They Burned Ancient America Down |
Crystal palace 1851 |
- The first Crystal Palace was built
for the World's Fair in London in 8 months and there had
never been a building made out of glass like this before. -
It took place in Hyde Park and was called 'The Great
Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations,' also
known as 'The Great Exhibition' or the 'Crystal Palace
Exhibition.' -
The unique panes of glass they used to construct this
building, along with the sheer size of it, leave many
wondering how this could have ever been built in a mere 8
The 293,000 panes of glass were manufactured by the
Chance Brothers. The 990,000-square-foot building with its 128-foot-high ceiling was completed in thirty-nine weeks. The Crystal Palace boasted the greatest area of glass ever seen in a building. It astonished visitors with its clear walls and ceilings that did not require interior lights.
World's Fair in Hyde Park |
- The building opened to the public on the
75th anniversary of the founding date of the Bavarian
illuminati on May 1, 1851. - It was the first in a series
of World's Fairs which were exhibitions of culture and
industry that became popular in the 19th-century. - The
event was organized by Henry Cole and Prince Albert, who was
the husband of Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom. -
This was the first public building with flushing toilets.
Full-size elm trees growing in the park were enclosed within the central exhibition hall near the 27-foot (8 m) tall Crystal Fountain. However this caused a problem with sparrows becoming a nuisance, and shooting was out of the question inside a glass building. Queen Victoria mentioned this problem to the Duke of Wellington, who offered the solution, "Sparrowhawks, Ma'am". (Wikipedia)
Crystal palace by 1852 |
- The exhibition ended that same year on October 15, 1851.
- It was referenced as a 'temporary' structure in literature
about the event. - And something even stranger,
a few months after the exhibition was over, the fair organizers
completely dismantled the building. - The life of the Great Exhibition was limited to
6 months, after which something had to be decided on the future of the Crystal Palace building.
- A decision was made to dismantle the building and move it
to a property named Penge Place at the top of Sydenham Hill
in London.
The reconstruction of the Crystal Palace began on Sydenham Hill in 1852. The new building, while incorporating most of the constructional parts of the original one at Hyde Park, was so completely different in form as to be properly considered a quite different structure – a 'Beaux-arts' form in glass and metal. (Wikipedia)
Coming and going |
- By the 1890s, the Palace's popularity and state of repair had deteriorated.
- In 1911, the Festival of Empire was held at the Palace to mark the Coronation of George V and Mary. -
Not long after the Festival of Empire the building fell into disrepair, as the huge debt and maintenance costs became unsustainable, and in 1911, bankruptcy was declared.
'Beaux-arts' form in glass and metal |
- In the 1920s
a board of trustees was established and they began to restore the deteriorating
building. -
The restoration brought visitors back, and the Palace started to make a small profit once more. -
Amazingly, the building burned to the ground on November 30, 1936,
after fireworks used for displays caught on fire in a
While the original Palace cost £150,000 (equivalent
to £20.8 million in 2023), the move to Sydenham cost
£1,300,000—(£166 million in 2023), burdening the company with a debt it never repaid. (Wikipedia)

Don't tread |
- The Illuminati was created in 1776,
right about the same time as America was creating the
Constitution of liberty and justice for all. - It was
almost like Satan trying to defeat democracy and freedom for
all. - The two opposing forces starting at the gate at the
same time, their horses panting. - They're up at the
starting line, the dawn's early light, 1776.
Faith on Earth |
- It's the battle of light and
darkness, the truth and the lies. - Jesus Christ wondered
if he would find faith on Earth when he arrived, and that is a
question because it will be difficult. - However, he will,
because he already told us that he 'will not leave us alone
unto the end of the age.'
I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)
Queen Victoria |
- Queen Victoria had no children with
Prince Albert, who was infertile. - She was seduced by
Nathan Rothschild and together, they had 9 children who were
placed in very important positions around the world.
Queen Elizabeth II |
Their descendants pretty much run all the U.S. presidents,
including the most current, who goes back to these lines and
is related to Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom and Vlad
the Impaler.
Technology |
- Now the 1851 Exibition, or World's
Fair, can be called the 'reset' because it was the dominance
of the United Kingdom (Britain) which it attained through the
technology that it had acquired. - But where did this technology
come from? - This is the John Dee and Edward Kelley moment
because they were from a bloodline that went back to Vlad the
Impaler, or the Count Dracula.
Scottish lineage Some wise words from David
Vose |
- They were known for
sucking the blue blood of the royal Scottish lineage that was
once an Irish line of the Tuatha de daanan that goes back to
Princess Tea Tephi who came from Egypt.
Tea Tephi, the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah, traveled from Egypt to Ireland. She escaped with her sister Tamar and the prophet Jeremiah after the Babylonian invasion of Judah in 597 BC.
Royal scepter |
- This is because everyone who
reigns has to be of the lineage of Judah; that was the royal
scepter until He comes as a legal right (at the end). - This was the
power grab of the fleshy nature of Jacob (Israel) and slave
woman, Leah, and their son Judah, while the birthright went to Joseph of his covenant
with Rachel, the free woman. - And here is the other
covenant that Jacob made with Leah, the slave woman, the one
we should have never had, but received first. - Lea-YAH (the Yahwah covenant) a
man can sell his daughter into slavery and she can never be
free. - Also she's a prostitute because the man had to pay
for her (dowry).
Bondage in the Old Covenant |
- Under this first covenant, they were
in bondage with their children and the firstborn was not used,
and the second born, Levi, was not approved of. - And
finally the last born of Leah, the Old Covenant, the lower
carnal nature, they weren't the mature older brother, the
first born, they were the last born. - They were immature
and fell into pride and sold Joseph into slavery to the
Midianites down in Egypt.
Beast from the bottom of the pit |
- Eventually, this led to all the
children of Israel going down to Egypt. - Which represents
why we're here in the first place, because someone in the
lower ego sold out the higher consciousness and this is what
this is all about. - It's come down in a parable through
these two religions; the religion of the lower carnal
commandments, the fleshly nature, is what's ruling over us,
the beast system. - This beast seemed to have come up out
of the bottem of this pit and it happened when John Dee and
Edward Kelley did this at the request of Queen Victoria in
order to make her empire worldwide.
Ironclad teeth of the law |
- It appears to have a lot to do with
the beast coming out of the bottom of the pit and the
Illuminati and their fiendish plan of world dominance. -
They spread this plan rather quickly throughout the world with
the ironclad teeth which is the law from the bar association
in London. - Through this, they put the entire world into
slavery, including far flung places such as Bolivia, Russia
and China. - Wherever you go, they all have the same
black-robed judges.
The Beast |
- All around the world, we're under the
same financial system and the same judicial system. - We're
also subject to the same propaganda; Hollywood, the theatre,
radio, the internet, the news, and science. - All of it
started when Satan was conjured up from this bottomless pit
and they worked on it for a long time. - Aleister
Crowley came to America and started Hollywood, all the while
attempting to conjure up this 'beast' and he even thought he
was the beast.
Genetic engineering |
- This all had a lot to do with
technology which had rapidly expanded during that period. -
Things like chemicals from Dupont and Monsanto, and poisons,
gas chambers and also genetics, and bias against certain
genetic groups.
Who lives and who dies? |
- They started ideas about euthanasia and
abortion and managing the planet down to the micro details.
- Before the medical group created surgical 'abortion' in the
1850s, woman's care was handled by midwives and women used
herbs and the knowledge of their monthly cycle to control
pregnancy. -
Deciding who lives and who dies, and accomplishing this by
poisoning the general public.
Technocracy's new hairdo |
- The space agency, which was
originally headed by Wernher Von Braun, who looks like Elon.
- Whose descendants ended up in South Africa, then in Canada,
and then Silicon Valley to build their technocracy. - All
of their brothers and relations were involved, some were in
the propaganda business, while others were in the political
Chemicals and poisons |
- Nathan Rothschild got into the British
Parliament and changed their laws so that they could make a
kingdom over the kings of the Earth with their financial,
religious and political system.
True king of the Earth |
- Soon after this moved to America and
we had Crowley trying to raise the beast. - There was Jack
Parsons who was into the space agency in California which led
to the official space agency we have today. - In Hebrew,
Nassar means deception or lies which is another part of their
lying, propaganda program. - They started these World
Fair's and the 'reset' and the burning down of ancient
Burning baby |
- The ancient civilization that they
are now telling us that they created in 8 months and then
burned down just for fun. - Yet today, we couldn't build
such amazing architecture and keeping in mind, they didn't
have some of the advanced technology we supposedly have today.
- Their architecture was spectacular, nothing like this was
ever built before in our 'modern' age. - It was made out of
glass more than likely the precursor to all the glass towers
they have around the world.
Wizards |
- The Empire State Building was a
symbol of the empire they're building. - Do not think this
is all unrelated, it is the system of the 'beast.' - It was
the Illuminati and in our days it began to evolve and
infiltrate everything and create a shadow government that runs
everything. - The beautiful aging photos of the Crystal
Palace are proof that something very amazing was happening,
and it had to be not from aliens, but from John Dee and Edward
Kelley using black magic to summon the beast (Satan) who then
allowed the British Empire this world dominance.
Molten |
- Eventually the power was shifted to
Washington D.C. and then further split between London, Moscow
and the Vatican. - Nevertheless, it was all a plan. -
The archons are working on technology that will grant them
absolute control over this world and defeat Jesus Christ and
his kingdom.
Crystal Palace burns down |
- So after they built the Crystal Palace in 8
months or less, they tore it down and rebuilt it in just a few
months. - Then they burned it down for good in 1936 and it would have taken
great temperatures to melt the iron steel bars and glass. -
Everything in the building was liquified.
Burning down the house |
- Of course, steel and glass are not
flammable but this is how it always goes. - It is always
done this way, they build the World Fair's and then it all
burns down. or the World Trade Center's and Solomon's Temples.
- Many believe these cities they burn down along the way were
standing for hundreds of years. - Photos
of the 1851 exhibition show in great detail all the
substantial artwork and architecture that contained beautiful
wrought iron metal work and carved stone.
Plot |
- Also a lot of symbolism in the way of
statues and regalia pointing to the idea that this was some
kind of plan or a plot. - It's like everything had a
spiritual, esoteric hidden meaning, like when a book as
written as a parabolic. - It appears that our cities also
hold some kind of mystery. - They all appear to have been
there a long time before we got here and then they burned them
all down.
Baby memorial |
- At the same time this was all
happening, there were a lot of orphanages and they would put
all the orphans in these huge carved stone cathedral type
buildings. - Spectacular buildings with ornamentation that
were very obviously temples with gargoyles and baptismal
fonts. - So it seems as in the days of Alexander the Great
when he leveled Heliopolis and revamped all the world history.
- Or when the Romans took over and burned down all the
libraries and created their own propaganda about reality.
Head wound |
- They also took over the Christian
church and we know that Christianity has nothing to do with
this megalithic government, this shadowy, evil force that's
reigning over us now. - So they've done it before many
times and they're going to do it again. - We're going
through another 'reset' perhaps like the days of Noah
according to the scriptures. - Maybe they don't know that,
maybe they do, they act like they do and like they're running
it all. - But that's what the
Lord says, it's time to end all of this experiment.
Sea-shelled |
- If you've been watching, you can see
all the technological advancements they've made with weather
control 'machinery.' - They have radar and they can
pinpoint and shoot rays that guide and control the weather.
- There are different systems installed around the world, for
example, they have ships in the sea and antennas, HAARP in
Alaska and different places.
Coastal areas |
- And this is all occuring in the North
Pole, Sweden, and south of Australia. - They are seen as
blue blobs that seem to be going up the coasts and creating
huge storms and hurricanes, causing gulf storms and tropical
storms in places like Florida and Texas. - Why are they
doing it, they are literally disrupting the weather,
infrastructure and working on depopulation and they also put
chemicals in the clouds as well. - The nanoparticles can be
placed in the dust of the smoke, or the fire smoke, or the
Soil contaminant |
- We certainly can't know all that
they're doing, but we can imagine when you realize what
they're doing with agencies like the EPA and OSHA. - This is in reference to
the Air Force analyst who was taking audit and noticed tons and tons of
large quantities of aluminum, barium and strontium oxides and
sulfates. - Then of course her demonization began and she
was reassigned to another office across the country, where
amazingly, she continued her investigation and found the same
results. - She tested the air and soil and discovered high
levels of contaminants.
Weather balloon |
- Other investigators have brought up
concerns with cloud formations that are not normal, but
obviously man-made and they've also noticed unusual 'spiking'
in aluminum, barium, magnesium, calcium, manganese and
strontium. - Aluminum finds its way into the root systems
of the crop trees and it looks like they're dying of drought,
but instead, what happens is the root systems can no longer
absorb the water and nutrients needed to survive.
Jet stream |
- Another way they manipulate the
weather is with an operation called HAARP which fires high
power radio waves into the ionosphere. - Because of this,
we've had all these extremes in our weather; droughts, floods
and tropical storms. - Then the powers that be will tell us
that this is because the 'jet streams' have moved, but this is
because HAARP can steer the jetstream where they want it to
go. - In 1969, scientists were predicting that weather will
be modified and used as a weapon of war to create drought or
Weather station |
- There are 'NEXRAD' stations that are
doplar radar stations that have
towers that are 750 kilowatts pumping out 2.7 to 2.9 GHz in
the microwave range. - This is roughly the same frequency
as your microwave oven and they held the pulse for 12 hours
while we slept. - There are also weather stations
throughout Europe that blast electomagnetic fields that impact
all of Europe.
NEXRAD or Nexrad (Next-Generation Radar) is a network of 159 high-resolution S-band Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service (NWS), an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the United States Department of Commerce, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) within the Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Air Force within the Department of Defense. Its technical name is WSR-88D (Weather Surveillance Radar, 1988, Doppler)
Magnetic field lines of sunlight |
- Barium ions and electrons spiral
around magnetic field lines while traveling freely parallel to
the field. - The ions trace out magnetic field lines which
resonantly scatter the barium in lines of sunlight. -
Barium can be excited by the sun to emit resonance radiation
in the visible range. - The ionized luminous cloud of
barium becomes a visible indication of magnetic and electric
characteristics over large areas. - A geomagnetic field
line could be illuminated from pole-to-pole.
Pied Piper of weather |
- Many kinds of radar are used to
create metallic clouds such as LIDAR. - Micro barium
sulfate powder (BaS04) is stable, durable and absorbs
radiation, it is almost a perfect diffuser of light. -
Metallic objects produce significant reflections and microwave
and radio frequencies. - Metal aerosols make surveillance
High frequency pulse |
- Ionization creates clouds which can
be steered with high frequency pulse. - Additionally,
barium titanium ferrite materials have their own magnetism.
- When we look at all the old photos from the 19th-century, we
notice that all of them have steeples. - Most of us think
that it is some type of symbol, like a spiral to heaven or a
male organ.
Connected like the space needle |
- It's looking like a lot of these
'things' on top of the 19th-century buildings looked more like
antennas than decorations. - Who really built China's Great Wall, well these
same Germanic tribes headed by Genghis Khan (1162-1227) went
all the way through China to Japan. - He seems to be the
one called the Tartarians that built all this infrastructure
in a lot of ways.
Also known as Chinggis Khan, he was the founder and first khan of the Mongol Empire. After spending most of his life uniting the Mongol tribes, he launched a series of military campaigns, conquering large parts of China and Central Asia.
Sunday driver |
- But meanwhile we are left wondering
if humanity had this kind of technology in the past that we
just reinvented or repurposed and the answer is yes, some of
it very recently. - For example, at the turn of the
19th-century, there were electric cars all over the place from
companies such as Baker Motor Vehicle Company circa 1899.
Baker Electric 1912 |
Obviously, someone didn't want these vehicles on the road
because by 1914 they were phased out and replaced by gasoline
operated vehicles. - It was too inexpensive and convenient
it would just make life far better, but they didn't want that
because they wanted to make money. - So instead, they
manufactured the combustion engines so they could sell you
the oil and gasoline. - Maybe they felt they could make
more money this way so they polluted the world with this
combustion engine for over 100 years just so they could make a
The first Baker vehicle was a two seater with a
selling price of US$850. One was sold to Thomas Edison
as his first car. Edison also designed the nickel-iron batteries used in some Baker electrics. These batteries have extremely long lives.
Sleeping quarters |
- Now if you notice, they're going back
to the electric vehicles and they're acting like it's
extremely high tech and they just invented it. - Elon is
such a genius, or maybe it was Tesla! - But the world had
electric cars for many, many years but if you ask anyone if
they existed before gasoline cars, or did they have flying
machines, huge planes that could fly intercontinental,
everyone thinks no, we didn't know anything about that. -
They think the blimp was nothing, but don't realize they had
dining cars and sleeping quarters.
Ground view |
- It was like a huge
resort flying over the world and it was probably safer than
flying today because technology has not improved over the
years, it seems to be the same old technology.
Foggy |
- The fog seen around the world lately
was discovered in large cities that also report heavy
chemtrail spraying. - A 1999 USAF report called 'Air Force
2025' outlines how they plan on dispersing nanoparticles via
fog (as a weapon) and this info is in the Wayback machine. - The
document also explained that this
allows them to spray making the nanoparticles nearly
undetectable. - It also
describe how these particles can steer themselves within the
fog and outlines both offensive and defensive reasons the
government might release fog in population centers.
UAVs |
- The paper also goes on to describe
how the force will be able to deliver chemicals to population
centers to provide 'immediate and continuous effectiveness
feedback' (spying on us). - They can also change the temperature and
polarity to improve the seeding effects and UAVs could be used
to deliver and distribute these smart materials. -
Amazingly, right on cue, we're seeing this mysterious global
fog packed with nanoparticles spreading across the U.S. and
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that carries no human pilot or passengers. UAVs—sometimes called drones—can be fully or partially autonomous but are more often controlled remotely by a human pilot.
The swamp: Fog combined with chemtrails and
bluster |
- What proof do we have that chemtrails
are real and they are climate engineering? - Those who run
the largest website on the subject don't use the term
'chemtrails' because if you search for that word you will find
conspiracy theory and hoax by design. - For that reason,
they advise sticking to the climate scientific terms like
climate engineering, geo engineering, solar radiation
management, when you attempt to research the topic. - The
way things are going, we may also see smog again when they
attempt to make America 'great' again.
Climate engineering |
- As far as proof of weather engineerinng, there are
government documents, Senate documents, Presidential papers,
and two former Air Force generals communicating about it. -
Additionally, there is NASA satellite imagery which clearly
shows unnatural, geometric patterns in the clouds. - You
don't need a degree in meteorology to see that there's very
strange patterns in those cloud formations, in fact designs
that nature cannot make. - Also, tests of the precipitation
from around the world reveal the same engineering components,
aluminum, barium, strontium and polymer fibers.
Climate engineering elements |
- Atmospheric tests at great expense
and effort have been completed using a flying laboratory that
NOAA also uses. - The tests confirmed the same climate
engineering elements that were emitted from aircraft were
identified in a layer that the analysts flew through while
testing the atmosphere. - This is the first time this type
of test has ever been completed and it is court admissible
Spray nozzles
on airplane wings |
- Additionally, there is film footage of these aircraft at
altitude turning the chemtrails on and off, note you cannot
turn normal condensation on and off. - This has all been
observed with the spray nozzles on the aircraft wings fully
visible and the spraying action is very clear. - There are
also up close photographs.
NOAA stands for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It's a federal agency in the U.S. Department of Commerce that studies and predicts changes in the weather, climate, oceans, and coasts. NOAA's work supports international shipping, severe weather preparedness, and more.
Big tent sky circus |
- Montage of Nano Tech in Vax by Greg Reese and Dr. Ana Mihalcea!
- Let's not forget that John O. Brennan, who was director of
President Obama's CIA, admitted that chemtrails are real way
back in 2016 at the Council on Foreign Relations. - He
referred to them as geo-engineering that 'potentially could
reduce the warming effects of global climate change,'
otherwise truthfully revealed as combustible engine emissions
induced climate change. - This is also what Mudfossil
refers to our globe as 'scrubbing through space' because of
all the combustibles heat everything up and cause excess friction.
Do-omed |
- We talked about a couple of these
World's Fairs and how they were supposedly built in a few
months. - Then suddenly, like magic, they all burned down,
every one of them. - They're trying to tell us these were
all constructed in a few months but the architecture is
intricate stonework that had obviously weathered over time.
- Same thing with the World's Fair in Buffalo, NY, in 1901,
it's all gone now. - The photos show what looks like
ancient Athenian construction, pillars and domes.
Arched |
- Additionally, the night scenes show
they had a lot of lighting at the World's Fair in 1901 that
looked more beautiful and extravagent than the lighting
systems in modern cities. - So the question is, what kind
of hoax are they playing on us? - This was all built to
showcase their abilities and technology but then they tore it
all down apparently and made glass towers instead. - Some
are questioning how some of these cities were even established
in the 'new world' and how they managed to grow at the
exponential rates they achieved.
Fire hat |
- In 1833, the population of Chicago
was 350 people, essentially it was a tent city. - And right
before that, in 1820 it was a couple of farms on the side of
the river. - By 1840 the population expanded to 4,500 and
in 1850 there were 30,000 living there, however, that more
than likely means fewer than 7,000 homes. - Amazingly, just
17 short years later, in 1867, there were 112,000 people
living there right before the Great Fire of 1871.
Chicago burns down |
- After which, the photos show that
Chicago looked like it suffered through a war. - It's
similar to Christ's wooden manger scene in the painting where
there are also classic Greek stone buildings in the
background. - Even more amazingly, city officials took 10
years to rebuild and the photos from 1880 show a huge,
expansive city with no signs of anything burnt down.
Chicago rebuilt by 1880? |
- Some of the buildings, taken from an aerial view, are
several stories high and constructed out of stone or brick.
- Time moved on and by 1930 there were 3 million living there.
- But the strangest thing is they built this entire city
without electricity and gas powered engines, is this really
Follow the sun golddust |
- This could also be reminescent of large cities like LA
and Phoenix where they channel disporia from other 'rusty'
depressed areas around the country in very rapid time. -
Leaving the areas they came from even more depressed and a
lot of broken family links. - But also facing water
problems now that so many have landed there.
California flaming |
- Some residents near national forests in Colorado
noticed that the Forest Service neglected to remove dead trees
from the top of a 14,000' mountain and they don't seem to be
taking care of anything. - The residents feel like they're just letting
it sit there year after year waiting for a lightning strike to
take the whole thing out and everyone will be burned out of
there. - Since it's such a nice place, the little 2 and 3
bedroom homes will be replaced by posh mansions and that seems
to be the plan, to take everything out.
LA city officials |
- Pacific Palisade's had a lot of residents who are baby
boomers and they bought those homes 40 years ago for almost
nothing. - Until recently, those homes were now worth
millions, possibly 15 or 20 times more than their owners
purchased them for. - So you have to imagine, the city is
not able to collect the property taxes that they think they
should be collecting, and because of Proposition 13 in 1978, all their
property taxes have been frozen to the same amount as when
they bought the homes. - Therefore, the state's
not able to clean up on taxes, they're not making any money
off this arrangement.
Proposition 13 (officially named the People's Initiative to Limit Property Taxation) is an amendment of the Constitution of California enacted during 1978, by means of the initiative process, to cap property taxes and limit property reassessments to when the property changes ownership, and to require a 2/3 majority for tax increases in the state legislature.
Shadowy deal |
Some are going crazy now, saying that it's a giant conspiracy
and it was all done to take the land and rebuild the entire
city. - It's hard to think it goes that far but you have to
admit, it sure is suspicious and convenient as can be. -
And it's easy to see how someone could make trillions of
dollars off of this kind of deal.
Heavy hand on the world |
- One newspaper linked the Pacific Palisade's fire to New
Year's Eve fireworks, however, it's already been proven that
three fires started at the exact same time in three
communities; Malibu, Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica. - However,
they're doing this, and seemingly reworking the entire world,
and getting away with it.
Great Chicago Fire |
- We also know that the photos from the past show there
was a 'reset' of some kind in the 1860s in Europe. - All
through the 1800s leading up into the early 20th-century, the
U.S. was hit with some of the most incredible fires that we've
ever witnessed. - The Great Chicago Fire in 1871 occurred
that year on the same day as another major fire in both
Wisconsin (Peshtigo) and the Great Michigan Fire.
- We already know there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Fire in hand |
- These three fires in 1871 were so huge that people who
lived through them said it sounded like bombs were going off
which is the same thing that was reported during the LA
wildfire. - They also reported hurricane force winds, and
that the fire wasn't on the ground, it was up in the sky. -
We still don't know the reason that these 3 fires erupted on
the same day, at the same time, hundreds of miles apart. -
The entire city of Chicago burned down, there wasn't anything
left. - Then you look at the San Francisco fire in 1905 and
the buildings look like they were damaged from the outside,
like they were bombed.
Wooden shanties |
- There have been a lot of mysterious things happening
with fires and in 1850 there was another great fire in
Philadelphia that burned the entire city down. - There was
also a fire in Seattle that burned down all of Seattle. -
In both Seattle and San Franscisco, the cities were built by
poor people who came from the east looking for fortune, they
built wooden shanties. - But amazingly, boom, as soon as
the 'Boom' is over, big fires come through and conveniently
burn everything down.
Elite firepot |
- Soon after, the rich elites came in and they rebuilt San
Francisco, Seattle and Chicago into beautiful cities, in
fact, all the places where fires occurred were rebuilt. -
It is all very odd, nnd it is like a plan that they flush
everybody out when they're ready to redo the whole thing. -
They seem to use fires, earthquakes and floods.
World's Fair |
- The Chicago World's Fair in 1891 was held ostensibly to
show the world how awesome the rebuilt Chicago was. - They
rebuilt the whole place and put the fair there and 30 million
people showed up and they were showing it off like a new car.
- So everyone moved to Chicago after that and it was the 2nd
largest city in the U.S. for the next 100 years. -
Hindsight is 20/20 and so you can look back at these things
and recognize what is going on.
Fire from comets |
- Randall Carlson created an entire series on all the
strange fires and the questions is what is starting these
fires from above, and how could they occur the same day
hundreds of miles apart. - Carlson has coordinated these
fires with comets passing by and feels that it could be
shrapnel flung down and causing fires in different
locations. - Leonardo seemed to know all
about this. - Meteor showers are the Earth passing
through a comet's tail. - That's a natural explanation
for some of the unusual fires, however, the fires in
California have a 'high strangeness' vibe about them.
Flushing them out with microwave beams |
- The question remains, is someone 'remaking' the place
and that is not just California? - We also still have
questions about how this hurricane landed in the Appalachian
Mountains in North Carolina and Kentucky, like they're
flushing them out of another beautiful place. - Those
mountains would probably fit a million dollar mansion pretty
nicely. - The same thing is going on in states like
Colorado where the rich are taking over everything and a
small 3-bedroom home goes for $4.5 million to $6.0 million
Clearing the way |
- If the officials in LA replace everything with condos,
duplexes and apartments, they stand to make a lot more money
for the city coffers. - There are lists of 'cheap' land you
can purchase that are issued by all the states, and you can oftentimes get the land
for less if you build your house on the plot. - However,
some of the states have stipulations that you can only build
commercial or low-income housing to obtain the 'deal.'
Brush fire |
They're also making laws that you can't park an RV on your
plot while you're building a house to make it harder for many
to do so. - Many are sitting in houses they paid so little
for 40 years ago, if the house is appraised next year at $2
million, the homeowners won't be able to pay the taxes and
they'll get flushed out too. - Some even bought lower end
homes hoping they could avert this problem, but if they burn
you out that ruins your frugal plan. - They accomplish
all this with their banking system by creating inflation
which artificially devalues any past earnings and then they
skim all the wealth off the top.
Elite robbing |
- The elites are certainly not going to slash their budgets
or their paychecks for you but they will gladly steal from
you instead, and inflate everything by printing too many
dollars and overappraising their property and artwork, etc. - It's going to be huge crisis and the
powers that be don't want the Millennials or Gen Z to own
their homes, they want them living in apartments like in
China. - You'll own nothing, but you won't be happy,
because ownership is responsibility, if you don't own it,
you don't care about it and so you won't take care of it.
- The whole idea is just another form of Marxism with a
supposedly pretty face.
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy"
(alternatively "You'll own nothing and be happy") is a
phrase from 2018 predictions for 2030 published by the
World Economic Forum (WEF), cited as being based on input from members of the World Economic Forum Global Futures Councils, likely in turn based on a 2016 article in which Danish Social Democrat.
Elite winning |
- We're close to that hill now, where if we don't fight, we
lose everything. - Although, many are now beginning to wake
up and the country seems to be in a psychologically better
place than it has been in the last few years and there is an
uptick in optimism. - But now notice everyone stopped
talking about the drones and the fog although they are both
still there.
Drone lights |
- Except everyone thought we might get some answers this
time and the story has moved on. - The only thing we've
heard is some of the drones had lights but drone owners say
they aren't equipped with lights. - Recently there have
been scientific studies that show there may be 'plasma beings'
and a another study that claims airplanes should be worried
about hitting these plasma objects. - While recently
there's been another strange thing going on, lot's of airplane
crashes, one every three or four weeks. - On top of that,
it's more than drones, there's some type of plasma orbs taking
180 degree turns, something a drone can't do.
Plasma balls
or plasma leak? |
- Watch the NASA Space Shuttle Tether Experiment.
- Plasma is electricity and gas mixed together and you can
see it has a skin and the appearance is foggy and misty. -
The idea that the words mystical/mystic comes from human
interaction and possibly the 'Little Green Men' from Mars are
these highly intelligent plasma beings. - And remember that
Leonardo found the 'Little Green Men' in the flower.
Plasma interacting |
- When people get close to these plasma beings, they
report all kinds of strange things, missing time, altered
reality and odd experiences because your brain is plasma and
it's interacting with the plasma. - Also the idea that many
things we interact with such as ghosts or aliens may be these
plasma beings. - This is because we're moving into a higher
frequency, from the Kali Yuga to the Dvapara Yuga and so
emanations from the galatic center are increasing. -
Their will be signs and wonders in the heavens.
As these galatic emanations start to come in we're
going to see the veil between realities getting
thinner and thinner until we're finally going to be
interacting with these beings in very profound ways.
After the 'aliens' first started coming in the 1950s
they've always been really concerned about our
environment, our ecosystem and how we're ruining the
world. It makes sense because if they're living in our
atmosphere they're going to be concerned about what's
going on. Probably the blowing off of nuclear weapons
probably alerted them something was wrong.
(Jay Weidner,
A Clockworld Shining)
Atomic bomb |
- Robert Oppenheimer was a plasma physicist
so it's very possible that the first atomic bomb was a
plasma weapon. - In other words, they're crushing the atoms
to create so much plasma that it blows off and creates a huge
explosion and if these plasma beings are up in the atmosphere
they're going to see what's going on. - More than likely
they're scaring them and possibly even killing some of them.
And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
(Matthew 11:12)
Plasma secret fire |
- Nevertheless, all the exotic technology they're working
on today at places like Skunk Works, it's all plasma, it's the
4th type of nature, solids, liquid, gas and matter. - In
Alchemy, you have earth (solids), water (liquid), air (gas)
and fire (plasma). - Plasma is the secret fire in alchemy,
the fire that does not burn and what the Alchemists are doing
is using laboratory methods to literally create plasma and
then to communicate with the plasma which gives them
Dark light practices |
- If you study Alchemy it gives you longer
life and you live a long time, and that means absorbing plasma
into your body which there are various techniques, yoga,
qigong. - All kinds of techniques have been developed to
create the chi or the prana so you can radiate plasma, and the
more you can suck in this plasma, the healthier you are. -
There are also dark light practices you can increase the
plasma all around, it's the etheric body, the astral body.
- Something Tibetian monks have known about for a long time
and that is why Jesus spent 18 years in the East.
Invisible universe |
- It's the key to everything and it's an alchemical secret
that's now breaking loose. - The final secret that they
don't want us to find out about it, they want us to be sick
and depressed and not be able to see this invisible universe
that surrounds us. - Because you become happy and
optimistic about life and they don't want that, they want you
to be sad and terrified. - It's all about frequency, and
has nothing to do with religion. - You have to learn to
love everything and raise your frequency.
"Chi" and "Prana" are essentially the same concept, referring to the vital life force energy that flows through the body,
Glowing orb |
- Stephen Greer has been talking a lot about this and
many don't trust him but the science behind 'zero point energy'
works. - Right now, many think they will make lots of
money, but it has to be given away as free energy. - At the very least,
we now know why the president was standing by the plasma ball in
Saudi Arabia in 2017. - We'll have to wait and see what
this is really all about.
When President Donald Trump set his hands on a
glowing orb during his first foreign trip to Saudi
Arabia, social media lit up with science fiction
jokes. Social media users mused that the image, in
which Trump touches a globe with Saudi King Salman bin
Abdulaziz, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah
al-Sisi, resembled a scene where villains enact their
master plan.
Foggy bottom |
- They're also blending reality with movies, television
and media, like the series that just came out on Netflix about
fog. - Of course, they have to show us what they're doing,
even though they manage to hide everything, everyone will
think it's a 'conspiracy theory' or superstition.
Catastrophe time again |
- And really what has been happening for a long time is
one catastrophe will happen and everyone will talk about it
for awhile, no answers are ever found. - Then the next
catastrophe occurs, and the same scenario, no answers or
solutions, until the next catastrophe diverts everyone's
attention, on and on. - It's a never ending cycle of
lies, a revolving door of theories voiced by 'experts' along
with bad excuses and deleted documents, followed by
speculation and rigged investigations.
It's Superman! |
- We've next had answers or solutions for all kinds of
things like JFK and 9/11 and meanwhile, the government heroes
keep demanding more money to 'save us.' - You should have
seen them all lined up at the City Manager's door after 9/11
and they ended up making more than him. - Then they work on
taking away even more of your freedoms to keep you safe
because that will somehow fix everything they already broke.
Shifty shifting |
- It will also make their 'job' easier going forward
because now they have you even more wrapped up in their
oppresive fake 'laws' that none of us ever get to vote for,
they just seem to arrive on the scene all typed in and ready to
go. - Just like the elections are all rigged and many
wondering how the weasal Adam Shifty managed to get elected
because no one would ever vote for him, especially not in
Mind Control |
Brain sensors
- There are now brain sensors manufactured by a number of
niche companies that really have focused on mindfulness and
meditation and the use of brain sensors that can pick up
electrical activity in the brain at a fairly low resolution.
- However, advances in AI have both improved the signal
received from the brain and enabled the miniaturization of
those products. - As a lot of the major tech companies
start to invest in these brain sensors, it's a huge untapped
market with many ways of integrating them into everyday
devices such as earbuds, headphones, watches or the soft cups
around the ears.
Embedded trap |
- Many of these products are hitting the market in the
next couple of years such that people can listen to music or a
phone call through their earbuds. - But what they will be
capable of accomplishing is very high level brain state
reading; things like whether you're tired, or paying
attention, is your mind wandering, are you happy or sad. -
They will enable interaction such as up, down, left or right
for interfacing with other technologies. - They're also
being embedded into things like virtual reality headsets.

Musk energy vampire with Mona Lisa over 500
years ago |
- Musk is the AI agenda frontman. - The ultimate mind
control is to connect the human brain to artificial
intelligence. - Some of the more recent patents include
'Modified Polynucleotides for the production of secreted
proteins.' - It includes a cationic lipid, a neutral lipid,
a cholesterol lipid, and a PEG lipid and what they're calling
lipids actually host cationic charges, or positive
electromagnetic fields.
Glowing |
- On the
topic of synthetic biology and what they are doing with
humanity, studies show that there is a biological ID system
that has already been deployed. - There is growing evidence
of people who under UV light appear to have glowing lights
under the skin. - There are some very insane things that
people have been finding under the microscope and also the
evolution of what they're finding and it's becoming so
mainstream even doctors are looking at the phenomenon which
appears in the form of fluorescent filaments.
Synthetic biology refers to a set of concepts, approaches, and tools within biotechnology that enable the modification or creation of biological organisms.
Sun god |
- Aton was the sun god in Egypt and the
Jews called that the Tetragrammaton and they consider that as
the name of god in its most holiest form. - But what they
are calling god, is YHWH, because Aton is Adon or Adonai is
not the true deity. - The Jews also claim you can't use his
real name because the name of god is Aton and Tetragrammaton
is Tetragramm-ATON.

Sun symbol Enki |
- Every synagogue you will ever visit
no matter where it is in the world, you will always see god's
name inside a sun symbol. - The rabbis claimed the Jews
were not monotheistic, but henotheistic which means choosing
one god from a group of several.
An ancient Semitic religion of the Iron Age, Yahwism
was essentially polytheistic and had a pantheon, with
various gods and goddesses being worshipped by the
Israelites. At the head of this pantheon was Yahweh, held in an especially high regard as the two Israelite kingdoms' national god.
Just ignore it |
- Sometimes we get a lot of information
and it's too much, so we think it's too absurd, too crazy,
there's no way, we must be missing something. - Because all
the important, normal people look at us with straight faces
and say there's nothing going on. - Except you don't have
that excuse anymore because they're actually admitting to us
that they didn't go to the moon. - Plus they're telling you
there's aliens, which you know is probably a lie because
everything they tell you is a lie.
Elephant view |
- Meanwhile, they're blatantly showing
you CGI photos of Earth and the stars and lying, but they're
being exposed. - It cannot be accidental that all of a
sudden whole cities are being burned and melted to the ground,
where the trees are still standing. - There's scientific
evidence everywhere from doctors, scientists and people who
are speaking out about how there's something in the air,
something in the soil.
Peppered chili with red dye |
- There's something in our food,
it's poisoning us.
Mind reading |
- They're reading our minds because AI
doesn't exist except for our subconscious mind. - They have
created some way to use our minds or get on that wavelength
and to use our minds as some kind of subconscious computer
processor. - Why are they doing this because it seems like
they are frantic and they're trying to destroy all the
evidence. - Each time they reset, they want you to believe
that they're gods and they will give you all these amazing
Building government |
- Much like the children of Enoch from Cain's lineage who
built a city and all his children started inventing things,
creating tools and building cities. - Music itself could be
a good thing but it could be used as a propaganda tool or to
achieve vibrational changes. - So they were starting from
the very beginning, they were seeking power and government
began to expand where they could control us.
Government destruction |
- We know that
Christ came and said 'Your hour is almost up, I'm coming
again.' - And you'd better be good and love one another
because this is a test. - Look around, make sure that you pass
this test, you must receive the love of the truth, not just
the truth that you might be saved. - If not, then you'll
get the strong delusion which is the government, and all the
nonsense. - The higher your frequency rises, the more
nonsense you notice.
Turn over bricks |
- If you look at photos of these old buildings,
you realize there have been civilizations that have come and
gone, and they want you to think they're 'God' and for you to forget who
you are, and where you've been and that you are more powerful
than them. - They don't want you to know
anything about Jesus, look underneath that brick, what is
underneath there, who made all this?
The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
(Romans 13:11)
Burning men |
- Just like they went through the
Crystal Palace reset, we went through World War I and
everything was burned down and we started over. - And there
were all the plagues but these are just memories, but memories
of what? - They've got to keep us in this great big lie,
telling us that they know about science. - It keeps us in a
bubble of ignorance so that we think we're in a vast infinite
space where there is no deity. - Just an utter vacumn of
nothing and there's aliens coming.
Zorro arrives
or was it the Grim Reaper? |
- But it's all propaganda and lies.
- Meanwhile they are definitively taking our souls, our minds
and our hearts. - Creating a prison that we will not be
able to escape from. - We must not allow them to take our
minds and souls or our children's minds and souls. - We
must wake up and realize that they are liars and they are evil
and the people that we think are going to make America great
again, they're not.
Political affiliation |
- That's not what they're there for,
it's a great big deception and they're all in it together, it
doesn't matter what their political affiliation is. - We
haven't heard anything more about Epstein, but we sure did see
the photos of him with the president, but we're just
going to let that slide. - We're going to make America
great again after killing thousands of people in Ukraine, Gaza
and Syria, but nobody cares. - Everyone is going to hope he
does everything at 'warp speed' and it's going to help us, but
you know that's not what it means.
Flaming |
- What are the fires, what is the fog,
what is the ice, what is the global warming? - Why is it we
suddenly have drones in the air and now we have fog
everywhere? - People are sick and houses are burning down
and we've got these people going on popular male talk shows
and they are Hollywood stars.
Chose not to help |
- But we can't trust any of them, even if they seem like
such a nice guy. - The picture that tells all is the three
main billionaires who had the opportunity to help end world
hunger and homelessness, and chose not to. - Who all made
their money on money you gave to DARPA.
Not our saviors or our friends |
- These people are not our saviors or
our friends and they need to stop playing in our lives and go
somewhere else. - But more importantly, we don't need to be
letting them do it, we can't let them steal our mind. - We
must stand on the right side of this precipice where we've
arrived in history and it's going to mean everything for our
future, for our families, our nation, and our world. - And
knowing that only a few are ready to move on to a world of
Dove flight |
- We've got to prepare, but not only that, we have to let
everyone know that Jesus is coming soon. - We've had all
this information for a long time, but we're where we need to
realize fully and completely that this isn't some game, we're
not in some kind of nightmare. - We're wide awake and this
is what's happening around us, and no, you're not going crazy
and you're not mentally ill.
Rose |
- You don't need their chemicals but instead we need to
pray, and seek the Lord and he will help us and guide us. -
We need to tell everybody what we're seeing and to make sure
that we understand what we're seeing and pray about it, get
your testimony and prepare for things that are about to
One spot pulsar |
- The Book of Thoughts goes on because
we have to get everything in one spot. - It's all fractured
and split all over the place and it's hard to put all the
pieces together and see the big picture. - Nobody
understands anything but they believe everything and nothing
at the same time. - A simple search will give you all you
need, but everyone wants to ignore it, it's too scattered and
fractured, overwhelming.
Rapture |
Everyone is used to short soundbytes now, they don't want the
whole story, they don't want to talk to God themselves, they
want Moses to talk to him for them. - But we have to put
everything together to learn how it all fits together as the
One, and how everything is evidently connected. - And it's
not happy or comfortable but it's there right in front of us.