Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself






- The road to Emmaus-Bethel-Heliopolis - where Jesus Reveals Himself.
- There's a universal holy language that mankind spoke at the Tower of Babel (Gate of El).
- Today, this language is known as 'knowledge' but it's been split into many pieces such as; science, mathmatics, and music, just to name a few.
- The study of mathmatics began in the 6th century BC with the Pythagoreans, who coined the term from the ancient Greek 'mathema' meaning 'subject of instruction' which is also called education.

City light

- In ancient Greece, 'polis' was a city; Eliopolis (Heliopolis) was the city of El.
- After Babylon was destroyed, Abraham was sent on a mission to Heliopolis.
- A city in those days wasn't a money-making enterprise, with banks, storefronts, companies, prisons and any modern day interpretation, but rather, a city was a 'commune' because that is where people went to join together.

Tree farm

- A village was a community that was created by a father and mother and all their descendants.
- They loved their communities, the children were taught how to use the earth and there were communal baths where they could wash off the sweat of the day because everyone needed to be clean.


- In the Old Testament, everyone was living in tents, which can equate to a tabernacle, hut, lean-to, etc., although they didn't have canvas back then, it was a place they could take with them in their nomadic life, and use to keep them warm and dry.
- The ancients had strict cleanliness rules; if you came in out of the field working with animals, you were trained to wash your hands before working with food, for example.

World lit

- The 'Gymnasium' was a holy building, not some place you work out and it was where the communal baths were located.
- It wasn't a fitness center or money-making enterprise, set up so that some rich people could make money off all the 'lowers' or peasants, not like a modern man-made city in the desert with a brothel and bar where they lure them in with sex and violence.

Heavenly Colosseum

- Many think of Rome, with an arena where people would fight each other to death, as an example of a modern enterprise, however, it wasn't that at all.
- To begin, the Colosseum, which was called a stadium, was constructed based on astrology; the base was 600', 6x6=36; and it had 360 degrees.
- The Bible talks about stadions (furlongs) which are units of measurement and according to ancient writer Herodotus, one stadium (stadia) was equal to 600 Greek feet (podes).
- The furlongs were an important part of building Solomon's Temple, 600x600x600; which we're unaware of the correct meaning or interpretation, because the Bible isn't fully translated.

Spotlight on holy places

- So as a result, we have been left clueless about the meaning of these words, the stadium, gymnasium, polis; were originally holy places, revered by the community.
- The system relied on the language and it was clearcut; poet was a priest.
- The people understood about Zeus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda; and what all the deities meant, and that it was about the language, that it wasn't meant to keep the people down, but the myths were a classroom, a way to pass important spiritual and moral concepts down through the generations.

Public bath

- The center of the polis (city) was the library or temple and it contained the public baths, it wasn't religious, it was educational and it was communal.
- There's no religious words in the Bible, it's not about religion, it's about practical living (and some not so practical as moral lessons) and astrology.
- Sacrifice simply meant slaughter, barbeque pit, and was a means of obtaining food for the commune.
- Priest meant servant, as one who served the commune in the temple, gymnasium and public baths.

Party table

- What we think of today as ancient ceremonies and rituals were educational and teaching tools.
- For example, the ancients had coming of age ceremonies that taught a male child how to be a man.
- The holy days; each year they would have a big ceremony to teach their youth about fertility and what sex, menstruation and moon cycles were all about.


Silk Dress

- Marriages and relationships were a village concern; they taught their young why they had to be married, and how to pick a compatible mate.
- It was a village effort, not like today where our children are left to grow up on their own watching sex and violence on TV and then not allowed to leave the house to mingle with anyone.
- Latest headline in fake news; 'Don't ever speak to anyone who tries talking to you in the grocery store checkout line because they're a psychopath and of course, make sure you wear your mask.'
- Because if you wear a mask, while they're wearing theirs, you won't ever recognize them, now will you?


- The system in place that runs us is based on Judaism, vengeance, hate, jealousy.
- After Babel fell, the 72 nations scattered and the Midrash talks about how everyone was there together in the beginning and then were separated.
- Abraham went to Egypt and that was the sacred place; hieroglyph means holy writing or book, and it was written on their temple walls.

- This was their education, you have to run the race to win the prize according to Apostle Paul; something we haven't managed to figure out, that he was talking about education and the race of life to get ahead; and modern interpretation turns it into a race about getting ahead by making more money and material gains.
- We've been lied to and the language we've been taught makes no sense, everything has double meanings and twisted spellings.

Know ye not that those who run in a race all run, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain it. (1 Corinthians 9:24)



- The Bible was translated into modern languages like English, German and French, languages which were designed to keep us subjugated, confused and lost, so that we don't understand what the real truth is.
- That's why YHWH had the Tower of Babel torn down, which means Mary of Magdalena (tower) and contains the great library of all the learnings of the Divine One.

Public bath

- In Heliopolis, they built another tower where the priesthood was simply people who offered their time to educate others and to serve the community.
- They held annual ceremonies and games, not to kill each other, but to teach about the race we're running and how to win the prize.
- It wasn't anything like what's going on today, where the young are told to go out and get a career as some kind of 'star' so they can be idolized.
- We're not supposed to have stars and idols.
- The ancient priests didn't teach about competition as being better than someone else, but instead, they taught how to better yourself by working hard and getting better; run faster next time.

Jesus on the road to Emmaus

- The length that you ran was 600' and it was esoteric truth, as the distance from Jerusalem to Bethel.
- The disciples were on the road to Emmaus when they saw the resurrected Jesus, except today, no one knows where Emmaus is located.
- Emmaus was 60 stadia from Jerusalem and a stadia is equivalant to 600', so there's 60x600 and because we have no clue how that relates to the clock with 60 minutes and 60 seconds, and the astrological ages, and 360 days, and all the science and knowledge, we have no real understanding, because that has all been hidden from us.
- YHWH took the tower (Gate of El) down, and the tower at Heliopolis was also destroyed which is where Mary Magdalene was the high priestess.

Temple of the Sun

- Heliopolis, city of the sun, in 'Egypt' was known in Coptic Hebrew and English as the city of On.
- Jeremiah also called Heliopolis the city of Beth-shemesh, meaning house or temple of the sun.
- Ezekiel pronounced the city name as Aven, which is the same as On.
- The Arabs called it the Ani-Shem, city of Shem, or the city of the holy name.
- According to modern historians, all these names come from the fact that the city was the ancient seat of Egyptian worship of the sun; except this is a lie because the ancients did not worship, they honored, which means to bow down and respect.
- Both the words, religion and worship, did not exist in ancient times.

Natural law

- Israel had a temple, but it was not religious law, it was civil law and the entire community followed the same rules and standards, you couldn't make up your own rules in your temple.
- These rules are called natural law and came down to us from Enoch and Thoth.
- For many years the law was taught in Egypt and later it was transferred to the Greeks, later to the Romans (Christians).
- Now we're in a period where all the ancient knowledge has disappeared, we're in an apostasy and no one understands any of the holy language.

Ancient city

- The Greek language is the language that the Bible was written in and we need to read it untranslated, in that language, because it teaches all the meaningful sayings/words, such as 'missing the mark' and 'bullseye' (which both deal with astrology) that weren't carried into modern translations.
- Words like 'falling down' or 'apostasy' which had to do winning the race or falling down, you ran the race to get eternal life, it was just a game, we need to practice to get there.
- Just the word On, has so many connotations, we don't really know the correct one; we don't know why El has anything to do with Heliopolis, or why El is the House of Beth-el.
- On can also mean 'high' which is Anna, heaven, the list goes on.
- Jacob tells us in Genesis that Beth-el was the city of Luz, and Luz is actually On, and we know it as Heliopolis; which we know as Greece but at one time it was Egypt.



- So now we know there was the land of Philistine, that was up north, and they named all their cities Jerusalem and Bethel and that's not where those cities really were.
- This city was originally owned by the Canannites and they called it Luz, and Jacob came and named it House of El (Bethel) and it's in the land of Canaan (which is now modern day Israel).
- Jacob came to this place and built an altar and it was there the deity revealed himself to him when he was fleeing from his brother.
- He annointed a rock and laid his head on the rock and dreamed he saw a ladder going into heaven and he saw the angels ascending and descending; so he named it the place of Bethel, light, the light of El.

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”

Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz. (Genesis 28: 16-19)

Ladder of Immortality

- Now we can prove that Emmaus is the same city as Bethel, and as Heliopolis, as On, and as Luz, the city of light, or Lucifer, and additionally, the city of Canaan and city of Judean.
- Then we acknowledge that this isn't about geography, but esoteric knowledge of the generations that we must learn.
- Jesus was baptized at Bethany and that's the city of Heliopolis.

And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. (Luke 24:50)


- Luz was the city of Immortality when the rabbis of the Talmudic period turned this former Canaanite city into a legendary city of immortality, their version of Shangri-La.
- The word 'La' or All, El.
- The Babylonian Talmud states that the Angel of Death has no permision to pass through the city of Luz and the elderly, when their mind was done with them, would go beyond the city walls to perish.
- This tradition seems to be related to the etymology of the word Luz, which was used to refer to the nut-shaped bone at the base of the spine, known as the indestructible 'bone of resurrection' (the one human bone from where resurrection begins) and although it refers to the bone, it still means light.
- In Aramaic, Luz is also refered to as Qushta, which means truth; the city of truth and light (therefore enlightenment).


Cliffs shine

- The inhabitants of the city of Luz, never died (before their time), and they never lied; because it was the city of Deities, Noah was there and Shem was there, and later it was called city of Shem.
- After Jacob built his altar, his mother's nurse, Deborah, who was also his nursemaid, died there and he buried her under an oak tree named Allon Bacuth (oak of weeping).
- Another tragedy in Jacob's family occurred not long after, when Rachel, in hard labor, gave birth to Ben-oni (son of sorrow) and then died.
- Benjamin (which means On or John's son) shows that whereever this place was, it was John, or son of John (On).
- When you know the true language, you get the true meaning behind the story.


- Emmaus again and stadia, a unit of length measuring 600 Greek feet, 60(600') away from Jerusalem (light and peace), this is esoterically, the race of faith, not a physical distance.
- It's really Ulam Luz because they don't want you to know where it is as the true name is Heliopolis or Bethel, where Jacob saw El and the ladder, and the angels ascending and descending, and the disciples saw Jesus on the road.
- Everything was lost in the translation.
- Jesus is the ladder, there's only one way and it's through him, and that's the revelation if you can get it.
- The race of faith is completing all that Deity measures out to receive full eternal inheritance.
- The entire Bible story is about Jesus, and it was compiled from a lot of stories that were a lot older than him.

And he said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (John 1:51)



- We don't want to follow the one who's jealous because that's the lower ego, the material physical kingdom.
- The devil took Jesus to a pinnacle on a temple and the only place that happens is on a pyramid and he told him he would give him all the land north, south, east and west and Jesus denied him.
- YHWH gave a temperal blessing (sands of sea) and El gave a spiritual blessing (stars of heaven) and Jesus denied YHWH who is the one who raises all the kings on this earth (and brings them down) and demanded they all worship him.
- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were all pharaohs, Imhotep, Ramses (Moses) were all from the Northern Egyptian kingdom where they resided for over 500 years in the land of Goshen.
- When Moses led them out of Egypt, they traveled round and round (360 degrees) for 40 years (360x40=14,400), they went out from Egypt at Cairo in the center at Heliopolis.

It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22)


Coat of many colors

- The 12 tribes each received a portion of land around the middle, the circumference, the geographical center of all the continents, the peripheral, or circuit of Galilee.
- The scripture tells us they were slaves for 400 years in the land of Egypt when Joseph was the pharaoh, and they remained there for over 500 years.
- There was another pharaoh, who 'knew not' Joseph, from the bottom half of the wheel, or the Southern Egyptian kingdom, Judean, or the flesh.
- The flesh doesn't know the spirit, so they were slaves to that pharaoh the lower ego for over 400 years (360x400=144,000) and that's the sin.
- YHWH rules over Southern Egypt, the lower ego, and he demands everyone worship him and he is vengeance and we don't want to follow that.

He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing. (Job 26:7)


Dead Sea

- The Bible is coded and we can discover amazing truths but we will have to read the authorized text from the Septuagint (Holy Textus Receptus) with a lot of cross-referencing because so much is hidden.
- We're going to find out that Jerusalem, the true city of Deity, city of El, peace, light and divine love and truth is at Heliopolis.
- This Philistine thing 'up there' is a hoax.
- When Jesus stood on earth over 2,000 years ago and said 'your house is left unto you desolate' he was talking to one tribe (Judean).
- Jesus had to go to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, down under the water, to deliver the message.
- It was the same Jerusalem that King David captured and built the city of David, but it had been defiled by the apostasy there, and the temple where they were bringing in all the abomination and it had already been defiled, the flesh was defiled because they were worshiping the lower ego.
- Jerusalem will be restored, the lower half.

Foot forward gathering his flocks

- Where Jesus went to visit was the Jerusalem that exists now, which is of the lower covenant, and was a house of vipers and a den of thieves.
- We have to redeem her out of bondage with her children.
- John and Jesus were not preaching there, they were beyond the Jordan valley in the wilderness, at the House of Bethel/Heliopolis with Mary Magdalene, Martha, and Lazarus.
- Now it's all coming together, you go up to the top of the mountain and that's Jerusalem and that's the center; and the peripheral and everything else is down compared to Bethel and Jerusalem which were right there together.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10 )

Sun Moon Stars  
Signed by Leonardo DaVinci 
A new day!

As above, so below.



One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself..

Leonardo DaVinci


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