Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




History of Centuries of War 
Power Struggle of Elite Begins

- The world doesn't know this at all and very few even suspect it.
- If you talk about conspiracies, like the Mandala effect and the mud floods, this kind of thing, or the big Tartarian conspiracy.
- There are stories about how 1,000 years of our history is missing and Jesus came to Earth already, a lot of great conspiracies.
- And we have other conspiracies like Nixon was a great man or that Trump is going to make America great again.
- If you don't have all the information, it's easy to see why some support this and believe in it.


What we know about knowledge

- This is serious business and we need to find an answer to definitively explain, so we will know and understand.
- And this has never been done throughout thousands of years of history.
- No one has ever seemed to understand it, even the players in 70 AD and it's hard to say if even historians like Josephus or Pliny understood any of this.
- Also the likes of Titus Vespasianus and Caesar, it's questionable how much any of these actors knew about what was really going on.


Written in the stars

- But it was all planned and written in the stars and it was destined to be understood in the latter days.
- Some of the prophets and apostles understood what they were supposed to understand in their day, but it's not clear that either Apostle Peter or Apostle Paul understood the final events of our day and how it would all play out.
- They had inspiration and understood small parts of it, but they didn't understand what we're about to understand.
- And the only reason we could possibly understand it now is that the Lord has allowed us to understand it and we have the internet to look up things.

Lost Egyptian

- There is so much more information available to us than ever before, things like the Rosetta Stone, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library in Egypt.
- Monuments, buried treasure in Egypt and Kincaid's Lost Egyptian cave in the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
- There's so much information we need to pour through and there will be a finale.
- We need to know why there's a Statue of Liberty, what we're doing in America and why we're free and why there's going to be a second coming.

The story of G.E. Kincaid and his Grand Canyon discovery was published in the Arizona Gazette in 1909. Soon after, the Smithsonian Institute reportedly became involved. According to some, the Smithsonian quickly shut down any investigations into the cave and claimed that no such discovery had been made. (

Mind blowing aerial map

- This is a fact and you can depend on it, and it's the reason everything is being orchestrated by the heavens.
- There's things about our history here in America that are mind blowing.
- For instance, Joseph Smith, many who aren't Mormons don't want to hear about this, except historically, we all need to know this even though the majority of us aren't Mormons and will never be.
- In fact, most of us won't want to follow any man-made religion and will listen to prophets instead.

Joseph Smith Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844) was an American religious and political leader and the founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement. Publishing the Book of Mormon at the age of 24, Smith attracted tens of thousands of followers by the time of his death fourteen years later. The religion he founded is followed by millions of global adherents and several churches, the largest of which is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). (Wikipedia)


- By the time you learn about it historically, you will want to know more intimately than you ever thought.
- Because it is certainly part of the tale that we will weave to get us to the answer.

Soviet bloc

- Let's start by going to the Soviet Union during the years 1939 through 1940.
- Can you imagine how you would feel in the Soviet Union when 1% of the population, one particular nationality who was basically hated by most everyone, took that country over and there were mass extinctions and genocide.
- Of course there will be theories, and you will be told different things and you're going to be brainwashed.


- Look at Germany now, according to the world, the Germans were under some kind of hypnosis.
- The Germans believed that all the problems of the world are caused by these individuals that were from Bavaria.
- The Bavarian Illuminati was started in 1776 by a man named Adam Weishaupt.
- Now where have you heard the name Adam before, it goes back to Biblical understanding, all the way back to the first man.
- Weishaupt was more than likely involved with Jesuits and so forth, but he was a particular Biblical bloodline and that's why his name was Adam.

Johann Adam Weishaupt (6 February 1748 – 18 November 1830) was a German philosopher, professor of civil law and later canon law, and founder of the Illuminati. (Wikipedia)


- These Bavarians were up in Germany and they had something going on, there was some conspiracy to have something secret in the works.
- Remember, in 1776 there was also something else going on during that time in America by a group of masons.
- George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were also masons but they were not overly thrilled with the Adam Weishaupt brand of mason.


- The original masons were driven out of France and were originally from Marseille in France and were descendents of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
- These were the individuals that wore the liberty cap that then went to Turkey, so did they go to Turkey before or after they were expelled from France.
- The Tartarians were also the descendents of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Sheitel wig

- The two groups who were the descendants of Jacob that were in the world at that time were the Ashkenazi Jewish and the Sephardic Jewish.
- Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were Sephardic Jews.
- The Ashkenazi were the ones that were up in Germany so we can discern from the geographical location and the fact that they were called Bavarian Illuminati, which side of this fence they were on.
- So if you imagine this particular group of individuals called the Ashkenazi, and it's interesting that the end of that word is nazi.

Roped off

- Can you imagine being in Germany during that period, after your country had just gone through World War I.
- You were not allowed to have a standing army, sell your wares and become powerful and you were more or less roped off from the rest of the world and told you can't ever defend yourself again.
- In other words, you're now second-class citizens of the world.
- Especially at a time when the growing theory was that the Germans were ruined on purpose by somebody.

Bank runners with rope

- Somebody didn't like the Germans and it was whoever was running the banks.
- It just so happens that Mr. Rothschild took over the banks, or is this just another conspiracy?
- We have to start with some things that most people understand and know is true.
- It's pretty much a fact of history that Rothschild took over the banking system and became very weathy.

Hanging gardens

- You have to ask yourself, how in the world did a small group of individuals have so much power that for the most part, everyone hated, and why did they hate them?
- Has anyone ever asked the question why did Rome destroy Jerusalem in 70 AD?
- Has anyone ever asked the question why did Babylon destroy Jerusalem in 600 BC?
- But the question is why? and why is this all we hear because there's many other countries and cities that have had wars.

Jerusalem destroyed

- The crazy part about this is that Jerusalem's been destroyed many many times.
- So everyone just assumed they were the 'Lord's people being persecuted' don't you know?
- Except there were only 2 tribes left there, the other 10 tribes scattered across the entire world and left Judah and Levi behind.
- The other 10 tribes went to the Caucus mountains and east to China, south to Africa, and west to America, all over the world.

Galilee circuit

- Israel is now all the world, they were planted like seed and they sprang up, and that's the circuit of Israel, what the Bible calls the Galilee or circuit of the nations.
- Jesus traveled on the circuit to find the lost tribes of the House of Israel.
- In 600 BC when Jerusalem was destroyed and there's got to be a reason, but if it had happened only once we could come up with some political reason or whatever.


The name Galilee comes from the Hebrew word galil, which means "circuit" or "ring". The region of Galilee is named after its circular shape around the Sea of Galilee. (Wikipedia)

Jeconiah bloodline

- The odd thing about what happened there is all the bloodline of these people who were from Jerusalem, was from the Royal bloodline of Jeconiah, a descendant of Hezekiah, and they were all taken to Babylon.
- If you read in the Book of Isaiah, you find verses where it explains that someone had a scheme, a plan, to take from the Royal bloodline of the Perez line that was descended from Judah, and take it to Babylon where it would grow and sprout and prosper.
- So they destroyed Jerusalem so that it might prosper in Babylon and this was some evil plan that the Bible said will not succeed.

In the Bible, Perez is the son of Judah and Tamar, meaning the "Perez line" directly traces back to Judah through their son Perez, who was born from a complex situation where Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute to conceive with Judah after her husband's death; this lineage is significant because it ultimately leads to the lineage of King David and Jesus Christ himself. (Wikipedia)


Great family tree

- The Lord will take another branch from the great tree of this Royal bloodline and he will transplant it into the mountains of Israel at the heights and the tops of the mountains.
- So there were 10 other nations from Israel that were scattered into the world and they had their own mountains.
- This same plan to take from the Royal bloodline happened again in 70 AD, once again Jerusalem was destroyed, this time by Rome.
- And remember, there were only 2 tribes in Jerusalem at that time, Judah and Levi.

On the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it; it will produce branches and bear fruit and become a splendid cedar. Birds of every kind will nest in it; they will find shelter in the shade of its branches. (Ezekiel 17:23)

Flavius Josephus

- It's interesting that Jewish historian Josephus ended up befriending the Romans and lived with them as well.
- But not just any Romans, he made friends with the Flavians and he became Flavius Josephus which stands for blond haired white man. 
- The Flavian dynasty was a caucasian people with blonde hair and blue eyes and that is what the word Flavius means.
- So ask yourself why was Jerusalem destroyed and how was it that some of the highest elite families survived to tell us the story.
- Everything was written down by a man named Flavius Josephus who wrote about the destruction of Jerusalem.
- On top of that, he was royalty now, he had the royal name.

There is evidence that the Flavian family was involved with early Christianity. It is claimed that the Roman theology of Victory fueled the family's goal to destroy Jerusalem and their imperial ambition. (Wikipedia)


- How about Pliny the Elder and Philo, who were individuals from the same Royal bloodline who rose to power.
- Let's not go through all the individuals that were in this group.
- But if they've taken the Royal bloodline from the Jerusalem area to Babylon to make it thrive, to put it in the top of a mountain, which means they would be the ruling class.
- The Babylonians wanted them to rule, it was bloodline birthright.
- So why did Jacob want Esau's birthright, and why did Esau want Nimrod's birthright.

Nimrod is a biblical figure mentioned in the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles. The son of Cush and therefore the great-grandson of Noah, Nimrod was described as a king in the land of Shinar (Lower Mesopotamia). The Bible states that he was "a mighty hunter before the Lord [and] ... began to be mighty in the earth". Some later (non-biblical) traditions, interpreting the story of Jacob's dream in the Bible (Genesis 28:11–19), identified Nimrod as the ruler who had commissioned the construction of the Tower of Babel or of Jacob's Ladder, and that identification led to his reputation as a king who had been rebellious against God. (Wikipedia)

Headless Nimrod

- The Bible tells us that Esau beheaded Nimrod and took his birthright and his cloak that was handed down from Cain, all the way from Adam to Esau.
- So there's a coveted bloodline, a royal scepter.
- But it's not true that the Judeans had that scepter by right.
- It had been transfered several times, once Cain had it, and Nimrod too.
- Aren't these different races, isn't Nimrod anathema to the Judeans?
- The Judeans came from their father Jacob (Israel), who stole his birthright from his brother Esau.

Pliny the Elder and Philo were both ancient writers who contributed to the fields of philosophy, history, and science. (Wikipedia)


- You would think since Esau was Jacob's brother, they would both be the same, but they seemed to be a different color and race.
- Esau had much more hair, you could tell he was different than Jacob.
- You could touch Esau and see he wasn't the same, he wasn't anything like his brother, and this deity that loved Jacob, hated his brother Esau.
- There is a story about some kind of hanky panky but that's for another day but it did have something to do with this bloodline.

Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” (Genesis 25:21-23)


- That's not saying there is a real bloodline still remaining with the individuals we call Judeans.
- However, the prophecy says the scepter will not depart from Judah, until he who comes who has the legal right (Christ) who came through the line of Joseph.
- Joseph Smith, we'll get back to that later.
- You won't get hoodwinked into some crazy religion we're not promoting Mormon, just Joseph Smith.
- This group will find out soon that what they've done, unless they repent, they will be wiped off the face of the earth.

Abominations pointed out

- Remember the affair that happened in Missouri when 17 Mormons were massacred by the 'bad people' and they later murdered Joseph Smith.
- Well Joseph Smith said that people who martyred him and took over that church and went to the Rocky Mountains and are there today, where they created this thing they call polygamous marriage.
- Marriages that Smith called whoredoms and abominations.
- Joseph Smith said that they would be wiped off the face of the earth in judgment, just before the second coming of Christ.
- This is a message that needs to be received by the Mormons and the Judeans and all the people around the world that are about to take the mark of the beast.
- If they don't wake up soon, it won't go well.

The Hawn’s Mill Massacre (also Haun’s Mill Massacre) occurred on October 30, 1838, when a mob/militia unit from Livingston County, Missouri, attacked a Mormon settlement in eastern Caldwell County, Missouri, after the Battle of Crooked River.By far the bloodiest event in the 1838 Mormon War in Missouri, it has long been remembered by the members of the Latter Day Saint movement. (Wikipedia)

Wake up soon or else

- Today we are weaving history and prophecy that will soon be absolutely clear who the seed of Christ is and it's not the Judeans.
- Nor is it the LDS church, it is instead, those who receive it by faith who are not descendants by blood to any particular person on earth, but are spiritual children of Christ.
- Those that were born again as Christians and those who receive the true message of Christ, love their neighbors, and receive it all by faith.
- Not one who is a Jew on the outside, from physical circumcision, but one who is a Jew on the inside and is counted as the seed by being in Christ through faith.

Solomon's temple

- If we go back in time to just before the destruction of Jerusalem around 600 BC, remember that Solomon married 1,000 wives and David married 700.
- Most people wonder why both men did that, but it was to build a kingdom, to create a lineal descendant from each of these wives, who were all from different nations.
- In order to put a Royal bloodline onto their nation.
- There were 1,000 different nations, and all received their authority from Solomon, that's why he was considered so great, because they were all children of Solomon.
- The bloodline of Royal descent.

Solomon also called Jedidiah, was the fourth monarch of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah, according to the Hebrew Bible. The successor of his father David, he is described as having been the penultimate ruler of all Twelve Tribes of Israel under an amalgamated Israel and Judah. The hypothesized dates of Solomon's reign are from 970 to 931 BCE. According to the biblical narrative, after Solomon's death, his son and successor Rehoboam adopted harsh policies towards the northern Israelites, who then rejected the reign of the House of David and sought Jeroboam as their king. (Wikipedia)


- But the prophecy, remember Jacob, the Bible says that 70 souls came out of the loins of Jacob.
- The 70 souls were the 70 nations, there's actually 72, but it always gets rounded to 70.
- This is also reference to the 72 deacons in the astrological wheel and there's 12 houses and this is the reason why there's 12 tribes and 12 Apostles.
- So obviously, there's some kind of symbology going on, some kind of story we don't know about and haven't a clue.

Went as far as the ends of the earth

- When Jacob blessed each of his 12 sons, he gave each of them a different blessing.
- There were two blessings that were more notable.
- One was the birthright blessing given to Joseph; he would be above his Brethren and he would flourish his branch, is it his lineal branch or a Royal descent.
- The branch was by a well so there was plenty of water and it rose up and went over the wall, what wall?
- Not a physical wall, but some kind of demarcation line where civilization extended to and then it went over the wall and it expanded and it went as far as the ends of the earth.

In the Bible, Jacob blessed Joseph with a double portion of his inheritance, the land of Zion, and blessings from heaven and the deep. Jacob also adopted Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, making them his own. (Wikipedia)


- So the birthright was granted to Joseph but Judah also received a blessing.
- Joseph was the first born of the favorite wife, Rachel, the free woman, which is the New Covenant.
- Leah, the slave woman, under YHWHs Old Covenant, and her last born, and youngest son, was Judah and he shouldn't have had any blessing over his brothers.
- But he received the blessing that he would receive the scepter of Israel in some way, not through inheritance, and that he would only have it until he eventually loses it.
- So he had the rights to a temporary kingdom.

Great multitude

- It was Judah who sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt after he convinced his brothers they should sell him.
- Joseph went down into Egypt and came out a great multitude, a mixed multitude along with the 144,000 and that's how many Judeans came up out of Israel.
- There were only 144,000 men and armies on horseback and of course they had the women and children so there may have been a million or more Israelites.
- And along with that, came up a great mixed multitude because Joseph's wife was Asenath and she was a Canaanite.
- They lived with the Egyptians and so forth, so this must mean it was a salvation for all the world.

YHWH who is a vengeful deity

- Unfortunately, the world is not focused on Joseph, but on the story which is the tale of YHWH who is a vengeful deity.
- He calls himself hate or jealous, that is his name, he who makes a curse and a bondage for mankind and condemned us all to death.
- But he shall reign unto, and he will only reign until the one who has legal right and that is Joseph who has the birthright and who had the birthright because he was a firstborn Jesus.
- We won't go into all of this now, but understand this is a spiritual question and these Judeans have some of the answer.
- This is because they hold some of the bloodline in which somebody wants to have rule over all the world, and it's the youngest and most ignorant.

Receive Christ and confess his name

- The Judean kingdom was a southern kingdom which represents the southern part of the world, or your body, which is the lower and it's the carnal commandments.
- The lower ego will reign until they receive Christ and confess his name and bend their knee.
- When every eye will see Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven, they too will see him, even those who pierced him.
- So it will be a dramatic event when these individuals are finally brought to Christ.

Bringing them back to their homeland

- When we look at the world today we see these individuals over in Israel and the world seems to want to make them a kingdom and bring them back to their homeland.
- There's always war and they seem to hate Jesus, for all these years and they still do to this day refuse to believe in him.
- Remember they told Pontius Pilate, 'crucify him, may his blood be upon us and our children.'
- This is of course, very prophetic.

Pontius Pilate was the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea, serving under Emperor Tiberius from 26/27 to 36/37 AD. He is best known for being the official who presided over the trial of Jesus and ultimately ordered his crucifixion. Pilate's importance in Christianity is underscored by his prominent place in both the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. Because the gospels portray Pilate as reluctant to execute Jesus, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church believes that Pilate became a Christian and venerates him as both a martyr and a saint, a belief which is historically shared by the Coptic Church, with a feast day on 19 or 25 June, respectively. (Wikipedia)

Charlemagne was emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

- When Charlemagne became the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire there were descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Marseilles near the Languedoc region of France.
- The people in this region were thriving and they had descendants of Christ, however, they weren't really recognizing themselves, even though they were direct descendants of the Holy Family.
- They didn't even care about that, they only cared about their spirituality, that they were Christian and that they followed Jesus and his teachings

Languedoc-Roussillon (often called "the Languedoc") is a historical coastal region in southern France, extending from Provence to the Pyrenees Mountains and the border with Spain. It's now part of Occitanie. (Wikipedia)

Royal bloodline

- The Holy Roman Empire didn't have a Royal bloodline, so they made a plan for whatever reason.
- You can find this in the history books, although it's never highlighted, but you will find that Charlemagne went down to Baghdad because Babylon had been destroyed and Baghdad was near there.
- They found a descendant of Jeconiah and brought him to the Holy Roman Empire in Europe where Charlemagne had him marry his aunt.
- So through Charlemagne's aunt, and this Jewish person Jeconiah, they made a Royal bloodline that ruled the Holy Roman Empire from that point forward.

YHWH blessing bloodline

- The Holy Roman Empire then had that bloodline, and had they not had it, evidently they must have thought they would not be blessed.
- Blessed? But by who?
- Certainly not by the Lord Jesus, instead, YHWH blessed that line.
- It was a line of vengeance and hate like it always was, so therefore there were people that didn't like it.
- They would destroy them, but they would preserve the branch, maybe they thought if they preserved the branch we'll get all the favor of YHWH.
- Who knows? This is the question that we are trying to figure out but we are still looking at the symptoms and not the conclusion.

The Holy Roman Empire, also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, was a polity in Central and Western Europe, usually headed by the Holy Roman Emperor. It developed in the Early Middle Ages, and lasted for a millennium until its dissolution in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars. On 25 December 800, Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne Roman emperor, reviving the title more than three centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. The title lapsed in 924, but was revived in 962 when Otto I was crowned emperor by Pope John XII, as Charlemagne's and the Carolingian Empire's successor. (Wikipedia)

Waldensians driven out

- We then go down to the Waldensian Inquisition which was in France and involved the Sephardic Israelites from Marseilles, descendants of the Holy Family.
- The Waldensian movement started in Lyon towards the end of the 12th century and spread throughout Europe in the Middle Ages.
- They were driven out of France in the Waldensian Inquisition and they went to Spain, and then there was a Spanish Inquisition and they were driven out of Spain.
- From there, some of them went to America, some went to Breton in France and then others went to the Isle of Man and Scotland.

The Waldensians are adherents of a church tradition that began as an ascetic movement within Western Christianity before the Reformation. Originally known as the Poor of Lyon in the late twelfth century, the movement spread to the Cottian Alps in what is today France and Italy. The founding of the Waldensians is attributed to Peter Waldo, a wealthy merchant who gave away his property around 1173, preaching apostolic poverty as the way to perfection. Waldensian teachings came into conflict with the Catholic Church and by 1215 the Waldensians were declared heretical, not because they preached apostolic poverty, which the Franciscans also preached, but because they were not willing to recognize the prerogatives of local bishops over the content of their preaching, nor to recognize standards about who was fit to preach. (Wikipedia)

Waldensians in the Ottoman Empire

- Still other Waldesian's ended up in the Ottoman Empire in Turkey and many went up to Ukraine and this is why there were so many of these particular Judeans in Latvia, Belarus and the Ukraine area.
- There came to be millions and millions of these Sephardic Jews because they were driven there by all the Inquistions.
- Also they are not related to the Ashkenazi Jews.
- Joseph Stalin, in some kind of a cooperation with Nazi Germany genocided millions of Judeans in that area and they were the Sephardic Jews, not the Ashkenazi.
- So you see, they were murdering Jesus' bloodline.

British American

- The Ashkenazi Jews fled the opposite direction as the Sephardic Jews when the Waldensian Albigensian Inquisition was going on in France.
- And later on, after the Spanish Inquistion, some of them went to the Ottoman Empire but many went to America.
- In fact, they were already in America in the 15th-century and had already built Chicago which was called something like Shilago and they had a capital there.

The Albigensian Crusade was a military campaign in southern France that took place from 1209 to 1229. The crusade was launched by Pope Innocent III against the Cathari, a religious sect that rejected sacraments and believed in a dualistic universe. The crusade was also known as the Cathar Crusade. (Wikipedia)

French Liberty cap

- They had the little liberty cap on the statue, just like our French Statue of Liberty, but it was worn by the people who were driven from France.
- These were the Tartarians, who were the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, they knew their brothers in the Ottoman Empire and they had commerce with them.
- A lot of this area of the world was exterminated, and they're not done, they're getting ready to get rid of some more.
- However, a number of them were here in America for hundreds of years, so there are some surprises in the way the story twists, but we will get to that later.

Tartianian architecture

- The Tartianian architecture here in America were not from the Mayflower let's put it that way.
- Did Stalin know why he was genociding Judeans or did the Nazis know why, has any of this ever been explained?
- Why is it if Nazi Germany didn't like these individuals in their country, did they then go to Poland, Belarus, Latvia and then Ukraine and all these areas and mass genocide them there?
- Back to the original question, how did these individual people, 1% of the population of Russia, how did they manage a coup and take over Russia during World War I in 1917.

Violent break with the past measures
Is that a muskrat?

- Muskrats, like most rodents, are prolific breeders.
- In 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution involved 1% of the population and they were of this particular Ashkenazi group and they ended up murdering all the Shephardic Jews that were in Ukraine.
- One of many competing Russian versions of Marxism, Bolshevism, emphasized the violent break with the past, which in its view could not be achieved by democratic methods.
- Remember, the anti's twin, Elvis, died on the toilet because they're mocking Jesus.

The Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin, were a radical faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) which split with the Mensheviks at the Second Party Congress in 1903. The Bolshevik party, formally established in 1912, seized power in Russia in the October Revolution of 1917, and was later renamed the Russian Communist Party, All-Union Communist Party, and ultimately the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Its ideology, based on Leninist and later Marxist–Leninist principles, became known as Bolshevism. (Wikipedia)

Queen Victoria 1843

- Why did this happen, how did this one small group take over?
- The Russians had already taken over banking.
- Is it a coincidence or does it make more sense now why one other group went to Britain and took over the Parliament and had relations with Queen Victoria.
- This was Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Queen Victoria and they ended up with 9 children that didn't belong to Prince Albert.
- However, these 9 children ended up in positions of power throughout Europe and literally, they took over all of Europe.
- Only the Brits don't want us to know about any of this.

The British branch of the family was elevated into the British nobility by Queen Victoria in 1855. Queen Victoria had initially disliked the proposal by Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone to raise Lionel de Rothschild to the peerage. However, in 1855, Victoria raised Lionel's son, Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, to the peerage; he became the first Jewish member of the House of Lords. (Wikipedia)

Hollywood star 611

- If you don't believe it, just look at what they did here in America, they took over Hollywood.
- New York was run by them, remember, it was called the New Empire and is still known as the Empire State.
- That's where they built the Empire State Building which was ostensibly, the ruler of the world and it was owned by John Jacob Astor.
- Another member of this family had a son named Waldorf Astor who built the Waldorf Astoria hotel where Nikola Tesla lived for the last few years of his life.

The Waldorf Astoria New York is a luxury hotel and condominium residence in the Midtown Manhattan neighborhood of New York City, United States. The structure, at 301 Park Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets, is a 47-story, 625 ft (191 m) Art Deco landmark designed by architects Schultze and Weaver and completed in 1931. (Wikipedia)

FBI agent who removed Tesla's A/C records

- We all know there is some deep conspiracy regarding Tesla's records that were removed from the Waldorf but that is for another day.
- John Jacob Astor was the richest, most powerful man in America, and soon to become the richest man in the world.
- There was a world war going on and they put him on the Titanic and sunk it on April 15, 1912, and BOOM, the Rothschild's and the Rockefeller's won again.
- It almost seems like these individuals are all the same bloodline, the Rothschild's are the same bloodline as the Astor's, but they killed their brother.

John Jacob Astor IV (July 13, 1864 – April 15, 1912) was an American business magnate, real estate developer, investor, writer, lieutenant colonel in the Spanish–American War, and a prominent member of the Astor family. He was among the most prominent American passengers aboard RMS Titanic and perished along with 1,495 others when the ship sank on her maiden voyage. Astor was the richest passenger aboard the RMS Titanic and was thought to be among the richest people in the world at that time, with a net worth of roughly $87 million (equivalent to $2.75 billion in 2023) when he died. (Wikipedia)

Elite's oven

- This was an all-out greedy elite war and they didn't care who they had to kill.
- It wasn't even about family bloodline at this point, it was all about control and power.
- These elites were even able to persuade the American president to enter into World War II.
- The whole reason for going to war in the second world war was because of a conspiracy between the prime minister of Britain, Winston Churchill, and the newly elected president Franklin Roosevelt in America.

Castle storm

- So we had the prime minister of Britain, the Russian government and the American government all involved.
- Each of these groups had a powerful organization housed within that ran each country in stealth mode they call 'intelligence.'
- Russia had the KGB and Britain had the SIS or the M16 and the CIA in America and all of them are mentored by the KGB.
- The president now plans on granting all these groups access to American citizens so you can look forward to the KGB and FBI kicking down your door at the same time.
- Currently the FBI works domestically and the CIA only has foreign jurisdiction, but somehow the KGB will be allowed the same domestic powers as the FBI.

The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), is the foreign intelligence service of the United Kingdom, tasked mainly with the covert overseas collection and analysis of human intelligence on foreign nationals in support of its Five Eyes partners. SIS is one of the British intelligence agencies and the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service ("C") is directly accountable to the Foreign Secretary. (Wikipedia)

War DOGe

- The president briefly mentioned this in a short sentence in a broadcast that more than likely very few heard, but this is the elites way of telling us what they are doing, which is required by universal law, even as they barely put the message out there.
- The general public sees all this chaos and change going on, which they've been recently convinced is a 'good thing' because it will cut so much government fraud, and this short sentence by the president was just a blur to most of them, or they just didn't understand what it means.
- This is all a part of how our government dishes out propaganda and hides the truth from us.

The KGB gradually expanded its foreign intelligence operations to become the world’s largest foreign intelligence service. As the Cold War with the United States intensified, the KGB came to be viewed as a counterpart of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); however, unlike the CIA, the KGB conducted most of its activities domestically, on Soviet soil and against Soviet citizens. (

Double-handed ready to rise

- It does seem that all these individuals were in power before World War II and they are the ones who drove the world to war.
- Even if you try to claim this all happened because they were trying to get rid of the Nazis since the Nazis didn't like them, the truth is, at that point, American's didn't know any of that.
- We really didn't know much about Hitler at that point because he hadn't done anything wrong, yet.
- We didn't know what Nazis were about to do, they were just a small party of discontents who were mad because they felt that minorities were taking over their country.

General public is dazed and confused

- Germany had been destroyed already in World War I and their economy was in ruins.
- It was just the same as today, with so many suffering, so it was just like today with Trump hysteria.
- Everyone screaming they need to get rid of the refugees, we don't have any money, our economy's bad, someone's to blame.
- In Germany, it was the Germanic Judeans, descended from the Ashkenazi's, who blamed the Sephardic Jews for all their problems.

Two branches of the family

- If you ever wondered why the Germans, who seemed so Jewish, were killing other Jews, this is why, there were 2 branches of the family there.
- Just like there is a movement in this country with the Proud Boys, Steve Bannon and Musk seems to be signaling to them.
- But we don't know what anything really means, all we have is history, however real, those are the facts.

Ash tray

- We have a group of individuals today trying to get rid of their rivals from the same family.
- The Mafia does this, they fight amongst themselves and get rid of their rivals.
- Perhaps Musk has some 'bump off' plan for his rivals because they wouldn't share with him.
- So now he's planning along with the president and others.
- They may be against Billy the Gatekeeper because, after all, he was only in charge of opening the gate.

D-israel-i gears

- So who's planning on taking us to Mars?
- We've had several years now of Trump cozying up to Benjamin Netanyahu and he has already declared Jerusalem as the capital, so there's definite ties going on here.
- We've got the whole political world, the news agencies, the radio and television stations, Hollywood, all the propaganda, all being run by these individuals in our country.
- If there's any problems in the world they are the ones orchestrating it.
- But they're always rigging things in such a way that they're not the ones in the forefront and frankly, they've ruined our good name.

Benjamin Netanyahu (born 21 October 1949) is an Israeli politician who has been serving as the prime minister of Israel since 2022, having previously held the office from 1996 to 1999 and from 2009 to 2021. Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister in Israel's history, having served a total of over 17 years. Born to secular Jewish parents, Netanyahu was raised in West Jerusalem and the United States. (Wikipedia)

Desert storm

- The president's not going to come out and announce that they're all part of this Bolshevik Revolution crowd.
- They don't ever say that, and nobody knows it.
- But at the same time, everyone knows these individuals are in Hollywood and they know that the Senate all have this leaning.
- Yet nobody really knows, because they've all changed their names and identities, so nobody can figure out what they're really doing.
- If they can create a conspiracy that deep that nobody knows what's going on, even though we have all the facts.
- In fact, we have more facts than any other time in history.

Tbe murky veil inside of you

- If they can deceive the mind from cognizant understanding, then they can deceive the minds of the world, and they certainly do.
- So much so, that we now have some Indian television station interviewing one of these individuals and it seems like they're completely unaware that these Ashkenazi took over their nation a couple of centuries ago.
- And they've been their slaves ever since, and so have the Chinese.
- Don't think that the Chinese are going to take over somehow.
- Whoever these individuals are that run the world, Hollywood, the Soviet Union, are running China too.

Not the same family tree

- Could these individuals have allowed the Nazi party to rise up just so they could squash it whenever they wanted to because they had the power.
- But it was just a ploy and in the meantime, instead of getting rid of the Ashkenazi group that some say aren't even of that line, they're fake, but they always seem to be somehow hanging around.
- Maybe they're the ones that are really in charge and are getting rid of the other side, the Sephardic Jews who were all descendants of Jesus Christ.

German-occupied Soviet Union

- Getting back to September 29-30th anniversary of the largest massacre during the Holocaust which was committed by mobile killing units in the German-occupied Soviet Union Territories.
- This included Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Bessarabia, North Bukovina and the Soviet Union with over 33,771 Jews murdered in 2 days.
- This rampage at Babi Yar, outside of Kiev, Ukraine, is among the thousands of mass graves still being uncovered throughout these areas.

Babi Yar is a ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and a site of massacres carried out by Nazi Germany's forces during its campaign against the Soviet Union in World War II. The first and best documented of the massacres took place on 29–30 September 1941, in which some 33,771 Jews were murdered. Other victims of massacres at the site included Soviet prisoners of war, communists and Romani people. It is estimated that a total of between 100,000 and 150,000 people were murdered at Babi Yar during the German occupation. (Wikipedia)


- The Holocaust in the Soviet Union is one of the most barbaric moments in history with the murder of at least 2 million Soviet Jews at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators.
- Isn't it odd that they were getting rid of these individuals but yet Russia is still run by them
- Putin, that little short guy and the KGB, yeah him.
- It's something they don't want to talk about but no one ever asks the question where did they go, or are they still there?
- No one asks, you're not allowed to ask.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who has served as President of Russia since 2012, having previously served from 2000 to 2008. Putin also served as Prime Minister of Russia from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012. He is the longest-serving Russian president since the independence of Russia from the Soviet Union. Putin worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He resigned in 1991 to begin a political career in Saint Petersburg. In 1996, he moved to Moscow to join the administration of President Boris Yeltsin. (Wikipedia)

Unified cooperation

- You also have to ask why did Stalin allow Hitler to come into the Soviet Union and massacre all these people.
- Maybe he couldn't stop him?
- But wait a minute, we had a World War II and the Russians and Americans defeated Hitler, so you'd think they could have held him back a little bit.
- Maybe it was a unified cooperation and there is an indication of that.
- Do you remember reading about how all the top defense firms in the world were building war machinery for both sides?
- They claimed it was to make the war 'more fair' but there is much more.

Murdered by bullets, not in gas chambers

- One out of three individuals who were killed in the Holocaust were murdered by bullets, not in gas chambers.
- All of them that were murdered  by bullets were up in this Ukrainian, Poland, Latvia area, and all of them were refugees from years before from Spain and France.
- Currently, many with Sephardi ancestors are able to get Spanish passports which proves they were moved to the Ukraine.


- The accusation that Joseph Stalin was anti-Semitic is much discussed by historians.
- Although he was part of the movement that touted anti-Semitism  like Trotsky and Lenin, he privately displayed a contemptuous attitude toward them on various occasions that were witnessed by others and documented by historical sources.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (born Dzhugashvili; 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953) was a Soviet politician, revolutionary, and political theorist who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. He held power as General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 to 1952 and as Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1941 until his death. He initially governed as part of a collective leadership, but consolidated power to become a dictator by the 1930s. Stalin codified his interpretation of Marxism as Marxism–Leninism, while the totalitarian political system he established is known as Stalinism. (Wikipedia)

Stalin victory

- Stalin argued that the Jews possessed a national character but were not a nation and were thus unassimilable.
- He argued that Jewish nationalism, particularly Zionism, was hostile to socialism.
- In 1939, Stalin reversed communist policy and began cooperation with Nazi Germany that included a removal of high-profile Jews from the Kremlin.
- As dictator of the Soviet Union, he promoted repressive policies that conspicuously impacted Jews shortly after World War II, especially during the anti-cosmopolitan campaign.

The anti-cosmopolitan campaign was an anti-Western campaign in the Soviet Union which began in late 1948 and has been widely described as a thinly disguised antisemitic purge. A large number of Jews were persecuted as Zionists or rootless cosmopolitans. (Wikipedia)

Nikita Khrushchev Red Army

- At the time of his death in 1953, Stalin was planning an even larger campaign against Jews within the Soviet Union which included the deportation of all Jews to Northern Kazakhstan.
- According to his successor, Nikita Khrushchev, Stalin was fomenting the doctor's plot as a pretext for further anti-Jewish repressions.
- Meanwhile, Stalin continued to publicly condemn anti-Semitism, although he was repeatedly accused of it.
- Hitler had planned to move all the Jews in Germany to Madagascar.

Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (15 April 1894 – 11 September 1971) was First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (premier) from 1958 to 1964. During his rule, Khrushchev stunned the communist world with his denunciation of his predecessor Joseph Stalin and embarked on a policy of de-Stalinization with his key ally Anastas Mikoyan. He sponsored the early Soviet space program and enacted reforms in domestic policy. After some false starts, and a narrowly avoided nuclear war over Cuba, he conducted successful negotiations with the United States to reduce Cold War tensions. In 1964, the Kremlin circle stripped him of power, replacing him with Leonid Brezhnev as First Secretary and Alexei Kosygin as Premier. (Wikipedia)

Stalin deportation plans

- Now according to Benjamin Netanyahu, Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews, but a Muslim convinced him to burn them instead.
- It seems that when you're about to deport somebody, but you're bombarded by the Allies so that you cannot move but you're hunkered down and they're bombing you and have stopped the flow of commerce.
- They couldn't feed most of the people in the concentration camps, many of them died from starvation, not because of any plan they may have had in Germany.
- It sounds like the Allied bombardment may have also killed many of them but it's hard to know because we weren't there.

The "doctors' plot" was a Soviet state-sponsored antisemitic campaign based on a conspiracy theory that alleged a cabal of prominent medical specialists, predominantly of Jewish ethnicity, intended to murder leading government and communist party officials. It was also known as the case of saboteur doctors or killer doctors. In 1951–1953, a group of mostly Jewish doctors from Moscow were accused of a conspiracy to assassinate Soviet leaders. This was later accompanied by publications of antisemitic character in the media which talked about the threats of Zionism and condemned people with Jewish surnames. (Wikipedia)

Prisoner of war

- You see the old photos of them starving, and skin and bones and they couldn't feed them, they were dying, millions of Germans themselves were dying.
- It has been argued that anti-Semitic trends in his policies were fueled by Stalin's struggle against Leon Trotsky.
- After Stalin's death, Khrushchev claimed that Stalin encouraged him to incite anti-Semitism in Ukraine.
- And that Stalin allegedly told him that the good workers at the factory should be given clubs so they can beat the hell out of those Jews.

Leon Trotsky born as Lev Davidovich Bronstein (7 November 1879 – 21 August 1940), was a Russian revolutionary, Soviet politician, and political theorist. He was a central figure in the 1905 Revolution, October Revolution of 1917, Russian Civil War, and establishment of the Soviet Union, from which he was exiled in 1929 before his assassination in 1940. Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin were widely considered the two most prominent Soviet figures from 1917 until Lenin's death in 1924. Ideologically a Marxist and a Leninist, Trotsky's ideas inspired a school of Marxism known as Trotskyism. Born into a wealthy Jewish family in Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire, Trotsky joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1898. (Wikipedia)

Stalin grip

- In 1946, Stalin allegedly said privately that 'every Jew is a potential spy.'
- It was noted that although Stalin had Jewish associates, he promoted anti-Semitism, yet there was no irrefutable evidence of it in his published work, only in his private statements and public actions where he made crude antagonistic comments towards them.
- Yet, throughout his life, Joseph Stalin was a friend, associate, or leader of countless individual Jews, and he had affairs with Jewish women.
- Could it be because he was friend and lover to only one certain branch of the Jews?

Sephardic Jew

- So obviously, it appears that if there were anyone in the world that didn't like these individuals and were plotting against them, it was the also the Russians.
- It seems like from the days of Babylon the powers that be were actually trying to preserve one particular line of them for whatever reason, while at the same time, ridding the world of the other one.
- Perhaps the true Judeans didn't like this little group that was taking over Russia and the British Parliament, who are now considered the Zionists.
- Maybe they just don't like them.

Zionism is an ethnocultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century which aimed to establish a national home for the Jewish people, pursued through the colonization of Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Judaism, with central importance in Jewish history. Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible. Zionism initially emerged in Central and Eastern Europe as a secular nationalist movement in the late 19th century, in reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and in response to the Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment. (Wikipedia)

Jews of all types

- Maybe they disaproved of all this and maybe this is why they've gotten rid of them, and maybe it's not really about saving any group of individual people.
- Perhaps they are only using it as a way to gain power politically and gain complete control of the world, and maybe they aren't even of that lineage.
- This is the hardest question that needs to be answered because there are no books or movies or literature that can be found, apparently they scrubbed all the information.
- Or people are so intimidated that they don't write about it.

Book of Mormon

- A copy of the Book of Mormon that was actually owned by Joseph Smith with rock solid provenance which came down through the Joseph and Emma Smith family exists.
- This was the original Book of Mormon before they tampered with it and it was Joseph's Smith actual copy, the only copy in existence.
- On page 128 of the 1830 text, there is a handwritten note from Smith that says 'one wife' and he circled the verse that said 'for they have not forgotten the commandments of the Lord that was given to our fathers that they should save it were one wife.'
- This might seem off topic, but we're trying to get to the truth here, and this is part of it.

And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and gold. (Deuteronomy 17:17)


- The truth about our world was written in the stars thousands of years before it was written in the scriptures and there are many scriptures, and you need all of them.
- You need all the truths to be able to understand the ones you've got.
- The Lord sends prophets, not just in the past, but even today.
- Joseph Smith brought something to light about the Mormon people who are in apostasy and are in great danger in the coming Tribulation because of things they have accepted from apostates.
- Because they are no longer Christians.


- The Mormons are all wrapped up in wealth and are part of this conspiracy that we are talking about, and will continue to talk about.
- This is because they happen to run the government, especially the clandestine FBI and CIA which are literally run by the Mormons.
- A masonic order that was brought to America and created by the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776 and they came and infiltrated the United States.
- Joseph Smith told us that 'no man knows my history.'

Burnt down Chicago

- You will really get a good understanding by digging deeper and understanding what was really going on when they martyred thousands and thousands and thousands here in America, genocide.
- They burnt down Chicago.
- You have to understand that this conspiracy is not just some apostate in the Mormon church that turned it into some cult.
- This is about our history, American history, and what Joseph Smith accomplished by digging up the gold plates and writing down the history of the American Indians.

Deity of vengeance

- There's so much more to what he did that you don't know, and it does have to do with what's going on today.
- This is because, all the way back to the beginning, some men have believed that they had power because they were the seed, what they called 'the chosen.'
- They continued to have that power because they worshiped the deity of vengeance and they will have that power until the one who's right it is comes.
- And that one who's right it is, is the seed of promise, born of the Virgin, and that seed, which is Christ, is all of us because we are all One in that seed.

Secret combinations

- We are that righteous branch that the Lord is going to rise up in the last days but it won't be those who have become abominable, with their whoredoms and polygamy and in the words of Joseph Smith, with their secret combinations.
- Secret combinations are all their special symbols like hand signs and geometric shapes that they're flashing all over the place.
- This is about the Illuminati, the secret combinations that Joseph Smith warned us of and so many ignored.
- He died as a martyr and a witness of the truth about this country and the world and who that seed is.

Righteous branch

- This is the key, understanding all of this from the very beginning, from your scriptures, all the way to the fulfillment of the scriptures that has come down to us here in America.
- And the answer is not it's this land or this people, but it is this world that is the land of Jesus Christ where he will raise up a righteous branch, a righteous seed, which is true Christians that receive it by faith and literally love their neighbor.
- By keeping the holy order, which is having all things in common, getting out of the world and being no part of it.

Clandestine organization

- Certainly not running a clandestine organization like the CIA controlling the world, can you imagine the evils they have done with their mind control programs.
- We need to know for certain, who's running this program and why they're doing it.
- They're Nazis, they had this plan from that day to our day, and we've got to understand the connections and why they're doing it, so we don't get deceived.
- Along the way, we will find that the Lord has already helped us understand this, that he has sent his prophets and that they have spoken, but their message has been hidden and thwarted.

Bringing light from David Vose and me

- But don't worry because the Lord always brings to light those things that he wants us to know, when we need to know it and the Holy Spirit will teach us all things.
- The things that Joseph Smith did then were imperative for things that are about to happen now.
- And there are many prophets that have come and spoken and we have not listened.
- This all ties in with the connection to the Tartarian Empire, and Mary Magdalene, America, the coming Great Tribulation, and the return of Jesus Christ.

Birds are angel wings

- Statue of Liberty, a female embodiment of commanding 'maternal strength' as 'Mother of Exiles.'
- The 'sea-washed, sunset gates' are the mouths of the Hudson and East Rivers, to the west of Brooklyn.
- The 'imprisoned lightning' refers to the electric light in the torch, then a novelty.
- The 'air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame' refers to New York Harbor between New York City and Brooklyn, which were separate cities at the time the poem was written.
- The 'huddled masses' refers to the large numbers of immigrants arriving in the United States in the 1880s, particularly through the port of New York.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
(Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus, 1883)

Botticelli - Venus and Mars



The unexamined life is not worth living.

Sandro Botticelli


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