Divine Sophia |

Feminine personification of wisdom |
- In the Gnostic myth of how the world works, Sophia,
is the feminine personification of wisdom. - Sophia was an
Aeon, an emanation of God (much like an angel), something that
represented a human soul.
The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old;
I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning,
when the world came to be.
(Proverbs 8, 22-23) |

Aeon shining |
- The first series of beings, the Aeons, numbered 30, representing
15 syzygies or pairs sexually complementary. - Jewish religious philosophy
believed in the concept of the Divine Sophia, as a revelation
of God's inward thought. - Sophia was in charge of the formation and ordering of the natural universe
and the communication of knowledge to mankind.
When there were no watery depths, I was given birth,
when there were no springs overflowing with water;
before the mountains were settled in place,
before the hills, I was given birth,
before he made the world or its fields
or any of the dust of the earth.
(Proverbs 8, 24-26) |

Aeon hierarchy - Wikipedia |
- Three generations of Aeons began with the Ogdoad, moved
to the Decad, and the third generation, the Dodecad, which
Sophia came from. - Aeon's had names
that meant things like faith, hope, love, intelligence,
happiness and wisdom. - The order is somewhat debated; different sources give different accounts
such as the system of Valentinus, as taught by Irenaeus.

Godan marine life rules the water (underworld) |
- The Nine Enneads came from Egypt and
were from Heliopolis (before Gnosticism); they were our
ancestors from Adam down to Lamech, pre-flood. - They were
followed by the Ogdoad and those were the eight who survived
in Noah's ark; Noah, and his 3 sons, Shem, Japheth and Ham,
and all their wives. - Shem went east, Ham went south, and Japheth
went north to the Caucasian and owned the Isles of the
Gentiles. - In Greek mythology, there
are 12 Titans and 12 Olympians and both groups contained
females, if you compare that to the 12 Apostles and the 12
tribes who apparently are represented by zero females (Mary
Magdalene totally marginalized on Earth). - This isn't how
it's supposed to be, everything is out of balance and the
female has been deleted in the current pantheon (after syntax
in our language was changed and caused incorrect ancient text
translations and confusion).
From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.
(Genesis 10:5) |

The Nordic SOL (shit out of luck) |
- What's even worse, is the entity they named 'God' (who
is NOT our Source or Most High) is the Nordic Lombardic Godan
entity named Odin or Wodin. - That's the hateful creep that
rules in the Old Testament. - He's not the Supreme Being,
and he's certainly not the father of Jesus Christ, he's a
female hating anti-everything good (so he can steal it and use
the power for himself). - The truth is Gaia (Mother Nature)
where we live (Earth) is our mother and the demonic ghouls who
run everything are trying to destroy her and don't want you
worshipping her (or even knowing who she is).

Their Swamp |
- The archons have everyone worshipping this 'one' and in
true reality the Greek Pantheon represents what is the real
truth; that there are multiple 'gods' such as Zeus, Saturn and
Uranus, all mean Father (not just one of them). - They are
all demigods, except for Uranus, who is Anu (Noah), the
Source. - Well Godan is an abomination, duality out of
balance, and everyone on Earth now running around worshipping
this false 'God' who in truth is a demigod. - And Christ's
throne on Earth has been usurped by these same creeps who now
have reptiles apparently hanging from their abdomen they have
to have surgery on and photoshop so you can't see.
I was there when he set the heavens in place,
when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
when he established the clouds above
and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
when he gave the sea its boundary
so the waters would not overstep his command,
and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
(Proverbs 8, 27-29) |

Sophia and her twin |
- Aeon's
were paired with their divine partner after their inner being,
thought and silence split from them, and mind is
created as a second being. - For that reason, she had a twin
brother. - Notice they're standing up, not laying down.
Then I was constantly at his side.
I was filled with delight day after day,
rejoicing always in his presence,
rejoicing in his whole world
and delighting in mankind.
(Proverbs 8, 30-31) |

Pleroma lower self |
- Sophia is the lowest Aeon or anthropic emanation of the godhead
and was the daughter of Elohim.

Blinded |
- Together with the source from which they emanate,
Aeon's form Pleroma (fullness). - The lowest regions of Pleroma are closest to darkness; that is, the physical world
(lower self).
Sophia's twin with the spirits of light
- She lived happily with spirits of light, in the unified limitless potential of her Father’s radiance,
and was created by the twin powers of Depth and Silence.
Aeons bear a number of similarities to Judaeo-Christian angels, including roles as servants and emanations of God, and existing as beings of light. In fact, certain Gnostic Angels, such as Armozel, are also Aeons.

Flung herself into the darkness
- Sophia was so deeply in love with the Creative Source that when she saw a brilliant shimmering light below, she flung herself down into the darkness.
- The transition from immaterial to material, from
illogical to sensible, is created by a flaw, passion, or sin in an Aeon.
- Falling down into a lower vibration.
Cursed is the ground because of you.
(Genesis 3:17)

Mere reflection |
- She mistakenly followed what she believed to be her Father’s radiance,
and was fooled by a mere reflection. - There, in the abysmal unrealized potential of the world, she
was trapped and separated from the light. - The separation
between spirit and matter, which is the root of Western
By Sophia God made the world.
(Psalm 104:24) |

Fallen souls |
- She was alienated through her own fault from her heavenly home
and was a soul fallen into the lower world where she never
lost the remembrance of her former state. - Sophia was filled with longing for
her lost inheritance, a soul still striving upwards. - Dark night of
the soul.
But where shall Sophia be found? Man does not know
the way.
It is hid from the eyes of all living.
(Job 28: 12, 13, 21) |

Gnosis is knowledge |
- Sophia represents the spiritual
realization of Gnosis; the knowledge of transcendent unity.
- As described by Irenaeus, the great Mother-principle of the universe.
- Sophia appeared as the first woman, the Holy Spirit moving over the waters, and
is also called the mother of all living. - Both the
creator and the creation itself.
Rejoices in his inhabited world, and delights in the sons of men.
(Proverbs 8:31) |

Sophia and formation of the lower realm |
- After she fell, the powers of the underworld had their way with her, using, abusing, and exploiting her.
- Under her
in the earthly realm were the four material elements; water, darkness, abyss, and chaos.
- Dreamt herself alive.
She pervades and penetrates all things. (Book of Wisdom of Solomon, 7:30) |
Archons |

demigods chaos |
- She went from a life of happiness until all she knew was sadness.
- It was Aeon Sophia's passion that caused problems;
she went outside her Aeon partner, left him behind. - In the struggle to return herself up to the light she gave birth to
the demigods, also called archons.

Christ's light escapes to the left side |
- She combines herself
into two supreme masculine lights, the first and the second man, the Father and the Son, the latter also designated as the Father's
thought. - From there, the third imperishable light,
Christ, is formed as dexios (of the right hand). - During
birth, some of the light escapes to the left side and
overflows and then sinks down into the lower world, and
produces matter.
And this is the Sophia, called also Aristera (she of the left hand), Prouneikos and the male-female.
Demiurge |

Infecting everything |
- The worst of them was the Demiurge who
became the creator of this world, infecting it with his ego; pride, ignorance, fear, and his lust for power and pleasure.
- The Demiurge was a creature that should never have been
Demiurge monster |
- Masculine taking ideas from the feminine and
then eliminating the feminine and blaming her for all their
problems. - Unbalanced, no intuition, just logic,
operating in a lower vibration, ego. - Power control,
reptilian, things like government, mind control.
This creature does not belong to Pleroma, and the One emanates two savior Aeons, Christ and the Holy Spirit, to save humanity from the Demiurge. Christ then took a human form (Jesus), to teach humanity how to achieve Gnosis. The ultimate end of all Gnosis is metanoia (μετάνοια), or repentance—undoing the sin of material existence and returning to Pleroma.
Earthly realm |
Sophia remained steadfast, and with her optimism, she brought great beauty and spiritual potential to the Earthly realm and its inhabitants.
- Eve brought sin into the world by eating the apple from
the Tree of Knowledge which can be recognized as sin
(duality). - A fall from paradise where there is unity, to
a world of separation.
But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It speaks, and yet says nothing.
(Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet) |

Demiurge at work |
- After she witnessed the irresponsible creation of the world by her errant offspring, Sophia concealed Consciousness in the body of the demiurge’s first man,
'Adam,' and then brought it into the world as 'Eve.'

Sad world of humans |
Sophia breaks free and ascends back up to the true light of life, raising humanity with her ever so slightly
but she refuses to abandon the sad world of humans.
Light and dark |
She divides herself, keeping a part below, ever present and available for the enlightenment of all.
Sophia is the feminine companion to God.

Sophia |
- She symbolizes the womb of creation bringing forth all life from the sacred marriage of opposing energies: spirit and matter, heaven and earth, intellect and intuition.
And teach me how
To name the bigger light, and how the less,
That burn by day and night.
(Shakespeare, The Tempest) |

Uniting masculine and feminine |
Moving back to the realm of spiritual light, Sophia rediscovered Gnosis by joining
with her twin brother in a 'marriage' of reunification. -
She holds the caduceus: the winged staff entwined with two
serpents, the ancient symbol of duality because it represents
both masculine and feminine, opposites (sun and moon).
The attributes of Sophia, love and wisdom, can be
readily seen in the figure of Jesus Christ as
presented in the texts of the New Testament and the
Apocrypha. The earliest Christians apparently viewed
Jesus as a prophet of Sophia, or as her child. But the most startling fact is that Jesus was even seen by some early Christians as Sophia herself.

Rosy Cross |
Sophia is also symbolized by the Rosy Cross, from which
emerges the sheaf of grain and represents the ultimate
revelation of the Mysteries. - Sophia proclaiming she is
One with Christ, not simply his shadow. a divine balance
between wisdom and Logos.

Androgynous whole |
Sophia balanced the masculine ego of unrealized potential, and united it with the sacred feminine into an androgynous whole.
- Rainbow or prism. -
Christ is the light (the Sun) which reflects through Sophia (the prism).
The soul and body rive not more in parting
Than greatness going off.
(Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra) |

Light worker |
- She becomes a complete person, with the full knowledge of the transcendent, unified light.
Does not Sophia call,
Does not understanding raise her voice?
To you, O men, I call,
and my cry is to the sons of men.
(Proverbs 8: 1; 4) |

Divine feminine wisdom |
- Sophis-ticated philo-sophy. - Self-realization.
The Gnostic's passionate adoration of Sophia was known as philosophia
“the love of Sophia“
a mystical communication with divine feminine wisdom,
having little to do with the strictly intellectual,
most often masculine, pursuit currently labeled philosophy. (Zeena Schreck)

Heart of the Earth (heart) |
- The feminine heart of the Earth.
- Feminine creation in the world helps humanity discover the
power and compassion necessary to overcome the darkness of
ignorance. - Females struggling in 'a man's
world' of patriarchy. - Our patriarchal
history caused Sophia's wisdom to be subsumed under
Christ (Logos). - The result has meant disastrous consequences for
Christianity and consequently for our entire world.
As Sophia lost her unique identity to the figure
of Jesus, this powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine
subsequently became so hidden as to be lost to most
Christians. (christosophia.org)

Gnostic world |
- The current dark ages, knowing that it was easier in the
ancient Gnostic world, before the suppression of the Divine
Feminine. - A period
when women were equal to men and in every intellectual and
spiritual endeavor. - It's from the feminine creation that humanity finds the power and compassion necessary to overcome the darkness of ignorance.
Truly, my heart and soul search for Sophia has not
been for myself alone, but for all seekers of Sophia.
(Ecclesiasticus 24: 34) |

Sophia in the bluebird nest |
- Sophia has many names and was a giver of wisdom in many
forms. - Moving through the
generations, reincarnations. - She is celebrated in Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, as the female expression of God.
O time, thou must untangle this, not I.
It is too hard a knot for me t'untie.
(Shakespeare, Twelfth Night) |

Moon goddess |
- Sophia is also the embodiment of the Many-Named Lunar Goddess, crowned with a halo of twelve stars, which correspond to the twelve months, or moons, of the solar year.
- She wears the symbol of the triple moon on her forehead
which corresponds to the three visible lunar phases of the Triple Goddess: the Virgin (Waxing Moon), the Mother (Full Moon), and the Crone (Waning Moon).
- Crescent moon represents fertility, psychic empowerment,
intuitiveness. - New moon represents beginning, time of
introspection, growth and transformation. - Moon cycle is
important as you normally proceed from the crescent (growth in
psychic ability) into the new beginning and transformation.
- And when you accomplish this you are able to shift, and move
all four directions (free will) and can't have your gifts
(soul) removed. - The demons that run this Earth don't
want you to know this; they want you narrow brained and dumbed
down and glued to their FAKE paper money system so they can
STEAL your real wealth from you (which they don't have and
can't create). - Realize what total DUDS and LOSERS they
really are and don't ever give your power to them. - Also,
they're such low-vibing duds they will never move to a higher
dimension, that's why they want to trap you here with them
(otherwise they would be totally dead).
As true as steel, as plantage to the moon,
As sun to day, at turtle to her mate,
As iron to adamant, as earth to centre.
(Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida) |

Faith, Hope and Charity |
- Her triple aspect is represented by her three daughters Faith, Hope, and Charity.


Masculine |
Feminine |
- To Carl Jung she was
the unifying power (“individuation”) of both the feminine and
masculine archetypes, anima and animus.
She is the Sophia of wisdom, the Maria of compassion, the Persephone of destruction, compelling Necessity and Fate, and the Muse.
(James Hillman)

Halo shining |
- Sophia is
represented in many religions; Shakti in Hinduism, Guanyin in
Buddhism, Mary in Christianity, Achamōth in Judaism. - Gnostics held that she was the syzygy, or female twin, of Jesus,
known as the Bride of Christ, and the Holy Spirit of the Trinity.
She is both Mother Mary, in her ascendant form,
and Mary Magdalene, as the Earthly companion of the
Christ potential in Christian Gnosticism.
elephant |
- Carl Jung linked the figure of Sophia to the highest
archetype of the anima and her rise and fall to many
myths and stories. - She is symbolized in many forms and called by many names in diverse cultures throughout human history.
- Collective unconcious.
Carl Jung recognized it as a myth of reflection that reflected collective and individual psychology – not just as the metaphor of following “God’s reflection” down into the abyss as an act of necessary self-centeredness and hubris, eventually leading to a humble redemption.
(Robert Kopecky)

All good things |
- She is Isis in Egypt, Ishtar in Babylonia, Inanna in Sumer, Astarte in Canaan, and Kuan-Yin in China,
and in the Judeo-Christian tradition she is called Sophia. -
Additionally, she represents an overwhelming number of females
in religion and mythology including; The Holy
Spirit, Venus, Helen of Troy, Persephone, Eve, Asherah,
Fatimah, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Eurydice, Penelope,
Andromeda, Pandora, Cinderella, Sleepng Beauty and
Sita. - There are many more.
In her coming all good things came to me,
and of her hands riches not to be numbered.
All these I delighted in, since Sophia brings them,
but as yet I did not know She was their mother.
(Wisdom 7: 11-12)

Dance with Sophia |
- Sophia will meet you in places you didn't know you could
go. - She will lead you out of the darkness to the other
side of the road. - Sophia will connect you to the divine
feminine side of your soul and unite it with the masculine
(ego). - She is the path to your higher self.
Though she be but little she is fierce.
(Shakespeare) |
Holy Spirit/Ghost |

The smallest spark is the brightest |
- The Spirit is Sophia who is the divine feminine and the
Third Person of the Trinity. - Sophia appeared in the form of a dove
in the Gospels, and was identified with the Holy Spirit. - Christians began to associate Sophia with the Holy Spirit.
The Greek religious temples and philosophical academies were supported by pillars carved in the likeness of women, as the priestesses of the Great Goddess were the original "pillars of the church." (victoriamooreportfolio.com)

Spirit is Sophia |
The holy number 7 is associated with the four lunar phases and is sacred to Sophia
- The Holy Spirit is depicted in artwork with seven rays of
light emanating from it, which correspond to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. - Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, Grammar, Rhetoric, Dialectic, and Music.
Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out it’s seven pillars.
(Book of Proverbs)
Mary Magdalene |

Shepherd's at sunrise |
- Mary Magdalene and ascension of Christ her Beloved. -
Discovering that we're not bound by anyone or anything, except
our own ego.
Before you can hear, much less follow, the voice of your soul, you have to win back your body. You have to go on a pilgrimage beneath the skin.
(Meggan Watterson, Reveal: A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked) |
- The higher you ascend, the more you go
within since everything comes from within and it's sacred
knowledge. - Your monumental realization is knowing that
everything is within you (the egg); the heavenly realm and all your
But the strong base and building of my love
Is as the very centre of the earth,
Drawing all things to 't'.
(Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida) |

Hard stuck copper |
- It doesn't matter what race or creed you come from, it's
only our egos that brings separation and division. - Which turns
into bigotry, greed and hate; and all the seven deadly sins we
all submit to in this carnal realm. - Mary knew that we had
fallen and are having a hard time getting up by ourselves.
Will matter then be destroyed or not?
(Gospel of Mary 4) |

Looking for Christ's body |
- Magdalene loved equally Christ's physical body, and his
intangible soul. - After his crucifiction, she went
searching for his body alone, in the dark. - An invisible
flame that unites, one soul incarnate in two bodies.
After she found the tomb empty, Mary started weeping, and saw
two angels standing at the head and foot of Jesus' tomb, and a voice
cried out to her "Why are you weeping." - She turned and
Jesus was standing there and he repeated the same question to
Jesus spoke to her, “Woman, why do you weep? Who
are you looking for?” She, thinking that he was the
gardener, said, “Sir, if you took him, tell me where
you put him so I can care for him.” Jesus said,
(Gospel of John 3:13) |

Never alone even when standing in the dark |
- This is the realization that we are never alone, even
when we are weeping in the dark. - All the love that ever
existed remains within you in the human heart. - The
realization that love is stronger than death.
When the Blessed One had said this, He greeted them all,saying, Peace be with you. Receive my peace unto yourselves.
(Gospel of Mary 4:33) |

Angels finally heard |
- The energy of love is the bridge between worlds. -
When we are the most heartbroken, the angels can finally be
heard. - The paradox is that when we're humble enough to
feel the depths of our grief, we are directly connected to all
the love that connects to us invisibly from within. - Jesus
appeared first to Mary in his ascension.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
(Gospel of Mary 4:24) |

Busy material world |
- It's a miraculous moment when you finally realize that
the good has never been outside you, or above or beyond you,
everything is within you. - Learning how to ascend, beyond
the noise and confusion of the material world. - Everything
is within us, buried underneath our ego. - Like a rose
perpetually in bloom deep in the center of us, wild and
That is why I said to you, Be of good courage, and if you are discouraged be encouraged in the presence of the different forms of nature.
(Gospel of Mary 4:31) |

Mary in her cave |
- There's a legend that Mary Magdalene lived in a cave in
the south of France, at La Sainte Baume, the Holy Mountain. -
It is said that she was lifted up 7 times a day from the cave
to high above the cliffs at the apex of the mountain. - She
was lifted up by four angels that were within her own heart,
lifting her up in spirit. - Every day is a new day.
He who has a mind to understand, let him understand. (Gospel
of Mary 4:29) |

Check that ego |
- The reason the legend mentions 7 times a day is to reference the 7 powers of the ego that Christ revealed to Mary in her gospel.
- Something we should get in the habit of releasing at
least 7 times a day. - You have to do the inner work on
The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath.
(Gospel of Mary 8:19) |

Mary stuck in her cave |
- Ascension happens by descending deeper into the truth of
who we are. - It has nothing to do with religous worship,
but going within and healing the heart. - God is both
masculine and feminine, and we have that same polarity within
Now that He ascended, what is it, but because He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
(Ephesians 4:9) |

Ego as servant |
- Creating a better life for all of us starts within you.
- We are eye to eye with our angels, not beneath them. -
Farther up is further in. - Can you imagine what our world
would be like if everyone realized this. - If you are
grateful for what is within, you will save yourself. - The
ego is a servant to your soul and heart.
Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you will become children of humankind, and when you say, Mountain, move from here! it will move"
(Gospel of Thomas 106) |

Everything from God comes from an egg |
- Mary is depicted holding an egg in many pieces of
artwork. - This comes from the story of her meeting with
Tiberius Caesar after witnessing Christ's resurrection. -
She picked up an egg to teach him; this was Mary's way of
showing him that everything that belongs to God comes from an
egg, and all life exists within us. - Focus outward to the
beautiful things that occupy our lives, instead of the painful
things of this world (which would occupy our every thought if
we allow it).
My desire has been ended, and ignorance has died. (Gospel
of Mary 8:22) |

True wealth |
- True wealth comes from within. - When Mary saw Jesus
after his resurrection, it wasn't just a vision, it was the
real deal. - She understood that the heart is a mediator
between worlds and she brought forth a love within her that
never dies and never ends.
That is why the Good came into your midst, to the essence of every nature in order to restore it to its root. (Gospel
of Mary 4:27) |

Abundance |
- Once we learn to turn inward for direction on
what's next, validation and self-worth, we then have
everything we need to save ourselves and the world around us.
- It takes a lot of time and energy to look after yourself,
don't forsake yourself. - Looking after yourself first
isn't a selfish thing, in order to have the strength to pour
into another, you have to take care of yourself first. -
Only then can you pour from your abundance not lack.
For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone.
(Gospel of Mary 4:23) |

Poppy |
- It's amazing how tapped into our passed on loved ones
we are, how a song or even a scent can connect us. - You
have to set them free so they don't remain trapped in your
energy and there's no ghost of them, knowing that we're all
eternal. - Be kind and gentle with yourself and raise your
vibration bit by bit. - Once you realize you are a
spiritual being, more than a material being, you will never
cling to anyone again.
Jesus to Mary Magdalene "Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.”
(John 20:17) |

Unbound |
- The soul has been bound by the 7 powers of the ego,
however, the soul does not bind anyone or anything. - The
ego can trap you and confuse you, so you must choose things
that free you; heart, mind, body and soul. - The essence of
who we are will be judged throughout our lives by both our own
ego and by the egoic powers of others (which don't always
judge fairly or truthfully). - Therefore, the soul will be
bound by others, but the soul does not bind others in
I was bound, though I have not bound.
(Gospel of Mary 8:16) |

Present moment |
- Your soul is free and knows it and it recognized that
the universe will be dissolved. -
Dissolving untruths and uncovering truths. - The ego can't
see the soul, but the soul can see everything in all the
dualities; light and dark, day and night. - The soul
releases Heaven and Earth to exist nowhere but in the present
I was not recognized. But I have recognized that the All is being dissolved, both the earthly things and the heavenly.
(Gospel of Mary 8:17) |

Unified conciousness and love LVIII - 58 Mary
Magdalene |
- Even in the midst of the very worst, our soul
whispers 'I am free.' - Free to be love, and to be loved.
- So you can cast your own little light, to light others, soul
lit, and that's how Christ ascends through our conciousness
towards each other to bring in unified conciousness and love.
From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.
(Gospel of Mary 8:24) |
- Ark of the Covenant next to the pillar on the bridge.

Jesus in his chariot
moving mountains |
- Jesus, jes(yes) means sun. Same as Horus, Egyptian sun god, whom the term 'hour' comes from.
- Jesus (sun) and his 12 disciples (12 zodiacs) known as the light of the world
and the only sun of god. - The sun crosses the equinox 4x creating the 4 seasons.
- Refering to the 4 personalities of the sun as there are 4 gospels in the
New Testament. - Holidays: Christmas is on the winter equinox,
Easter the spring.
The Age of Taurus spans approximately the period between 4400 and 2200 BC. It is the age defined by the Sun being in the constellation of Taurus on the spring equinox.
(aquariansigns.com) |

Egyptian pyramid is tent in the desert Taurus
the Bull |
- The sun Set (Seth). - There is much more astrological symbolism woven into
Bible stories. - The path of the earth around the Sun (or the apparent path of the sun around the earth) produces a sine wave
which represents time, as we measure time by the number of orbits around the sun.
- To be born into sin, is to born into time, lower ego.
- He rests his head on his father and forward movement is the
Holy Spirit (Ghost).
And when they heard this they began to go forth to proclaim and to preach.
(Gospel of Mary 9:10) |

signed by Leonardo DaVinci