Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Monna and the Whale

Little tea spout

- Think about how many years you read the Bible and believed it was a story about holy people, deities and saints, who are the only true righteous people, and meanwhile, you're on the sideline feeling inferior, confused and in bondage.
- Nowadays it seems as no one knows anything about these things, including the pastors who are preaching it.
- Then you notice that the 'law givers' are the ones who are mainly abusing the rules, not only in church but throughout society; nobody's pure; all the pastors have multiple wives and children out of wedlock.
- We don't care about that anymore because most of us good people don't do those things, but the problem is, we pick out something else that we don't do to condemn others, and ignore our own sins.

Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all. (Shakespeare, Henry VI)

Moana clay

- Materialism, idolatry, and what you're doing is idolizing that book; the words, your doctrines and traditions.
- Following after your own false prophets.
- Going to war against your neighbors; turn the other cheek?
- You're not doing anything the Lord told you to do.
- The problem is, we don't even know how to read our own holy book.
- Turns out, the Jews don't know how to read their holy book either, they think they're all the chosen ones (and none of us are).

The purest treasure mortal times afford is spotless reputation - that away, Men are but gilded loam, or painted clay. (Shakespeare, Richard II)

Mona veil

- Judah, the progenitor of the Jewish race, married a Canaanite.
- Everyone who thinks the Canaanites are all bad and evil doesn't have the wisdom or knowledge to figure out that all of us are the children of Canaanites.
- Even Noah married a woman from Cain's line.
- There is so much more to the Bible story than most of you know, and it will blow your mind when you begin to see and unveil this truth.

If I have veiled my look, I turn the trouble of my countenance Merely upon myself. (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar)

Mona sees Heaven and Earth

- In Genesis, we know that in the beginning, Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth.
- That was a long time ago, and then we assume that no one knew what was going on back then, that they didn't know anything about the stars or the cosmic dome.
- The truth is, they knew what was going on, probably better than we do.

To be, or not to be: that is the question. (Shakespeare)

Fabric of the cosmic dome

- The ancients could identify all the stars in the fabric of the dome, and they knew that the stars had something to do with how humans arrived here on Earth.
- Out of all the billions of stars, estimated as 100 billion in our galaxy alone (100,000,000,000).
- Class A address, Network 100.
- We're all nodes on the network, the web.
- 1,000 points of light.


One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leapt out -- single stars, constellations, and planets, brighter and bigger than any in our world. (George H.W. Bush)

Mona Galaxy

- When you look up in the night sky, you might see a star, and you might also see a whole galaxy.
- The ancients were able to discern which were individual stars, and which were galaxies.
- They chose one who they talked about all the time in Greek mythology and called her our mother, and she created the human race: her name was Andromeda.
- How would the ancients know that Andromeda is the closest galaxy to us, and how would they even know about galaxies; which are clusters of hundreds and hundreds of millions of stars?

Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. (Shakespeare)

Mona tetra

- Tetrahedron is a pyramid shape with four faces, including the base, and thus are four-sided.
- The great pyramids of Egypt aren't tetrahedrons: they instead have a square base and four triangular faces, and thus are five-sided.
- Government means 'govern mind' or mind control.
- The devil is beneath our feet which is why the political forces say 'don't tread on me.'
- Black dog.
- Iambic Tetramater; the only one of Shakespeare’s sonnets not written in Iambic Pentameter.

Those lips that Love’s own hand did make
Breathed forth the sound that said ‘I hate’
To me that languish’d for her sake;
But when she saw my woeful state,
Straight in her heart did mercy come,
Chiding that tongue that ever sweet
Was used in giving gentle doom,
And taught it thus anew to greet:
’I hate’ she alter’d with an end,
That follow’d it as gentle day
Doth follow night, who like a fiend
From heaven to hell is flown away;
‘I hate’ from hate away she threw,
And saved my life, saying ‘not you.’
(Shakespeare, Sonnet 145)

Andromeda in Ethiopia

Most beautiful

- Once you understand the story about Andromeda as told in Greek mythology, you will see it is something we know from the Bible.
- A Greek deity named Perseus, which is where we get the word Persian, and he was also called Aryan, and his people called themselves Iranians.

Dark eyed

- We call them the Aryan race and many think that means 'white' Caucasian people, but the truth is, it means all the human race, no matter the color of the skin.
- And it all started with a black woman named Andromeda, who was an Ethiopian (Sudanese) princess.

For mine own part, it was Greek to me. (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar)


- There's a story hidden in the Bible that most have not heard before and it's the most beautiful story ever told.
- The creation story we all know is actually a Hebrew story; it's derived from the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians, and the Jewish scribes wrote it all down.
- All the creation stories came from the Great Pyramid, which survived the flood, and it's the story of Enoch and Thoth.
- The Book of Enoch says that Enoch is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. (Shakespeare, Hamlet)


- The Greeks took all their stories from Egypt because their great philosopher and polymath, Pythagoras, went down to Egypt and joined the priesthood there where he was mentored by Solon, a renowned Egyptian poet and priest.
- Egyptian priests knew that the Greeks took all their esoteric spiritual knowledge from the Egyptians.

Whereupon one of the priests, a prodigiously old man, said, “O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are always children: there is not such a thing as an old Greek.” And on hearing this he asked, “What mean you by this saying?” And the priest replied, “You are young in soul, every one of you. For therein you possess not a single belief that is ancient and derived from old tradition, nor yet one science that is hoary with age. (Plato)

Quilted tapestry

- What we got from the Greeks was their mythology and science, but we didn't get the hidden symbols; either because they didn't know them, or more likely, because we don't get the secret hidden (occult) knowledge for a reason, it's all hidden.
- The same is true today, although it would undoubtedly be easier to find that knowledge today, because so little was written down in ancient days compared to now.

We know what we are, but know not what we may be. (Shakespeare)


- When we look at the most ancient source, we're viewing it as if we spoke the language, so we know what the words mean when we have that level of understanding, or interpretation.
- On the other hand, today we hear the word 'copia' and we have no clue what it means since we don't really learn the source is Cassiopeia, a constellation with five bright stars which comes from cosmos.

What's done is done. (Shakespeare)

Beautifully adorned

- Cassiopeia is adorned and she is beautifully arranged in the cosmos.
- There's Ethiopia  (sun light burned face) and at the root of that it means 'the most beautiful woman you've ever seen who's beautifully adorned.'

The most peerless piece of earth, I think, that e' er the sun shone bright on. (Shakespeare)


- Andromeda is the daughter of Cepheus (Peter) which is why Jesus told Apostle Peter 'your name is Simon Bar Jonah,' son of John, son of January, Anu.
- Petra is the Latin for father and a variation of that is stone or rock; and that is where Pope (Papas) comes from.

My father's wit, and my mother's tongue, assist me!. (Shakespeare, Love's Labors Lost)

Translated text

- Andromeda, the cosmos or universe, was the most beautiful woman, and her father Cepheus, the rock, was married to Cassiopeia which is the cosmos.
- Andro/Andros in Greek means human.
- There's no way to deny this, and if you spoke the language that Enoch knew, you'd see the content, but it was all translated, and the deeper meaning was lost.
- And it was translated to languages that we don't even know, we don't speak them anymore, like Egyptian and much later, Koine Greek.

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. (Shakespeare)

Creation is the woman

- Creation is the woman and Andromeda is the human race.
- Andromeda was subject to the Beast, Tiamat (Time and Matter) which represents the seven headed dragon.
- Time and matter is the beast.
- You don't fall, time and matter pushes you and is warping into form and creating everything.
- Sophia created Yahweh (the Demiurge), the lower ego, or the lower magnet that attracts everything to it.

Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move. (Einstein's theory of general relativity)

Consumed by the Beast

- The world was made from the father and the divine cosmos, the mind and the material and they came together and birthed a beautiful daughter, Andromeda.
- She was going to be consumed by the materiality, by the force, by the vengeance of the lower ego and that great ravenous Beast wanted to destroy her.

The common curse of mankind, – folly and ignorance. (Shakespeare)

Sea monster

- Andromeda was more beautiful than all the goddesses.
- Cepheus and Cassiopeia gave Andromeda to sea monster Cetus.
- They tied Andromeda to a pole and the monster was coming to kill her and eat her, but Perceus loved her, and he came to save her.
- Perceus is Jesus, and this is where we get the name, Persians, which are Aryan, so we also call them Iranians.
- And Iran is Orion.

What monsters you make of them. (Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Orion dragon

- Orion is the first constellation to rise over the horizon in the spring, because it's Aries, which is March, which is ruled by Mars, and we're marching forward out of the Duat, hell, or winter.
- This is Jesus rising from the dead, Perseus.
- Perceus is the son of Zeus who is the father of the deities.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. (Shakespeare)

Enoch who walked with God

- So we have two fathers; Zeus is the father of the deities, and Cepheus is the father of Andromeda, the human race.
- This destroys all the paradigms about One father we all may have; but this is the story that Enoch gave us in the Book of Enoch, the same book that says that Enoch is the Messiah.
- In the Bible, Enoch walked with God and he learned everything and he was a mediator between the realms of both angels and demons.

By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. (1 Peter 3:19)


- Well who were the spirits in prison that Christ administered to?
- This refers to how Christ died and was saved through baptism (not church baptism).
- Because when we die with Christ in baptism so we might live with him.

But we are spirits of another sort. (Shakespeare)

Veiled and chained

- Christ died and he went down under the waters (womb) and became human.
- He had to come down here to marry his bride, Andromeda, the human race, to deliver her because she was chained to this post, which is the law.
- We were the human race, and we were crazy and full of demons and chained to a post.
- Demons that possessed us; hate and anger, that demon was eating us and we got swallowed up, and we went down through the bottom of the wheel.

Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Shakespeare)

Water spray

- We were swimming through hell and it wasn't good; the Beast came up out of the bottomless pit and stood on the sands of the sea, which is the horizon.
- Then Orion, Perseus, the great hunter, took his bow and he's going to marry Andromeda, the human race.

Nature teaches beasts to know their friends. (Shakespeare)


- Cassiopeia, the universe, who gave birth to the human race is marrying Perseus, who is the spiritual child.
- And you see how the different generations meld into one as the wheel of life goes around.
- We have two deities here; the spiritual and the physical and remember, the humans are a child of the material, the physical.
- Physical is John, January, Uranus (Ouranos), Anu.
- Then we have Zeus, with a thunderbolt, who to the Egyptians was Osiris, to Sumerians was Enlil, and El, the Heavenly El.
- Zeus is part of the 12 Titans, and six of them he banishes to prison.
- Jesus went and preached to the spirits in prison, who were they, the Giants.

God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. (Shakespeare)

Prison the Giants built for humans

- The Giants were in prison because they forsook their first estate, the position they were given by God when they fell to earth.
- There's the physical and the spiritual and Adam and Eve were both, and they were immortal, until Eve took a bite of the apple, and they were then mortal.

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Eve apple

- Cain and Abel were the flesh and spirit, and the flesh was banished and punished in this prison, this material world.
- Jesus went and preached to the dead, and this is what is now saving you, baptism.
- So he is preaching to the mortals, who are also the dead, who also forsook their first estate and position.
- Seduced and chained to a post in the material world, the lower ego.

For who so firm that cannot be seduced? (Shakespeare)


- Perseus, Orion, is the spiritual child that we all are identifying with, because we're the Aryan race.
- However, we have both Aryan and Canaanite from Israel in our DNA, all of us. old man is twice a child. (Shakespeare)


- But there's another nation in our world called Erin, or Ireland; and Erin is the Gaelic name and the Irish people's original language.
- It isn't about white people and black people but it's interesting that Ethiopia is in Africa, and it comes from 'opti' or optics; where the idea of 'beautiful' originates.

For where is any author in the world Teaches such beauty as a woman's eye? (Shakespeare)


- Andromeda's mother, Cassiopeia, had offended the sea god, Poseidon, by boasting of her own beauty.
- She also boasted that her daughter, Andromeda, Ethiopian princess, surpassed the Halia Nereid nymphs in beauty; and Andromeda herself also boasted of her own beauty.

She's beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is a woman, therefore to be won. (Shakespeare)


- Halie, the "ox-eyed" Nereid, sea-nymph daughter of the 'Old Man of the Sea' Nereus and the Oceanid Doris, which is the same line as the Witch of Endor, Delilah.
- Actually, there were 50 Nereid nymphs that Andromeda was more beautiful than, and they were mermaids.

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever; One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never." (Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing)

Gems and jewels

- There's also Aphrodite, Afro, meaning Africa, and also the 'opti' or optic, who is Andromeda.
- She's more beautiful than the fallen stars, the Nereid's.
- Now we think that the ancient Greeks had no clue that Andromeda is over 2.5 million light years from our galaxy, and just happens to be a galaxy much larger than ours, and they somehow picked that to name our Ethiopian star.
- If you're traveling to Andromeda at the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second, it would take 2.5 million years to reach there.

The earth has music for those who listen. (Shakespeare)

Andros shout out

- It's obvious this whole thing has been going on a lot longer than 6,000 years, like some Evangelists claim.
- There is something much older, at the least symbolically that produced the human race that's been around a lot longer than we've been told.
- Because our cosmos, Andromeda, is named after a galaxy so far away, it shows evolutionary and transmigratory patterns that leads to the center of our galaxy and beyond to the closest galaxy,
- If that is the proper migration, than we might deduce that even in our galaxy there is a chain link, or silver cord, and that our solar system is linked to Sirius the star.

Love is like a child, That longs for everything it can come by. (Shakespeare)

Andros galaxy

- Alpha Centauri is a triple star system in the southern constellation and it is the closest star to our Sun.
- Current day scientists say they have found a hidden planet in this triplex, which is the closest star system to our world that is very similar to Earth.
- But the star that shines the brightest is Sirius, our mother, Isis, in Egyptian and Greek mythology.

Dreams are the children of idled minds. (Shakespeare)


- The mother of the Andromeda galaxy, which is Andros the human, the physical, is Isis.
- Did we birth them, or is that our great-great-great-great-great Canaanite mother.
- The Bible does say that the women's seed shall give birth to Messiah and crush the serpent's head.
- The serpent is the flesh, but there are different kinds of serpents and this one had been cursed; it started having children, a cockatrice and a viper.
- And that was the Judeans who were descendants, and they began to bite, and they had their law and they wanted to kill everybody.

I defy you, stars. (Shakespeare)


- That's the carnal flesh, the bestial negative lustful part of the flesh that was crucified and hung on the cross.
- It was the Christ self that was the seed of the woman and the woman is the Canaanite women who is Andromeda who just happens to be 2.5 million light years away from Earth.
- So what we now realize is that the human race is a child of another galaxy.

T'is true: there's magic in the web of it. (Shakespeare)


- We can gather that Cassiopeia, cosmos, Ethiopia, her whole story is she is more beautiful than the Nereid's, but there must have been some kind of jealousy there.
- She was known as the most beautiful woman, and she surely thought she was, because she was the cosmos, there is no one particular star associated so the whole universe is her beauty.
- Did the Greeks know what the universe is, somehow they did know that Andromeda was a galaxy and Isis was the closest star to Earth, and that Cassiopeia, was the mother, was the highest woman in the entire creation.

The object of Art is to give life a shape. (Shakespeare)


- Cepheus and Cassiopeia gave birth to Andromeda, a whole separate galaxy.
- Earth seems to be the daughter of the daughter of the mother, what an amazing story.
- Can we say humans came from other star systems, well it seems we would have to say that, they're light years away so they exist in the past, and if we existed then, we were in the past too.
- And 4 million years ago Earth didn't exist, and millions of years after it existed, it still wasn't habitable.

Presume not that I am the thing I was. (Shakespeare)


- If we existed in the past, that means we existed somewhere, we evolve through our mother and come out her womb.
- The universe is the womb and there's a negative pole and a positive pole, and we are birthed from the bottom of our mother, but we came in through the head, the halo, helium, El, or the All.
- The Nereid's were Nymphs who lived under the water and that is the same line as the Witch of Endor, Delilah, who married Samson (who is Hercules) in Greek mythology.
- Samson was the priesthood from Judah and Dan, and he married the Syrian high priesthood, and from there went to Crete, then to the Spartans.

Remember thee! Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat In this distracted globe. (Shakespeare)


- The bloodline runs from the Spartans, to the Greeks, to the Romans, through the Ptolmec line and Caesar's, to the Irish and the Tuatha Dé Danann, Samson.
- The mother is Doris, from Poseidon, and he is the old man and the sea with a trident, which is partly where we get the devil's trident.
- He's a little like the devil, but Hades is more so.
- Ethiopia, Egyptus, are children of Zeus and she is more beautiful than the Nereid's, who are the Greeks, or Poseidon.

It will have blood, they say, blood will have blood. (Shakespeare, MacBeth)

Oceans of Heaven

- Perseus had a hard time traveling across sea, the oceans of Heaven to rescue Andromeda who was under attack by Cetus, who is the story of Jonah and the whale.
- In order to get across the sea, Perseus was in the boat with the nymphs and they were the Argonauts and they were looking for the Golden Fleece.
- Percival, King Arthur, is a variation of the same story.

Light boats sail swift, though greater hulks draw deep. (Shakespeare)

Welding of knowledge

- The welding of the Greeks and Romans occurred when Alexander the Great came down from Greece and married the African princess.
- This is how all the knowledge in Heliopolis and Alexandria was transferred to the Greeks.
- Then there was the Latin version of the story, but mainly we follow the Greek mythology more strictly, which is Zeus, it's a part of who we are.
- It is the story of the beautiful promise that would be the seed of the woman, who is Rachel, and her seed is Joseph, who received the blessing to be the multitude in Earth, all nations, tribes and tongues came through this woman and Zeus.

We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from... Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements. (Shakespeare)

Sea spirit

- The Nereid's came from the Greek Poseidon which is Posei (Jah) and Dan (tribe of Dan).
- Dan conquered Ty and renamed it Sidon after himself and Samson welded Dan to the Phoenician priesthood when he married Delilah and that's the Canaanite priesthood.
- The children of Cain were of fleshly nature, and were given the land up around Greece, and the other side, Zeus, goes back to Noah, before the flood through the line of Seth.

Men from children nothing differ. (Shakespeare)


- Cain was banished and was not allowed to have relations with the children of Seth.
- So now we see the true story, the daughters of man (Poseidon), and the sons of deity (Zeus), had relations, and this is the spiritual and the physical, Esau and Jacob.
- They ended up welding together the nation, the flesh and spirit in a wedding, union, but only after Cain's seven 'times' were over.
- Remember, Naamah was the daughter of Lamech and that is when the curse of Cain was finally finished and Noah was able to marry her after the seven times had been lifted.

Blessed be the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. (Shakespeare)


- In a sense, to redeem the flesh, because the flesh had to go through seven times some kind of punishment, being chained to the flesh or the post, some kind of law.
- Being under the sea, under the emotional, like the Greek Gorgon, the flesh, trying to devour the spirit and there's a fight going on and it swallows up the soul.
- The beautiful woman, all of us, are trapped, which is the psyche, in this lower nature, and Christ is the higher nature from Zeus and the cosmos.

They're not asleep, they're hibernating.


- The higher nature has a child who is Perseus, the Aryan race, the spiritual, the new race that we're all identifying with in Christ, who is going to rise up on the horizon and deliver his bride, his body.
- The lower nature, Dan, are the messengers or angels of the Melik (the kings), the angels who sinned, who are the sons of deity and the daughters of men.  
- King Melchizedek of Sodom and Gomorrah, tribe of Dan, first a king and then a righteous high priest.
- The estate that they forsook was they were not supposed to have relations with each other so they were punished for a certain period.
- So the angels that fell were put in the prison, which is law, and we're physical beings who keep reincarnating into this prison, the law.

A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse. (Shakespeare)

Long shout

- Jesus preached to the dead, the spirits in prison, and the dead were those who were rebelling in the days Noah was preaching, where only eight were saved.
- So all the others who where there from the beginning, 1,000 years, all died in the flood, and they were incarnated back where they were in prison in the flesh, that's all of us.

In prison in the whale

- We're all here in prison, we're the flesh, but we're also the spirit, and the flesh is going to be redeemed by the spirit.
- Zeus, the deity, is the Christ in you, the higher 'I am' and the lower ego, the carnal nature, is fallen and it is changed by this law in this prison and in order to be redeemed we need Christ.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. (Shakespeare)

All religions

- Knowing the synchronicity of all religions, because that is the true religion, that we would know all the esoteric wisdom that was written down by all the priesthoods that were inspired of deity beneficial for teaching and reproving and setting matters straight.
- If anyone thinks you are 'copying' their religion, that's not possible if we are all talking to the same God.


- We're going to take the Stick of Joseph, which are the 10 tribes that were scattered and made all the other universal religions that stemmed from Heliopolis, the Gentiles or pagans, and we're going to join them with the Stick of Judah and make them one in the hand.
- Then we will have the restoration of all things spoken of by the holy prophets, and Elijah shall bring back the hearts of the fathers to their sons, and the hearts of the sons back to their fathers, that he might not destroy the Earth with a curse.

See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a glove upon that hand That I might touch that cheek! (Shakespeare)

Map grid

- Tribe of Dan map; from Sudan, to Jordan, to London, to Denmark, to Sweden, to ....

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci

Inspiration from David Vose who is
Paul on the road to Damascus


DaVinci Mona Lisa - Page 6



Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.

Leonardo DaVinci


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