- Luini originally painted this fresco for a series he produced for the Villa La Pelucca, a country estate of the Milanese nobleman Gerolamo Rabia. - Nymph bathers.
- Peluca means wig or head of artificial hair.
The fresco pictured above may be part of the story of Diana and Callisto as recounted in Ovid’s Metamorphoses and his poem Fasti.

Topics |
- Magic has a long history that began in the earliest civilizations of the Akadians,
Sumerians and Egyptians through the Greco-Roman period to current
day. - It has influenced our religious beliefs and spiritual
practices throughout history.
- Enochian Magick. -
(Ritual) Magic, Chaos Magic/Magick, Hoodoo/Voodoo, Solomon Magic, Miscellaneous
Magick Tools.
T'is true: there's magic in the web of it.
(Shakespeare, Othello)
Magick |

Angel language |
- Enochian magic is a system of Renaissance magic developed by John Dee,
royal magus, and Edward Kelley
during the 16th century reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. -
Enochian magic is Western esoteric tradition that is rooted in documented collaborations between Dee and Kelley,
and encompasses the revelation of the Enochian language and script.
The knowledge was named after the biblical prophet Enoch
and is a
powerful, ancient system for opening portals to heavenly realms and enabling
spiritual ascension.
Shakespeare's treatment of witchcraft and magic varies depending on the context of each play. In "Macbeth," he portrays them as malevolent and destructive, reflecting the prevailing fears of witchcraft in his time. In "The Tempest," he presents magic as a more nuanced force that can be used for both good and ill, depending on the intentions of the wielder. Shakespeare's works often explore the ambiguity and complexity of human nature and the supernatural.
(Ujwala Sugathan)

Court astronomer and
advisor |
- John Dee (1527-1608/9) was an English mathematician,
astronomer, astrologer, occultist, teacher, and alchemist as well as the
official court astronomer and advisor to Elizabeth I. - He was also in
service to British intelligence. - His father, Roland
Dee, who was Welsh, was a mercer and gentleman courtier to Henry VIII. - When Elizabeth succeeded to the throne in 1558, Dee became her astrological and scientific advisor. - Dee spent much of his time
experimenting with alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.
Dee traced descent from Rhodri the Great, 9th century ruler of Gwynedd, and constructed a pedigree accordingly. His family had arrived in London with Henry Tudor's coronation as Henry VII.

Elizabeth I |
- As Elizabeth's political advisor, he promoted the foundation of English colonies in the New World to
create a 'British Empire,' which is a term he was the first to
express. -
However, despite all his efforts to impress the royal court
with several publications, by 1580 he became disillusioned with his
slow progress learning the secrets of nature and his diminished
status in Elizabeth's court. - Many of his ideas about
exploration in North America and implementing a new calendar had
been rejected.
In 1564, Dee wrote the Hermetic work Monas Hieroglyphica ("The Hieroglyphic Monad"), an exhaustive Cabalistic interpretation of a glyph of his own design, meant to express the mystical unity of all creation.

Reflective mirror |
- By the 1580s, in frustration, Dee turned to the supernatural for
knowledge. - He learned about scrying, which is the act of
receiving visions and spiritual knowledge from reflective surfaces.
- Dee sought contact with the spirit world through professional
scryers, who he believed would act as an intermediary between him
and the angels. - His first attempts with scryers were unsuccessful but in 1582 he met Edward Kelley (1555-1597/8),
who called himself Edward Talbot, and he was greatly impressed with his abilities.

investigations |
- Edward Kelley was an English Renaissance occultist and scryer
and is known for working with John Dee in his magical investigations. -
Dee's diaries detailed years of conversations with angels achieved with the aid of crystal-gazer Kelley.
- Dee composed the Enochian language and script, which were delivered to
both Dee and Kelley directly by various angels during their mystical interactions.

Magical rituals |
- Central to the practice of Enochian magic is the invocation and command of various spiritual beings. -
The practice involves elaborate magical rituals, invocations, and ceremonies to interact with the angelic realm;
all hallmarks of ceremonial magic. - The Enochian system describes a detailed hierarchical structure of angels, spirits, and other mystical entities that practitioners seek to engage with through their rituals.
I have often read in Thy books and records, how Enoch enjoyed Thy favour and conversation; with Moses Thou was familiar; and also to Abraham, Isaack and Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, Esdras, Daniel, Tobias, and sundry others the good angels were sent by Thy disposition, to instruct them, informe them, helpe them, yea in worldly and domestick affaires, yea and sometimes to satisfie their desires, doubts, and questions of Thy Secrete; and furthermore considering the shewstone, which the High Priest did use, by Thine own ordering… that this wisdome could not be come by at man’s hand or by humaine power, but only from Thee (O God).
(John Dee)

Elements |
- Enochian magic offers a method for contacting angels and demons based on secrets found in the apocryphal
Book of Enoch.
What was revealed by the angelic spirits were the 48 angelic keys
and the names of the 16 good angels who are most skilled and powerful in medicine and in the curing of diseases, as well as the
16 angels of the four elements.
When Enoch had lived for sixty-five years, he became the father of Methuselah. Enoch walked with God after the birth of Methuselah for three hundred years, and had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him.
(Genesis 5:21-24)

Table of
Correspondences |
- Dee and Kelley also created a 'Table of
Correspondences' which is a cross reference of the Enochian
language. - These tables were meant to be used in a ceremonial context, where specific magical objects were assigned to specific deities or Kabbalistic emanations (sefirot). - Enochian magic places great importance on understanding and utilizing magical correspondences
which are the relationships between symbolic elements like planetary influences, colors, geometric forms, etc.
table of magical correspondences is a list of magical correspondences between items belonging to different categories, such as correspondences between certain deities, heavenly bodies, plants, perfumes, precious stones, etc.

Angels |
- Kelley communicated with the Archangels Annael, Uriel, and Raphael.
- We also know that King Solomon received a magic ring from
Archangel Gabriel. - These helpful celestial beings dictated letters, words, and eventually entire texts in a previously unheard of
'angelic language,' the tongue of heaven itself. - Apparently, some 10,000 pages
are currently languishing in the British Museum, mostly unpublished and even untranslated.

sigil |
- According to Dee, there are 21 letters in the 'Enochian alphabet.' - Dee used this language to devise a number of sigils, such as the Sigillum Dei Aemeth, which were meant to contain vast esoteric knowledge cunningly encoded in ways that only the true adept could unlock.
- Dee also documented the Enochian sigils which provide the names of the various powers
that govern the world arranged in strict hierarchies.
Probably the best-known danger is associated with the Enochian alphabet. A terrible potential is said to exist inherently in the letters of the Angelic alphabet, since you write out the name of a deity using the Angelic letters, and speak that name aloud but once, you could be visited by the deity in one form or another. Knowing the name of a deity (and this includes demons) establishes a psychomagnetic link between a magician and that deity. According to an ancient Egyptian text, "the life of a person is invested in his name."

Dee died in poverty |
- Most fundamental are the four watchtowers, each of which is
associated with one of the classical elements and each watchtower is
also associated with one of the 'Great Secret Holy Names of God' and
it goes on from there into very detailed levels of angelic beings. -
The idea was to be able to use the sigils to gain celestial powers
which help you find treasure, only Dee died in poverty which may
have had more to do with his karma then his magick.
The dangers of Enochian Magick have at certain times been blown out of all proportion, and at other times carelessly denigrated. Aleister Crowley, for example, casually dismissed its dangers, and his writings leave the risks to the student’s karma.

Enochian language
and script |
- Access to Enochian teachings and practices is often guarded,
with an emphasis on occult knowledge and initiation rituals. -
Enochian was the basis for many of the modern systems of magic, including the Golden Dawn
and Chaos magick. - It can also be used for personal spiritual development and as protection from negative energies. -
Dee's manuscripts reveal that each class of higher spiritual being
uses a different dialect of Enochian which produces various effects.
Compassion is a necessity for work in the higher Aethyrs, and without it you will be in very great danger indeed. Morality aside, it turns out that strong feelings of compassion and selfless love coat the aura with a protective shield that few demons can penetrate. Without compassion, the ego will quite often have fear for itself in some form or another. It turns out that fear attracts demons of the worst sort, and can be ruinous for many magickal operations. The magician must conduct his or her exercises without fear. Perfect love casts out fear, and though it may sound trite in today’s world, nevertheless it is true that love is the best and surest safeguard a magician can have.

Angelic Enochian |
- Because of this,
angelic Enochian is purer and more powerful but harder to master because it sounds like a language collapsing in on itself as if each word is spoken simultaneously.
- This jumble is then translated by the minds of those who have
reached a vibrational level powerful enough to understand it. -
There are some practioners on youtube who have reached this level
(they communicate with spirits and talk in a strange doubled up
style). - The easiest way to describe is that it's like someone
saying two things to you at the same time (as if they call you Honey
and Dear at the same time and you hear both) and they don't
contradict each other.
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Demonic Enochian |
- Demonic Enochian (demonaic) is a reworked form and while its technically weaker, it's far easier
to practice, which makes those who use it seem more powerful
than the average Angelic Enochian practitioner. - It's extremely
evil and the power ironically eventually causes the practioner's soul to reject the spark of divinity.
- As a result, their power is reduced and they can't create
anything, and can only corrupt what is already there (only if you
allow them).
The real danger with Enochian Magick is not that a monster will jump out at you. The real danger is that the practice of Enochian magick??"treading the path of the Great Work??"will by its very nature precipitate much of your stored karma. Past karmic debts, known collectively as one’s "karmic burden," can naturally be worked off over many future lifetimes. When the Great Work is attempted, one of the results is the dissipation of one’s karmic burden. In effect, the karma that would normally take lifetimes to work out is worked out in this lifetime.

Havoc |
- Enochian practiced at a lower levels, which is where most practitioners first start out, is used to trick the mind into believing something,
it's all the mind. - You can use it to surpass physical limits or cause weak willed people to
suffer or feel the weight of their guilt as physical pain (which can cause some people to kill themselves).
Demonaic is more powerful at lower levels allowing practioners to turn the rain into acid, incite negative emotions, create horrific apparitions and summon hell fire (a magical fire that exists in two realms at once and is particularly effective against spirits and guilty people it can't kill living beings but its essentially magical torture).
At higher levels demonaic is capable of raising the dead, turning men into monsters, destroy crops and cause plagues.

Weatherman |
- At higher levels you're able to control the elements, summon creations out of thin air (a flock of doves and pack of wolves).
- You can also transmute items (as staff into a snake), change the weather, control animals and breath life into clay.
- It all sounds very familiar, kind of like the same magick that
King Solomon and Enki Ea had, among others.
- There is a lot of confusion about Enoch's relation with God
especially in relation to the Genesis account and questions about
exactly where did he go?

Gods and goddesses
leaving |
- Enoch wrote three books at a time when Jewish monotheism
replaced polytheism and originally the Jews believed their god was
one among many. - Therefore, when monotheism came along, they
replaced the many gods with many angels.
And the Jews went in for this in a big way in intertestamental times. Of course, the Old Testament contains various references to angelic figures, but it was in the last couple of centuries BC that they really started multiplying.

Heavenly fire |
- The third book of Enoch actually identifies Enoch himself as Metatron. - Not content with "translating" Enoch to heaven, God actually transformed him into the greatest of all angels.
- The transformation was extremely radical: Enoch became as tall as the earth is wide, with
36 wings and 365 eyes. - His entire body was transmuted into heavenly fire, he was encircled by whirlwinds, and a crown was placed upon his head, and the angels were instructed that from
then on he would be Metatron, second only to Yahweh himself.
Probably the greatest of the angels was Metatron himself, the Prince of the Countenance, and the voice of God. According to the Talmud, one Elisha ben Abuya saw Metatron sitting in heaven - rather than standing, as everyone else did - and commented, "There are indeed two powers in heaven!" The Talmud explains that Elisha had misunderstood the situation - for Metatron is indeed lower than God in power, and he sits in order to transcribe the doings of Israel, not to receive worship.

standing |
- Enoch does reappear in the New Testament
in the Book of Jude, which is even more marginal and
ignored by Christians. - Apostle Jude actually cites one of the
Books of Enoch, raising problems for Christian fundamentalists.
- That's because if you believe the New Testament to be true, you also have to believe the books of Enoch to be true,
including everything about Metatron.
By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that
he did not experience death: “He could not be found,
because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
(Hebrews 11:5-6)

Pisces |
- But more important is the similarity of the story of Enoch to that of Jesus himself.
- It is the story of an ordinary human being who ascends to heaven and is transformed into a quasi-divine being.
- And that he was not raised to heaven through his own power, but by
the power of God.
Regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Romans 1:3-4
(Ritual) Magic |

High magic |
- Ceremonial magic, also known as ritual magic, high magic or learned magic, encompasses a wide variety of rituals of magic. - Popularized by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. - A significant amount of western ceremonial magic is borrowed from Freemasonry.
- Ceremonial magic is a highly disciplined form of magic in which ceremony and ritual become the central tools used in the magical operation.

Philosophical and
occult thought |
- Ceremonial magic was
concerned with schools of philosophical and occult thought as Hermetic
Kabalah (Qabalah), Enochian magic, Thelema, and the magic of various grimoires. -
The practice of ceremonial magic is
based on the belief that this world is closely connected to an
invisible reality and that with invocations and ceremonies, the
practioner can interact with spiritual forces. - Aleister Crowley was important because he systemized many of the
ceremonial practices through his magick system.
The foundation of practical magic was the belief in the power of divine words to compel the obedience of all spirits to those who could pronounce them. Such words and names were supposed to invoke or dismiss the denizens of the spirit world, and they, with suitable prayers, were used in all magical ceremonies. Again it was thought that it was easier to control evil spirits than to enlist the sympathies of angels.

Aleister Crowley
(1875–1947) |
- Thelema is a Western esoteric and occult social or spiritual philosophy
and a new religious movement created by Aleister
Crowley. - The Key of Solomon the King was originally researched and translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
and Aleister Crowley from ancient manuscripts in the British museums. - Crowley's system, founded in the early 1900s, begins with The
Book of the Law, a text he maintained was dictated to him by a non-corporeal entity named Aiwass.
- Liber AL vel Legis, the fundamental book of Thelema.

Thelema suited up |
- Crowley identified himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century
(XX century). - Some allege that Crowley was recruited into the
British Intelligence agency and that he remained a spy his entire
life. - He joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and was
trained in ceremonial magic.
Magick is a central practice in Thelema, involving various physical, mental, and spiritual exercises aimed at uncovering one's True Will and enacting change in alignment with it. Practices such as rituals, yoga, and meditation are used to explore consciousness and achieve self-mastery.

Nuit the night sky |
- The Thelemic cosmology features deities inspired by ancient Egyptian religion
and the highest deity is Nuit, the night sky symbolized as a naked woman covered in stars.
- The practice often includes the creation of talismans
and participation in elaborate ceremonies aimed at channeling
spiritual energies.

Rune |
- Some of the talismans include the Pentagram
(protection), Seal of Solomon (power), Caduceus (healing) and Rune
(attraction). - Runology originated from Germanic and Nordic
cultures (like the Vikings, Saxons, Goths and Danes) and runes are
letters arranged in alphabets called Futhark. - The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the
Pentagram is one of the fundamentals and begins with the practioner
drawing a circle of protection around themselves to separate the
material world from the spiritual world. - There are other
rituals including the Rite of Liber Resh and the Rite of Gnosis.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will. Every man and every woman is a star.
Chaos Magic/Magick |

Personal energies
- Chaos Magic is winging it and making it up as you go along
as opposed to traditional Enochian magic. - It's usually about raising
and manipulating personal energies while operating in a deliberately iconoclastic
and subversive way. - Magick is the alternate spelling to distinguish
'magic' from 'sleight-of-hand' or 'stage' magic.
All things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoy'd.
(Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice)

Extra-sensory forces |
- Occultism entails efforts to call on extra-sensory forces to know and rule the spirit world and even control humans and inanimate objects.
- Aspects of ritual in magick include banishing, invocation, evocation, purification, consecration, and divination.
- Magick ceremonies are
considered channels through which supernatural power affects change in human events and conditions.
I will receive it with all diligence of spirit.
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Discarnate spirit |
- Chaos magick often relies on the creation of sigils and servants
which is essentially a discarnate spirit that has been created to serve a particular purpose at a magician’s
- A sigil is used to manifest or attract certain energies,
angelic or demonic, there are sigils that date back to ancient times.
- As far as demons go, avoid drawing or wearing those sigils and
stay away from black magic.
Instead of adopting inherited patterns of motion,
symbols, languages, archetypical deities and inherited
metaphysical concepts like virtues, correspondences,
humors, energies and dimensions, the Chaos magician
builds his own practice from scratch or by making a
collage of the elements that make sense and call to

Sigil |
- Angel sigils are magical symbols used to invoke the power of archangels. - Sigils are symbols created by the magician that are invested with meaning, ideas and wishes that are
'thrown into the universe' and operate like motes of will moving the energies of creation toward a certain goal.
- Solomon used sigils to call demons and they came from John Dee
who documented the sigils.
- A more modern approach would be using the Rose Cross method which
basically converts words into sigils by connecting the letters on a
Demons are like that stranger in a van offering kids candy after they're parents told them no because they dont want them to ruin their appetite, rot their teeth and become diabetic. In other words if you think demons have something you want, your naively falling right into their trap. In fact even white magic, where people have good intentions can also be an opportunity for demons to exploit someone’s ego, through a lust for power.
(Dalton Parker)

Servant type of
sigil |
- Servants are like bolstered up sigils that have a consciousness of their own and that can create more tangible potent magical phenomena when directly ordered and fed.
- Servitors are psychological complexes created from your will to
serve your purposes and are very dangerous because they become so
embedded in your consciousness they can turn into obsessions, etc.
- It's worse than that, they can haunt you and drive you mad.
Hoodoo/Voodoo |

Religion mixed with
magic |
- Voodoo is the religion, or belief system, of many African Americans living in the
Southern states, especially centered around New Orleans. - Hoodoo, on the other hand, is the magic that has derived from the teachings of Voodoo, which was originally a part of Voodoo.
- Voodoo,
which is considered at its roots, Eastern esoterism, is a result of this African diaspora, especially as a result of the slave trade.

Astrology |
- Astrology and numerology play influential roles in Hoodoo
which tie it more closely with Western esoterism; as well as the
belief in hidden spiritual knowledge and understanding the universe
that can be accessed through spiritual practices. - Astrology is
used in Hoodoo to interpret the influence of celestial bodies on
human affairs and the natural world.

Top banana |
- Numerology, on the other hand, is the belief in
the mystical significance of numbers (which the universe is based
on) to uncover hidden meanings and discover personal attributes
(hidden secrets).
Numerology number 1 people are ruled by the life-giving and nurturing planet, Sun. They should include more orange and yellow colour foods in their diet. Therefore, fruits like orange, banana, yellow capsicum, lemon, carrot, sunflower seeds, mango, corn, pumpkin, grapefruit, squash, peaches, and apricot would be great for them.

Ancestors |
- West African Dahomeyan Vodun was fused with Catholicism and Francophone beliefs in the South.
- The belief system centers around a detached God who stays at a distance, and does not interfere in a person’s life unless called,
and spirits (ancestors) who interact on a daily basis. - This is
the belief that individuals can shape their own destiny whether by
casting Hoodoo spells or using Alchemy. - The individual becomes
an active participant in their own life with the ability to
influence outcomes.
Hoodoo is the craft; the practice, where Voodoo is the mindset and monarchy.
Magic |

Witchcraft and
ceremonial magic |
- Solomonic magic is the foundation of occultism, modern witchcraft, and ceremonial magic west of India and China. - Solomon was the biggest witch that ever lived, almost all magic from all religions some way link back to him.
- Hebrew God Yahweh (YHWH) gave Solomon permission to perform witchcraft in
Judaism (Talmud).
The spirit that I have seen May be the devil, and the devil hath power T'assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps Out of my weakness and my melancholy, As he is very potent with such spirits, Abuses me to damn me.
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Gabriel ring |
- Archangel Gabriel gave a ring to Solomon to control
weather, demons, djinns and genies and speak to animals, one of those demons was Asmodeus.
- Solomon controlled and commanded Asmodeus help to build his temple
in Jerusalem in honor of goddess Astarte who was honored by kings
and queens. -
Solomon's magic ring was set with four jewels given him by the
angels that had power over the four realms.
God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.
(1 Kings 4:29-30)

Solomon's Temple |
- The basis of Solomon’s magic lies in a precise understanding of astrology and cosmology.
- Solomon's power was expanded to control celestial forces. - He
taught his son, Rehoboam, on how to use divination and astrology to secure sexual gratification, health, power, and wealth.
- The Testament of Truth in the Nag Hammadi Codex
talks of Solomon’s commanding of demons to build his temple
and the Second Treatise of the Great Seth mocks Solomon.
Solomon was a laughingstock, since he thought that he
was Christ, having become vain through the Hebdomad. (Treatise
of the Great Seth 63:11-15)

Magical bottles to
capture demons |
Zosimus of Panopolis (300 BC) wrote of Solomon’s fame as an exorcist
and he mentioned a lost work called Seven Heavens, which
talked about magical bottles to capture demons and formulae to
conjure demons. - The
Gnostic Mandean Ginza, which is thought to date to the early 2nd century, claims that Solomon had power over both demons and devs (astro-powers).
A text entitled Sepher Ha-Razim asserts that Solomon had access to a ‘Book of Mysteries’ which empowered him to use demons to accomplish tasks such as winning the heart of a wealthy woman, catching and returning fugitives, giving an enemy insomnia, lighting an oven in the cold, reversing a bad court decision, protecting a soldier in battle, winning at horse racing, and to fill a house with fire while at the same time keeping the house from burning down as proof of one’s power. (

Biblical Solomon |
- Nearly all evidence for Solomon’s life and reign comes from the Bible (First Book of Kings and the
Second Book of Chronicles).
Aleister Crowley used Solomon's knowledge to create his own magick system.
Solomon was also given a flying carpet when he was made king over every created thing, It is written that God gave him a large carpet sixty miles long and sixty miles wide, made of green silk interwoven with pure gold, and ornamented with figured decorations.
(Jewish Encyclopedia)
Magick Tools |

Palmistry |
- Palmistry was practiced in many ancient countries including not
only China, but also, Persia, India, Egypt, Rome and Greece.
It is one of several so-called psychic sciences which deal with man, his personality
(character), and his destiny. - In India, it's called Samudrika
Shasta and is based on detailed analysis of various lines on the
palm of the hand, including the life line (life), head line
(intelligence), and heart line (love) as well as several others. - At the base of the
fingers, the moumds are associated with specific personality traits.
Tea-leaves are read widely and with some measure of success There are several tea-reading houses in Boston that do a thriving business. There are handwriting analysts; there are those who read fortunes by the features of the face (physiognomy), the bumps on the head (phrenology), and even by moles! Yes, incredible as it may seem, there are some authorities who find meaning in the location of moles on the human body, and they call their knowledge "moleosophy."

Hypnosis |
- Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration.
- It's a neuro-physiological phenomenon similar to sleep which is
either induced by a practioner or self-induced. - Sleep is a
state of reduced concentration and hypnosis is a state of increased
concentration and can increase perception to improve emotional and
physical conditions. - This includes help with many emotional and
physical disorders like anxiety, depression, chronic pain, insomnia
and many others.
My spirits grow dull, and fain I would beguile The tedious day with sleep.
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Sleeper |
- To induce hypnosis, the Hypnotherapist
chooses a technique that is the most suitable such as suggestions,
visualization, regression, anchoring, and renovation, etc. -
There are also various types like Ericksonian, Classic, Analytics
and Autogenic. - Ericksonian involves three classic stages;
preparation, trance and assessment.

Crystal ball |
- Crystallomancy
involves the use of a crystal ball or other transparent solid (such
as crystals and gemstones) for the purpose of divination and
obtaining visions (scrying). - There are three main 'rights;'
scrying, meditation and arrangement where crystals are placed in
certain order to create an energetic space to connect with the
subconscious and the umiverse. - In Egypt, crystals were
used in religious rituals and were considered sacred such as Lapis
lazuli (protection), Turquoise (repel negative forces), Malachite
(fertility) and Carnelian (prosperity).

Crystals |
- Greeks associated crystals with their gods; Dionysius
(Amethyst), Apollo (Citrine quartz), Poseidon (Pearl) and Athena
(Lapis lazuli). - Crystals
improve mental clarity and have unique powers related to their
vibrations and chemical compositions; for instance, Rose quartz is
linked to love and Amethyst to protection.

Necromancy |
- Necromancy is sometimes categorized under death magic,
however, it's the practice of magic involving communication with the dead by summoning their spirits as apparitions or visions for the purpose of divination.
- Necromancy is a special mode of divination by the evocation of the dead.
- The practice of necromancy supposes belief in the survival of the soul after death, the possession of a superior knowledge by the disembodied spirit, and the possibility of communication between the living and the dead.
As divinities frequently were but human heroes raised to the rank of gods, necromancy, mythology, and demonology are in close relation, and the oracles of the dead are not always easily distinguished from the oracles of the gods.

Scrying |
- Scrying is about revealing the unseen through the use of our in-born second sight
which is our capacity to see things that can’t usually be perceived through our five senses.
- It is accomplished through the use of reflective surfaces such as
mirrors and crystal balls, however, wax, oil, fire, smoke, clouds and water
(ripples) are also used. - Scrying is the ancient practice of
accessing the unconscious mind and as example, we've all noticed
patterns and designs in clouds from time to time.
Scrying was first mentioned in the 10th Century in an Ancient Persian text called the “Shahnameh.” Later, as Christianity rose to power, scrying was outlawed as a work of the “devil.” And yet almost every culture has used some form of scrying: from the Native American’s observation of smoke, to the Egyptians use of oil gazing to gain wisdom.

Inhaling |
- Big gov caught in its own
white lie. - Only we all know this wasn't really the problem.
- Smile, you're on candid camera.
True hope is swift and flies with swallow’s wings. Kings it makes gods and meaner creatures kings.
Study without desire spoils the memory,
and it retains nothing that it takes in.
Leonardo DaVinci
