to get through this.