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The Spells
that Rule this Realm |
Holy magic has been
perverted |
- If you study the history of magic, you will see that Enoch was a
magician, as was Jesus Christ. - Enoch passed his knowledge to John Dee, who used Enochian
magic taken from the Book of Enoch. - From there, magic
was corrupted and taken over by the Calvinists, who use logic and
don't believe that miracles occur anymore, and Charismatics, who
know nothing about Scripture but perform miracles (magic which
obviously they don't understand). - Both of them are bad, and this
was the devil's design because both religious directions started the
Christian church on the wrong path.
Sheep steered |
- It started with John Darby and
Cyrus Scofield, who was a student of Darby and together, they invented
the dispensational view of Scripture and the Scofield Bible.
- The 'pre-rapture' story and led to the Quakers and Aleister
Crowley, who was one of them. - Which of course, was all funded by the
Rothschild dynasty. - So now we have a church that demonizes
magic, while they practice some occult form of it that they don't
understand, and lie about it and hide it from us. - Plus, we also
has an uninformed society that uses magic that they watch on TV,
which has been perverted, like a toy, instead of leaving it to
Enoch, and this has resulted in a lot of havoc in the world.
You can see how the devil worked with the church
and got them into this Coke or Pepsi (your only
choice) paradigm. You need to have both logic and
magic, or 'true magic,' gifts from God, not what
passes as occult magic today. So the devil funneled
all the knowledge from the Book of Enoch and then hid
it and used it for his own means, it's very defeatest.
(Godrules 2 - Sons of Thunder)
Self cultivation |
- Our entire world is about magic, in fact, it's like a circus side
show. - Once you wake up and figure out how absurb everything
really is, and you can see others working very hard against humanity
(it's their 'job' apparently). - An example of that would be a
'manager' with their Office Space TPS report, what do they
do with it after they nag you for days? - Nothing, they
automatically start asking staff for next week's version and throw
this week's report in the trash heap because truth is, they have no
clue what to even do with it. - Another example is a demented
presidential candidate shuffling up to the podium (to waste
everyone's time and convince you everything's hopeless). -
Really, we've been trained to believe that negative things will
happen all the time now.
This same group of karmics, it feels like I'm
watching a cartoon at this point and at some time you
start realizing that these spells aren't doing
anything to you, my life is not affected by any sort
of magic. (Sublunar intuition)
Self preservation |
- Garbage in, garbage out and they are masters at it (and
they want to tell you that you're the one who's crazy and they need
to lock you up). - You are not a victim, don't ever make yourself into one because it strips you of your power.
- Realize, we're all under attack, but as you rise in consciousness, the less it affects you,
but at the same time, you also realize that nothing is real, it's
just a learning lesson. - That's because you can't unsee all the crap the archon's put you through, so just keep pushing forward.
- There are higher forces that rule this realm that aren't on
this realm.
But it does take personal codling, and it takes
healing because these attacks of magic are something
that's been beat out of us. You might even need a
lifetime to heal if you're just waking up. Even if you
never believed in magic, the fact that it's being done
to you and you haven't done a thing to deserve it.
(Sublunar intuition)
Self energized |
- And you can see it's all of us going through it, not
just you, so it's not a personal or individual battle. - Look
around you and you can see so many others looking for answers, not
just you. - Youtube is filled with them, all hours of the night
and day. - Don't let the extra energy you feel in your body these
days concern you, get used to it, you're ascending and you'll have
more power. - You're still alive and it's all about the duality
going away and morphing into a unity of our oneness. - Figuring out we are all part of this
unity as One, while
maintaining our individuality and learning how to get along. -
We're like a body with billions of cells (and one head)!
Someone needs to ruffle feathers, modern day
religion and magic are some of the most stupid things
I've seen, not to be offensive, but in the blatant
hypocrisy that goes on. They tell you in church not to
do any sort of magic rituals, yet they themselves take
donations and set up an altar and they have a worship
room, but you're not supposed to.
(Sublunar intuition)
Self protection |
- The only way out of the reincarnation trap is finally
waking up and figuring out you're in it. - Realize that all us
are 'daemons' (angels) and some religion turned us into 'demons'
that's just more of the archons low-vibing clap. - Just because
they trapped themselves here and have no way to escape, don't let
them do that to you. - But we do want to figure out what Crowley
did and the portal he opened because nothing has been the same
since, as if something ripped. - Or maybe it is just the time of
our days. - When we're down here living our lives, we see things on
such a small scale, we view things as good or bad, or right or
They create curses of fear and then omit the fact
they are performing magic on you. Drinking wine and
eating body parts, that's incantation right there,
which is casting a spell. Symbolism is huge for
spells. You have all these religions telling you
you're going to go to hell and inflicting all this
fear and you have to do things this 'one' way or else.
(Sublunar intuition)
Self knowledge |
- But nobody really knows that, you know what you want to
do, and what you don't want to do; and there is nothing right or
wrong about it unless you want to put a finger on it and decide you
can do better, otherwise, it's just ego. - This is a man-made
device we've made with our ego, to look at others and judge them,
and the level that's been taken to (where you're judging someone
because they wore the wrong color shirt or write with the wrong
hand). - We've become so numbed down by the language we use
against each other, we don't even react to words like 'murder' or
'war' anymore, but those are the seeds we create going forward.
So you have to ask yourself, are you doing
something out of fear, or because you want to? You
have to take the time and realize you're under a
spell; you're putting yourself under because the
Divine is pure, whole and complete, there's two sides
to everything, dark and light. (Sublunar intuition)
Self awareness |
- People have entirely forgotten their own divinity. -
That's how deep these wounds go and the whole grand mystery of life
is based off what our ancestors learned, but now, instead of using
the knowledge to make us more aware, we're using it to punish and
blame others based on silly material things. - Like blaming
gravity because you can't jump high, when it has nothing to do with
gravity, but with your own vitality and energy. - Wake up and
figure out you create the life you live, if you think negative
thoughts, you'll live them.
There is no such thing as right or wrong, that is
your ego (or someone else inflicting their ego on
you). If you can't accept the fact that we all take
part in polluting this earth, then you can't accept
that you're polluting your own energy field.
(Sublunar intuition)
Self perception |
- You're a god, and have been since before you conceived
yourself and were born, it doesn't matter what happens on the
outside of you, because it's all about how you perceive and how you
feel. - The archons want you in this energy of fear, of
overwhelming chaos bombarding you, and these are things you need to
learn about who you really are, an immortal soul. - This reality
is just a mirror of you, of what's going on inside and it's just a
deflection of the truth that's creating all this chaos and all these
'messes' and things going wrong. - If you weren't a 'chosen one'
you wouldn't even be here, and your ancestors wouldn't exist; we're
all here together, we're all chosen.
How many times have you gone to the doctor to find
they can't help you with anything, that's because
you're not supposed to go to the doctor and drug
yourself up. Listen to your body and heal yourself. So
many of these diseases are man-made (as a joke by some
karmic performing magic tricks) and now we can't
figure them out.
(Sublunar intuition)
Self action |
- The ego is everywhere, it's everything, you can't escape
it (you can tame it), but it's you, it's what you want, and there's
two sides to it, the ego, and the superego so no getting around it.
- The trick is you don't need all the things you want, all the fame,
the money, the gratification, but really who cares, do you think
your ancestors lived fine with out all of it (most of them anyway).
- So many believe that our ancestors were archaic and 'out of it'
but we still get mauled by wild animals, there's no difference
between us. - Only as time goes on in this reincarnation loop,
the problems get bigger (like the debt we all have that our
ancestors weren't burdened with), which makes it harder to climb out
of the trap.
We're all the same, there is no one more powerful
than another. So all these comparisons about who's
chosen and someone else isn't, well who the heck told
them that? Chosen for what? Newsflash, we're all
chosen by God. You're only saying that because you
want to feel special and your ego needs that
importance apparently. (Sublunar
Self appraisal |
- The rules of duality apply to everything, but not all
the time, like the color blue, it's a pretty color, until you decide
it's not. - This 'higher consciousness' becomes more aware and
more talked about, it becomes easier to input into the collective.
- Think back to your own personal experience and how these actions
(magic spells against the collective) affected you. - What were
you taught that you later found out was backwards, allow these seeds
to plant, don't overthink or struggle. - Just realize this is how
the archons did it, they drip fed us information (lies) until we
ended up agreeing with them and making it a way of life. - But we
can't shut it down any longer, this is the Age of Aquarius and it's
time to wake up and start knowing the truth.
It's awful to say it like that, but this is a
mental battle, this spiritual battle that we're in is
a mental issue, it starts in the mind. It's how we
perceive things that's messed up this reality. The
reality is perfectly fine, but it's our perception of
things, our judgment that has separated and divided
this place. So what is going on in the world is just
following the laws of the universe as a reflection, as
within then so without. (Sublunar intuition)
Self again |
- They can block you all they want, however, the script is
flipping, their game is over and this matrix is not working very
well, every year it gets more bizarre, just look at the elections as
example. - Everything is deserved and in divine order but
everything is also a reflection of you, and the divine mission is to
unite with yourself, connect with yourself again. - We've got to
get the truth out there, everything's been pushed under, in the
Age of Pisces (church era) it was deemed inappropriate to learn all
this, but we're in the Age of Aquarius now. - There is so much going on, so many are going through what can be called family or generational curses that have been going on for eons,
they need to be ended. - It's time to start
spreading the truth of everything that was hidden; tarot cards,
spells, esotericism and the deeper meaning of life itself, we're
able to finally talk about these things again.
Our ancestors knew all these things, that's how
they knew about all the planets without telescopes.
But now, everything's considered crazy or strange
(conspiracy) because they've made so many movies about
it, no one thinks it's real. The way of the spirit is
to respect everything and to mistreat none. There's no
good or bad, there's no light or dark that needs to be
eliminated. (Sublunar
Karmic energy
smirking |
- In collective readings, which is input from everything,
the general consise message, all the psychics and tarot readers
have sensed that someone (in the world) is upset about all the truth being exposed,
and this has been occurring for a couple of years now (for all the
non-believers). - To the point where this upset entity overtakes
all the tarot readings and turns it into their personal rant; most readers
don't even seem to read for astrological signs now because the
ranter turns the direction and seems very hateful. - They're trying to do certain spells
and illusions and use magic to block messages from coming out (you
can see the disruptions occuring with tarot readers in youtube
videos, lights flickering, sound turning off, coughing, choked up,
video cutting off, etc.)
We get so used to personifying everything, stop,
we're not in this flesh, yes, on this realm we're
called humans, we're sparks of light here to learn.
Different beings doing different things, different
hues, different vibrations, different feelings, we're
a mind using our minds (two of them) to navigate. (Sublunar intuition)
Karmic self
reflection |
- It all involves a group of 2 or 3
individuals, or groups, that are all losing their 'stuff.' - Their
spells are being eradicated and they will have to step down out of
power. - So how did all this happen to us, where did we go from being
this glorious creation all connected as one, to this egocentric,
materialistic, it's all about 'me' reality, that is the mystery.
- Honestly, it seems like most of it happened because of TV that
intensified from the 1950s on, before that everyone hung out
together and talked to each other. -
People don't seem to realize that the draconic energies have us in a
reincarnation spell, not everyone comes from here, some are sent
here to try and raise the frequency and vibration, others are from
here and reincarnate over and over. - The energy on this planet is a rough school now, we're
operating at the lowest level of consciousness, it's not pleasant
The mystics of Earth are gone, they're too scared
to come out of the hole. We put them in circuses and
made fun of them and killed off their families and
took their land. The actual mystics, the Hermetics,
the gypsies, the magi's, sages and mages of the land,
the pagans (and a pagan is a heathen; someone of the
Earth). All these people of the Earth, out in the
wilderness are scared to come out. And they know the
ancient secrets that have been passed down and kept in
tight-knit groups. The archons don't want the mystic's
secrets to come out, but with the internet now, that's
impossible. (Sublunar intuition)
Forget-me |
- We've forgotten who we are, and we were placed behind
this veil and told to sit in the dark and wait there or something
bad will happen. - And people curse each other daily by saying
things like 'why would you do that, it won't work out' which is
negative energy. - It's learning how to handle that energy when
it's thrown at you that matters, letting it bounce off, not letting
others moods and negativity get to you. - It's our entire system that needs to be fixed,
not just the physical, it's the spiritual things as well. - The
true spiritual 'sages' of the world are still here in hiding, pay
attention to the Monks of Mount Hiei and you will see their
spiritual journey. - The Earth is dying, but not because we're
depleting natural resources, but because there's no spiritually left
here now, the realm of the spirit is dying, we're running on empty
and this can't last long.
People are a lot more spiritual than they used to
be, but when it comes to the 'mystical' they still
tilt their heads. But mysticism is simply what you
focus on the most because you realize what life is
trying to tell you, and the life lessons you need to
learn. We got so boxed in, but the only way to get rid
of all these spells is to understand how they affect
you and to debunk them on an individual level. (Sublunar intuition)
Upside down |
- We've got to step into a higher level of spirituality
within ourselves, we were born with it, religion is all made up, and
is just a mindless back and forth trap that forces you to choose a
side. - The archons even have 'history' spells where they teach
us how 'barbaric' our ancestors were, and how we're supposedly so
'ahead' of them, it's all lies they made up to divide us. - They
mock spiritually and now everyone thinks it is a joke (it's some
superstitious 'kook' thing now). - Instead, everyone believes all
their trash the archons feed them (like fake news) and how all their
fake presidential candidates are real and truthful. - They
replaced our true God with demons supposedly walking around
tormenting us, and call people who are connected to their ancestors
and the spirit world 'devil worshippers.' - Our ancestors
lived in close family groups, unlike today where everyone is alone
with a fence around their yard in their room watching their own TV.
The collective doesn't matter initially because it's a
personal thing we have to learn first. And understand
that spells are not something always done purposely,
we cast them just by talking negatively or spreading
the lies. Not to scare anyone but it's the things
we're unaware of, like knowing that sitting alone and
saying one negative word will cast a spell into the
world. We have to do better and become more aware.
We're here to learn how powerful we are, how come we
don't understand these things? (Sublunar intuition)
Forget-me-not |
- There's such a problem now with all these spells and
curses and we have gods and goddesses reincarnating on Earth who are
tagged before they are even born (for their energy). - The world was divinely
created, it's perfect, and everything is happening in divine order,
but we come here with the free will to judge, and then we judge
everything and unknowingly cast spells. - We even create our own
illness and our 'birthday' makes us age, and time is defined with
signs and symbols, that's why they invented time, it ages us out of
here. - How did we let this happen as a collective, all this is
happening because we allowed it.
They punish you and make you beg for forgiveness
your entire life because you're a 'bad' person and
this is so wrong. They are creating false 'gods' and
then sending them out to curse us. If you wonder why
all these 'ministers' are always embroiled in so many
weird scandals, and the 'superchurches' are a whole
other energy. Understand that there's a level deeper
and it's not supposed to scare you, but enlighten you. (Sublunar intuition)
Salty foot forward |
- Our ancestors all worshipped their own god, in their own
religion, in their own way, but they all realized it was the same
god, no matter the culture. - Unlike today, where we're told that
others religions are somehow demonic and bad, but really, there's
only one Source. - The archons know we live in a mirror universe
and everything's reflected to you and since we're all under the
influence of duality, we're not one person, we're two (both dark and
light), they don't
want you knowing that. - They want you to believe that 'dark' is
bad and is your enemy but if you keep it in control, that's not
true, sometimes you do need to be blunt with others. - Except you're not even a person, you're
a type of 'ghost' (avatar) sitting in between two versions of
yourself and you're on an adventure with yourself.
No one knows what to do now, so they copy each
other, there's a lot of back and forth and everyone
holds back because so many can't handle the facts. The
divine wants this all pushed out, there needs to be a
switch in the energy because of a repetition spell or
spiritual ego. The spell of ownership except we don't
own anything. Never assume that you have everything
you need spiritually, that's spiritual ego. (Sublunar intuition)
Reeds in day |
- You are the
creator and the breaker of the curses and we were all raised in
spells (one religion against another from the start, or one culture
against another). -
Realize that the ego is our worst enemy and will trick us so much. - Being a
'medium' is actually a skill all of us have, and our ancestors knew
that and used it, but now it's made to seem like it's a unique
skill, or even worse, 'demonic.' - Just being aware, talking about it more, people are made
to feel they can't talk (because they'll be judged negatively),
you've got to break that spell and express yourself.
We're here to teach others. We need more people to
take on the role of Shaman (teacher), instead of
healer. We're here to educate and give answers to
questions, it's super important. There's so many
things people could do to help bring more balance.
There is an energy of fear in the collective that
turns into a quest for money because people feel
that's how they should be 'valued' and it's so wrong. (Sublunar intuition)
Reeds at night |
- And so many have gone
through all these things, and they're anxious to talk about it, but
they don't because they're afraid of looking 'crazy,' which shows you
how the spell is working. - Also, they are in fear that 'coming
out' with their spiritual knowledge will affect their business and
they'll lose customers, and yes, they may happen for a while, it's
something we all have to face in order to wake the collective up.
- But know it will eventually all come back to you because that's
the divine order and how the universe works; and that anything
'material' never lasts and nothing is ever guaranteed anyway. -
Your spiritual journey is so much more important; so who cares about
the material anyway, it's just temporary. - So many in this realm
are just transforming energy but they don't know how to transmute
it, and the one big issue of this realm is you can't delete energy
or start over, you have to work with what you've got.
The higher people get spiritually, the less
they're affected by everything in this realm. It's
just a fear that's beat inside of us. I used to worry
about being homeless, that was my greatest fear of
coming out, until I realized that you can only be
homeless if you own a home, not if you rent! We don't
look at the real meaning of words and we wear a
victimhood suit because of the way words define
things. It's following your heart to find your true
home and then you're never truly homeless. (Sublunar intuition)
Planted |
- It will take waking up about 3.5% of the population for
things to start swinging the right direction. - If you're going
to be spiritual, or you'd rather be 3D, make a decision, and that's
the point you find yourself in when you start to wake up, there's a
fear of living spiritually because it's frowned on, but that is the
leap. - Not everyone is ready to take that leap, and that is OK
because we're all here to learn and we're all on different levels.
- You have to release your control, die in the physical to live in
the spiritual; you no longer live in the realm, you're just part of
it, inside it. - True spirituality has been ripped apart and it
was techniques like calling Haitians throwing a few chicken bones,
which is divination, no different than reading cards, but we now
connote it as something evil.
A big part of everything is remembering that
you're always a student, especially if you're going to
be teaching anything. Mercury retrogrades are so rough
on people because there's not an honest review of the
things of the past. They wouldn't have a need for a
retrograde if man wasn't so conflicted with
communicating with their inner self. (Sublunar intuition)
Growing in the dark |
- Know that the language we use that
each word has two meanings and a true definition; so when you say a
word, you have to know all of them. - Like the word hair is
also hare, that kind of thing, it gets complicated but it's a fact
and it was all designed this way on purpose, to trick us up so we
cast spells against ourselves. - There's a lot of the English
language that was never taught to us, it's all hidden and our school
systems program and hypnotize, they don't educate.
Your zodiac sign has an angel and a demon meaning
a comparison, both sides of you, just like the Tom and
Jerry cartoons. We shouldn't have to live in the fear
of something bad happening, that's just a side effect,
spell, on this realm running on a pessimistic energy
because everything is demonized and made bad. (Sublunar intuition)
Forest through the
trees |
- Everything is just a reflection of you and shows the
parts of you that you don't even focus on, for instance, any
thoughts you have about someone you don't even know, is really you
looking at that side of yourself, not them. - These thoughts are
so casual and random in your brain, you don't even think about them
but they're brought back up so you can realize them and talk to them
(dark night of the soul, etc.), but we don't realize that because
we've pushed so much trauma down so deep and made to feel we don't
have time to cry about things, or think about them. - But it
wouldn't be happening on this Earth unless it was made to happen and
there is time for it, we're just told there isn't.
Overall, bring more awareness of these things,
understanding magic and how it's everything and
everywhere. Seeing the effects how things work with
you, spells, frequencies, colors. Realize how things
make you feel, allow yourself to really feel it and
pay attention to the natural thoughts that you have.
The divine just wants you to be aware there's no fault
or trouble, but dig deeper to find the true meanings
there's understandings that need to fall in place this
is a realm of infinite possibilities but we still use
that law to limit us which in itsef is the spell. (Sublunar intuition)
Grasshopper eyes |
- Projection spells are both conscious and unconscious and
it is the act of projecting an attitude or idea about someone
(usually not true), but this takes cooperation and can be in the
form of a snide joke, so you have to be careful to not take it
serious and harm your psyche. - And projection spells are often
about scapegoating or framing you, making it seem like you are the
'issue,' anytime anyone accuses you of something, that's projection.
- We're all so confused and polarized, we're made to think we're
one, but we're made out of two (dark and light) so whenever we see
the other side we don't see it, we ignore it. - Just like yin
and yang, the darkness has everything but the light, and the light
has everything but the dark; and the light and dark are both just
opinions, the only thing that's different is the opinion or outlook,
the name we call it, angel or demon. -
Always remember that you're an Alchemist, and that you're a
'twindividual' and you are two and not one, male and female, not
duality, but part of the whole.
We're in this experiment where we make our own
world which might seem like a lot of responsibility,
but as gods and goddesses we have to understand we're
being trained here to create new universes, new
worlds. So it's important we know the universal laws
because if we don't, the Creators won't be able to
create the way they want, and we end up with things
like this 'reincarnation loop' we're in. (Sublunar intuition)
Moral of the story!
As you awake and realize you've done nothing to
harm anyone and the archon karmics are all working
overtime attacking you. It becomes very clear how
sick, weak, and desperate they really are.
Their time is almost up and they know it!
run the system, we have the power, but we're all too
divided now to use it like the tool it is. |
How with a few stones a river can be diverted,
if one understands the line of its current.
Leonardo DaVinci

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