In the Underworld, dark side of the
wheel, Satan is anger and also he is Saturn. He runs the earth
(lower ego). All the demonic
animals and monsters represent human weaknesses, passions and
flaws, natural events, inanimate objects and oftentimes represent the unknown and
On the opposite side, in the Pleroma,
the Aeons (divine angels) represent wisdom, mind, thought,
intent, faith, hope, love, etc.
Underworld and Pleroma |

Heavens |
- As above, so below, is the balance of
dark and light. - Heaven, which means high, is what we
call the air, or spirit realm. - The high (or height) is
described as the inner world (Most Holy or up) and the
material world is the outer world (down). - The Bible says
there will be a war in Heaven, but we don't live there.

Wheel |
There is an occult representation of a circle with a man in
the center with his arms outstretched like he's on a cross,
his head is up which is the up side of the wheel (light), and
his feet are down (dark), which is the bottom of the wheel.
- The up is the sunshine and the bottom side, the toes, the pit. - The
head of gold (and gold is ore) or sun deity Ra (ray or
sunshine) where the light (mind) shines. - His head is one
point, his arms and legs are four points; which is the
five-sided star, or pentagram. - The head rules the higher
world and the inner fire, and the sexual organs on the bottom
of the wheel, rule the lower world; that's Satan, the heavy
uranium, and that rules the outer, the hard outer crust.
Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay.
(Daniel 2:41)

Heart of the Universe |
- Everything is a sphere, that's how we
understand it; the universe is an infinite sphere. - The
heart is in the center and it rules the entire universe, the
inner and outer realms; it receives influences from above and
below, the higher realms and the lower realms, and those
become feelings and memories; and that is your soul. - The
heart is the center of the wheel and your mind rules over the
day, higher things, the top of the wheel, while sexual urges,
the carnal nature, rules over the bottom of the wheel.

Outer courtyard of the wheel |
The center is the Most Holy and if you notice, the temple
(tabernacle) had an outer courtyard and an inner courtyard, and in the
center of the outer court and the inner court was the Most
Holy because your soul and spirit are inside the body and
outside the body (outer court, the Gentiles) represents the
physical or material, the peripheral. - The Most Holy rules
it all, and is more sacred than the inner and outer courts,
but all three were supposed to be holy, the entire body.

Cleansing in the abyss |
- The outer court, the body is what we are trying to
cleanse, but in order to cleanse it, you need a pure mind, but
even deeper, at the center, you must have the will, your very
being, where your thoughts come from (not the mind). - You
must choose to have gnosis and that is the highest point in
the sphere, the positive pole. - The two courts, or
poles, that go around and around, are day and night, duality.
- Once a year, beyond the curtain, the blood of the lamb was
placed on the altar and beyond the veil, Jesus sprinkled his
blood in the center, our hearts, the Most Holy. - A sphere
has a north pole, or the top of the mountain, and the bottom
is the abyss, the pit, or the sea.
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Water under the pyramid |
- There was a pit under the Great
Pyramid, but in the middle of the pyramid was the Queen's
Chamber and she rules over the waters because beneath her runs
the waters. - Above her is the King's Chamber and that's
the mind, which rules over this conscious spiritual realm. -
The Most Holy keeps tab and takes information from the
conscious lower instinctual self and the higher intuition, and
brings them into the personality or the soul. - That is the
seat of your being, who you are, your DNA, that's the center,
the top of the wheel.
Quetzalcoatl |
 Aztec feathered flying serpent |
- So there is a cross and the serpent
winds its little ugly grotesque carnal nature around that
cross towards the top, but when that serpent was cursed, Jesus
came and entered into it, which was his body and crucified
that serpent and raised that serpent up and gave it wings
which was Quetzalcoatl, an Aztec feathered flying serpent. -
An Aztec feathered serpent who rises up and goes straight up
to the Lord's throne. - There are two serpents around the
Lord, the Seraphins, six winged angels, and they have six
wings each, which is 12 houses. - That represents the two
sides of the globe, East and West, left and right, night and
day; but at the top, the Most Holy is your being, there's no

Mind is portal from physical |
- The mind is where the portal from the physical, to
the pure infinite will of the spirit. - Just so you know,
the stars you see above you cannot get to by physically
traveling to them, because they're not in the physical world
we live in. - You can only reside physically in the world
you live in, you can't live simultaneously in another world
(physically); you can go there in your mind (astral), but you
can't take your body there and you're attached to that body
until it dies. - By the means of the silver cord, you have
authority to the body where you live in this planet at this
time and age, it is attached to you.
Moment in time and space |
- This time and space is a conscious cord, it's
consciousness, you own your DNA thread, no one can take it.
- So think of your consciousness as this moment in time and
space, in this universe, in this moment. - Anything (mind)
that is outside this moment is going back in time, or it's
going forward into the future, and that's things like a
prophecy or remote viewing, but you don't live there, you just
go there to visit (astral). - You can go to the astral and
possess someone's mind there, and you can observe things going
on and interact with the past, but the present moment in the
universe that we live, on Earth, is the only real conscious
reality that has any authority in this place.

Holy Spirit |
- We've entered the Humanity that we've
got now, where we have a heart, and the Holy Spirit, and we're
glorified beings. - We've transmigrated to a place that's
exalted and has exalted consciousness. - If you're going to
go back in time, you're going to find power, you might open up
the intellect; but that's not the same as opening up the
higher places of love, goodness, truth and reason. - You
might be able to dream about going there, but your physical
body is attached with the silver cord. - This Earth is the
only place that exists in this time continuum, this time and
space that we're living in. - The closest star is so far
away, it's not even in our time continuum and no one can
actually physically go back in time (except with your spirit
in the astral plane, or by remote viewing, etc.).

Devil trying to possess |
- The devil possesses people but he
can't really own your body, he has no cords, you own the cords
and have authority over your body. - When you tell him he
has to get out, he must go. - It doesn't matter what you
say physically, but rather, what you believe in your heart;
what you pray from your innermost desire is ascending like
incense up to the Lord; he knows and hears your genuine
prayers. - Just talk to him in a quiet place (your head),
he doesn't need fancy prayers, he's your best friend. - The
Lord will hear your prayers instantly, the devil has no
authority, however, he can possess you (in spirit only) as
long as you allow him.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
(Matthew 6:6-7)

Higher consciousness or lower? |
- There's a lot of misinformation going
around in the world now, distractions, and the powers that be are lying and
trying to scare us. - Know, there is no such thing as
"White hats and black hats" since there is only one power that runs
this world, that the Old Testament called Yahweh who does not
necessarily represent one person, but the 'I am' that is
conscious, runs the world. - We have a higher consciousness,
and that is Jesus, but he has gone to prepare a place for us
in his father's house. - When he returns he will come in
and be glorified in his Saints and head of the Kingdom of
Heights (Heavens) and he will be within you.

Royalty |
- Jesus is a real
person, the firstborn of many brethren, who partook of flesh and
blood, just as we were in Adam and all died in Christ and we
shall live. - This is why in the Old Testament you have to
discern who's who; which 'I am' is talking. - There are two
of everything, two Genesis stories, two Enochs, one from
Cain's line, one from Seth's line, on and on.

Yahweh eye for an eye |
- Know, as long as we're in this consciousness and
worshiping that lower ego, Yahweh, who is vengeance, we will
be rewarded with hate, wrath and punishment. - Yahweh never
promised anyone in the Old Testament they would be granted
immortality and ascend to Heaven. - Jesus said there
is another way, radically different than stoning and killing
everyone who doesn't agree with you; where everyone is dead
and under a curse and bondage. - His covenant was the real
Eternal Covenant that we're going to have to take
responsibility and love one another.
And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him; breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again. And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.
(Leviticus 24:19-21)

Kingdom of Heaven |
- We're all citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, but only
those that act it will attain it. - There are 12 gates
(portals) on the new city of Jerusalem and in order to access
any of the gates, you must get entrance through St. Peter now
that's symbolic but very true. - In the eternal realm
there's only beauty, perfection and happiness; we can live
there at anytime, but you must not prove yourself to others.
but instead, you must be in a certain vibration to be there.
- This makes you your own judge, you've got to love one
another, this is how we know we're in Him.

Some people do lie |
- Anyone who says he loves his neighbor but sees him
naked, homeless or hungry and they don't do anything to help,
they don't have love, they're a liar. - So all the White
hats are liars because they don't love their brother and they
don't even keep their own Ten Commandments (their law). -
Keep in mind, all Christians are worshipping Yahweh, the lower
ego, Satan. - The Jews rejected their Messiah, the higher
consciousness, and chose for us to live behind a veil, the
carnal nature.
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
(John 15:19)

Be brave |
- You must reject the lower conscious, the ego, Jesus
said to leave the world and be no part of it (stop worshiping
the lower ego). - By you judging others and trying to 'fix'
their problems to conform with you, only causes more problems
and it's hypocritical and narcissistic. - Most crimes our
police chase around these days are 'victimless' crimes,
meaning they didn't cause any harm. - The devil has his
tentacles in everything; self-doubt shows you are listening to
him, fear is another of his favorite tactics. - He's on
your shoulder, and you're not telling him 'Get thee behind me"
and you tell him behind me because the way forward is progress
into the light, but if you turn away from the light, you're
facing the darkness.

Broken glass when you raise your vibration |
- The devil is the god of this world, this time, this
place, so you've got to raise your vibration (be loving, happy
and stop hating and jealousy) so that you're no longer under
the law of the Old Covenant (Yahweh). - Raise your
vibration so you don't care a hoot about what's going on in
the material world (elections, fake wars, gossip, etc.). -
Otherwise, as Jesus said, your temple will be left desolute,
he was talking about your body in the material world. - The
body on the cross was the serpent, and the cross is where the
light of sun appears on the horizon, it dies on the

Shadowman in bondage |
- Jesus went into hell (bottom of the wheel) for three
days and three nights, which represents Capricorn, Aquarius
and Pisces; and he rose on Aries, in the Spring Equinox. -
The other three days, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius is Jesus
taking up his cross and being tortured, beaten and judged, and
the sun (son) died on December 25 which is also the birth of
Saturnalia (which has nothing to do with the son). - That's
Saturn, and that's this victory, the devil has his big party
because it's dark and he believes he killed his Lord, but he
will rise again on the Spring Equinox which is Passover. -
If you are under the reign of darkness, you won't ever receive
any sunshine; you'll get the moon which is the lesser light, a
reflection, the law. - Let it sink in, this world is
Yahweh, the lawgiver, who is the 'I am vengeance.'

Bible tome golden rule in Psalms |
- There are other places in the Bible
that are love, the Psalms; and Apostle Paul tells us whoever
calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved, but only
through Jesus. - There are many people who don't know
what's going on, and although they may be sincere, they're not
the White hats they think they are, it's all propaganda to
divide us. - If you really think the White hats are going
to save you, and set up a kingdom with no darkness, well
that's just hogwash, because there is darkness in this world.
- Everything is about the balance of dark and light, not about
getting rid of the one you don't happen to like. -
Sometimes darkness is needed (you may need to swat your child
on the butt and tell him to shut up) from time to time. -
And we all face death in this world, that's dark.

Noahide elephant |
- The White hats, supposed saviors, are
falling into the Noahide Law trap and trying to take all of us
with them, they're being deceived themselves. - It's the Abrahamic Covenant and the Law of
Moses will be written in your hand and forehead and you will
not be able to buy or sell and you will be controlled, and
people will rejoice, however, some people will be awake and
the day will not take them as a thief. - Right now the war
is in Heaven and only the Lord can save us. - All the great
and mighty 'leaders' today seem to have received money from
our government to fund their wealth (and they even have the
nerve to name their products after people who have actually
invented things). - They all belong to the Project
Paperclip cult; whoever owns the Empire State Building is the
king of the world.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.
(2 Peter 3:10)
Poor victim gets run over again |
- Additionally, many of the large corporations are run by
religious groups who won't let their own brethren imbibe in
the products they sell. - They're all trapped in their own
illusion that they're going to take this country back and
'make it great again' but the problem is the hypocrisy of
that. - This world is actually based on things like child
trafficking and on Satan, who is a vengeful deity. - They
want absolute control and they think they're doing the right
thing, that's the scariest part. - If you're a drug addict
and you end up in court sentenced to life, they think they're
doing a good thing, and they ignore the poor addict who's been
abused and deceived his entire life from the time he was born.

Reptile |
- Realize that the graphene (carbon is atomic number 6)
they fed you has now been interfaced with AI with 5G
implementation (if you suddenly feel like a heavy magnet).
- Neta is the messenger in Hebrew, and Yahweh is the one who
comes in his own name. - They are in the martyr making
business. - They deified Lincoln and put him in his own
temple, like Jupiter, and some even claim he is the
reincarnation of Zeus.

Apprising the situation |
- The bad people come in and take the good people (with
the good ideas) out. - George Washington would turn over
in his grave if he knew they were deifying him; Joseph Smith
didn't want anyone worshipping him as the great prophet, they
turned all his ideas around into something opposite (he did
not believe in polygamy and was trying to regather Christ's
congregation). - Flying craft were built by the government
after they got the technology from Satan. - Being not under
law, but under love in a higher vibration.

Sands of the sea |
- Right now we're under the law of the
sands of the sea, temporal, and Yahweh promised Jesus all the
sands of the sea in his kingdom, and he took Jesus to the
great pinnacle of the mountain (the pyramid) and showed him
North, East, South and West and Jesus denied him. - Jesus
knew that El Elyon promised that we would all be like stars in
the Heaven and that is a greater promise. - And the beast
shall rise up at the sands of the seas, which is the Spring
Equinox, down there with Aquarius and Pisces.

Cetus the beast |
- Cetus the
beast, who carried off Andromeda, the human race, and Perseus,
who is Orion or Jesus, coming to save his church, those
enlightened by his Holy Spirit and operating on a higher
vibration, love. - The dragon spews water out of its mouth
which is armies and propaganda and he has the bottomless pit;
fear, hate, death and lies. - You must obey their
government, but they can't judge your heart. - They will
turn the capitol over to Jerusalem and make everything happen
in warp speed.
And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
(Luke 21:20-28)

Divine father and mother |
- The earth will come to the women's help, Mother Nature,
Gaia, and the mind spirit will be on humanity's side, love.
- And the only way to go anywhere, we can't just travel to a
star, is to realize the Divine Being is in you and you're a
separate cell and combined, we make up a compound called the
Earth, and the planets and galaxy and universe are our solar
system. - But the Divine Father is the will (spirit) and
our Divine Mother is the physical, and they're both equal.
- The wedding will be a union of the spiritual and the
material but we have to stop being deceived.

Carried away by the beast |
- The woman will be carried away by the beast and out of
the bottomless pit will arise a new world government and the
Bible tells you not only will that happen, but it will be run
by Satan but it will not stand. - The
bottomless pit that's opened is the demons and there are 200
million horsemen coming over the Euphrates River where the
four angels were tied; and this will all happen in some signs
and symbols for us. - But what is really happening is,
Satan is no longer able to affect your mind if you are a saint
and from this day forward is the Latter reign and we all will
have the Holy Spirit.

Their own wrath |
- We have authority over the devil
and we will cast them out, we will be a beacon of hope in
America. - And they will be a beacon of light and all the
tribes of the Earth will gather the ten tribes and restore the
ancient teachings of the people from all over the world and
they'll bring their ancient teachings and knowledge and become
One. - So anyone who is talking about aliens is confused
because they can't get to this Earth, Jesus already cast them
out. - And we all have that authority now, nothing will
change, yes, the Tribulation is wrath, but it's the lawgivers
who will take the wrath, not us.

Enlightenment |
- They want us all to believe that now that the old system
is over, they will create a new system that will be just and
good and Christ will be buried again. - You've got to
worship Yahweh again and be under law and order and we can
control everything (your thoughts, your mind). - All these
people are confused and you shouldn't be listening to them,
they don't know anything and they're being lured by the devil.
- Palestine is not the real Jerusalem, that's a lie, they have
no authority, you will not be appointed under that wrath as
long as you confess his name, he will confess your name to the
father in Heaven. - You do not want to be involved in her
plagues, repent and get out, let go.
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
(Luke 10:19)

Mona crone |

Mona mother |

Mona naturallook |

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci Thank you
David Vose. |