Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Greek Mythology and the Bible

- In Greek mythology there are 12 Titans and 12 Olympians and in both, there are males and females equally represented.
- However, in the Bible there are 12 Apostles and 12 Tribes of Israel who are all males and you have to ask, where are the females?
- They are there, although hidden, as the day has 12 hours and the night has 12 hours, so there are 24 total, but the reason we don't talk about 12 of them is because they were females (night).
- Well it's got to be a little more consistent than what we have learned from the scholars, because the females are there, they haven't gone anywhere.

Cast of characters
1  Uranus (Primordial)
 Ouranus, Anu, Absu, Tiamat, Noah
2  Saturn (Titan) Earth
 Chronos, Cronos, YHWH, Ham, Chiun, Enki, Nuit
3  Jupiter (Olympian-gods) Heavens
 Zeus, Amun, Abraham, Shem, Osiris, Jesus, Enlil, Dia, Theos

- 1+2 = 3 and 1+2+3 = 6 and 3+6 = 9.

Counting and comparing

- But how do the characters in Greek mythology line up with the characters in the Bible, and what is a deity exactly?
- This is something many don't understand.
- As above so below; the pantheon in Heaven should be in balance with the pantheon on Earth but it's currently out of balance.
- There is too much masculine darkness now because the true darkness was hidden, which is the feminine. 

Noah's ark sons

- The Nine Enneads came from Egypt and were from Heliopolis (before Gnosticism); they were our ancestors from Adam down to Lamech, pre-flood.
- They were followed by the Egyptian Ogdoad and those were the eight who survived in Noah's ark; Noah, and his 3 sons, Shem, Japheth and Ham, and their four wives.
- Shem went east, Ham went south, and Japheth went north to the Caucasian and owned the Isles of the Gentiles.
- We're going to find out that a deity is completely different than we thought it was.
- Aside from the fact, that there aren't any beings floating around in the heavens with beards.

Odin or Wodin

Storm or war god

- The entity that Abrahamic religions named 'God' is not our Source or Most High, but rather, he is the Nordic Gothic Lombardic Godan entity named Odin or Wodin, a lesser god or deity, a war or storm god.
- He was one of the 72 Earthly deities that ruled the nations; the Judean god of Israel, YHWH (YHVH, Yahweh), and he did have a throne in heaven, but it's a lesser throne.
- Noah had a much higher ranking, as Uranus, Ouranus, Anu, born in January (Janis) a new year, a new beginning.

Polytheistic many gods

- It's just accepted today that this being we call 'God' is the only 'one' but that isn't true.
- In Greek mythology there were many fathers including Father Uranus, Father Zeus (Jupiter) and Father Saturn; this is called polytheistic because they believed in multiple gods.
- Saturn was the son of Uranus, and Zeus (Jupiter) was the son of Saturn.
- Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera are portrayed as the couple from whom the other Olympian gods, demigods, and mortal men are descended.
- Many generations followed and they've been reincarnating ever since passing their DNA down.

Greek style god

- Greek mythology is not creation centered, but neither is Jesus' idea of true Christianity, which was turned into a monotheistic religion by the Romans, although all the gods in Roman mythology are based on Greek mythology.
- There is no Creator-God in the Greek pagan religious system and ancient Greek religion moved away from the God of Genesis and exalted mankind as the measure of all things.
- Realizing that everything considered 'pagan' just means pre-Christian era.
- The oral tradition of Greek myths is older than the Hebrew Bible.

Babylon style god

- The Greek word for gods is theoi, literally meaning 'placers' and their gods are deified human ancestors who put their man-centered religion in place.
- This is the same thing that happened in Babylon, and in Rome, when man turned his attention from source and started worshiping and idolizing false, earth-based gods, the lower ego.
- Although the typical worshipper has no clue they are not worshipping the Most High, but a material-based egocentric false god.

More of the ancient Greek schools were materialist and/or skeptical, rather than being transcendentalist like Platonism. (Quora)

The son of deity

- This same concept is in the Bible and Jesus is called 'the son of deity' and Uranus in Greek mythology was also called the same thing.
- However, Jesus' father is not the same as the Judean father (YHWH) who he calls 'the son of a devil' because he is the lower ego, material world.
- We know this 'divine' being from the Nordic pantheon isn't the Divine Being and neither was he a chief deity or anything like that.
- He certainly wasn't the father of Jesus Christ.

Both Jupiter and Saturn rule the Jewish people and faith. This speaks to a split in all of the Abrahamic faiths between those who think you should suffer for God, and those who think God should help you thrive. (Bill Rex)


Noah's sons and their wives

- Uranus goes back to Noah and in this present age (aon) or world, that starts in the middle of January (Janis), or Anu, in Greek he's Ouranus.
- After Noah's flood, his three sons divided the world, Japheth went north (Europe), Ham went south (Africa), and Shem went east (Asia).
- In the Greek pantheon it's a little different, they divided the world into heaven/sky (Zeus), underworld/hell (Hades) and the sea/maritime (Poseidon).

Isles of the Seas

- This still carries over to the Bible because Japheth is given the Isles of the Seas (Gentiles) so we know these are both the same story.
- If the Greek gods who divided the Earth are represented by Noah's three sons, than Japheth represents Poseidon, Zeus represents Shem, and Ham represents Hades.
- That means Europe and America are below sea level.

Noah's reign

- Noah (Uranus, Anu) was the father of deities and he had 12 Titans, and in the Greek pantheon we also have 12 Olympians who were sons of the Titans.
- But Uranus was not Jacob (Leah, a slave woman, and Rachel, a free woman) who had 12 sons who were heads of the 12 tribes of Israel, that was Zeus (Jupiter).


Holding up (stopping) everything

- Both the Greek Titans and Olympians existed during the same era, but the Titans came first and were eventually defeated by the Olympians in a great war called the Titanomachy.
- World as a spinning top (Set-turn), not only is there unlimited energy but there's no force opposing it, acting like it's in a vacumn, negated energy.
- Atlas led the Titans into battle which was the old generation (Titans Saturn) pitted against the new technology of the Olympian gods, led by Zeus (Jupiter).
- The new technology turned the younger generation of Olympians into 'gods' because Zeus had his forged lightening bolt, Poseidon had his trident, and Hades had his cloak of invisibility.
- Watch: The Great Battle between Gods and Titans - Titanomachy - Animated Version.

Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of the earth and hold up the sky on his shoulders. Thus, he was Atlas Telamon, "enduring Atlas", and became a doublet of Coeus, the embodiment of the celestial axis around which the heavens revolve. (Wikipedia)


Down on the ground

- We find that same battle in the Bible when an Israeli force led by David battled a Philistine force led by a giant named Goliath.
- The battle took place in Canaan, the promised land, and the Olympians were the Israelites and the giants were the Titans or Philistines.
- Same as the Olympians, David also used new technology (his slingshot) to defeat the old school Goliath.
- David didn't use brawn, he used brain (to create something bigger than himself, now that's scary).
- The god Zeus and his siblings revolted against their father Cronos and some find this is similar to Lucifer’s revolt in the Bible, where a legion of angels joined him in their rebellion against the Abrahamic God.


- The night is the first thing, and then there's morning; night is in the Egyptian word Nuit and day is Dea Dia.
- So night and day is male and female but that's all hidden and often we see males fighting against each other as dark and light, when that is not a true representation of what dark and light stands for.
- It seems that the ultimate representation of day and night is male and female.


Night departs 

Day arrives

- The first is the female, night, and the second is the male, day.
- There is Adam, who was created first, and Eve and he gave her his rib so they would always be together.
- Then every male born after, came from the female womb.
- It's an infinite spiral, a rotation, that goes from night back to day and back to night again.

But in the Lord women are not independent of men, and men are not independent of women. This is true because woman came from man, but also man is born from woman. But everything comes from God. (1 Corinthians 11:11-12)



- There isn't just one male and one female, and then it's over, and that would mean it's finate.
- But if it's infinite, it's a spiral and goes round and round, night and day, maybe that's why the dragon is let out of prison for 1,000 years.

And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. (Revelation 12:9)

Unending cycles

- In the Bible, we have an Old Covenant and a New Covenant, but the New Covenant (grace and love) actually came before the Old Covenant (Moses Commandments also called law).
- The First Book of John points out that 'our covenant is not a new covenant but an old covenant, which you have had from the beginning.'
- All this concerning the first will be last, and the last will be first, simply points out that everything starts with the night and moves to the day, but it never ends, it's an unending cycle.

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. (Matthew 20:16)

Tree of Knowledge of good and evil

- You only have to view the night as first and the day as second when you're comparing them to each other (first, last) like when you're ranking things from lesser to greater.
- If we're ever progressing, this becomes a spiral and there is no beginning or end, and then there technically is no first.
- So that would mean the original spiritual creations would never die, and there wouldn't be a left or right, or duality, therefore, we'd never die.
- That means if Adam and Eve hadn't taken part in sin and eaten from the Tree of Knowledge in the middle of the garden, they would have brought forth no seed, and they would have lived forever, just male and female with no children.
- Because Adam and Eve died, we exist.


Never ending spiral, night and day

- We are, because we were ushered in through the initiation of the woman first.
- The children of Israel went up to the top of Mount Horeb (orb), the mountain of the true deity, and they saw a bright light that blinded them so they told Moses to put a veil over his face.
- They didn't want the love, they wanted vengeance, so they told Moses to go and establish a priesthood so that he could communicate with the deity and then come back and talk to them.

Egyptian Plagues

- We had the New Covenant (Christianity) first, but the Jews rejected it and put us under the Old Covenant (the law), the golden calf, the fire and Molech, YHWH, the tent.
- That is how the Bible shows us this spiral, unending cycles, and how first and last flip around and change places.

But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code. (Romans 7:6)

Old Covenant law

- In the greater scheme of things, the eternal is always present but we rejected the eternal.
- We fell and partook of the knowledge of good and evil, duality, in order to become like deity.
- Which means go into this classroom and through sin there is death, and through this maze and ignorance comes understanding, enlightenment, exaltation and glory.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Cycles and spirals

- All this talk about cycles and spirals is to point out the issue of trying to decide whose deity is the most important.
- Much like Conan who argued with a group and one said his deity was fire to burn everything, so another claimed his deity was rain, so he could extinguish the fire.
- However, no one in the group could actually prove their 'god' was the highest or best, and that is the same in Greek mythology.
- That is what Greek mythology is all about, they're looking for the source and not really explaining the 'greatest' when they talk of the 'first.'
- In fact, they start with Chaos and they don't like it and don't think it's the greatest.


Primordial, existing since the beginning, before humans

- Before the Greeks, the Sumerians had primordial Absu (Abyss) as their 'first' but he wasn't really first because chaos, Tiamat, came before him.
- Tiamat is time and matter, or time and space, which makes the physical creation, the mother.
- Every one of these eras begin with something like time and matter, the void, or chaos, and it's possible something could be discovered that existed before chaos.
- Plus, it's obvious that everyone is still looking for that, whether it's a Big Bang or not.


 Chief deity of Egypt

- That's reminiscent of what the Egyptians did when they created Amun who wasn't the first, but something greater, almost like an afterthought, there must be something greater (than what we already know), so they called him Amun.
- Amun was a secret that nobody really understood, however, he was the creator of All.
- He was Amon, Ammon, Amana and Amen as well, and was later associated with both Zeus and Jupiter.
- Passing through the generations.

Amun-Ra in this period (16th to 11th centuries BC) held the position of transcendental, self-created creator deity "par excellence"; he was the champion of the poor or troubled and central to personal piety. With Osiris, Amun-Ra is the most widely recorded of the Egyptian gods. (Wikipedia)

Hovering over the waters

- There were other cults who thought Nuit (night) and day, Dea Dia were the Supreme Beings.
- Since Dia is Zeus (day), that means that night should have a female ruling, because the female rules first, but that has been stolen from her and everything on Earth is out of balance.
- It wasn't always that way because in the beginning, everything was formless.
- The Greeks began with chaos, and the Bible does too.
- It's just that most people don't recognize that void has to do with time, and empty has to do with space.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

Holy Spirit / Ghost 

Spirit of God

- Spirit of God is feminine and that is affirmed by the Hebrew grammar.
- There is no such thing as a New Testament written in Hebrew, it was written in Greek and Aramaic.
- In Hebrew, verbs have gender and number, every verb must agree with its subject in gender and number.
- For this reason, feminine singular nouns must use a feminine singular verb form, and 'hovering' is a feminine singular form.

Like an eagle that protects her chicks and hovers over her young. (Deuteronomy 32:11)

Hat trick

- That is why the Bible codes are so important, everything is numbered and weighed as to the importance of the word, and whether it is good or bad, etc.
- Hebrew weighs each syllable so each syllable can have different meanings, however, an English speaker is looking for one meaning from that word.
- It's up to you to figure that all out so you know what a message is really saying in this illusion (material world).

Hovering is more correctly translated with words like: move gently, relax, to grow soft, cherish, and brood. (

Existing outside time and space

- The creation is Earth before space and time, before the male and female, this was even before what the Greeks called 'chaos' when there was just a mixture of nothing; no light or darkness, no water or land, no night or day.
- It didn't exist because there was no time in space, so what that shows is that if chaos existed outside of time and space, then chaos wasn't the first deity.
- When you even talk about 'first' you're talking about time, and since there was no time, there wasn't a 'first' either, and this is a mind teaser.

Greatest deities

- Uranus, Saturn and Zeus (Jupiter) weren't the first deities, but they were the greatest.
- Just the same as the Bible, Jesus credits his father for being greater than him, but he also said that all things were made through him and he was the heir.
- Even though his father owned everything, he was going to succeed his father as the Royal Emperor, and everything would be given to him.
- Humans are also heirs and whatever a 'human' is, they're the heir of all power, might, and love on Earth.
- The heir of All, knowledge, wisdom, and the entire universe because the kingdom is the universe and we are all heirs with Christ, we are all heirs of deity.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3)

Begotten of the father

- Some groups call Jesus Christ a 'created' being, but he was not created, he was begotten of the father.
- Begotten involves kingship and authority and power and the promise of God and does not mean 'fathered.'
- This was all before time existed, in mind; priority of thought, you have to have darkness, ignorance and confusion before you have a revelation, or flash of light bringing everything into order.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. (Colossians 1:15-16)

Harsh taskmaster

- Old Testament deity YHWH was better than chaos, because he's law and order; he brought some kind of order to the chaos.
- Saturn, who is patriarchal, is known in astrology as a stern, harsh taskmaster who governs not just death but reality, karma and physical rewards.

Unicorns are false idols

- Just the same as when the Sumerian Tiamat and Absu had all the noisy children and when Absu couldn't get any sleep, he came up with a plot to murder all his children.
- Chaos, or Tiamat, is always plotting to get rid of order.
- And order (Absu) of course wanted to shut chaos up.
- This was the point when humans took these divine attributes or personifications and they started idolizing them because they thought they were real beings.
- They began to worship four-footed beasts and animalistic creatures and YHWH was also idolized.

The word ba’al meant “master” or “owner” or “husband,” and while, again, it referred to a host of pagan gods, it was principally applied in the Old Testament to the Canaanite storm god Hadad, the Phoenician chief god Melqart, and the Israelite YHWH (though later Israelite prophets inveighed against the use of the title ba’al for YHWH and preferred the title adonai, “my Lord”). (Steven J. Thompson)

Roots of Chaos deity

- YHWH (Saturn/Cronus/Chronos) was a vengeful deity and he was very jealous; and Zeus (Jupiter) also did things that aren't considered moral in our code of ethics today.
- We have David who raped Bathsheba, and we can't understand what's going on in these parables because they represent natural laws and progressions, things like heaven raining down on Mother Earth who gives birth.
- Then we figure out it seems like a rape scene, but often it is Mother Nature acting out, and human temperament is a huge part of the story (anger is Satan).
- So that means any hurricane we name Betsy, someone in the future will be on the lookout for a vengeful goddess named Betsy probably with red hair.

Vengeful deity in the swamp

- Humans start questioning why if nature can act out so vengefully, with so few morals, and we're heirs, why should humans be forced to have morals?
- Well because we're going to inherit the throne and we're better, and we're going to get rid of chaos and make order.
- But when prior generations tried to find somebody to get rid of chaos, they got YHWH, who is even more vengeful than chaos.

The Egyptians believed that Yahweh was Seth (Set) and even said that a statue of a man riding a donkey was found inside the Kodesh Ha Kodashim, but it was probably a representation of Abraham or Moses (and also is interesting, because Saturn was sometimes portrayed as an old man riding a donkey in Medieval art).

Father Time 

Chaos very emotional

- Since chaos is first in theory, we create order by doing things correctly and properly and then we create even more happiness by creating order (that is the idea).
- And if we're not careful, Father Time, chaos, will come along and destroy all our work.
- Because chaos came before everything else; like love and goodness and wisdom.
- All the amazing things like Sophia, or kindness and grace, and happiness which we dearly love.
- What are we to do, our Father Chaos was here before we ever existed, before love existed or mind existed, before humans existed.

Banishing chaos

- It's evident that chaos will eventually kill us so what are we to do?
- Karma and consequences are going to bite us so we have to come up with a plan.
- It's pretty obvious, somebody is going to have to kill Daddy, just like the Olympians killed the Titans, and Zeus (Jupiter) killed Cronus and Cronus (Saturn) killed Uranus, well they tried anyway but they all proved to be immortal. 
- Finally, they came to YHWH, the Beast, and this is why he became the greatest deity for such a long time, because who can do battle with a beast and win.
- No one can win when a narcissistic ego is involved.

Andy of Mayberry for a short while

- YHWH was able to get rid of chaos because he made the law, and law brings order, but it doesn't bring true justice, just temporary justice.
- We would eat meat, the cycle of life and death, you did me wrong so I'll do you wrong, you poke my eye out so I'll poke yours out.

Banishing chaos is immortality

- YHWH came along on day two and made man the eternal existence; the New (first) Covenant already existed in reality, and YHWH made his Old Covenant first (law).
- All this talk about chaos, life and death and birth, it's all an illusion because we've always existed, there is no time and space; we're all in this Heavenly bliss for eternity where there is no time.

Virtual reality

- Whatever you call it, virtual reality, we're all playing our parts, although the consequences are lasting and real.
- Once you add time into the mix you're operating out of the lower realm, remember Cronos is chronology and before him there was Anu, annual, it all had to do with 12 and the hands of the clock.

Cronos / Saturn


- Cronus/Cronos/Kronos was a Titan and the youngest son of Uranus and was the world's first king, ruling his fellow Titans, and linked to the Great War and rebellion of Zeus.
- Chronos, on the other hand, was the personification of time.
- However, in widespread interpretation they represent the same thing and many have a hard time differentating the two, which is impossible.
- Before space and time he was just a thought and then he walked on Earth as a man (or representation of a human).
- No different than other planets that the Greeks turned into human form (Venus, Mars, etc.).

Many ancient scholars considered Cronos and Chronos to be separate entities, though the notion that Chronos is an aspect of Cronos became a widespread interpretation during the Renaissance era, either through confusion or intentional association. (Nick Rodriguez)

 Egyptians knew about immortality

- Chaos is a bit like time because everyone gets a turn, everything's changing, first it's night and then it's morning.
- What we want to do is beyond time and corruption, we want to have immortality.
- But we also want to have fun while we're waiting for immortality, we have all the beautiful Sophia's and Aprhodite's.
- So we have to find a way to get rid of chaos, but still have duality and pleasure, and YHWH came along and was the lower ego, pride, the conscious mind, learning things.

J for Jesus is true justice

- We're so full of pride, the 'I am and there is none else' we don't know if we can progress to infinity so we're in a bit of a delusion.
- We want vengeance and justice, we want pleasures and we have YHWH who created both good and evil.
- YHWH came along and made law but that's not the greatest, it's too subjective.
- Then Jesus came along and offered grace, all things common, tell that mountain to be moved and it will be moved.
- Law of attraction, a foundation.

Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. (Mark 11:23)

Crystalline body

- Everything that Christ promised, bliss, eternal life, pure white robes that never get dirty, harmonious harp music that would pacify all the angels of heaven and they'd be singing 'Holy, holy, holy.'
- No more death, no more crying, no more tears, a golden city with glass windows and chandeliers, emerald towers, and pearly gates.
- The ultimate amazing things that never comes; we have do something to obtain it, we have to let go of mother, brother, sister, lands and fields in order to follow Christ.

Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (John 14:28)

Cloud covered Earthly tinman

- The utopia we dream about is all an ideal and in our 3D reality, we're always under the laws of Moses because YHWH committed mankind to his law for eternity.
- Even the Apostle Paul agreed with YHWH that his laws and statutes were good and holy and forever.

Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17)

Jesus Christ  

Duality on Earth

- Jesus said he didn't come to Earth to do away with the law, but to fulfill it, and that is exactly what you do when you live an Earthly life.
- You can't do away with duality because it has an eternal kingdom; hell is forever and the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.
- The problem is, you can wake up and see that it's all an illusion, and  live in a blissful kingdom, but then you might get bored of just doing nothing.
- And then you would want to come back down and help save everyone in hell because you can see them all struggling.

Adam and Eve 

New version

- Jesus is the second Adam because when Adam fell he forfeited his position, his dominion over to Satan.
- Jesus came and and took it back and therefore he is referred to as the second Adam.

Divine comedy

- The mind is pristine, but it's in love with beauty and form; but form is material that sometimes leads to folly and that is the fool's heroic journey.
- On top of that, everything's camouflaged, you can't judge a book by its cover, and that makes things even trickier.
- As you can see, we're in an endless, crazy, divine comedy.

Progressing higher

- So in the scheme of things, what is our Bible talking about?
- We're not like those Greeks who think that everything starts from chaos and ends with some kind of Zeus and the primordial Olympians conquering the Titans.
- No, instead, we know we have work to do because at the end of 1,000 years the devil's going to be let loose and we'll have another judgment.
- Then we'll be able to go on to the stars where we'll have eternal progression and learning.
- We know this, right?

Two worlds, illusion or reality

- Well maybe there is another way, because there are two worlds, the illusion, and the reality, and perhaps they're both eternal because really, it's really just a decision.
- We can always be free, it's like click your heels three times and you'll be back in Kansas; Auntie Mae, the scarecrow, and the tinman are all there and everything's fine.
- The exciting part; we've got to get a brain and a heart, and we've got to get some courage.
- Progressing through the school of life.

Partying with loved ones on Earth

- All we had to do was click our heels together three times, and yet the illusion was so important and so integral to that story.
- We can always go back to the infinite reality that doesn't need to do anything, where all are loved, but at the same time is that what we really want, afterall, we have loved ones down here.
- Truth is, we should do what our higher self tells us to do, the temple is within us, and we can't really save anybody, it's up to them.

God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. (Hebrews 11:40)

Seeing eye questions

- Isn't it obvious that the Bible is some kind of parable that's very much like the Greek and Sumerian mythology?
- And isn't it also true that most of these 'deities' weren't deities at all and that when the word 'god' is used by the Greeks, it is only used for the Olympians.
- Before the Olympians, there were Titans, and there were primordial beings like nymphs, cyclops, hundred-handed ones and fairies galore roaming the Earth, and none of them were called 'gods.'
- Because the word 'gods' didn't come until much later, and after that there were demigods.


- A demigod is a lesser divine being with a lesser divine status, such as a minor deity.
- The offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.
- Demigods typically have powers and abilities that are beyond what is possible for a human, but less than that of a true deity.
- In Greek mythology, Perseus, who was the son of Zeus and the mortal princess Danae is one of many demigods.
- The Roman emperor's claimed their descent from demigods such as Hercules.
- Gilgamesh, with a mortal mother, was an example of a demigod in Sumerian mythology.

The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

Noah's ark

- The eldest of Noah's three sons, Japheth, Ham and Shem, was 100 years old at the time of the flood, whether his sons lived as long as their father, the Bible doesn't say.
- In the Sibylline Oracles the sons of Noah are given the names of Greek gods; Shem is identified with Chronos, Ham with Titan, and Japheth as Iapetus.
- Which in some ways doesn't make sense since Chronos and the Titans (Ham) are both Saturn.

The sons of Noah; Shem, Ham, and Japheth came out from the ark and became the ancestors of all the people on earth. (Genesis 9:18-19)

Noah / Uranus 

Long lived

- Noah lived to 950 so he lived to be the same age as his predecessors pre-flood.
- Adam lived to age 930, so Noah lived longer than him.
- This proves that many organized religions have lied to us about human longevity on Earth because Noah lived longer than his father, Adam.

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (Genesis 6:1-12)

Protecting Noah's ark from squatters

- At the time Noah built the ark, he was 500 years old and by the time the flood came, he was 600 and then he lived another 350 years after the flood.
- That is proof that after the flood, there were men on Earth who lived to very advanced ages.

When mankind grew too “wicked” Zeus sent a massive flood to cleanse the Earth of humanity. Two people survived, a man and a woman who hid in a wooden chest and repopulated the Earth after the waters subsided. This is uncannily similar to the story of Noah’s Ark. (Quora)

Ancient of days

- The father's, Uranus, Cronus (Saturn) and Zeus (Jupiter) were called gods because they were the father of deities; they weren't the primordials, they weren't the chaos, and they weren't the people in the Garden of Eden pre-flood, they weren't the demigods, they weren't the mortals, they weren't any of these.
- But one thing they were, they were like deities and they lived for a long time, and were somewhat immortal.
- They lived in another world and they came on a boat and landed on a mountain named Ararat which means Earth (hearth).

Creation on Earth

- The ark is a symbol of the creation we live in, and all the animals too.
- Noah was Anu to the Sumerians, and Uranus to the Greeks, and he had 12 children, but that's not the Olympians, they're the Titans.
- Remember six of the Titans headed by Atlas were males and six were females, just the same as the Olympians, the younger generation headed up by Zeus (Jupiter).

Thrown down hook

- If you have a wheel with six spokes on the top and six on the bottom, and you find out there's a war between the Olympians and the Titans, you discover that only six were thrown down (with their six wives).
- And six remained because they were at the top of the wheel, and there were only six houses because they were the ones in the sky ruling (astrology).
- But there are 24 total, 12 on top and 12 on bottom; but only 12 of them rule (and their wives are hidden from view).
- How were they thrown down; the Earth rotates and all the astrological signs on top of the wheel, go down to the bottom.

Zeus / Jupiter

Olympians world turning

- Zeus (Jupiter) led the Olympians and they were down at the bottom of the wheel and they fought with the Titans (Saturn) who were at the top of the wheel, and this took thousands of years (moving through all the astrological houses).
- But these deities weren't necessarily humans, and neither is chaos, however, in the Bible we have such a human who is the personification of these things.
- For example, Noah means heaven, and Anu means 'height' or heaven or sky and to the Greeks he was Uranus.
- The word analogy comes from the word anomaly and is related to analog and annual, why is it that they have told us so many falsehoods about what different words and names mean.

Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. (Acts 14:12)

Abraham (Saturn or Jupiter?)  

Father Abraham gives Jacob (Israel) his gift

- His name is Abram, which in Hebrew is Brahma which can be spelled forwards and backwards and he brought all knowledge into the world.
- Abraham was one of Noah's decendents.

Light is Ra

Dark is Ham

- We're told that Abraham means 'father of a multitude' but Abraham really means what each of its syllables represents; Ab (father) Ra (light) Ham (darkness).
- Which means that Abraham really means 'the father of light and darkness.'
- The father of light and darkness to the Greeks was Cronus and he was Saturn in Latin.
- Cronos (Saturn) in Greek is the son of Uranus (Noah, Anu), and Zeus is the son of Cronos, so who is Noah's son, there are many we could pick, generations and generations (all of us), but this story starts with the three that were on the ark.

After the flood 

Noah's vineyard is Earth

- After the flood, Noah became something of a farmer and grew a vineyard and he became drunk on the wine one day and passed out naked in his tent.
- Son Ham found him but instead of covering him, he ran outside and told his two brothers, who then walked backwards so as not to see Noah's nakedness and covered him with a garment.
- When Noah awoke, he cursed his youngest son, Ham, and blessed Shem and Japheth, who was first-born.
- He really cursed his grandson, son of Ham, Canaan.

When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, he said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.” (Genesis 9:20)


At work during the day

- We know that Shem was age 98 during the flood, because when his first son was born 2 years after the flood, he was age 100.
- Since we know that Ham was also not the oldest (according to Genesis 9:24), the 100-year-old son at the time of the flood must have been Japheth, the first-born son.
- "Abraham may have been the youngest, not the eldest son of Terah, placed first in order of honor, not of time, as Shem is among the sons of Noah" according to Acts 7:4.
- First in order of honor, not of time.

These are the generations of Shem. When Shem was 100 years old, he fathered Arpachshad two years after the flood. (Genesis 11:10)

Shem at work during the night

- Perhaps the first-born status should have gone to Shem instead of Japheth since according to the Bible, Shem was the most honorable.
- Shem was however, the first son of Noah mentioned in the Bible and because of that, many do think he was the first-born son.
- So Shem, who was the most honorable, went east and eventually became Taiwan.
- Although the name Shem means 'placeholder for a person's real name.'

Shem is the Son of Noah (Gen. 5:32), the progenitor (ancestor) of Abraham. (1 Chronicles 1:24-27.) It was assumed that he held the keys to the priesthood and was the great high priest of his day where he stands next to Noah during this time when patriarchs passed on the priesthood in the family. (

Generations of Shem

- Shem, along with his brothers and their wives, fulfilled God’s command to begin repopulating the earth.
- His line first produced the Lydians, Assyrians (Asshur), Chaldeans (Arphaxad), Elamites (Persians), Arameans (Syrians), Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Arabs (Joktan), and Hebrews (Israelites) and later they moved throughout Asia.
- Shem’s name is the origin of the word Semitic.
- His great-grandson Eber was the father of those who were eventually called 'Hebrews,' including Abram and the Jews.
- Shem lived to age 630 and was noted in the Bible as an ancestor of Jesus Christ and Abraham.

As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it. (Genesis 9:7)


At work

- Saturn castrated his father, Uranus, and took the first-born position of ruler.
- Ham (Titan) saw his father's nakedness and he castrated his father Noah and usurped his father's genealogy (stole his wife).
- Ham's son Canaan is cursed as the 'product of Ham's illicit union.'
- Ham was father to Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan and the Bible refers to Egypt as 'the land of Ham.'
- He was not first-born.
- Many scholars have translated the name Ham as Saturn (Cronos).
- And YHWH (Satan) is also Saturn and he revered Saturday (Saturnalia) as his holy day.

Ham's descendants are interpreted by Josephus and others as having populated Africa and adjoining parts of Asia. (Wikipedia)

Ham cursed

- When Noah woke and realized what Ham had done, he cursed him and blessed Shem and made Canaan (Ham's son) his servant.
- Then Noah enlarged Japheth and let him live in the tents of Shem and let Canaan be his servant too.
- Saturn in Retrograde.

There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father’s chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt.

Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals. (Plato, The Timaeus)


Fallen kingdom

- Shem was also known as Molech of the Canaanite pantheon and that is where we get the Melchizedek Zadok priesthood.
- In the Bible, Melchizedek, (Melchisedech or Malki Tzedek), was the king of Salem and high priest of El Elyon (Most High).
- So this is now a fallen kingdom because Ham (Saturn) usurped Noah's (Uranus) authority.
- Then Ham's son Nimrod took over and Babylon was created.
- This is the world we currently live in, the fallen Babylon, Saturn.

Multitude of nations

- Later on, Abraham is granted the honor of being the father of a multitude of nations and he was given a promise.
- Abraham then represented the Greek Zeus (Jupiter) who was the father of the Olympians, unlike what he is commonly shown in history, as Chronus (Saturn).
- Shem (Jupiter) and Ham (Saturn) both ended up combining forces with Naamah, who was married to a relative of Shem (believed to be Noah himself), to create the Zadok priesthood.
- This is also referred to in the Bible when Abraham made a covenant with Abimelech (which is Abi-Molech).

Abimelech and his captain, Phichol, met with Abraham. They acknowledged that the ALMIGHTY was with Abraham in all he does; they wanted a covenant between them because of that. (

Tent of Molech

- Melchizedek which is Melik Zadok (Molech), king of righteousness, or King of Salem (peace).
- Shem has been identified as Melchizedek in Chazalic literature, as the son of Noah.
- This is tied into the story about how the children of Israel carried the tent of Molech in the desert for 40 years.

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. (Acts 7:43)

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. (Amos 5:26)


The horseman at work

- Japheth has been linked to Greek Titan Iapetos (Japetus), who was the Greek god of mortality and the human race (lower ego) and the father of Atlas.
- Japheth’s descendants are listed as Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras, each representing a significant nation.
- The descendants of Javan (the Greeks) greatly impacted the course of Western civilization (because they are the western world including Europe, Russia and the America's), contributing to philosophy, science, politics, and arts.
- Many question why Noah would put Shem (Israelites) in charge with Japheth (Europe/Greeks) as his right hand which was Noah's prophecy, that Canaan would be co-ruled by Shem and Japheth.

And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. (Genesis 9:26)

Japheth the multi-color horseman at work

- The Hebrew's (Shem) in charge of the coveted promised land, Canaan, and using Japheth as his right hand.
- However, we just learned that the promised land, Canaan, was created by Ham, not Shem.
- So that means Canaan was not the birthplace of the Hebrew, it was the birthplace of Africa, the south.
- That means the founders of Canaan, Ham's people, weren't Semitic.
- It's also obvious why Japheth, both the bank (and tower) of London and the egotistical war machine on the other side of the pond, were used by Shem so handily (to go against the true owner of the promised land).

Though designated sons of Shem, some of his descendants (e.g. the Elamites) did not speak a Semitic language, while other nationalities, not his descendants (e.g. the Canaanites), did. (

Continental drift

- It sounds like Noah's prophecy about Shem and Japheth ruling the promised land has already been proven true, although it's still Ham's creation.
- Hercules back in the arena for his 13th 'labor' apparently.
- And in reality, the America's were joined at the hip to Africa (Ham) but broke off during a continental drift, tectonic shift.
- Headless Europe was first joined to Greenland, it's head, and they broke apart during the Titanic explosions.

Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. (Revelation 13)

Continental drift on the map

- North America missing leg found in the Valley of the Dry Bones!
- Click on the map to see the Headless Horseman's missing head.
- Oh well, the faster we blow things up, the faster we will have to suffer through all of it again.
- Mudfossil already found the dragon in Africa, beastly.
- So who's been castrated, North America or Africa, it's father?
- Get the drift?

Toe bone connected to the foot bone
Foot bone connected to the heel bone
Heel bone connected to the ankle bone
Ankle bone connected to the leg bone
Leg bone connected to the knee bone
Knee bone connected to the thigh bone
Thigh bone connected to the hip bone
Hip bone connected to the back bone
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone
Shoulder bone connected to the neck bone
Neck bone connected to the head bone
Hear the word of the Lord.
(Myers Jubilee Singers, The Skeleton Dance, 1928)


The seed that has to be redeemed

- Naamah was the daughter of Lamech who was the grandson of Cain, and she is the seed that has to be redeemed, the harlot, temple prostitute, like Mary Magdalene.
- Moloch is Shem, and Chiun is Ham (Saturn/Satan/YHWH).
- The Religion of the Pharisees: The Star God Chiun and the Temple of Moloch.


- The Pharisees (Jews) had pagan gods and they wrote the Babylonian Talmud, which created Noahide law (which forbids any religion except Judaism and punishes harshly).
- Many Greeks embraced Christianity since the Romans used the Greek gods, however, the vast majority were Hellenistic Jews who were either Greek converts to Judaism, or the descendants of such converts and felt they had been treated harshly by the Romans.

The religion of the Pharisee is known as Judaism, and the Rabbi’s involved in interpreting and teaching the Babylonian Talmud are called Talmudists. Judaism’s rise comes during the exile of the Hebrews into Babylon where they resided for 70 years. (jamesgowenauthor)

Holy temple priest

- The term 'temple prostitute' does not mean a prostitute working out of a temple, it means temple priest, the Hebrew has been translated wrong, and harlot means 'holy' and could even be a virgin.
- Harlot is the Hebrew word for everything holy; holy temple, holy trees or holy water, on and on.
- In fact, the name Mary was a title given to a temple priestess, it was not a real name.

Mary Magdalene 


- The main reason Mary Magdalene was frowned upon was because she was a Canaanite, but most don't understand that was the Israelite tradition; Judah married Tamar, Joshua married Rahab, Jacob married Leah, and all of them would marry a woman from the line of Cain which is the redemption of the body, that woman was the body of Christ (spirit), the north joining the south.
- That's also represents the daughters of men through Cain, who married the sons of Elohim.

Pandora, the first woman, was created by the gods for man. She was given a box and was told not to open it. When she did, all the plagues and sorrows that afflict mankind escaped. This is similar to how Eve, the first woman, is blamed for the fall of man. (Quora)

Temple builders

- The word Christianity comes from a Greek word, Khristos, meaning 'annointed.'
- Jesus and Mary Magdalene had an entirely different idea about what 'Christianity' should be, they believed it was home-centered worship led by the female matriarch, not by money-making gold gilded churches.
- Apostle Peter, unfortunately, had his tools out and was ready to build that tabernacle and he did, he didn't understand the spirtual side of things, he hadn't matured enough.

Tower of Babel

 Gate of El

- Then there is Ham, or Saturn, and YHWH was the deity they worshiped in the tabernacle (tent), but the Greek deity is Saturn and in Hebrew we have Ham, who castrated his father, stole his authority, took over his lineage, created the priesthood, and ended up with a son Nimrod, who rules the world.
- It was at the Tower of Babel which was the house, or Gate of El.
- Then YHWH came and destroyed the Tower of Babel and turned it into Babylon, and instead of it being a gate, it turned into destructive ruins because of the law of YHWH.
- YHWH began to rule from there and all the nations spread out, however, the Bible warns the Judean people to come out of her if you don't want to share in her sins.

And I heard another voice from Heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4)

General Abraham

- The god of this world is YHWH, who is Saturn, who is also Set, turn, and that is the kingdom that is this world.
- Abraham was given the throne and writings in the Apocrypha and other text, you'll discover that Abraham was a general who worked for Nimrod who was the grand king or the great high priest.
- And Abraham was one of Nimrod's priests and they worked together.

Melchizedek like Nimrod reminds us of our great African history found in the biblical text. Our history has been so distorted that many believe that it was the Europeans that introduced us to God and presented us with Christ. According to Hebrew scholar, Cain Hope Felder, “since time immemorial black people have been involved in the major civilizations of the Mediterranean world.” Our history is imbedded in the pages of our bible and I hope to awaken you to the truth of how rich and powerful our history is. (

Melchizedek / Shem 

Earthly high priest

- Melchizedek (Shem) an African high priest, was sent out and he annointed Abraham to receive that Earthly kingdom that was usurped by Ham (YHWH), this Earthly, usurpable kingdom (lower ego).
- At that point, Abraham becomes Zeus and ends up as the father of the Olympians, or the children of Jacob (the 12 tribes).
- Shem inherited the land of Salem (Jerusalem, formerly called Jebus) and Melchizedek is the king of Salem.
- Melchizedek was a Jebusite who were Canaanites and descendants of Canaan the son of Ham.

And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was priest of God Most High. (Genesis 14:18)

Melchizedek Royal priesthood

- The Levitical priesthood was temporary and the renewed priesthood is the New Testament order, the Royal priesthood, which will be headed by Melchizedek.
- Christ, tribe of Judah, was a priest and his name is in the book of Levitical priests.
- The only other person identified in the Bible as the King of Justice or Righteousness is Jesus Christ.


High priest of God

- The only priests who were taught directly by God were Moses, Christ, Shem, Enoch, and Adam, everyone else learned from man.
- In the end, Shem is Zeus (Jupiter), father of the Olympians or the 12 sons of Jacob.
- Zeus is also called El in other mythologies or pantheons.
- Osiris is a parallel of Zeus in the Egyptian pantheon.

Birdlike figure

- Joseph Smith interpreted a facsimile from the Book of Abraham that showed Osiris performing a ceremony of the death and resurrection where the Egyptian deity Amun was hovering over him in a birdlike figure.
- Joseph Smith also claimed it represented Abraham and this was disputed by scholars who also had a copy of the ancient text and found a passage that said it was Osiris.
- But Smith was adament it was Abraham and it turns out, in 1975, another version of the facsimile was discovered and inscribed right on the drawing it said that the figure represented both Abraham and Osiris, so Smith was right all along.
- Therefore, this proves that Abraham was Zeus, and El, as these are all parallel in the pantheons.


Flesh, the lower ego

- The rabbi's noted in their writings that Naamah, the great-great-great-granddaughter of Cain, was married to Noah.
- Both Noah and Naamah had father's named Lamech.
- So Cain's line, in the form of Naamah, made it through the flood, because that represents the flesh, the lower ego.


Spirit, the higher self

- We've got two sides, the spirit and the flesh and they're the two genealogical lines from Seth and Cain and they both made it through the flood.
- These individuals are like divine beings, if Noah lived to 950, what prevented his son's from also living that long, and they were 100 at the time of the flood and lived 850 years after the flood and no one can deny it.

Counting fingers

- That's because they were the divine beings they called 'gods,' they weren't the primordial beings, they weren't what came after, the demigods.
- But they were the original gods, and they weren't like Tiamat, the primordial beings (planets and such), but they're heirs, and they are also going to have to battle with their predecessors.
- The Titans were the giants with the six fingers and six toes and they were in the early part of the Bible when the Israelites had to defeat the giants in Canaan.

And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, [which come] of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. (Numbers 13:33)

Tartarus at the bottom of the wheel

- The Olympians had to defeat them because they were the six houses (astrology) at the top of the wheel that had to be defeated and thrown down into Tartarus.
- It was Zeus who defeated them and he was the son of Saturn who was the son of Uranus.
- It happens once a year.

Olympian hard hats on

- Cronus (Saturn) is the son of Uranus who is Noah who was a god because he lived 950 years while the mortals were living 80 or 90 years, or less.
- Because of this the mortals saw them as gods, and Noah's sons, Shem and Japheth, lived at least 800 years, long past Abraham.
- Melchizedek (Shem) who had neither beginning of days nor end of life came and annointed Abraham and told him he was going to make him the father.

Castrated his father too

- There's not many of them who were ever called father, except Noah, Adam, Abraham, perhaps David, but we call him King David instead, and king means 'son of the father.'
- Everyone else was just a mortal.
- Abraham, Father of light and darkness, and his father was Terah, who didn't stand out, but further back, Noah was the father of All the gods.
- Everyone descended from Noah, Abraham was the son of Noah, and he was also the father of Jacob who had 12 sons and that's the Olympians (12 tribes of Israel).

Six fingers and six toes

- The Olympians (Israelites) went into Canaan to defeat the Titans (giants) who had six fingers and six toes, this was the big war, same story.
- So the Titans were not the children of Jacob or Zeus, but the children of Saturn (Cronos, YHWH, Ham, Set, Chiun) who castrated his father Noah (Uranus, Anu).

Believeth in Me

- We know from all this that there were other divine primordial beings before Uranus but they weren't called gods.
- There were divine primordial beings before the Titans and gods, like Arabius, Nix, Eros and Tartarus, but they weren't called gods.
- The Titan's (Saturn) weren't called gods, but the Olympians (Jupiter) were.
- This idea of 'god' isn't even in the Bible, and the word is a Nordic term.
- The Bible uses Hebrew words and the Greeks used Greek words and all through the New Testament it mentions Theos, which is the Attic Athenian spelling of Zeus.
- The New Testament references several Greek deities; Zoe, Apollon, but none of these were the greatest.
- Jesus said, my father is greater than I am, but we know that in reality, Jesus is going to take over and then eventually we're going to take over.

Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth in Me, the works that I do he shall do also; and GREATER works than these shall he do, because I go unto My Father. (John 14:12)

Order out of chaos

- Order gets rid of chaos, and then order becomes just a place along the path to get to the goal, which is intelligence, gnosis, and freedom.
- This is why the pleroma, or fullness, dwells in Jesus because that means the Divine Father, the Divine Mother, and those two combine all the other deities and that's the pleroma of the Greeks or of the Gnostics that dwell bodily in Christ.
- So the greatest of all Divine Beings is Jesus, not his father, because he gathers everyone up and then creates something else, higher consciousness.

Jesus is the greatest of all Divine Beings not his father, even though in priority, the mother and father are first, we revere them, we can't do without them, they're the supreme independent forces that come together to make all the other forces, but even that isn't as great as Jesus or the son because the son combines all of them together in One and then creates something special which is love, wisdom, grace and eternal life. (David Vose)

Magic stairs

- What that means is that Noah is our Divine father, but he wasn't the first one because there was a group of Titans that reigned before the flood in the Atlantean times, before the 'gods.'
- Before the Atlanteans, there was a man called Atum, who was the form that Ra took and they worshipped Ra.
- Atum means secret essense that came before Adam, that' no one's ever seen, or could know, or could comprehend, this mysterious thing called existence that nobody can understand it is a mystery.
- If we ever understood everything, and the cause of everything and the meaning of everything, there wouldn't be anymore mystery, there would be nothing more to learn.


- We know that mystery, we know the answer, it's deep within, we know the answer but it's also hidden.
- Amun is called the hidden one, the hidden reason that is beyond comprehension, is what makes the universe infinite.
- If we ever knew everything all at once there wouldn't be anymore infinite.
- If you take a ring, and cut the ring, there would be a beginning and an ending, so there wouldn't be an infinite.
- But life is the endless spiraling circle 8 with no end and no beginning; and that is the mystery.


- So there were those who worshipped Amun, and there were others who worshipped the first of the beings, Ra, and they said no, we worship the form of Ra when he's more complete.
- Our father Adam and others, said no, we worship one of his sons who made order out of chaos, and others worshipped fire, and yet others water.
- So no, you all should wake up, we are the embodiment of all that ever came, and all that will ever be, it's all within us.
- The entire pleroma, the fullness, it's all within us, our temple, all the mountains, and rivers, high places and low places, nymphs and elves, and the Holy Spirit, everything.
- You don't need to go outside yourself, love yourself and go within, all the answers are in there.

Secret Amun

- Nobody can battle the storm god, he's so great, or the fire god, but guess what, all those powers dwelled bodily in Christ, the higher consciousness, (the 'I am') and that's the greatest thing of all.
- The culminagtion of everything and it is the first because even before Atum, or Ra, or Nuit, there was the secret mystery and they named him Amun (Amen), and to this day everyone in the world says Amen at the end of their prayers and blessings.
- The Bible tells us we will say our prayers and blessings in the name of Jesus and Revelation 3 tells us that Jesus and Amun are one in the same.
- Jesus is the one who is first, and last, and he is the one who is coming, the Christ in you, the hope of glory.

The truth, the way, and the light

- This is the great mystery, it is man, the son of deity, the son of man and I am the truth, the way, and the light and no man cometh under the father but by and through me.
- The truth is the only way, but the truth didn't start off being the reality to us, it was the goal we were seeking, but we didn't have the truth, we had the ignorance.
- First came the night and then came the day, even though there never came a day that didn't exist, it just needed to be manifested.
- This is the story of the Bible, and the story of the Sumerian tablets, and the Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Royal bloodlines

- Anu is Uranus, and Cronus (Saturn) is Ham, Abraham is the son of Uranus or a (great grandson) and even in the Greek mythologies, Zeus is not necessarily a son of Saturn, but actually a son of Uranus.
- Zeus (Osiris) is Abraham, and he is the father of the Olympians, the 12 tribes of Jacob.
- From there we have all the various nations who can trace their royal bloodlines and lineage from Europe, Africa or China.
- All their royal bloodlines eventually go back to Zeus, who goes back to Uranus, and Noah goes back to Adam, and Adam goes back to chaos, before the world heir was.
- But before the world heir was, the whole family existed in some kind of eternal felicity, never ending, never dying, never being born.


- The second great mystery that we were lied to about was that Abraham is associated with Cronus, or Saturn, he's not in any way.
- That would turn him into YHWHs ally and he's not that.
- And it makes perfect sense, he's a son of a Titan which makes him an Olympian.
- Abraham is Zeus, you've been lied to.

Secret places revealed

- Because that truth is eternal, that is the reality that we have access to, it's another realm, a secret place of the Most High that anyone can go at anytime.
- And when we realize this truth, we are exalted, and we can exist in the 3D world and play in the garden anytime we want, but we know it's only a game, don't get caught up in it.
- We can't believe this duality, this illusion, this dream is real, and we're going along and we have all these problems, and you'll notice most people have the same problems, ultimately, there's several of the big ones, like finding a mate, or financial security, these are the most difficult things to overcome because they cause the most fear.

Playing the game

- When you fall into fear, you focus on that and your mind is not able to make order because it doesn't realize that the door is open, but you have to have the faith and you don't believe, you're smitten by Eros and in the darkness of night swimming through the oceans with monsters not yet realizing that you are the All.
- That you possess the final result, the truth, and once you learn, and wake up to that, and discover there is an infinite reality and you're only playing this game, then you're free from its harshness, it has no more sting, death where is your sting.

Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? (1 Corinthians 15:55)

Truth and light

- We have the victory, and that's all that we're ever going to receive is the victory, which is what we already have, eternal life.
- But we've got to know that Jesus is a real person just like us, the firstborn of many brethren who partook of flesh and blood, as did all of us.
- He came to tell us this sacred truth, and to tell us not to be afraid, that he himself had to overcome the world and he showed us the way back unto the father, and all we have to do is receive it in Jesus' name.

Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the western sea, Low, low, breathe and blow, Wind of the western sea! Over the rolling waters go, Come from the dying moon, and blow, Blow him again to me; While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps. (Lord Tennyson)

The Nations


- What goes around.
- Abraham was the father of everyone on Earth, not just some of us, some of us went north, some went south, and some went east, and with the continental drift some ended up west.
- The Chaldeans were one of Shem's people and the Hebrew is also part of Shem.
- The Caucasians were from Japheth.
- So who are these descendants who are strangers in foreign lands?
- Ham's southern lands are filled with Japheth's clan on the west side, they are the Caucasian strangers.
- Ham's promised land Canaan is filled with Shem's people who are the Semitic strangers.

Then the high priest asked Stephen, “Are these charges true?” To this he replied: “Brothers and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Harran.

‘Leave your country and your people,’ God said, ‘and go to the land I will show you. “So he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Harran. After the death of his father, God sent him to this land where you are now living. He gave him no inheritance here, not even enough ground to set his foot on. (Acts 7:1-6)

White horse

- Ham's descendents seem to (for the most part) be living in their own land, Africa and America's.
- Edward Snowden Says OpenAI Just Performed a “Calculated Betrayal of the Rights of Every Person on Earth.”
- So none of us treated very good here who's running this show?

But God promised him that he and his descendants after him would possess the land, even though at that time Abraham had no child.

God spoke to him in this way: ‘For four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves,’ God said, ‘and afterward they will come out of that country and worship me in this place. (Acts 7:5-7)

Miracle Birth Story of Melchizedek

Cradle and babies

- The story about Noah (Noe) and his brother Nir is told in the Second Book of Enoch, who is not the same Enoch as in Genesis 5, composed in Greek but translated in Slavonic.
- Pre-flood.
- Hebrew 7:3 considered Melchizedek 'without father or mother' and because of that, they felt he 'resembled the Messiah' although this was in reference to the priesthood he held.
- If a priest couldn't document that he was from the tribe of Levi, he was tagged as 'without father or mother.'
- Was this a miraculous story about immaculate conception and an extraordinary birth.
- His father was Nir, the priest, and his mother was Sothonim (Sofonim).
- Nir's elderly wife, Sothonim (Sofonim), was pregnant and Nir knew he was not the father and he and his wife were both ashamed.


- It's unclear what Sothonim knew about her pregnancy, she did hide it and was shamed when she started showing, but expressed shock over being fertile in her old age, as she had been barren in her youth.
- Nir banished her from his home before he hurt her.
- Sothonim answered Nir, saying, “O my Lord! This is the time of my old age, and there was not in me any youth and I do not know how the indecency of my womb has been conceived.”
- Nir did not believe her and he banished his wife from him a second time and she was so horrified, she fell down at his feet and died on the spot.

The oldest living man in the line of the first born would carry the title of Melchizedek. After Noah had died the title of Melchizedek fell to Shem. (


- Nir went and told his brother Noe (Noah) about what happened and the two began to prepare her burial and dug a grave in secret.
- Noah told Nir "Don't be sorrowful, because the Lord has covered up our scandal, let us go quickly in secret and bury her to cover up our shame."
- When the brothers returned for her body, the child, Melchizedek, had been born from her dead body, and he was sitting up on the bed fully clothed next to his mother.
- Noah and Nir were terrified because the child was fully developed, and he spoke with his lips, and he blessed the Lord and he had the badge of the priesthood on his chest.

Nir was distressed and said in his heart, “Could this have happened because of my word? And now, merciful is the eternal Lord, because my hand was not upon her.”

And the archangel Gabriel appeared to Nir, and said to him, “Do not think that your wife Sofonim has died because of your error; but this child which is to be born of her is a righteous fruit, and one whom I shall receive into paradise so that you will not be the father of a gift of God. (Second Book of Enoch)


- The seal of Melchizedek consists of two interlocked (or overlapping) squares, creating what appears to be an eight-pointed star.
- This convinced both brothers that the holy priesthood had been restored to them and they celebrated.
- They washed the child and dressed him in priestly garments and gave him holy bread and named him Melchizedek.
- And Noah said to his brother Nir, "Look after this child until the time in secret, because people have become treacherous in all the earth, and in some way when they see him, they will put him to death."


A Sethite Naamah is named as the wife of Noah, and a daughter of Enoch, Noah's great-grandfather, in a medieval midrash.

The 17th-century theologian John Gill mentioned a theory which identified Naamah instead with the name of the wife of Ham, son of Noah, who he believed may have become confused with Noah's wife. (Wikipedia)

Protecting Mel the King of Rock

- Afterwards, they removed the black garments they had clothed Nir's dead wife in, and replaced them with bright colored clothing and then buried her in public.
- As Noah had predicted, great lawlessness took hold so he called to the Lord because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to protect Melchizedek.
- He called out to the Lord who appeared to him in a night vision and told him that he planned on sending down a great destruction on Earth, but that first, Archangel Gabriel would remove Melchizedek to Edem.
- Nir was made aware that he would perish in the flood and Noah would be preserved for procreation.
- Gabriel came to Nir after 40 days to remove the child and take him to paradise to protect him.

He will not perish with those who must perish. As I have revealed it, Melchizedek will be My priest to all holy priests, I will santify him and I will establish him so that he will be the head of the priests of the future. (Second Book of Enoch)


- Both Old and New Testaments that the man of mystery, Melchizedek, was a priest of the Most High God.
- A major transition in how the Ancient Order of Melchizedek operated under YHWH's leadership occurred with the Mosaic Covenant.
- Grace was foretold in the book of Jeremiah under the Covenant of Grace the Ancient Order of Melchizedek, which was corrupted by YHWH, was returned to it's original state as it was in the beginning with Adam.
- The 10th and final Melchizedekian King we (Humanity) will no longer see a transfer of power to the archons, because this king reigns forever in eternity over a "transformed humanity".
- Melchizedek and Christ are one and the same Person.

Li rock

- What does the word religion really mean?
- Backwards niogiler.
- Nio (we) giler (crazy).

- Forwards Re-li gion.
- Retelling of Gion and his dog universe lie.

- Figures that the biggest lies come from the smallest (little) rocks.
- Monica and her blue dress and Dutch clogs.

- Christ didn't come to Earth to spread religion around, he came to spread the awareness of higher consciousness.
- Enjoy it for a change.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci

DaVinci - Adoration of Magi - Page 3



He turns not back who is bound to a star.

Leonardo DaVinci


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