Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




- There is white magic and there is dark (black) magic. Anyone can learn to perform dark magic, also known as word magic, lying and manipulation, at the base level. It's the easiest form of magic because there's so much negativity in this 3D realm it's so tangible.

Magic hat pink

- The magician is the most fascinating and mysterious of all the archtypes that we must journey through.
- We can see him in all the myths, literature, TV, cinema and most recently, video games.
- Like all things in this universe, snakes can represent both good or bad.
- The magician is someone who performs magic.
- He is the archetype of transformation; transforming old realities into new ones by changing consciousness and self-realization.
- The magician uses the law of conservation which states that energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another.
- Gloves on.

Party hat on wizard

- Usually the wizard is a representation of wise old man, one who sees and knows everything.
- He has studied the magical arts over a long period.
- Society and outside forces consider him to be a hermit or madman.
- He lives outside the bounds of 'normal' society in the wilderness and can communicate with animals and spirits in the unseen realm.


- The sorcerer has an innate gift with magic, or gained magical power by making pacts with supernatural entities.
- Generally associated with witchcraft and voodoo.
- An enchanter is someone can cast spells that involve magical charms and talismans.



- Necromancers use magic to communicate with the dead and summoning spirits to foretell the future or discover hidden knowledge.
- There are both white and black necromancers.

Shadow magician

- The Shadow Magician withholds information that could be helpful to others.
- Using knowledge as a weapon to control others or to bolster personal wealth or knowledge at the expense of others.
- Expert at manipulation.
- The dark magician's expert knowledge on his craft causes his ego to be inflated, very narcissistic.
- Takes advantage of those who have less knowledge than him.
- He takes on the archetype of the healer, thus eliminating his humanity, leading to grandiose beliefs or a messiah complex.
- Commonly called charlatans, cult leaders or false prophets, who fall into hubris, one of the seven deadly sins.

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.” “Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.” (Lord Acton)

Witches brew

- Witches and Warlocks usually have negative connotations as evil traitors, oath breakers and liars.
- According to Wicca, the Warlock is a male witch who has betrayed his coven.
- Any magician, wizard, witch, etc., who doesn't give glory to the power of God, but to some other source (Mother Earth), is demonic.
- There are however, both white and black witches.

Celtic Druid

- The Celtic Druids were very mysterious and left no written works.
- They were inspired by Pythagoras, and were valued as scholars, priests, philosophers and judges.
- Communed with nature and were fortune tellers.
- Believed in immortality of the soul, transmitigration of the soul and reincarnation.
- Most of what is known about them was recorded by the Greeks and Romans.

An important stepping stone in Druidry was the practice of divination and augury. Additionally, Christian monks believed the druids were able to wield the power of nature to their benefit (i.e., creating dense fog and summoning storms). (

Shamanism the oldest system of healing

- The Shaman is a type of priest or mystic in Native American tribes as well as Siberian tribes.
- He communicates with the world of spirits usually concerning illness or some kind of mental crisis that he suffers, and once he cures himself, he's capable of helping others.
- The Shaman believed in the dark night of the soul and that conquering it was an important part of their spiritual journey: they believed if you made it through, you were illuminated with an inextinguishable spark, the fount of life.
- He was a medicine man who picked the herbs to cure his people and guarded their souls.
- The Shaman was a mix of psychoanalyst, doctor, and priest.


- Ancient fertility rituals were another form of magic and they employed sympathetic magic which is based on the principle of correspondence (for example, expressing sympathy for the animals the hunter was getting ready to kill).
- Many rituals included sacrifices of animals and at times humans.
- Demeter was the central deity in fertility rites held in classical Greece which celebrated the change of seasons.


- Priests perform religious ceremonies and serve as spiritual leaders.
- They perform faith rituals in their faith traditon and act as intercessors between humans and the Divine.
- Priests perform rites of exorcism and control access to holy water and blessed herbs.
- Doctrine of transubstantiation which is the conversion of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration.
- Catholics believe that through transubstantation the risen Jesus Christ becomes present in their communion ritual.
- Many of the founders of the worlds religions often performed miracles, such as Christ walking on water.

Body of Christ

- Hocus pocus is a word which comes from the Latin 'hoc est corpus' or 'this is the body of Christ.'
- When Christ healed, he would make the person he was healing a participant in the healing by showing them how to use their faith to heal within.

But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has healed you."  (Matthew 9:22)


- Modern practitioners such as pyschologists and naturopathic healers perform a service similar to the Shaman.
- The pyschologist works with the emotional and mental state and the naturopathic uses herbs to cure diseases and can also work with emotional problems.
- Many modern practitioners work with the dream state, consciousness, reiki healing and past life regression.


- A miracle can never occur because of a prideful act or ego performed by a magician, but rather, it is the result of an act of compassion.
- There is no explanation for the happening but it affects us deeply.
- Jung described such happenings as sychronicity.
- The magician is responsible for such random acts in our life which can suspend our rational beliefs.

Hidden realms

- The magician is someone who believes there is more that can be seen, than we are able to see with our human eyes.
- He is able to ascend to a higher state of consciousness.
- The magician has learned all the esoteric hidden (occult) knowledge.

Hero's journey

- In ancient times, the magician was a mentor to the king and helped him control emotions, such as anger, by helping him to release harmful moods.
- The prince would receive instruction from the magician from a young age and the magician would teach him about the hero's journey.
- The goal was that a king would learn to overcome his dragon and generate wealth, and then generously share his gold with everyone in his kingdom.

Merlin the Magician


- Merlin was an enchanter and wise man in Arthurian legend and romance in the Middle Ages.
- He was the persona of magicians in ancient Celtic mythology, especially the Welsh Caer Myrddin (Merlin's fort or castle).
- Portrayed as a Wild Man of the Woods living in Coed Celyddon (‘Caledonian Forest’), much like the Druids escaping from the Romans.
- Treated differently by many authors; depending on their varying attitudes about magic and witchcraft.

Wizard Merlin

- The Arthurian legend was a body of stories and medieval romances centering on the legendary King Arthur.
- His character arose out of the medival tension between pagans and Christians and he occupies a position in mysticism which gives him more freedom.
- It took several decades of adaptations to the story before Merlin became the wizard of the legend as he is known today.
- In the 12th century, Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote about British King Vortigern and Merlin-Ambrosius.
- Robert de Borron added Christianity and the Holy Grail to the story in the 13th century.

Demonic side of Merlin

- The author of the first part of the French Vulgate cycle created the demonic side of Merlin, and in later branches of the cycle, he once again returned as Christian prophet of the Holy Grail.
- He was a paradox, as he was both the son of the devil, and the servant of God.
- Associated with the dark arts and necromancy by medieval Christians.

Medieval writers, especially the French, variously treated stories of Arthur’s birth, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. (Britannica)

Magician red crescent

- Merlin was the central character in the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
- He was a shape-shifter and fortune teller.


Dark demon trap

- Merlin's birth was modeled after the religious myth of the Harrowing of Hell where the demons of Hell, annoyed that Christ was saving souls and emptying out their realm, plotted revenge through the birth of the Anti-christ.
- The demons sent a devil incubus to impregnate the innocent princess of Dyfed in Wales, who was living in a convent, however, the princess found a priest to baptize the child as soon as he was born, and this thwarted the demons plan to take him over and use him as the Anti-christ.
- Because of his mother's actions, he was a whole man (self), a soul who holds the union of opposites, a balance of both dark and light.

Merlin the child

- Merlin was a child prodigy; he had abilities and magical powers such as clairvoyance and foretelling the future.
- He used his unusual powers for good, rather than bad.
- He had knowledge of the truth which existed before ignorance (the creator god) was ruling.

Night of the long knives

- Merlin appears after the massacre of the British chieftains in 573 AD by Hegist, a Saxon leader, in an encounter known as Night of the Long Knives.
- He wandered around mad, which turned into the gift of prophecy.

Tower topple

- After the massacre, the British King Vortigern fled to Wales where he attempted to build a strong tower to protect himself, only to find that every night the day's work was mysteriously undone and the foundation crumbled.
- The king's court wizards advised him that he would need to sprinkle some blood from a child who was born without a father to make the cement sound.
- Young Merlin was brought to the king because he was not known to have a father.

Saxon White Dragon

- Right away, Merlin saw a hidden pool beneath the tower that contained two sleeping dragons, one white and one red, opposites.
- He knew his blood would not solve the problem because the proposed hill fort could not be built in that location as it was too unstable.
- He was able to see below the surface at a deeper level.

British Red Dragon

- Merlin had a premonition that the white dragon (Saxon), who were winning the battle, would not win over the red dragon (British), who would eventually triumph.
- He went into a trance and predicted the future of the Britons to the end of time, with the coming of a great king named Arthur.
- Henry on fire.

Stone moving

- Later, Merlin, with the help of a giant, moved a ring of magical stones known as the Giant's Dance from Ireland to Salisbury Plain in Wilshire to build Stonehenge.
- He was involved in the conception, birth and education of the future King Arthur, using his powers of sorcery.

The episode in question tells of a legendary king, Uther Pendragon, who desires to sleep with the beautiful Lady Igerna. Merlin concocts a magical potion that disguises Uther as Igerna’s husband, thus enabling him to enter her bedchamber to satisfy his desire. Out of this deception the future King Arthur is conceived. (

Merlin embeds Excalibur in the stone

- Merlin embedded the magical sword Excalibur in an anvil from which only Arthur, as the rightful king of Britain, could withdraw it.
- As a young boy, Arthur pulled the sword from the stone and inherited his rightful kingdom.
- Merlin uses his powers to warn Arthur about the future but he couldn't change events that have already been ordained (fate).

Golden Age of Camelot

- One day Merlin appeared in the form of a young boy to Arthur who was out hunting in the forest and he revealed that his parents were King Uther and Lady Igerna.
- Later, Merlin changed into an old man and prophesized that Mordred, the son of Arthur that he conceived with his half-sister, Morgause, would one day destroy his father and the court of Camelot.

Merlin in candle light

- Merlin, who was a jokester, had strange habits and a menancing laugh that frightened others and announced his sometimes macabre intentions.
- One time, he changed into a deer and was served at Caesar's dinner, later returning to a wild man to interpret the Emperor's dreams.

Merlin and Princess Niviane

- Merlin becomes obsessed with the fairy huntress, Niviane (Vivien), the daughter of the king of Northcumberland.
- He performed strange stunts to impress her including setting two harpists alight with sulfur while proclaiming they were evil sorcerers.
- Arthur convinced Niviane to stay in his castle which made Merlin very happy and he fell in love with her.
- Niviane was afraid that Merlin would use his magical powers to take advantage of her, so she vowed she would never fall in love with him, unless he taught her all of the magic he knew.
- Niviane brought about Merlin's downfall after she tricked him out of all his magical knowledge and used one of his spells to lock him in a tomb in the forest of Broceliande inside an oak tree until the end of time.

Magic cave

- There is a myth that Merlin hid his treasures in a cave at Dinas Emrys.
- He put them inside a golden vessel, which was placed with his golden chair inside the cavern.
- Merlin rolled a large rock over the entrance and covered it with earth and green turf.

It is said that the discoverer of the treasure will be ‘golden-haired and blue-eyed’. When that lucky person is close to entrance of the cave, a bell will ring to invite him or her into the cave, which will open of its own accord as soon as that person’s foot touches it. (

  Thoth / Hermes / Mercury  
Magic hatman

- Hidden in plain sight.
- Thoth, the ancient Egyptian, scribe of the Gods, another archetype of the magician.
- God of writing, wisdom and magic.
- Author of the Hermetic writings which were revelations on occult subjects and theology.
- Later associated with the Greek Hermes who was messenger of the Gods.
- His works were chiefly astrology and later medicine, magic, spiritual and alchemy.
- Mercury represents the Philosopher's stone.

Trickster with crown jewels

- Hermes and Mercury were the gods of tricksters, thieves and magicians.
- When they are in their shadow side, they are illusionists convincing others of lies, which can be seen in modern consumerism where there is a 'magic pill' to divert all your problems.
- Tricksters can make objects disappear, create illusions, and confuse with sleight of hand.
- The trickster uses the veil of Maya to conceal the true character of spiritual reality.

Tarot magic hat

- In Tarot, the magician is card one, and follows the fool, which is card zero.
- In the Marseille Tarot deck, the trickster is called the juggler and appears as a street performer holding a golden wand and wearing motley, which was the traditional costume of the court jester, fool or joker.
- In the Rider-Waite deck, the magician appears as a holy priest and discards the image of the trickster and represents creation and destruction, the cycle of birth and life and death and rebirth.
- The magician points one hand to the sky, and the other to earth to signify as above, so below.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Lord's prayer)

Emerald tablets

- Hermetism was extensively developed and propagated by the Muslims and contained hundreds of magic spells, hymns, formulae and rituals; as in the Greek Magical Papyri, and how they could be used for protection and healing.
- A Hellenistic period psychopomp who morphed into Hermes Trismegistus, a sage and magician who wrote the Emerald Tablets.
- The magician has control over the mystical laws, which are mirror reflections of the physical laws; as the tablets point out, as above, so below, and as below, so above, in order to accomplish the 'one' work.

Psychopomps are creatures, spirits, angels, demons, or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply to guide them. (Wikipedia)

Strangled at stake and then burned

- Practitioners of magic have a long history of persecution since many with traditional religious beliefs felt it was an improper expression of an 'other' type of religion they considered demonic.
- Classical scholars believed the tablets where simply superstition and old-fashioned, not relevant.
- This resulted in an extensive period of witch hunts which began in Europe and spread to America.
- Magic is the shadow of religion and contains all the hidden occult knowledge representing repressed and unknown philosophies.

Burning at stake

- In truth, those who went against so many with gossip and lies and cruelty were the ones carrying out black magic against others.
- In most cases, it wasn't the people that were hung or burned at the stake who were the criminals, it was the local ministers, judges and prisonkeepers who were the criminals.

Buddha knots

- As time passed, astrology expanded into astronomy and alchemy became chemistry.
- The endless knot represents the unity, oneness and interconnectedness of all things, and the infinite nature of compassion and wisdom.
- The Magicians could not be cast out because magic is the basis of all science, spirituality and religion.


- Abracadabra is a magic word used historically in apotropaic incantation commonly used in stage magic.
- In Greece, where the word first appeared, it was often used as an amulet inscription to vanquish illness.

Some think abracadabra comes from the Hebrew phrase “ebrah k'dabri,” and means “I create as I speak,'” while others think it comes from “avra gavra,” an Aramaic phrase meaning “I will create man” — the words of God on the sixth day of creation. (Wikipedia)

Word magic

- Be careful with your words because they are the biggest weapon of all, and often used unknowingly and carelessly. Gossip, lies, and idle slander, most don't even realize they're doing so much harm.
- Retribution only hurts you in the long run, and it won't help you win any prizes.
- You can however, speak/think the truth about bad things that others have done to you (don't be a victim though) because it allows you to sort through and understand your true reality and move on.


Magic carpet

- Most of our inner negativity comes from repression, and this is when we most face our dark night of the soul.
- The goal is not to ignore or repress any hidden negative energy, but allowing it to resurface so you can transform it to a new more positive form.
- We must learn to transform our emotional energy which comes after we learn to feel our emotions fully (learning to laugh at yourself).
- The magician travels to other worlds, through altered states of consciousness, but most of us aren't aware that it's something we all do.
- When we do harm to others, we must ask for forgiveness, and then forgive ourself.
- As we awake, synchronicities become more frequent, and things we think about and dream about start to appear in our reality.
- There are many sculpturer who admit that amazingly, they don't choose their subject, but they chisel away and the image simply appears.



- Words can be very magical and healing when we learn how to use them to talk through our problems; enjoying closer connections with each other as a result.
- Psychoanalysts call this the 'talking cure.'
- The highest form of healing is the balance of body, soul and spirit.
- As your own personal magician, simply ask God for what you need to lead the best life; things like health, resources, knowledge and transformation.
- It is not the New Age concept that all our thoughts should be positive in order to create a positive world, but instead, that both the positive and negative must be balanced (equal give and take).
- Positive and negative must co-exist.
- All the greatest inventions in the world first existed as an idea in someone's unconscious mind.
- The magician brings the realm of fantasy and imagination into reality (be careful what you wish for).
- Now that we know from quantum physics that our thoughts and emotions create our reality, that is all the more reason to learn how to use your own personal magic wisely to create a beautiful world.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. (Matthew 7:7)


DaVinci Last Supper - Page 13



The development of man has as its ultimate purpose
in the complete mastery of mind over the material world.

Nikola Tesla


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