Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself






The Apocalypse of the Archonic

Photon Belt

- For some time, multiple cyclical time systems from around the world have been pointing to the period of time we are living in as the age that will bring about a huge shift in consciousness.
- Astrology works because the universe is cyclical and that means there are other ways to predict, interpret and understand how we view things.
- Different traditions of prophecy and forecasting from around the world have called attention to a specific 80 to 120 year period of time.

Does astrology work because the universe is cyclical or is the universe cyclical because astrology works? (World Astrology Report)

The Bull

- In the scope of things, 120 years is a really minute amount of time in the grand scheme of things, and it's just amazing that so many time systems can pinpoint such a small period.
- It's like seconds really.
- For example, the Mayan cycles were 64 million years long.

Sheep in moon light

- The two cultures that developed in the Andean region in South America were the Aymara and Quechua.
- Both cultures had extensive knowledge about astronomy, which they lived by, as there were no clocks or calendars.
- As a result, they created rich traditions, myths and knowledge about the subject that have been largely overlooked in modern times.

A good heart is the sun and the moon; or, rather, the sun and not the moon, for it shines bright and never changes. (Shakespeare)

Space and time

- In the Andean concept of time, it was believed that long periods of time were linked by severe events which they called Pachakuti.
- The word comes from the Aymara/Quechua word Pacha, that means both space and time (also world or earth), and kuti, that means to overturn or turn back.
- Together Pachakuti means the overturning of space-time; a millennial moment in which one world ends and another begins; a total transformation of things.
- Pachakuti is a 500-year cycle.

This concept was so entrenched in Andean life that during the Inca period an Incan ruler had taken the name of Pachakuti Inca Lord over-turner of space-time and set out to transform the Inca empire. (

The Inca prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor 
New Beginning

- The Inca prophecies say that now, in this age, when the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken.
- The Eagles of the North cannot be free without the Condors of the South.
- It's time because we're coming into the Aquarian Age, an era of light, an age of awakening, an age of returning to natural ways.

Our generation is here to help begin this age, to prepare through different schools to understand the message of the heart, intuition, and nature. Native people speak with the Earth. When consciousness awakens, we can fly high like the eagle, or like the condor. (

Henry gets up on the wrong side of the bed

- Native Quechua Incan prophecies predicted the white man’s coming would bring 500 years of materialism and imbalance.
- The Age of Aquarius will signal the return of Light to the planet and the dawn of a golden era.
- To the Aboriginals, every five centuries produces transformations of both foundations and forms.

New fossil

- With these changes, life does not lose its essence and it becomes covered with new skin.
- Thousands of years ago, when life began, Pachakamak (God of Time) created Intl (the sun) and Quilla (the moon) out of the union of its tears.
- This gave birth to the Runas (people) of this continent Appla-Yala and in this birth emerged the Condor (Kuntur of Urin) and the Eagle (Anga de Hanan).
- Their spirits continually enrich the veins of the people of the continent.

The old is rejuvenated at is nourished with pure energy. This energy Is transmitted by the great spirits of Allpa Mama and Pacha Mama, that Is, of nature and of the Universe, in general. (

Central America

- The strength of the spirits motivated the north and south to unite and this union of the people also signifies the union of the Condor and the Eagle.
- The Condor and the Eagle join their tears from Jahanpacha (the sky) to Ucupacha (the underground) and out of this union sprang Central America.
- In this piece of earth was concentrated the wisdom of Hana and Urin and new nations developed.

Nations melding

- The union of the Condor and Eagle, according to the prophecy, should occur in this time.
- The ensuing time period will be born with a new spirit which will unite once again the red nations of North, Central and South parts of the hemisphere.

Hopi Creation Story
Destroyed by fire

- The Hopi creation story is about a path through the underworlds where each is associated with a specific direction, color, mineral, plant, and bird.
- First World (Endless Space) was created by the First People and was a pure and happy universe but was destroyed by fire.

Ice cold floods

- Second World (Dark Midnight) was destroyed by cold and ice and the Chosen People survived in an anthill and then climbed up a ladder into the third world.
- Third World was destroyed by floods and Spider Woman saved their ancestors by hiding them in reeds and floating them to dry land into the Fourth World.

Violent weather

- Fourth World (The World Complete) where the caretaker of this world is Masau’u, The Fire God.
- This world is unlike the previous three, which have been blocked by waters and ice.
- In the past worlds they had been well-provided for, but the fourth world has proven to be harsh, with deserts, marshes, mountains, and violent weather.
- The Hopi say this world is now ending and the Fifth World has begun.

True White Brother

- Hopi prophecies speak of the return of Pahana, their True White Brother, who left them in ancient times, promising to return.
- The  Hopi warn of cataclysms to come and tell of a future time when we would go back to our beginnings; when all cultures will exist as one.


- Hopi wear their hair in bangs to form a window, so they can see their Elder Brother when He returns.
- It is also an identifying mark for the Elder Brother to recognize them.

The Q’ero believe that the doorways between the worlds are opening again. Holes in time that we can step through and beyond, where we can explore our human capabilities. Regaining our luminous nature is a possibility today for all who dare to take the leap. (

Q’ero Incan Shamans


- The Q’ero are the last of the Incas.
- What remains is a tribe of 600 who sought refuge at altitudes above 14,000 feet in Peru in order to escape the conquering conquistadors.
- When the Spanish conquered the Incas 500 years ago, the last pachacuti, or great change, occurred.
- Changes in nature are at hand, such as nearly dry high mountain lagoons and the extinction of condors have occurred that indicate it's time to spread the knowledge.

The paradigm of European civilization will continue to collapse, and the way of the Earth people will return. Even more importantly, the shamanic elders speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself. (

Temple of gold

- An earthquake in 1949 underneath a monastery near Cuzco, Peru, exposed an ancient Incan temple of gold.
- According to the Q’ero shamans, this fulfilled a sign that the prophecies of Mosoq, the 'time to come,' were now to be shared with the modern world.
- According to ancient prophecy, this is the time of the great gathering called the 'mastay' and reintegration of the peoples of the four directions.

For 500 years the Q’ero have preserved a sacred prophecy of a great change, or “pachacuti,” in which the world would be turned right-side-up, harmony and order would be restored, and chaos and disorder ended. (

Cosmos overturn

- This was the liftoff for the cosmos overturn and that is one of the conquistadores which means the imperial model is coming to an end.
- When that occurs, reality is completely rearranged.
- It's an apocalypse and that does not mean the end of the world, but a fundamental update to reality.
- Sooner or later in our reincarnated lives we have to live through it, so that's us, and that's our lives now.

Treasure island

The Q’ero are releasing their teachings to the West, in preparation for the day the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South (the Americas) fly together again.
- The prophecy holds that North America will supply the physical strength, or body; Europe will supply the mental aspect, or head; and the heart will be supplied by South America.
- The Q’ero have served as the caretakers of the rites and prophecies of their Inca ancestors because the prophecies are of no use unless one has the keys, the rites of passage.

Incan leader

- Pachacuti also refers to a great Incan leader who lived in the late 1300s.
- He is said to have built Machu Picchu and was the architect of an empire the size of the United States.

The Andean shamans say, “Follow your own footsteps. Learn from the rivers, the trees and the rocks. Honor the Christ, the Buddha, your brothers and sisters. Honor the Earth Mother and the Great Spirit. (

Former leader

- This is a period where there will be great shifts in faith.
- The Neptune Pluto synodic cycle acts on our plane of existence often in a more violent manner than the other synods.
- These two planets conjoin every 500 years and signal changes in our most fundamental beliefs about the world.
- The Pluto synodic cycle actions are sudden and abrupt and for those who have held on to power too long, their fall can be swift and total.
- The last time these two planets conjoined was in 1398-1399 and the first in the sign of Gemini after 200,000 years and this was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, invention of the printing press and mass literacy.


- When the last Neptune Pluto synodic cycle ended in 1891-1892, materialistic science was in ascendant, the Catholic Church had been throughly disempowered.
- This was the beginning of a new 500 year cycle and it was initiated by the synodic cycle.
- Conjunctions are called seed moments and they show us the themes that the full cycle they initiate will concern.

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? (Friedrich Nietzsche, Parable of the Madman)


- If you want to know what will come over the course of a synodic cycle, we can look at events that happen around the time of the conjunction.
- Synodic means 'meeting,' so conjunctions are the moments when two planets meet and announce their intentions of what they intend to bring into the world.
- These announcements can be read and interpreted by those who know how to listen.

Kitt Mountain hang out

- That includes the Vatican, the ones telling all of us not to look to the stars or forecast anything because it's so evil.
- It is referring to the use of skills such as astrology, tarot reading, channeling, remote viewing, etc.
- Why do you think the Vatican owns a telescope on Kitt Mountain in Arizona.
- What happens with these themes that the conjunction reveals are occurences such as the occult revival at the time of the 1891 conjunction.
- A variety of spiritial and magical organizations suddenly sprung up.

New paradigms

- This included the Theosophical Society founded in 1875 by Russian mystic Helena Blavatsky who was very much centered on gnostic ideas.
- Blavatsky wrote extensively about them and incorporated many gnostic beliefs into her system of thought.
- One of the chief principles of Gnosticism that's missing in Christianity is Sophia, the embodiment of wisdom, the Divine Feminine, soul of the world.
- Blavatsky created a leading role for women in her society.
- Another gnostic society was formed not long after by Annie Besant who became a member of the Theosophical Society and a prominent lecturer on the subject.

New day

- If you look back, it's quite rare to see women heading spiritual movements, something in the world changed.
- This coincided with the cosmos surprise gifting of the Gnostic text and the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Nag Hammadi library which was discovered in Palestine in 1945.
- This was the beginning of the return of the Sacred Feminine to the western mind.
- The idea that the Divine Feminine could be suppressed and excluded is profoundly pathological and destructive to society.

Harbinger of happiness

- This time, Sophia has returned for good.
- You can see this in movements like women's suffrage in the 20th century.
- This is the return of a multi-faceted Divine Feminine, not just a mother, but representing strength, a warrior.
- In the current conjunction cycle we've been in for about 130 years, there will be a return to Gnosticism.


- Gnosticism preaches practices that awaken us to the divine spark within ourselves.
- It also acknowledges the beliefs about reincarnation that Western religions ignored, to our spiritual detriment.
- Gnosticism teaches about this cycle and how we can free ourselves from the Demiurge and his reincarnation trap (groundhog's day).


- There are various ways that you can use to get in touch with higher realities by raising your consciousness.
- Whether it's meditation, yoga, or different spiritual practices such as tarot reading, or the use of peyote and mushrooms, etc.
- The revival of these practices owes a lot to the occult revival of the late 19th century and especially the Theosophical Society.
- Most generally scorn new age beliefs, especially because they are so new to western minds, but they make more sense if you view them as the start of something better, something greatly improved.
- You have to learn to be open-minded.


- You can call it a recovery of spirit and it is more biological, more of a gardener.
- Gnosticism has also found its way into psychoanalysis, a theropy practice that gets you to look within to find help with problems.
- This all came at the time of the conjunction with the theories of people like Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud who published The Interpretation of Dreams in 1899.


Swiss Psychoanalyst Carl Jung is the sort of wizard that shows up every 1,000 years. He was a genius that is bigger than most humans and he did something really remarkable which is essentially return the spirit world to people that pretended it wasn't there. And he also managed to fundamentally change psychology in two different centuries, and in this one, he's dead and he managed to do it. (World Astrology Report)

Different road

- Jung's 'depth' psychology transformed and electrified every single Western spiritual tradition in the 2nd half of the 20th century.
- In fact, Jung had no intention of transforming things like neopaganism and astrology but he somehow did.
- Much of Jung's work was based on Gnostic teachings and they were the heart of his psychology.
- He believed in the Gnostic belief that there is a higher godhead, above the Demiurge, which existed in undifferentiated wholeness and pure potentiality, which is known in Greek as the pleroma (fullness).
- Just the same as the Gnostics taught to reveal the divinity within, Jung taught that human beings should look within themselves and reconcile the parts of the psyche, finding wholeness again.

Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration of the contraries. (Carl Jung)

Different egg

- Rudolf Steiner, who was born in 1861, was another important spiritualist and theosophist who founded his own esoteric movement called Anthroposophy.
- Steiner was not so much a Gnostic and more an esoteric Christian.
- There is a certain European magical tradition or lineage that some profound philosophers, mystics and professionals like Blavatsky, Steiner and Jung fall into, and they are part of the recovery of that new way of being in the cosmos.

Digital world

- Steiner's model consisted of two evil beings, one he called Ahriman, which is one half in his version of esoteric Christianity, the other end being Lucifer, and in the middle, Christ.
- The polarity in Ahriman's direction is towards technocracy and managerialism and control and satanic ideas that transformed the 20th century for the worse and is now expressed in things like digital ID, digital currency, AI, etc.

Block heads

- On the luciferian end, that's pleasure seeking and individualism and the expression in the opposite direction.
- Both luciferian and satanic are pathological when taken to the extreme and that is what Steiner was pointing out that Christ is the balance between the two.


- So we have to take Steiner's ideas about polarity into account as we go forward and beware of technology owning us, instead of the other way.
- Because there's many wonderful things you can do with technology going forward so we can't avoid it or flee from it.


- The rise of Christianity, fueled largely by empires that had a lot of money to spend printing their own version of the Bible, didn't end well for the Gnostics.
- In 1234 AD the church established the Inquisition to root out Cathars and other 'heretics' (anyone who didn't believe what the kings wanted them to believe).
- This was called the Crusades and by 1350 AD all remnants of Catharism had been eradicated.

Scorched knees for bowing to corrupt idiots

- Not to say that this could happen in current times, however, we could see similar themes (bullies in high places where they don't belong) playing out, and once again suffer through them.
- The persecution and the founding of the Inquisition came during the last Age of Aquarius, which we are now entering again.
- Except this time around, the general public is far more aware of what the creeps in 'power' (the archons) are up to and their story is about to flip around.


Do you not know that when you continually offer yourselves to someone to do his will, you are the slaves of the one whom you obey, either [slaves] of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness (right standing with God)? (Romans 6:16)

Broccoli king

- Today of course, heresy has different names (hoax, conspiracy theory).
- And to many people spiritual ideas are just a form of misinformation (which they largely are now with all the criminals running everything these days).
- We already know the tyrants have commandeered the Internet and use it as a tool against us, to lie to us and confuse us further.

"I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid. And my mother made me eat it. Now I'm president of the United States." (George H. W. Bush)

Whale of a wall

- They 'own' the printing press (or so they think).
- You can see them working stealthily in the background, removing search terms in their search index (google) and adding their own, it's a total crime against humanity.
- For example, try searching for the word 'aon' to see the true meaning, you won't find it anywhere, it's been removed and that is across the board with everything 'they' don't want you to see.

Today we no longer have inquisitions, we have algorithms and AI and disinformation Czars instead. The Internet initially promised greater freedom of expression and an escape from dogmas of the past, but more and more today, it's being used to encourage conformity of thinking. It seems to have moved from a vehicle of self-expression to a control system. This moment in history is pregnant with peril and promise, particularly for those with spiritual convictions and it has a deeply Gnostic flavor. (

Super blue moon

- A blue moon occurs when we see the full moon twice in a single month.
- Because the moon's cycle is 29.5 days, just a bit shorter than the average length of a calendar month, eventually that results in two full moons in one month.
- For instance, if the full moon occurs on the 1st of the month, it's possible to have another full moon on the 31st.
-This happens every two to three years.

Monthly blue moons always occur in the last two or three days of the month. A monthly blue moon in January is usually followed by another one in March of the same year. And in fact, the next monthly super blue moons will occur as a pair. (

Sea wave

- A seasonal blue moon occurs when there are four full moons in a single season instead of the usual three.
- When the moon is closest to the Earth it's called a 'supermoon' because it appears slightly larger and a bit brighter than usual.
- The supermoon occurs 3-4 times a year.
- Super blue moons, when the moon is a supermoon and also a blue moon, occur once every 10-20 years.

O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. (Shakespeare, Romeo And Juliet)


- One of the consequences of a supermoon is that most volcanic eruptions occur during them because of the magnetic pull of the moon when it is closer to the Earth.
- This causes problems with interactions between gravity and electromagnetic energies and results in natural disasters.

It is the very error of the moon; She comes more nearer earth than she was wont, And makes men mad. (Shakespeare, Othello)

Supervolcano Iceland

- In 536 AD, a volcanic eruption during a supermoon occurred in Iceland which caused the sun to darken for 18 months worldwide.
- This led to a period called the 'volcanic winter' and resulted in significant problems on Earth such as failed crops.

Animal eclipsed

- Animals behave strangely during solar eclipses because there's a magnetic interference.
- The foucault pendulum changes direction during an eclipse and scientists don't know why, although it's obvious it's due to magnetic changes.

This indicates the foucault pendulum is not moving per the rotation of the Earth but rather per the magnetic field around the Earth. (Godrules2)

Last dance

- The eclipse of April 8, 2024, is a sign of Jonah because one leg of the X crosses Salem, and the other leg, crosses Ninevah.
- The solar eclipse occurred on the New Moon in Aries and gave us a reason to examine innermost desires and aspirations.
- When you put the word 'oath' in its original Hebrew context, a sign occurring in the heavens, you will see that it's a reminder to both God and to mankind of His covenant made with Abraham passed on to the Jewish people, and later, fulfilled and passed on to humanity.

"Ooth" comprises three Hebrew letters: aleph, vav, and tav. Aleph symbolizes power and strength, like an ox head. Vav signifies a tent peg, denoting securing or hooking. Tav represents crossed sticks to mark or signal. (

Signs and symbols

- Is this just a coincidence? Well, we know that the Lord told us about signs and symbols in the sky, and we know he managed to get everyone talking about the day 4/8/8.
- You already know what they say about that, there are no coincidences.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. (Genesis 1:14-15)

Blood moon

- Lunar eclipses can only happen during a full moon, when the sun fully illuminates the surface.
- A blood moon occurs when Earth's moon is in a lunar eclipse and has no special significance other than because of low surface lighting, it appears red or ruddy brown.
- A tetrad is a series of 4, and in 2015 we had 4 blood moon tetrads in a row.
- Lunar eclipse tetrad's are a series of 4 consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately 6 month intervals.

The total eclipse of April 15, 2014, will be followed by another on Oct. 8, 2014, and another on April 4, 2015, and another on Sept. 28 2015. (

Tetrad eclipse mirror

- An unusual cycle of 4 tetrad eclipses occurred in 2014-2015 (which involved 8 full moons).
- This was especially interesting because the dates the full moons occurred on, exactly mirrored each other.
- Midpoint occured on 1/5/2015 (for all 8 moons) with the first two of the moons 1461 days equidistant from that date, the next with 1314 days equidistant, the next with 1284 equidistant, and the last with 1138 days equidistant.
- 5197 = Sigl.

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (Luke 21:25-27)


- Many consider this cycle of 4 tetrad eclipses a significant sign, or marker that we're entering a new astrological age.
- There is another cycle of 4 supermoons occurring in 2024.

Four days will quickly steep themselves in nights; Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon, like to a silver bow new bent in heaven, shall behold the night of our solemnities. (Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream)


- Some consider all these signs as part of Biblical Revelation 12.
- When the constellation Virgo, Leo and Serpens showed themselves on September 23, 2017, and again in 2023 when an asteroid passed through Virgo.
- Virgo, the virgin, the woman with the crown of 12 stars on her head, Leo.
- It was all there, clothed in sun with the moon at her feet, and the last time this alignment occurred was 2,000 years ago at the birth of Jesus Christ.

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. (Revelation 12:1-2)

Dragon's Crown

- There is also a separate constellation called Corona Borealis or Dragon's Crown which has 7 stars (crowns).
- Of course the powers to be name their viruses after stars, especially stars with crowns, when they get nervous because their time is up (2012).

In classical mythology Corona Borealis generally represented the crown given by the god Dionysus to the Cretan princess Ariadne and set by her in the heavens. Other cultures likened the pattern to a circle of elders, an eagle's nest, a bear's den or a smokehole. (Wikipedia)

Serpent Bearer

- The virgin had the dragon (serpent) at her feet with 7 heads and 10 horns.
- Serpens constellation is unique because it's split into two parts, with the Serpent Bearer Ophiuchus in the middle holding him.
- Serpens Caput (Serpent Head) to the west and Serpens Cauda (Serpent Tail) to the east.
- Part of the Milky Way's galactic plane passes through Serpens Cauda.

Every knee shall bend

- Ophiuchus, the 13th zodiac constellation, represents Christ and the Egyptians knew that and included him in their astrology; but he's been hidden.
- King of Kings with the serpent (Serpens), who represents Horus, a child dragon.
- Which one is going to get the crown; King of Kings or Horus?
- This is a cycle called Ona and it happens every 500 years.
- Leonardo, who died in 1519, is waking up after 500 years to assist us.

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11)

This one's too GUI

- What that means is, every 500 years someone has the opportunity to win the crown of the world.
- The people choose who their king will be, will it be the King of Kings (White Dragon) or the devil (Red Dragon)?
- Which one do you want ruling over you for the next 500 years?
- Guess who's been ruling over us for the last 500 years, the devil.

Henry's crown already melted down

- So we've had this devil running us (into the ground) since King Henry VII, the usurper.
- No surprise there, Henry VIIIs father, even worse.
- They're obviously part of the archons (or serve them) who have been wreaking havoc on Earth since the beginning of time.
- Remember them, the fallen angels? Yes, it's them.
- And please don't blame white men (who are not responsible for all the problems in the world), because it was one crazed white man who terrorized everyone, rich and poor and he started all the spying and stalking too.
- Just like you shouldn't blame all Jews if some are bad, or blame all blacks if some are bad, etc.

The greening of the Americas

- Especially since everyone in the Americas just found out they really live in Ham's land, not Japeth's and we all seem to be unappreciated slaves here.
- And not like Israel itself hasn't played a part in all of it.

Henry's open double two door policy at his tower

- Henry VII was the first monarch in the House of Tudor after he was crowned King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizure of the throne in 1485 until his death in 1509.
- Development of national states.
- His 'army' was a collection of ragtag dissidents and mercenaries.
- Henry VIIs subjects struggled with his usurpation until it all was buried in his royal documents along with all his fake history.

Like the lily, That once was mistress of the field and flourish’d, I’ll hang my head and perish. (Shakespeare, Henry VIII)

White Dragon battle

- Actually, the Middle Ages (500 to 1500 AD) was a 1,000 year period when the White Dragon last reigned, this was called something like the 'Millennial Reign.'
- The past 500 years (the biblical short time) which began with the Renaissance era has been the reign of the Red Dragon.
- During the Renaissance, extending from 1450 to 1650 AD, every continent was visited and mostly mapped by Europeans, except the south polar continent now known as Antarctica.

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. (Revelation 20:2-3)

Bible chapter removed and hidden

- Mordecai's Dream is a chapter that was removed from the Book of Esther in the Old Testament and placed in the Apocrypha which is a collection of works not allowed in the biblical literature.
- The Book of Esther tells the story of a young Jewish woman who became the wife of powerful Persian king Ahasuerus, also known as King Xerxes.
- Mordecai had a dream about two dragons fighting, one red and one white, who were vying for power over the world.

Apocrypha, (from Greek apokryptein, “to hide away”), in biblical literature, works outside an accepted canon of scripture. The history of the term’s usage indicates that it referred to a body of esoteric writings that were at first prized, later tolerated, and finally excluded. In its broadest sense apocrypha has come to mean any writings of dubious authority. (

Solar eclip-sea

- We're now living through the exact same timeframe in 2024 as Mordecei and Esther did in 480 AD; and we have the same celestial season.
- Most amazingly, the solar eclipse dates are exactly the same now as they were back in 480 AD.
- Esther saved Israel during her day, which set forth 500 years of the White Dragon.
- So there is hope we are transitioning now from the Red Dragon to the White Dragon.
- Mordecei and Esther were the White Dragon fighting the Red Dragon.

Charles the red king sitting for his portrait
or perhaps he is a little too orange

- The ancient tale of Merlin the magician and King Arthur was another story about a dream or prophecy or prediction of two dragons fighting for power.
- The Red Dragon was Welsh and the White Dragon was the Saxons who won and had 1,000 years in power (or two Ona's).
- This is secret knowledge that no one wants us to know.

White Dragon

- The Revelation 12 sign is talking about the King of Kings versus the Red Dragon and who will receive the crown the next 500 years.
- And if it's the White Dragon, that means we're in the interstitial year, the year of the open door, it's going to change to a good time next year.
- Of course, some things will take time.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Lava flow

- After King Arthur's time, which ended about 518 AD, a huge volcano went off in 536 AD which was 18 years after his reign.
- This was after a volcanic eruption during a supermoon occurred in Iceland which caused the sun to darken for 18 months worldwide.
- This was the entry point for the White Dragon who ruled over the Earth for the next 1,000 years.


- So it is possible that we are destined for another natural disaster during this period.
- A lot of unexpected things are going on at Yellowstone supervolcano which is 1,000 times larger than Mount St. Helen (which caused a crater as large as the Grand Canyon).
- It could devastate North America, especially the U.S., especially since we already saw the meteorite pass thru the Revelation 12 Virgo constellation in 2023.

Mud dragon

- This shows we are at that time when the Ona changes and it will flip to the White Dragon and you will see all this corruption ending.
- It's pretty obvious to everyone that the world is not run by the most competent or truthful people.

Snow Woman

- In Japanese mythology, Yuki Onna, Snow Woman, was a ghost who could bring tragedy to those who encountered her.
- Yokai are referred to as ghosts, monsters or spirits that possess special characteristics that can evoke a range of emotional responses from intrigue to fear.

The Yokai concept derives from Japan’s native Shinto religion. Its animist belief system gives spiritual life to anything in the natural world, including trees, rocks and rivers, known as kami, or native Japanese deities. (


- But Ona is Greek Onouris, he who leads what has gone away, who was a warlike personification of Ra (his lower ego).
- Also known as Uraeus or Han-Her, Inhert, who is Egyptian Anhur, god of war.
- Occasionally he was shown as a lion-headed god which represented strength and power.
- The Greeks also equated Anhur to their god of war, Ares who is the Roman Mars.

Yankee and Doodle and Dandy

- In Egypt, one of Anhur's titles was slayer of enemies and he was depicted as a bearded man wearing an embroidered robe and a headdress (atef crown) with four feathers, holding a spear or lance.
- He holds the cord by which he leads the sun.
- His robe is similar to a kilt.
- Anhur was very popular during the New Kingdom and was called the 'Savior' and the 'Good Warrior.'
- He was invoked against noxious animals and enemies who he hunted without respite from his chariot.

Eye of Ra (right)

- The Eye of Ra fled Egypt and was brought back from Nubia by Anhur.
- Divine Eye (feminine) then became enraged seeing another Eye (masculine) had taken its place.
- Ra then set the Eye of Ra on his forehead where it became the Uraeus and protected him against his enemies.
- The Eye of Ra symbolized power, fury, and violence but did not represent evil.
- It was the Eye of Ra, god of the sun, and was the embodiment of Ra's daughter, who he sent to punish the disrespectful.

Eye of Horus (left)

- The Eye of Horus was used as an amulet for the protection of the wearer.
- In ancient Egyptian society, the Eye of Horus was associated with healing, protection, and wholeness.
- It was sometimes depicted on measuring instruments for medicinal purposes.

Land of Goshen

- Aleister Crowley claimed we are in the Age of Horus, except the devil lied to him and didn't tell him that we're in the Age of Horus in the Land of Goshen.
- If Crowley had discovered this he would have been really surprised and unhappy because he would realize the devil lied to him.
- The Land of Goshen is the land of goodness and Horus is the male counterpart, and Goshen is the female counterpart.

Horus, the devil, done screening his harem

- So that means, we're entering into the Age of Goshen which is the moon, the female counterpart, the White Dragon.
- The blue moon represents the feminine and that aspect that was hidden from our minds, esoteric knowledge.
- Horus was blue, and we're seeing a super blue moon, and this ties to the King of Kings represented by white, and Horus by blue and they're both vying for that 500-year crown.
- It all depends on who the people choose, or will they change their ways and once again vote for the 2 creeps they lined up for you?
- Come all ya (are we really this stupid) and by the way, the people had absolutely no part in this choice.
- It also depends on the Red Dragon's karma, which they more than likely have plenty of.

Enki (Horus) stepping on your neck

- When the Bible refers to 'god of this world' it is talking about the god of this age, or aon.
- This is where the word eon comes from and in Greek it meant age or lifespan, not eternity, as the powers that be would like you to believe.
- The church leaders do this deceptively by telling you since heaven is an aon, that mean's it has to be infinite, or eternity.

Watch the water (before they destroy it even more)

- After they change the perception of aon to eternity, then they reasoned that if heaven is eternity, then so is hell.
- But these are the same creeps and liars who neglected to tell you about reincarnation (and what a difference that makes to your eternity).
- Or so they thought, but they are being watched and are too stupid to figure it out.

Passive Qal to confuse everything

- Financial Panic of 1873 (+1) when the zionist creeps (Henry's demented and evil watchers) bankrupted everything and destroyed the original USA (the ones who created the fake 'promised land.'
- They are just moving that 1 around to hide it all from you and quess what, none of what they say really means what they said, because they use their QAL passive to switch the meaning and intent and hide their slick actions and lies from you.
- Since they are obligated to tell us what they are doing (usually on TV and in movies), this is how they do so, but only they know the real meaning of what they are saying.
- Twilight language is hidden.

Donkey Kong running everything

- Well guess what, they can use all the QAL they like but it won't change their judgment day, they can't pass ther karma on to you (they were stupid enough to believe it).
- It's smacking their backends now.
- Oh, and those spoolies they all put in their hair (while they are trying to convince you to chop yours off).

New day

- Except in Revelation we learned that Hades was thrown down into the Lake of Fire, which proves that Hades (hell), who is Horus, is not forever.
- And the Bible also tells us there will be a new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem, which proves the theologians were not right about the meaning of aon.
- It's the final heaven and the final hell that are eternal.

Gold ten

- With the Revelations 12 sign, the serpent, Horus, is trying to steal the crown before the King of Kings is born to Virgo, who's giving birth. 
- Which means the astrological constellation Virgo was named for the purpose of the King of Kings.
- The virus was the devils attempt to take the crown for the next 500 years, and all the juggling they all have managed since 2012 trying to extend their time (like we'll forget).


- Horus, Egyptian god of the sky, was the son of Isis, goddess of the moon, and Osiris, god of the underworld (dead/afterlife).
- The Egyptians depicted him with the body of a man and the head of a falcon.
-The full-grown Horus was considered the victorious god of the sun who overcomes darkness each day.
- Represented by the sparrowhawk.


- Horus fought battles against Set, until he finally achieved victory and became the ruler of Egypt and from then on, the pharaohs of Egypt were seen as reincarnations of Horus.
- Horus of the Crocodiles snakes were used for healing purposes.
- The worship of Horus in mystery cults increased at the time of the Greco-Roman period and was linked with his mother Isis, and his father Serapis.

Enki police man
- Horus is also the son of Simaris, who is also called Gilgamesh, Sumerian king, who is the devil embodied, like Lucifer is to Jesus.
- Horus, Harpocrates and Enki are all blue skinned.
- Gilgamesh was carved in blue stone.

Gilgamesh (who is two-thirds divine and one-third human, a marvel of modern genetics) initially befriends Enkidu (also engineered by the gods) and then goes on a quest for immortality when he realizes that even semi-divine beings must die. Gilgamesh does not leave a daughter to her mother, nor the maiden to the warrior, nor the wife to her husband. (

Orion, the hunter

- There is also a constellation called Gilgamesh, and that is Orion, the hunter.
- After a chance meeting with the hunter Orion, the Pleiades and their mother became the objects of his pursuit.
- In ancient Egypt (Kemet), Orion, who the Egyptians associated with Osiris, is depicted holding Aldebaran, the brightest star in the Taurus constellation in his hand.
- It has been shown over and over again that this all reoccurs and has since the beginning of time.
- Ophiuchus and Orion moved to opposite sides of the sky to avoid each other.

Ophiuchus and Orion represent part of our ‘cycle of life’ that we all incarnate into as going from “earthly beings” through the ‘gate of man’ – “eternal beings” through the ‘gate of Gods’. ((

Betelgeuse yellow

- The movie Beetlejuice was named after the star Betelgeuse which is a red supergiant star in the constellation Orion.
- Betelgeuse, which appears yellow in the night sky, was the star that was eclipsed by an asteroid in Virgo in 2023.
- Gilgamesh's (Orion's) strength is in his right arm which is Betelgeuse and it is the 10th brightest star in the galaxy.
- This shows that the power of Gilgamesh was eclipsed and his time is up.
- The White Dragon's coming to take the power and crown this time.

Harpocrates - naked blue boy

- Harpocrates was the Greek god of silence, secrets and confidentiality as well as the embodiment of hope.
- He was adapted from the Egyptian child-god Horus, who represents the newborn sun who rises each day at dawn.

These gods are the same as those who in Egypt are called Serapis and Isis, though Harpocrates with his finger makes a sign to me to be quiet. The same first gods were in Latium called Saturn and Ops. (Wikipedia)

The thumb again

- Shown as a naked boy with his finger on his chin with the finger tip just below the lips of his mouth.
- The 'shhh' symbology although unrelated to its original intent.

Osiris Atef crown and Isis green onion

- In ancient Egyptian religion, Osiris was god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation.
- Depicted as a green-skinned deity with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing an atef crown, and holding a symbolic crook and flail.
- When his brother Set cut him up into pieces after killing him, Osiris' wife Isis found all the pieces and wrapped his body up, so he could return to life.
- The Coffin Texts connect Osiris and grain with immortality.

I am Osiris . . . I live and grow as Neper [“Corn” or “Grain”], whom the august gods bring forth that I may cover Geb [the earth], whether I be alive or dead. I am barley, I am not destroyed.” (Coffin Texts)

Isis also liked red onions

- Isis is the lady of bread and beer, lady of green crops, goddess of the fertility of the field, and the lady of abundance.
- She resurrected her slain brother and husband, the divine king Osiris, and their heir, Horus.
- Isis helped the dead enter the afterlife as she had helped Osiris, .
- She was considered the divine mother of the pharaoh, who was associated with Horus.
- The spying and stalking terrorists invented ISIS and now the goddess Isis is pushed all the way to the bottom of their browser.

Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights

- Aurora borealis the reincarnation cycle.
- The northern lights are created when energized particles from the sun slam into Earth's upper atmosphere at speeds of up to 45 million mph (72 million kph).
- Earth's magnetic field protects us from the onslaught.
- The bright colors of the northern lights are dictated by the chemical composition of Earth's atmosphere.

The northern lights are an atmospheric phenomenon that's regarded as the Holy Grail of skywatching. (


- The best place to see the northern lights is any destination in the 'auroral zone,' the area within an approximately 1,550-mile (2,500 kilometers) radius of the North Pole.
- The phenomenon can extend farther south during particularly strong solar storms.

The best time of year to see the northern lights is between September and April, when the sky gets dark enough to see the aurora. (Far northern locales experience the midnight sun, or 24 hours of daylight in the summer.) The most action usually happens between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. (Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks)


- At any given moment, the sun is ejecting charged particles from its corona, or upper atmosphere, creating the solar wind and when that wind slams into Earth's ionosphere, or upper atmosphere, the aurora is created.
- Stellar corona is the outer atmosphere of the Sun or another star and can only be seen during a solar eclipse.
- That is why the powers that be name viruses after certain things.

If there be breadth enough in the world, I will hold a long distance. (Shakespeare, All‘s Well that ends well)

Clouds of plasma

- Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are clouds of plasma and magnetic field from the sun's atmosphere, the corona, that can wreak havoc on spy satellites and can trigger the aurora borealis.
- CMEs travel much slower than solar flares, 1,900 miles per second, and take up to 18 hours to reach Earth and even slower ones can take several days which is the reason they can be forecasted.
- Magnetic field lines 'tangle' and produce strong localized magnetic fields and usually take place in sunspot groups.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a significant ejection of magnetic field and accompanying plasma mass from the Sun's corona into the heliosphere. CMEs are often associated with solar flares and other forms of solar activity, but a broadly accepted theoretical understanding of these relationships has not been established. (Wikipedia)

Mother tends to baby solar flare

- Solar flares are  bursts of electromagnetic radiation that travel at the speed of light, reaching Earth in just over 8 minutes and are not the same as mass ejections.
- Gigantic explosions from the surface of the sun, occurring near sunspots along the dividing line between opposite magnetic field areas.
- Disrupt radio communications, satellites and GPS.
- However, coronal mass ejections are much more damaging that solar flares because they send more material into a larger volume of space, increasing the chance of impacting Earth.

While a flare alone produces high-energy particles near the Sun, some of which escape into interplanetary space, a CME drives a shock wave which can continuously produce energetic particles as it propagates through interplanetary space. When a CME reaches the Earth, its impact disturbs the Earth's magnetosphere, setting off a geomagnetic storm. (Solar Weather)

Twilight zone

- Just as the devil (archon) changed the meaning of the word aon, from period or timeframe, to eternity, he's also working on changing the timeline.
- He will do anything he can to alter time and perception, and he accompishes this by changing minds.
- The Twilight Zone tells you that 'you're entering into another dimension of space and time' and it's all your mind and your imagination, causing you to go from one reality, or dimension, to another.

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. (Shakespeare)

Typical brain in the 21st century

- The devil changes the timeline by convincing all of humanity to think wrong.
- So whoever gains control of the world is dependent on where the people's minds are focused, if they're all thinking the wrong thing and believing the lies, the Red Dragon will win.
- It was the Jewish Pharisees who taught that aionios (aon) meant eternal, that was never part of Jesus' teachings.

I wasted time, and now doth time waste me. (Shakespeare)

Year of the cat

- One day is a thousand years is an aionios (aon).
- In the age of the White Dragon, this could mean that Jesus is returning to Earth, or already here.
- It could also mean that someone will be chosen to represent him, like King David was chosen to rule on Earth.
- The sign of Cat (Lion) is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture.
- A new orderly, righteous world stucture, it could be a new American Pharoah because afterall, this is Ham's land and not very far from Egypt.

Let me play the lion too: I will roar that I will do any man's heart good to hear me. I will roar that I will make the duke say 'Let him roar again, let him roar again. (Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream)


- We've got to turn this boat around before it sinks.
- Too late George.

We are exploring the points of consent and departure with what is happening as we roll into a digital currency world, which is guaranteed, that's happening. What are you going to do, are you just going to start trading beads for bear skins with your neighbor, where is your consent and departure from these processes if this starts to impact the foods you eat. It's different for every person, but the universal advice at this juncture is this is happening, get the F over it and find your points of consent and departure with what's going on.

The two classic rune soup prayers are "What is mine to do" that's prayer number one, and prayer number two is "May I be put to good use." So if you can find your way with those two prayers where you consent and where you depart from what's going on, it will be much clearer. (Gordan White)

Moral of the story!

The only Apocalypse will be the archonics.

Anytime corrupt tools play with our money it's beyond bad, however, it's not the mark of the beast (only the beast acting out).

The choice is how far you want to embed yourself in their system, if you have a choice.

Luini - The Virgin and Child with Infant St. John - 3

Who sows virtue reaps honor.

Leonardo DaVinci


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