Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself






The Seven Spheres of Rudolf Steiner

Golden Chain

- This is the story of the seven spheres of creation, or the golden chain.
- Watch: Evil Falls Into the 8th Sphere.
- The Earth is the 4th sphere, but there are 3 spheres before, and there will be 3 spheres after, and that's where the concept of the 8th Sphere comes in.
- On Earth, as humans, we do face death and that's considered the first death.
- It's completely redeemed if you've absorbed the resurrection body of Christ and this is why the Book of Revelation says several times that you will not face death.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. (Revelation 21:4)

Blues guitar

- The first question everyone asks is 'am I going to go to hell' or is there even a hell, and is it permanent or eternal.
- That is why understanding the 8th Sphere is so important because it attempts to answer the question of where we are going, our destiny.
- Many could say the 8th Sphere is hell, or the bottomless pit, or the fiery lake in the Book of Revelation, and also the 2nd death.
- But all of those things must be explained and put in the proper perspective if you're going to understand what the 8th Sphere or hell really are.

The eighth sphere is the name for an additional sphere of downward development that stands apart from the seven normal evolutionary spheres or planetary stages of our solar system evolution. In the normal development beings develop and rise along a ladder of Conditions of Consciousness. (

Depth of Rudolf Steiner

- Because it is such an important question, it has been asked by a variety of people who are in a variety of different conditions of understanding Anthroposophy.
- For instance, if you've studied Theosophy for a few years that's a beginning, but understanding the depth of Rudolf Steiner's 125 books is another level.
- Is the 8th Sphere hell, no it is not, and it is not Hades either, which are both storage places.

The eighth sphere represents the opposition of normal or 'good' development, or evil, and the 'sixteen paths of perdition' to get off of this normal development. More specifically, the eighth sphere is connected with the extreme form of evil called black magic that appeared in the middle of the Atlantean epoch (see also: Rakshasas or Asuras and Sorat) and is reappearing again in the current fifth cultural age of the Current Postatlantean epoch. (

John the Divine

- However, the Lake of Fire and the 2nd death can be related to the 8th Sphere and the only place you're going to find that referenced is in the Book of Revelation by St. John the Divine.
- That was Jesus turning over the care of his mother, Mary Sophia, into the care of John the Divine who was with him under the cross at the crucifixion.
- In Revelation, St. John demonstrates that he had gone through the previous initiatory circumstances that a Hebrew would go through in his faith.


- This is apparent because John's making all the same references that Daniel's making in the Old Testament that are also in Ezekial and in all the different parables about rising in the divine spiritual world.
- In other words, rising up to what is called the 3rd heaven, or the 7th heaven, or the 9th heaven to meet with the 24 elders and the spirits of the thrones and to have communion with them.
- To sit down and eat supper with them and get nourished and participate in a mutual nourishment between the being who has arisen into this realm, and the beings who are there.


- This apocalypse, or uncovering of the soul, means that you have to uncover your soul to find out the spirit that's behind it.
- Most of our spirits are coming to us from the future, they've been preserved in the spiritual world.
- You can if you're an initiate and you've gone through the stages of preparation; enlightenment and initiation, you can begin to receive these messages of your higher selves.

Higher spirits

- You can receive messages from your higher spirits at this moment in time, through moral imagination, inspiration and intuition, and that's what John the Divine did, he received moral intuitions.
- These intuitions are beyond time and space, in fact technically, they're beyond even consciousness.
- When John was on the Island of Patmos in the cave where he received the inspiration for the Book of Revelation, you have to realize it's out of space and time.

Apocalypse or revelation

- Revelation is not talking about the sequential order of things or just about the 7 churches, and what are the vials, the wraths and the trumpets?
- These things are mystery initiation wisdom and in the ancient times the mystery schools, especially the Hebrew schools, taught the prophets what it was to rise into the spiritual world.
- That meant to have an apocalypse or revelation, and once they had that they had to be very careful because one wrong prophecy could mean death.

Apocalypse slug

- The prophets were very explicit in what these beings in the apocalypse meant to them and they used symbols that were personal and meant something to them.
- Jesus spoke in the language of mystery wisdom when he spoke to his disciples, and in parables when he spoke to the comman man.
- So when you hear Matthew and Mark referring to hell, they're referring to the tradition that Christ Jesus of Nazareth, who became Christ for 3 years was speaking.
- The warrior and priest in the official church, not the savior.

Seeing everything finally

- It was a familiar territory, so when they said 'the number of man is 666' the true meaning is not like any interpretation we've heard except those of theosophy and anthroposophy.
- In particular, Rudolf Steiner, because he describes what is known as the golden chain which is what happens when you have an apocalypse and unveiling of the soul and you see time, all the past, the present and the future.
- And this is the most difficult concept because it's one you can't understand the Book of Revelation without.

I could see the past, present and future all at the same time. (Nikola Tesla)

Beyond time

- Time is eternal but eternal has a limit.
- Beyond time, or what is called eternal or forever in the Bible, is the description of what Christ was at the beginning of Revelation when he says 'I am the past, the present and the future.'
- He tells us that he is the alpha and the omega which means he's the entire alphabet of creation, the entire zoo, zodiac.
- However, things existed before that creation, and they will exist after it.
- When the Book of Revelation says heaven and earth will pass away but my word will not pass away, that is the real mystery that we are dealing with here.


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Past, present and future

- The word is the creative word of Christ who is a member of the Holy Trinity which is one God in three parts; past, present and future.
- So what John is telling us in Revelation is beyond space and time and particularly, when he names things, they are symbols.
- It's like a dream, everything in your dream is you unless you're having a precognitive dream.

A precognitive dream is a dream that seems to predict the future. (Wikipedia)

Dream state

- This means when you wake up you shouldn't imagine that the person you saw in the dream something happened with you overnight, no, that person is a symbol, a representation.
- They are an image, a key or piece to the puzzle.
- And that's what you need to do when you look at the Book of Revelation and remember, when it says hell that the same book says Hades which was Gehinnom, the Greek name for the Hebrew hell.
- In Mesopotamia it was called Ur and there's a thousand other names for this underworld and that is not the 2nd death or the fiery lake.

Fiery lake

- The anti-Christ, the Beast, Satan and the witness before the Beast will be thrown into the Lake of fire and brimstone or second death, along with those who are non-believers in Christ.
- What does this really mean, does it mean you have to believe what some religion teaches about Jesus of Nazareth (the official church) who they called Christ?
- The answer is no, Christ is in you, it's your higher self, so if you have not acknowledged your higher self, and that's what Revelation tells us.

It would be an error to wish to spread Christianity from a center in Asia, where other peoples are still settled, and Buddhism would be equally false for the European population. No religious view is right if it is not suited to the innermost needs of the time, and such a view will never be able to give a cultural impulse. (Rudolf Steiner)

Overlaying those images

- It's strange that people don't read it as a victory book, they read it as a scary nightmare.
- The archons try to find ways to overlay those images on our time and say that we're in the time of the 7th trumpet or the end, at the war of All against All but that's not true.
- Not that we couldn't be, because every single person is when they die, so that means the images in Revelation will happen to you when you physically die.

Purgatory over troubled waters

- The question will be, are you going to be thrown in the fiery lake that is the 2nd death when you die, no, when you die you go to a realm that Dante described as a combination of hell, paradise and purgatory.
- The Catholic Church added the whole concept of purgatory, a place you go to work off your sins where the fire doesn't quite burn as much.
- You go to this realm after you die, also called Kama-loka in Buddhism and the Hindu scriptures call it Bardo where you go through an intermediate state, a process of judging yourself because that's what happens.
- That's also where the Egyptians tell you that you should be light as a feather, meaning, no guilt or shame weighing you down.

Paradiso (Italian for "Paradise" or "Heaven") is the third and final part of Dante's Divine Comedy, following the Inferno and the Purgatorio. It is an allegory telling of Dante's journey through Heaven, guided by Beatrice, who symbolises theology. (Wikipedia)


- This happens repeatedly in the Book of Revelation, there are multiple judgments.
- The 1st judgment is as told in the letters Paul writes to the churches and it tells you what you should be working on in your different bodies.
- That's what those letters are referring to, periods of time when we as human beings and as humanity collectively, are developing our physical etheric astral bodies and the 3 parts of our soul and 3 parts of our spirit.
- All represented by the different planets in our universe as different stages of growth.

But all those souls grace the Empyrean; and each of them has gentle life though some sense the Eternal Spirit more, some less. (Dante)

Epochs of cultural periods

- These are descriptions that are personal, they are for you to understand so as you read those you can find which of those churches you exist.
- Through the wisdom of spiritual science, figure out which of those churches are describing the different epochs of cultural periods that are ruled by Archangels who are regions of the Zeitgeist, and Archai or time spirits or leader of the time.

Planetary influence and correspondence

- As an Archangel rises up into the realm of the Archai they lead for about 360 years or so and they carry a different planetary influence and correspondence that create a repetitive cycle that happens over and over again, but always at a higher level.
- When you enter into the question of time in the Book of Revelation and ask yourself the question am I going to go hell, or Sheol, or Kama-lokam, or the Bosom of Abraham or purgatory realize this is the story of the Mystery of Golgotha.

In the universe we have not to do with repetitions, each time that a cycle is passed, something new is added to the world's evolution and to at its human stage of development. (Rudolf Steiner)


Mystery of Golgotha

- The Mystery of Golgotha which is Christ's birth, death, descent to hell and resurrection.
- We are told in the Bible that Christ went to hell in the days between his death and his resurrection.
- Why did he do that, and why did the Hebrew people believe that when they died they didn't go to a permanent hell because there was no 2nd judgment.
- There's a judgment after you die but the big question is what will happen after many incarnations that are aligned with the Earth, and Revelation says that Earth and heaven will pass away but my word will never pass away.
- Signifying that while the physical world may end, his teachings will remain eternal and true.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Matthew 24:35)

Limitations of human perception

- This is talking about that in the realm of time the Earth itself will pass away and time on Earth would be considered the time that would be from the beginning to the end of the Earth.
- This is the only time that space is considered the way it is by human beings, because time is considered with the limitations of human perception and there is a linear understanding of it.
- Except time is not linear and space is not confined and space is not what we think it is, as a matter of fact, everything beyond our own solar system is incomprehensible to the human mind and it's all speculation.
- So the question is, when you die, will you go to the place that Revelation says Christ appears in a cloud with a sickle?

Christ's sickle

- The Book of Revelation tells us that Christ appears in a cloud with a sickle in his hand and he gathers his harvest.
- This is death.
- If you know that Christ is within you, then you also know that life is eternal.
- The warning we receive in Revelation is to preach the eternal gospel and the new song of Christ.

Wheat harvest

- That's our 'end time' job, and for those that know they will not face the first death, or the second death, because we are harvested early on and this is called the rapture.
- This is because some humans are already conscious, they know who Christ is, they woke up.
- From beginning to end, that is what the Book of Revelation is telling you, it's revealing to you who Christ is in the big picture.
- And that Christ is the big picture in the seven spheres of creation, or golden chain.

The great chain of being (from Latin scala naturae 'ladder of being') is a concept derived from Plato, Aristotle (in his Historia Animalium), Plotinus and Proclus. Further developed during the Middle Ages, it reached full expression in early modern Neoplatonism. (Wikipedia)


- On Earth, as humans, we do face death, and that's the first death, however, it's completely redeemed if you have absorbed the resurrection Body of the Christ, then you do not face death.
- The Book of Revelation tells us that again and again and again.
- Those who are not harvested by Christ early on, will have to later face 1,000 years of tribulation.
- And this is after the whore of Babylon and the Beast arrive.

Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die." (John 11:25-26)


- The Beast from the Earth, and the Beast from the water and the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.
- After the Anti-Christ comes and after the witness before the Beast with 2 horns and all those who follow them.
- Those all come, and that's all before the years of tribulation and then we hear that the word of Christ is able to cast Satan, who is the father of lies or the Great Beast or Dragon, into a bottomless pit and chain him there until he's released in 1,000 years.

A third of humanity is killed by three plagues: fire, smoke, and brimstone that come from the mouths of horses. (Revelation 9:18)

Fire and brimstone

- Have we reached a point where Satan's been bound?
- Has anyone noticed in their life that Satan's been bound and is under control, no, of course not, he hasn't been bound.
- The casting out of Satan would only happen for those who have already been harvested because you're harvested before Satan is bound and before the judgment and before the casting into the fiery lake of brimstone and sulfur which is the second death.

Brimstone, an archaic term synonymous with sulfur, evokes the acrid odor of sulfur dioxide given off by lightning strikes. The association of sulfur with divine retribution is common in the Bible. (Wikipedia)


- In ancient times, when a Hebrew died, since they didn't have a chance to meet the Messiah who is the redemption of all incarnations, which is the whole point of incarnating on Earth, instead, they were said to be waiting in the bosom of Abraham.
- This was a tradition that came from Mesopotamia, and in fact, a tradition that came from all countries, Persia, India and Greece, these traditions are ubiquitous through every religion or mythology.


- All cultures or traditions describe an 'underworld' Tartarus or Hades, the land that heroes can go into and come out of.
- Such as Psyche, the great heroine of the Greek story with Euro where she went to the underworld and she came back.
- As long as you don't eat the food and drink the drink there, you're able to return.
- So, in other words, that certainly isn't a total death, nor is it a second death and Mercury went there, Hercules went there, many went into those realms and they came out.

The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. (Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost)

Christ coming to Earth

- In almost every fully developed tradition you will find some hero that goes into that realm and comes back.
- In Christianity, we have Christ, who went into that realm so that everyone before Christ was incarnated.
- There are many myths that describe Christ coming to Earth and how Christ died for the redemption of humanity.
- This is the idea that Christ is a solar deity who is the creator of our own individual 'I am.'
- An image and likeness of God that each of us has, the 'I am' in our heart and our consciousness, and Christ is the perfect example for us to follow.

After Christ died, his blood went into the earth which then started to redeem the earth and remove the entropy and turn it into ectopy out of gravity and death and coldness into the fiery world warmth of levity that is the mystery of resurrection of Christ's Resurrection body which is now in the etheric realm around the earth. (Douglas Gabriel)

Growing into a star

- The Earth is renewing itself and becoming not just a planet, but it's transforming into a star.
- A radiant star that can then give out warmth, light, sound and life, just like the sun, so we have been given the chance.
- If you were a pre-Christian, and we all were at some point in a previous incarnation, where we were held in Sheol or the bosom of Abraham or underworld, whatever you want to call it, then realize that Christ came to that realm so that every single soul before the mystery of Golgotha would have an opportunity to experience Christ.

"Bosom of Abraham" refers to the place of comfort in the biblical Sheol (or Hades in the Greek Septuagint version of the Hebrew scriptures from around 200 BC). (Wikipedia)

Divine template

- When you decide that it is the Divine template that you wish to emulate and become, then you begin to say not 'I' but Christ in me.
- In the far future that's what we'll be saying and the people who have been redeemed and given the white robes and teach the eternal gospel and sing the eternal song or the song of Christ, the Lion of Judah as it is described in the Book of Revelation.
- Those people know that they're eternal because they know that they have Christ in them.

Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research confirms that the death of Christ on the cross actually took place on Friday, April 3, 33, at the ninth hour, that is, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, according to the Julian calendar. (

Rudolf Steiner's 8th Sphere

- We have this same opportunity by studying the Book of Revelation to find out what ancient Hindu, Persian, Mesopotamian and Egyptian authors who were divinely inspired knew.
- They were talking about what Rudolf Steiner calls the 8th Sphere which is an unseen, etheric realm that surrounds the Earth, acting as a trap for souls drawn into materialism and illusion.

Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner was an Austrian occultist, social reformer, architect, esotericist, and claimed clairvoyant. At the beginning of the twentieth century he founded an esoteric spiritual movement, anthroposophy, with roots in German idealist philosophy and theosophy. His teachings are influenced by Christian Gnosticism or neognosticism. (

False reality after death

- Rudolf Steiner's 8th Sphere is said to hold 'dead souls' of individuals stuck in a false reality after death, unable to progress toward higher spiritual planes.
- Created by spiritual forces of deception (Lucifer and Ahriman), this shadowy sphere captures the spiritual essence of those who lose their way, preventing them from evolving.
- The 8th Sphere feeds off these souls, forming a spiritual barrier around Earth, draining those who fall under its influence.

Ahriman is a figure in Zoroastrianism and Early Iranian religion, and is the name of the supreme evil spirit and adversary of God. Spirit of evil, chaos, destruction, daevas. The Middle Persian word ʾhlmn' (Ahreman) in Book Pahlavi script. The word is traditionally always written upside-down. (Wikipedia)

Archons manipulate human beings

- The 8th Sphere closely relates to the concept of Archons in Gnostic philosophy and mirrors the Gnostic belief that Archons manipulate human beings, keeping them trapped in a cycle of reincarnation within the material world.
- In both systems, the goal of these malevolent forces is to prevent souls from ascending to their true spiritual origin.

Māra is a demon and the "Lord of the Senses"

- These all relate to the Māra in Buddhism who is a demon or spiritual entity who represents temptation, illusion, and the forces that prevent individuals from achieving enlightenment.
- Māra seeks to bind sentient beings to the cycle of samsara (the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth), much like how the 8th Sphere and Archons trap souls in illusion and materialism.
- In all three systems, these forces work to keep souls or beings spiritually stagnant, trapped in a false reality, and distracted from the path of higher spiritual awakening or liberation.

In Buddhist cosmology, Mara is associated with death, rebirth and desire. Nyanaponika Thera has described Mara as "the personification of the forces antagonistic to enlightenment." He is Yama's fearsome persona and all beings associated with him, darkness and death, become forces of Mara. (Wikipedia)

- We know that Earth has a moon so how does that relate to the 8th Sphere?
- This is a sphere that interpenetrates normal material and Steiner called them 7 dimensions or the golden chain of globes and spheres.
- These represent the different incarnations of the Earth.
- Humans didn't come into this chain until the 4th Sphere; before that, we were living through the first 3 spheres which created minerals, plants, animals and in the 4th, humans.

The eighth sphere is of decisive importance for the development of the Earth and humanity. It is not easy to grasp conceptually, for on the one hand it designates the sphere of the earthly activity of the creator gods, the Elohim, but on the other hand it is virtually identical with what is called "hell" par excellence in the various religious traditions. (

Plant and animal nature

- Each of us has the mineral, plant and animal natures or perfections, that arose during those 3 previous spheres, but in the 4th, we recapitualate all of that and it comes in a new form now.
- The future spheres (5-7) are in fact, redemptions of those other past spheres.
- For instance, we are in the 3rd dimension, Steiner points out that there will be a 5th, 6th and 7th dimension and that they interpenetrate our dimension and are concurrently active at the same time.

Angelic forms

- There is also the concept of the entire 9 hierarchical spiritual ranks working through our body and in the physical world as they 'donate' or contribute aspects to us, kind of like a shadow.
- Although they don't come into our realms because these beings aren't human now.
- They are above us as angels, archangels, kyrios, cherubims, thrones and seraphim and above them, the Holy Trinity.

Minerals warmth

- Those 9 hierarchical beings are manifesting now, but they gave donations in the past.
- For example, in the 1st Sphere, warmth was given and by the time that warmth reached the world we're in now, it became minerals.
- In the 2nd Sphere, these are divine hierarchial beings who in some cases, came the furthest down the ranks of the spiritual hierarchies as they could, but they can't come into the realm of the human.
- That's because in the realm of the human, there's death, or we think there's death.

Lake of fire

- Well there is a death because we have freedom and we can choose to either go into the 2nd death, or even the 1st death and then the 2nd death in the lake of fire, but that's a choice that each of us has.
- As these beings from the past donated the minerals, the plants, and in the 3rd Sphere, the animals, there was a time during the 3rd Sphere that something inexplicable happened and there doesn't seem to be any religion or mythology that explains this.

Archangel being of light

- Steiner has the best explanation and he said that during the 3rd Sphere the angels who were 'beings of fluidity', were in their human form.
- Previously, the archangels, 'beings of light,' in the 2nd Sphere were in their human form, although it is not human, just the furthest down into physical incarnation they can reside.
- In the 1st Sphere it was the Archai the 'beings of time' which refers to spiritual entities that are associated with the flow of time.
- The Archai are often personified as powerful beings who guide and influence the progression of historical epochs and the development of consciousness within humanity.

These beings are considered to be part of the higher spiritual hierarchies described in Steiner's Anthroposophy, with notable examples including "Michael" as a central being related to the force of time and spiritual evolution. (


- Humans are considered the 10th hierarchy that is below the other 9 hierarchies but we're going to rise up into those realms in the future.
- When the higher beings went through their own humanness, even higher beings than them had to create an atmosphere for them to exist in.
- The same as current day, we have all 9 hierarchies creating the Earth realm and we don't even see them anymore because they can't come down here, but we can see what they've donated.

Angelic donation

- This donation of material substance, whether it be mineral, plant or animal, is there for us to bump up against, push against.
- It is a necessary evil, but in the past, it wasn't evil, it was a donation, a sacrifice and renunciation and a resignation of the higher spiritual beings to hold back in time and space an element that would then become materially condensed.
- This happened because of the war in heaven, we hear how Lucifer, who was the highest angel, fell into the realm of the material world.

This is what is being described in this golden chain of spheres, it's a falling of hierarchial beings into the material realm as a donation for humans to bump up against to create their own freedom out of love. (Douglas Gabriel)

Angels as divine images

- We also have the freedom to deny that God exists, or that all those hierarchial ranks exist.
- We have the freedom to deny such a thing as a realm without space, a realm without time that is beyond human consciousness.
- And we have that hubris, that pride, that's the Luciferic pride, but during the 3rd Sphere of the moon, something happened.
- Angels lived as divine images, as pictures: two-dimensional pictures flowing in from the periphery into a single point.

Eternal ethers

- This is described by Steiner in his description of the 4th dimension.
- Discover a book called The Eternal Ethers, a Theory of Everything to help put all the concepts together.
- Manvantara, or the 7 Spheres combined, and the Praylaya, or the rest periods in between.
- Manvantara referring to the active periods, and Praylaya to dissolution or rest where everything goes into chaos and comes out a new form.

Manvantara or Manuvantara, or age of a Manu, the Hindu progenitor of mankind, is anastronomical period of time measurement. Manvantara is a Sanskrit sandhi, a combination of words manu and antara, manu-antara or manvantara, literally meaning the duration of a Manu, or his life span. (

Divine plan

- There's a Praylaya between each of the 7 spheres which all together are the Manvantara and there's a name for it called the divine plan.
- The divine plan needed hierarchical beings to resist it to create matter and it is matter that is the delusion and illusion that you are not eternal.
- If you can overcome that, and see through the workings of the spirtual beings, falling, shattering into this realm, then you can transcend and be resurrected into a realm of the eternal.


- This is the great distinction, in the first 3 spheres hierarchial beings made donations for us, and they are still here as elements, elemental beings, formative forces and ethers.
- All of these things are here for us to work with and it's extraordinarily complicated to realize how time from a human perspective can't understand that we have what's called heterochrony.
- We have beings from the ancient past active in us now through our DNA.
- When we take over what they have given us as donations (gifts, talents), we can then finally become free.

Heterochrony is a term used in evolutionary developmental biology to describe a change in the timing, rate, or duration of an organism's development relative to its ancestors. This can lead to changes in the size, shape, and characteristics of organs and features. (Wikipedia)

Manifesting as physical

- When this happens, we'll become free and develop and ascend into the future 3 spheres.
- The distinction has to be made there because during the 3rd Sphere these images started to manifest as something quite physical because it was a realm of fluidity, everything flows.
- For instance, when you fall asleep, if you're conscious enough, you will see an ocean of images coming from all directions that aren't yours.
- When you surrender into sleep, they for sure aren't your images and you can't control them in your dreams.

Angel realm

- Your dreams are the realm that the angels live in and that is when the 8th Sphere started to be created.
- Even though there's technically no 8th Sphere in the 3rd Sphere shown in visual depictions, rather, the 8th Sphere is depicted below the 4th Sphere of Earth, where we humans come to our awakening, what we have really is the remnants of the 3rd Sphere coming into the 4th Sphere that created what we now know is the possibility for evil.
- This is the same story in the Bible where Eve eats the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and humanity fell.

Angel fall back in time

- Some of the beings did not donate their substance, and they became laggard beings.
- They used their free will and humanness to have freedom and decided to fall back in time because they were advanced beings.
- This was so they could rule over lesser beings and this is the pride of Lucifer, which started the 8th Sphere.
- The 8th Sphere is not separate from Earth, but totally interpenetrates the planet.
- Most people think that the 8th Sphere is the moon but it is not.


- If you look back on those beings who fell a long time ago, the fall from heaven, casting out from heaven into the Earth realm.
- During the 1st Sphere, there were beings called Asuras and their job is to eat human willpower.
- Asuras are the opposite of Suras as Asura means those without light, those without spiritual knowledge or spiritual inclination.

Buddhist asuras

- There are four categories of asuras in the Buddhist 'Three Realms of Existence.'
- Those in the path of ghosts who, by means of their strength of protecting the Dharma, can ride their spiritual penetrations to enter into emptiness are asuras born from eggs; they belong to the destiny of ghosts.
- Those who have fallen in virtue and have been dismissed from the heavens dwell in places near the sun and moon. They are asuras born from wombs and belong to the destiny of humans.


Asura kings

- There are asura kings who uphold the world with a penetrating power and fearlessness. They are able to contend with the Brahma Lord, the God Shakra, and the Four Heavenly Kings. These asuras come into being by transformation and belong to the destiny of gods.
- There is another, baser category of asuras. They are born in the center of the great seas and live in underwater caves. During the day they roam in emptiness; at night they return to their watery realm. These asuras come into being because of moisture and belong to the destiny of animals. (



Asura eating your willpower

- Asuras want to eat your willpower and steal everything you do, so you become an automaton that can be controlled by material substance.
- Things like your computer, the internet, the cell phone, the television; all these things are material beings that don't really exist in this realm and they steal your warmth.
- Machine devices are cold, you can't exist in them and if you tried entering your computer, you'd get shocked by the electricity.
- Electricity is fallen angels, the Asuras are fallen beings and all ranks are called Luciferic hosts because they had the fall of Lucifer.

Controlling your willpower

- The Asuras are in your willpower however, they don't have complete control of it because humans don't control their own willpower.
- That's really sad to realize, but most humans can't even control the food they eat, their diet.
- They can't stop much, things like drinking, overeating, emotional addictions, they don't control their willpower.
- These beings come in and they're very nasty beings, they take over the willpower and get control of you and your soul and spirit.

  Ahrimanic cold-heartedness

- In the 2nd Sphere, the fallen angels are called Ahriman beings according to Steiner, the Persians and many other spiritualists.
- These Ahrimanic beings are in your feelings and they want to turn your temperament into cold-heartedness to get you to turn toward fear and hatred.
- Asuras love hatred and Ahriman love lies and we live in a time of complete lies.


Ocean of lies

- We are swimming in an ocean of lies of untruthfulness, it's the karma of untruthfulness that creates the necessity for the human ego to rise up and get control of itself.
- Get control of its will, feelings and its thinking because they're all three different and turn them into higher capacities that can't be controlled.
- Ahriman, who according to Steiner, is incarnated in the world now and since about 1840 has been the materialistic ruler of this realm.
- It gets worse all the time for those people who are turning their hearts cold and not having the fiery warmth of Christ in their heart.


Archon floating

- In the 3rd Sphere when some of the angels fell, they are called Luciferic beings now and this is where a lot of confusion about Lucifer comes in.
- Lucifer is a being and he incarnated in China in the 2nd millennium BC as Ahriman.
- He incarnated in North America in the 2nd millennium and as a counter to Christ's incarnation at the Mystery of Golgotha.


Christ birth in the ocean of lies

- What we have is Christ is the middle (the present), Lucifer is on one side (the past), and Ahriman is on the opposite side (the future).
- We are being torn between them now, the assurers have yet to come fully into power because they are controlled by the anti-Christ.
- Christ worked from the realm of the Elohim, the solar logos of the sun, which controls the planets.
- So Christ has his opponent on the sun and his name is Sorat and although there are many anti-Christs in the Bible, this is the true anti-Christ.

Another anti-Christ

- The true anti-Christ in still on the sun and he would like to steal your 'I am' and make sure it goes into the fiery lake at the 2nd death, along with him and his cohorts.
- The dragons, beast, anti-Christ, Satan, Ahriman types, all wish to draw you, through your ego by getting control of your ego and pulling you into the 8th Sphere.
- This doesn't mean that while you're alive you're going to be living in this place called the 8th Sphere, it doesn't mean that the assurers who work from the realm of the moon are going to come and take over your body without you knowing.
- There's no such thing as a possession against a human beings willpower.

And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. (Revelation 6:2)

Fiery 6th Sphere

- The human willpower, the 'I am' can't be violated, it cannot be conquered or destroyed, it is eternal.
- The only thing that can destroy it is if humans go backwards from being humans into animals, plants or the mineral realm.
- If you are unfortunate enough that you keep choosing to go on this path of perdition into this hell realm, which is beyond a hell realm when it reaches the 6th Sphere.
- The 6th Sphere is when the fiery lake occurs and the 'evil' is more or less ended in that realm which is called 'Future Jupiter, Future Venus' or the 6th Sphere.

For following the appearance of the rider is not a kingdom of righteousness—as with Christ’s return (Revelation 19:11–13; 20:4)—but a time of wickedness and sorrow. Masquerading as the true Messiah, he wears a crown, while Jesus wears many crowns (Revelation 19:12). In the Greek translation, the crown worn by the rider of the white horse refers to the crown of victory worn by a conqueror. The crowns Jesus wears in Revelation 19 refer to crowns of royalty. (



- What happens in the 6th Sphere is if you get your 'I am' stolen by Asuric or Ahrimanic beings in your feeling, and Luciferic beings in your thinking, and you stay stuck there.
- If you ask them again and again to come into you and take over your willpower, your feelings, your thinking, you're not going to be able to refine your will, feelings and thinking into the higher forces that Steiner calls 'moral imagination, inspiration and intuition.'

Throughout the ages the fight between opposing spiritual entities has been referred to as War in heaven, the fallen angels, the image of Michael and the dragon, etc. Also Christ-Jesus confronts Lucifer and Ahriman: Lucifer already on Old Sun, and Ahriman in the Bible references to the temptation in the desert. Man is battlefield between the natural balanced spiritual hierarchies and the influences of the abnormal or 'opposing' spiritual hierarchies. (


Future spheres

- These are the realms called the 3 future spheres, the realm where we become angels (beings of fluidity) in the 5th Sphere.
- And we become archangels (beings of light) in the 6th Sphere and Archai (beings of time) in the 7th Sphere.
- Therefore, our destiny is to remove ourselves from space and time and even what we know as human consciousness and rise into our higher nature which has always been preserved for us on the Sun.


Billionaire anti-Christ's

- But Sorat, wishes to come to Earth after his Asuras and Ahriman and Lucifer have enticed us into what we call 'hell realms' but they are subnatural realms of materialization.
- A place of hyper-materialization as today, where we believe we can be immortal on this Earth.
- And what do all the billionaires want? They want to be immortal on Earth because they're afraid to face death because they don't know that they're eternal.


Elon foot on the gas

- So the billionaires work very hard to acquire enough money and machines that they can live in the machine, take their consciousness from the brain and put it into a machine.
- But this will not happen, they won't be able to do this successfully.
- This is the Soratic fake immortality.


Future Jupiter

- We as humans in the Earth realm look forward to what we call Heaven, and that is what Steiner and other spiritualists called 'Future Jupiter.'
- Unfortunately, if you don't understand your Christed Self before the war of All against All at the end of the 7 Spheres you are bound for confusion and trouble.
- Understanding that there are 7 Spheres, with 7 cycles inside of those spheres, 7 cycles inside of those; 777.


Subhuman sphere space needle

- When Earth reaches the end of the spheres and cycles, what will happen as the Earth will go into Future Jupiter.
- But first, everything goes into Prylaya or total chaos like a chrysalis changing from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
- We turn into angels but unfortunately, those who decided to become more animal than human, could drop down into the realm of plants, or even into the realm of minerals and they'll become subhuman.

If we do not believe within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve into something higher. (Rudolf Steiner)

Dark realm of mud

- Humans who awake will become angels and some will become black magicians as those that fell from grace in previous times and previous spheres.
- Then there will be the 8th Sphere which Steiner described as a dark realm of mud where humans will be like slugs.
- In Future Jupiter, which is Heaven, we see that we are angels but realize that we are going to have to assist the subhumans who have fallen into a lower realm.

Love starts when we push aside our ego and make room for someone else. (Rudolf Steiner)


Cardinal judgment stripes

- That's going to be our job, and we'll find ourselves fighting against evil, evil, black magicians who have higher ranks than human beings.
- Then we'll go on to the next sphere, which is the 6th Sphere when it reaches the 6th cycle of the 6th inner cycle that is 666, and that is when the final judgment comes.
- When that happens, Satan and all his cohorts will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.


Elvis given chances all along the way

- This does not mean it's the end of the subhuman's existence, it's not, but they can't go forward with us to the Sun.
- Because in the 7th Sphere, the Vulcan, we will actually be united with the Sun again as we were in the beginning at the 1st Sphere.
- What happens to the lower beings, they are not permanently anniliated because there is no permanent hell.
- You are given chances all along the way to either fall or rise and that is a personal choice for a human who has freedom.


Avichi men

- Even the hierarchies had to make this decision when they had human freedom and that's why some of them have fallen and are in this realm.
- These are called the Avichi men, or Avichi and they are in fact, people who are possessed by demons in our time and have chosen to be possessed by demons because that is the only way you can be possessed.
- In the 6th Sphere they will meet judgment and cast into this realm and for a great while they'll be in darkness.


Beings of time endure

- What is called eternity or foreverness will end and endurance, duration then becomes the sequence of time.
- Which is actually pervasive and goes in both directions at one time and on Vulcan, they will have to wait, and in the 7th dimension we're starting all over again.
- We'll be Archai all over again, beings of time, fire spirits by then.


The time has come to realize that supersensible knowledge has now to arise from the materialistic grave. (Rudolf Steiner)


Elemental beings

- The other spirits who have fallen back will become nature spirits, and they will become elemental beings.
- They will have to start all over again on the golden chain of spheres.
- So they are not ever thrown out, nothing is wasted in creation and there is no such thing as permanent hell, but it sure looks like it for those trapped in time in a realm that burns them.


You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are. (Rudolf Steiner)


Chosen member of the 8th Sphere

- But what burns you are your unfinished, unrequited and unresolved desires are a fiery nature that burn you even now.
- When people talk about the 8th Sphere it's happening right now and you can look in someone's face and see if they're in hell.
- If they're in this fiery realm and they desire to continue in that realm, then they become 'chosen' members of the 8th Sphere.

The sun with loving light makes bright for me each day, the soul with spirit power gives strength unto my limbs. In sunlight shining clear I revere, Oh God, the strength of humankind, which thou has planted in my soul, that I may with all my might, may love to work and learn. From thee stream light and strength to thee rise love and thanks. (Rudolf Steiner)

Andrea del Verrocchio

People reveal themselves completely only when
they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life.

Leonardo DaVinci


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