Superman |
Planet Krypton |
- Superman, who's real name was Kal-El,
came to Earth as an infant on a meteor from the Planet Krypton
where he lived with his parents, Jor-El and Lara. - The Planet Krypton was having problems and was about to
be destroyed by its exploding red supergiant sun. -
Before the destruction of Krypton, the criminals General Zod, Ursa and Non are sentenced to banishment into the Phantom Zone.
You three criminals have been caught in a further act of seditious treason! General Zod, your only feeling was contempt for our society; your only desire was to command! Ursa, the only feeling you showed was for your vicious General; your only wish: to rule at his side. Non, you are as without thought as you are without voice. This council has no hesitation in proclaiming you all...Guilty
-- Council Member |
Planet Krypton |
Kal-El's family decided to send him to
live with humans on Earth because they thought he would fit in
and have a chance to live a normal life. - His unique
physiology granted him evolving superhuman abilities.
Blending in with the people on Earth |
- The family looked so human, they felt their son would
easily blend in with the people on Earth. - Although his
mother was very concerned that Kal-El would stand out in many
ways, and people would notice he was different. - They
would see that he was stronger, smarter, and better looking,
but also awkward because he never lived with humans. - And
he would have many skills the humans did not have.
Star-shaped crystal capsule |
- Kal-El's father was adament that he should leave for
Earth because if he stayed on Krypton with his parents, he
would die along with them. - His family constructed a
star-shaped crystal capsule and set the infant in the
and he blasted off into the galaxy on a meteor. - Kal-El was the seed his parents sent to Earth, the Starseed and he
came in the star.
Live as one of them, Kal-El, to discover where your strength and your power are needed. Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage. They can be a great people, Kal-El; they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you...my only son.
(Wikipedia) |
A rare bird in Kansas |
- After Kal-El blasted off, he
traveled for many months, he traveled so long that by the time
he landed on Earth, he was a 3-year-old toddler. - Kal-El's
spaceship touched down near Smallville, Kansas, in the USA. - When he
came out of the capsule, he was an extraordinary child, and he
was very different.
A canary? No, I was thinking of something a lot more bigger. Something that flies. Something more in blue. --
Lois Lane |
Extraordinary childhood interests |
- Not long after he landed, he was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who
were astonished when the toddler lifted their truck. - The
couple adopted him
and named him Clark Kent.
Extraordinary skills |
- Superman had so many exceptional abilities, he could think
fast and run fast, and that represents the talents of the chosen here on
Earth. - That is the Earth Angels, Indigo Children and the Starseeds who are
different from everyone else. - As he grew, his adopted
father Jonathan believed Clark was sent to Earth for a
special purpose.
Remember us, son. Always remember us. -- Ma Kent |
Heads north |
When he reached adulthood, Clark told his parents he had to
leave. - His step-parents knew it was his time to go, so
they asked him what direction he was headed and he told them
north. - Soon after, his step-father Jonathan had a fatal heart attack.
All those things I can do. All those powers. And I couldn't even save him. –
Young Clark Kent |
Glowing green crystal |
- A glowing green crystal from his spaceship that was hidden in the barn
in Kansas called to Clark.
- This led him on a journey north to the Arctic, where a Fortress of Solitude, echoing
architecture on the Planet Krypton, ascended from the ice
in front of him.
House of El |
- Inside the Fortress of Solitude, his real father, Jor-El's
left a crystal hologram that revealed Clark's heritage. - His
father told him his real name and relayed how he trained him
in the years he was traveling to Earth in his crystal
- After Clark listened to his father's message, he emerged fully grown in a blue-and-red suit bearing the House of El crest.
- His father cautioned him against doing anything to change human history.
My son, you do not remember me. I am Jor-El. I am your father. By now, you will have reached your 18th year as it is measured on Earth. By that reckoning, I will have been dead for many thousands of your years. The knowledge that I have, matters physical and historic, I have given you fully on your voyage to your new home. These are important matters, to be sure, but still matters of mere fact. There are questions to be asked, and it is time for you to do so. Here in this...this Fortress of Solitude, we shall try to find the answers together. –
Jor-El |
Clark Kent |
- Superman grew up super fast and he
went by the name Clark Kent. - He found a job as a reporter
for the Daily Planet in Metropolis where he went to
fight evil. - Clark was very businesslike,
intelligent, well-educated and very mild-mannered and he wore
large eyeglasses.
In the decade of the 1930s, even the great city of Metropolis was not spared the ravages of the worldwide depression. In the times of fear and confusion, the job of informing the public was the responsibility of the Daily Planet, a great metropolitan newspaper whose reputation for clarity and truth had become a symbol of hope for the city of Metropolis... |
Lois Lane |
- Clark worked with reporter Lois Lane and he
quickly fell in love with her. - He liked Lois so
much he was doing the very best he could do, and he was an
exceptional man, but Lois wasn't really interested. - She thought
he was too nerdy and too awkward and dressed weird and in a
strange way, he was too mild-mannered.
Disguised as reporter Clark Kent, he adopts a mild-mannered disposition in Metropolis and develops a romance with Lois Lane, while battling the villainous Lex Luthor.
(Wikipedia) |
Lois humors Clark |
- Lois was really ambivious about Clark
and she would humor him by sending him off on tasks, like
getting her some juice or a hamburger. - She never really
paid any attention to him because she thought of him as an
awkward geek, not her type. - She often talked down to him
or brushed him off as silly and dorky.
Why am I so different from them? – Superman |
Clark stands out but not in a good way |
- He stood out, but it wasn't in the right way because he
was so different than everyone else. - Superman was a
typical Starseed, he didn't seem to fit in anywhere and he
felt it, which made things worse. - He would try being
friendly with people and they would brush him off and act like
he needed to get out of their way. - That made poor Clark
anxious and he would clumsily drop things or stumble over
something because he never received any positive
Super skills become evident |
- Clark was that type of energy and nobody thought much of
him, mostly they just ignored him and stole all his ideas or
took credit for his work. - Meanwhile, he really liked Lois Lane and she just
did not like him in the same way. - However, when Clark
really started performing some extraordinary feats, Lois
suddenly noticed him and began to feel differently about him
but she didn't know it was Clark yet.
Bright and early, huh? The same old Clark and the same old Lois.
-- Lois Lane |
Public acts of heroism |
- After saving Lois from a helicopter accident, Clark secretly uses his powers in public acts of heroism
and he gained immediate fame as the 'caped wonder.' - Perry White, the
Daily Planet's chief,
asked for more information on this new hero.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman. |
Superman starts to take over Clark |
- Lois thought it was some guy named Superman who was
performing superhuman feats around the city. - The
citizens were really amazed and unbeknownst to his co-workers, Clark was making headlines,
not just writing them. - He was performing all kinds of
amazing things using super strength and speed and he had x-ray
vision and he could fly.
Lois, Clark Kent may seem like just a mild-mannered reporter, but listen, not only does he know how to treat his editor-in-chief with the proper respect, not only does he have a snappy, punchy prose style, but he is, in my forty years in this business, the fastest typist I've ever seen.
-- Perry White |
Superman performs loops |
- Clark saw how thrilled Lois was with his feats and it
made him feel really good, but he didn't want to tell her that
he was Superman. - And besides, he already knew that Lois
didn't like him romantically, she liked Superman. - Anyone who's a Starseed or Earth Angel will find this happens all the time, no
one notices you, until they finally see your talents.
Now, look. The Post: "IT FLIES!" The News: "LOOK MA - NO WIRES!" The Times: "BLUE BOMB BUZZES METROPOLIS". The Planet. [the headline on the Daily Planet reads: "CAPED WONDER STUNS CITY"] We're sitting on top of the story of the century here! I want the name of this flying whatchamacallit to go with the Daily Planet like bacon and eggs, franks and beans, death and taxes, politics and corruption!
-- Perry White |
Missle test |
There was major drama in Metropolis when criminal mastermind
Lex Luthor discovered a government missle test and he plotted
to reprogram the missles to target the San Andreas Fault. - One
of the missles was
misdirected by his bumbling assistant, Otis. - Suspecting Superman's interference
in their endeavor, Lex identified a Kryptonian meteorite, lethal to Superman.
I told you. That's Kryptonite, Superman. Little souvenir from the old home town. I spared no expense to make you feel right at home.
-- Lex Luthor |
Missle explodes |
- With Otis and his girlfriend Eve Teschmacher, Lex retrieved the
meteorite and trapped Superman in his lair. - Lex revealed his plan to sink the western U.S.,
thus eliminating it, and thereby turning his desert land into prime coastline.
- He weakened Superman using the meteor, now known as Kryptonite, and informed him of the misdirected missile set for Hackensack, New Jersey.
It's too good to be true. He's 6' 4", has black
hair, blue eyes, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and
tells the truth. -- Miss Teschmacher
Fault line |
- Concerned for her mother in Hackensack, Eve freed Superman, urging him to first stop the eastbound missile.
- He sent it to space but missed the westbound missile, which triggered severe earthquakes in California, endangering landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge and Hoover Dam.
- Superman counteracted the devastation by mending the fault line.
Fly. Don't look, just fly. We got... something. I
ain't saying what it is. Just... trust me. -- Air
Force One Pilot
Bridge saved |
- As Superman rescues everyone, Lois was trapped in her car by an aftershock.
- She suffocated before Superman finally saved her and she died on the spot. - Distraught and enraged over his failure to save Lois, Superman disregarded
his father Jor-El's warning against altering history.
- Instead, he flew around Earth at superhuman speed, reversing time to prevent Lois' death and the missile's destruction.
- After he saved the West Coast, he imprisoned Luthor and
Otis, then soared off into the sunrise but not before telling
Lois, goodbye friend.
Lois waves, and stares at Superman, then sinks into a faint. |

Perry White rolls up his sleeve |
- Perry White, the chief editor at the Daily Planet wanted a huge
spread on Superman. - The newspaper was making lot's of
money on the story of Superman's herotic efforts in the city.
- Meanwhile, while Lois was working, she found a card with a
personal note on her desk, it was from someone who called
himself 'friend' and he wanted to see her that night at 8pm at
her apartment.
I want the inside dope on this guy! Has he got a family? Where does he live? What does the "S" stand for? Family? Relatives? How does he fly?
-- Perry White |

Superman meets with Lois |
- Lois remembered that when Superman saved her and brought
her back to life, he called himself her 'friend.' - At 8pm,
Superman flew to the edge of her terrace and told Lois good
evening and asked if she had any plans. - She let him know
that she
didn't have anything going on and asked him not to fly away.

Lois' terrace at dusk |
- So they chatted and Lois interviewed him for the Daily
Planet and asked him all kinds of questions. - Things
like, how tall he was, how much did he weigh, hold old he was, all
kinds of personal details.
Well actually I don't enjoy television, Mister White, there's too much violence. I was just reading Dickens. –
Clark Kent |

Lois interviews Superman |
- Then Lois questioned him about some of his super
abilities like whether he could see through things, or if he
felt pain. - Superman told Lois that he came from another planet in
the galaxy. - After he told her this, Lois asked why he
came to Earth and he told her to bring justice so she warned
him how political Earth was and he would end up fighting all
the politicians.
Well, that's kinda hard to explain actually. See, I'm from, um, well, pretty far away. Another galaxy, as a matter of fact. I come from a planet called Krypton. -- Superman |

Fortress of Solitude |
- Lois wasn't very interested in plain old Clark, but she sure liked the
super-hero version called Superman. - When Lois saw Clark's long cape and the big S on his chest and
the curl in his hair, she went wild. - The love story really picked up
action when he flew her to his icy Fortress of Solitude. - She was
totally mesmerized by him at this point and he looked so
handsome in his blue cape.

Lois with knock-knees |
Lois gave him the name, 'Superman' after their flight to his
fortress. - After he took her home and
left her on her terrace, Clark Kent knocked on her door.
Lois, we did have a date tonight, remember? -- Clark Kent |

The attempted big reveal |
- Clark asked Lois if she had been drinking because she
was in a daze after visiting with Superman. - Lois
fell in love with Superman, and then Clark finally tried revealing who he was to her,
but he was very meek and he failed to get the message across.
Lois, there's something I have to tell you. I'm
really... -- Clark Kent in Superman's voice |

General Zod |
- About that time, General Zod from Planet Krypton and his comrades on Earth
arrived in Metopolis following their release from the Phantom Zone
prison. - Zod was seeking revenge for imprisonment by pursuing the planet's last son, Kal-El, alias
Years later, the Phantom Zone is shattered near Earth by the shockwave of a hydrogen bomb, thrown from Earth by Superman. The three criminals are freed and find themselves with superpowers granted by the yellow light of the Sun. After landing on the Moon and effortlessly killing a team of astronauts exploring there, they continue toward Earth with plans to conquer the planet.
(Wikipedia) |

Dead planet |
- Unfortunately, Zod also teamed up with
Superman's old enemy, Lex Luthor. - As a result, Kal-El, who had unknowingly freed them, must now face threats from his long-dead home planet.
I'd knew you'd double-cross me, Luthor. A lying weasel like you couldn't resist the chance. -- Superman |

Internal conflict |
- Turns out this was the biggest task or duty that Kal-El
was supposed to accomplish on Earth, so this caused him much
internal conflict. - He was torn between his duties as Earth's hero and his desire to live amongst them solely as Clark Kent, and especially with his love interest, Lois Lane.

Child going over the edge |
- The Daily Planet sent Clark and Lois to Niagara Falls.
- Lois suspects Clark and Superman are the same person after Clark
was absent from his job when Superman saved a child
who fell into Niagara Falls.
A Niagara crowd witnesses Superman rescue a plummeting boy. |

Elephant falls |
- Lois intentionally places herself in the falls, but Clark saves her without exposing
who he is. - That night, Clark tripped, and his hand ended
up in a lit fireplace. - When Lois saw that his hand
wasn't burned and he was in no pain, she questioned him
about it. - Clark removed his glasses and revealed himself as Superman
to Lois.
Well, it seems kind of strange to me that every time Superman's around, you disappear.
-- Lois Lane |
Kryptonite vision
- From that
moment on, Lois was now madly in love with Clark too. -
Once Lois figured out that Clark was Superman, she was all
over him, chasing him up and down. - Lois was now willing to
do all kinds of nice things for Clark, such as bringing him juice, hamburgers
and glasses of wine.
Can you read my mind? Do you know what it is that you do to me? I don't know who you are. Just a friend from another star. Here I am, like a kid out of school. Holding hands with a god. I'm a fool. Will you look at me?
-- Lois Lane |

Clark at work |
- Clark would come to
the office every day, and he still appeared as the same old
nerdy guy, but somehow, Lois looked at him in a whole new way.
Would you stop? Don't you know that this is killing me? Do you know what it's like to have you come in here, every morning, and not be able to talk to you? Not be able to… show I have any feelings for you, not… be able to tell anyone I know who you are? I don't even know what to call you! --
Lois Lane |

Karmic love interest |
- This is the story of how the karmic feminines and
masculines will come back to the Starseeds after they shunned
and spurned them
and treated them like a joke. - They bullied the Starseeds and took
advantage of them and looked down on them and thought they were
much better and smarter. - Also, they regarded the
Starseeds like
they were too
innocent and ignorant even though the chosen were already running
circles around them, only the chosen don't advertise that, so they
never even bothered to check.
Um, sorry, Miss Lane, I didn't mean to embarrass you. -- Clark Kent |

Meanwhile growing your garden |
- Even worse, they created an
entire fake persona about the Starseeds, as someone totally different than
who they really are because they never got to know them personally. - If you are the typical
Starseed, you just said 'so be it'
and went on with your life and just worked harder and did
better. - Usually much better than when you were around the
That's nice, Clark. -- Lois Lane |

Narc the narcissist |
- You learned your lessons as you went along in the school
of hard knocks and tried not to take too much to heart, but it
did hurt. - Then you discover along the way that there are
so many arrogant, rude, narcissists all around you, and you
decide never to be anything like them and move on.

Karmic chaos and catastrophe |
- Another thing you discover, is the karmics all want to judge
and condemn you and report your 'sins' (anything they don't
like) and they are also hypocrites with double-standards.
- They are always making up more fake laws so they can lock
you up. - Even worse, they are trying to compete with you.
How big are you... um... how 'tall' are you? --
Lois Lane |

Karmic in your face |
- Now that you're showing up with many skills, the karmic
wants to be all in your face. - Just like Lois Lane, and
you can't let that happen. - Lois didn't even really like
Clark because she judged him on his looks.
Lois, now we've been through these hallucinations of yours before. Can't you see what you almost did? Throwing yourself off a building 30 stories high? Can't you see what a tragic mistake you almost made? --
Superman |

North node crystal |
- Superman took Lois to his Fortress of Solitude in the
Arctic and that
was north so that shows he was going to his north node. - When you see
him walking in the snow, that is the north. - The direction
everyone who is ascending needs to go. - The south node is
your past, and the north node is your future.

Energy crystal |
- Superman showed Lois the traces of his past stored within energy crystals
that his parents sent to him.
- He declared his love for Lois and his wish to spend his life with her.
- Then he conferred with the artificial intelligence of his mother Lara
because he could
communicate with his parents using a type of communication
You did all that for me, I don't know what to say. -- Lois Lane |

Pineal gland . |
- The communication crystal was Clark's pineal
gland. - He told his AI mother about Lois Lane and how much he
loved her and how she was the one for him. - This did not
make his parents very happy because Clark was a god, and Lois
was a mortal.
My attachments, um, the feelings which I have developed for a certain human being have deeply affected me, Father. --
Kal-El |

Clark as a mortal |
- The problem for Clark that his mother knew, is if he
chose to be with Lois, he would lose all his super powers and
would no longer be Superman, he would be a mortal. - He
would lose his x-ray vision and strength, bleed like a human
and die. - But Clark didn't want to hear any of this
because he was madly in love (lust) with Lois.
Your father and I tried to anticipate your every
question, Kal-El. This is the one we hoped you would
not ask. -- Lara |

Frequency trashed |
- The same way all the humans act, trying to justify Lois
to his parents. - Clark's mother believed that Lois would
destroy her son, and she was right. - Because she knew
Clark's frequency would drop down into Lois' lower vibrating
And if I no longer wish to serve humanity... --
Kal-El |

Clark barely hanging on |
- So Clark's mother was very clear when she told him that
once he settled with Lois, if he sunk too low, it could never be undone. -
There would be no turning back, he would always be a mortal.
And don't fall down 'cause you're just going to have to get up again!. --
Lois Lane |

Red Kryptonian sunlight |
- Superman removed his superpowers by exposing himself to
red Kryptonian sunlight in a crystal chamber, thus becoming a
mortal. - In the end, Clark agreed to sacrifice his powers to marry Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released
were conquering Earth.
When Clark entered the crystal chamber he was powerful and when he
came out, the Superman spirit stayed behind in the capsule, and
he exited as plain old Clark Kent, a mortal human.
If you will not be Kal-El, if you will live as one of them, love their kind as one of them, then it follows that you must become one of them. This crystal chamber has in it the harnessed rays of the red sun of Krypton. Once exposed to them all your great powers on Earth will disappear... forever. Once this is done, there's no going back. You will feel like an ordinary man and you can be harmed like an ordinary man. Think, Kal-El, I beg you. -- Jor-El |

Super powers leaving Clark quickly |
- The very second that Clark came out of the crystal
he was stripped of all his super-abilities. - He could also
no longer communicate with his parents on Krypton because his
pineal gland turned off, it turned hard. - Now he's a
mortal man, and feels like one, and he finally is a regular
person. - The problem is, Lois Lane didn't fall in love
with Clark's wimpy act, she fell in love with Superman, and
now Superman was gone.
You cannot serve humanity by investing your time and emotion in one human being at the expence of the rest. The concepts are mutally exclusive. --
Jor-El |

Regular lustful karmic person |
- Clark also lost the ability to communicate with the Most
High and all his spirit team and ancestors. - The
couple went straight to the bed, the lust, the karmic; they spent the night together and they made passionate
love. - In the morning, they left the Fortress and the Arctic and headed
south, descending into a lower frequency.
Is this how you repay their gratitude? By abandoning the weak, the defenceless, the needy for the sake of you selfish pursuits? --
Jor-El |

Clark left empty handed and nude |
- This is the lesson, Clark gave up his precious gifts for
passion and lust. - We see Clark and Lois cuddling like
happy lovers but he gave up everything for s-e-x with her.
- And it wasn't that he wasn't ever allowed to do this, but
Lois was not at his frequency. - His
mother already warned him that once he did this, it would be
hard to get his special powers back.
Then, if this is what you wish, if you intend to live your life with a mortal, you must live as a mortal. ~ Lara |

Melting away |
- Clark chose short-term passion over his gifts. - The
reason he was Superman was because he hung onto his sacral
energies. - As soon as he bedded a mortal woman, a karmic, Clark had
to leave the North Pole and his Fortress of Solitude.
Father? If you can hear me, I failed. I failed
you, I failed myself, and... and all humanity. I
traded my birthright for a life submission in a world
that's ruled by your enemies. There's nobody left to
help them now... the people of the world... not since
I... FATHER!! -- Kal-El |

White House screen |
- Meanwhile, Zod and his cohorts traveled to the White House and forced the President of the United States to surrender.
The U.S. president watched on TV as Zod, Ursa, and Non use heat vision to transmute Mount Rushmore in their own images. - Clark and Lois arrived at a diner in California, where a trucker named Rocky sexually harassed
Lois and beat up Clark.
Thousands of hours to create, and they defaced it in seconds. Imagine what they'll do to the world if we resist! -- President |

Invisible Clark is now bullied |
- While they were in the diner, Clark left his seat for a moment,
and the bully Rocky sat down in it. - Lois let Rocky know that it was
Clark's seat and it was already taken. - Clark came out and
he was wimpy and told the bully, 'excuse me but that's my seat'
and Rocky told him to buzz off and then beat him up.
Really, Lois, supposing that man had shot you? Is
it worth risking your life over ten dollars, two
credit cards, a hairbrush, and a lipstick? -- Clark
Kent |

Black and blue and bloodied
- Poor Clark ended up with a bloody nose after Rocky beat him up. - Lois was just appalled by the entire
scene and she was desperately missing the former Superman. - She said
that she wanted the man she fell in love with, not wimpy,
mortal acting Clark.
Keep it on the flame Rock, this is just minute steak. - Trucker at diner |

Clark's life turned upside-down
- This is so human, we've got to stop lowering ourself to
match some karmic. - Superman gave up his gifts to sleep
with Lois and she was very low-vibrational. - But the problem
is, he had a duty to do on Earth because he was chosen, and he
gave up his gift and because of that he couldn't finish his duty
of saving people.
Non, you are as without thought as you are without voice. ~ Kryptonian Councilmember |

Superman not kneeling |
- The fight was interrupted by a news report showing that
the President resigned his office to General Zod. - When
the President asked for Superman to save the Earth, Zod
demanded that Superman 'kneel before Zod!' - Realizing he
has made a horrible mistake, Clark set off on a journey and
returned to the Fortress to see if he could regain his powers.
I am the man they're protecting. I'm the President. I'll kneel before you if it will save lives. -- President |

Ruled over |
- That plus realizing that he had fallen into to this
oppressive system where the archons were trying to force some
false religion and it's laws on him. - The same thing that
happened when Christopher Columbus and early missionaries were
using this false religion to rule over other cultures. -
The church played a decisive role in European exploration and
colonization efforts, justifying territorial expansion as a
mission to convert indigenous populations.

Wise |
- While spreading the religion into the indigenous groups,
the European empires were eager to explore and dominate new
lands. - This mission to save pagan souls masked a strategy
of cultural subjugation with conversion as a means of control.
- Temples were destroyed and spiritual artifacts were
desecrated and entire bodies of ancestral knowledge were
erased, and whole cultures were obliterated.
I'm here to fight for truth and justice. – Superman. |

Freezing snow and ice |
- Clark realized
that he had to go back to the North Pole to regain his power, but he could no
longer fly there and he no longer had his long warm blue cape. - It was quite a journey because he had to hike through the
freezing snow and ice. - This was his hermit mode,
isolation, and he tried to hitchhike but no one driving by
would stop for him.
Look! They need machines to fly! – Ursa |

Heating up in the fortress |
- Lex Luthor escaped from prison with Eve Teschmacher's help
and they infiltrated the Fortress of Solitude. - Lex learns of Superman's connection to Jor-El
(his real father) and General Zod. - He finds Zod at the White House and tells him Superman is the son of Jor-El, their jailer, and offered to lead him to Superman in exchange for control of Australia.
Think of it. Three… count them, three supervillains! Each one with the powers of Superman! They'll need a contact here on Earth! Someone with the same wonderful contempt for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! –
Lex Luthor |

Daily Planet in Metropolis. |
- The scuffle continued and the three Kryptonians allied with Luthor and
all them went to the
Daily Planet in Metropolis. - Just in time, Superman arrived back from the
north, after restoring his powers, which luckily he hadn't
lost for long, and battled the three villains.
- Zod realized that Superman cared for the humans and
began threatening bystanders to distract him and keep him
overly busy.
Who is this imbecile? Where is he? –
General Zod |

Cohorts are villains |
- Superman figured out the only way to stop Zod and the others
was to lure them back to the Fortress. - He flew off with Zod, Ursa, and Non in pursuit, kidnapping Lois on the way, and
also taking along Luthor. - Superman tried to get Luthor to lure the three
villains into the crystal chamber to depower them. - However, Luthor revealed the chamber's secret to the villains.
I win! I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?! –
General Zod |

Crevice |
- Zod forced Superman into the chamber and activated it.
- After they took Superman out of the chamber, they naturally
assumed (dummies) they had deprived him of his powers. - Zod
told Superman to kneel, take his hand and swear eternal loyalty to him; instead, Superman crushed Zod's hand and tossed him into a crevice.
- Luthor deduces that Superman reconfigured the chamber to expose the trio to red sunlight while Superman was protected from it.
I am General Zod. Your ruler. Yes, today begins a new order! Your lands, your possessions, your very lives will gladly be given in tribute to me, General Zod. In return for your obedience, you will enjoy my generous protection. In other words, you will be allowed to live. –
General Zod |

Superman cape |
- Non falls into another crevice when trying to fly over it, and Lois knocked Ursa into a third.
- Then Superman flew back to civilization, returning Lois home and leaving Lex stranded in the Fortress.
What kind of a backwards planet is this, where the fighting men wear jewelry and ribbons? –
Ursa. |

White House flag |
- At the Daily Planet the following day, Clark kisses Lois, using his abilities to wipe her mind of the knowledge of her past few days.
- Later, he returned to the diner and got even with Rocky.
- Superman restored the damage done by Zod, replacing the American flag atop the White House, and tells the President he will not abandon his duty again.
The President kneels before Zod. |

Maritime law |
- But the only problem is that Lois is still a karmic. - Eventually she will need to raise
her vibration, or move on because right now she's a
bottomfeeder. - Clark tells Lois, we can still see each other, you know; I mean, all the time,
but it just can't be.
No regrets, okay? I did it. I got the man I loved to love me. Didn't I? Just don't forget, that's all. Don't ever forget. – Lois Lane |

Bridge |
- Clark went to work the next morning after he turned back
the hands of time again. - Lois didn't remember a thing that
happened with Superman.

Power in action |
- Clark told her good morning and hung his coat,
which fell down, and Lois ignored him until finally she
realized he was there and said, 'Oh, Hi Clark.'
It's not about where you were born. Or what powers you have. Or what you wear on your chest. It's about what you do… It's about action. – Superman |
Signed by Leonardo DaVinci