It's Not the Real Bible |

Hebrew text |
- The Old Covenant (Mosaic law) which
brings bondage in a curse, and where the woman is in bondage
with her children, Hagar. - And the New Covenant which is
Sarah who is the free woman, and that is Christ and all of us.
- Zechariah and Revelation and everything else is talking
about the Old Covenant that must go. - We're not killing
people, they're blind and ignorant they don't know, they're
little children who came out into the wilderness to see a
It is the one life, eternal, invisible, yet
Omnipresent, without beginning or end, yet periodical
in its regular manifestations, between which periods
reigns the dark mystery of non-Being; unconscious yet
absolute Consciousness; unrealisable, yet the one
self-existing reality; truly, 'a chaos to the sense, a
Kosmos to the reason.' Its one absolute attribute,
which is itself, eternal, ceaseless Motion, is called
esoteric parlance the 'Great Breath,' which is
perpetual motion of the universe, in the sense of
limitless, ever-present space. That which is
motionless cannot be Divine. But then there is nothing
in fact in reality absolutely motionless within the
universal soul. (Plato, Cratylus) |

Motion |
- Plato's words are about the great
mystery of being a non-being and the great debate that has
gone on down through the ages. - Words that modern day
occultists have misunderstood and gotten all wrong. - Their
idea that the universe is both good and evil, but in reality
it is only good because there is only the reality and the
non-reality. - Unconsciousness is a state of non-being and
it is nothing, the only thing that exists is the reality, or
the light, and so our Heavenly Father and our Divine Mother
and all that is, are light.

Reality is the light |
- All that is not light is darkness, and Satan is
darkness. - YHWH is not completely dark, because he maketh
light and darkness, he is that state of our 'being' that's in
the temporary (good and evil, in and out), the duality of
learning. - But it isn't the true reality of existence
which is only light because the darkness is nothing, and when
the light shines, it removes darkness because it doesn't
exist. - You can't remove the light though, because that is
the reality and if that ever went away, we would not be. -
Being, by its very nature is the infinite because it is being
and if it did not be, it would not be; its very nature is that
it exists, forever.

Duality |
- Today, people believe that both light and dark exist but
that is because of the dual nature in the physical world we
live in. - They misunderstand because there's good and
there's evil and we can choose whatever we want. - To most,
they believe the great secret is simply; it doesn't matter what we do, and we can
do anything we desire. - However, that would mean ultimately that
the elite ruling class could kill, starve, hurt, and maim
anyone they wanted to, because they don't really believe in
love. - They don't think love is an actual supreme deity
and they would rather choose the darkness and they say, let us
do evil that good may come, because good will always come,
even if you pursue folly and evil.

Progressing toward the light |
- The difficulty comes because we have to progress towards
the light as that is the good and that is what we aim for.
- Bad is not the reality or the blueprint that we're going
toward, rather, that's the pain and suffering that we've been
through. - You cannot divorce the darkness from the pain,
and the pain is designed by nature to be avoided and
therefore, all that is, is what we want but the nature of pain
is to dissolve and destroy. - Destruction then cannot exist
in reality, because it would destroy reality and destruction
is only a concept. - Since all is a concept because we are
being and we conceive, then we always conceive what we wish
and that is the king and that is the Divine Being, the will,
and the will always goes forward and never backwards.

Theos |
- Plato was an initiate and he was talking about these
and we know he was an initiate because he knew these
things. - When he said in Cratylus that Theos is
derived, remember Theos is in the Bible hundreds of times and
that is translated 'God' and that's the wrong translation.
- In the Nordic pantheon, Odin (Woden or Goden), according to
the Lombards who took over Italy and put that in the Bible.
- For the word 'deity' they substituted Goden, which was
shortened to God. - But this Odin character is not actually
a member of the pantheon represented by Theos; perhaps he
is more representative of Thor.

Theô moving or running |
- Theos, on the other hand, is derived from the verb
'theô' meaning to 'move or to run' as the first astronomers
who observed the motions of the heavenly bodies called the
planets theô because they're in motion, the runners. - All the
stars had different names we have the Titans and the
Hundred-Handed Ones and the animal-like faces that are in the
astrological 'zoo' or zodiac. - They were all runners and
Apostle Paul talks about let us be a runner in the race that
we might get the prize.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. (Corinthians 9:24-25) |

Great Divine Comedy |
- The ancients considered all these stars that they saw in
the sky, as something that rules over us; there were heroes
and Titans and Olympians and they battled light and darkness
and this was the Great Divine Comedy. - The original word theô meant to move, and Plato
knew this because he spoke Greek, in fact, he came hundreds of
years before Christ and he was at the root of all this
information. - So the first translations had Theos as the
runners, or the deities, which is an improper translation
because Theos has nothing to do with God.

Astrology seeker |
- None of these Greek Titans and Olympians and Theos have
anything to do with our concept of God today. - The Bible doesn't speak about
any Gods because ancient esoteric knowledge written in the
hieroglyphics in the pages of history, in the holy books, it
only talks about astrology. - The Apostle Paul spoke about
that which goes forth from all the world from every nation and
nobody has any excuse because the gospel was preached from the

Enoch went to heaven |
- Enoch went to heaven and got all this
information and wrote it down and this was everything about
the stars. - The Egyptians called Enoch, Thoth, and the
Book of Thoth is the Great Authority, it is the word.
- Thoth means thought and the logos is the word.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. (Psalm 19:4) |

Alethea is motion of deity |
- In the Greek language
you have roots, and then there are other words combined to
make different words; so two words can make another word. -
Later on they had the term 'alethea' which is the 'thea'
(motion) and the 'ale' (deity) which is the 'breath of ale' or
the motion of deity. - So the motion is of the deity, of
the divine. - Seeing that they were always moving and
running, from their nature, they were called Gods or runners
(Theous, Theontas); and when men became acquainted with the
other Gods, they proceeded to apply the same name to all of
them according to Socrates.
Ought we not to begin with the consideration of
the Gods, and show that they are rightly named Gods?
My notion would be something of this sort: I suspect
that the sun, moon, earth, stars, and heaven, which
are still the Gods of many barbarians were the only
Gods known to the aboriginal Hellenes. (Socrates) |

Golden race of men who came first |
- Socrates talks about demons, who are good men, and that
is daemons and he described how Hesiod used the word to speak
of a golden race of men who came first; and by this meaning
good and noble and then Hesiod said we are the Iron race.
- How far we fell.
- Socrates had the conviction that Hesiod called them demons
because they were daemones (knowing or wise), which comes from
the older Greek Attic dialect.
But now that fate has closed over this race they
are holy demons on earth. Beneficent, averters of
ills, guardians of mortal men. (Socrates) |

Hierarchy is a higher archon |
- This all shows we have a hierarchy, we have runners and
we have heroes and demons (daemons) and they're various orders
that run the world from the top down and it's all about the
stars, deities and humans that run the affairs on earth. -
What Socrates is saying, most Christians have never heard of,
in fact, nobody seems to have a clue what these words really
meant to Plato and Socrates, or to the original creators of
the words, the Attic Greeks.

Blind force or authority |
- When we look at our Bible
and it's talking about Theos, that is the Divine Authority
that is spoken about in the New Testament. - They're not
talking about 'God,' which would fall more in line with YHWH
in the Old Testament who was some other blind force or
authority but even he wasn't called God.

Member of Nordic pantheon |
- None of the words in the Bible have anything to do with
this word God; that was just a character in one of the
pantheons of the Nordic race and it was just one person. -
Socrates also discussed the meaning of the word hero (Eros)
which he described as signifying that they were born of
love. - We know that Eros is love, or perhaps a lustful,
passionate love, so what does this have to do with heroes; that
is because they were born of love, passionately loving
humankind. - They were chasing after the mortal woman and this is true for most of the heroes; remember
Samson went chasing after Delilah and he is Hercules, and that
is the same story.
Do you not know that the heroes are demigods? All
of them sprang either from the love of a God for a
mortal woman, or of a mortal man for a Goddess. (Socrates) |

Questioners |
- Some of the women were chasing after mortal men for
a goddess, think of the old Attic Greek and you will see
better that the name heroes is only a slight alteration of Eros (arrows), from which the heroes sprang. - Either this
is the meaning, or it is not, or they must have been skilled
rhetoricians and dialecticians and able to frame the question
as eroten for eirein is equivalent to legion and the
heroes turn out to be rhetoricians and questioners. -
All this is easy enough, the noble breed of heroes are a tribe
of sophists and rhetors but does that explain why men are
called anthropoi, that is more difficult. - And this all
came from Socrates.
Something's eroten in the state of Denmark. |

Floating |
- If you think about this, we have to read the Bible and
we have to use the words that are in there to understand it.
- For instance, if you had a Bible and you said you believed
in that Bible, every word in it, but it's written in Greek and
you don't know how to speak Greek. - Plus, if you did speak
Greek, you would know exactly what the Lord wants you to know,
because it's the official word. - Well what if some scribe
had translated all the words in your Bible erroneously?

Masoretic Scribes performing magic |
- What if the entire point, or theme of the Bible is there
was a God, one God, and he created everything and he's just
God. - And you're nothing, you're just a lowly person so
you need to obey him; plus he's got all these commandments
(laws) and you're not going to get eternal life unless you do
what he says. - Well that's the theme and that's what we
get from the Bible, but maybe if you do two things, if you
don't know what these Greek words mean, and you're given
erroneous translations, you might come to that conclusion and
believe the lies. - But actually, the word God is not in
the Bible and God himself is not even in the Bible, but not
only that, the only people that we believe to tell us what the
meanings of all the Greek words are groups such as the
Masoretic Scribes.

Arise dead language! |
- And the scribes are so wonderful and know everything,
and they have this Hebrew Bible and afterall, NO one could be
smarter than them because they're all Hebrew scribes and how
would we know because they're Hebrew's and we're not! - But
Hebrew was a dead language for over 2,000 years and they
somehow 'revived' it for their version of the Bible story.
- So who are these magicians because who knows how to tell you
what a dead language is? - Nobody, and we haven't proved
there even was a Hebrew manuscript because all the Hebrew
manuscripts we have are AC (After Christ). - Plus, we now
know they were all completely made up by this group of scribes
that are not even scribes.

Egyptian tent |
- The Sanhedrin priesthood was disintegrated and destroyed
and there was no authority. - Because of that, the last
divinely appointed and authorized Sanhedrin, the one
authorized to say or tell you anything, was in 280 BC and they
were in Heliopolis in Egypt, where there was a Jewish temple,
a Jerusalem. - People who had been scattered to the world
were returning there, and this is where the Zadokite
priesthood, led by John the Baptist resided, along with Jesus
and Jacob (James) were also there. - Historian Josephus
said that the priesthood was 'down there' officiating over the
real Jerusalem temple, not the one that was built by King
Herod an Idumean (Edomite) in southern Judea which we call
Palestine today.

Greek Septuagint |
- The Zadokite priesthood was at Heliopolis and they're
the ones who had the Sanhedrin and they also met at
Alexandria, which was a sort of sister city. - In fact, the
great library was originally in Heliopolis and they moved it
to Alexandria. - The Alexandrian priests at Heliopolis, the
Sanhedrin, were the ones that were divinely authorized and
universally recognized. - Jesus and the Apostles recognized
them and they had the Greek Septuagint version of the
Bible which was auhorized by them and early Christians called
it the Holy Textus Receptus, or holy received text
from the divine.
The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Bible
written between the 3rd and 1st centuries BCE. The
name comes from the Latin word septuaginta, which
means '70.' This is based on the legend that 72
translators worked independently to produce identical
versions of the Bible, with 6 translators from each of
the 12 tribes of Israel. (Wikipedia) |

Big bird |
- The Hebrew Bible cannot be authorized by the divine and
the scribes that call themselves scribes don't even know
Hebrew. - We don't know if the language Hebrew even existed
because they made-up a kind of language that they call Hebrew.
- But clearly it's not the same Hebrew as what may have been
in the ancient days called Hebrew. - Instead, it's a
language possibly linked to Arabic or Syrian text which they
may have originally spoken, it was similar to the languages in
Arabia and the Near-East. - The Judeans or Israelites
hadn't spoken that language for a very long time as Greek was
the official language way back to 280 BC, and before that,
Persia was the ruling empire and they spoke Aramaic.

Greek text |
- This was all hundreds of years BC (Before Christ) and
the only Bible that the world knew in those days was the Greek Septuagint which was authorized, and so the Christians
only went by the Greek. - Alexander the Great leveled
Heliopolis in 330 BC and became the world Emperor so everyone
in the world from that point forward began to speak Greek.
- This was a period of 350 years and if you think back in
American history that far, it was some Native American languages
everyone was speaking here. - And if you went to England,
you wouldn't even be able to understand what they called
English then if someone spoke it to you it would sound like a
foreign language.
It's Greek to me - Latin: Graecum est, non legitur ("it is Greek, [therefore] it cannot be read"). The phrase is widely believed to have its origins among medieval scribes. While most scribes were familiar with Latin, few people in medieval Western Europe, even among the intellectual classes, were schooled in Greek. When copying classic manuscripts they would frequently encounter passages and quotations in Greek which they would have no way of translating, and as such would note the phrase in the margins. (Wikipedia) |

Persian boot |
- Languages change fast and consider they didn't have some
of the modern tools that we have today to assist with
translation. - So that many years back, there's no way
these Masoretic scribes could know what the language might
have been. - And
that's just the Greek side of the story because the Judeans
went into captivity 600 BC and they went to Assyria and Persia
where they would have spoken an Aramaic Syriac language. -
Mostly Persia ruled the world for the first 300 years and then
the Greeks took over so for 600 years nobody spoke Hebrew or
knew anything about it. - Through that time, the only Bible
the world knew about was the Greek Septuagint.

Masoretic scribe |
- The only reason that these Judeans formed the Masoretic
scribe club that they made up, they didn't have any authority
from any divine Sanhedrin, they didn't know the Hebrew
language and just made it up and it's not the same as anything
original. - Modern block letter Hebrew has nothing to do
with whatever original language that the people called Hebrew
spoke. - We do have some pictograph symbols from this era,
but we don't know what they mean and we cannot translate it
because it's a dead language. - There was certainly no
Bible in these pictographs and we have no manuscripts. -
The only manuscripts are written in modern Hebrew fabricated
by charletans that made up another language and convinced us
somehow that it was superior and from antiquity.

Talmudic Hebrew cloaked |
- Since they didn't have any original Hebrew text to
translate to their new language, the scribes used the Greek Septuagint
for translations and they removed the
Virgin birth and many other things. - They removed the
crucifixion of Christ and his deity (name) and they did this
because they were Talmudic Jews that hated Jesus and they
didn't want the world to become Christian or to believe in
Christ. - What this means is that all the Bible's that we
have today are translated from this false Hebrew Bible,
although they all claim they look at the Septuagint
when they're translating. - But it's really not true, they
are going by traditions when translating that were established
by the Masoretic Judeans who took the Greek writing and
mistranslated it.

Clearing the dust |
- All we ever had to do was read the Septuagint
and if someone translated it from the Septuagint
and that alone, we'd have a good translation, IF we knew what
the Greek language meant. - Because the translators used the
work of the Masoretic scribes, who changed all these words,
there are many who came along later who tried using the Greek
to compare, except they don't really know what the ancient Greek means.
- They're taking the meaning of these words from the Jewish
scribes who didn't know the meaning of the words in Greek, in
fact, they were trying to hide the meaning.

Wiped clean hoax |
- If you study Greek in college, you're not going to get
Greek anything like the meanings you find in Strong's
Concordance where you will learn the usage because they
don't know the meaning. - Oftentimes the modern translator
will refer back to Plato and scoff because they don't believe
any of that philosophy. - Or they will think like many
moderns, that it's different for us now and doesn't mean the
same thing it meant to the ancients like Plato. - This is a
hoax that is so big that the entire theme and meaning of the
Bible is lost.

Son storm |
- Jesus Christ did not come to earth to
teach us about some kind of God. - He never said 'I am God'
like we think of the Bible concept today and the words deities
and divinities really just means a higher mind, a divine
nature which is not the same nature as we humans have.

Hero |
- To understand better about this divine mind, which is
infinite and is in all things, and these other characters
because we have no idea what they are because we've never been
told about the heroes. - And when we hear about demons we
think of evil spirits, but if you look in Strong's
Concordance he will even tell you it means spirit, not
necessarily something dark or evil. - This is why they
would append adjectives such as 'unclean' or 'evil' spirit,
but there were good spirits too. - Now angels, that's
something entirely different than a spirit because angels are
exalted humans who earned their wings and white robes. -
Christianity doesn't know anything about any of this and the
Bible words just sound poetic to people.

Greek root is Zeus |
- If you're going to understand the Bible, you're going to
have to understand Greek and you will have to know the root of
the language, and the parent language which was Athenian Attic
Greek where all this came from, including Theos. - Zeus in
the Koine Greek is the same word as Theos, which is an older
Athenian Attic spelling. - They're both Greek languages and
they had the Spartans and the Ionians, different Greek
dialects, but modern Koine Greek called him Zeus.

Muddied |
However, our Bible says Theos and the rest of the text is
Koine Greek so it's unclear why they would use Theos from
Attic Greek when the entire manuscript is Koine. - Apparently the word Theos was considered more holy than
Zeus, a more spiritual religious way of saying the name,
without any degradation. - As the language went down into
Koine, the common language, and they may not have understood
the word as it was originally written. - Which is why
Socrates spoke to going back to the root in Attic to get all
the meanings.

Frozen |
- It's no different today, a lot of our words
have lost their original meanings, we don't even know what the
word sacrifice is, we think it's some religious word, but it
meant to slaughter. - We don't know that the word
atonement meant simply to be covered. - We also don't know
what the words faith and love mean, because we have one word,
and they had three or four different words that we translate
as love, and there are various meanings and we've lost them.

Theos force |
- We need to go back to the original because even when
they were translating into Koine Greek, the common language,
they didn't want to translate the word Theos to something
lesser. - They didn't want to degrade the word because it
was the highest of these beings that were up there in the
stars that had control, or force over them. - You had to
know things like philosophy and astrology, and you had to know
the original language but it had degraded a bit by the time of
the Apostles. - Although Jesus and the Apostles still knew
the meaning and they used the words appropriately.
This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) |

Zeus father of Talantatos |
- According to Socrates, many terrible things were said to
have happened to Talantatos during his life, last was the utter ruin
of his country. - After his death, he had the stone
(talanteia) over his head in the world below, all this
agreeing wonderfully with his name. - You might imagine
that some person who wanted to call him Talantatos, the most
weighted down by misfortune, disguised the name into Tantalus,
and into this form, by some accident it has actually been
transmuted. - The name of Zeus, who is his alleged father,
has an excellent meaning, although hard to be understood,
because really like a sentence, which is divided into two

Nature of Zena and Dia |
- Some call him Zena, and use the one half, and the others
who use the other half call him Dia (divine), and the two
together signify the nature of God (runners), and the business
of a name is to express the nature. - For there is none who
is more the author of life to us, and to all than the Lord and
King of all, wherefore we are right in calling him Zena and
Dia according to Socrates. - There is an inreverance, at
first sight, at calling him son of Cronos, who is a proverb
for stupidity, and we might rather expect Zeus to be the child
of a mighty intellect. - Which is the fact: for this is the
meaning of his father's name: Kronos quasi Koros, to sweep,
the pure and garnished mind. - Kronos who was begotten of
Uranus, looking upward, which is the way philosphers tell us
to have a pure mind.
If I could remember the genealogy of Hesiod, I
would have gone on and tried more conclusions of the
same sort on the remoter ancestors of the Gods, then I
might have seen whether this wisdom, which has come to
me all in an instance, I know not whence, will or will
not hold good to the end. (Socrates) |

Roots |
- What we're gathering from Socrates that he acknowledged
in his day that the Greek language had degraded and that the
scholars had to think and do research to see where the roots
of these words came from, and what their original meaning was.
- We're learning a lot about these words and how the word Zeus
can be traced back to the Vedic scriptures and other ancient
works. - We already know that it has a lot to do with astrology
and it would all make sense if we understood astrology and the
original Vedic language which every other language has come
down to us from.
The Rigveda is the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit
text. Its early layers are amog the oldest extant
texts in any Indo-European language. The sounds and
texts of the Rigveda have bee orally transmitted since
the end millenniun BCE and that the bulk was composed
likely between 1500 and 1000 BCE. (Wikipedia) |

Sky god |
- Dyaus Pitar (Peter), or Dyaus, who is father daylight sky god,
is the Vedic sky deity and the archetypal father in the
Rigveda. - He is associated with the sky, fertile rains,
and is often paired with earth goddess, Prthvi, who are the
archetypal parents of the Rigveda. - Dyaus can be found in
the myths and languages of the Vedic Indo-Aryans, Latins,
Greeks, Phrygians, and others. - Linquists have also
discovered that Dyaus is etymologically related to the Greek
god Zeus.

Dyaus Pitar with Prithvi Mata |
- Therefore, Zeus is the continuation of Dyeus,
the supreme god in Indo-European religion, who carried on as
Vedic Dyaus Pitar (Jupiter). - He was also known as Tyr
(Ziu) in Germanic and Norse mythology who was supplanted by
Odin as the supreme god among the Germanic tribes, but they
did not identify Zeus/Jupiter with either Tyr or Odin, but
with Thor.
Dyaus is considered by scholars to be the most
securely reconstructed deity of the Indo-European
pantheon. (Wikipedia) |

Mother Earth matter |
- Dyaus Piter appears in hymns with Prithvi Mata, Mother
Earth, in the ancient Vedic scriptures of Hinduism. - So we
see there is a plurality within the divinity, it's father,
mother and the children, and the mother (matter) is Mother
Earth and father or Piter (Peter) is the sky. - Isn't it
just amazing how our Bible has more actual essence with Native
American teachings, Hindu teachings, Zoroastrian teachings
than it does with this modern Catholic and modern Christianity
that has completely lost all the meaning to the scriptures.
- Dyaus has a daughter named Usas, who personifies dawn and
can be aligned with the Greek Venus. - He is often
personified as a roaring animal such as a bull who fertilizes
the earth.

Roaring animal fertilizing the earth |
- From this, we can see that Greek was not the first
language, the characters that lived during Jesus time, were
quoting characters from Vedic scripture who lived thousands of
years earlier. - They didn't all speak this Greek, and the
roots of the language are from Abraham and from Ur of the Chaldees.
- We have to understand that the thoughts that are in our
Bible, they have a source and the ancient source was in
Babylon, Assyria, and India, and it was astrology. - It was
the story of the Sky Father and the Mother Earth which is what
the Bible's about.

Easter |
- The Bible's not about some angry being that wants to
kill everybody, but rather, it's about fertility rites which
is where the holy days come from. - Even the
Jews still have their story about Purim which is Easter and is
the story of Queen Esther (Ishtar), it's the same story but we
have lost the real meaning. - It's written wrong
everywhere, don't think of the word deity, they weren't beings
floating around in the sky.

Deity is love, absolute giving |
- Deity is not some guy who is
jealous and that's why the New Testament says that deity is
love, absolute giving. - He's invisible, but he's powerful
and he's everywhere, in all, through all and above all and
this is why Jesus said, 'I and the father are one.' - And
if you didn't know this, then you wouldn't know that you and
the father are one and that you cannot sin. - That if you
make a mistake, there's consequences and you will suffer, but
that's how the universe works, but we're gradually progressing
and advancing and we're learning, because that's what mind
I and the Father are one. (John 10:30) |

Punisher |
- We go through all our many lives, and it's all about
joy, happiness and experiencing an adventure, there is no
problem except what the church has told us. - This supposed
punishment that's coming, that will murder us all and send us
to hell where we'll be tortured forever because this deity is
angry. - None of this is true and that's not what the New
Testament is about. - Jesus' father is love, and yes, there
is a deity in this world we live in called death, there is
suffering, and he's a schoolmaster that leads us to Christ,
but our inner being, who we are can never die because we're
all immortal.

Immortality |
- But we've got to put on immortality and we've got to
learn in this world by the things in which we suffer, and as
humans we're able to grasp now that we are an immortal soul
going through these lives. - That we have dominion by
virtue of our will, by virtue of our love, our mind and our
faith and through gnosis we can attain a place where we never
die. - Because we never again can be deceived but we can
overcome all the problems that face us and that love is really
the answer. - The only concept of death is this evil
priesthood that took over the world, called government, the
law, where they teach you that you had sin from the moment you
were born and that you need to be under all their laws or
you'll be cursed.

Humanity |
- Know that our Heavenly Father doesn't curse anyone, he
lovingly comes down here into this human body and we're the
temple of the living deity and he's in us, living through us,
in all living things. - The nature of the male and female
is everywhere, there's no inequality, but only love and
cooperation and eternal joy and happiness that's awaiting us
all. - So understand that our Bible is a glorious thing,
and we need to understand it and share it with good will to
all our neighbors and friends and tell them the true gospel,
so they can also get out of this mindset of confusion and fear
and come into the light with all the saints. - Watch: Shocking Twist on Pope Francis's Birthday: Lightning Strikes and Halo Disappears!
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’? If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside— what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.” (John 10:34-38) |