Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
1501–1519 |
- Oil on wood. - It is an unfinished painting.
- Depicts Saint Anne, her daughter the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus.
Christ is shown grappling with a sacrificial lamb symbolizing his Passion as the Virgin tries to restrain him. The painting was commissioned as the high altarpiece for the Church of Santissima Annunziata in Florence and its theme had long preoccupied Leonardo. (Wikipedia) |

Mystery cult |
- The word órgia comes from the Greek and is related
to ergon, which means work.
- In ancient Greek religion, an orgion (órgia) was an ecstatic
form of worship characteristic of some mystery cults. - The
orgion was in particular, a cult ceremony of Dionysos
(Zagreus) which was widely celebrated in Arcadia.

Secret rites |
- The
word first appeared in English about 1580 and comes from the
Middle French word orgie and the Latin word orgia, which means
'secret rites.' - Today, the world orgy can refer to a wild
gathering, an act of excessive indulgence, or secret religious

Masked dances by torchlight |
- The orgia featured 'unrestrained' masked dances by torchlight and animal
sacrifice by means of slashing that evoked the god's own
rending and suffering at the hands of the Titans. - The
orgia that explained the role of the Titans in Dionysos'
dismemberment were said to have been composed by Onomacritus,
a forger of poems.
- Greek art and literature indicate that orgia involved snake

Snake bite |
- In the New Testament, the Book of Mark
mentions how the early Christians had something to do with
drinking poison and it doing no harm, and the ability to
handle serpents and not dying from the snake bites. -
That's been a slight embarrassment to the church so they don't
ever talk about it or they will change it to mean the devil
won't hurt you if you're a Christian.

Snake bitten |
- But were the early
Christians handling snakes and drinking poison, and if so, why
were they doing that? - This is what the alchemical
'elixir' is, a potion; we see it in all the mythological
stories that are still being carried down through the witches (wise
woman) and wizards (wise men). - They're mixing potions and
they're called sorcerers, a druggist, and this is some kind of
a priest.

'Modern' Christian
- But according to 'modern' Christians,
Christianity never had anything to do with this, which is very
odd because in the Book of Revelation it talks about
a potion in a goblet - The 'wine of the wrath' now we know
is not anyone's wrath, but the wrath of the orgia which is a
ceremony where the sorcerers made a potion in wine, inside a
goblet where they spiked it with the frankincense and myrrh
that were a gift from the Magi when Jesus was born.

Frankincense and myrrh |
- Not only did the potion have the Magi's frankincense
and myrrh, but it also had cannabis. - The annointing oil
was 2 parts olive oil, and 1 part cannabis, as well as some
fragrances and cinnamon. - This all had to do with a
ceremomy, a mystery, the Mysterion, or sacred secrets that
have to do with the rituals and rites of the priesthood.

Holy water |
- It appears that in the Book of Revelation, Jesus
doesn't want anything to do with it because that's considered
the whore
'riding the beast.' - However, isn't it interesting that in
Hebrew, the word that means holy is Kadosh and you find it
all over the place. - They have the Kadosh Temple, the Kadosh
and the Kadosh Book, the Kadosh Arc of the Covenant. -
Everything that's 'set apart' or holy is Kadosh. - But the
most amazing thing is that every time that word was used in
reference to Mary Magdalene, it somehow was changed into
'whore' as of Babylon.
In Jewish thinking, "The Holy One, blessed be He,"
(ha'kadosh, barukh hu) is one of the most commonly
used designations for God. (hebrew4christians.com) |

Mary Magdalene demonized |
- That's because, in their Jewish temple, they didn't
like women and they called the High Priestess a 'whore'
because she performed some kind of
hieros gamos. - The word hieros, or holy as in
'hieroglyphics' or holy writing and that was written by the
Egyptian Thoth which is astrology. - There is a
Reader's Digest version in the Bible, but the holy
writings are all around the world and all the nations would
have their historical records and their poetry. - All of
this was priestly knowledge that came from astrology.

Holy Messiah |
- Hieros gamos means 'holy wedding' and
it had to do with the birth of the Holy Messiah who was born
of the Holy (whore) Virgin. - Christians are never told
about any of this. - It's the mother of the harlots that's
got that goblet and this fits well with Christianity because
they've been taught that's what the pagans did, the evil
whore! - Except, it's not a whore, it's a Holy woman.

Esther |
- All the mysteries talk about Ishtar
and the Judeans talk about Esther who married a foreign king
and the Jews celebrate Purim at the same time every year in
her honor. - This is the same day as Easter which is this
whole 'whore' thing and it's not talking about anything like
that, but a holy person that is riding a carnal beast. -
Now that's your soul that's riding a carnal beast in your
carnal flesh, however, we don't understand any of these
Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa,
and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days,
night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do.
When this is done, I will go to the king, even though
it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
(Esther 4:16) |

Burned with fire |
- So what does this have to do with
Christ, this has nothing to do with that right, the 10 beasts
or the 10 horns will hate the harlot and they'll burn her. -
Just like Jezebel, they threw her out the window and the dogs
ate her up. - The only problem is, that wrath that is
coming that we always say is the wrath of YHWH which is the
devil, is an orgy, it's not the word wrath, but the word orgy
is in the Book of Revelation. - And this is all
the way through the Bible, the wrath that's coming is the
orgy. - It's a ceremony like Christmas at the end of the
year when government was suspended and everyone could do what
they wanted and were set free from the law.
The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
(Revelation 17:16) |

Saturn |
- It was some kind of celebration of
Saturnalius, which is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in
honor of the god Saturn, or Satan. - Christians today will
associate all this with pagan and they'll say they don't
celebrate Christmas or Easter, but both of those are in the
Bible. - We've got Hanukah, where they light candles, and
at Christmas we light trees, among other things. - It's all
the same basic idea.
From you have I been absent in the spring,
When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,
Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,
That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him.
(Shakespeare, Sonnet 98) |

Land of winter |
- We've got Santa, Saturn, Satan, who
lives at the North Pole or wherever the land of winter is.
- The North Pole is the polestar and that's where the immortal
ones reigned over the world, they never went down over the
horizon. - And all the constellations like Cepheus, Cassiopeia,
Andromeda and Perseus, which is all about Christ. - They
never die and they reign over the world and everything rotates
around Polaris.

Draco tail |
- But Draco is also up there, and he's trying to get to
the throne and his tail drags a third of the stars in heaven
because he's a long constellation. - So
Santa does go up the chimney North Pole, there are two serpents
that guard the way to the tree of life, - This is two
serpents (Seraphim) with six wings each, there's night and
there's day, and our heavenly Father had two sons, Jesus and
the Devil. - Both of them make what we have in this world,
a duality, there's good and evil and it's a classroom that
will lead us out of the endless cycles of the Kali Yuga, round
and round.

Kali Yuga |
- Until we finally arrive on the horizon and get our wings
and fly up to Polaris into the immortal heavens. - This is
the true meaning of all these symbols and no one has ever
explained in a book in any way. - This includes Hislop's,
The Two Babylons; throw it out because it does not accurately
describe any of the ancient ceremonies, plus that Christianity
isn't aligned with Esther, because none of it's true.

Apostate sheep |
- Everything
we've been told is a lie. - Meanwhile, the Pope is down in
the basement performing Holy rites and that's because the
church became apostate. - Which is why the Apostles said do
not participate in the slavery of women, they turned the holy
sacrament and ceremonies into idolatry. - And the Apostle
Paul said they began to worship four-footed beasts because
they believed that the astrological beasts were real. - They
worshiped all the stars as angels who were the hosts of YHWH,
the animalistic natures that come up on the horizon and go

Lower ego |
- They die and they live, over and over, because they are
all under the law of Moses and the deity of the lower ego,
YHWH. - Judaism
hasn't got a clue, that is the other lower priesthood and
appendage, they are in ignorance. - They followed that
deity who said his name is El Shaddai, Set which is Satan, who
is the other brother who has to take you through a classroom
in this darkness, until we rise on the horizon.

Kingdom that's no part of this world |
- However, there is a higher kingdom, My Father,
whose kingdom is in heaven, my kingdom is no part of this
world. - And that is the perfect perfection that has
nothing to do with this carnal, fallen world. - But we've
got to figure out all the little details and put this all
together, as it is in Zachariah, Genesis, Exodus, and the
Book of Revelation.

Ham when the flood began |
- The celebration of Christmas as the holy day in
winter at the winter solstice is a common story. - It's about Ham the son of Noah, who saw
his father's nakedness, or Saturn who castrated his father
Uranus, and so the birth of Ham was in the dead of winter
which is when the flood began. - After Atlantis sunk into
the sea, comes Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, which are all
about water. - And then the beast stood upon the sands of
the sea and came up out of the abyss in Aries.

Egyptian |
- We've got to understand all these symbols of the
mysteries that were taught in the temples. - And in Egypt,
they had temples dedicated to Set, and to Osiris and Osiris
was present at the Great Pyramid of Heliopolis where Jerusalem
was rebuilt, according to Josephus. - John the Baptist,
followed by Jesus, were the last of the Zadokite priests that
ruled at Heliopolis. - That is where the tower was, and
Mary Magdalene, which means priest of the tower of Heliopolis.

High Priestess Mary |
- Even though we don't understand any of this, we've got
to figure it out. - Judah married the Canaanite Tamar,
Joshua married Rahab the Harlot, or the holy woman, the whore,
the High Priestess of the Canaanites. - Samson married
Deliah, who was the High Priestess of the Canaanites, and
David and Solomon married Bathsheba and Sheba (also
Canaanites) for the same reason. - We also have Ruth who
married Boaz who brought forth King David and she was a

Elimelech |
- Ruth married
Elimelech's son, who died, so next she married
Judean, Boaz, and this was a Levirate marriage. - But
Elimelech is El Moloch and his wife Naomi, which is Naama, of
the line of Cain. - So why were they all marrying the High
Priestess (whore); because that's the only way the Messiah can
be born on earth.

Pharisee |
- The Pharisees completely misunderstood, or perhaps they
were hiding the truth from the world. - We've got to dig
deep in order to understand all this, but it's hard to do that
when you've never been told about any of it, it becomes hard
to question things. - The way they misinterpreted the word
orgy as 'wrath' when it's a celebration at the end of the
year. - A celebration that celebrated freedom from the law.

With wine their eyes were opened |
- Why did Jesus say you must be a Eunuch for the kingdom
and the Essenes had Eunuch's as priests in the Temple of
Artemis. - Artemis is a huntress and we eat the
holy sacrament which is the Artos in the New Testament, it was
meat, not bread. - Jesus gave them wine and their eyes were
opened, that's the Melissae which is the priesthood from
Artemis. - The males were the Drones or the Essenes and the
mystery of the Queen Bee and they performed glossolalia,
speaking in tongues and the ecstatic dancing, and the women
would prophecy and the men would write down the prophecies.

Jewish Messiah |
- But we have no clue about any of this, they've twisted
the language. - A gymnasium had the sacred baths because
you needed to be clean to receive the holy annointing oil.
- What is hieros gamos the holy wedding, it brought forth the
Holy Messiah and he was more the fulfillment of hieros gamos
than he was the Jewish Messiah. - The Jews are still looking
for their Messiah. - So many of the Mysteries have been
misinterpreted because they were secret as they were
initiations into the Mysteries, and people who weren't invited
invented stories and dramatized everything.
I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.
(John 5:43) |

God of war |
- YHWH came in his own name and announced he was the god
of war and that he was 'the only God and there is none else.'
Jesus didn't have anything to do with jealousy and wrath. -
In Revelation, we have this woman riding the beast and she's
got a goblet and she's the mother of harlots. - Except we
already proven that the mother of harlots is Jerusalem and
also it is Mary Magdalene. - The 7 demons is the story
about the woman who goes down into the abyss riding the beast
and she's got to be delivered by Perseus, the Christ.
The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The LORD takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies.
(Nahum 1:2) |

White horse |
- At the end of the Book of Revelation and now
Christ is coming on a white horse with a sword out of his
mouth as God Almighty. - According to our Bible, which over
the centuries has been translated from fake Hebrew writings
that were 1000 AD, called the Masoretic Scribes, and the
Codex Vaticanus and all these different manuscripts that
are all forgeries. - The oldest Bible is the Septuagint LXX
which is interlinear and very hard to read because they didn't
translate it, they just put the Greek meaning of the word
underneath each word, with no added syntax or pronunciation.

YHWH ink smudge |
- Meanwhile, all the Bible's in modern day collections are
all based on Masoretic Hebrew which is fake, all made up, they
were never ancient manuscripts. -
YHWH calls himself things like God Almighty. - The original
Septuagint LXX has no mention of YHWH, he's not in there. -
And the Septualgint calls him the Lord or Theos and it never
says 'I was God Almighty' like the fake Hebrew versions and
there is no punctuation or vowels. - But the word YHWH is not there because that's El Shaddai
which goes back to Satan so if YHWH did claim that! -
Except that's not in the original Bible, the Greek
Septualgint, he doesn't say he's El Shaddai in there either.

Pantocrator |
There is a word called 'Pantocrator' that gets translated to
'God Almighty' except the word 'God' is not in there. - The
Greeks have a particular deity called Kratos (Cratus) who was
a beautiful figure like a weightlifter that represented
beauty, strength and perfection. - Panto means 'all' and
crator means perfection so perhaps it could mean the Almighty.

Regular person |
- In the western world, Jesus is usually portrayed as a
handsome man, but he's not overly muscular, he doesn't stand
out like some spectacular being, just a regular person. -
He's just a normal man but Jesus himself said that he was
perfect. - The Pharisees were jealous because Jesus was the
most beautiful man that ever lived and Mary Magdalene was the
most beautiful woman.
You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
(Matthew 5:48) |

Hebrew El Shaddai |
- Except now we are being confused by two different words,
the Hebrew El Shaddai and the Greek Pantocrator, and neither
are used in the places they were supposed to be used. - But
instead, we find that Jesus is the Pantocrator because the
Book of Revelation told us that. - It's not saying
that Jesus is El Shaddai because it's not the same word. -
And where it says that Jesus is the Almighty, it's not saying
that he was Jehovah but we wouldn't know that because no one
uses the Septuagint.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord Who
is, and Who was, and Who is to come, the Pantocrator
1:18) |

No stone left unturned |
- We're all being lied to and they're using their
Masoretic scribe hoax. - And we are finding out that
everything we have been taught is upside down and backwards.
- In the Old Testament there is judgment coming because we
broke the law and YHWH is going to turn the earth upside down.
- But for those who are in Christ, there is no condemnation,
that's judgment, condemning, and we're not appointed under the
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
3:14) |

Wrath |
- What wrath? the word means orgy, this is a ceremony.
- What was this orgiastic ceremony all about, where they all
drank from this goblet the wine of her wrath, or her passion.
- Since we're about to find ourselves in the Great
Tribulation, we've got to figure this out. - You can see
the wrath that's already beginning, there's world wars and
nation against nation, ethnic group against ethnic group,
earthquakes and hurricanes. - But the word wrath is pretty
bad and it's not the word orgy, they're lying to us.

Fiesta |
- Nowaday's when people hear the word orgy, they think of
one thing, a wild party and it's all about sex. - But in
the true meaning, party is key, and this is what they did in
the mysteries when they all came together and had some kind of
unrestrained porneia which is what all the Apostles tell us
not to do. - Why do they keep mentioning the sorcery and
porneia as though all these Christians were doing it? -
Why were all the early Christians running around and speaking
tongues using the word glossolalia which is the same thing they
were doing up at the Temple of Artemis. - This was after
their orgy with the Eunuch's and Jesus talked about them and
about the virgins that followed him around.
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.
(Matthew 19:12) |

Beauty and physical strength |
- We don't know what was going on in their Greek
gymnasium's where they would all strip down. - This is no
different than going to the gymnasium today, it's all about
beauty and physical strength, which is why there is
bodybuilding. - But today we have to pretend it's all about
athleticism and not beauty. - So the orgies were mysteries
which were always performed in some kind of temple, with
secrets revealed through ceremonies.

Wrath that's coming |
- In the Mysterion, ceremonies of the temple, the book of
mysteries, secrets, was this actually an orgy in the temple,
not wrath? - The wrath that's coming is not wrath, it's an
orgy, but who is going to bring about this wrath? - It's
hard to decipher the Book of Revelation because we
don't know if it's a mixture of good and bad, and by the time
you get to the end of the book, it's talking about this wrath
that's coming that we need to be delivered from, and it's not
a good thing.

Punishment and vengeance |
- So if this word in our Bible, that we have conclusively
shown is the result of being under the law because there is no
condemnation in Christ, and we're not appointed under the
orgy (wrath). - In Strong's the word orgy is 3709
and is defined as impulse, wrath, anger, passion, punishment
and vengeance as well as settled anger and an internal
disposition. - It comes from the verb orage which means to
teem, or swell, meaning it's not a sudden outburst, but
gradual building. - Also as a passionate feeling against
sin, and the word passionate comes from oregomai, which means
to properly desire, as a reaching forth or excitement of the
mind, as in violent passion, anger, indignation.
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
3:7) |

Kicked |
- So are all these Bible verses that contain the word
wrath saying to flee from the orgies? - Is this the same as
in the Great Tribulation because Revelation is all about the
wrath, but it's much more than that. - It's about a woman
with the anger of the wrath mixed in a goblet and ready to
drink like a drug. - Well, whatever this thing called
wrath, plus anger and malice, we need to put it aside. - So
maybe orgies are something we're not supposed to do. - Now
there's hieros gamos, except that wasn't an orgy.
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
3:36) |

Pumpkin |
- Now if you look up the word orgy in any modern search
index, they're not going to give you any hint there's a
problem with the interpretation. - They'll never tell you
why orgy means wrath, hoping you don't notice. - They will
tell you the word orgy in English came from Greek orge and
give meanings like aroused passion, excitement, and ravishing
love. - One translation of orge is 'God's intrinsic fervor'
which is probably the essential meaning and then you can see
it is God's ravishing love because he loves all of us. - So
this means any wrath is not coming from God, because he's
coming to deliver us from the wrath.

Baalbek |
- In Greek mythology, Dion erected a temple to Dionysus,
and Dionysia is the word for deity (dia); and 'on' is syntax
and at the end of the same word in Elisha, which is El Isa.
- The Eleusinian Mysteries are the mysteries of Elijah as told
by Elisha. - The Temple of Dionysus is located in Baalbek
and the ancient temple there is where they worshiped Baal.
- Elijah went up there and got rid of Baal cult and all the
priests and then they started a true priesthood, he raised up
the widow's son.

Masked Prophet |
- That was the teachings of the Prophet Elisha, or
Dionysius, and he turned the water into wine, which is the
same group or the Zara branch of Judah that married into the
Canaanite line. - They celebrated the regeneration of
nature. - The Dionysia celebrated widely in Arcadia
where they would have the great masquerade party, or orgy,
that featured unrestrained masked dances by torchlight that
evoked the god's own rending and suffering at the hands of the
Titans. - This sounds like the great war of the Titans,
were Zeus, king of gods, was slashed and he went through hell
and destroyed the Titans.

Blood of Christ |
- And that is all about this classroom of life where we're
going to be slashed we're going to die, when Jesus ate from
the bloody sacrifice, the artos, the animal, and then said
this means my body which is going to die for you. - So it
is about whoever is willing to die on that cross with Christ
will reign with him. - This is the Passover, the death of
the first born and Dionysius is Jesus, who is also represented
by Elisha. - This was a priesthood and they acted these
parts out in the temple and Jesus came and carried out the
same scene, only in real life, everything was fulfilled in
He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him.
6:53-58) |

Deaf and blind |
- If you can't see the connection with this and
Christianity then you're blind. - But if you're a Satanist
and you're trying to trick people into thinking this is all
great, then you're also blind and deaf. - Orgia may have
been earlier manifestations of cult than the formal mysteries,
as suggested by the violently ecstatic rites described in myth
as celebrated by Attis in honor of Cybele and the
self-castration of the priests in Galli. - Cybele was a
woman and she was an Oracle and she would speak in ecstatic
language, or tongues.
A night-time festivity, an orgy full of naked
women, beautiful like Venus.
(Flaubert, 1839) |

Speaking in tongues |
- This is the same thing Christianity was doing with
speaking in tongues. - These were all ceremonies that were
fulfilled in Christ which are being fulfilled in us as we all
die on the cross in this low world of death, we're being
crucified. - Worship in the cult of of Cybele and Dionysius
aimed at breaking down barriers between the celebrants and the
divinity through a state of mystic exaltation and a state of
collective stupor. - So in
other words, it's a type of dancing that evokes psychosomatic
Dionysian orgy allowed the Bacchant to emerge from
the 'ego' to be united with the god in the ecstatic
exaltation of omophagia, dancing and wine. This kind
of bodily mysticism and psychosomatic liberation had
only temporary effects each time, the period of the
(Wikipedia) |

Mystic exaltation through dance |
- This is the same type of dancing that David performed when
he went up to Syria and visited the witch of Endor and
everyone thought he was drunk but he was receiving a holy
mystery, the Holy Spirit, and was freed from the ego. -
It wasn't until the 1800s in French literature, that the
word orgy took the meaning of group sexual practices, most
often associated with excesses of alcohol and food.
And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns.
(2 Samuel 6:14-22) |

Hermaphrodite |
- The Greek god Eros is the personification of passionate
love. - According to Greek tradition, Eros was the son of
Hermes (the messeger god) and Aphrodite (the goddess of love).
- The Greeks worshipped Eros as a god of fertility and
installed statues of him in their gymnasiums. - Well you
mix Hermes and Aphrodite and you get hermaphrodite which is a
type of transgender; very similar to Baphomet, he's got
breasts, male/female organs and looks like both genders.

Confused |
- Further back, Adam was male and female, he was the
original hermaphrodite, and later on he was cut in half and
turned into man and woman. - But today, everything is
confused and you have people walking around who think that
Eros was some kind of half man/half woman and we should all be
transgender. - Or they should cut parts off because Jesus
talked about becoming a eunuch for the kingdom. - Although
neither of these is literal, and the Apostles warned not to be
involved in porneia or whacking off of anything.

Holy Spirit |
- We need to understand that even rites like baptism are
not something that was necessary. - And the only way you
could become a eunuch was to go through the baptism. - In
the New Testament, Apostle Paul said he didn't care if he
baptized anyone, because that was the baptism of John and
that's just a holy rite, we need the baptism of the Holy
Spirit instead. - We don't know what all these ancient
rites involved, or everything they did in the gymnasium, but
we know if Eros was installed there it was about love.

Secure |
Perhaps they performed rites with their young men and women
who were entering adulthood, as several cultures around the
world did the same thing (today we call it sex education). - They weren't ashamed of their
bodies and that is one of the things that Jesus taught. -
When you reach a place where you're not ashamed, you're
secure, then you're capable of teaching children that being
human is nothing to be insecure about.
Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
(Genesis 2:25) |

Golden fleeced sheep |
- The entire world is under a deception and Christians are
at the forefront of that deception. - The problem is not
with following Christ, but with the 'religion' of YHWH and the
Old Testament which calls itself Christianity today. -
Greek women were adored and praised, they weren't relegated to
the back of the room, head down and veiled, they unveiled her.
- They weren't ashamed of her and she was queen of the hearth
and the goddess of the home.

Shameful vices |
- An orgy, properly defined, is not a modern invention
since the 'erotic delight' was familiar in classical texts.
- Greek orator Aeschines, 4th-century BC, in his speech
against Timarchus, accused his enemy of having surrendered to
the most shameful vices and everything a nobleman shouldn't
let himself be subsumed by. - The forbidden pleasures were
flute players who were prostitutes and reprobate women that he
dined with. - Also, eating very expensive fish was a detail
often noted by 4th-century orators along with the Romans who
spoke of sumptuous feasts that paired sex and food, that
contributed to debauchery.

Not under any law |
- Now we see why the Apostles debated whether we were
under the law or not, and they agreed that we were not. -
So Apostle James made a decree and agreed we are not under any
law but we will be admonished for eating things that are
strangled and blood and fornication (which means
prostitution). - So much of what happened over the
centuries were because one emperor or king didn't know what
another did before him, so he shut his 'operation' down.
- Then the next ruler would realize they were having a lot of
rape and pillage going on and they needed to open it back up
to provide training to the youth.

Debauchery thug |
- Unfortunately, over time, they lost sight of what they
were doing and started bringing in young girls to form
essentially, a prostitution ring and it wasn't in the temple,
but that is where it began. - The Holy Temple fell into
debauchery, drinking and drugs, same thing that has happened
today with sex. - The prostitution rings outside the temple
where often confused with the temple and hundreds of years
later no one could distinguish between the prostitution, the
idolatry and the debauchery and the original Mysteries.

Fertility rites |
- In the Holy Temple, they taught their youth fertility
rites and showed them the truth, they didn't shame them, they
taught them how to understand their bodies and what happens
when you marry. - It was a sacred thing, it wasn't
prostitution where women were bought and sold but it degraded
into this.

Shamed |
- But none of this was the original meaning of these rites
and many people today are reading about these things and
mixing up what people were actually doing and what the ancient
truth was. - We don't know the exact meaning of all the
ceremonies because there were so many people that burned all
the books. - Now we can understand why they burned some of
them, they didn't understand the Mysteries. - And this is
most likely where Judaism took over because they hated the
female, they hated the expression of sex and they thought that
she was a shameful thing that should be veiled.

Debauchery |
- As time moved on, the Greeks and Romans specialized in
debauchery and this is often confused with rites in the temple
although this was not occurring in the Temple of Artemis. -
Tiberius was portrayed as a debauched Emporer and he staged
daring pornographic spectacles. - His successor, Caligula,
would sleep with his sisters in view of his guests. - Nero
would have parties that lasted from midday to midnight and he
would have slaves showering the guests from above with perfume
and flowers. - All this sounds like what Apostle Paul faced
when everyone was speaking in tongues and he said it wasn't
the spirit of the Lord, but of confusion.
God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.
(1 Corinthians 14:33) |

Wolf creeping |
- We have to be careful and watch ourselves, because that
is when the debauchery creeps in, the apostasy during a feast
of the emperor. - All the fear and hate and vengeance which
is causing the debauchery. - The original rite had to do
with Zeus and the Olympians battling the Titans and going down
into hell, and all the slashing and having your body torn to
pieces. - It was a day of wrath, a day of judgment, because
when Jesus comes to destroy Satan and his armies, he's doing
it to deliver us from their tyranny.

Not by the law, but by the spirit |
- And this is something you have to be brave to do because
the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but we still have
to have courage and endure. - This all comes back to the idea, do we condemn ourselves
for being human, do we shame ourselves and believe that sex is
evil and cover ourselves like YHWH. - Or should we deny
that, and follow love because there's nothing evil in anything
we do as long as we don't hurt others. - We don't go by
law, but by the spirit.
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
(Galatians 5:18) |