Goldilocks and the Three Bears |

Papa Bear, Mama Bear
and Baby Bear |
- The Three Bears is a 19th-century English fairy tale
that has three existing versions; each a modification of the
- It was written by Robert Southey and first
published in 1837 in
his 4-volume collection of essays and stories called The Doctor.

Old woman |
- Southey's story is about an old woman who enters the house
of three bachelor bears during their absence. - Three male bears; "a Little, Small, Wee Bear ... a Middle-sized Bear ... and a Great, Huge Bear"
who live in a house in the woods.
In time, the three bachelor bears became Papa, Mama,
and Baby Bear.

Old woman
jumps out the window |
- The old woman makes herself at home and eats their food.
- She accidently breaks a chair, finds
herself tired and then falls asleep in a bed.
The bears come home, and discover the old woman asleep. She wakes, sees the bears, jumps out the window, and fall to her death—never to be seen again.

Bear family house in the woods |
- Once upon a time there was a Bear family who lived together in a house in
the woods.
About 12 years after Southey's story was published, writer Joseph Cundall changed the old woman into a little girl in his book Treasury of Pleasure Books for Young Children. She was known over the years as Silverhair, Silverlocks, Goldenlocks, and other names. She finally became Goldilocks sometime in the early 20th century.

Bear family rooftop
in the woods |
- There was a
Papa Bear, Mama Bear
and a Baby Bear.
In time, the three male bears of Southey's original became Papa, Mama, and Baby Bear. What was once a scary little story about a nosy, ugly old woman and three male bears became a cozy little story about a nosy, pretty little girl and a family of bears.

Porridge bowl |
One day, after they had made porridge for their breakfast, the Bear family
decided to take a stroll in the woods while the porridge was cooling.

Pushed the door open |
- While they were out walking, a small girl who was
running an errand for her grandmother, came upon the Bear's house
and knocked on the door. - However, there was with no answer
so she pushed the partially open door and went inside.

Goldilocks hair-do |
- This little girl had golden curls that tumbled down her back to her waist, and everyone called her Goldilocks.

Steaming hot
porridge |
- She went into the kitchen
and was very hungry so was very happy when she saw breakfast
served. - Goldilocks decided to taste the porridge of Papa Bear, and found that it was far too hot for her.

Cold porridge |
- Then she tasted the porridge of Mama Bear, and that was too cold for her.
- She ate a spoonful from each of their bowls.

Baby bear porridge |
- So Goldilocks then tested the porridge of the Baby Bear, and
discovered that it was neither too hot nor too cold, but just right.
- She liked it so much, that she ate it all up and left the
spoon in the bowl.

Papa Bear's chair |
Then Goldilocks, who was tired, for she had been catching butterflies instead of running her errand, sat down in the chair of
Papa Bear, but that was too high for her. - And then she sat down in the chair of
Mama Bear, and that was too low for her.

Broken chair in
pieces |
- But when she sat down in the chair of the
Baby Bear, that was neither too high nor too low, but just right.
- Then she sat there for awhile and because she was too big for
the chair, she accidently broke the bottom out of the Baby Bear's chair.

Goldilocks testing
beds |
- Goldilocks went upstairs to the bed chamber and
first she lay down upon the bed of Papa Bear, and it was too
hard. - Then she lay down upon the bed of the Mama Bear and
it was too soft.

Baby bear's bed |
- Finally Goldilocks lay down upon the bed of the Baby
Bear, and it was neither too hard nor too soft, but just right. - She covered herself up and lay there
and quickly fell fast asleep.

Papa Bear going home |
- By this time, the Three Bears thought their porridge would be cool enough, so they
went home to eat breakfast.
- After a long walk, they were very hungry.

Papa Bear |
- As soon as they entered the house, Papa Bear noticed
right away that someone had taken a spoonful of
- "SOMEBODY HAS BEEN AT MY PORRIDGE!" said the Papa Bear, in his great huge voice.

Mama Bear |
- Mama Bear noticed the same thing had happened to her
porridge, there was a gaping hole in it.
- "Somebody has been at my porridge!" said the Mama Bear, in her middle voice.

Empty bowl |
- Then the little Baby Bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in
his porridge bowl, but the porridge was all gone.

Baby Bear |
"Somebody has been at my porridge, and has eaten it all up!" said the Baby Bear, in his little, small wee voice.

Temperature rising |
- The Three Bears quickly
figured out that someone had broken into their house, and even
more troubling, eaten the
Baby Bear's breakfast.

Chair cushion moved |
- The Three Bears began to look about the house for more evidence.
- They soon noticed that a careless Goldilocks had moved
the cushion on the Papa Bear's chair.

Papa Bear rage |
Bear in a gruff voice.

Flattened chair
cushion |
- Next they discovered that Goldilocks had flattened the cushion on Mama Bear's
chair. - "Someone's been sitting in my chair" said
Mama Bear.

Broken chair pieces |
- Then Baby Bear noticed his chair was broken and in
pieces on the floor. -
"Someone's been sitting in my chair and broke the bottom out"
said the Baby Bear.

Stair railing
- After they didn't find anyone downstairs, the Three Bears went upstairs to their bedroom.

Papa Bear's pillow
moved |
- Once again, careless Goldilocks had moved Papa Bear's
pillow and he noticed it had been turned upside down as soon as
they entered the bedroom.

Angry Papa Bear
Bear, in his great, rough, gruff voice.

Bolster on
Mama Bear's bed |
- Goldilocks had also accidently pulled the bolster on Mama Bear's
bed out of place. - "Somebody has been lying in my bed!"
said the Mama Bear, in her middle voice.

Goldilocks head on
pillow |
- When the Baby Bear came to look at his bed, upon the pillow there was a pool of golden curls, and the angelic face of a little girl fast asleep.
- “Somebody has been lying in my bed, and here she is!”
said the
Baby Bear, in his little, small wee voice.

Goldilocks having a
bad dream |
- Goldilocks heard the frantic voices of the Papa Bear and
Mama Bear but she thought it was a dream.

Sound of a shrill
voice |
- When she heard the little wee voice of the Baby Bear, it was so sharp, and so shrill, that it
woke her at once.

Goldilocks wakes up
in the dark |
- Frightened by the sound, the first thing Goldilocks saw
was the Three Bears standing next to the bed. - It took her
a second to come to her senses and remember where she was.

Goldilocks jumping
and running |
- Goldilocks jumped off the bed and ran downstairs, out of the door and down the garden path.

Papa Bear hits the
trail in his wagon |
- Fortunately for Goldilocks, the Three Bears never saw her

Hidden in her cloak |
- Frightened because the Three Bear's were chasing her, Goldilocks ran and she ran
as fast as she could until she reached her grandmother's house.

grandmother locks
the door |
- Goldilocks told her grandmother the story about the house of the
Three Bears who lived in the woods. - She was suffering
from palpitations by then so grandmother locked the door.

Goldilocks planet |
- Her
grandmother said: "My my, what a wild imagination you have,

Garden |
- And they all lived happily ever after. - Especially
because Grandmother made it home from the Three Bears house
before Goldilocks.

The Bear boys |
- Joined at the hip.
Moral of the story!
- It's just another boys against the old lady who
wears Army boots only they had to clean it up and turn
it into a pretty young girl and baby bear.
- Bachelors? Really?
- And really, did she need a whipping for being
bad or did she need some comfort and love?
99% of failures come from people who make excuses.
George Washington
