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Spiritual spouses

There are several types of spiritual spouses that enter most of our lives, usually in your dream state but in physical form too. They claim you as a wife or husband in the spiritual realm and can harm your spiritual growth as well as steal your divine rewards.

Spiritual spouse

Spiritual spouse

Spiritual spouse

Be suspious if you have ever found yourself dreaming of a wedding, a ceremony, or eating/drinking in your dreams. Also, you may find yourself under the water, or you may have children you don't have in real life.

Spiritual spouses also appear in sexual dreams, which can be extremely vivid. In your daily (carnal) life they leave you feeling exhausted, drained, and you may find your relationships end prematurely; many times without any explanation.

The spiritual spouse is jealous of any relationship you have in the flesh and they will isolate you, or destroy you physically. You argue with your spouse for little things. You will start to get sick for no reason and have problems with your finances or your job.


The most common way a spirit attaches itself to a person is through a soul tie with someone else. In order for a spirit to have access to your life, it has to have legal right to be there in the spirit world. The most common way soul ties are formed is through a sexual union with another person because sex is both a spiritual and physical bond.


This means that whatever spirit is active in the other person's life, now has access and legal right to yours. You gave it to them.

Another way is by invitation through tools such as Ouija boards, seances and astral travel. Unknowingly, you might open yourself up to the Spiritual world and without the protection of Christ, you open yourself up to whatever spirit is wandering around you.

The Bible says that spirits go into dry places seeking rest. What better habitation than a person who has unknowingly left their spiritual door wide open? We have to be careful because if a spirit is given legal right it can still wreak havoc in a person's life. These spiritual ties are hard to break. Demons don't like to give up their home and will not leave without a fight, and will continue to come back from time to time to see if you will let them back in (alcoholism, etc.).

Oftentimes, the spirit is not attached to a person, but rather, to an item close to them. For example, there are examples of how dreamcatchers bring unwanted spirits. Additionally, dwellings can be home to spirits who may have lived there for decades, a lot longer than you. You may not be able to get rid of these spirits, however, you can ask Jesus Christ to stop them from harassing or influencing you.

Ask for Christ's protection by asking for the cover of the blood of Jesus in every room. The main key to dealing with any evil spirit is to not let it make you afraid. The only power the demonic spirit has is grounded in fear, curiosity, pleasure, or ignorance. These are the four main conduits it will use to gain access to your life.

Just remember, in spite of all, no matter how powerful the spirit seems, with the name of Jesus, everything has to bow.

Marine spirit spouse

- Most commonly known as incubus, succubus.
- The most senior in power.
- Oppress men and break-up homes.
- Their primary tool is sex usually attracting others with their looks and fashion, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose.
- The marine spirit push women to date married men without any remorse.

Resident spirit spouse

- They're like a one-night stand that lives in your house, they come for your energy and go as soon as they manage to steal it from you.

Giant spirit spouse

- They delight in breaking the hearts of their victims so as to render them emotionally unstable.

Serpentine spirit spouse

- Operates through snake spirits and can be very vicious.

Ancestral spirit spouse

- Indian chief.
- Passed down through families, acts like a familial spirit, can follow you for generations and knows more about you than you know about yourself.

Physical spirit spouse

- Boy wild.
- They go everywhere you go as monitering spirits and try and interupt and disrupt your life.
- Jealous of all your relationships including friends and family members. 

Projected spirit spouse

- Boy paintball.
- Fake, phony nice guy, egotist, puts you down and acts like you are unworthy of them.
- Narcissist, big mouth, causes you to wear a mask and look down on others.

Imagination spouse

- They are constantly in your thoughts or dreams because of a telepathic connection, but you are never sure the connection exists.
- You accuse yourself of making things up in your head.

Bloodline spirit spouse

- Dream state dark.
- Passed down in bloodlines to cause destruction in marriages.
- Could be someone you know in real life who will also come into your dreams.
- Oftentimes is a karmic from a failed relationship from a prior life coming back because they're jealous and they hate you, and want to bully you.
- Could be all your family members.
- Jealous of lightworkers and your spiritual rank in the family (which oftentimes they are aware of and you're not).

Idol spirit spouse

- Baby back.
- Use religion or lies to control you, very material.
- Substitute themselves as a solution for things you should be doing for yourself (like learning about spirituality).
- Want to take all your money and leave you in poverty.

You shall not make for yourself any graven idol, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water below the earth. (Exodus 20:4)

Dwarf spouse

- Boy bully.
- Wimpy, whiney, likes to bully you to make themselves feel bigger.
- Want you to feel powerless (because they are).

Disembodied spirit spouse

- Hurricane.
- Cause chaos and instability. Want you to be unsettled and anxious and to worry about things.

Strongman spouse

- Gorilla.
- Very controlling, expect you to do what they want and not what you want.
- Loves to beat up women and children.

Leviathan spirit spouse

Leviathan spirit spouse

- The Leviathan spirit can be the cause of twisting the meaning of other’s words, turning people against one another, and instigating unrest.
- It's a demonic force that is characterized by the desire for power, pride, and an absolute determination to break covenants.
- Destroys relationships thus creating division; rises against the covenant between God and man, seeking to destroy our faith and hope in Him.
- People influenced by this spirit display several symptoms such as not admitting they're wrong as they cannot take the blame for their actions.

In that day the LORD with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea. (Isaiah 27:1)

Animal spirit spouse

- Uses animals to attack you through sex in your dreams.

Old man /woman

- Wants to defeat you with your age and make you feel too weak and washed up.
- Wants you to think your life is over.
- Wants you to think death is real.

Transferred spirit spouse

- Karate kids.
- The idea of “transferring spirits” is that someone can transfer an evil spirit to another person by touching or being near them.
- Oftentimes they are your own family members.

Territorial spirit spouse

- They reside in the same area as you.
- They want to own all your things, including your relationships.

Strange man/woman

- Trying to make you feel like you're odd and don't fit in because you don't hang with the 'crowd.'
- Wants you to be lonely, unloved and isolated.

Hermaphrodite spirit spouse

- They sleep with both husband and wife.
- Cause jealousy and bitterness in married couples and relationships.
- Break marital trust.

Hidden spirit spouse

- They spy on you and don't ever make contact with you.

Masquerading spirit spouse

- Mascara.
- They will project themselves as a face you love which is why you should never lust after anyone, they will use that face to haunt you.

Multiple spirit spouse

- They bring multiple spirits into your life and gang rape you and confuse you.

Incestuous spirit spouse

- They will pass child over to other families (orphans) often exchanging family members.
- Royal families who would intermarry to retain their power.

Witchcraft/Warlock/Warcraft spirit spouse

- In occult families (religious, witchcraft, or masonic, for example), a parent will marry their child in order to drain all their glory and steal their power.
- They will break the child's will through rape and cruelty, spliting the child's personality (in order to control them).
- They will 'pass' the child down as their spiritual 'inheritance' to close family members like they are a financial transaction (because that child is such a huge bank for them).

Celebrity spirit spouse

- A parent who uses their child's success for their own victory or to gain power.
- Oftentimes the parent wants the child to win at everything the parent didn't win at (hence, cheerleader mothers).
- Losers who want to steal your power to fund their fake 'talent' and they will prance around the stage with your gifts (and leave you with zero gifts).

Transference spirit spouse

- Comes from using someone's things such as shoes, clothing, soap, hairbrush, etc.

Manifested spirit spouse

- A spirit you wished for although you may find you have outgrown them (they can appear in your life decades later, long after you moved on).
- Be careful what you wish for.

Graveyard spirit spouse

- An unhappy, earthbound spirit who wanders around and haunts you.
- Usually aroused by witches and warlocks using graveyard dirt to curse you.

Forrest or the woods spirit spouse

- An angry misused spirit from nature, imagine how many of those exist now.
- You can't fool Mother Nature, she will take you down every time.

Astral spirit spouse

- Someone will carry out rituals to astral project to your dreamstate and have sex with you.


You need to get a deliverance and the holy spirit will need to serve them their divorce papers. They can be very stubborn but you have to be very persistent in your prayer life and renounce the marriage through repentance.


Usually the best way is to make peace with yourself internally and don't let the spirits torture you. Get rid of any guilt or shame you have, forgive yourself and others. Don't be afraid of anything, they can't hurt you as long as you rely on the Most High and turn to him.

The more you love yourself and stop fearing, the more they let go because your vibration is too high for them.

Mainly, just do your best to ignore them (especially in real life) and don't let them bully you. Listen to your intuition and keep moving forward.

Ask your soul family for help in determining why these spirits came into your life and eventually, it will all start to make sense (and you can tell them to buzz off).

Don't ever seek retribution, keep moving forward. Find joy in your own skills and what you can build with them.



Leda and the Swan - Page 4



The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinion.

Leonardo DaVinci


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