Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




The 5th dimension is not a different place than the 3rd dimension; it's just a different way of looking at things and a deeper understanding of what is going on inside us and around us, a higher awareness.

Once you figure this out, your consciousness will reveal new worlds of possibility and a deeper bond with the cosmos. Each of us makes a profound connection with wisdom from higher levels when we raise our energy and frequency.

Each soul goes in its own direction so we all exist at different levels and frequencies on our path to ascension. It's natural for those going through this process to feel alone in a world that is so filled with suffering and grief as they make their way from the 3rd to 5th dimension.


Profound changes

We are entering the Age of Aquarius, and many are not aware of how profound a time this is for human consciousness.

According to the Mayan calendar, the ancients called the year 2012 the age of light, when the sun interacts with the nebulous gas to raise our vibration. This is the path of our solar system right now, and this is why the ancients in so many cultures paid attention to the accurate position of the stars and constellations.

The Sun in 2012 was in the galactic center; it pointed out that we're on our way towards light because the precessional cycle is a 25,925 (26,000) year cycle, which is called a Great Year. So this is marking our travel on the precessional path and NASA even proved it, but they have not admitted we are passing through the Photon Belt which will raise our vibrations, so we have enlightened consciousness.


The ancient Mayans knew about this and that 2012 was not about the 'end of the world' but instead, the beginning of a new astrological age. We are moving from the Age of Pisces, the age of the church, to the Age of Aquarius, the age of judgment.

As we move through the Photon Belt, every being on earth will be subjected to judgment and not all will move to 5D, although more will face the realization that we are certainly in different times now.

You might say there will be a bigger 'force field' pushing us along than in the previous age, energetically speaking, and a huge number will 'wake up.'

Once we fully move into the Age of Aquarius, speculated to be fully complete around 2228, we will have entered what is called the Golden Age, an age of enlightenment.

Another profound change that is already starting to take place is how we are judged. We will be judged on how we treat others, not on what others are able to steal from us to promote themselves! Narcissists will have a very hard time in the new reality.

This is also a new age for the female to restore the power and gifts that have been stolen from her by a patriarchal structure, which hasn't benefited any of us.


Knowing how karma (dharma) works is also crucial to your shift to a higher vibration. Knowing that treating others kindly is not any harder than acting rudely to them or putting them down is so much more beneficial to you.

Also, it is the universe and source that pass out karma. The worse we treat each other and our world, the more harsh our reality on Earth will become.

Raising your vibration can be accomplished by letting go the control your ego has over you (recognizing you do need some of it) and letting go of hurt and shame by forgiving yourself and others.

And never say you're sorry unless you truly did something wrong.

The shift

It's crucial to understand that the leaders of the consciousness revolution will accept 5th-level awareness years before the general population. Because so many are unaware of what the Age of Aquarious is bringing, it is our duty to provide support to those around us who are about to begin their own ascent.

You may notice that some people around you have had a strong spiritual urge for several years (or even decades), a feeling that they are here to accomplish a certain task.

Here are some major signs that you are shifting to the 5D (Altruistic Utopian);

  • Colors may seem brighter or more tranquil, and you may also experience an overwhelming sense of shift, like having your eyeglass prescription changed. While your objective world doesn't change much, as beings of energy, we have an innate ability to realize our deep internal experiences are changing (such as lucid dreams, etc.).

  • Life continues as before, but you experience it from a point of more acceptance of what truly matters. In the 3D world of awareness, there is a moral ambiguity that permeates our decision-making, which can be overwhelming. When faced with a decision, many are paralyzed because they are afraid of making a mistake. Once you begin the rise to 5D, these debilitating preconceptions start to go away, and in their place comes the radical idea of letting go of one's own will, which is a clear indicator you are coming into harmony with greater insight. This is letting go of constant doubt and skepticism and instead coming into complete agreement with the events taking place around us (going with the flow). 

  • In this enlightened condition, we begin to understand that we cannot avoid facing some challenges along the way. We go through a radical transformation toward faith, and as our ego dwindles, we're able to surrender to a new life. It is like we are being swept along by the currents of our actual path, which we see clearly and more consciously for the first time. This is the beginning of a magical voyage, and intense introspection, and union with the cosmos. It's a more ethereal perspective on the unfolding of events in one's life and realizing you can no longer rely on a cycle of blame and a sense of victimization, or attributing events to the randomness of good or bad luck. These are all traits of individuals operating at a lower frequency who attribute various events happening in their lives to external factors and are characterized by a narrow view of the world. There is also an emphasis on the corporal feelings of helplessness and alienation from life's deeper, more substantial elements.

  • Those who are able to reach a higher frequency and attain 5D enlightenment know that nothing that occurs is random or by chance occurence. To them, the universe is no longer a collection of unrelated events but rather, a complex web in which every thread has a purpose. In this enlightened mindset, challenges of any kind are seen as lessons to be learned and embraced as catalysts for change. Instead of seeing them as roadblocks, they are seen as building blocks. One's outlook on life undergoes a radical transformation when one realizes that everything they go through is part of a greater spiritual journey. That's when the individual notices that everywhere they go is undergoing a tremendous transformation; people with the third digit are noticeably nicer to you, and as we go into deeper levels of consciousness, becoming kinder and more forgiving, there has been a noticeable shift in the amount of goodwill individuals exude. Our collective consciousness is driving a profoundly enriching movement towards a better society.

  • Our knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, and energy we project into the environment grows as we go through the levels of consciousness. It's like someone turned on a light in a room that was previously dark. Our interactions are profoundly affected by this progress to this higher level of awareness, and as a result of our efforts, a stunning reflection is created. People we encounter reflect the optimism, friendliness, and goodwill we give forth. At first, the world's transformations may seem inconsequential, but their impact is far-reaching. You will notice people helping strangers by holding doors or complimenting them on their appearance. These seemingly minor acts all add up and result in more love and kindness infused into our everyday interactions.

  • As we enter this new age of awareness, the cosmos requires us to become as empty as possible. It helps us grow and change by allowing us to confront our limiting beliefs and feelings. When we go through a sequence of traumatic events, it might feel as if we are sinultaneously vibrating at the greatest frequency and being subjected to the most chaotic ordeals, which might cause one to lose hope and become enraged with God. The important thing to remember is that everything will work out in the end. It becomes clear that every feeling that arises inside us, when the love within us wakes, longs for our attention and unconditional love, we become our own heart healers, and the turbulent waves of emotional restoration give way to a lovely nothingness that ushers us ever closer to the 5th dimension. This includes a more profound connection with greater knowledge and an enlightened comprehension of our decisions. Many new life experiences await us on this transforming trip to the 5th plane of awareness. The process might be taxing, but it ultimately results in a more compassionate society and a sea change on the inside. Recognize that you are a pioneer who is paving the road for others by embracing this change. 

  • A calm disposition as a result of raising your vibration will grant you a newfound sense of inner serenity, unlike 3D living which is fraught with rivalry and a never-ending sense of wanting materially more. We live in a world where our emotions are frequently determined by events beyond our control. We are led to believe that finding happiness and joy within ourselves is contingent on external factors. There is a quiet serenity in the 5th dimension where your attention changes from what is happening outside yourself to how you feel. Being mindful means focusing on the here and now, practicing appreciation, and realizing that kindness and empathy are the foundations of our existence. You will have more awareness of your mental and emotional states; you will no longer allow your emotions or impulses to dictate your reactions; and you will be able to make deliberate decisions. With this fresh perspective, it becomes easy to find calm, no matter how difficult life becomes. In 3D, there is a sense of everyone as being distinct from one another, whereas in 5D, there is a sense of wholeness and connectivity. By realizing that other people are only mirrors of yourself, you are better able to compromise, and empathize with others, and create harmony.



And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.(Mark 2:22)

Making the jump to 5D thinking entails making the change from outside turbulence to inner tranquility, from fear to love, and from separation to union. A deeper comprehension of the role that free will plays in influencing our reactions to life has accompanied us on our quest for inner peace in the 5th dimension. The spiritual meaning of everyday occurences begins to register in our awareness. Rather than seeing life's happenings as haphazard or dependent on chance, we now see them as deliberate and directed for our greatest happiness and spiritual development.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth

Marcus Aurelius


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