Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Bohemian Grove Travesty
Private gentlemen's club

- The Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre campground in Monte Rio, California, that was founded in 1872.
- It's located in a virgin redwood grove in Northern California situated on the Russian River, 75 miles north of San Francisco, and belongs to a private gentlemen's club known as the Bohemian Club.




- The Bohemian Club is headquartered in the Bohemian building in San Francisco on the corner of Post and Taylor streets in the Union Square district.
- The club headquarters contains meeting rooms, guest rooms, a bar, library, art gallery and a theater.
- The Bohemians started going on their annual retreat shortly after the club was founded; it was hugely influential by the 1880s, and continues today.


In mid-July each year, the Bohemian Grove hosts a more than two-week encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world. (Wikipedia)


Secret eye

- Generally described as a right-leaning cousin of the left-leaning European Bilderberg group.
- On par with other secret organizations such as the Freemasons, Church of Scientology, the Jekyll Island Club, and Skull and Bones.

One might imagine modern-day aristocrats like Henry Kissinger, the Koch brothers, and Donald Rumsfeld amid a circle of friends sipping cognac and discussing how the “unqualified” masses cannot be trusted to carry out policy, and how elites must set values that can be translated into “standards of authority.” (


Open book is closed

- Journalism, however, was one of the major influencers of the club and from the beginning journalists served as primary members in this exclusive society, though over time, it opened its doors to artists and musicians who joined as honorary members.
- While membership of journalists waned over the years, the club featured honorary members such as William Randolph Hearst, the media mogul whose life became the basis for the film, Citizen Kane.
- Oddly enough, reporters are now barred from the club, formed by five bored news hawks on the old San Francisco Examiner.


That aspiration went down the drain when membership was extended to show people, and by 1878, the year of the first Grove-fest, the journalist were already on their way out. (Maclean’s magazine)

'Troublesome' women burst balloon

- Private men’s clubs, like the Bohemian Club, have historically represented institutionalized race, gender and class inequality.
- English gentlemen’s clubs emerged during Great Britain’s empire building period as an exclusive place free of troublesome women, under-classes, and non-whites.
- Copied in the United States, elite private men’s clubs served the same self-celebration purposes as their English counterparts.


The San Francisco Bohemian Club was formed in 1872 as a gathering place for newspaper reporters and men of the arts and literature. By the 1880s local businessmen joined the Club in large numbers, quickly making business elites the dominant group. (



- The club motto is 'Weaving Spiders Come Not Here,' penned by William Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
- A main tenet at the Bohemian Club is that external and worldly affairs must be left at the door.
- Despite the theme as casual and non-business related, conversations of consequence often find their way between members.
- Among its ranks of the club includes U.S. presidents, military strategists, artistic luminaries, and captains of industry.

Within these hallowed grounds, history has borne witness to pivotal political and business negotiations that have shaped the course of nations. (


Knob Hill

- The Bohemian Club is a private club; only active members and their guests may visit.
- It is located on Knob Hill in San Francisco and there are approximately 2,500 members.
- Guests have been known to include politicians and notable figures from other countries.


Founded in 1872 by a group of San Francisco Examiner journalists, the Bohemian Club, has over the ensuring 150 years evolved into an ultra-exclusive and shadowy males-only fraternity. (


Red carpet

- Amenities at the Grove include several amphitheaters and stages.
- They also have a multi-purpose dining, drinking and entertainment clubhouse, that is situated on a bluff overlooking the Russian River; an artificial lake; camp valets; and over a hundred separate posh camps scattered throughout the Grove.


These cults were based on human sacrifice. Why would a 20th century resort reproduce the cult ceremonies? At the minimum, it demonstrates an attraction to the ceremonial practices of the cult, i.e. adoration of destruction, blood, barbarity and sacrifice of children. (Santa Rosa Sun, Cult of Canaan, 1993)


Real Bohemian

- In the Bohemian Club, 'bohemian' means something completely different from the free-living, poverty-stricken artist that the word usually conjures.
- Instead, it means toeing the party line; United We Stand.
- Un-bohemian means being disloyal, betraying the pact, the global-dominance group.
- It’s the worst thing a member can be called.

The members stay in different camps at the Grove, which have varying status levels. Members & frequent guests of the most prestigious camp (Mandalay) include: Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, S. D. Bechtel, Jr., Thomas Watson Jr. (IBM), Phillip Hawley (B of A), William Casey (CIA). and Ralph Bailey (Dupont). George Bush resides in a less prestigious camp (Hillbillies) with A. W. Clausen (World Bank), Walter Cronkite, and William F. Buckley. (

WASP members

- The club was founded to promote good fellowship and intellectual intercourse among journalists.
- The goal was to create comfortable reading rooms in its San Francisco location would be secured where files of the leading newspapers, magazines and journals were kept.
- It would be a place of resort for members in leisure hours.
- Early newspaper affiliations included The Examiner; The Call, The Argonaut and The Bulletin.
- Ambrose Bierce of The Wasp, whose Prattle was the most vicious and vindictive newspaper column in the city was an early member.
- White Anglo Saxon Protestant backgrounds for the most part.

It was advertised in local papers that professional journalists were eligible for active membership; artists, actors, essayists, writers of books, poets and dramatic authors, could be honorary members after the payment of certain fees. They voted to keep out rich men, publishers, and other natural enemies of the Muse. Public demonstrations on behalf of any political party or religious organization was strictly prohibited. (



- One of their earliest goals was documenting and preserving records concerning the progress of literature, science and art of the Pacific coast.
- The recently founded San Francisco Art Association brought many local artists into the club.
- Club members wanted to keep the talented artists and scholars living in San Francisco from moving to older and larger cities to find wealth and distinction.


The great bard Walt Whitman was part of that historic literary gang. Other contributors included Ina Coolbrith, California’s first poet laureate; gay travel writer Charles Warren Stoddard; Cincinnatus Hiner Miller, aka Joaquin Miller, “the Poet of the Sierras;” and Samuel Clemons, who adopted the pen name Mark Twain during his time working for The Sacramento Union. (

Rainy days

- Unfortunately, as time went by the board of directors at the Bohemian Club, although entirely in sympathy with those members who were what you call 'poor starving artists,' however, they were not paying their dues.
- The club was having problems scraping together enough money to furnish the rooms and to defray expenses.
- They needed wealthier members and they reached a conundrum because if they got rid of the non-paying artists, the club would no longer have their talents, but if they continued to treat them generously, the club would soon go bankrupt.

The original members had been enforcing Bohemian policies that made it, “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Bohemia.” It became apparent that the possession of talent, without money, would not support the club. (


Gold becomes the goal

- It was decided that they would invite an element to join the club which the majority of the members held in contempt, namely, men with money.
- Within five years after the foundation, the Bohemian Club included among its members all the most eminent men of the State of California.
- It was also decided that the Bohemians would congregate in the redwoods midsummer every year, to camp and hold forest High and Low Jinks performances.


“The purpose of the Bohemian ticket has its origin in an endeavor to preserve the Bohemian Club from losing those early characteristics to which it owes its reputation, and with the hope that it shall not drift into an organization without any individuality,” wrote the Roseleaves. The only claim to distinction for the Bohemian Club was, after all, that its members were devotees of art and literature who aspired to higher things than the pursuit of wealth or position. (Kevin Taylor)


Camping Tradition

- The camp-out all began in 1878 when the Bohemian Club of San Francisco first took to the woods in Taylorville, California (present-day Samuel P. Taylor State Park) for a summer celebration that they called 'Midsummer High Jinks.'
- For many years, the Bohemian Club leased the campground that would later become the ground for their annual retreat.

You come upon it suddenly, one step, and its glory is over you. (Will Irwin)

Permanent campground

- In 1899, club members finally found their permanent campground when they bought 160 acres from Melvin Cyrus Meeker in Monte Rio for $27,000.
- They found the land stunningly picturesque and wanted to save the trees from the nearby timber mill.
- In time, the Club expanded their private forest to 2,700 acres.


It is a singularly glorious grove of thousand year old trees, some 300 feet in height. Bohemian Grove is among the largest privately owned campgrounds in the country, more than five times the size of Disneyland. (Kevin Taylor)


Notable figures camping out

- For two weeks every summer, during the midsummer celebrations, the number of guests is strictly limited due to the small size of the facilities.
- This is where the rich, the powerful, and their entourage visit with each other during the last two weeks of July while camping out in cabins and tents.
- No cameras, phones or recording devices are allowed past the front gates and the members are sworn to secrecy about who is present and what was discussed.

It's an Elks Club for the rich; a fraternity party in the woods; a boy scout camp for old guys, complete with an initiation ceremony and a totem animal, the owl. (G. William Domhoff)


Campground musicians

- It was founded as mens-only organization for journalists and writers, intended to provide a feeling of East Coast social clubs on the West Coast.
- The club’s early members included Mark Twain and Jack London; eventually it came to include politicians and business moguls.
- Members of the Bohemian Club were pictured at the August 1910 encampment and one member was holding a banjo, and another what may be a scheitholt, a bowed and fretted instrument.


In addition to a 60-piece orchestra, the music for “Cave Man” also featured a boys choir made up of guests from St. John's Church in Oakland and Christ Church in Alameda, CA. (

Jungle Camp

- During this summer gathering, members live in themed camps such as Owl’s Nest, Woof Camp, Derelicts, Five Easy Pieces, Poison Oak, Rattlers, or Jungle Camp, and engage in outdoor activities and music-making.


Camping out

- Spanning three weekends, the outdoors event includes lectures, rituals, theater, camp parties, golf, swimming, skeet shooting, politics, sideline business meetings and feasts of food and alcohol.
- So what we have are old white male bigots, racists and thieves who control the world's purse strings.

Herbert Hoover, an enthusiastic Grover, called it “the greatest men’s party on earth.” Aside from the prostitutes who are rumored to be visited by randy Grovers at local bars and motels, it’s a guys-only affair, and, historically, there’s always been talk of buggery in the dappled shadows under the redwoods, particularly at Highlanders, perhaps simply because members wear kilts and nothing underneath. Another hallmark of the encampment is the promiscuous micturition—guys standing up to the redwoods and relieving themselves everywhere you look. (

Female Issues

- Although no woman has ever been given full membership in the Bohemian Club, the four female honorary members were hostess Margaret Bowman, poet Ina Coolbrith, actress Elizabeth Crocker Bowers, and writer Sara Jane Lippincott.
- After Ina Coolbrith, California’s first Poet Laureate and the Bohemian Club’s librarian died in 1928, no other woman has been made a member.
- They do apparently allow both male and female prostitutes to remain on the grounds.


Notably, since its inception, this exclusive enclave has remained impervious to the intrusion of women into its inner sanctum. A legal challenge in 1978 did compel the Bohemian Club to open its doors to female employees, but membership remained a male domain. (

Uninvited guest

- Annual 'Ladies' Jinks' are held at the club especially for spouses and invited guests.
- Honorary members and other female guests have been allowed into the Bohemian 'City Club' building, and as daytime guests of the Grove.
- They are not allowed to visit the upper floors of the club, nor stay as guests in the main summer encampment with fulltime 'male only' members.

In 2019, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors member Lynda Hopkins, who was elected to the district encompassing the Grove, wrote an open letter criticizing the role the Bohemian Club had in making it difficult for women to get into politics, their lack of investment in the community despite members' personal wealth, and the anachronistic and hegemonic attitudes she felt described the Grove. (Wikipedia)


- It is a world shrouded in secrecy, where select guests are extended invitations, a strict rule prevails as night falls; women and the youth must leave.
- A silent curfew befalls the female and minor guests, bidding them goodnight by 9 or 10 pm.

Although women are not allowed in the Grove, members often leave at night to enjoy the company of the many prostitutes who come from around the world for this event. Is any of this hard to believe? Employees of the Grove have said that no verbal description can accurately portray the bizarre behavior of the Grove's inhabitants. (

For men only

- The Bohemian Club is the same as many Masonic groups who do not allow female members (but have a separate group for them which still excludes them from the most important discussions and 'binds' them to the males).
- Talk about slavery.
- Most of them will argue with you that they do allow female members, but that is not really true.
- Read the fine print, there are really very few, if any, benefits.

On the surface, the Bohemian Grove is a private place where global and regional elites meet for fun and enjoyment. Behind the scene, however, the Bohemian Grove is an American version of building insider ties, consensual understandings, and lasting connections in the service of class solidarity. Ties reinforced at the Grove manifest themselves in global trade meetings, party politics, campaign financing, and top-down corporatism. (Peter Phillips)


- It's not a problem of males who want their own club, but it's way bigger thant that because females have purposesly been eliminated from ancient esoteric knowledge and current political and business decisions.
- Many men may argue that women should have their own secret societies, except women have been excluded from ancient esoteric teachings for thousands of years so have no knowledge of it.

Besides this type of merriment. the annual gathering serves as an informational clearing house for the elite. The most powerful men in the country do their "networking" here, despite the Grove's motto (don't do business in the Grove). At these gatherings men representing the government, military-industrial, and financial sectors meet and make major policy decisions. The Manhattan project, which produced the first atomic bombs, was conceived at the Grove in 1942. Other decisions made at the Grove include who our presidential candidates will be. There are speeches, known as "Lakeside Talks", wherein high-ranking officials disseminate information which is not available to the public-at-large. (


Taxpayer helping foot the bill

- Plus the fact that they appear to be discussing important national business and security at this meeting is not even moral.
- And also personally deciding their sons should 'win' the office next.
- BTW, if they want to pinch each other while they're there playing, that's their problem, but it should not be on the taxpayer dime.


A Sonoma State University sociologist who has published extensively on the Bohemian Club, calls “the global dominance group”—this is not how the members imagine themselves. They see themselves as the moral underpinnings of America’s greatness, whose central tenets are the Protestant work ethic: work hard and prosper and you’ll get into that great club in the sky. The Bohemian Club is like the Opus Dei of the Protestant American establishment. Very few Jews have made it in, and even fewer blacks. (

In chains

- Long ago in 1982, a proposed amendment to the Civil Rights Act by the American Bar Association threatened the privacy of the Club.
- The response from the Bohemians showed that more than fun takes place during the annual encampments.
- Under pressure from Club members, the American Bar Association dropped the resolution two weeks after the end of the encampment.
- But the beat goes on and they still to this day discuss secret national business there to control our lives, and enrich theirs.

One letter circulated in the Grove by the Bohemian Club's directors warned, "No more business talks over a friendly drink. Unless of course, you are willing to have your club open its doors to everyone—regardless of the club members' wishes." (

Patron Saint
Keeper of secrets

- The club's patron saint is John of Nepomuk (Nepomucene), a Catholic, who, according to legend, died at the hands of a Bohemian monarch rather than disclose the confessional secrets of the queen.
- He is symbolized as the 'Seal of Confession' which could also be taken as 'his lips are sealed.'


A large wood carving of St. John in cleric robes, with his index finger placed over his lips, stands at the shore of the lake within the Grove. This sculpture symbolizes the solemn secrecy attendees have upheld throughout the club’s extensive history. (


Priestly biretta hat

- John of Nepomuk (1345-1393) was a saint of Bohemia (Czech Republic) who was drowned in the Vltava river at the authority of King Wenceslaus IV.
- Nepomuk is commonly shown with symbols such as a palm, a halo with five stars (representing the five stars visible in the sky when he drowned), a biretta hat, and keys.


At that time, most of modern-day Czechia was located in the Kingdom of Bohemia, which was itself dependent to the Holy Roman Empire. Confusingly, this polity had little to do with Rome itself, but was actually a confederation of Germanic principalities. (Zachary Mazur)


- There are now 12,000 Nepomuk statues across central and eastern Europe, with almost half of them on the territory of Poland.
- Nepomuk chapels and monuments can be found in Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland and a dozen other countries around the world.
- As a result, the rather obscure St John of Nepomuk has a truly worldwide presence.

King Wenceslaus IV, who ruled Bohemia at that time, fell into a power struggle with the Catholic Church. Against his wishes, the Church pursued its own policies, and the two sides stayed firm. This may be the reason why St John Nepomuk ended up in the Vltava River. Some chroniclers assert that he even had the audacity to criticize the king. (Zachary Mazur)

The queen

- A more scandalous version of the story claims that as a Catholic priest he served as confessor to the Queen, 20-year-old Sophia of Bavaria.
- The king had become jealous and suspicious of his young (second) wife and went to her trusted priest to find out if she had been unfaithful.


It is not exactly clear what made this story so popular. The most likely explanation, however, is that the Nepomuk legend worked on several levels: for laypeople, for the clergy and for the elites. (Zachary Mazur)

Vicar burned

- Nepomuk was appointed as Vicar-General of the Archdiocese of Prague and this enraged the king because it had been done without his permission.
- The priest rebuffed the kings attempts to find out his wife's confessions, and in return, the King arrested and tortured John in a Prague dungeon.
- Sources say the king himself burned the vicar’s flesh, with relish.


John of Nepomuk resisted to the last. He was made to undergo all manner of torture, including the burning of his sides with torches, but even this could not move him. Finally, the king ordered him to be put in chains, to be led through the city with a block of wood in his mouth, and to be thrown from the Karlsbrücke into the river Moldau. This cruel order was executed on 20 March, 1393. (


- As the centuries passed, St. John had more glories attributed to him, such as many miracles.
- After two accounts were written about him that were mostly fictional, his story spread widely throughout Europe.
- By 1721, news of its popularity and widespread veneration had reached Roman ears, and Nepomuk was beatified, and then later canonized a saint in 1729 by Pope Benedict XIII.

The budding Nepomuk cult took on a much wider audience in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, thanks to the spread of a Latin-language biography or Vita by Bohuslav Balbín. (Zachary Mazur)

River waves

- The peasants loved St. John because he was an example of unwavering faith and he was seen as a protector against floods and drowning?
- The clergy loved him because he was a good example of a priest upholding his sacred duties and they knew that pleased the peasants.
- In any version of the story, either involving Nepomuk as the Queen’s confessor or as an opponent of the king, the main line of hostility is between the Church and the state.


In the 16th century, many Germanic princes and kings broke ties with the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation. Thus, they could assert their power independent of the Church – in the same way that Nepomuk’s murderer, Wenceslaus IV, had intended. Echoes of the Reformation carried on well into the future, and just as the Nepomuk cult was picking up steam, the Habsburg dynasty was engaged in efforts to stamp out any rising Protestant dissent amongst the nobility. (Zachary Mazur)

Wicked king crown

- For elites, Nepomuk’s death was a cautionary tale about what a conflict with the Church can lead to, and the evil acts that can be committed in the name of these power struggles.
- The Catholics asserted their superior moral position by remembering this figure who was killed by a wicked king who wished to free himself of the Church.
- Therefore, they claimed, the path outside the Church is one of evil and sin.

Habsburg counter-reformation efforts perfectly aligned with Nepomuk’s rising popularity, and the dynasty supported its spread throughout their territory. (Zachary Mazur)


Tongue out

- Historians in the 16th and 17th centuries give more or less legendary details of the universally accepted martyrdom of John, because he refused to violate the secret of the confessional.
- In 1719 his grave in the Prague cathedral was opened and his tongue was found to be uncorrupted though shriveled.

Ruling Class
Elite at summer camp

- So the question is, who rules America and turns out it's the elite at summer camp.
- It's easy to see already that they follow orders of the Catholic church since they learned the lesson about John of Nepomuk's 'error.'
- Which means they are also in bed with the Mosaic law that Christ came to earth to fulfill (complete).
- And this all comes in very handy when they want to use law to exert control over the masses.

The summer high jinks begin, as they have for more than 100 years, with a macabre, hokey ceremony—with Druidic, Masonic, Ku Klux Klan, and Aryan forest-worship overtones—called the Cremation of Care. (

Back at the Grove

- Meanwhile, back at the Grove, an exclusive assembly of the nation’s most affluent and influential men convenes.
- Today it is known as a secretive and influential networking venue for the rich and powerful, including numerous corporate heads, politicians and celebrities.
- The membership list has included every Republican U.S. president (as well as some Democrats) since 1923.

“You get up there in the redwoods … you talk and you drink and you tell dirty stories,” club member and former California Gov. Jerry Brown told The Associated Press in 1987. (

 Top officials

- Most members are from California, while several hundred originate from other states and a dozen foreign countries.
- About one-fifth of the members are either directors of one or more of the Fortune 1000 companies, corporate CEOs, top governmental officials (current and former) and/or members of important policy councils or major foundations.
- The remaining members are mostly regional business/legal elites with a small mix of academics, military officers, artists, or medical doctors.

Foremost at the Bohemian Grove is an atmosphere of social interaction and networking. You can sit around a campfire with directors of PG&E, or Bank of America. You can shoot skeet with the former secretaries of state and defense, or you can enjoy a sing-along with a Council of Foreign Relations director or a Business Roundtable executive. All of this makes for ample time to develop personal long-lasting connections with powerful influential men. (

Fake Supermen run thick

- The 'Five Families' are said to be the most powerful families in the world and they are all members of the club and include; Rockefellers, Morgans and the Bushes.
- Some of those attending the camp include IBM founder Thomas Watson Jr., Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, celebrity Clint Eastwood, and various FBI and CIA directors.
- Also House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, and a host of past presidents, government officials, titans of business including major financial institutions, and billionaires.

According to an observer and near victim, who can describe the Bohemian Grove inner hideaways, the closed sanctum, even the decor at secret locations, places where no outsider goes (or servants according to our sources) there is an UNDERGROUND lounge (sign spelled U.N.derground) a Dark Room, a Leather Room and a Necrophilia Room. (Santa Rosa Sun, 1993)

Other notable members

- Other notable members include Henry Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, Dwight Eisenhower, and Herbert Hoover who joined the club in 1913 and was inducted into the 'Old Guard' in 1953.
- Theodore Roosevelt accepted an honorary membership upon becoming president.
- President Jimmy Carter also attended the ceremonies.
- Captains of industry and CEOs across the spectrum of American capitalism.

The interlocking corporate web—cemented by prep-school, college, and golf-club affiliations, blood, marriage, and mutual self-interest—that makes up the American ruling class. Many of the guys, in other words, who have been running the country into the ground and ripping us off for decades. (

Solid gold helmet

- Other members include William Randolph Hearst, the Koch brothers, and billionaire Harlan Crow who brought Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to the club thus placing Thomas under scrutiny.
- Over the years all the usual suspects have made appearances: Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Ken Starr, two former CIA. directors (including the elder Bush), the masters of war and the oilgarchs.

We dismissed the behavior as immature, even pitiful, by emotionally disturbed juveniles and not worth attention. This is where Kissinger, Ford, Nixon, Bechtel, Bush, Cheney, Hoover and their friends (2600 members) hang out and “relax.” And if they want to behave as little boys that is their privilege, it is private property. (Antony C. Sutton)

Golden ladder to success
before they fell down

- Additionally, the Bechtels and the Basses, the board members of top military contractors such as Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and the Carlyle Group.
- By 1981, the club also included members Merv Griffin, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, and Casper W. Weinberger who was Ronald Reagan's choice to be the secretary of defense.

The only permanent schism in the Bohemian Club developed in 1902, when a group of members resigned to demonstrate their loyalty to William Randolph Hearst, whom the club had censured for his yellow journalism and for publishing a verse by Ambrose Bierce that seemed to advocate the assassination of President McKinley. (Kevin Taylor)

Hill Billies

- In 1973, during the era of the Watergate scandal, George H.W. Bush became a member of the Bohemian Club.
- He belonged to a camp known as the 'Hill Billies.'
- At a lakeside talk in 1995, he introduced his son, George W. Bush and during this introduction, he stated that he believed his son would make a great president.
- Keep it in the family and of course Jr. went on to become the 43rd President of the United States.

This camp counted among its top executives from prominent entities like Bank of America, General Motors, and Procter & Gamble. These connections shed light on the diverse and influential membership of the club. (

Lakeside Chats

- 'Lakeside Chats' are an important feature at the Bohemian Grove and male speakers are invited to reveal important national business and government dealings to the crowd.
- For example, in 2016, some of the speakers included past Secretary of Defense and the CIA Leon Panetta, Paul Volcker Jr. former Federal Reserve Chairman, retired Admiral Mike Mullen former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Additionally, NYU Law Professor Bryan Stevenson, producer Norman Lear, the founder of AOL Steve Case, and Christopher Hill former US Ambassador to Iraq.

Lakeside talker

- Ronald Reagan joined the club in 1975 but his involvement with the Bohemian Club extended beyond mere membership after he delivered a lakeside talk at the club during a gathering.
- Reagan took questions from fellow club members and discussed various issues that provided insights into his political perspectives during that time.


- Nelson Rockefeller flew in during the 1963 chats and discussed his plans to run for the presidency.
- Richard Nixon was a member of Cave Man camp, and his 1967 lakeside talk kicked off his successful run for the presidency.
- This was apparently after an agreement with Ronald Reagan, over a drink with Nixon, to stay out of the coming presidential race, helping mold America’s destiny (fate).

Full moon

- Nixon also acknowledged years later that his lakeside chat was key to his election win and he considered it the first milestone on his road to the presidency (even though none of us knew about it).
- None of the members could truthfully admit that they're aren't important policy decisions made there despite their club motto.
- Americans are already figuring out that this wealthly group of men take our country the direction where we can easily be controlled by corporations, the government and media; while they become even wealthier.

President Richard Nixon’s candid remarks, captured on a May 13, 1971, tape recording, offered a glimpse into the enigmatic world he occasionally traversed, laden with intrigue and mystique: “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.” (

The shaft

- William Webster, director of the FBI, talked about the importance of more surveillance in the United States.
- Paul Volker, President of the Federal Reserve Board, promised that the economy would right itself in a year and a half.

German Prime Minister Helmut Schmidt, who came to the Grove to soothe troubled relations between the US and its NATO ally, was not warmly received when he stressed the importance of detente and advised that the United States begin to realize the importance of getting off a war footing. (Mark Evanoff)


- Some of the topics discussed in 1991 were;
- America‘s Health Care Revolution: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Pays given by Joseph Califano from the Carter Administration.
- Defining a New World Order by Elliot Richardson from the Reagan Administration.
- Smart Weapons by John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, Reagan Administration.
- Major Defense Problems of the 21st Century by Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense from the Bush Administration.
- The Enormous Problems of the 21st Century by Helmut Schmidt Former German Prime Minister.


- In 1999, Henry Kissinger spoke to the Bohemians, reassuring them that although the world is in turmoil, the United States can retain its influence through 'decisive action.'
- That same year the club hosted retired Gen. Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as actor Danny Glover.
- Watch: James O'Keefe Attended Bohemian Grove.

Club members and several hundred world-class guests gather annually in the last weeks of July to recreate what has been called “the greatest men’s party on earth.” (

Bridge washed out

- One of the club's most prominent members during the 'robber baron' era, J.P. Morgan, was responsible for leaving the citizens in states like West Virginia in poverty, while he loaded all their natural resources (coal) into trains and then put the profits in his New York bank.
- As a result, West Virginia was left in poverty after fueling America for over 100 years.
- There are also many in political 'blue states' who claim they fund some of these states because the 'robbed' states now receive a more federal taxes than their citizens paid in (and most ironically, they are still fueling America).

A cult of 200 oligarchs are participating in quasi-occult rites while hatching devilish schemes concerning the fate of the world, and the hired help is suing for unpaid overtime. (

GOPs presidential candidate

- In more recent years, House minority leader Kevin McCarthy made an appearance at the Grove and discussed with the group that Donald Trump would be the GOPs 2024 presidential candidate.

“President Trump and Speaker McCarthy have historically had a very good relationship,” said a Trump aide. (

Waiting list

- Aspiring initiates must secure invitations from several current members or languish indefinitely on the club’s waiting list.
- Today, a prospective member faces an interrogation that, according to one club man, ‘would satisfy the KGB.’
- Once new members are accepted, they must pay a $25,000 entry fee and then there are $5,000 annual fees.
- At one point, there was a waiting list of 1,500 notables.

In 1989, Spy magazine reported that the club had a 33-year-long waiting list. The club continues today and, as of 2018, reportedly had 2,500 members. (

In the dark

- Over 2,000 attend the 2 week festival every July, composed of approximately 140 camps, each containing 6–25 members.
- The significance of the club's noteriety lies in its secrecy, where the powerful and influential mingle to discuss matters that shape the course of nations.

The Moloch Pagan Cult of Sacrifice is human sacrifice. About the mid 1980s there were rumors of murders in remote parts of the property. A local police investigation went nowhere. State investigators on related criminal acts went nowhere. (Santa Rosa Sun, 1993)

Bohemians and Freemasonry
Old goats

- Bohemian Grove members who are 33rd degree freemasons;
- J. Edgar Hoover who was the first director of the FBI and collected secret files on world leaders.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt the 32nd president who reshaped America's financial system.
- Lyndon Baines Johnson who took over the presidency in 1963 after JFKs assassination and created the 'Great Society' that turned America into a massive welfare state.
- Walt Disney who founded a company that shaped modern entertainment.

Reinforcing repetition with words and numbers

- These are not just ordinary people, these are people who shaped history and controlled narratives and influenced millions.
- Very few freemasons make it to the 33rd degree and they are chosen because it has nothing to do with what you know.
- The average freemason wandering around does not learn any of the important secrets and only advance to the 3rd degree.
- They are tricked into believing they've been taught all the esoteric secrets.

Numbers are symbols

- It's not really a coincidence that so many political figures, intelligence operatives and cultural icons are 33rd degree masons.
- Words are not just communication, they are programs, and this is why freemasons (and Bohemians) chant oaths and religions repeat prayers, to reinforce identity and government uses slogans like Make America Great Again.
- This is because repetition does one thing, it installs belief and belief is what creates reality.
- Beliefs shape perception and perception is reality.
- At the highest level, your identity dictates what reality reflects back to you.

Sheep washing

- The moment a belief is installed deeply enough, it doesn't feel like a belief anymore it feels like truth.
- Freemasons undergo rebirth ceremonies symbolizing that they are no longer the same person, and the universe recognizes and empowers them.
- Once people learn this secret, it allows them to step into an identity bigger than themselves.
- This knowledge isn't just used inside freemasonry, it's being used against us in the media, in politics, in corporate marketing, in religion, education, in fact, everywhere.
- You've been programmed since birth, not by accident, not randomly, but deliberately.
- That's why they don't want any of us to know, and certainly, they don't want us in their boy's club.

Shifting reality

- An example is Kobe Bryant who created Black Mamba, an alter ego that embodied fearlessness, precision and a killer instinct.
- And then there was David Bowie's 'Ziggy Stardust' who he created as a persona he could step into.
- Elon Musk speaks like a visionary and genius because that's the identity he's built for himself.
- Arnold Schwarznegger shifted from bodybuilder, to actor, to Governor of California, constantly reinventing himself.

Shape shifter

- These famous people don't just act successful, they literally embody success itself, and this is exactly what 33rd degree masons learn.
- They don't just try to succeed, they become the person that success naturally happens to.
- Freemasonry teaches its highest members how to shape their own reality, but for the masses, reality is engineered for them.
- The deeper you go, the more you realize that society is one massive controlled illusion.
- In fact, the real secret of freemasonry insn't about personal power, but it's about controlling entire populations without them realizing it.

Monkey on our back

- Freemasons know reality is engineered in 3 major ways;
- 1) Symbols, which is subconscious programing, the hidden language of control, but it's not just about logos and hand signs, it's about structuring entire cities, institutions and industries using ancient codes of power.
- Look at Washington DC, the entire city is mapped out using masonic sacred geometry, and the Vatican with its obelisks, pentagrams, sun symbolisms, all placed intentionally.
- The UN building in Manhattan with a floorplan shaped like a masonic tracing board.

Constructed from birth

- Once the symbols install the programming, the next step is rituals.
- 2) Rituals are collective mind control and mass rituals are the hidden science of collective influence.
- 3) Crisis engineering, problem-reaction-solution.
- Look at what happens during global crisis lockdowns, isolation and disorientation and a 24/7 media fear campaign blindfolding the public's perception and government 'guidance' leading you through the transformation process.
- The goal is to break down the old identity and install a new one.

What if you knew that major world events follow the same structure as ancient initiation ceremonies. In an initiation ceremony you are isolated from the outside world, blindfolded and disoriented and made to feel powerless. You are guided through a controlled experience that reshapes your entire identity. (Quazi Johir)

Chaos constructed

- When people's realities are shaken, they become highly suggestible which means they are ready to accept new forms of control.
- And this is why every major world event follows the same psychological blueprint.
- Chaos is manufactured for control and once you understand this you realize that most crises aren't random, they are engineered for control.
- That's why they're called 'false flags.'

Order out of Chaos. (Masonic principle)

More surveillance

- Every single time, the result is the same, more government power, more surveillance, more engineered dependency.
- This is how reality is shaped from the top down and this is the real reason hidden societies exist, because at the highest levels, they aren't just studying these laws of reality, they are using them.
- Sound familiar? Time to get busy and rewrite reality, you can use this same system to free yourself the same way it was used to control belief.

Step one, create a problem like a financial collapse or health crisis; Step 2, trigger a reaction, fear, panic, mass confusion; Step 3, offer a solution, which just happens to increase their control over the population, 9/11, problem, reaction, solution. (Quazi Johir)

Hazy and foggy

- The one thing that should be very obvious by now, reality is not what you think it is.
- Your beliefs, your identity, your sense of what's possible, none of it was truly yours.
- It was given to you, installed into your brain from birth and the deeper you go, the more you realize, most people dont really wake up, they spend their entire lives playing a role they never consciously chose.
- The only question is, are you going to continue living the identity you were given, or will you create yourself on your own terms.

The secret the elites don't want you to know is that you are not one identity, you are not trapped in one way of being, rather, you are formless, able to take on any identity you choose. (Quazi Johir)

Reacting to life, instead of shaping it

- First you must wake up from autopilot because right now your mind is running on programming that you didn't even install; you wake up at the same time, think the same thoughts.
- You react to life, instead of shaping it and this is how your identity gets locked into place.
- You have to break the unconcious pattern and you can do this by stopping yourself every hour and asking yourself 3 questions; who am I, where am I, what am I doing.
- Simple, but it forces you to wake up in real time and disrupts the identity that you've been running on, and makes you aware of the role you're playing so you can change it.

Most people never stop to really question their identity, they don't realize that they're just running a program. But the moment you start consciously checking in, you ask the questions and you actually wake up and get the realization of 'I am not this identity.' You become the observer, instead of the program and once you see yourself from the outside you realize you don't have to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago. (Quazi Johir)

Reality bends

- Next you must learn to be formless, meaning, learn to be adaptable.
- Be able to shift identities as needed.
- This is what freemasons and world leaders and the elite all master, they do not stay stuck in one identity, they shift, evolve and mold themselves into whatever is required of them in this moment.
- They know that reality bends itself to those who know how to bend themselves.

Be water my friend.  (Bruce Lee)


- 33rd degree freemasons undergo rebirthing ceremonies symbolizing their transformtion into something greater.
- Once they learned identity shifting, they became untouchable and no crisis shakes them.
- No system can control you, and you are not locked into one version of yourself, you become any version that you choose.
- Once you break out of autopilot you must install your chosen identity now that you understand that you are formless.
- You must decide who you want to become, not based on your past, or what society dictates. but based on the reality you have chosen to create.

Define your future self, who is the most powerful version of you, what do they think, act and move like and what beliefs do they hold? Then start acting like that person right now; adopt the posture, tone, and the confidence of your future self. Speak and act like that person before external reality actually catches up. Last, reinforce it with symbols and triggers, change your environment, surround yourself with symbols of transformation, power and success. Use affirmations if need be, visuals and reminders to lock yourself into your new identity every single day. (Quazi Johir)

Sacred Owl

- Symbols, the hidden language of control, install subconscious programming affirmations and reinforce beliefs.
- The world itself has been built using symbolic frameworks (patterns) that influence your subconcious mind without you knowing it.
- An imposing 40-foot hollow concrete Sacred Owl statue watches over the grounds and presides at the head of an artificial lake in the Grove.
- Under his watchful eye, pressing matters of public policy are frequently discussed there.
- The club adopted the owl as its mascot because it signifies wisdom.

The skeleton and demon

- The program cover for the ceremony 'Cremation of Care' depicts a skeleton, a demon, and the huge owl illuminated by flames.
- A small white drawing above the name of the director depicts a demon or devil with the initials PJ sweeping something up with a witch’s broom.

Interestingly - and very significantly - the roads which surround the government buildings at Capitol Hill in Washington DC, when seen from the air form a shape remarkably similar to the shape of the owl used in the ceremony “Cremation of Care”. (

The Owl

- References and images of the owl are consistent throughout the grove, including an owl logo on the cocktail napkins, and the words 'The Owl' are inscribed on the vehicles that transport people about the camp.
- From Babylon to the ancient Druids, the owl has also been used as a symbol of the god of death, misfortune and human sacrifice. 
- Many of the club members have small statues of these owls in their homes and some feel they worship them (as idols).

The club’s mascot is burned in effigy to an owl god (Moloch). (Suzanne Bohan, Bee Correspondent)

Chanting in costume

- For decades, there have been vague rumors of weird goings on in Grove in more remote parts of the campground.
- Reliable reports claim Druidic type rituals where men in red hooded robes were seen marching in procession and chanting to the Great Owl.
- A funeral pyre with 'corpses' is also present and has been witnessed by scores of male waiters and servants.
- Secrecy among the club members has fueled the fevered imaginations of outsiders about the 'happenings' that take place in the club for more than a century.

Recent information may radically change this perception of Bohemian Grove. Not merely drunkenness, unbounded use of alcohol and drugs with vague homosexual tones (confirmed by our sources) but reported activities much more serious – kidnapping, rape, paedophilia, sodomy, ritual murder. Investigation is blocked under the 1947 National Security Act.(!) and like the Omaha child abuse case, includes illegal detention of children. (Antony C. Sutton, 1996)

Birds eye view

- Alex Jones smuggled a video camera into the event several years ago where he filmed an arcane ritual straight out of 'Eyes Wide Shut' complete with hooded robes, torches, a burning coffin and the club's famous mascot, the owl.
- As seen in video, participants openly worshiped the owl and it appeared that low-level Acolytes were dressed in black and red robes, with higher-level priests in combinations of gold, silver and red.

At these retreats, the members commune with nature in a truly original way. They drink heavily from morning through the night, bask in their freedom to urinate on the redwoods, and perform pagan rituals (including the "Cremation of Care", in which the members wearing red-hooded robes, cremate a coffin effigy of "Dull Care" at the base of a 40 foot owl altar). Some (20%) engage in homosexual activity (but few of them support gay rights or AIDS research). They watch (and participate in) plays and comedy shows in which women are portrayed by male actors. (

Burn effigy sacrifice

- Members also dressed up as 'tree spirits' and they take the human effigy down to the owl altar where they burn it.
- The high priest in silver and red robes repeatedly worshiped the owl, which he said was a symbol of Babylon and Tyre.
- Jones revealed that members of the club had discussed topics such as population control and world courts.


Be gone dull care, without common sense eternal flame once again midsummer sets us free. (Bohemian actor)

Satanic campout

- This has led to speculation by many that the Bohemian Grove is a Satanic campout, where the world's most powerful and sinister men gather.
- These are certainly all symbols of occult practices and no one can deny that.


Depending on who's doing the telling, the retreat is merely a convivial gathering where members enjoy concerts, lectures and performances, relaxing and recharging their batteries among male friends. Others insist it's more of a drunken raucous frat party. (

Manhattan Project
Peace and Security? or Neither

- The list of members in the Bohemian Club also includes J. Robert Oppenheimer and other leading scientists of the Manhattan Project.
- In fact, the club is famous for the Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there on August 13, 1942.
- This was a project undertaken during World War II to produce the first nuclear weapons.
- It was led by the United States in collaberation with Canada and United Kingdom.

The wealth of the rich man is his fortified city; it is like a high wall in his imagination. (Proverbs 18:11)

Manhattan Projcct pit they dug for us
and especially themselves

- Can you hear me yet Martha, you've been excluded from their planned world destruction.
- BTW, all the male ghouls who attended received tax deductions and free police protection while the women were home holding down the mens real jobs and paying taxes via payroll deductions.
- We want to know why all these male journalists never reported any of this to the American people.

Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11)

Head scientist

- The Manhattan Project was directed by Major General Leslie Groves (cute name) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the director of Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the bombs.
- Some of the most 'renowned' scientists of the 20th-century were involved.
- 18-year-old physicist and Soviet spy, Theodore 'Ted' Hall, was the youngest member of the project.
- Ted ended up having a 'crisis of conscienceness and revealed secrets about the project with the Soviets.

When they say 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

Project logo

- The special insignia patch worn by personnel of the United States Army Manhattan Project District.
- The blue background represents the universe.
- A white cloud and lightning bolt form a question mark, symbolizing the secrecy of the project.
- The lightning extends down to split a yellow atom, representing atomic fission.

Los Alamos Laboratory

- The Manhattan Project employed nearly 130,000 at its peak and cost over $2.2 billion which is equivalent to about $27 billion in 2023.
- Over 80% of the funding was used for building and operating the plants that produced the fissile material which acted as fuel for the bombs.
- The project created the first atomic weapons, which were used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, and ushered in the nuclear age.

Byproducts of weapons

- The Manhattan Project created an entirely new industry and required military coordination (of course) to us the byproducts as weapons.
- Project operations took place in three places; Hanford, Washington; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
- This project was one of the most secretive undertakings of the 20th-century, and females were EXCLUDED.
- Also, the goal was to keep it secret from Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union, however, that is extremely questionable since ALL the scientists were imported from Germany.

Bomb lever

- Three atomic bombs were created by the summer of 1945; Trinity was the first and it was detonated on July 16, 1945, in Alamogoro, New Mexico.
- The second was called Little Boy and it was a uranium 245 bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in August 1945.
- The third was called Fat Man and it was a plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, also in August, 1945.
- Do you see the blasphemy in the names they chose, it all goes back to the father and the son and mocking that union.

If you want to know why towers are falling

- The Manhattan Project was disbanded on August 15, 1947 after 4 years of active involvement, that's exactly 5 years and 2 days after inception or a total of 1,828 days.
- 18 = 9  and 28 = 1, got it.
- You know what they say, what goes up, must come down and it will.
- The bombs killed over 100,000 people and supposedly ended the fake World War II.

Employee Rights
Parking the limo

- One young employee who had worked there in 1996 when she was still in high school said that it was really strange energy and 'a sea of white bald heads and a cloud of cigar smoke and you're a young woman working there, and they kept blowing smoke in her face.'
- A group of 300 former valets, many afraid to come forward, once entrusted with the secrets of Bohemian Grove’s Monastery Camp in Monte Rio filed a complaint, seeking justice and reparations to the tune of $1.5 million.

The Bohemian Grove: "Appendix of Heavies" From The Bohemian Grove & Other Retreats (Harper & Row, 1974). (G. William Domhoff)

Wrong number

- To make matters worse, the plaintiffs are not really sure who they are actually suing and have been working with the club treasurer and their payroll company and all other names are fictitious.
- The club sent out a communications manager who denied all allegations from the employees, but then never returned inquiries about any of their claims.

Despite the seriousness of these matters, waiters inside the Grove told BG AN that many Bohemians were often too drunk to walk. One said that the attitude seemed to be, "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we will die—which to these guys means being removed from power." This waiter, one of several who supplied information to the demonstrators, was appalled at the corporate leadership. "The head lemmings are all drunk and leading us over a cliff without knowing what they're doing." (Mark Evanoff)

Old goat

- Their allegations paint a damning picture of club management, accusing them of collaborating to devise schemes that evade payroll taxes and overtime compensation.
- Some of the valets complained about having to work 15 to 18 hour days with no bathroom or meal breaks then they were forced to report that they only worked 8 hours and were paid for that.
- Amazingly, the club settled a 2016 class action suit involving the same charges and they had to pay the plaintiffs $7 million.

Scandal in Bohemia: Lawsuits lift curtain on secretive rich guys 'club.' Bohemian Grove may or may not play host to human sacrifice, but it is the site of some major labor violations. (

Behavioral problems

- Another former employee portrayed it as a realm where the elite could engage in behaviors that would typically be frowned upon in the outside world.
- It is apparently a place where social norms seemed to bend to the will of its privileged inhabitants.
- Additionally, the secretive nature of the Bohemians and the political power of some of its members have been criticized.

One of the courageous plaintiffs, has dared to shed light on the inner workings of the Grove’s retreats. His account paints a vivid tableau of indulgence, featuring copious libations and revelry, complete with the wafting aroma of cigars and hot chocolate laced with horse tranquilizers. In a candid comparison, he likens the culture within the Grove to a fraternity house. “These gentlemen, clasp onto the vestiges of their collegiate experiences, refusing to relinquish them even as they amass wealth and savor finer spirits.” (


- Especially the fact that females are excluded from many important politcal connections and decisions, or left in the dark about what is really going on.
- Like whose son will apparently be the next president.
- Really because anything like that should be held in a open public forum, not some elite boy's club.
- That's over 50% of the population, deleted, omitted and left out and obviously much more than that sincc this group is such a bunch of bigots and racists.

My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity: the Elvis impersonators, the pseudo-pagan spooky rituals, the heavy drinking. These people might have reached the apex of their professions but emotionally they seemed trapped in their college years. (Jon Ronson)

Muddy or something like that

-The most famous events include what are called the 'high jinks' and 'low jinks,' which are held on the final weekend.
- The high jinks feature a newly composed dramatic work, referred to as a 'grove play.'

A genre unique to the Bohemian Club that includes spoken and sung numbers intermixed with orchestral interludes. It is performed in what David Bispham refers to in his memoir as "an auditorium unequaled in the world": a circular clearing among the trees. (Bispham remarks that "so mysteriously perfect are the acoustics among the trees that even the slightest sound is audible.") (

Theatrical production

- The Cremation of Care Ceremony is a theatrical production and has been a longstanding tradition at the Bohemian Grove, dating back to its inception in 1881.
- It's an annual ritual production written, produced, and performed by and for members of the club.

In 1881, the ceremony of the Cremation of Care was first conducted after the various individual performances, with James F. Bowman as Sire. The ceremony was further expanded in 1893 by a member named Joseph D. Redding, with a Midsummer High Jinks entitled The Sacrifice in the Forest, or simply "Druid Jinks", in which brotherly love and Christianity battled and won against paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifice. (Wikipedia)

Release the burden

- This ceremony was originally a part of the 'High Jinks' dramatic performance that takes place on the first weekend of the summer encampment.
- The Bohemian campers rationale is that they carry the cares and woes of the world around on their shoulders and they need a symbolic ritual in order to release its burden and enjoy their retreat.

Like other all-male and exclusively white secret societies in the United States, many of the club’s traditions came steeped in stereotypes of Native American, African American, and other marginalized cultures, as evidenced in the camp names, the incorporation of teepees, and in the thematic content of their dramatic performances. (

Cremation of 'Dull Care'

- This is a ritualistic event, primarily associated with the Bohemian Club, where a symbolic effigy of a mummified human representing 'Dull Care' is burned.
- Signifying the act of leaving behind worldly worries and anxieties to fully immerse oneself in a period of carefree enjoyment and relaxation; essentially, 'burning away' one's cares.
- Thus symbolizing the slaying of the spirit of 'Care' by the hero of the Jinks play.
- Followed by the subsequent solemn cremation of this symbolic entity.

The ceremony involves the poling across a lake of a small boat containing an effigy of Care (called "Dull Care"). Dark, hooded figures receive from the ferryman the effigy which is placed on an altar, and, at the end of the ceremony, set on fire. (Wikipedia)

Low jinks actor

- Once the effigy has burned, the so-called low jinks follow, which sources describe as a lighthearted variety show.
- These and other milestones of human history are woven into the play and one such example was called Cave Man: A Play of the Redwoods.
- This included many stereotypes of Native American culture evidenced for example in the names of characters such as Scar Face.

The protagonist Long Arm invents the axe and discovers fire, accomplishments that win him the affections of Singing Bird, his female love interest. The play’s crisis occurs when the villain, called Man Beast, captures Singing Bird. As was the case in other examples of caveman-themed fiction of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a gorilla-like creature was used to characterize the villain. (

Man Beast forest fire

- Gorillas were used in fiction of this era as racist symbols of non-white humans.
- Some have described the clubs low jinks productions as trashy plays that are really degrading towards women.

Long Arm's allies use torches to light their way in apprehending Man Beast and inadvertently start a forest fire. (

Tax Free  
Federal watchdog (them)

- Although the Bohemian Club calls itself a 'non-profit mutual benefit corporation' which 'does not involve itself in political matters,' its members' include both corporate wheeler-dealers and top government officials.
- The Bohemian Club is a 501(c)(7) club “organized for pleasure, recreation, and other nonprofitable purposes” and granted exemption from federal taxes under the Revenue Act of 1916.
- Donations to the Bohemian Foundation are tax deductible because it is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

facing scrutiny for excluding women after female county supervisors questioned whether they should continue allowing sheriff’s deputies to provide security for the event. When the previously routine issue came up in a meeting last week, Sonoma County Supervisor scribbled a note then read it out loud: “How can we contract tax-funded services with a club that openly discriminates against women?” (

Priceless reserve

- They pay $250,000 a year in property taxes for their priceless reserve or around $93 an acre per year.
- Meanwhile the communities of Monte Rio and the nearby town of Guerneville, struggling with how to address homeless encampments that dot local streets and the bank of the Russian River, have finally approved a homeless services facility.

Per capita the two small towns have four times as many homeless people as San Francisco. The tents that they currently live in are a little less posh than those used by their Bohemian neighbors. (Kevin Taylor)

Scrubbing up

- Is this why someone is planning on getting rid of federal taxes now?
- That would make this 'problem' go away, in fact, it would probably make all kinds of little 'problems' like this go away.
- But we know what they've been up to for over 100 years, after all it was club members who were the national leaders who created IRS for all of us.
- A law which was never ratified in Congress by all the states and is not legal, is that why it runs out of Puerto Rico?

But three female supervisors, who raised concern about the exclusion of women at the retreat, warned that this could be the end of the 14-year arrangement, in which the San Francisco-based club pays the county for a set of off-duty deputies to guard the 2,700-acre redwood grove during the 18-day gathering of rich and powerful men. (


- But here's the real problem with this 'boys' event, the owners of the club receive tax deductions and public services such as police protection at their events.
- Elite club members also get a tax deduction for their club fees.
- Additionally, they get free Secret Service protection because so many former presidents hang out there.
- Women are approximately half the taxpayers now and they're somehow 'required' to fund discrimination against women (and many others).
- They can all claim they're allowed to have their boys club session (whatever is), but not on the taxpayer funded dime, that's just pure hypocrisy.

“Women’s rights are being shredded throughout the country, and we are kept out of decision-making,” Zane said. “This is another way it’s happening in our own backyard.” (

WASP arrival

- Another example of public services they use can be found in examples such as when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) alerted passengers flying in and out of San Francisco airport on July 20, 2019, to expect delays of 15 minutes or more for the remainder of the week.
- The reason had nothing to do with the weather, a computer breakdown, or pilot shortage, but instead it was called 'Bohemian Grove' showing the inconvenience they caused the regular airport passengers.
- And it's not due to excess flight traffic, but because they're all so important apparently the rest of us aren't supposed to get near them.

Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities (including nuclear power), and national media (broadcast and print) have high-ranking officials as club members or guests. Many members are, or have been, on the board of directors of several of these corporations. You should note that most of the above industries depend heavily on a relationship with government for their profitability. (

Man handled

- Then there is the problem with the Sonoma County officials who feel that public service outfits shouldn't have to support private clubs that discriminate against so many.
- But of course, County Supervisor David Rabbitt said it doesn’t make sense to bypass potential revenue.

Supervisor Susan Gorin said the conversation about the retreat “should cause everybody to question how we support private clubs either through our sheriff’s contract or other tax benefits.” (Associated Press)

Strong arming

- When powerful people work together, they become even more powerful.
- The Grove membership is wealthy, and becoming more so, while the middle class is steadily becoming poorer.
- This close-knit group determines whether prices rise or fall by their control of the banking system, money supply, and markets, and they make money whichever way markets fluctuate.
- They determine what our rights are and which laws have effect, by appointing judges.
- They decide who our highest officials shall be by consensus among themselves, and then selling candidates to us via the media which they own.

Important issues and facts are omitted from discussion in the press, or slanted to suit their goals, but they are discussed frankly at the Grove. (


- Is there true democracy when so much power is concentrated in so few hands?
- Is there any real difference between the public and private sectors when cabinet members come from the boardrooms of large corporations?
- Is the spending of billions on weapons, which are by consensus no longer needed, really the will of the people?
- Or is it the will of General Electric, General Dynamics, and the other weapons contractors represented at the Grove?

Educate yourself about the Grove and it's inhabitants, and the true nature of the power structure in the world. Then educate your friends. Since most major newspapers and broadcast stations are owned by "insiders", be wary of everything you hear in the press. If you can, participate in protest activities during the July retreat. (

Banker religionists

- One thing these masons don't want anyone to know is their bloodlines come from ancient Babylonian banker religionists.
- That is the ancient art of 'shaving' (skimming) money off the top of a transaction and this all goes back 4,000 years to Babylonia.
- This is what fueled modern banking and the fraud called credit cards.
- If you look at families such as Elon Musk's, you discover that they have roots that go way back.
- It proves to us more of this interlocked blood aristocracy that comes from the Babylonian era and carries forward.
- That is the huge secret that these elites in secret societies are all keeping from the rest of us.


- They are banker religionists, a banker cult and now we have 'tech' banking heroes and those are the representatives of the current Babylonian cult who stole the patents to militarize.
- That's Highlands Forum, DARPA, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and Serco.
- Only now it's all under the auspices of 'medical' purposes such as vaccines that have been created for lab viruses that don't really exist but they are in fact, bioweapons.
- Everything Elon has touched has been a disaster, he's been removed from SpaceX and knows nothing about Starlink.

We are always told the opposite so when Elon Musk comes along and tells you he's going to take the shortest route to Mars, you have to ask, where is that missle, where is that Falcon because it's no where to be found. (Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben)


- Watch: Elon Musk is a DARPA cardboard cutout fraud.
- They are a banker cult who knows they worship Mammon and Moloch, Asmodeus and Ahriman and they celebrate their pagan religion.
- It's not like they accidently fell into it, they know that's the source of their evil power is this paganism that goes back to Babylon and probably before.
- This also includes Kamala Harris whose parents were basically CIA agents.
- These families take their 'idiot' child, their weakest child and put them into politics or they make them a mainstream media talking head like Anderson Cooper.
- Or they put them in charge of companies that are doing illegal things that will eventually be taken down.

DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a US government agency that develops new technologies for the military. DARPA is part of the Department of Defense. (Wikipedia)

Asperger's jerk

- So many of these types like Sam Bankman-Fried and Elon Musk will tell you they have Asperger's but that's just an excuse so they can be a total jerk.
- And this is true with Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel and McAfee as well.
- These are people who believe their own press releases when in fact they're idiot children who have been brainwashed.
- Joshua Haldeman (1902-1974) was Elon's maternal grandfather and he founded something called Technocracy Inc. and the Technology party and the Social Credit Association in Canada.
- Haldeman was a heavy promoter of this technocratic worldview and it's clear that Elon is just carrying out his grandfather's goal.
- Elon's mother's maiden name was also Haldeman and turns out they have a common grandfather in Switzerland going back 10 generations.

Mayflower descendants

- Bob Haldeman, a blood relative to Elon Musk, was Nixon's chief of staff from 1969 to 1973 during the Watergate scandal.
- He ended up going to jail but he only served 18 months and since that time, it's become clear that Nixon's entire cabinet was staffed by members of the Pilgrims Society.
- This includes Casper Weinberger, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, George Shultz and Alexander Haig who was was U.S, Secretary of State under president Ronald Reagan and White House chief of staff under presidents Nixon and Ford.
- So what can be seen is that more than likely Bob Haldeman was organizing the take down of Richard Nixon because we know that in 1973, that's when the U.S. went off the gold standard and Kissinger pushed us into the oil standard for currency.
- Interestingly, Kissinger's first speech after he became Nixon's secretary of state was to the Pilgrims Society in London, and later he became vice president of the society in the U.S.

The Pilgrim Society was founded in 1902, initially as a social club to promote Anglo-American friendship and cooperation. Over the decades, the Pilgrims Society has hosted numerous prominent figures from both sides of the Atlantic, including royalty, politicians, and business leaders. Its history is intertwined with significant world events, from the two World Wars to the Cold War and beyond. This rich history requires careful consideration and open discussion to understand its impact on global affairs. (

Swiss descendants

- The Swiss blood is curious because what has been found is an ancient bloodline that governs the Schwab family, and the Fauci family on his mother's side (her name was Abyss).
- It's also known that the Abyss family were owners of a talc mine in Northern Italy that collapsed and covered the town they lived in killing about 2,500 people in a matter of seconds.
- The family then moved north to Switzerland which is just over the mountain from Davos where Schwab set up his operation.
- They then took their talc mine operation up the Silk Road to China where they set up another talc mine.

The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was an intelligence agency of the United States during World War II. The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning. (Wikipedia)

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

- So Elon's Swiss blood interlocking goes even further because it's known that they headquartered around the Canton of Bern which was the location of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).
- This is also where William Donovan, CIA director, was headquartered and the Bank of International Settlement.
- After World War II, those stay behind networks of the OSS spies continued on under the direction of British MI6 and their lackeys that became CIA and Five Eyes that was formed in 1946.
- Now we also know that the FBI was following along and MI6 was actually setting up the Five Eyes operation.
- What resulted in was they were setting up a spy network after the war to carry forward this Babylonian pagan merchant banking cult and they set up their own private network for the Pilgrims Society.

The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an Anglosphere intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are party to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. (Wikipedia)

Swiss mercenary

- Then we see another curious relative on Elon's mother's side and we see common blood with a British general during the Revolution by the name of Sir Frederick Haldeman.
- He was a mercenary from the Canton of Bern in Switzerland and he worked in various kingdoms in Europe in this profession.
- Eventually, he was hired by the British who sent him to America before the Revolutionary War.
- He became the Governor of Quebec where he was the spymaster for the spy network in the American Revolution which included Alexander Hamilton who we now have proof, was spy #7 for the British and that his father-in-law, Philip Schuler who was also a general, was spy #2.
- At that time, Alexander Hamilton was setting up the banking for the post-Revolutionary American money system.

Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 – July 12, 1804) was an American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first U.S. secretary of the treasury from 1789 to 1795 during George Washington's presidency. He was the New York delegate to the Constitutional convention and a major author of the Federalist papers. (Wikipedia)

Rothschild banking

- Hamilton ended up setting up four banks, three of which still exist and then brought in Rothschild money, along with other family money.
- This was British money that was used to set up the American financial system.
- Which is proof we never won the American Revolution.
- They just took us another way and they took it into banking from the Babylon Radhanite demons who set up our banking system and that's what we've been suffering from ever since that day.
- Hamilton set up the Bank of North America which is now Wells Fargo Bank.
- Also, the First Bank of the United States is now called BNY HSBC and Manhattan Bank is now called JPMorgan Chase and the Bank of New York which is now called BNY Mellon.

The Radhanites or Radanites were early medieval Jewish merchants, active in the trade between Christendom and the Muslim world during roughly the 8th to the 10th centuries. Many trade routes previously established under the Roman Empire continued to function during that period, largely through their efforts. Their trade network covered much of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and parts of India and China. (Wikipedia)

Demon banking

- So all of these banks are still there and still applying the trade of this demon the Babylon Radhanite religion.
- You have to realize that these aren't just secular guys who just decide they want to get into banking and get a piece of the action.
- No, they want to control every aspect of our lives through banking and they learned that trade over 4,000 years ago.
- Once they learned it, they used the Solomon's gold from the Ophir mines in what is now Rhodesia and South Africa, and they used that gold to apply their agenda, their religion, up until this very day.


- There's an interesting University of Pennsylvania article just out that's trying to compare Elon Musk to Alfred Escher.
- If you review the research on Alfred Escher from the Klaus Schwab investigation, Escher was a partner with Schwab's father who was involved in the creation of every monopoly in Switzerland today.
- This includes Credit Suisse, Swiss Life, ETH Zurich which was his technical university.
- His father, Eugene Schwab, who was a Nazi engineer, built a nuclear reactor underneath the university.
- They also built railroads and Swiss taxation.
- So we see the University of Pennsylvania trying to compare Elon and convince us that he's of similar stature as Eugene Schwab which is a joke.
- The whole narrative around Elon Musk is interlocked with this Swiss demon.

Johann Heinrich Alfred Escher vom Glas, also known as Alfred Escher (20 February 1819 – 6 December 1882), was a Swiss politician, business leader and railway pioneer. Thanks to his numerous political posts and his significant role in the foundation and management of the Swiss Northeastern Railway, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Credit Suisse, Swiss Life and the Gotthard Railway, Escher had an unmatched influence on Switzerland's political and economic development in the 19th century. Escher served on the Swiss National Council from 1848 to 1882 for the Free Radical Liberals. (Wikipedia)

Diamond mine

 - On Elon's father's side, his great grandfather was a British bricklayer and he emigrated to South Africa right after the second Boer War and he died a bricklayer.
- His son, Elon's grandfather, was in the South African army during World War II where he was stationed inside an underground De Beers diamond mine where he was a manager in part of the operation.
- On paper they were supposedly repairing army vehicles for the war but it seems more like they were protecting De Beers interest in these mines during the war.
- Subsequently, this mine was actually the source for some of the largest diamonds in the world, including the English crown jewels.

De Beers is part of the Rothschild empire which was founded by Cecil Rhodes and his chief investor was Rothschild. (Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben)

Zambian emerald mine

 - Then Elon's father, Errol Musk, was then given a half interest in a Zambian emerald mine which was owned by De Beers.
- So we have the grandson of a simple bricklayer, suddenly granted half of an emerald mine, one of the more expensive gems in the world.
- It was probably sometime in this period that the family discovered that Elon was probably a good candidate for a brainwashing and grooming as they move forward in their banking conspiracy.
- So Errol Musk was given amazing amounts of value in this company and current records show it is heavily invested in U.S. treasuries.
- To the extent of billions of dollars.
- What we see is a lot of gaslighting and a lot of relationships with the merchant banker world and that Elon is nothing more than a cardboard cutout.

Because emeralds are found in so few places in the world, it makes sense that there aren’t many stones available, especially when compared to the other Big Four, including diamonds. Not only are emeralds rare in general, but high-quality emeralds are particularly rare and, therefore, very expensive. Only 10% of emeralds mined are suitable for making into jewelry. (

Shuffled a lot of money 

 - Isn't it just amazing that De Beers and the Rothschild family just gave Errol Musk this emerald mine after he befriended them?
- It could be real, or it could be fake, but the point is, they shuffled a lot of money through it, and you have to ask whether this is just money laundering?
- What was discovered from the mining analysis of Lord Michael Farmer, who is Candace Owens new father-in-law, diamond mines of any kind, are great excuses to launder money.

Because you don't really have to have any evidence that there's diamonds or gold, you just need some 'expert' to vouch for you. Then that gives an excuse for somebody to leverage that and put a bunch of dirty money into the mine to clean it up and make it part of the stock. This is the scumbag, I mean Elon Musk's dad, who had sex with his own stepdaughter and had baby by her. That is the excuse that Elon uses why he's estranged from his father which I think is just gaslighting. (Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben)


- Elon gaslights and says his father never had an emerald mine and that his father never helped him financially.
- In fact, his father helped him on a number of ventures, and has always been there to help him.
- FYI, Michael McKibben invented the search engine and browser and his patent was stolen by the U.S. Patent Office and weaponized by DARPA so he's never been compensated, instead DARPA created companies such as Google who took all the profits.
- McKibben had hoped that Trump would address the problem in 2016 but he was overlooked.

Low frequency cult member 

 - In summary, he Bohemian Grove hosts an annual two-week encampment that includes concerts, lectures, performances, and rituals.
- The encampment takes place in a redwood forest and is attended by some of the world's most prominent men.
- Important corporate and political discussions take place and business and political connections are established, however, no woman or minorities are allowed in these interactions.
- If it were simply a 'club' where rich people hang out, there wouldn't be such intense security and you have to wonder what all their rituals really mean and what other rituals they perform.
- Martha, can you hear me now?

The ranks of the Bohemians swells with more portrayals of narcissism than it does acts of empathy. Those who rise aloft the Bohemian throne have had to systematically learn techniques which allow them to trick the masses. A true Bohemian should never be trusted, encouraged, or left guarding your fine bone china or your best silverware. (Johnny’s Substack)


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