Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Every bit of our reality relies on sacred geometry.

  • One is associated with unity, wholeness, and the universe
  • Hinduism concept of Brahma in the oneness of all things.
  • Taoism use a single circle or point symbolizing the unity of all things.
  • Trinity of the mind.
  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Buddhism three jewels
  • Triple Goddess Wiccan.
  • Christianity Holy Spirit.
  • Hexagon appears often in nature.
  • Symbol of love, star of David, two hearts.
  • Sacred in the Bible, King Solomon built the temple in seven years.
  • Linked to Pythagoras and is defined as a perfect number because it is a summation of 3 and 4, which represents a triangle and square.
  • Perfect number that indicates completion.
  • Number of karma.
  • Special mathmatical properties; perfect cube of whole number 2.
  • Only positive integer that is the sum of all the digits of its cubes; 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8.
  • Considered to be a lucky number in many cultures such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
  • It is also a symbol of prosperity, wealth and success.
  • In many cultures it is believed it has the mystical ability to ward off evil spirits.
  • Number of planets in our solar system.
  • Special mathmatical properties; All the major numbers in the universe add to 9 (144,000, 1728, 1080, 432, 108, 72, 36, etc.) using gematria and the Greek alphabet.
  • All the geometric polygons, pentragrams, etc., all have angles that add up to 9 (360 degrees).
  • Chapter coming to an end, new beginning.
  • Linked to Mars, courage, energy, passion, prosperity.
  • Musical frequency.
  • Sagittarius 9th sign in astrology known for adventurous and expansive spirit.
  • Spiritual growth, wisdom and knowledge (9 muses, 9 gods in underworld).
  • Any number mutiplied by 9, the digits of the product will always add to 9.
  • Christianity 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  • Hinduism 9 forms of the goddess Durga each representing a different aspect of femininity and power.
  • Buddhism 9 stages of the path to enlightenment.
  • Mayan calendar system 9 levels of consciousness correspond to a different levels of evolution.
  • In physics, the number 9 appears in fundamental equations that describe the behavior of the universe, such as the 9th Dimensional String theory.
  • Mayans had a base-9 numbering system. 
  • Beatles Revolution 9 was a groundbreaking experimental track that features various sound effects and spoken word samples.
  • Nine lives of Fritz the Cat shows reincarnation.
  • Odin hanging from the tree for 9 days.
  • Greek 9 muses who were daughters of Zeus, goddesses of inspiration in Arts and Sciences.
  • Periodic table has 9 fundamental types of atoms.
  • The body has 9 major organ systems.
  • The electromagnetic spectrum has 9 main categories of waves (micro, gamma, etc.)
  • Music 9th note of the scale known as subtonic.
  • Cycles in astronomy, 360 degrees in the sky in one year. Sun and moon cycles or lunar-solar cycle.
  • 9-digits in base-10.
  • Nine Worthies (3 Jewish, 3 Christian, 3 Pagan).
  • Ennead.
  • Nine Emperor Gods Festival.
  • Dante's Divine Comedy.
  • Shakespeare's sonnets.
  • Most holy of numbers it unlocks all of God's secrets.
  • Jesus is the 13th and has 12 apostles.
  • 13 full moons every year.
  • 13 'slices' in Druid astrology.
  • Ophiuchus, the 13th sign in Sidereal.
  • 13 original colonies in America.
  • 13 spheres form Metatron's cube, Seed of Life.
  • Each of the 20 (days moon is visible) letters of Druid.
  • Ogham alphabet were derived from the 13 spheres in Metatron's cube (13x20=260 average gestation).
  • Mayans counted 13 main joints in the body or branches in the Tree of Life.
  • Both the Mayans and Druids based their calendars (tzolkin) on 13 constellational signs based on 13 moons.
  • In Tarot, 13 is the Trump card of death (of weaker self).
  • 13 the Trinity Three Nadis, masculine electric pingala of Zeus-Peter, 3 Unity of God and 1.
  • Kundalini is manifested new self 13 (1+3=4).

  • 21 generations (Big Bang) of universe represents physical footprint.
  • Master number.
  • 33 vertebrae in the spine.
  • 33rd degree.

  • Amazing mentalism.
  • 3 trinity of the mind, 8 is the number of karma.

  • Venus, her synodic cycle forms a five-pointed star in the sky every eight years.
  • Caput 58 - LVIII - Magdalene.

  • When God breathed out it was the first form. Refering to the 'Big Bang' as instead a roar, rudra which means one who roars. Out of 84 (our multiverse), many have dissolved, 21 have larger footprint, 10 are almost non-physical, 11 are somewhat physical, last 4 are reasonably physical.
  • 108 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet.
  • Vedic mathematicians measured the Sun’s diameter to be 108 times larger than the diameter of the Earth, measured the distance between the Sun and Earth to be 108 times the Sun’s diameter.
  • In the yogic tradition, 108 sacred texts of the Upanishads, 108 sacred holy sites in India, 108 marma (acupressure-like) points on the body.
  • In the bhakti yoga tradition, 108 gopis dancing with Krishna in Vrindavan, 108 names of the goddess.
  • In tantric yoga, 108 energy lines are described throughout the body and they all converge and connect at the heart chakra.
  • 108 Buddhist Mala prayer beads signifying each of the worries (delusions) that afflict life.
  • Moon and Earth: The average distance of the moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the moon.
  •  Planets and houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and nine planets. (12x9=108).
  • Powers of 1, 2, and 3: In math, 1 to the 1st power equals 1, and 2 to the 2nd power (or 2 x 2) equals 4, and 3 to the 3rd power (3 x 3 x 3) equals 27. Therefore, 1 x 4 x 27 = 108.
  • 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit and means "great joy").
  • The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79° to 91°), and a latitude of nine degrees (22° to 31°) and  (12x9=108).
  • 1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.
  • Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.
  • Harmonic Resonance is 432 (4x108).
112 Times (Big Bang) will occur and then a non-physical universe will manifest.




The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. (Revelation 1:20)

The length of the foot is one sixth of the height of the body.

Leonardo DaVinci


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