Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Olympic Pantheon  


- Dis-Order of things (low vibrational, represents the lower self, the ego).

In Hesiod's Theogony, which came to be accepted by the Greeks as the "standard" account, from Gaia (Earth), the first entity to come into existence after Chaos (Void), came Uranus, the Ourea (Mountains), and Pontus (Sea).

Then, according to the Theogony, Uranus mated with Gaia, and she gave birth to the twelve Titans: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys and Cronus; the Cyclopes: Brontes, Steropes and Arges; and the Hecatoncheires ("Hundred-Handed Ones"): Cottus, Briareus, and Gyges. (Wikipedia, Uranus)

- There are other stories.

Uranus was the first who ruled over the whole world. (Apollodorus)

Greeks and Romans

- The Romans, who came after the Greeks, considered themselves heirs to Greece, both in lineage and culture.
- Greek gods were incorporated into the Roman pantheon under the names of earlier Latin deities connecting the mythology to both Greek and Roman history.


- The ancients knew the etymology of words (how words encode meaning) and all the ancient meanings, the ancestors knew. With the advent of Rome, all this changed. The calendar changed, the year was changed, the language was changed, the names of the gods were changed.
- As a result, as a Roman, you got to rewrite history.
- This was the beginning of the modern day church on Earth and it started because Constantine performed such inhumane deeds against his own family members, the priests of the time let him know there was 'no redemption' for his sins until he served a long series of reincarnations (karma).
- Constantine, the 'anti-christ' was so upset by this revelation, he created the church that eliminated the truth about reincarnation.
- He believed that the only way to perpetuate this infamy, was to keep the world in ignorance of the 'cosmic law' so the Council of Nicea in Rome changed the 'times and seasons.'

Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. (Matthew 25:13)

Ship sunk

- So now you find out why that parable is so true, and Matthew knew that only four of the apostles ended up in the Nicean version of the Bible (the other 8 were edited out).
- The end of the age of the fish (Pisces), the church age is over and that is the final secret of Fatima; simply, their time is up and they didn't want you to know this (they wanted you to think it was your fault).
- Watch: 104 yr Old Book Reveals Deep Spiritual Knowledge.

Our ego will be destroyed. We become humbled. The true inner man, one with the Word (naked seed) that he clings to, will be very much alive. (heavenawaits)

- Fig Tree Generation.

Philosophers, poets and writers

- Theogony, Hesiod, Homer, Plato, Apollodorus, Eumelos of Corinth, Callimachus, Diodorus Siculus, Hyginus, Epimenides, Musaeus, Antoninus Liberalis, Plutarch, Pausanias, Euhemerus, Xenophanes, Pindar, Aeschylus, there are many generations of stories.
- Different spaces, different places.

Uranus and Gaia

Heaven and Earth

- Divine Uranus, father of the deities, and Gaia, Mother Earth, two become one, everything, negative and positive was incarnated into a man.
- Pleroma, fullness, divine beings, all that is, male and female, unity of the one, all of us.
- Perfect reflection 'logos' expression of the universe from all the words that the Most High used to create the world and it came to be.
- He put all those words together with his being, because all dwells inside him and his wife.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Ouranos / Uranus Gaia / Mother Earth  


7th planet from the Sun 3rd planet from the Sun  

- Heavenly Father Uranus / An.
- In Tarot, Uranus represents the 12th house; subconscious, dreams, and fantasies.
- In astrology, Uranus (friends) rules the 11th house and deals with friendships, networking, teamwork, goals, hopes and dreams, and community; linked to zodiac sign Aquarius.

- Earthly Mother Gaia.
- In Tarot, Earth represents the grounding force that connects the spiritual with the material.
- In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil, the World Tree, serves as a symbol of interconnectedness, anchoring the spiritual and material realms;

Gaia first bore starry Heaven [Uranus], equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods. (Hesiod)

Portal Golden Age/Race

- The Golden Age was the mythical first period of man.
- The people of the Golden Age were formed by the Titan Cronus, who the Romans called Saturn.

and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and gold multiply, and all that you have multiplies, (Deuteronomy 8:13)

Sun golden bowl

- Greek religious myths about gods or heroes are connected with ritual.
- They include cosmogonical tales of the genesis of the gods and the world out of Chaos, the successions of divine rulers, and the struggles that ended with the supremacy of Zeus, the ruling god of Olympus which was the mountain that was considered the home of the gods.

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. (Matthew 5:15)

Four primary divine beings

- Hesiod described four primary divine beings that came into existence first: the Gap (Chaos), Earth (Gaea/Gaia), the Abyss (Tartarus), and Love (Eros).

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:15:20)

Coal fire

- Archons were ancient Greek chief magistrates in many city-states. The office became prominent in the Archaic period, when the kings (basileis) were being replaced by aristocrats (rich people).
- Warmed up coals, trains are death.

According to Greek cosmological concepts, the Earth was viewed as a flat disk afloat on the river of Ocean. The Sun (Helios) traversed the heavens like a charioteer and sailed around the Earth in a golden bowl at night.

Natural fissures were popularly regarded as entrances to the subterranean house of Hades—i.e., the home of the dead.. (Britannica)


Second generation

- The 12 Titans, pre-Olympian gods, were the second generation of divine entities, and were the offspring of Uranus and Gaia, primordial gods.
- There were six male Titans; Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus.
- There were also six female Titans, who were called the Titanides or Titanesses; Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys.
- The siblings took control of the Earth from the primordial gods, who were born out of nothing.
- Prometheus, Atlas, Helios, and Leto, are sometimes also called Titans.
- The Titans rose to power after Cronus overthrew their father, Uranus.
- Later the identical action was replicated by Zeus and the other Olympians, who fought a ten-year-long battle, Titanomachy, against Cronus and the Titans to become the prevailing gods of the Greek universe (cosmos).

As a result of this war, the vanquished Titans were banished from the upper world and held imprisoned under guard in Tartarus, although apparently some Titans were allowed to remain free. (Wikipedia)

Cronus / Saturn

God of the harvest, with stone sickle

- The creative process began with the forcible separation of Gaia from Uranus in order to allow her progeny to be born.
- Cronus was king of the Titans.
- He mated with his older sister Rhea, and produced the first generation of Olympians: the six siblings Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera.
- Gaia, wife of Uranus, created a great stone sickle and gathered son Cronus and his brothers (Titans) together to castrate Uranus.
- Cronus gained Gaia's favor after he hid her gigantic youngest children (Cyclopes and the hundred-handed Hecatoncheires) so they wouldn't see the light.
- Cronus, god of the harvest and one of the 12 Titans, was the only one of the brothers willing to do the deed.
- Cronus castrated his father Uranus, and threw his testicles into the sea, because he envied his power, thus overthrowing him.
- Saturn is Satan.

When you enter your neighbor’s standing grain, then you may pluck the heads with your hand, but you shall not wield a sickle in your neighbor’s standing grain. (Deuteronomy 23:25)

Sickle under the island of Corfu, Aphrodite is foam

- The sickle was thrown into the ocean and fell under the island of Corfu in the shape of a sickle.
- Looks like a very pleasant sandy beach and ocean surf.

From the blood that spilled out from Uranus and fell upon the earth, the Gigantes, Erinyes, and Meliae were produced. The testicles produced a white foam from which the goddess Aphrodite emerged. (Wikipedia)

Cronus, the supreme ruler of the cosmos

- Cronus then became the supreme ruler of the cosmos.
- He married his sister Rhea.
- Cronus was usually depicted with a harpe, scythe or a sickle, which was the instrument he used to castrate Uranus.


6th planet from the Sun

- In astrology, Saturn (career) rules the 10th house (Midheaven) and relates to employment, power, reputation, public status, fame and legacy; linked to zodiac sign Capricorn.

Golden Age

- Cronus created the Golden Age and the citizens lived in abundance and happiness.

Instead of bronze I will bring gold, And instead of iron I will bring silver, And instead of wood, bronze, And instead of stones, iron. And I will make peace your administrators And righteousness your overseers. (Isaiah 60:17)


- Together, Cronus and Rhea had three daughters and three sons: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and lastly, Zeus, the youngest of the six.
- Swallow as a means of control.

He swallows each child as soon as they are born, having received a prophecy from his parents, Gaia and Uranus, that one of his own children is destined to one day overthrow him as he overthrew his father. (Wikipedia)

Pregnant with Zeus

- When Cronus devoured his children, this caused much grief for Rhea.
- When she was pregnant with youngest son, Zeus, she went to her parents, Uranus and Rhea, to help protect his birth.
- She wanted retribution for Cronus what he did to his children and father.

Mount Aegaeon

Cave wall

- At the advice of her parents, Rhea traveled to Lyctus in Crete, where she gave birth to Zeus.
- She handed the newborn child over to her mother Gaia for her to raise.
- Gaia took Zeus to a cave on Mount Aegaeon.

Omphalos (Naval) Stone that replaced Zeus

- Rhea then gave to Cronus, in the place of a child, a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he swallows, unaware that it is not his son.

Milky Way

- Before he swallowed the stone he asked Rhea to nurse the child one more time so she pretended she was nursing and pressed her breast against the stone and her milk sprayed across the heavens and formed the Milky Way.

A Mycenaean variant of Zeus was thought to have been "a divine child" abandoned by his mother and eventually raised by "nymphs, goddesses, or even animals. (Wikipedia)

Cave in Crete filled with sacred bees

- One generation, Rhea gives birth to Zeus in a sacred cave in Crete filled with sacred bees.
- The bees nurse Zeus with sacred honey.
- A group of thieves break into the cave, which is forbidden to both mortals and gods, to steal some of the sacred honey.

Bronze armor split away

- When they laid eyes on Zeus' swaddling clothes, their bronze armor split away from their bodies.

Turning the thieves into ducks and geese

- Zeus would have killed the thieves but was interupted by the Moirai and Themis.
- Instead he transforms them into various species of birds.

Zeus as a snake

- In another generation, the nymphs Helike and Kynosura are the young Zeus's nurses.
- Cronus traveled to Crete to look for Zeus, who concealed his presence and transformed himself into a snake.


- Zeus also changed his nymph nurses, Helice and Cynosura into bears, who later became the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

The wind-shaked surge, with high and monstrous mane, Seems to cast water on the burning bear, And quench the guards of th’ ever-fixèd pole. (Shakespeare, Othello)

Nymph Adamanthea with Omphalos stone

- Another version of the myth has Zeus raised by the nymph Adamanthea, which in Greek means 'untameable' or goddess.
- Adamanthea, who nursed Zeus, and the goat-nymph Amalthea, are revered as the foster mothers of Zeus.

Circus star baby Zeus
suspended between the earth, the sea, and the sky

- Adamanthea hid Zeus by dangling him by a rope from a tree so that he was suspended between the earth, the sea, and the sky, which were all ruled by his grandfather Uranus.
- The 'hangman' (Neptune energy) is the conduit and is the bridge (channel) who lives in between two realities, realm of physical and spiritual at the exact same time.

Cronus vomiting out his 5 children and the stone

- As he ascended to power, Cronus vomited out the stone and the 5 children he swallowed in the order of their demise, using the skills and strength of son Zeus and his mother Gaia.

Garden flowers in pot

Sun Moon Stars  
Signed by Leonardo DaVinci 
A new day!

As above, so below.



Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail?

Leonardo DaVinci


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