- Oil on poplar.
- Bernardino Luini (1480-1532), an Italian Milanese painter, was a student of Leonardo DaVinci and his
paintings are often confused with DaVinci as their styles were so
similar. - Long thought to be Leonardo's work (and still not
convinced it isn't his work). - A study of the subject was
painted in oil by DaVinci. - The doctor's
are shown in the shadows and the one on the left is angry and the
one on the right is the judge.
This Northern Baroque painting depicts the only biblical account of Christ's youth, that of the Christ Child with the doctors or scholars in Solomon's Temple. The scripture recounts a journey that twelve-year-old Christ and his parents made to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover.
White star |
- Vel-meen and Velli both mean Venus in Tamil. - White star =
intermediate space + fish or vel(i) + fish. -
Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary
The word meen designates both fish and star in most Dravidian languages. Suggests the heavenly bodies were conceived of as fish swimming in the ocean of heaven, representing gods.
Springtime |
- Every year in the spring, Jesus' parents, Joseph and Mary, would visit
Jerusalem to attend the Festival of the Passover. - When Jesus was
12 years old, they went up to the festival, according to their
normal tradition.
After the festival was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it.
(Luke 2:42)
Traveled far from
Jerusalem |
- Thinking Jesus was in their company, Joseph and Mary traveled
toward their home for a full day before they realized that he was
not with them. - Then they looked for him among their relatives and friends.
- When they did not find him, in a worried state, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him.
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.
(Luke 2:46-47)
Jesus Christ as a
teen |
- When Joseph and Mary found him in the temple with
the doctors, they were astonished. - Jesus spent three days and
nights conversing with the chief priests, scribes and the elders.
His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us
like this? Your father and I have been anxiously
searching for you.”
(Luke 2:48)
Mary and Joseph in
despair |
- This surprised Jesus because he lost track of time
and had no idea he upset Joseph and Mary and they were looking for
Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?
(Luke 2:49)
Ears to hear |
- But Joseph and Mary did not understand what Jesus was saying to them.
- Because they didn't understand that his Father's house was in
his brain, his deep inner knowing.
- Then Jesus went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to
But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
(Luke 2:51-52)
Authority |
- Really, if you look
at everything going on today in our world, it's no
surprise that as a 12-year-old, Jesus knew more than all of chief
scribes and elders.
"By what authority are you doing these things?" they asked. "And who gave you this authority?" Jesus replied, "I will also ask you one question. If you answer me, I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things.
(Mark 11:28)
Jesus gifted |
- The chief priests, scribes and elders didn't understand Jesus
because they believed that John the Baptist was the Messiah and when
he died, and Jesus showed up and was clearly very gifted, that left
them confused. - That is why they kept asking from whose
authority he came, that was their way of saying 'who are you?' - Plus, all the prophets in those days knew
the Messiah was returning, that is why the Magi showed up at
Christ's birth, so the elders were often confused and questioning if
Jesus was the one.
A strange picture indeed is this ‘Christ
among the Doctors’. It has something of the strange
experiences in depiction of Leonardo. An almost
effeminate, very young Jesus is shown in the midst of
the Doctors. Jesus is arguing and counting off the
arguments on the fingers of his left hand. He holds
two fingers up as if to count one and two. He touches
with a finger of the other hand the second argument.
Jesus is very calm, melancholic, amiable and somewhat
sad at the lack of comprehension.
Buddha flame |
- Starseed and generational curse breaker and chosen one.
- As a young man,
Jesus Christ spent time in Tibet and India as a Buddhist Monk where he learned
about meditation, energy healing and reincarnation, among many other things.
- Later, he was appointed High Priest of the Melchizedek priesthood.
Jesus continues to talk in parables to the priests and he prophesied the fall of Jerusalem. These long discussions and preachings of Jesus precede the Passion of Jesus. In the Gospels the scene of Jesus before the doctors of the temple is the occasion for a major series of teachings before the events of the final act. The Pharisees and Sadducees have to act and to destroy Jesus, they call for the Crucifixion from now on.

Shamanic star |
- Jesus was not a Christian, that didn't even exist
during his life, he was a Gnostic from the Essenes. - If he were alive today, he
still wouldn't be a Christian because they don't teach his beliefs
but exploited them instead.
- Jesus didn't come here to teach about the lies of religion, he
came to help us raise our consciousness and to find a more
spiritual, healing path.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)

YHWH follower |
- The Judaic YHWH followers didn't
approve of Jesus and they removed him from view and steered the
population back to the law and separated science and spirituality.
He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.
(Malachi 4:6)

Magdalene hammer and
nail |
- Jesus will return at end of days and establish his own church
and it will be very different than current day churches. - It will be
home centered, run by the woman, and focused on spirituality, raising
the consciousness and healing.
Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. (Matthew 18:19-20)
Christian story |
- The Christian story was told as a literal point of view
(like a fairytale)
to most Christians so they didn't understand it. - None of the
Bible verses made any sense so everyone clung to different ideas and
interpretations. - Most of the interpretations came from the
point of view of the many varied churches that exist now. - The stories we were told were completely
unbelievable and way too magical to be real, because they were told
in such a literal form instead of the true esoteric meaning.
When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that
kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the
middle of one! (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Man servant |
- The most common Dravidian word for man also means servant. - Man servant =
man or al/an. -
Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary.
The sign occurs in priestly titles paralleling Mesopotamian titles 'Man/Servant (of the god X)'.
Church goer sitting
in dark |
- Christians placed all their trust in the churches and believed
the church was their redemption. - The church leaders groomed
their parishers to believe they knew so much more than everyone,
plus that everything spiritual is so complicated that you need them
as the middle man and you can't communicate with the Most High
yourself. - Women were completely removed from everything in the
church (except the hard work, school teaching and nursing). - The
Protestant churches all came from the same church if you really
think they're different, they're not.
If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, Cheshire Cat)
Knowledge hidden |
- As time passed, the people grew more and more ignorant
and they gave away their power to the leaders in the church,
assuming that they were taking care of their problems with the Most
High. - On top of that, we didn't
even have the full story
because a lot of the true meaning of the Bible is supposed to be revealed
at the
end of days.
But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many will run back and forth, and knowledge will be increased. (Daniel 12:4)
Reincarnation hidden |
- What's even worse, so many religions have outright
lied to us, they burned all the books, hid everything, and didn't
even teach us about reincarnation. - A coat of many colors. - How differently would some
live if they understood karma and how that works with reincarnation.
For all the prophets and the law prophesied
until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is
the Elijah who was to come. (Matthew 11:13-14)
Stealing your power |
- The churches invented their own laws, like confession,
why not confess to the real God and not some guy who could
potentially blackmail you with your own information. - Much of the wealth in the world has been directed to these
outfits and then ask why there are so many hungry and homeless.
I could hardly afford to lose my head. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Fatima secret was
hidden |
- The three secrets spoken by Virgin Mary to the shepherd children in
Portugal were never fully revealed, that has all been hidden from us. -
And the worst part is that the powers that be have always known this
secret since the beginning of time. - The secret that the church era (fish) goes away when
the Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius (water pitcher), balance and justice,
begins. - It's
not just a Catholic issue like many believe, it involves all
churches on Earth.
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)
King of Kings hidden |
- In case you haven't noticed, the Bible is all about
astrology and astrology guides our reincarnated lives. - Each of
us moves through all 12 houses of the astrological chart as we
reincarnate and learn lessons. - Each astrological sign teaches
different lessons and has unique skills and talents as well as
strengths and weaknesses. - Everything the archons are doing to us goes
against cosmic law and natural law but they believe they're above it
all (or that they're somehow so brilliant they'll never get caught).
So that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky. (Philippians 2:15)
False Francis
laying on top of
state |
- What happens when the age of the church ends, the Pope goes
away, his job is done, time's up. - But he refuses to leave
because he knows if he does he will face judgment (and lose a lot of
money). - What is the prophecy of St. Malachy? - That's what
'Year 2012' and the Mayan calendar was all about, the end of the
age, but this one happens to be very special because it's also the
end of a Great Year (all 12 houses).
In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know. (John
and hidden |
- That is the main reason the Western church leaders
didn't want anyone looking at astrology and told you it was evil,
because if you studied astrology, you would know about Aquarius.
- Each astrological era lasts approximately 2,160 years, so
definitely, the church leaders knew that Age of Pisces would someday
come to an end. - From this, you would also figure out right away why YHWH
hated the bull (Age of Taurus).
Since each sign of the zodiac is composed of 30 degrees, each astrological age might be thought to last about 72 (years) × 30 (degrees) = about 2160 years. (Wikipedia)
Spirit hidden |
- Jesus told us to test the
spirits because he knew that they talk to us and some are a good
influence, while others are bad. - No doubt, the powers are
warring over this now because many of them will be kicked to
the curb for the lies they told about Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdalene (who they turned into a prostitute).
Twisted |
- The church
leaders twisted the words in the Bible and told us not to talk to
any spirits and that they're all evil, by twisting the word daemon,
which is an angel, into something demonic. - Some daemons are
good, and others are bad. - Some spirits you
can't see, others are walking around in human bodies (such as you),
not all are good.
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. (1
John 4)
Magician hidden |
- Jesus was a magician and there are many examples of divination
and such in the Bible. - He was a shapeshifter and could appear
to people the way they liked to see him but he used his mystical
skills always for the good.
You may have noticed, I’m not all there myself. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Dream interpretation |
- The church leaders want you to think
it's all evil, but it's not. - For example, Joseph in Egypt was
able to interpret dreams and the Witch of Endor could channel
spirits in the afterlife (different dimension or density). -
Jesus had spiritual healing abilities.
And Pharaoh awoke, and behold, it was a dream. So in the morning his spirit was troubled, and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all its wise men. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was none who could interpret them to Pharaoh. (Genesis 41:7-8)
Science story |
- We are indoctrinated into our religion at birth, and
scantly learn anything, then
we enter kindergarten and our world view is steered over to the
science story. - Especially in the Western cultures you're
trained from an early age that we are just 'matter' and don't
For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24)
Manipulated weather |
- We see ourselves turned into slaves, and our constant
worry about being broke, laid-off, sick, locked up and ignored. -
Then we die and pass into non-existence and that's it. - This is
the dismal world view drilled into Western culture run by
'scientists' who worship Einstein and his disproven theories, then
ignore Tesla who wanted to give us free energy.
We are all victims in-waiting. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)

Cash register |
- J.P. Morgan didn't like Tesla because he couldn't put a
cash register on free energy, so he destroyed him instead. - We
still don't know what the crime ridden investigators did with all
Tesla's documents, the last we heard, some guy named Trump had them.
Mandela effects |
- Any attempt at bringing spirituality into the
science story is shut down; and a new story is created
for every generation. - This is because every generation becomes
aware of lies and tricks played on prior generations and wakes up a
little more. - They story keeps
morphing and changing and it's now called the Mandela effect.
Actually, I am right on time. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Looking back at
lessons learned |
- Society has been deceived that slavery has ended but
that is far from the truth; every generation is more 'activated' and
aware than older generations. - That is because when we reincarnate we
subconsciously bring lessons learned in past life into our current
life knowledge bank.
I’m stranger. You’re stranger. Together, we are… strangers. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Secure wheat field |
- Everything you ever said or did or learned is stored in
the Akashic records for your retrieval. - You have your own
database records that are not for anyone else but you. -
Just so you know,
woman is more impressed by what she hears, and a man by what he
He who has ears to hear, let him hear. (Matthew 11:15)
Bones |
- Strange things happen with bones in the science story.
- Sometimes they all seem to be missing, especially from national
museums. - Other times the archaeologists are trying to glue them
all together so they somehow fit, in order to advance their story
and name something after themselves.
- Then there is the problem with Darwin's missing bones, they never
showed up.
And he said, Let him alone; let no man move his bones. So they let his bones alone, with the bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria. (2 Kings 23:18)
mountain |
- Mudfossils has discovered many interesting things
like fossilized body parts of huge size and proportion laying around
everywhere, and body part shaped meteorites. - Until recently, there was a strange
phenomenon where
bones were uncovered everywhere in the world except North America,
but that has changed.
If you’re gonna make it to the top, get a grip on
this rock, and get a grip on yourself. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Lab work |
- The Western view of the world is very shallow, it's all
been removed. - Einstein's Theory of Relativity has been
disproven by a Nobel Peace prize winner, and the scientists don't even seem to notice. - We're
trained to ignore religion and anything spiritual, especially where
science is concerned.
How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downwards! The antipathies, I think—. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, Alice)

Robotic world view |
- Everything's been hijacked and now the archons
want to turn us all into transhumans and replace us with robots.
- They all want to go to Mars, but we haven't even been to the
bottom of Lake Ontario yet. - So much of our science is wrong
because of Einstein in physics and Darwin in biology, among others, we need to
start over.
Who in the world am I?’ Ah, that's the great puzzle! (Lewis Carroll, Alice in

Fake money |
- How stupid could we be, look what the powers that be
have done with our money. - Well, it's not money, it's paper, and
they indebt you with it and then repossess hard assets when they
foreclose on you after they lay you off. - Now they're planning
on getting rid of the paper and deleting your bank password. -
And the rich keep getting richer and richer, or so they think. -
Not realizing how their greed does them in.
Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “ 'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a den of robbers.' (Matthew

Hotair balloon |
- It's outright theft and the fact they got rid of the
gold standard is the biggest crime, next to the inflation they
purposely design so they can scrape your wealth off the top. -
Largely instigated by Congress who works on their vastly expanding
budget constantly, hand-in-hand with the Treasury to print more
bills and inflate everything. - Rarely, if ever, approved by the

Onion layers |
- Plus, you have to wonder what they plan on doing
when BRICS takes over the world, move? Probably. - However, the
BRICS nations did give the USA the opportunity to join but it turned
into a power struggle like all the irritating things going on in the
world that shouldn't occur. - It just goes
on, they own everything, you own nothing, the greedy soulless thugs
won't have it any other way. - However, they did manage to get
everyone to laugh and scoff at Ron Paul.
In the American political lexicon, 'change' always means more of the same: more government, more looting of Americans, more inflation, more police-state measures, more unnecessary war, and more centralization of power. (Ron
Paul, former Senator and Congressman)
Food substitutes |
- We have no idea what our food is even made out of
anymore, or what's been done to it. - There are many government
restrictions and guidelines that appear completely irrelevant when
you look at the junk on the grocery store shelves now. - Every row in the
grocery store had sugar added to it, you can't escape it.
communication |
- We're overmedicated
with chemicals no one understands, and then we arrest people for
inhaling herbs. - The most addictive drug in the world, nicotine,
is legal though, and doctors pass out mind-altering drugs like candy.
- Most of the flavoring in food now is synthetic.
I do wish I hadn’t drunk quite so much! (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, Alice)
Watch the water |
- Our land is saturated with microplastics and
the water is full of hormones from birth-control pills. - Every
municipality wants to add fluoride to your water so they can calcify
your pinal gland and dumb you down so they can control you easier. - The dental association made
huge sums of money adding fluoride to your toothpaste. - Now
the government is getting ready to put fluoride in bottled water but
they have never proven that it does anything but cause harm.
Drink water out of your own cistern, running water out of your own well. (Proverbs 5:15)
Flushing |
- Plus, the most abundant resource in the world that
should be free for our use, water, costs an arm and a leg. -
Recently we've been learning about man-made canal systems and
adjustments to river flow has caused many detrimental consquences to the
natural environment, in fact, turning large areas into desert like
what is happening in India. - Over-engineered apparently because
everyone ignored the master engineer.
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:26-27)
Fly on the wall |
- The police state goons are all having budget problems (again) and need all
of your paycheck to spy on you and keep track of everything you do.
- They want to nip you in the bud before you ever commit any crime.
- And then there is their cash cow, victimless crime.
- Now they are working with private parcel delivery services to take photos
of your home and your car. - Fires set by firefighters a long-standing problem, experts say.
Police state already
encroached |
- We already have mass government funding for
Silicon Valley who now runs your entire life, it's all in the
cloud. - You know,
the thugs who wrote all the computer viruses to harass you and then
charged you for the virus detector. - And we all know that the
browser is really DARPA and that any database analyst or programmer
can look at all your health and banking transactions anytime they
Screwed over |
- We live in a controlled system and nothing that's going
on will turn it into MAGA because it's all broken, and it appears
everything that's occurred the past 2,000 years is the same way.
- That's because the foundation is broken;
everything needs to be burned down (spiritually) so we can start
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, 'The old is better. (Luke 5:37-39)
Modern student |
- Education, now that's a dismal topic. - All our
science is wrong apparently and our history is all fake and we can't
talk about spiritually in school, period. - Nobody
knows how to do math anymore so they stopped teaching it along with
penmanship. - Everyone is more concerned with rewriting the
English language to accomodate transgenders than actually learning
about the English language.
Speak English! I don’t know the meaning of half those long words, and, what’s more, I don’t believe you do either! (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Eaglet)
Modern school |
- You can now go to high school and take your
college classes so why do we even need colleges? - Plus, how can
anyone have a GPA higher than 4.00 it's just ludicrous it's so
ridiculous. - The modern educational system had turned into
quite an expensive empire. - We've all heard about student loans.
I think you might do something better with the time,′ she said, `than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, Alice)
Veins |
- The medical industry is so screwed up it's not even
worth talking about. - They're more concerned with transgender
operations on underage children and installing fake boobs and botox
than anything. -
Plus they want to make herbs illegal. - The AMA created abortion
after they fired the midwife who took care of women's needs since
the beginning of everything.
Smile you're on
candid camera
everywhere |
- We shouldn't need healthcare insurance, and we don't
need the majority of what they now call overpriced 'health care.'
- What we need to do is take care of ourselves, eat right, sleep
right, love ourselves and the need for a doctor goes away; this is
what Christ taught. - We need naturopathic doctors who are into
self-care, energy healing, mental adjustments, herbs, etc.
Atlantis falling |
- Atlantis fell for the very same reasons that are
destroying our world now. - Pollution, greed and exploited
resources. - Their world was destroyed because of the force of
the universe cleansing and balancing everything to a natural state.
Waking up |
- Each generation makes strides in the awakening. - Looking at
things from a higher perspective and with tools such as the
internet, it becomes so much easier to see everything. - But
also, easier to get overwhelmed and confused until you learn to
listen to your inner voice, your intuition. - Your spirit team
is always talking to you.
If you knew Time as well as I do... you wouldn’t talk about wasting it. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Mad Hatter)
Patch on bullet
riddled ear |
- With all this information on the internet now, and
generations of printed material, it's easier to learn about history,
culture, religion and mythology. - Everyone is finally figuring
out we've been lied to and everything's inverted.
Sketchy politicians |
- There is another part of the story though, it's called
you. - The good Lord sees you sitting around, agreeing with or
ignoring all
these outright crimes against our humanity and doing nothing. -
In fact, voting it into office and choosing sides. - Thinking
it's not your problem, someone else will take care of it, or you're
not going to be around much longer so why get involved.
Scorpions |
- Except the Lord is watching, and the universe is
watching and they both see you sitting around agreeing with all this
crime directed at you and they assume that you're happy with it.
- So they dish out more, that is how a society manages to slip from
the Golden Age to the Iron Age and it's not good thing.
Tree of Life |
- We learned very early that the Tree of Life in the
Garden of Eden was a tree we should never eat from. - Adam and
Eve ate from the tree and were expelled from the garden so they
could not eat from the other tree called the Tree of Knowledge.
“If there’s no meaning in it,” said the King, “that saves a world of trouble, you know, as we needn’t try to find any.”(Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The King of Hearts)
Cherubim |
Once that happened, Adam and Eve couldn't obtain the knowledge they
needed to ascend to a higher dimension (density). -
Angels were placed at the entrance with swords so that Adam and Eve could never
enter paradise again.

Flattened by an
apple |
- Adam and Eve fell from a higher dimension into
a lower dimension (frequency) and were now flawed mortals and not
worthy of life. - They were cursed and that was the beginning of good and evil
in the Western world.
Keep me as the apple of your eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings. (Psalms 17:8)
Dust devil veil |
- This is the part of the Bible that everyone gets wrong.
- The God in the Old Testament is YHWH, the God of Israel, the lower
ego, a lesser god. - He is Theseus, son of Zeus, also known as the Demiurge
(government), Sophia's abortion, all rolled into one, not
necessarily intending to be evil, sometimes using proper control,
mostly not. - He's all about un-natural law.
“I don’t like the look of it at all,” said the King: “however, it may kiss my hand, if it likes.” (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The King of Hearts)
Beast |
- It's all in
the balance and with the feminine energy removed from both science
and spirituality, the Demiurge (lower ego) is a beast running wild
hurting everything.
No, no!” said the Queen. “Sentence first—verdict afterwards. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Queen of Hearts)
YHWH storm god |
- YHWH didn't want Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Life
because then they would know everything he did, both good and evil.
- Which would make Adam and Eve as powerful as him so he banished them to a
lower dimension (3D) and put them behind a veil and changed their
DNA to give them meat suits. - This all went against cosmic law
and was not what the Most High wanted. - The serpent
didn't lie at all, he told them the complete truth.
“You will certainly not die,” the serpent said to the woman. “God knows that when you eat fruit from that tree, you will know things you have never known before. Like God, you will be able to tell the difference between good and evil.” (Genesis
Generational split |
- This is the same story as the Greek mythology, the
older, more powerful generation wanted to eliminate the younger
generation because they realized they would eventually take their
place. - The exact reason the Greek Olympians destroyed their
parents, the Titans, and Cronus ate six of his children, and later,
Zeus went after Cronus.
Sumerian |
- When you arrive here you begin to figure out that there
were many generations and cultures that came before Christianity and
Western religion and philosophy. - The Sumerians had the earliest known writings as long
ago as 2500 BC which was 2,500 years before Christ's birth. -
It's easy to see representations of the Garden of Eden story in the
ancient Sumerian works, long before the Bible existed.
Snake story |
- The most amazing part is from there you discover that
the serpent is a representation of Kundalini energy that flows
through all our bodies when we raise our consciousness. - From
there you quickly figure out that the Western religions have lied to
you; they had you believing their fairytale about a snake slithering up
the tree and blaming you for being a shameful sinner. - Plus,
accusing females of being
the worst sinners of all; even though it was a patriarchal society
that excluded women from virtually everything.
Feminine duality |
- The Most High did know that the masculine is objective
and the feminine is subjective and therefore she would test him
where the male wouldn't. - And that her creativity and
imagination and freedom might cause him trouble. - Odd numbers
are masculine, even numbers are feminine because they represent
duality (on or off).
(Extremely Low
Frequency) story |
- No wonder the Bible story seemed like such a
fairytale. - Which leads you to ask the question if the church
leaders even
knew they were telling a lie, until you realize they have all the
hidden information locked up in the Vatican.
No one does [play fair] if they think they can get away with it. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
World apple |
- Not only did the Sumerians known about the Kundalini
serpent, they also knew about the Tree of Life. - The Sumerians also had both male and female represented as
Diving Beings, god and goddess. - The male on the left and the
female on the right of the tree, showing the Divine masculine and feminine. - Amazingly,
the apple was represented as something the Sumerians should partake
in for enlightenment, totally opposite the story we've been fed.
Temple in India |
- The Sumerians knew that the apple represented higher levels of consciousness and
it was never forbidden, only in the West. - The continent of Asia
is filled with ancient Eastern mysticism in places like India and
China and a myriad of other nations. - With many polytheistic
(many gods) religions such as Hinduism, Taoim and Buddhism.
Little fish |
Then we discover that the oral tradition of Greek myths is older than the Hebrew Bible. - The Greek word for gods is theoi, literally meaning
'placers' and their gods are deified human ancestors who put their
man-centered religion in place. - This is the same thing that happened in Babylon, and
later in Rome, when man turned his attention from source and started
worshiping and idolizing earth-based gods, the lower
religion |
- With further discovery, we learn that the oldest
Judaic teachings were Shamanic mystic traditions. - Both male and
female were represented and females were highly regarded and
powerful. - It wasn't until much later on, when YHWH arrived on
the scene that females were moved underground and replaced with a
patriarchal monotheistic (one male god) religion. - The Virgin
Mary statue is just a shadow of herself and she's not allowed to
talk or preach.
Barn Ash |
- YHWH divorced his wife Asherah and abandoned her; he left her homeless then he smeared her name.
- He wanted to keep her in the lower dimension so she would never
figure out what he was doing and he accomplished this by calling her
a harlot and prostitute and using shaming and shunning tactics. -
He also removed her name everywhere and turned her into a demon and
blamed almost all the problems in the world on her. - "Were you born in a barn?" meaning, it's cold close the door, to keep the heat
(power) in.
Right brain and
heart connection |
- Female represented the Divine feminine consciousness,
the right side of the brain and heart connection. - The female artistic,
connected to nature and the cosmos, and intuition, always testing; while the male
represented the Divine masculine logical, rational, judgmental side
of the brain. - Vagus nerves, which run up either side of the neck, connect the brain with some of our internal organs, including the heart.
- The heart emits a powerful magnetic field and is our soul connection
to the higher consciousness.
Right free: intuitive creative,
visual colors, non-verbal, imaginative, emotional,
holistic, divergent, subjective, random, simultaneous,
adventuresome, spatial analogue, sensory concrete,
big picture, synthetic relational, left-hand
Left directed: logical rational,
factual words, verbal, propositional, rational,
linear, convergent, objective, sequential, successive,
cautious, digital, abstract symbolic, parts detail,
analytic, right-hand control.
Lips |
- The right side dreams things up and feels
everything, and the left side engineers and builds the dreams. - When the female was removed we lost this
important connection. -
You can't have one without the other and you wonder why everything's
so messed up now.
For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them. (Matthew 13:15)
Shamanism |
- Shamanism is the oldest documented spiritual belief system, dating back
to 38,000 BC. - The ancients realized the importance of the
heart-brain connection and intuition, and that both male and female
were essential to a balanced body and society.
Stimulents |
- Some of them
attained higher conciousness through the use of ritualistic
routines like dancing and chanting, others used drugs and stimulents such as the Native Americans who used
Peyote. - They also knew how to connect to their spiritual team
located inside the temple in their body and kept in close contact
with their higher self. - The Most High enforces spiritual law,
not man-made law.
Universal higher
consciousness |
- Every single one of us was born from universal higher
consciousness, the One, that's who we are, the light. - The
ancients knew this, and the Eastern religions and philosophies knew
this, however, that knowledge was not taught in the Western
culture. - We have a veil over us so that we can't see everything
that is really going on, and breaking through that veil is the way
you obtain a higher conciousness.
Mystery schools |
- Every civilization must learn how to raise the veil to
obtain higher consciousness and discover how powerful we
really are. - This enables each human to master the skills to
ascend to eternal life, in other words, no more reincarnation. - Throughout the ancient world there were Mystery
Schools that were structured so that everyone experienced the
universal life energy that we came from. - There were many levels
of mysteries in the ancient schools; some were focused on the
realization that there is no death and we are all eternal, others
delved into even deeper levels.
Frequencies |
- The ancients knew about the elementals; water, air, fire
and earth. - They also knew how to create sacred spaces using
electromagnetic energy, water, stone, metal and frequencies. -
Additionally, they knew about aligning with the earth's energy using
ley lines as well as alignment with certain star systems.
Sonic Quantum
Collision |
- With
the discovery of quantum physics we are beginning to understand how
our entire universe is frequency, and there is no such thing as
matter, just energy. - Ascending to a higher consciousness means
raising your frequency by looking at things with hope and optimism.
Pyramid energy |
- Egyptian pyramids were sacred temples that acted as filters where
you could be transformed by experiencing different frequencies
throughout the body.
- The pyramids were carefully engineered so that
they would ignite the energy fields, and there would be no doubt when
attained a higher level of consciousness.
Mayan |
- We were led to
believe that pyramids only existed in Egypt, but now they have been
discovered all over the world and can be found in the Americas, the
Mid-East and China. - There are over 1,000 pyramids in the world
and the majority are located in the Americas while 100 are in Egypt.
Star searcher |
- The pyramids were not only temples, but also
observatories for studying the stars. - Ancient Megalithic
cultures did not separate the mystical spiritual from science like
we do today. - They were also very good at geometry and used it
to build structures where people could worship, meditate and
experience the rhythms and frequencies of the cosmos. - The human
body is a mediator between the Earth's energies and the cosmos and
the pyramids were used to teach us to live in harmony with the
rhythms of the universe.
Lost culture |
- Now we are discovering even more ancient civilizations
than Egypt and their engineering was even more beautiful than the
Egyptians. - The Egyptians developed a sacred science and many
wonder if they discovered it themselves, or whether it was their
heritage, which leads to the question of whether they came from
another culture that no longer existed.
Island destroyed |
- The Temple of Edfu in Southern Egypt has hieroglyphs
that show the history of how the Egyptians came from an island that
had been destroyed. - Survivors brought the knowledge with them
that allowed them to build the Egyptian civilization.
I’m older than you, and must know better. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, Alice)
Natural law |
- The Egyptians knew
all the principles of the natural laws and the laws of creation, but
they didn't teach that, they kept it secret. - Everything they
built was a manifestation of that secret sacred science, and each
pyramid they built was like a more advanced chapter.
The proper order of things is often a mystery to me. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Pyramid chapters |
- Each temple was built in such a way that as soon as you
entered, you understood that chapter through illumination and an
experience of knowing. - Through all the temples came every
chapter, the complete mystical illumination of that sacred science.
- However, so many Egyptologists couldn't see this because they
were trained to only use the left brain and they couldn't see the
sacred science.
Only a few find the way, some don’t recognize it
when they do – some… don’t ever want to. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Quantum physics |
- Unfortunately, what we have been trained to see our
entire lives is left-brain focused and it's a very limited world
view. - Now we know with quantum physics our limited world view
isn't true because we discovered that there are multi-dimensional
worlds. - It's opened up a whole new universe to us.
Begin at the beginning...and go on till you come to the end: then stop. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The King of Hearts)
Renaissance lantern |
- The Renaissance period in Europe was a time of many
great artists and master builders. - They came together and used
the ancient traditions to build the great cathedrals, which were
constructed as spiritual portals for our transformation. - Some
of the pre-Socratic philosophers were Pythagoras, Parmenides,
Protagoras and Gorgias and they were great mystics.
There was a five-stage awakening of an underground tradition which were the ancient Egyptian death and rebirth mysteries, hermeticism, alchemy, the Jewish Kabbalah and
pre-Socratic philosophers which came before Plato. (Betty
Philosopher's stone |
- We discovered that from Spain into Northern Africa and
through the Mediterranean and Turkey into Mongolia, Tibet and into
the center of Asia, there was an ancient Shamanic tradition. -
The Western world was rooted in a Shamanic mystic tradition where
the spiritual was welded together with the science, the pre-Socratic
philosophers and Egyptians were also scientific.
These are the roots of Western consciousness and the ancients were far more capable of knowing how to have a balanced life and a deep spiritual experience of it. (Betty
Deuteronomist |
- It was the Judaic culture First Temple period 950 BC
that the blending of mystical and scientific were suppressed by the
Deuteronomist who were living according to YHWHs law. - The
Second Temple mystics knew that tradition was nonsense so they
formed groups such as the Essenes who knew how to use the sacred
science to lift the veil and raise their consciousness.
We're all mad here. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Ruby |
- Jesus
Christ was born as an Essene and he was a mystic Shaman during a
period of spiritual Renaissance. - That is why Jesus spent so
many years of his youth in India, China and Tibet, learning what the
ancient Eastern religions (philosophies) already knew and kept sacred.
Off with their heads! (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Queen of Hearts)
Feminine side
deleted |
- Jesus is historical, he walked on Earth, and there is
evidence he was married to Mary Magdalene. - Once again, the
church got rid of Magdalene and she was made to be a whore so there
was no feminine allowed. - The masculine represents the left
brain and the feminine is the right brain with connection to higher
brain centers in the heart.
Goodbye, sweet hat. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Sacred marriage |
- That is why the two must be joined
into one in the sacred marriage for our wholeness. - Which is the
process of becoming a balanced, conscious, fully functioning human
being so when we see religions with just one of them we know that
something's wrong.
“What a strange world we live in," said Alice to the Queen of hearts. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Mystic |
- The Church Canon, the Bible, is a selection of texts
that were used in early Christianity and they were chosen by the
church. - Of course they left out many books, added things and
refused to include texts that revealed that Jesus was a mystic, this
was something that was kept hidden. - Early Gnostics had their
own Bible which only included the New Testament because they didn't
believe in the law and they knew that Jesus was a mystic.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children. (Hosea 4:6)
Dead Sea Scrolls |
- This is something we didn't know until 1945 when the
Nag Hammandi library was discovered in Palestine. - The
monks who owned the library were told by the church that they had to
destroy the library so the monks hid the scripts.
And what is the use of a book... without pictures or conversations? (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
shine |
- It is in
these texts that we see a very different image of Jesus where he
warns that he did not come to save us, but to remind us of who we
are. - This is something we would have known if we had been able
to eat from the Tree of Life and then from the Tree of Knowledge,
something Adam and Eve never got to do.
The uninformed must improve their deficit, or die. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Ear drum |
- As a believer in Christ, there are groups of people who
go against you because they can't stand your light. - They are
jealous and envious and hateful and highly triggered and living in a
lower dimension or reality. - They can't stand your purity.
I am not crazy; my reality is just different from yours. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Hidden lies |
- You can never be impure, despite how you lived in the
past, so you were made to fit in and were bound to darkness through
addictions and such. - But you are not bound to these sins and your pure
heart frequency is very upsetting to those who have darkness which
is anything that is untrue. - The Most High speaks to us in
multiple ways, are you listening? - A moment spent going against
you is a lifetime sentence.
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. (Romans 2:12)
Vessel for the Most
High |
- We are all vessels for the Most High, whether we are
good or bad, or believe in him or not. - Saturn is the great
teacher and punisher. - The Most High will use your vessel for
good or evil, all to teach lessons to us in our incarnated lives.
- If you do not have the light within you because of your beliefs,
then you will be a vessel to Satan.
Jesus cured a blind man who was incarnated on Earth just for the
sole purpose of Jesus curing him.
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John
Cosmic magician and
humanitarian |
- Christ was all about unity, he was not preaching about
religion which is all about division and strives to separate that
which God connects. - Religion is not of Christ, it was created
by the archons to create division and anarchy so they could somehow
justify use of 'force' against humanity.
Hammer |
- Division was created
to mislead, divide and control God's people and feed off our light. - It's called crimes against
humanity and it goes against cosmic law.
Then said Jesus unto him, “Put up again thy sword into his place, for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. (Matthew 26:52)
Wealth |
- We did not come to this Earth to live in poverty or to
be bullied and stolen from by the archons. - Jesus incarnated on
Earth to free us from our sins and so we could all live abundent,
happy, loving and peaceful lives. - It's a lie that we have to
live through all this strife and insecurity and suffering. -
Practice detachment and don't take things personally because
everything is a learning lesson.
Every adventure requires a first step. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Shifting the
universe |
- No longer playing their games because the Earth's energy
has sped up and we are shifting. -
Time is flying by and it's speeding up, things unfold a lot quicker.
- When you're willing to learn and grow this is wonderful news but
anyone stuck in their old ways will have problems. - Doing things
the correct way but no longer a door mat. - The glue that holds
everything together.
If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Duchess)
Rage and anger |
- The idea that some elders are angry at the younger
generations because they have 'more' than them (or at least they
perceive that), or that they have it so much easier, is just
pitiful. - Believe it or
not, Baby Boomers suffered through a lot of this because they did
have a lot more than their parents and a lot more opportunities too.
- Jealousy is when you want what someone else has, and envy is when
you don't want them to have it.
How fine you look when dressed in rage. Your enemies are fortunate your condition is not permanent. You’re lucky, too. Red eyes suit so few. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Processing power |
- But also know that the generations that followed the
Boomers had way more than the Boomers who didn't have things like
cellphones, videos, the internet or video games, online education
and computers; there was no such thing as paperless documents and
web servers or anything like that. - They say one of the
greatest inventions was word processing because before that you had
to write by hand or use a typewriter and there was no backup system
or copy and paste. - When you made a mistake you had to start
Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
New opportunity |
- Imagine how different your life would be without all
that. - The wonderful
thing is that the Boomers were able to build new opportunities and
jobs for themselves that their ancestors never imagined, and younger
generations are also doing this same exact thing. - You're
choosing to activate higher strands of DNA so you can shift out of
negative situations. - All that matters is that you're right
where you need to be and you're happy and there is no judgment.
Not all who wander are lost. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
Sea tossed |
- Our ancestors fought and shed blood so we could keep
growing and expanding and improving our conditions and come out from
under the control of evil beings. - It's not up to any of us to
judge others for being lazy because they work on the Internet or
have jobs we don't consider real work, because times do change. -
Now is the time to shift out of slavery because so many think that
only blacks were enslaved, or that slavery no longer exists, it
Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality. (Lewis Carroll, Alice in
Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat)
King of Kings |
- Jesus taught that it is not enough to follow the Christ,
you must become the Christ. - He came to Earth to free us from
sin and to spread love and light. - In service. - So now we see clearly the light shining
through the movie projector and coming to life, and understand why they call it
And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God. (Luke 13:29)
Falsehood puts on a mask. Nothing is hidden under the sun.
Leonardo DaVinci
