Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself






 Seven Sisters
Bernardino Luini: (1525) Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

- Oil on panel. 
- Luini worked as a fresco painter in Milan, and also in Saronno and Lugarno and elsewhere in Lombardy.
- He was a co-worker and deeply influenced by Leonardo DaVinci, who arrived in Milan in 1483.
- Luini was known for his graceful female figures with elongated eyes.
- The subject is Mary Magdalene.

Many of his paintings, like 'Christ among the Doctors' and the 'Virgin and Child with Saint John' derive from Leonardo compositions. Luini also adopted Leonardo's use of chiaroscuro, and his facial types. (

Star system

- The Pleiades star system is also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in Western astronomy.
- An open cluster, the stars were all born around the same time from a gigantic cloud of gas and dust.
- The brightest stars in the cluster glow as hot blue and were formed within the last 100 million years, much more recently than the Milky Way.
- Called cluster, band and girdle in antiquity.

Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you loose the cords of Orion? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? (Job 38:31-32)

Star Magnitudes and Multiplying Decimals

- It's estimated that there are up to 1,000 stars in the cluster, resembling a bunch of grapes, but only six or seven are visible by sight.
- As the cluster ages over hundreds of millions of years it will start losing its stars as they either die or drift away and become part of the general population of stars in the Milky Way disk.
- It is one of the closest star systems to Earth at 444 light-years and the most obvious star cluster to the naked eye.
- Each of the stars is over 100 times brighter than our Sun.

The most peerless piece of earth, I think, that e' er the sun shone bright on. (Shakespeare)

Antarctic circle

- The Pleiades is positioned near the shoulder of Taurus (The Bull), the larger constellation to the right of Orion’s Belt.
- Situated next to Aldebaran, the 'Follower,' which is the main star and the eye of the bull in the Taurus constellation.
- The only place in the world that the stars cannont be seen is the Antarctic circle.

He makes the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, and the constellations of the southern sky. (Job 9:9)

The Pleiades

- In Greek mythology, the name was used for seven divine sisters called the Pleiades, ladies of plenty.
- The sisters were the daughters of Atlas, a Greek Titan, and Pleione an Oceanid nymph.

The Lord looks down in love, bending over heaven's balcony. (Psalms 53:2)

Sun lit

- The Pleiades are some of the first stars mentioned in literature, appearing in Chinese annals about 2350 BC.
- The earliest European literature references are in a poem by Hesiod in 1000 BC and in Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad.
- Most myths about them are based on Greek mythology although there are stories about them from all over the world.

This shower, blown up by tempest of the soul,
Startles mine eyes, and makes me more amazed
Than had I seen the vaulty top of heaven
Figured quite o’er with burning meteors.
(Shakespeare, King John)

Triple star system

- Atlas, a Greek Titan, was father of the Pleaides.
- He was condemned by Zeus. god of the Olympians, to hold up the heavens for eternity after the Titanomachy war ended.
- Atlas is a triple star system in the constellation of Taurus and is a member of the Pleiades; part of open star cluster called M45.
- Atlas had a total of twelve daughters, and a son, Hyas (Hyades), who was killed by a wild boar or a lion.
- After his death, five of the older sisters grieved so much they died and formed the Hyades cluster.

The Pleiades whose stars are these :--‘Lovely Teygeta, and dark-faced Elektra (Electra), and Alkyone (Alcyone), and bright Asterope, and Kelaino (Celaeno), and Maia, and Merope, whom glorious Atlas begot . . . In the mountains of Kyllene (Cyllene) she [Maia] bare Hermes, the herald of the gods. (Hesiod)

Sea of Atlas

- The name 'Atlantic Ocean' is derived from 'Sea of Atlas.'
- Atlas, the Endurer, was believed by some to be the originator of the constellations while others believe it was Chiron.

It was the hour when the Pleiades appeared in the firmament like the folds of a silken sash variously decked with gems. (Muallakat)

Celestial herd

- Their name means 'daughters of Pleione' and they were represented by cows that composed the celestial herd.
- Some Greek astronomers believed the stars to be a constellation unto themselves, which is where the cluster got its name.
- Phantoms of the night.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)

Sailing the star seas

- It's said that the name Pleides came from the Greek word 'plein' which means 'to sail.'
- Pleione, mythical protectress of sailors, was `sailing queen’ and her daughters `sailing ones.’
- The sisters were nymphs and companions of the Greek goddess Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

May marked the opening of navigation to the Greeks because sailing was safe after they had risen; the setting in the late autumn marked the close of navigation. (

Water droplet

- The Seven Sisters are also known as the 'Water Girls' or the 'Ice Maidens,' due to their association with water, from oceans, seas, rivers, rain, hail, snow, ice or frost.

He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns midnight into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land— the LORD is his name. (Amos 5:8)

Sailing the Earth seas

- The Pleiades hold the position as the mothers or wet nurses of the newborn infant in one of the most ancient and important Hindu myths.
- The myth is about the birth of war-god Rudra/Skanda, who represents the victorious rising sun, and as vernal sun the new year.

Indus 'meen' - fish or star

- Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary (
- Represents that the heavenly bodies were conceived of as fish swimming in the ocean of heaven, representing gods.

Tamil is an ancient language of India from the Dravidian family spoken by roughly 250 million people mainly in southern India and Sri Lanka. (

Indus six stars (fish)

- The six or seven ladies on an Indus seal.
- In The New Year asterism Pleiades has this name in Tamil.
- Six stars = (*c) aru + meen.
- The word meen designates both fish and star in most Dravidian languages.

The pictograms of 'six' (six short strokes divided to two lines) and (on its left side) 'fish' together form a syntactic unit. It corresponds to the compound aru-meen 'six-star' occurring in Old Tamil texts and denoting the asterism of the Pleiades. (

Night goddess

- The Pleaides served as minor goddesses associated with natural forces: rivers, trees, lakes and mountains.
- Nymphs served as nannies caring for the Greek god of the vineyards, Dionysus (Bacchus to the Romans), during his infancy.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2)

Mount Cyllene

- The Pleaides were born on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia, and are sometimes called mountain nymphs or oreads.
- Because they were daughters of Atlas, they were also called the Atlantides.

Together with their sisters, the Hyades, they were called the Atlantides, Dodonides, or Nysiades, nursemaids and teachers of the infant Dionysus. (Wikipedia)

Place in the sky

- During an ancient war, Atlas rebelled against Zeus (Jove), the king of the gods, who sentenced Atlas to forever hold up the heavens on his shoulders.
- The Pleaides were believed to have been located on the shoulder of the Bull, but Hyginus, considering the complete animal figure, placed them on the hind quarter; Nicander, Columella, Vitruvius, and Pliny, on the tail.
- The sisters were saddened by the ordeal and Zeus allowed them a place in the sky in order to be close to their father.

Until the season of the Pleiades, and at the approach of winter, many ardent fevers set in. (Hippocrates, Epidemics)


- All seven sisters were transformed into doves and they fled to the heavens and turned into stars by Zeus who took pity on them.
- Also, flock of doves, from Indo-European meaning pale, dark-colored, gray, or 'the gray bird.'
- Some versions made them the Seven Doves that carried ambrosia to the infant Zeus.

A common figure for these stars, everywhere popular for many centuries, is that of a Hen with her Chickens, — another instance of the constant association of the Pleiades with flocking birds, and here especially appropriate from their compact grouping. (


- After a chance meeting with the hunter Orion, the Pleiades and their mother became the objects of his pursuit.
- When Pleione was traveling with her daughters, Orion, who was accompanying her, tried to attack her.
- She escaped, but Orion sought her for seven years and couldn't find her.
- Huntsman Orion, intent on rape after he fell in love with their beauty and grace.
- Mother and daughters fled to the West.

Of these, Maia surpassed (they say) the beauty of her sisters and lay with supreme Jove [Zeus]. (Ovid)

Spring in May

- Maia, Great One, goddess of spring and growth, was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and is the oldest of the seven Pleiades.
- Her name means ‘nursing mother’ or ‘grandmother’ and also concerns growth, evolution, and increase.
- Despite her beauty, she was a shy, waiflike woman who preferred her own company and lived alone in the caves.
- The month of May was named after her.

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. (Shakespeare)


- Maia was the mother of Hermes (Mercury), messenger of the gods, who was fathered by Zeus, god of the Olympians, after they secretly made love in the dead of night in a cave of Cyllene.
- Patron of merchants and abundance, as well as 'word magic' (power of the word), communication, and alchemy.

April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. (Shakespeare)

Black eye

- Maia was associated with fertility, warmth, and the potential for growth and abundance.
- She was a shy goddess, dwelling alone in a cave situated close to the peak of Mount Kyllene.
- Simonides of Ceos sang of 'mountain Maia of the lovely black eyes.'
- Maia also raised the infant Arcas, the child of Callisto and Zeus, after his mother, was transformed from a woman into a bear.

The rapidly maturing infant Hermes crawled away to Thessaly, where, by nightfall of his first day, he stole some of his half-brother Apollo's cattle and invented the lyre from a tortoise shell. (Wikipedia)

Sea salt and brine

- Alcyone, Ally, was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and was one of the seven Pleiades.
- She is the second born of the Pleiades sisters and also considered their leader, however there are other accounts that the eldest sister, Maia, was the leader.

During the Halcyon days – when the world was filled with joy, prosperity and tranquillity – she watched over the Mediterranean Sea, making it calm and safe for sailors. (

Star rays

- Together with god Poseidon she bore several children: Hyrieus, Hyperenor, Aethusa, Hyperes, Anthas and Epopeus.
- Of all the Pleiades stars, Alcyone shines 1,000 times more luminous.
- At one time, her star Maia shone brighter than any of the others, Alcyone, now shines brighter which some say symbolizes sibling rivalry between the two sisters in the past.

While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. (John 9:5)

Salt and brine

- Alcyone gave birth to the fisherman Glaucus, the marine god, by mortal Anthedon.
- Her name refers to a sea bird, the kingfisher, that has a mournful song
- Her name also connotes sea salt and brine.

We have some salt of our youth in us. (Shakespeare)


- In her other incarnation, Alcyone’s love story with Ceyx is marked by devotion and tragedy, culminating in their transformation into kingfisher birds by the gods.
- Strong-helper and the hen.
- In a rage after Ceyx and Alcyone betrayed him, Zeus waited for the lovers to separate and then launched a violent thunderstorm over the seas, causing Ceyx’s boat to capsize and drowning him.

The son of a morning star, Ceyx, the King of Thessaly, and Alcyone were married and devoted to each other, until the day they deceived Zeus and Hera by pretending to be them. (


- The term 'halcyon days' originates from Alcyone’s myth, which is a period of calm and peace during winter.
- The alignment of the Pleiades with key astronomical events in ancient times links Alcyone to themes of life, renewal, and the passage of seasons.

Summer's lease hath all too short a date. (Shakespeare)

Looking away

- Electra was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and was one of the seven Pleiades.
- She lived on the island of Samothrace an had two sons, Dardanus and Iasion (Eetion), who were fathered by Zeus who seduced her.
- She was amber, shining and the brightest star.

In psychology, the Electra complex is named after the Greek Goddess Electra. The Electra Complex says that a young girl decides to compete with her mother for the love of her father. The term “Electra Complex” dates back to stories with the Greek mythological character Electra, who teamed up with her brother Orestes to kill her mother and stepfather as an act of revenge for the death of her real father. (

Long-haired comet

- Electra was the only star of the constellation not easily seen because she could not bear to look upon the destruction of Troy and she turned away.
- In her grief, she abandoned her sisters and morphed into a long-haired comet with her hair unbound.
- The Pleiades are thought to lead the circling dance for the stars.
- Electra does not appear because after Troy was captured and her descendants through son Dardanus overthrown, she left them in grief and took her place in the circle called Arctic.

Comets, importing change of times and states, Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky. (Shakespeare, Henry IV)


- Taygete, Tiggy, mistress of the animals, was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and was one of the seven Pleiades.
- She valued her independence and lived alone in the mountains on Mount Taygetos in Laconia which bears her name.
- Her name means long-necked.

By being seldom seen, I could not stir But like a comet I was wondered at. (Shakespeare, Henry IV)

Golden horns

- Zeus also pusued Taygete, as he did all seven sisters.
- Taygete hid beneath a mountain after she had been taken advantage of by Zeus. 
- She was protected by Artemis, who turned her into a golden doe with golden horns.
- She was also turned into a cow for a short period of time.
- Pausanias wrote that Taygete gave birth to Lacedaemon, the mythical founder of Sparta, through Zeus, and Eurotas, after she was raped.

Some such strange bull leapt your father’s cow,
And got a calf in that same noble feat
Much like to you, for you have just his bleat.
(Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing)

Long necked

- After Taygete returned to her normal form, the grateful goddess gave Artemis the Cerynitian hind with golden antlers.
- Heracles later had to fetch those horns in his third labor.

Pindar, who was a very knowledgeable mythographer, hints that the mythic doe, even when slain and offered to Artemis, also continues to exist, to be hunted once again (although not killed) by Heracles at a later time. (Wikipedia)

Himerus River

- Taygete had a niece who shared the same name.
- The younger Taygete married the elder’s son Lacedæmon and together, they had a son named Himerus who eventually drowned himself in a river.

Himeras is a river of Sicily. Two ancient rivers named Himeras cause some confusion, as one (modern Fiume Grande) flowed south to north emptying into the Tyrrhenian Sea while the other flowed north to south, emptying into the Gulf of Gela. (

Dark one

- Celaeno (Kelaino), Ce-Ce, a goddess or demon, was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and was one of the seven Pleiades.
- Her name means 'melon' or 'swarthy.'
- She was said to bore to Poseidon, the patron of the oceans, numerous children including Lycus (wolf) and Nycteus.
- Celaeno also gave birth to Chimaereus (part lion, dragon and goat) by the Titan Prometheus.

In black ink my love may still shine bright. (Shakespeare)


- In other stories, Celaeno references a harpy, or one of the winged spirits that had the head and body of a woman and the wings and claws of a bird of prey.
- Shines less brightly than the others, supposedly because she was once struck by lightning by Theon the Younger.

Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck,
And yet methinks I have astronomy.
But not to tell of good or evil luck,
Of plagues, of dearths, or season’s quality;
Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell,
Or say with princes if it shall go well.
(Shakespeare, Sonnet 14)


- Sterope (Asterope), Star, was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and was one of the seven Pleiades.
- She is traditionally portrayed as one of the weaker sisters, perhaps because this star is one of the two that shines less brightly than the others.

She wears her hair long in grief, and is called a comet, or longodes because she trails out for a long distance, or xiphias because she shows the shape of a sword-point. (Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae)


- She was the mother of Evenus.
- Another story is that the god of war, Ares, and Sterope had a child together named Oenomaus, the barbaric founding king of Pisa.
- Sterope was honored in the town of Pisa in Elis in Southern Greece.

A mighty man of Pisa: by report I know him well: you are very welcome, sir. (Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew)

Cloud chaser

- Merope, the lost sister, was the daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid, and was one of the seven Pleiades.
- She married King Sisyphus, a mortal, and lived on the island Chios, where she was the faintest star.
- Her husband was the son of Æolus, grandson of Deucalion (the Greek Noah), and great-grandson of Prometheus.

To be exalted with the threatening clouds: But never till to-night, never till now, Did I go through a tempest dropping fire. (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar)

Lost star

- Sisyphus was a tyrant and Zeus condemned him to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades, only to have it roll back down each time the task was nearly done.
- Others say that Merope hid her face out of shame because her husband was a cosmic criminal.
- There are similarities here to Merope’s father, Atlas, who kept the weight of the world on his shoulders for eternity.
- Merope was the last Pleiades to be discovered by astronomers so she is called the 'lost star' and she is the faintest star and hard to see with the naked eye.

Six only are visible, but the seventh is beneath the dark clouds. (Ovid)

Ophiuchus (Asclepius)
Golden Gate of the Ecliptic (Gods)
Ascend to Heaven

- One of two gates or entry ways into heaven.
- Together with the open star cluster of the Hyades, the Pleiades form the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic.
- An asterism in the constellation Taurus that has been recognized for several thousand years.
- This is the intersection between Scorpio and Sagittarius, were Ophiuchus is located is known as the golden gate of heaven.
- The ancients called it the ‘Gate of the Gods.’

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Serpent holder

- Constellation Ophiuchus the 'serpent holder' sits 180 degrees across from Orion.
- Ophiuchus sits in the direction towards the center of our galaxy called galatic center.
- The galactic center lies visually from our solar system along a line that passes through the golden gate.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. (Matthew 11:15)

Circle of the ecliptic

- Since all planets, and also the Moon and the Sun, always move very closely along the virtual circle of the ecliptic, all seven planets regularly pass through the gate.
- Ophiuchus was listed by Ptolomy as one of the 48 constellations circa 285 BC and is still one of the 88 modern constellations.

The constellation itself depicts Christ wrestling and getting control of the serpent. Ophiuchus has his foot on Scorpio, this represents Christ walking on water (Scorpio being a water sign). Scorpio being the sign of death and rebirth and is the only sign with three symbols. (


- The constellation was originally named Serpentarius.
- Ophiuchus is depicted as a man grasping a serpent.
- His body divides the snake (constellation Serpens) into two parts; Serpens Caput (serpent head) and Serpens Cauda (serpent foot).

O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face! Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical! (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)

Sun in Ophiuchus

- Scorpio is the lower part of Ophiuchus and the Sun spends more time in Ophiuchus than Scorpio.
- The Egyptians and Mayans included Ophiuchus in their astrology as a 13th sign.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)

Staff wrapped in snakes

- In Greek mythology, Ophiuchus is Asclepius, son of Apollo, Greek god of medicine and physicians.
- One important symbol is the caduceus (staff), which is wrapped in two snakes.
- Archangel Michael is often depicted slaying a dragon/devil (Scorpius) while holding a scale to show his role as defender of justice.

By His breath the heavens are cleared; His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent. (Job 26:13)

Architect of the Cosmos

- Ophiuchus is the only sign in zodiac linked to a real man while the rest of the astrological signs are linked to archetypal 'beasts.'
- He is also known as Imhotep, a High Priest of the Sun god Ra and the first physician in history.
- Imhotep was modeled after Lord Enki, who was the original serpent holder, who was a Sumerian creator god.
- Imhotep was known to the Greeks as Asclepius and was the incarnation of Enki who was the originator of the Ophiuchus pattern in the night sky.

The sun with one eye vieweth all the world. (Shakespeare)

High Priest of the Sun

- Imhotep is said to have brought the knowledge of medicine and healing to mankind.
- He was also known as the pyramid builder and inventor of the calendar.
- Imhotep taught the motions of the stars and constellations to the magicians in Saqqara and was both an astronomer and a sidereal astrologer.
- The 13th astrological sign represents the cosmic Shamen, Imhotep, who teaches us resurrection so we never die, however, it is not employed in Tropical (Western) or Sidereal astrology.
- He's been hidden.

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)

Monkey divine drama

- He was named 'Architect of the Cosmos' after he was initiated into the mysteries.
- Also called the 'Chief of Observers' which later became the same title used by the High Priests of Heliopolis and indicates an astral link (instead of a sun link).

Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising thro' the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fireflies tangled in a silver braid. (Alfred Lord Tennyson)

Crossroads between the two worlds

- Ophiuchus, with his foot in the galactic center at the Great Rift (Dark Rift), located in the Southern Milky Way, also known as the Crossroads between the two worlds (the Overworld and the Underworld).
- Ophiuchus, the 13th sign, is considered the invisible or hidden sign and is associated with secret knowledge, immortality and wisdom.
- The stellar zodiac once contained 13 signs and included Ophiuchus who resides above both Scorpio and Sagittarius.

This is what the LORD says: "Stand where the roads cross and look. Ask where the old way is, where the good way is, and walk on it. If you do, you will find rest for yourselves." (Jeremiah 6:16-20)


- M8 which is the Lagoon Nebula, plays a role as a beacon.
- It holds an arrow that points at the galactic center (directly in the middle of the Milky Way) at a star called SagittariusA.
- This is a pulsar and marks the exact entry point where our galaxy is merging with the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy.
- The ancients knew about this merging of galaxies thousands of years ago even though it is not set to happen for another 3 billion years.
- They called it the crossroads and it is exactly where Ophiuchus stands.

Ophiuchus and Orion represent part of our ‘cycle of life’ that we all incarnate into as going from “earthly beings” through the ‘gate of man’ – “eternal beings” through the ‘gate of Gods’. (

Great Llama

- According to Mayan calendar the ancients called the year 2012 the age of light, when the sun interacts with the nebulous gas to raise our vibration.
- This is the path of our solar system right now and this is why the ancients in so many cultures paid attention to the accurate position of the stars and constellations, aka astrology.
- The Mayans called this 'The Great Llama that brings the message.'

When the Serpent Feeds the Eagle, then Quatzlcoatl-The Many plumed One-returns. (Mayan)

Milky Way

- It has been shown over and over again that this all reoccurs and has since the beginning of time.
- The two worlds are the Sagittarius galaxy and our Milky Way galaxy where the Shaman kings are seated in the other world.
- Everything points to that same area in the sky where Ophiuchus resides.

The heavens themselves,
the planets, and this center
Observe degree, priority, and place,
Insisture, course, proportion, season, form,
Office, and custom, in all line of order.
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)


- Other symbology, the Milky Way connected to the Aurora Borealis which represents the cycles of life, death and resurrection.
- The infinity symbol or number 8 (bringing energy into balance), were also used by the Mayans as a result of their medicinal 'journeys' into the other worlds and their understanding of the never-ending cycles of life and death.

Two portions of her course had kindly night well-nigh passed, and the seven stars had turned their shining car. (Seneca, Troade)

Silver Gate of the Ecliptic (Man)
Descend to Earth

- The second gate or entry way into heaven and the intersection between Taurus and Gemini; known as the silver gate of heaven, where Orion (Osiris/Ausar) is located.
- Orion was a hunter placed among the stars by the goddess Artemis.
- In ancient Egypt (Kemet), Orion, who the Egyptians associated with Osiris, is depicted holding Aldebaran, the brightest star in the Taurus constellation, in his hand.

The gray Dawn and the Pleiades before him danced, Shedding sweet influence. (Milton)

Saucepan on the burner

- This constellation is also often a hunter in Aboriginal Australian cultures, or a group of lusty young men, and also called the 'saucepan.'
- Similar “lost Pleiad” stories are found in European, African, Asian, Indonesian and Native American cultures.

Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun; it shines everywhere. (Shakespeare)

Great Bear

- The Pleiades are said to have been the wives of the seven Hindu Sages, who were aligned with the seven stars of the Great Bear.
- The Sages were seven wise men and were also called the 'Seven Rishis.'
- The Hindus pictured these stars as a Flame typical of Agni, the god of fire and regent of the asterism.

Indus seven stars (fish)

- In Tamil, the name of Ursa Major, the 'Seven Sages' in India.
- Seven stars = elu + meen.

These earthly godfathers of Heaven's lights, that give a name to every fixed star, have no more profit of their shining nights than those that walk and know not what they are. (Shakespeare)

Infant god of war

- In Hinduism the Pleiades were the Krittikas, the six nurses of Skanda, the infant god of war, who had six heads (taking care of him) for better nourishment.
- Refers to the six mothers of the war god Murugan who developed six faces, one for each of them.

The group of sister stars, which mothers love
To show their wondering babes,
the gentle Seven.
(Bryant’s The Constellations)

Indus Muruku

- Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary (
- Muruku the youthful god of love and war (boy, youth).
- The sign signifies 'royal ear-rings' in [Tibetan] Lamaism.
- Boy = ring(s)/ bangle(s).
- Belonging to black (maru); bewildered, confused; to be unsteady, unsettled; to wander, distressed, shattered and torn up; pimple, stain, next, reject.
- To be ground into paste, as sandalwood.
- Narrow street or road.

The sign recurs, sometimes alone, on Indus stone bangles; Indus tree-gods wear bangles; in later folk religion, bangles are offered to sacred trees with prayers for off spring (cf. muruku ' boy'). (


- In many Aboriginal Australian cultures, the seventh daughter is hiding from the man represented by Orion, or has been abducted or killed.

In many Australian Aboriginal cultures, the Pleiades are a group of young girls, and are often associated with sacred women’s ceremonies and stories. The Pleiades are also important as an element of Aboriginal calendars and astronomy, and for several groups their first rising at dawn marks the start of winter. (

Australian crocodile

- Aboriginal tribes from the Northern Territories in Australia call the Seven Sisters the 'Yunggarmurra Water Girls.'
- The sisters are regarded as the beholders of beauty and possess the magic of love.
- Their father, Dunia, was transformed into a crocodile to stop his incestuous ways.
- The Aborigines also believe that the stars wear a crystal covered ‘coat’ which explains why they shine so brightly.

Tales of the Seven Sisters have been passed on by word of mouth, and through poetry, art, music and architecture, by Greeks, Aborigines, Chinese, Native Americans, Egyptians, Persians, Indians and Polynesians, to name but a few. (

Bear claws

- The Sioux of North America had a legend linking the origin of Pleiades to the Devil’s Tower where the stars were seven women, pursued by a bear.
- Mateo Tipi, or Devil’s Tower, lovated in Wyoming in North America, is a 1,200' tall rock formation that s shaped like a tree stump.
- There is an Inuit myth about a great bear that threatened mankind and it was chased into the sky by a pack of dogs; as the Pleiades, they still pursue the bear through the heavens.

The ground was as if strewn with pieces of enamel, and rows of Pleiades seemed to hang on the branches of the trees. (Sadi’s Gulistan)

Bear rock

- The Kiowa tribe tells a story about moving south for the winter when they camped by a stream with many bears.
- One day, seven young girls were playing along the stream when some of the bears began chasing them.
- The girls were frightened and jumped on top of a rock and cried out for the Great Spirit to protect them.

The Great Spirit heard the girls’ cries and made the rock grow upwards, with almost vertical sides, taking the girls with it, and leaving the bears unable to reach them. The bears however continued to claw away at the rock, leaving deep scratch marks and making it grow even taller, pushing the seven little girls into the stars. (

Planting seeds

- The Zuni tribe in New Mexico called the stars the ‘Seed Stars’, and when the cluster disappeared every Spring, this was the time to sow.
- Many cultures around the world believed they seeded the planet and are the original seven mothers of the earth.

In many different cultures, the Pleiades are associated with young girls being pursued by a young man or men, represented by Orion. (

Red onions

- The Western Mono Indians believed the Pleiades stars represented a group of wives who were fond of eating onions and were thrown out of their homes by angry husbands.
- The wives wandered into the sky and became stars.
- Repenting, the lonely husbands sought out their wives, but in vain.

The not in our stars, but in ourselves. (Shakespeare)

Orphan boy

- The Blackfoot tribes of Alberta in Canada, and Montana called the stars 'The Orphan Boys.'
- They were fatherless boys who were rejected by their tribe but were befriended by a pack of wolves.
- Saddened by their lonely lives on earth, they asked the Great Spirit to let them play together in the sky.
- Every night the Great Spirit tormented the tribe with the howling of the wolves as a reminder of their cruelty to the boys in contrast to the kindness of animals.

I 'gin to be aweary of the sun, And wish th' estate o' th' world were now undone. (Shakespeare)


- In China they were worshiped by girls and young women as the 'Seven Sisters of Industry.'

Pleiades 1 is the 25th largest tree in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park and the 9th largest tree in Atlas Grove. ( )


- Orion, the Lustful Giant, sits in the opposite direction of Ophiuchus and is the anti-galactic center.
- The ancients called this direction, the 'Gate of Man.'
- Orion was used as an important navigation and agricultural aid throughout antiquity.

The gates of monarchs
Are arched so high that giants may jet through
And keep their impious turbans on without
Good morrow to the sun.

Scorpion stings Orion

- Zeus then turned Orion into a constellation where he further pursued the Pleiades in the skies.
- Orion was said to be a boastful braggart who claimed there was not an animal on earth who could defeat him.
- This angered the goddess Hera, who was the wife of Zeus and she devised a plan to have a scorpion sting the heel of Orion wounding him with its poison.

When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
(Shakespeare, Richard II)

Sailing the universe

- Zeus was also upset because Ophiuchus was on his way to bring healing herbs to humanity which would have given them immortality and the ability to raise people from the dead.
- Ophiuchus (Asclepius) was called to the scene with his snake, which was considered the source of his healing from the scorpion sting, and he brought Orion back to life.

Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. (Shakespeare)

Hades coffin

- In another generation, Hades, god of the Underworld, the brother of Zeus, became alarmed because he knew his kingdom was in jeopardy if no one died!
- He was afraid that Asclepius would tell other healers and spread the word, so he commissioned Zeus to send a thunderbolt to Orion and Asclepius to kill them both.

”You will become the 13th and you will be cursed by the other generations-and you will come to rule over them. In the last days, they will curse your ascent to the holy generation.” I say to you, my name has been written on this […] of the generations of the stars through the human generations. (Gospel of Judas)

Opposite sides of the sky

- Thereafter, all of the cast of characters moved to the night sky; Orion, with his two faithful companions, Canis Major and Canis Minor, Asclepius with his snake Serpens (Scorpius) and Lepus, the hare that Orion was hunting.
- Orion (winter constellation) and the Scorpius (summer constellation) took places on opposite sides of the sky as a precaution so they would not have to face each other again.

Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. (Shakespeare)


- Pleiades constellation was the first one in the ancient Indian star calendar whose conjunction with the sun at the vernal equinox marked the new year around the 23rd century BC.
- The apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac.
- Vernal equinox describes two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length.

In the 5th century before Christ Euripides mentioned them with Aetos, our Altair, as nocturnal timekeepers; and Sappho, a century previously, marked the middle of the night by their setting. (

Vernal/Autumnal equinox

- The Vernal Equinox, or Winter Solstice, is also used to describe the day when the Sun crosses the celestial equator going north which occurs on March 21/22 in the Northern Hemisphere and September 22/23 in the Southern Hemisphere and marks the beginning of spring.
- Summer Solstice is the day on the opposite side of the calendar, six months later, when the Sun moves south across the celestial equator, on June 20/21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21/22 in the Southern Hemisphere which is the beginning of summer.

Either of the two points in the sky where the ecliptic (the Sun’s annual pathway) and the celestial equator intersect. (

Path of the Sun

- The precession of the equinoxes is the motion of the equinoxes along the ecliptic of the Earth's orbit.
- Ecliptic is the plane of Earth's orbit in astronomy and is the great circle that is the path of the Sun as it moves through the constellations.

Jesus said: If they say to you: Whence have you come?, say to them: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. It [established itself], and it revealed itself in their image. If they say to you: Who are you?, say: We are his sons, and we are the elect of the living Father. If they ask you: What is the sign of your Father in you?, say to them: It is movement and rest. (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 50)

Ancient visibility

- The Pleiades shone in the sky as an important time-marker to the ancients.
- Due to their high visibility, the stars gained a special place in many ancient cultures.
- They are winter stars in the Northern Hemisphere and summer stars in the Southern Hemisphere.

These stars were known since old times, by several cultures all around the world, including the Maori and Australian Aborigines, Chinese, Maya and Aztec and the Native people of North America. (

Cave writing

- The constellations were used by the Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers for orientation in space and for time reckoning and depictions of that have been found in cave writing.

In the Magdalenian time (16,000-12,000 BP) man also recognized single and very complex star patterns, including the Milky Way: the Northern Crown in the cave of El Castillo (Spain), the Pleiades in the cave of Lascaux (France) and the main constellations of the sky at the same location. (

Sun and Moon

- The Messier45 (M45) group played an important role in ancient times for the establishment of many calendars.
- A smaller cluster of stars called the asterism represented a high position between the Sun and Moon.
- M45 is no longer at the vernal point, however, the asterism still remains important, both functionally and symbolically.
- Charlie Brown and Snoopy on the moon.

The cluster is slowly moving in the direction of the feet of what is currently the constellation of Orion. Like most open clusters, the Pleiades will not stay gravitationally bound forever. (Wikipedia)

Ancient lunar stations

- In ancient India, first nakṣatra (Sanskrit name for lunar stations) called 'the Cuttings' as those that mark the break of the year.
- In Mesopotamia, there are deities (holders of stars) who stand on 'the path of the Moon.'
- In Greece, the asterism expresses the idea of multiplicity, crowd and assembly.
- Ancient Arabs begin their old parapegma type calendar, that of the anwā, with M45 which was referred to as the 'Two Marks.'

In addition to the changes in the calendars based on the lunar stations among the Indians and the Arabs, consider the case of an ancient Yemeni calendar in which the months are designated according to an astronomical criterion that caused it to be named Calendar of the Pleiades: the month of ḫams. (Wikipedia)

Harvest cabbage

- In astronomy, the Pleiades are located in the constellation Taurus and were celebrated by various cultures throughout history.
- In ancient times, the appearance of the star system came in November, which showed it was time for the yearly harvest.
- The Pleiades start to shine over the horizon and set in the West, during October-November, the correct time of the year in Mediterranean area, to plow and sow the land.
- The rising of the Pleiades in Italy was about the beginning of May, and their setting about the beginning of November.

And sow fields and plant vineyards, And gather a fruitful harvest. (Psalm 107:37)

Abundant crops

- Abundant crops and green pastures were attributed to these 'Rainy Stars' which were connected with traditions of the Flood found among widely separated nations.

When the Pleiades Atlagenes (Born of Atlas) are rising [early May], begin your harvest, and your ploughing when they are going to set [November]. Forty nights and days they are hidden and appear again as the year moves round, when first you sharpen your sickle. (Hesiod, Works and Days 383)

Constellations of the zodiac

- The constellations of the zodiac are arranged along the ecliptic which is the path the Sun takes through the universe.
- As highly visible heliacal stars, the Pleiades were among the most important celestial body, after the moon, and used in the early conception of astronomy.
- Ancient cultures placed great value on the movement of the heavens and animals like the ram, fish, bull, once thought to be pagan symbols, are now understood to represent the constellations.

These ancient people may have observed the midnight culmination of Pleiades, or when Pleiades reached its highest point in the sky, at midnight on the day of this festival, which would have been celebrated around the time of Halloween. They believed that this signified the time of the thinnest separation between the world of the living and the world of the dead. (

Wheels on the zodiac

- The ecliptic in the celestial belt is the narrow range (20 degree latitude) which the Sun, Moon and planets move.
- This region is divided into 12 areas (astrological signs) of 30 degrees longitude, representing the Sun's motion in one month (1 degree a day for 30 days).
- Modern astrologers ignore the fact that the ecliptic crosses through the constellation Ophiuchus where it spends 18 days, between November 29 and December 17; while only spending 7 days in Scorpio, from November 23 to November 29.
- Screech owl.

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. (Isaiah 34:14)


- The Moon takes 13 lunar months to traverse the zodiac which is connected to the 13th sign and denotes the matriarchal lineage or Dragon Court linked to Virgin Mary.
- Mary represents the ancient Sophianic Sisterhood that still continues to operate at the highest levels of power.
- Sophia divine cosmic energy connected to Virgin Mother Mary which is divine feminine cosmic energy all connected to Ophiuchus.

18 yrs of Christs life is missing in the Bible. From the age of 12 to the age of 30 is missing. The Sun actually “leaves the zodiac” for 18 days while it is transiting (crossing) the astrological sign of Scorpio (the third water sign). During this 18 day period the Sun is outside of the boundaries of the traditional zodiac and enters the constellation of Ophiuchus. (

Houses of the zodiac

- Around 2,300 BC, the Pleiades were the starting point of a 'house,' corresponding to the spring equinox, for ancient Chinese and Indians.
- The second 'house' of the Indian lunar zodiac refers to a red cow, Aldebaran.
- Some Natives of North America connected the sidereal year of Pleiades with the life-cycles of bison.

And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them; and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (Genesis 2:19)

House critter
-None of the constellations as we see them in the night sky, truly represent the characters their names depict.
- The fact is, all of the constellations are named as representations of universal archetypes and are the energy of the star patterns that all of us must follow as part of our evolution.
- In Western astrology the Pleiades represent coping with sorrow and were considered a single one of the medieval fixed stars.

Cluster like golden bees upon thy mane. (Bayard Taylor, Hymn to Taurus)


- For the Bronze Age people of Europe, the Pleiades were associated with mourning and funerals.
- The Celtic's believed these stars were a window into the Otherworld which they created a festival devoted to the remembrance of dead people.
- The patterns of stars in the sky assumed an important role in the spiritual life of early civilizations.

Egyptian Hathor was worshipped in the form of "Seven Hathors”: these seven goddesses are the Pleiades shining in the sky, usually represented by seven cows, often associated with a bull, as a heaven herd providing the nourishment, bread and beer, in the Underworld. (

Yin and Yang
Yin (cathode) and Yang (anode)

- The yin and yang symbol (or taijitu) shows a balance between two opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each section.
- Yin represents the feminine (Moon) which is negative, or darkness, black, passitivity and the Earth.
- Yang represents the masculine (Sun) which is positive, or light, white, and Heaven.
- A polarity expresses an opposite and a pole connects the opposites which creates One.

Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love. (Shakespeare)


- When you see the yin/yang symbol often, then you notice it has been all around you all along, but was hidden in plain view.
- In Tarot and astrology, the Moon is water sign Pisces, and the Sun is fire sign Leo.
- Sophia.

If the woman had not separated from the man, she would not have died along with the man. His separation became the beginning from death. For this reason Christ came so he might rectify the division that came about from the beginning and again join the two, and so that those who have died in the division he might give life and join them. (Gospel of Philip, translated by Geoffrey S. Smith)

Train on a circular path

- Think of a train on a circular path, a complete ring; is the engine pushing (yin) or pulling (yang), the answer is neither or both.
- Mountain and valley.
- When the student is ready, the teacher appears, and union is near.

In Taoist metaphysics, distinctions between good and bad, along with other dichotomous moral judgments, are perceptual, not real; so, the duality of yin and yang is an indivisible whole. (Wikipedia)

Spirit hovering is magnetic

- The yin and yang symbol is One, representing the Dao of the Universe or of God (Source).
- Dao gives birth to one, one to two, two to three, and three to all things.
- Electromagnetic energy from the constellations act upon the cells of the brain and send light codes.
- There are two attributes within the symbol; interact and cyclical.

And teach me how To name the bigger light, and how the less, That burn by day and night. (Shakespeare, The Tempest)


- Interact: yin/yang interacts to create the 3rd dimension of All things.
- Cyclical: yin/yang, though opposite, are complementary, they cannot exist without the other; they rotate, increase, and decrease, and represent the seasonal, cyclical patterns of life, of the seasons, of morning and night, of everything.

The moon shines bright. In such a night as this. When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees and they did make no noise, in such a night. (Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice)

Babylonian star star *******

- An ancient Bronze Age artifact from Northern Germany called the Nebra Sky Disk dates to 1600 BC.
- The Ancient Egyptians were said to call the stars the 'Followers' and the 'Ennead.'
- Babylonian star catalogues named the Pleiades 'star star' and used seven asterisk symbols to symbolize them.
- The Pleiades was the most well-known cluster among pre-Islamic Arabs who often referred to it as 'the Star' and it is thought it is mentioned in the Quran.

Thirty-three cosmic ruler, fix thy house, crescent horn moon, follow seven lamps, seven stars, Pleiades stars. Hear O King, Light lamps in a row, thou wilt firmly fix thy house. “I am the worst demon of all, and our STARS are in heaven. Seven stars humble in sheen, and all together. And we are called as it were goddesses. (The Testament of Solomon)

Cylinder seal

- Cylinder seals from 100 BC where M45 is represented by seven points and the Seven Gods appear in Neo-Assyrian royal palaces.

Christ held seven stars in his hand. (Revelations 1:16)


- In Japan the cluster is known as Subaru and is recognized as having seven stars.
- The name means ‘unite’ or ‘unity’ in Japanese.
- Very much like 'E Pluribus Unum' (out of many One) on our dollar bill.

When the car company Subaru chose the name for their business, they decided to depict only six stars in the company logo, supposedly because only six of the stars are visible to the naked eye. (

North Star (Polaris)
Ursa Minor cicumpolar region

- Polaris is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.
- It is commonly called the North Star or Pole Star.
- Brightest star in the constellation and is readily visible to the naked eye at night.
- Located 433 light-years from Earth.
- In a few thousand years, Polaris will no longer be the North Star.

I am constant as the northern star, Of whose true-fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament. (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar)

Indus North Star

- Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary (
- Banyan as '(the tree) possessed of hanging ropes.'
- In Dravidian also (fig/rope star) by means of visible ropes (vata).
- North Star = fig tree + fish or vata + meen.
- Stars do not fall because they are fixed to the North Star.

I see thy glory like a shooting star
Fall to the base earth from the firmament.
Thy sun sets weeping in the lowly west,
Witnessing storms to come, woe and unrest.
(Shakespeare, Richard II)

Garden of Eden

- The northern sky where the North Star resides in the area described as circumpolar region (where stars never set below the Earth's horizon) is called the Garden of Eden.
- This includes the Milky Way, Cassia and Draco, where stars never die and circle around the North Star.
- The stars aren't born in the east and die in the west like the rest of stars as Egyptian cosmology describes.

Recent telescope observations have revealed that this most famous of open clusters is comprised of some four hundred stars wreathed in complex nebulæ of dust and gas. (

Rotating toy top

- Precession of the Earth's rotation axis and the North Star can be described like a rotating toy top.
- The direction of the rotation axis executes a slow precession over a period of 26,000 years.

Polaris star

- Our current Polaris wasn't always our north pole star and was once an ordinary star called Phoenice.
- A star in Draco, called Thuban, was the pole star when the Egyptians built the pyramids over 5,000 years ago.

Let your eyes and imagination drift a bit to see the entire winding shape of Draco the Dragon in the northern sky. If you do spot it, be sure to pick out Thuban, a former pole star. (

Mary Magdalene in the Cave

- Annointing oils and sacred oils.
- Sacred marriage and Kundalini power.
- Bridal chamber and the Christ-Sophia light.
- Activing our sacred heart.
- Sacred sisterhood.
- Transforming demons.

As the supreme initiate of Jesus, she holds the key to unlocking the greatest occult mystery of resurrection. Her powers of ascension can be traced through a sacred lineage that includes Enoch’s transfiguration and the Aton of Akhenaton. (

Sisterhood of the Rose

- The Sisterhood of the Rose is an ancient group of men and women, ascended masters, archangels, and Elohim who bring forth the Divine Feminine energy of nurturing love and compassion, healing and truth that raises consciousness.

I would not wish any companion in the world but you. (Shakespeare)

Heart frequency

- It began in Lemuria and was brought to Atlantis and led by Queen Ashtar of Atlantis in the Temple of Love.
- The rose is the symbol of Divine Feminine energy, and it contains sacred geometry that connects you into your sacred heart.
- The Shuman resonance field is the Earths heartbeat.

Venus is the second planet from the sun and the brightest object in the sky besides the Sun and the Moon. It’s size, mass and density are like earth’s, as if they are twin planets. Venus is the heart chakra planet for the solar system. (Nancy Robbins)

Alabaster Jar

- The Woman with the Alabaster Jar.
- Mary picked up an alabaster jar filled with nearly a liter of extremely rare and costly perfume; the purest extract of nard, and she anointed Jesus' feet.

Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. (Luke 7:44-46)

Nazarene Princess

- Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ and a Nazarene Princess.
- She also has been called a Hasmonean Princess from Jewish lineage.
- Originating in Sumer (Iraq) in Mespotamia on the sea of Galilee near Nazareth.

The serpent/kundalini feeds the Eagle (pineal), when the serpent spine “Juice” kundalini fire crosses the spark gap of the hypothalamus and meets the “winged bird” i.e pineal gland,one is reborn,which Ophiuchus represents (rebirth). (

Way of the Rose

- Their Essene tribe derived from the Mandaean Gnostics from Mespotamia who also settled in Egypt.
- The three wise men were Kings of Persia following the star of Ishtar / Bethlehem / Venus.
- Mary Magdalene, Way of the Rose.


So many of these most important monuments, cities, artefacts, and sacred vortex sites of Mesopotamia regions such as in Syria, Iran, Iraq have been destroyed by wars with our western empire in recent years, leaving many questions open as to the motivations and truths behind these wars. (Ishtara Ammuna Rose)

Circle of the ecliptic

- Plato’s The Great Year: An Argument for the Existence of Atlantis.
- An over simplified explanation of The Great Year might be: when the planets and the motion of the fixed stars return to their original positions.
- The 12 zodiac signs and their ancient mythology are found to encode a physics that explains the spontaneous explosive creation of matter and energy.

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know. (John 14:2-6)

Mudfossil University - Atlantis

- Watch: Tartarus Hades Hell the Underworld What is the Difference What Did Hesiod Write.
- Located in North Africa, the dragon that Zeus killed with his knife, 1,200 miles long, is a dragon that is taller than the height of the International Space Station and spreads across the top of the continent and can be seen on Google Earth.
- Now fossilized and all the details are very clear and what looks like Atlantis, with an outlet to the former Sahara Ocean which surrounded the circular center.

Ancient cultures believed in a Grand Cycle. Furthermore, they believed the movement of the heavens influenced this cycle and created high ages of enlightenment and low ages of darkness. (

Fish of the Sahara Ocean

- Something to know, the Americas were once part of Africa but due to tetronic movement of the Earth's crust, both split apart from each other.
- Ham's land.

Mudfossil University - Guard station

- At one end of the Atlantis circular formation, there is what looks like a guard station.
- It's hard to say if any of it is man-made.
- Color is everything because you're seeing different biology and matter. 

Mudfossil University - Sahara Ocean

- The Atlantis circular structure is located inside the former Sahara Ocean which is shaped like a fish and looks very much like the constellation Orion.
- The sand dunes are actually leather from the petrified dragon and spread in a wide area over North Africa.

Do you know the ordinances of heaven? The rules of the cosmos. The order. And canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? (Job 38:33)

Cosmic ocean fish

- The ocean, which looks like an inlet to the Mediterranean Ocean, completely surrounded the circular structure and it looks like it would be very possible to navigate by boat.
- When everything collapsed, the inlet drained and the debris formed the Cape Verde islands.

Mudfossil University - Strait is a straight

- Throughout history, many have felt that Atlantis was located near the Strait of Gibraltar, however, here is what looks like a man-made 'straight' platform (or dock possibly) next to the guard station at the inlet of the ocean.
- Several miles long.

Typhon (Typhoeus)
Head brushed the stars

- Gaia mated with Tartarus to create Typhon so he could eliminate Zeus because Zeus killed all the Giants.
- She gave birth to the monster Typhon to claim revenge for the imprisoned Titans.
- The most powerful of all monsters in Greek mythology which tells a story about Typhon in a fight with Zeus who overtook Typhon.
- Typhon attempted to overthrow Zeus for the supremacy of the cosmos and lost.

Echidna married Typhon, a hundred headed dragon, and their brood of horrifying children included the Nemean Lion, Cerberus, the many-headed hydra, a dragon, the Chimera, the Sphinx, and Scylla the sea monster. 

Unkept hair

- Apollodorus, 200 BC, described Typhon as a huge winged monster, whose head 'brushed the stars' and having thighs that looked like a man.
- Poison spitting viper with tangled hair.

In size and strength he surpassed all the offspring of Earth. As far as the thighs he was of human shape and of such prodigious bulk that he out-topped all the mountains, and his head often brushed the stars. One of his hands reached out to the west and the other to the east, and from them projected a hundred dragons' heads. (Apollodorus)

Greek fish

- All the gods were able to change into animals to hide from Typhon and you can see the fossilized remains of a fish that he was attacking next to the dragon.
- For example, in mythology, Aphrodite and Heros turned themselves into fish in order to escape from the ferocious Typhon.

From the thighs downward he had huge coils of vipers, which when drawn out, reached to his very head and emitted a loud hissing. His body was all winged: unkempt hair streamed on the wind from his head and cheeks; and fire flashed from his eyes. (Apollodorus)

Mount Etna in July

- Zeus finally won with the aid of thunderbolts and he defeated Typhon and threw him into Tartarus or buried him under Mount Etna.
- Well we know where he is, under Mount Etna (Aetna) which is on the island of Sicily, directly north of where he lays across the top of North Africa.

So when Zeus had raised up his might and seized his arms, thunder and lightning and lurid thunderbolt, he leaped from Olympus and struck him, and burned all the marvellous heads of the monster about him. (Hesiod, Theogony, 800 BC)

Volcanic ash and rocks

- No doubt Typhon was buried under volcanic ash and rocks.
- Etna is the tallest peak in Italy, located south of the Alps with a current height of 3,369 m (11,053 ft) although this varies in a recent explosion it added 100 ft.

But when Zeus had conquered him and lashed him with strokes, Typhoeus was hurled down, a maimed wreck, so that the huge earth groaned. And flame shot forth from the thunderstricken lord in the dim rugged glens of the mount, when he was smitten. (Hesiod, Theogony, 800 BC)

Draco egg

- We are almost ready for our earth and solar system to move through the galactic plane.
- The axis shifts and the stars Draco (the Dragon) and Ophiuchus the Serpent bearer will be seen in the skies rather than Orion (Osiris).

Draco the Dragon

- Draco the Dragon winds around our modern-day pole star, North Star, which we call Polaris.
- Draco the Dragon and Thuban, a former pole star.

The 26,000-year cycle is known as precession. It’s a slow, smooth wobbling that causes a change in the orientation of Earth’s axis over time. Precession causes Earth’s axis to trace out a circle among the stars. Thus, over time, Earth’s axis points to various stars, and the identity of our North Star changes. (

Goddess with a crown and serpent

- When Shiva incarnated he ate the poisons of the world and transmitted it into pure light, bliss which is consciousness.
- Just the same as Christ, an act of compassion that invokes spiritual awakening.
- This role was also portrayed by Hindu god Shiva in his role as Cosmic Dancer.

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. (Revelations 12:14)

Osiris pieces with Isis

- Osiris who was cut into 28 (14) pieces and Isis who could only find 13 of his pieces was a symbol of death and rebirth.
- Only 13 have been put back together and that is because even though the Sun, over the duration of a great year, will move through 14 signs (the normal 12 plus Ophiuchus and Orion) it won't ever be in 14 signs during the same year.
- This is because Ophiuchus enters the Sun's path for half the year, and Orion for the other half always in 13 though.

Sun illumination

- Right above the crown is the sun and the illumination and enlightenment which is a process of purification that will allow you to balance your cups so they are overflowing.
- In the power of creation, the fool, will bring you new beginnings, how do you want to embrace this new chapter?

And send him many years of sunshine days! (Shakespeare)

Negative energies

- Expressing your truth and being truly heard, overcoming the negative patterns of the past, and others sucking your energy and the inbalance it causes.
- Finding that balance in yourself to reclaim your sovereignty and your strength to become the star.
- World and the star and the strength, a new reality, a new beginning.
- To know when to let go and know that you're victorious just as you are.

Venus smiles not in a house of tears. (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)


- Moving from an old age of humanity into a newer age of consciousness and the shift is happening collectively and mirrored individually.
- Overcoming the old paradigms that keep us trapped, and feeling controlled and limited.


- If we do not nurture the divine soul here and now, we punish ourselves by not achieving our true potential.
- The divine soul 'falls' to Earth and incarnates in human beings; Lucifer, the light bringer, coming to earth.

When humans have the right understanding, they can birth the God and thus uplift earthly existence. As long as people are ignorant of their divine purpose, the Gods are dead, and this earth has become hell or the Underworld to the gods. The worst “punishments” we face are in this life. (


- We are not only rising in our level of consciousness, but also in our level of discernment to create new structures; one where we are directly tapped into Source.
- Connected to the Source of creation, that true natural vibration and frequency, to be able to manifest the life of your dreams.

One of the major themes of the Gospel of Philip is the reunification of soul and spirit in a heavenly union that realizes the identification of the soul with its true self. (Madeleine Scopello)

Emotional realm

- To understand that as you speak, you create, and every thought holds a vibration, and to understand that emotional realm as you feel unified with that thought.
- The yin and yang, High Priestess energy of the Mystery Schools of life, bringing you into the oceans of infinity into the deeper depths of your consciousness to be able to explore the mysteries of being.

There is no other way that soneone will be able to produce for himself this grace unless he should clothe hinself in the perfect light (and) also become the perfect (light). (Gospel of Philip, translated by Geoffrey S. Smith)

Moon full circle

- To not just obtain, but to conquest, to balance the yin and the yang and be observant and always willing to learn more and not always be right.
- Not to judge something because it's a lower vibration, but to love the shadow as much as you love the light, because that is what the true light does.
- Bringing it full circle with the moon within ourselves, our intuition (inner tuition), that receptive nature of our being that is truly meant to be honored, the mystery school of life.

The moon shines bright. In such a night as this. When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees and they did make no noise, in such a night. (Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice)

Cup full and lamp lit

- Now we are coming into a period of 2,000 years of light, or the Golden Age.
- During the 2012 winter solstice alignment, the galactic center marked the passing over towards the Photon Belt (gaseous clouds) and the age of light.
- This ties in with the Great Year cycles and our calendar year and the reason that all the Sons/Suns of God were born on December 25th and have a three day resurrection period. 
- It is estimated that we will be fully in the Photon Belt by 2228.

The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. (Psalm 121:6)

Photon Belt

- We are passing through the Photon Belt which will raise our vibrations, so we have enlightened consciousness, something the ancients all knew about.
- Physical flesh and bones, we're not going to have this old contaminated DNA, old blood, with the Matrix and the demonic forces and the 12 zodiacal signs, and all the principalities, powers and dominions that are ruling over us.
- It's a break-out world, it's up to you to escape it, but you have all the tools.

See my hands and My feet, see that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. (Luke 24:36-49)

Egg spin

Luini - The Magdalen - Page 2

Fix your course on a star and you'll navigate any storm.

Leonardo DaVinci


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