Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Jacques Legrand -  Public Domain
Fortuna's Orb - 1450-1490

- From the 15th-century manuscript by Jacques Legrand called Le Livre de bonnes moeurs (The Book of Good Manners).
- The manuscript was originally written for Jean Duc de Berry (1340-1416) younger brother of the King Charles V of France (1338-1380).
- This manuscript provided texts and discussions related to good manners, moral behavior and ethical values.
- Witten in French and printed on paper in either France (Burgundy), or Switzerland (Basel).


This text was a bestseller in its day, circulating among the ruling elite at the French and Burgundian courts in luxurious, illuminated copies. (

Eve at the spinning wheel
'Dia' is heavenly

- Featured on the left side is an elegant pregnant woman, portrayed in the act of spinning a wheel.
- Her name is Fortuna and she is the goddess of fortune and luck in Ancient Rome and into Medieval Europe.
- The ball and wheel of fortune were her symbols and she is simply a personification.
- The Greeks also had an almost identical deity called Tyche.


Jacques Legrand was a prolific author of many philosophical and exegetical treatises, but he is best known as an author of three major works. In 1398, he wrote an encyclopedic Sophilogium containing twelve books arranged in three main parts, of which “the first part talks about all human and divine sciences; the second part talks about virtues; and the third, about all (human) conditions.” (

Spinning wheel

- Fortuna's most well-known attribute in iconography is the spinning wheel.
- The constant rotation of the wheel represents the unending cycle of life, death, and rebirth, mirroring the concept of karma and samsara in some spiritual traditions.
- The wheel also represents astrology, the bottom of the wheel and the top of the wheel, and how quickly life's circumstances can change.

Gold orb

- There is a floating golden spherical object (orb) in the middle.
- It’s the moon as a product of Fortuna's spinning.

Frightened archons

- The men on the nearby hill act frightened, as many golden rays radiate from the sky.
- Are they frightened because of the orb?
- A globe, in fact, represented the world itself (as the oikoumene or orbis terrarum) and the power that Luck had over it and its fate.
- The wheel and the orb keep spinning.


Many are the depictions of Fortuna together with a sphere, especially in sculpture: some of these statues can be found in Hofburg Palace, in Vienna, Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin, or Fortunaportal in Potsdam - as well as the statue of Fortuna by Praxiteles at the Louvre Museum in Paris or that of Fortuna Nemesisat the Aquincum Museum, Budapest. (


Yaldabaoth energy vampire throwing stones

- Fortuna is Eve who reveals that the archons, evil rulers of the world, raped her but she has more power than them, and they know it!
- And that 'luck' should be more commonly known as 'fate.'
- In the same vein, Nyx was the primordial Greek goddess of the night and a consort to Erebus, the god of darkness; she hatched an egg that created the Earth, sky, and sea.

In Greek mythology, "Sophia" is not a recognized goddess, but "Nyx" is the primordial goddess of the night, meaning "Sophia" would not be directly connected to her in traditional mythology; however, "Sophia" in Greek translates to "wisdom," which could be interpreted as a concept associated with the mysterious and powerful nature of Nyx, the goddess of the night. (

Sophia is Wisdom 

Earth angel

- After Christ and several other entities who were high ranking angels, the last to emerge from God was named Wisdom (or, in Greek, Sophia).
- Wisdom wanted to give birth to a new being of her own, but did so without the involvement or permission of her partner or God.
- This rash act, rather than anything Adam and Eve would later do in the Garden of Eden, is the origin of evil.

Demiurge Yaldabaoth

- Wisdom’s child is the monstrous demiurge, Yaldabaoth, who is cast out of Heaven and goes on to create the mundane material world in which we humans live.
- After initially trying to conceal her mistake, Wisdom repents of it, which establishes a divine model for human repentance of sin.

On the Origin of the World 

Gnostic beginning of everything

- Since everyone, the gods of the world and people says that nothing existed prior to chaos, then it can be shown since they do not know the origin of chaos and its root, here is the demonstration.
- How agreeable it is to all people to say that chaos is darkness, but actually chaos comes from a shadow that has been called darkness.

One of the things that set Gnosticism apart from the other varieties of early Christianity was its astonishing creation myth, an interpretation of the creation myth of Genesis that practically turns that Old Testament text upside down. (


- The shadow comes from something existing from the beginning so it is obvious that something in the beginning existed before chaos came into being.
- And that chaos came after what was in the beginning.

The Gnostic creation myth has come down to us in numerous different versions in different Gnostic texts. It’s apparent that there was never a single, uniform version of the myth. But the different Gnostic accounts of creation that have survived down to the present day are variations on a common model, not different models altogether. (

Sophia flowed out of Pistis the first light

- Now, let us consider the facts of the matter, and in particular, what was in the beginning from which chaos came.
- In this way, the truth will be clearly demonstrated.
- After the nature of the immortals was completed out of an infinite one, then a likeness called Sophia, flowed out of Pistis.
- With the wish that something should come into being like the light that first existed.

Archons in Gnosticism and religions closely related to it, are the builders of the physical universe. Among the Archontics, Ophites, Sethians and in the writings of Nag Hammadi library, the archons are rulers, each related to one of seven planets; they prevent souls from leaving the material realm. (Wikipedia)

Immeasurable light veiled

- Immediately, her wish appeared as a heavenly likeness with an incomprehensible greatness.
- This came between the immortals and those who came into being after them, like what is above, it was a veil separating people from the things above.
- Now, the eternal realm of truth has no shadow within it because the immeasurable light is everywhere within it.

Gnostic cosmogony generally presents a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a malevolent lesser divinity (sometimes associated with the Hebrew Bible deity Yahweh) who is responsible for creating the material universe. (Wikipedia)

Deities brought forth

- Outside it, however, is a shadow and it was called darkness.
- From it appeared a power over the darkness and the powers that came into being afterward called the Shadow, the limitless chaos.
- From it, every kind of deity was brought forth, one after another along with the whole place, consequently the shadow to is subsequnt to what was in the beginning.
- The shadow appeared in the abyss which is derived from Pistis whom we have mentioned.
- The shadow perceived that there was one stronger than it.

Self-impregnated and immediately bore envy

- It was jealous and when it became self-impregnated it immediately bore envy.
- Since that day, the principle of envy has appeared in all of the aeons and their worlds.
- But envy was found to be an aborted fetus without any spirit in it.
- It became like the shadows in a great watery substance.
- Then the bitter wrath that came into being from the shadow was cast into a region of chaos.

Useless afterbirth

- Since that day a watery substance has appeared what was enclosed in the shadow flowed forth appearing in chaos.
- Just as all the useless afterbirth of one who bears a little child falls, likewise the matter that came into being from the shadow was cast aside.
- Matter did not come out of chaos, but it was in chaos existing in a part of it.
- Now after these things happened, Pistis came and appeared over the matter of chaos, which was cast off like an aborted fetus since there was no spirit in it.

Boundless darkness and water

- For all of that is a boundless darkness and water of unfathomable depth and when Pistis saw what came into being from her deficiency, she was disturbed and the disturbance appeared as something frightful and it fled to her in the chaos.
- She turned to it and breathed into its face in the abyss, which is beneath all of the heavens.

Yaldabaoth lionlike

- Now when Pistis Sophia wanted to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and rule over matter and over all its powers, a ruler first appeared out of the waters, lionlike in appearance.
- Androgynous, with great authority within himself, but ignorant of once he came into being.

Yaldabaoth and his shadow
33 Degree angles

- When Pistis Sophia saw him moving in the depths of the waters, she said to him, 'Youth pass over here,' which is interpreted as Yaldabaoth.
- Since that day, the first principle of the word that referred to the gods and angels and people has appeared, and the gods and angels and people constitute that which came into being by means of the word.

Pistis raining

- Moreover, the ruler Yaldabaoth is ignorant of the power of Pistis, he did not see her face, but he saw in the water, the likeness that spoke with him and from that voice, he called himself Yaldabaoth.
- But the perfect ones call him Ariel because he was like a lion and after he came to possess authority over matter, Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light.

Spirit moving to and fro over the waters

- When the ruler saw his greatness he saw only himself, he saw nothing else except water and darkness.
- And then he thought that he alone existed, his thought was made complete by means of the word and it appeared as a spirit moving to and fro over the waters.
- And when that spirit appeared the ruler separated the watery substance to one region and the dry substance to another region.

Foot stool

- From matter he created a dwelling place for himself and called it heaven and from matter the ruler created a foot stool and called it earth.
- Afterward the ruler thought according to his nature and he created an androgynous being by means of the word.
- He opened his mouth and cooed to him.

Three sons

- When his eyes were opened he saw his father and said to him 'yee,' so his father called him Yao.
- Again he created the second son and cooed to him.
- He opened his eyes and said to his father, 'eel' so his father called him Eloai.
- Again, he created the third son and cooed to him.
- He opened his eyes and said to his father 'ahs' so his father called him Astaphaios.
- Yaldabaoth created heaven and earth, and he created three sons: Yao, Eloai, and Astaphaios.


- These are the three sons of their father.
- Seven appeared in chaos as androgynous beings they have their masculine name and their feminine name.
- The feminine name of Yaldabaoth is Forethought Sambathas which is the weak.

Forethought Sambathas (the feminine name of Yaldabaoth) falls in love with Adam of light, but he hates her because she is in darkness, so she pours her light upon the earth, creating the holy steel-like earth and purifying the water. (Wikipedia)

Seven Heavens of Chaos

- Yaldabaoth creates beautiful heavens for his sons and is praised but later becomes boastful and sins.
- In the Nag Hammadi text On the Origin of the World, these are the seven powers of the Seven Heavens of Chaos.
- The Seven Heavens of Chaos are inhabited by androgynous beings according to the immortal pattern that existed before them and in accord with the will of Pistis so that the likeness of what existed from the first might rule until the end.
- The names of the androgynous beings represent masculine and feminine.

- Yaldabaoth, represents forethought (Sambathas)
- Yao, represents mastery and lordship
- Sabaoth, represents divinity
- Adonaios, represents kingship
- Eloaios, represents envy
- Oraios, represents wealth
- Astaphaios, equated with Sophia.

Power of the males

- You will find the function of these names and the power of the males in the archangelic Book of Moses the prophet.
- But the feminine names are in the first Book of Norea.
- Now, since the chief creator Yaldabaoth had great authority he created for each of his sons, by means of the word, beautiful heavens as dwelling places and for each heaven great glories, seven times exquisite.


- Each one has within his heaven, thrones, dwelling places and temples as well as chariots and spiritual virgins and their glories looking up to an invisible realm.
- And also armies of divine lordly and angelic and archangelic powers, myriads without number in order to serve.
- The report concerning these you will find accurately in the first account of Norea.
- Now they were completed in this way up to the sixth heaven the one belonging to Sophia and the heaven and its earth were disrupted by the Troublemaker who was beneath all of them.

Cast him down

- The six heavens trembled for the power of chaos knew who it was who disturbed the heaven beneath them.
- And when Pistis knew of the harm caused by the Troublemaker she blew her breath and she bound him and cast him down to Tartarus.
- Since that day, the heaven has been consolidated along with its earth by means of Sophia the daughter of Yaldabaoth who is beneath them all.


- After the heavens and their powers and all of their government set themselves aright, the chief creator exalted himself and was glorified by the whole army of angels, and all the gods and their angels gave him praise and glory.
- And he rejoiced in his heart and he boasted continually saying to them, 'I do not need anything, I am God and there is no other God but me.'
- But when he said these things he sinned against all the immortal imperishable ones and they kept their eyes on him.

Samael is Yaldabaoth

- Moreover, when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler she was angry.
- Without being seen she said, 'You're wrong Samael (that is blind god) an enlightened immortal human exists before you and will appear within your fashioned bodies.'
- 'The human will trample upon you as Potter's clay is trampled and you will go forth with those who are yours down to your mother, the abyss.
- For in the consummation of your works, all of the deficiency that appeared in the truth will be dissolved.
- It will cease and it will be like something that never existed.'


- After Pistis said these things, she revealed the likeness of her greatness in the waters and so she withdrew up to her light.
- When Sabaoth, the son of Yaldabaoth heard the voice of Pistis, he worshipped her.
- He condemned his father and mother on account of the word of Pistis.
- He glorified her because she informed them of an immortal human and the light of the human.

The name Sabaoth appears in the Old Testament in reference to an army. In the First Book of Samuel, the name is used as a name of God. (Wikipedia)

Pistis Sophia stretched forth her finger

- Then Pistis Sophia stretched forth her finger and poured upon him light from her light for a condemnation of his father.
- When Sabaoth received light, he received great authority against all the powers of chaos.

Yaldabaoth can be considered a nation, Israel, and his son Sabaoth is the war god YHWH.

Sabaoth, the son of Yaldabaoth

- Since that day, he has been called the Lord of the Powers.
- He hated his father, the darkness, and his mother, the abyss.
- He loathed his sister, the thought of the chief creator, the one who moves to and fro over the water.

Great war in the seven heavens

- On account of his light, all the authorities of chaos were jealous of him, and when they were disturbed they made a great war in the seven heavens.
- Then, when Pistis Sophia saw the war she sent seven archangels from her light to Sabaoth.
- They snatched him away, up to the seventh heaven.
- They took their stand before him as servants.
- Furthermore, she sent him three other archangels and established the kingdom for him above everyone so that he might dwell above the 12 gods of chaos.


- When Sabaoth received the place of rest because of his repentance, Pistus also gave him her daughter, Zoe, with great authority so that she might inform him about everything that exists in the eighth heaven.
- And since he had authority, he first created a dwelling place for himself.
- It is huge, magnificent, seven times as great as all those that exist in the seven heavens.


- Then in  front of his dwelling place, he created a great throne on a chariot with four faces called the Cherubim.
- And the Cherubim throne has eight shapes on each side of the four corners.
- Forms of lions and bulls and humans and eagles so that all of the forms total 64 forms and 7 archangels stand before him.
- He is the eighth having authority, all of the forms total 72, for from this chariot the 72 gods took shape.


- They took shape so that they might rule over the 72 languages of the Nations.
- And by that throne, he created other dragon-shaped angels called Seraphim who glorify him continually.
- Afterward, he created an angelic assembly; thousands, myriads without number belonged to it that was like the assembly in the eighth heaven.
- And the first born called Israel that is the 'one who sees God' and also another called Jesus Christ, who is like the savior above in the eighth heaven and who sits at his right upon an excellent throne.


- But at his left, the virgin of the Holy Spirit sits upon a throne praising him and the 7 virgins stand before her with 30 lyres and harps and trumpets in their hands glorifying him.
- And all the armies of angels glorify him and praise him.
- But he sits on a throne concealed by a great light cloud and there was no one with him in the cloud except Sophia, the daughter of Pistis.
- Teaching him about all those that exist in the eighth heaven so that the likeness of those might be created in order that his kingdom might continue until the consummation of the heavens of chaos and their powers.

Sabaoth on right, Yaldabaoth on left

- Now Pistis Sophia separated him from the darkness and summoned him to her right, but the chief creator, she put at her left.
- Since that day, right has been called justice, but left has been called injustice.
- Moreover, because of this, they all received a realm in the assembly of Justice and Injustice is set over all their creations.
- When the chief creator of chaos saw his son Sabaoth and that the glory in which he dwells is more exquisite than all the authorities of chaos, he was jealous of him.

Yaldabaoth conceived death

- And when he was angry he conceived death from his own death, it was set up over the sixth heaven.
- Sabaoth had been snatched away from there, and thus the number of the six authorities of chaos was completed.
- Then, since death was androgynous, he mixed with his nature and conceived seven androgynous children.
- These are the names of the males; envy, wrath, weeping, sighing, mourning, lamenting, tearful groaning.
- And these are the names of the females; wrath, grief, lust, sighing, cursing, bitterness, quarrelsomeness.

Children conceived

- They had intercourse with one another and each one conceived 7 so that the children total 49 androgynous demons.
- Their names and their functions you will find in the Book of Solomon.
- In the presence of these, Zoe, who dwells with Sabaoth, created 7 good androgynous powers.
- These are the names of the males: not jealous, blessed, joyful, true, not envious, beloved, trustworthy.
- And these are the names of the females: peace, gladness, rejoicing, blessedness, truth, love, faith.

Chief creator Yaldabaoth grieving

- And many good and guileless spirits come from these.
- Their accomplishments and their functions you will find in the configurations of the fate of heaven beneath the 12.
- But when the chief creator saw the likeness of Pistis in the waters, he grieved especially when he heard her voice which was like the first voice that called to him out of the water.
- When he knew that this was the one who named him, he groaned and was ashamed on account of his transgression.

Yaldabaoth acting recklessly in the light

- And when he actually knew that an enlightened immortal human existed before him, he was greatly disturbed because previously he had said to all the gods and their angels, 'I am God and there is no other God but me.'
- For he had been afraid that they might know that another existed before him, and condemn him, but he, like a fool, despised the condemnation and acted recklessly.

Light appears

- And he said 'If something exists before me, let it appear so that we might see its light.'
- And immediately, look, light came out of the eighth heaven above and passed through all the heavens of the earth.
- When the chief creator saw that the light was beautiful as it shone forth he was amazed and very much ashamed.
- When the light appeared a human likeness which was very wonderful was revealed within it and no one saw it except the chief creator alone and the Forethought who was with him.
- But its light appeared to all the powers of the heavens therefore they were all disturbed by it.

Steel-like earth

- Then when Forethought saw the messenger she became enamored of him, but he hated her because she was in darkness.
- Moreover, she desired to embrace him but she was not able.
- When she was unable to quench her love, she poured out her light upon the earth.
- From that day, that messenger was called Adam of Light which is interpreted the enlightened man of blood.
- And the earth upon which the light was spread was called holy Adamus which is interpreted as the holy steel-like earth.

Steel-like earth purified

- At that time, all the authorities began to honor the blood of the virgin, and the earth was purified because of the blood of the virgin.
- But especially, the water was purified by the likeness of Pistis Sophia who appeared to the chief creator in the waters.
- Rightly then, has it been said, through the waters, since the holy water gives life to everything, it purifies it too.
- Out of this first blood, Eros appeared, being androgynous, his masculine nature is Himeros because he is fire from the light.
- His feminine nature is that of a soul of blood and is derived from the substance of Forethought.

Himeros is a Greek god associated with desire and love. He is often depicted as a handsome young man, believed to be the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Himeros is one of the Erotes, a group of winged gods who personify different aspects of love and desire in Greek mythology. (Wikipedia)

Eros handsome in his beauty

- He is very handsome in his beauty, having more loveliness then all the creatures of chaos.
- Then, when all the gods and their angels saw Eros, they became enamored of him, but when he appeared among all of them, he made them imflamed.
- Just as many lamps are kindled from a single lamp and the light shines, but the lamp is not diminished.
- So also, Eros was scattered in all the creatures of chaos, but was not diminished.


- Just as Eros appeared out of the midpoint between light and darkness, and in the midst of the angels and people, the intercourse of Eros was consummated.
- So too, the first sensual pleasure sprouted upon the earth.
- The woman followed the earth and marriage followed the woman, and reproduction followed marriage and death followed reproduction.
- After Eros, the grapevine sprouted up from the blood that was shed upon the earth, therefore, those who drink the vine, acquire the desire for intercourse.

Fig tree and a pomegranate tree

- After the grape vine a fig tree and a pomegranate tree sprouted up from the earth.
- Together with the rest of the trees according to their kind their seed deriving from the seed of the authorities and their angels.
- Then Justice created the beautiful paradise, it is outside the circuit of the moon and the circuit of the sun in the luxuriant earth which is in the east in the midst of stones and desire is in the midst of trees.
- Since they are beautiful and appealing and the tree of immortal life as it was revealed by the will of god is in the north of paradise to give life to the immortal saints who will come out of the fashioned bodies of poverty in the consummation of the age.

Tree of Life

- Now the color of the Tree of Life is like the sun and its branches are beautiful its leaves are like those of the Cyprus and its fruit is like clusters of white grapes.
- Its height rises up to heaven and next to it is the tree of knowledge possessing the power of god its glory is like the moon shining brilliantly and its branches are beautiful.
- Its leaves are like fig leaves and its fruit is like good delicious dates and this tree is in the north of paradise to raise up the souls from the stupor of the demons so they might come to the Tree of Life and eat its fruit and condemn the authorities and their angels.

Tree of Knowledge

- This effect of the tree is described in the holy book as follows, you are the Tree of Knowledge which is in paradise from which the first man ate and which opened his mind so that he loved his female partner and condemned other alien likenesses and loath them.
- Now after this there sprouted up the Olive tree which was to purify kings and chief priests of justice who will appear in the last days.
- The Olive tree appeared in the light of the first Adam for the sake of the anointing that they will receive.

Psyche blood

- But the first Psyche loved Eros who was with her and poured her blood upon him and upon the earth.
- Then from that blood the first rose sprouted upon the earth out of the thorn bush for a joy in the light that was to appear in the bramble.
- After this, the beautiful fragrant flowers sprouted up from the earth according to their kind, from the blood of each of the virgins of the daughters of Forethought.
- When they had become enamored of Eros they poured out their blood upon him, and upon the earth.


- After these things, every herb sprouted up in the earth according to its kind having the seed of the authorities and their angels.
- After these things, the authorities created from the waters all species of beasts and reptiles and birds, according to their kind having the seed of the authorities and their angels.
- But before all these things, when Adam of light appeared on the first day, he remained upon the earth about two days.
- He left the lower Forethought in heaven and began to ascend to his light and immediately, darkness came upon the whole world.

Everything in the sky was ordered

- Now, when Sophia, who was in the lower heaven wanted to receive authority from Pistis, she created great luminaries and all the stars.
- And put them in the heaven to shine upon the earth and to perfect chronological signs and seasons and years and months and days and nights and seconds and so on.
- And thus everything up in the sky was ordered.
- Now when Adam of light wanted to enter his light, that is the eighth heaven, he was unable because of the poverty that had mixed with his light.

Created eternal realm for himself

- Then he created a great eternal realm for himself.
- In that eternal realm, he created six realms and their worlds, six in number which are seven times better than the heavens of chaos and their worlds.
- But all these realms and their worlds exist within the infinite region that is between the eighth and chaos beneath it.
- And they are reckoned with the world that belongs to the poverty.
- If you wish to know the arrangement of these, you will find it written in the Seventh Cosmos of Hieralias the prophet.

The Seventh Cosmos of Hieralias the Prophet is a lost text referenced in On The Origin Of The World. The cosmos are organized by seven, as are the planets, the archangels, the metals of alchemy, the colors of the rainbow, the chakras of the human organism, and the bodies of the soul. (

Crowd laughing

- Before Adam of Light withdrew in the chaos, the authorities saw him.
- They laughed at the chief creator because he lied, saying; 'I am God and there is no other God but me.'
- When they came to him they said, 'Is this not the god who ruined our work?'
- He answered and said, 'Yes, but if you wish that he not be able to ruin our work, come let's create a human being from the earth according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being to serve us, so that whenever this being sees his likeness, he may become enamored of it.'

Fashioned bodies became fences for light

- Then he will no longer ruin our work but we shall make those who are born from the light our servants, through all the time of this age.
- Now all this came to pass according to the Forethought of Pistis in order that humankind might appear after this likeness and condemn them on account of their fashioned bodies.
- And their fashioned bodies became fences for the light.
- Then the authorities received knowledge necessary to create people.
- Sophia Zoe who is with Sabaoth anticipated them and laughed at their decision because they were blind.

Human being

- In ignorance, they created him against themselves, they do not know what they do.
- Because of this, she anticipated them, she created her human being first in order that he might tell their fashioned body how to scorn them, and thus, to escape them.
- Now the birth of the instructor occurred in this way.
- When Sophia let a drop of light fall, it floated on the water, immediately a human being appeared being androgynous.
- She molded that drop first as a female body.
- Afterward, she molded it with the body in the likeness of the mother who appeared and she finished it in 12 months.

Eve of life

- An androgynous human being was conceived whom the Greeks call Hermaphrodite, while the Jews call his mother Eve of life that is the instructor of life, her child, is the creature who is Lord.
- Afterward, the authorities called it the beast in order to lead their fashioned bodies astray the meaning of the Beast is the instructor for it was found to be wiser than all beings.
- Moreover, Eve is the first virgin who gave birth without a man.

It is I

- She is the one who functioned as her own midwife on account of this it is said concerning her that she said, 'It is I who am the part of my mother, and it is I who am the mother. It is I who am the wife. It is I who am the virgin.It is I who am pregnant. It is I who am the midwife. It is I who am the one that comforts pain of travail. It is my husband who bore me. And it is I who am his mother. And it is he who is my father and my lord. It is he who is my force. What he desires, he says with reason. I am in the process of becoming, yet I have borne a man as Lord.'

Multiply and flourish

- Now these things were revealed by the will of Sabaoth and his Christ to the souls who will come to the fashioned bodies of the authorities.
- Concerning these the holy voice said 'multiply and flourish to rule over all the creatures.'
- And these are the ones who are taken captive by the chief creator according to their destinies.
- And thus they were locked in the prisons of the fashioned bodies until the consummation of the age.

Person with soul

- At that time, the chief creator then expressed his opinion about humankind to those who were with him.
- Then each of them cast his seed into the midst of the naval of the earth.
- Since that day the seven rulers have formed humankind with his body like their body.
- But his likeness is like the human who appeared to them, his fashioned body came into being one part at a time and their chief created the brain and nervous system.
- Afterward the person appeared like the one before him.
- He became a person with soul and he was called Adam that is father, after the name of the one who was before him.

Person without soul

- Now after Adam was made he left him as a lifeless vessel since he had taken form like an aborted fetus with no spirit in him.
- Regarding this, when the chief ruler remembered the word of Pistis, he was afraid that the true human might come into his fashioned body and rule over it.
- Because of this, he left this fashioned body 40 days without soul and he withdrew and left him.
- But on the 40th day, Sophia Zoe sent her breath into Adam who was without soul.
- He began to move upon the earth, but he could not stand up.


- Now when the seven rulers came and saw him, they were very much disturbed.
- They walked up to him and seized him and the chief ruler said to the breath within him, 'Who are you and from where have you come here?'
- It answered and said, 'I came through the power of the human for the destruction of your work.'
- When they heard they glorified him because he gave them rest from their fear and concern.
- Then they called that day 'the day of rest' because they rested themselves from their troubles, and when they saw that Adam could not stand up, they rejoiced.

Adam awakens

- They took him and left him in paradise and withdrew up to their heavens.
- After the day of rest Sophia sent Zoe her daughter who was called Eve as an instructor to raise up Adam in whom there was no soul so that those whom he would produce might become vessels of the light.
- When Eve saw her male partner cast down, she pitied him and she said, 'Adam, live, rise up on the earth.'
- Immediately, her word became an accomplished deed, for when Adam rose up immediately he opened his eyes.

Adam moves

- When he saw her he said, 'You will be called the mother of the living because you are the one who gave me life.'
- Then the authorities were informed that their fashioned body was alive and had risen and they were very much disturbed.
- They sent seven archangels to see what had happened.
- They came to Adam and when they saw Eve speaking with him, they said to another, 'What is this enlightened woman, for truly she resembles the likeness that appeared to us in the light.'


- 'Now, come let us seize her and cast our seed into her so that when she is polluted she will not be able to ascend to her light.
- But those whom she bears will serve us but let us not tell Adam because he is not from us.
- Rather, let us bring a stuper upon him and suggest to him in his sleep that she came into being from his rib, so that the woman may serve and he may rule over her.'
- Then Eve, since she existed as a power laughed at their false intention.
- She darkened their eyes and secretly left her likeness there with Adam.

Rulers spreading their seed

- She entered the Tree of Knowledge and remained there.
- They pursued her, then she revealed to them that she had entered the tree and had become the tree.
- And when the blind ones fell into a great fear here they ran away.
- Afterward, when they sobered up from the stupor they came to Adam and when they saw the likeness of that woman with him they were troubled thinking that this was the true Eve.
- And they acted recklessly, and came to her and seized her and cast their seed upon her.

Eve defiled

- They did it deceitfully, defiling her not only naturally, but also abominably.
- First defiling the seal of her voice which had spoken with them saying, 'What is it that exists before you?'
- They meant to defile those who might say at the consummation of the age that they had been born of a true human by means of the word.
- And they were deceived not knowing that they had defiled their own body.
- It was the likeness that the authorities and their angels defiled in every way.


- First Eve conceived Abel from the first ruler and she bore the rest of the sons from these seven authorities and their angels.
- Now, all this came to pass according to the Forethought of the chief creator so that the first mother might bear within herself every seed mixed and joined together with the fate of the world and its configurations and justice.
- A plan came into being because of Eve so that the fashioned bodies of the authorities might become fences for the light.
- Then the light will condemn them through their fashioned bodies.

Adam appears to the rulers and shocks them

- The first Adam of light is spiritual and appeared on the first day.
- The second Adam is a person with soul and appeared on the sixth day called Aphrodite.
- The third Adam is earthly, that is a man of law who appeared on the eighth day after the rest of poverty which is called Sunday.
- Now the progeny of the earthly Adam multiplied and was completed and produced within itself all the technical skill of the Adam with soul.
- But all were in ignorance.

Chief ruler

- Next, let me continue, when the rulers saw him and the woman who was with him erring in ignorance like beasts, they rejoiced greatly.
- When they learned that an immortal human was not going to pass them by but that they would even have to fear the woman who had turned into a tree.
- They were troubled and said, 'Is this perhaps the true human who blinded us and taught us about this defiled woman who was like him that we might be conquered?'

Rulers arrive timidly

- Then the seven took counsel, they came to Adam and Eve timidly and they said to him, 'The fruit of every tree created for you in paradise may be eaten, but beware don't eat from the Tree of Knowledge if you do eat, you will die.'
- After they gave them a great fright, they withdrew up to their authorities.
- Then came the one who was wiser than all creatures who was called the beast.

More talking heads

- When he saw the likeness of their mother Eve, he said to her, 'What is it that god said to you don't eat from the Tree of Knowledge?'
- She said, 'He said not only don't eat from it but also don't touch it lest you die.'
- He said to her, 'Don't be afraid, you certainly shall not die for he knows that when you eat from it your mind will be sobered, and you will become like gods knowing the difference between evil and good people for he said this to you because he is jealous so that you would not eat from it.'

Beautiful Tree of Knowledge

- Now Eve believed the words of the instructor.
- She looked at the tree and saw that it was beautiful and appealing and she desired it.
- She took some of its fruit and ate and she gave to her husband also and he ate too.

Brain lit

- Then their minds opened for when they ate the light of knowledge shone for them.
- When they put on shame they knew that they were naked with regard to knowledge.
- When they sobered up, they saw that they were naked and they became enamored of one another.
- When they saw that their makers had beastly forms, they loathed them.
- They understood a great deal.


- Then when the rulers knew that Adam and Eve had transgressed their commandment, they entered paradise and came to Adam and Eve in an earthquake and a great threat to see the result of the help that was given.
- Then Adam and Eve were very much disturbed and hid under the trees in paradise.
- The rulers did not know where they were and said, 'Adam, where are you?'
- He said, 'I am here, but because of fear of you, I hid after I became ashamed.'


- But they said to him in ignorance, 'Who is the one who spoke to you of the shame that you put on unless you ate from the tree?'
- He said, 'The woman whom you gave me, she is the one who gave to me, and I ate.'
- Then they turned to that woman, 'What is this you have done?'
- She answered and said, 'The instructor is the one who incited me and I ate.'
- Then the rulers came to the instructor, their eyes were blinded by him so they were not able to do anything to him.

Cursed earth

- They merely cursed him since they were powerless.
- Afterward, they came to the woman and they cursed her and her offspring.
- And after the woman, they cursed Adam and the earth and the fruit because of him and everything that they created they cursed.
- There is no blessing from them, good cannot come from evil.
- Since that day, the authorities knew that truly there was something stronger than they.
- They would not have known except that their commandment was broken.

Birds of the heaven

- They brought a great envy into the world, only because of the immortal human.
- Now when the rulers saw that their Adam had acquired a different knowledge they wanted to test him.
- They gathered all the domestic animals and wild beasts of the earth and birds of the heaven and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them.
- When he saw them, he gave names to their creatures, they were troubled because Adam had sobered up from all ignorance.

Trees of heaven

- They gathered together and took counsel and said, 'Look Adam has become like one of us so that he understands the difference between light and darkness.
- Now perhaps he will be deceived as with the Tree of Knowledge and will come to the Tree of Life and eat from it and become immortal and rule and condemn us and regard guard us and all our glorious folly.'


- 'Then he will pass judgment on us and the world.
- Come let's cast him out of paradise down to the earth the place from where he was taken, so that he will no longer be able to know anything better than we can.'
- And so they cast Adam and his wife out of paradise, and what they had done did not satisfy them, rather they were still afraid.
- They came to the Tree of Life and they set great terrors around it.
- Firey living beings called Cherubim and they left the flaming sword in the midst, turning continually with a great terror so that no one from among earthly beings might ever enter that place.

Diminishing human lifetime

- After these things, when the rulers had become jealous of Adam, they wanted to diminish the human lifetimes.
- But they were unable because of fate, which was established since the beginning, for their lifetimes were determined.
- For each of the people, 1,000 years according to the Circuit of the Luminaries.
- But although the rulers were not able to do this, each of the evildoers took away 10 years, so all the remaining time amounts to 930 years and these are spent in grief and weakness and in evil distractions.
- Thus life has gone from that day until the consummation of the age.

Chasing the rulers from their heavens

- Then when Sophia Zoe saw that the rulers of darkness cursed her companions, she was angry.
- And when she came out of the first heaven with every power, she chased the rulers from their heavens and she cast them down to the sinful world that they might dwell there as evil demons upon the earth.
- She sent the bird that was in paradise so that until the consummation of the age it might spend the 1,000 years in the ruler's world, a vital living being with soul called the Phoenix, which kills itself and reanimates itself for a witness to their judgment because they dealt unjustly with Adam and his race.


- There are three human beings and their descendants in the world until the consummation of the age.
- The spiritual and the cyclical and the earthly, this is like the three kinds of Phoenixes of paradise.
- The first is immortal, the second attains 1,000 years, as for the third, it is written in the holy book that it is consumed.
- Likewise, three baptisms exist, the first is spiritual, the second is by fire, the third is by water.
- Just as the Phoenix appears as a witness for the angels, so too the water serpents in Egypt have become a witness to those who go down for the baptism of a true person.

Baptism of a true person

- The two bulls in Egypt in so far as they indicate the sun and the moon as a mystery, exist for a witness to Sabaoth.
- That Sophia of the world has been exalted above the sun and the moon, from the day when she created them and sealed her heaven until the consummation of the age.
- And the worm that is brought forth from the Phoenix is also a human being.
- It is written of it, the just will sprout like the Phoenix.

Rulers cast down

- The Phoenix first appears alive and dies and rises again as a sign of what appears at the consummation of the age.
- These great signs appeared only in Egypt, not in other lands, signifying that it is like the paradise of god.
- Let us come back to the rulers of whom we spoke, that we might present an explanation of them.
- For when the seven rulers were cast from their heavens down upon earth, they created for themselves angels, many demonic angels to serve them.

Magic and potions and idolatry

- But these demons taught humankind many errors with magic and potions and idolatry and shedding of blood and altars and temples and sacrifices and libations to all the demons of the earth.
- Having as their coworker fate, who came into being according to the agreement by the gods of injustice and justice.
- And thus when the world came into being, it wandered astray in distraction throughout all time.
- For all the people who are on the earth served the demons from the creation until the consummation of the age.


- Both the angels of justice, and the people of injustice, thus the world came to be in distraction and ignorance and stupor.
- They all erred, until the appearance of the true human.
- Enough for you to this point.
- Next we shall consider our world so that we might complete the discussion of its structure and its government in a precise manner.
- Then it will be clear how belief in hidden things which have been apparent from the foundation to the consummation of the age came about.

Immortal humankind

- Now I come to the main points about immortal humankind.
- I shall explain why the beings belong to the immortal human are here.
- When a multitude of people came into being through Adam who was fashioned and from matter.
- And when the world was filled, the rulers reigned over it, that is to say they held it in ignorance.
- What is the cause, it is this.

Immortal father knows that deficiency of truth

- Since the immortal father knows that deficiency of truth came into being among the eternal realms and their worlds, when he wanted to bring to naught the rulers of destruction by means of their fashioned creatures, he sent your likenesses.
- Namely, the blessed little guileless spirits down to the world of destruction.
- They are not strangers to knowledge, for all knowledge is an angel who appears before them who stands in front of the father and is not powerless to give them knowledge.

Immortal humankind defiled

- Immediately, whenever they appear in the world of destruction, they will first reveal the pattern of incorruptibility for condemation of the rulers and their powers.
- Moreover, when the blessed ones appeared in the fashioned bodies of the authorities, they were envied.
- And because of envy, the authorities mixed their seed with them to defile them, but they were not able.

Superior and blessed

- Moreover, when the blessed ones appeared in their light they appeared distinctively, and each one of them from their land revealed their knowledge to the assembly that appeared in the fashioned bodies of destruction.
- The assembly was found to have every seed because of the seed of the authorities that was mixed with it.
- Then the savior made all of them one, and the spirits of these appeared being superior and blessed, but varying in election.


- And many others are kingless and superior to everyone who is before them, consequently four races exist.
- There are three that belong to the kings of the eighth heaven, but the fourth race is kingless and perfect, above them all, for these will enter into the holy place of their father and they will reside and rest in eternal ineffable glory and ceaseless joy.
- They are already kings, immortal within the mortal realm, they will pass judgment on the gods of chaos and their powers.

There is nothing hidden

- Now the word, who is more exalted than anyone, was sent for this work only to announce what is unknown.
- He said, 'There is nothing hidden that will not appear, and what was unknown, will be known.'
- Now these were sent so they might reveal what was hidden and expose the seven authorities of chaos and their impiety and they were condemned to be killed.

Shaken by great thunder

- So when all the perfect ones appeared in the fashioned bodies of the rulers and revealed incomparable truth, they put to shame every wisdom of the gods and their fate was discovered to be condemnable.
- Their power dried up, their dominion was destroyed, and their Forethought and their glory became empty.
- Before the consummation of the age, the whole place will be shaken by great thunder.

Crying out

- Then the rulers will lament, crying out on account of their death.
- The angels will mourn for their human beings, and the demons will weep for their times and seasons and their people will mourn and cry out on account of their death.
- Then the age will begin, and they will be disturbed.
- Their kings will be drunk from the flaming sword and will make war against one another so that the earth will be drunk from the blood that is poured out.
- And the seas will be troubled by that war.

Sun will darken

- Then the sun will darken and the moon will lose its light.
- The stars of heaven will disregard their course and great thunder will come out of great power that is above all the powers of chaos.
- The place where the firmament of the woman is situated.
- When she has created the first work, she will take off her wise flame of afterthought and will put on irrational wrath.
- Then she will drive out the gods of chaos whom she had created together with the chief creator.
- She will cast them down to the abyss, they will be wiped out by their own injustice.

Blaze out fire

- For they will become like the mountains that blaze out fire, and they will consume one another until they are destroyed by their chief creator.
- When he destroys them, he will turn against himself and destroy himself until he ceases to be.
- And their heavens will fall upon one another and their powers will burn.

Fall down to the abyss

- Their realms will also be overthrown, and the chief creator's heaven will fall and split in two, likewise, his stars and their sphere will fall down to the earth, and the earth will not be able to support them.
- They will fall down to the abyss and the abyss will be overthrown.
- The light will cover the darkness and obliterate it.
- It will become like something that never existed and the source of the darkness will be dissolved.


- The deficiency will be plucked out at its root and thrown down to the darkness and the light will withdraw up to its root.
- And the glory of the unconceived will appear and it will fill all the eternal realms when the prophetic utterances and the writings of those who are rulers are revealed and are fulfilled by those who are called perfect.

Kingless realm

- Those who were not perfected in the unconceived father, will receive their glories in their realms and in the kingdoms of the immortals.
- But they will not ever enter the kingless realm, for it is necessary that everyone enter the place from which he has come.
- Each one, by his deeds and his gnosis, will reveal his nature.

In Summary 


- To summarize: God the Father gave rise to a host of spiritual beings called 'aeons' who populated Heaven which the Gnostics called the Pleroma or 'Fullness.'
- This included a divine Mother and Christ.
- One of the last of these beings to emanate from the Father was named Sophia.

Demiurge is Yaldabaoth and YHWH

- Sophia gave birth to a new being on her own, without the involvement of her partner or the approval of the Father.
- The being born under such circumstances was nothing like the perfect inhabitants of the Pleroma; instead, he was ignorant and malevolent.
- This was the demiurge, 'craftsman,' whom the Gnostics identified with the god of the Old Testament.

Demiurge mirror

- He created the material world to mirror his own wicked personality and trapped sparks of divinity, fragments of the Pleroma, within humans.
- It was then up to Christ to awaken humans to their true nature and liberate them from the world.

Semi-hostile powers

- All Gnostic systems are represented the seven world-creating archons, known as the Hebdomad.
- These Seven are, in most systems, semi-hostile powers and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead.
- Below them, and frequently considered as proceeding from them, comes the world of the devilish powers.

Three sons

- Pistis Sophia reveals her image and rebukes Yaldabaoth.
- Sabaoth worships Pistis, receives light, and creates an angelic assembly with Jesus and the Virgin.
- Pistis separates Sabaoth from darkness, causing the chief creator to become jealous and create death and 49 demons.
- Zoe creates seven good powers in response.
- Yaldabaoth sees Pistis' likeness in the water and realizes his mistake.

T and O map

- The orb is divided into three parts by elaborate etching, which is a reference to the mappae orbis terrae (known as 'T and O map').
- Also known as an Isidoran map, a type of early world map that represents world geography as first described in the 7th-century.
- This was a medieval type of map that depicted the world as a circle of water (the oceans) with the three known continents in the center, and the Mediterranean Sea forming a T and dividing them.


The symbol of the globus cruciger, in fact, became one of the main elements used in art to distinguish a figure of power - but not only: globi crucigeri were used in coats of arms (as in that of Uppland in Sweden) and actual regents alike (even today, the Sovereign's Orb of the United Kingdom is still used as a symbol during the Coronation ceremony). (

Tau Cross

- This map of the world was very popular in the Middle Ages because it integrated the world map with a religious symbol, the Cross.
- It came to represent the Christian power held over their lands by kings, emperors, and popes.


Perhaps the oldest pattern of the cross is called the “tau” cross – the cross that is associated with the Franciscan order. But did you know that it is most likely that the “tau” was the standard form of Roman crucifixion? The vertical member was already mounted at the place of execution. The horizontal member was carried by the victim from the place of judgment to that of their execution. (


Salvator Mundi
Leonardo DaVinci - via Wikipedia Commons
Abu Dhabi version, around 1512

- The connection between the T and O map and the globus crucifer is even clearer in this Salvator Mundi artwork which was recreated by multiple artists.
- Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, holds the globe in his left hand and the three dots represent the continents Africa, Europe, and Asia.


Spinning wheel

- A spinning wheel often symbolizes the cycle of life, creation, transformation, and the continuous flow of energy.
- The act of spinning representing the process of weaving new realities or experiences, often associated with patience, diligence, and the creation of something meaningful from raw materials.
- In some traditions, like Buddhism, spinning a prayer wheel is seen as a way to send out positive energy and prayers into the universe, contributing to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
- Associated with the Divine feminine principle, representing the creative power of the mother goddess.


Ezekiel's wheel

- Ophanim are a class of angels in Christian angelology also known as 'thrones; or 'galgalim' spreading wisdom to Earth.
- The Bible doesn't explicitly refer to the Ophanim as angels, but Jewish apocalyptic writers included them in their hierarchy of angels.
- In Ezekiel's vision, the Ophanim are the wheels of the Lord's Heavenly Chariot, or merkabah.


Foot stool

-  The Word, or Jesus the Logos, was sent to earth to reveal the hidden truth about the seven authorities of chaos.
- Before the end of the age, there will be a great shaking and war among the rulers, which will result in the downfall of the heavens and the powers of chaos who run this world.
- The light will cover the darkness, and the glory of the unconceived will fill the eternal realms.
- The perfect ones will return to their home, but the non-perfected ones will remain in the realms of immortals, unable to enter the kingless realm.

The conclusion discusses the nature of immortal humankind, explaining that the blessed and guileless spirits were sent to the world of destruction by the immortal father to bring about the condemnation of the rulers. (Wikipedia)


Jacques Legrand



Truly, when in the place of work, idleness,
in place of the spirit of measure and equity,
 caprice and pride invade,
fortune is changed just as with morality.



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